View file yahoo/admin/inc/inc_servertime.php

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* Animated Collapsible DIV- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (

* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use

* Visit Dynamic Drive at for this script and 100s more

* Last Update	: Tuesday, November 13 2005


class servertime

  var $divid = 'Pendule'; // default id name
  var $divstyle = 'position:absolute;'; // default for NS 4.7
  var $divtag = 'span'; // other possibility: 'span'
  var $divclass = ''; // default empty

  var $title = ''; // default clock title
  var $language = 'german'; // default language
  var $shortmonth = false; // have 3-letter-months like "Apr" if true

  # Internal use only: $ok_head and $ok_clock
  var $ok_head  = false; // InstallClockBody() and InstallClock() will check for this.
  var $ok_clock = false; // InstallClockBody() will check for this, too.

  # New on Oct 3 2003: offset_hours
  var $offset_hours = 0;

// Feedy's edits
  var $military = true; // use military time?
  var $ucaseampm = true; // use upper case for am/pm?
  var $showdate = true; // show the date?
  var $alarmon = false; // alarms on?
  var $alarmdate = false; // ahouls alarms check the date?
  var $alarm = array(); // alarm times array (strings in military format "HH:MM" for time only and "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" for date & time check)
  var $bodyonload = false; // If <body onload="clock()"> is used, set it to true, please
// End of Feedy's edits

  # the programmer may support his/her own javascript alarm function.
  var $onalarm = 'doAlarm'; // default value: javascript function to open a window
  var $alarmpage = 'alarm.php'; // default page to be loaded

  var $alarmpagew = '200'; // width of default alarm page
  var $alarmpageh = '200'; // height of default alarm page
  var $alarmpageopts = 'scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes'; // options for default alarm page
  # $alarmpageopts is a comma separated string var and it can be an empty string for no options
  # valid options include:
  # toolbar		-> shows the tool or button bar
  # location	-> shows the address field
  # directories	-> shows the directory or links bar
  # menubar		-> shows the menu
  # scrollbars	-> shows the scrollbars if the page to display is larger than the windown size
  # resizable	-> allows the window to be resized
  # to get a normal browser window, you would use $alarmpageopts = 'toolbar,location,directories,menubar,scrollbars,resizable';

  # This function is to be used in the <head> section of the page.
  function InstallClockHead( )
    echo "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n";

    if( $this->showdate == true ) // array with month names is not always necessary
      if( $this->shortmonth == true )
    	   switch ($this->language) {

            case 'spanish' :
              echo 'var monat=new Array("enc.","feb.","mar.","abr.","may.",'.

            case 'german':
               echo 'var monat=new Array("Jan.","Feb.","M&auml;r.","Apr.","Mai","Jun.",'.

            case 'french':
               echo 'var monat=new Array("Jan","F&eacute;v","Mar","Avr","Mai","Jun",'.

            case 'english':
               echo 'var monat=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun",'.
    	   switch ($this->language) {

            case 'spanish' :
              echo 'var monat=new Array("encro","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo",'.

            case 'german':
               echo 'var monat=new Array("Januar","Februar","M&auml;rz","April","Mai",'.

            case 'french':
               echo 'var monat=new Array("Janvier","F&eacute;vrier","Mars","Avril","Mai",'.

            case 'english':
               echo 'var monat=new Array("January","February","March","April","May",'.
      } // else ( $this->shortmonth != true )
    } // if ( $this->showdate == true )
    echo "\n";

    # Here is where the server time comes into the script:
    # date() is a php function which runs on the server, giving exactly
    # the time the server has.
    $datum =
      date('M, d Y H:i:s',
      mktime( date('H') + $this->offset_hours,
      date('i'), date('s'), date('m'), date('d'), date( 'Y' ) ) );

    echo 'var digital = new Date( "'.$datum.'");'; // <-- this is the trick!

    echo "\n\nfunction writeLayer(layerID,txt)".
    "\n{\n  if(document.getElementById)\n  {\n".
    "    document.getElementById(layerID).innerHTML=txt;\n".
    "  }\n  else if(document.all)\n  {\n    document.all[layerID].innerHTML=txt;\n".
    "  }\n  else if(document.layers)\n  {\n".
    "    document.layers[layerID];\n".
    "    document.layers[layerID].document.write(txt);\n".
    "    document.layers[layerID].document.close();\n  }\n}\n";

// Feedy's edits
// This is what happens when the alarm goes off...
// you can change this to open a window or whatever alse you would like to happen
   if( $this->onalarm == 'doAlarm' )
     echo "\n\nfunction doAlarm(alarmtext,alarmtime)\n".
     "  url = \"$this->alarmpage?alarmtext=\" + alarmtext + \"&alarmtime=\" + alarmtime;\n". // knito
     "  popupWin =, 'alarm', 'width=$this->alarmpagew,height=$this->alarmpageh";
  	 if ( strlen(trim($this->alarmpageopts))>0 ) echo ",$this->alarmpageopts";

	   echo "')\n}\n";

   } // if( $this->onalarm == 'doAlarm' )

// End of Feedy's edits

   echo "\n//-->\n</script>\n";

   if( $this->alarmon == true and !file_exists( $this->alarmpage ) ) // knito
     die( "Servertime: file $this->alarmpage is missing!\n" );

