View file Image resize script/read me.txt

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What is this?
Hi to you all :) here is a script that everyone is searching for a while, it is a script that resize images.
How it works?
It first detects image type by reading its extension and than inserts it resized on a plain image.
How to set it up?
Just open file resize.php with text editor, and edit image hight, upload author.gif and resize.php to your host.
Then just use simple image code to insert it in your page
(eg logo.gif)
<img src="resize.php?image=logo.gif" alt="Loading..." />
It also works on remote hosts
<img src="resize.php?image=" alt="Loading..." />
Name is Miladinovic Igor aka Masterklan!!! Im from Serbia.
email: [email protected]

Have fun with the script!!! :)

And if you want you can contact me for link exchange or something else :)

PLEASE DO NOT EDIT author.gif !!! There is no need for that. no one will ever open that, unles he wants to see
who is the author!!!