$page = isset( $_GET['page'] ) ? (int) ($_GET['page'] - 1) : 0;
$template_vars['header'] = array(
'TITLE' => $lang['SEARCH'],
'CSS' => $css
$template->set_vars('header', $template_vars['header']);
$show_form = true;
if( isset($_REQUEST['q']) )
$q = isset( $_REQUEST['q'] ) ? (string) $_REQUEST['q'] : '';
$tr = isset( $_REQUEST['tr'] ) ? (bool) $_POST['tr'] : false;
$logic = isset( $_REQUEST['logic'] ) ? (string) $_REQUEST['logic'] : false;
if( isset($_REQUEST['s']) )
if( is_array($_REQUEST['s']) )
$s = $_REQUEST['s'];
$s = explode(';', $_REQUEST['s']);
$s = array();
$s = array_map('intval', $s);
if( !in_array($logic, array('and', 'or')) )
$logic = 'and';
$logic = strtoupper( $logic );
if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
$q = stripslashes( $q );
if( $tr )
$q = tr( $q );
$q = preg_replace('/\s/', ' ', $q);
$q = preg_replace('/ {2,}/', ' ', $q);
$q = trim( $q );
if( $q == '' )
$template->set_block_vars('body', 'error', array('MESSAGE' => $lang['ERR_SEARCH_EMPTY_QUERY']));
else if( empty($s) )
$template->set_block_vars('body', 'error', array('MESSAGE' => $lang['ERR_SEARCH_INVALID_SECTION_LIST']));
$q = explode(' ', $q);
$escape_array = array(
"\x2a" => "", //*
"\x22" => "", //"
"\x2b" => "", //+
"\x2d" => "", //-
"\x7e" => "", //~
"\x28" => "", //(
"\x29" => "", //)
"\x3c" => "", //<
"\x3e" => "" //>
for($i = 0, $query = array(); $i < count( $q ); $i++)
$query[] = sprintf($lang['SEARCH_WORD'], output($q[$i]));
$q[$i] = strtr($q[$i], $escape_array);
$query = implode(' ' . $lang[$logic] . ' ', $query);
for($i = 0, $part_of_query = '', $sep = ''; $i < count( $q ); $i++, $sep = $logic)
$part_of_query .= $sep . " MATCH(`title`, `description`) AGAINST('" . $sql->escape_string($q[$i]) . "*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ";
if( !$sql->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . CATALOGUE_SITES . "` WHERE " . $part_of_query . " AND `section_id` IN(" . implode(', ', $s) . ") AND `checked` = 1;") )
put_error(DBMS_ERROR, htmlspecialchars($sql->error['message']), __LINE__, __FILE__);
$total = $sql->result($sql->result, 0);
if( $total == 0 )
$template->set_block_vars('body', 'error', array('MESSAGE' => sprintf($lang['ERR_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS'], $query)));
$template->load_template('templates/' . VERSION . '/search_results.tpl', 'body');
$maxpage = maxpage($total, SEARCH_ONPAGE);
$limit = limit($page, SEARCH_ONPAGE);
if( !$sql->query("SELECT * FROM `" . CATALOGUE_SITES . "` WHERE " . $part_of_query . " AND `section_id` IN(" . implode(', ', $s) . ") AND `checked` = 1 ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT " . $limit . ";") )
put_error(DBMS_ERROR, htmlspecialchars($sql->error['message']), __LINE__, __FILE__);
while( $site = $sql->fetch_assoc() )
$template->set_block_vars('body', 'search_result', array(
'LINK_OUT' => gen_uri('out', $site['id'], $nocache, false, false),
'TITLE' => output($site['title']),
'SITE' => output($site['site']),
'DESCRIPTION' => output($site['description'])
$pages = pages($page, $maxpage, SEARCH_ONPAGE, 2, 'q=' . urlencode(implode(' ', $q)) . '&s=' . urlencode(implode(';', $s)) . '&logic=' . strtolower($logic), gen_uri($m));
$template_vars['body'] = array(
'RESULTS' => sprintf($lang['SEARCH_RESULTS'], $query, $total),
'PAGES' => $pages,
'ANOTHER_HREF' => gen_uri($m),
'BACK_HREF' => gen_uri('index'),
'BACK' => $lang['BACK']
$show_form = false;
if( $show_form )
if( !$sql->query("SELECT * FROM `" . CATALOGUE_SECTIONS . "` ORDER BY `reg_access` DESC, `name` ASC;") )
put_error(DBMS_ERROR, htmlspecialchars($sql->error['message']), __LINE__, __FILE__);
if( $sql->num_rows() < 1 )
put_error(ERROR, $lang['ERR_SECTION_LIST_IS_EMPTY']);
$section_value = array();
while( $section = $sql->fetch_assoc() )
$template->set_block_vars('body', 'section', array(
'ID' => $section['id'],
'NAME' => output($section['name'])
$section_value[] = $section['id'];
$template_vars['body'] = array(
'QUERY' => $lang['SEARCH_QUERY'],
'LOGIC' => $lang['SEARCH_LOGIC'],
'SECTION_VALUE' => implode(';', $section_value),
'TR' => $lang['TR'],
'Y' => $lang['Y'],
'N' => $lang['N'],
'AND' => $lang['SEARCH_AND'],
'OR' => $lang['SEARCH_OR'],
'PATH' => gen_uri($m, '', $nocache),
'SUBMIT' => $lang['SUBMIT'],
'BACK_HREF' => gen_uri('index'),
'BACK' => $lang['BACK'],
'NOCACHE' => $nocache
$template_vars['footer'] = array(
'SWITCH_VERSION' => switch_version($m, '', $show_form ? $nocache : 'q=' . urlencode(implode(' ', $q)) . '&s=' . urlencode(implode(';', $s)) . '&logic=' . strtolower($logic)),
'COUNTER' => ''
$template->set_vars('body', $template_vars['body']);
$template->set_vars('footer', $template_vars['footer']);