   $this->ok_head = true; // Check later

  } // eof InstallClockHead();

  # This is to be used where you want the clock to appear on your page.
  function InstallClock()
    # To have it work with NS 4.7 the style "position:absolute" MUST be given (knito)
    $klasse = strlen( trim( $this->divclass ) ) > 0 ? " class='$this->divclass'" : '';
    $style  = strlen( trim( $this->divstyle ) ) > 0 ? " style='$this->divstyle'" : '';

    echo "<$this->divtag id='$this->divid'>$this->title</$this->divtag>";
//    echo "<$this->divtag id='$this->divid'$style$klasse>$this->title</$this->divtag>";

    if( $this->ok_head == false )
      die("Servertime: InstallClockHead() is missing");
    $this->ok_clock = true;
  } // eof Clock()

  # This function is to be used at the end of the <body> section of the page.
  function InstallClockBody( )
    echo "\n<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>\n<!--\n".
    "function clock()\n{\n".
    "  var hours = digital.getHours();\n".
    "  var minutes = digital.getMinutes();\n".
    "  var seconds = digital.getSeconds();\n".

  	"  var ampm = '';\n".  // Feedy

    "  var d = digital.getDate();\n".
    "  var m = digital.getMonth();\n".
  	"  var y = digital.getFullYear();\n".
	  "  var dispTime;\n\n  digital.setSeconds( seconds+1 );\n\n".

    "  if (minutes < 10) minutes = '0' + minutes;\n".
    "  if (seconds < 10) seconds = '0' + seconds;\n\n";

  // Feedy's edits
  	if ( $this->alarmon ) {
		echo "  alid=new Array ();\n".
		"  altm=new Array ();\n";
		while ($alarminfo = each($this->alarm)) {
			echo "  alid[$el] = '".$alarminfo['value']."';\n".
			"  altm[$el] = '".$alarminfo['key'].":00';\n";
		echo "  timeCheck = hours + \":\" + minutes + \":\" + seconds;\n".
		"  if (hours < 10) timeCheck = '0' + timeCheck;\n";
		if ($this->alarmdate) {
			echo "  timeCheck = d + \" \" + timeCheck;\n".
			"  if (d < 10) timeCheck = '0' + timeCheck;\n".
			"  timeCheck = (m+1) + \"-\" + timeCheck;\n".
			"  if ((m+1) < 10) timeCheck = '0' + timeCheck;\n".
			"  timeCheck = y + \"-\" + timeCheck;\n";
		echo "  alCt=altm.length;\n".
		"  for (var i=0; i < alCt; i++) {\n".
		"  if (timeCheck==altm[i]) $this->onalarm(alid[i],altm[i]);\n".
		"  }\n";

	if ( !$this->military )
		$ampm="\"pm\" : \"am\"";
		if ( $this->ucaseampm ) $ampm=strtoupper($ampm);

		echo "  ampm = ( hours > 11 ) ? ".$ampm.";\n".
		"  hours = ( hours > 12 ) ? hours-12 : hours;\n".
		"  hours = ( hours == 0 ) ? 12 : hours;";

	if ( $this->showdate )
  	   switch ($this->language) {

          case 'spanish':
		      echo "  dispTime = \"$this->title \"+d+\" de \"+monat[m]+\" \"+".
			        "y+\" \"+hours + \":\" + minutes + \":\" + seconds + \" \" + ampm;\n";

          case 'german':
		      echo "  dispTime = \"$this->title \"+d+\". \"+monat[m]+\" \"+".
			        "y+\" \"+hours + \":\" + minutes + \":\" + seconds + \" \" + ampm;\n";

          case 'french':
		      echo "  dispTime = \"$this->title \"+d+\" \"+monat[m]+\" \"+".
			        "y+\" \"+hours + \":\" + minutes + \":\" + seconds + \" \" + ampm;\n";

          case 'english':
		      echo "  dispTime = \"$this->title \"+monat[m]+\", \"+d+\" \"+".
			        "y+\" \"+hours + \":\" + minutes + \":\" + seconds + \" \" + ampm;\n";

  	   switch ($this->language) {
          case 'german':
            # Germans don't like am/pm - we'd rather guess the right half of the day
            # or like to use military time (knito)
		      echo "  dispTime = \"$this->title \"+hours + \":\" + minutes + \":\" + seconds;\n";
          case 'english':
          case 'french':
		      echo "  dispTime = \"$this->title \"+hours + \":\" + minutes + \":\" + seconds + \" \" + ampm;\n";
// End of Feedy's edits

    "  writeLayer( '$this->divid', dispTime );\n".
    "  setTimeout(\"clock()\", 1000);\n}\n\n";

    if( $this->bodyonload==false ) echo "  clock();\n//-->\n";

    echo "</script>\n";

    if( $this->ok_head == false )
      die("Servertime: InstallClockHead() is missing");
    if( $this->ok_clock == false )
      die("Servertime: InstallClock() is missing");

  } // eof InstallClockBody

  function Help()
      "<br>Put InstallClockHead() into the &lt;head&gt; section".
      "<br>Put InstallClock() where you want the clock to appear".
      "<br>Put InstallClockBody() near the bottom of the document";

} // eoc ServerTime