File size: 2.5Kb
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Topic: News Database based on Files
// File: config.php
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$authentication = array( "test" => "test",
"myLogin" => "myPassword",
"me" => "you",
"whatever" => "whatever" ); // ... add login/password pairs
$conf["myDataFile"] = "data/mynews.txt"; // chmod 0777 -> put somewhere secret
$conf["myStyle"] = "include/";
$conf["myTitle"] = "myNews / article administrator";
$conf["version"] = "myNews Tool V2.1.0";
$conf["adminEmail"] = "me@localhost"; // the real admin email
$conf["adminSubject"] = " / news administration request";
$conf["helpEmail"] = "you@localhost"; // drag&drop email in the help window
$conf["helpURL"] = "http://localhost"; // drag&drop url in the help window
$conf["tableWidth"] = 600;
$conf["cookieseconds"] = 1 * 24 * 3600; // days * hours * seconds
$conf["cookielifetime"] = time() + $conf["cookieseconds"]; // now + cookieseconds
$conf["tablecolor"] = "#990000";
$channel["rdf_encoding"] = "UTF-8";
$channel["rdf_title"] = " - an information database";
$channel["rdf_link"] = "";
$channel["rdf_url"] = "";
$channel["rdf_descr"] = "Information provided on PHP, XML and the like.";
$channel["rdf_lang"] = "de-ch";
$channel["rdf_copyright"] = "Copyright 1999-2000, Urs Gehrig.";
$channel["rdf_editor"] = "me@localhost";
$channel["datadir"] = "data/";
$channel["outputfile"] = "mynews.rdf";
$wap["waproot"] = "wap/";
$wap["indexfile"] = "index.wml";
$wap["logodir"] = "wap/images/";
$wap["logoenable"] = FALSE;
$wap["lastentries"] = 5;
$wap["datafile"] = "data_";
$wap["datadir"] = "wap/data/";
$wap["detail"] = "/wap/detail.php?file="; //"http://localhost/myScripts/myNEWS/news-2.1.0/wap/detail.php?file=";