View file cfg.php

File size: 6.1Kb
#  Данная версия скрипта принадлежит       # 
#       LiraS aka Артур Лукин Иванович          #
#   Вносить свои изменения крайне               #
#                 запрещенно!                                    #
require 'functions.php';
if (isset($_GET['usr']))
$_GET['usr'] = stringg($_GET['usr']);
if (isset($_GET['pwd']))
$_GET['pwd'] = stringg($_GET['pwd']);
if (isset($_GET['v']))
$_GET['v'] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($_GET['v'])));
function vremya($time)
$tim = date("d.m.y", $time);

return $tim;
function news_time($time)
$tim = date("d.m.y H:i", $time);
return $tim;
function chat($time)
$tim = date("d.m H:i",$time);
return $tim;

function vremja($time=NULL,$times=NULL)
global $set;
if ($time==NULL)$time=time();
if ($times==NULL)$time=$time+$timesdvig;
else $time=$time+intval($times);
$timep="".date("j M Y в H:i", $time)."";
$time_p[0]=date("j n Y", $time);
$time_p[1]=date("H:i", $time);
if ($time_p[0]==date("j n Y", time()+$timesdvig))$timep="сегодня в $time_p[1]";
if ($time_p[0]==date("j n Y", time()+$timesdvig-86400))$timep="вчера в $time_p[1]";
return $timep;
function otdih($time)
$timeo = date("i|s", $time);
$tim = explode("|", $timeo);
$t = "$tim[0] минут $tim[1] секунд";
return $t;
function pochta()
$q = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `msg_r` WHERE `user_to` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['usr'])."' AND `read` = '1';");
$new_mail = mysql_result($q, 0);
if ($new_mail>0)
echo "<font color=\"green\"><big><b><a href=\"msg.php?usr=$_GET[usr]&amp;pwd=$_GET[pwd]&amp;id=read\">У вас сообщение!</a>[$new_mail]</b></big></font><br/>";

function head($title=NULL)
# Глобал set
global $set,$exist;
if ($title==NULL) $title=$set['title'];
if (empty($_GET['usr']))
if (isset($_GET['v']) && $_GET['v'] == 'xhtml' || isset($_GET['v']) && $_GET['v'] != 'web')
require 'themes/1/head.php';
} elseif (isset($_GET['v']) && $_GET['v'] == 'web')
require 'themes/2/head.php';
} elseif ($exist == 1)
$u = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `usr` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['usr'])."'"));
$id = strip_tags($u['id']);
$d = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `design` FROM `settings` WHERE `u_id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($id)."'"));
$design = strip_tags($d['design']);
if ($design == 0 or $design == null)
require 'themes/1/head.php';
} elseif ($design != 0 and is_file("themes/".$design."/head.php"))
require "themes/".$design."/head.php";
} else
require 'themes/1/head.php';
function foot()

global $usr,$exist;

if (empty($usr) or $exist == 0)
if (isset($_GET['v']))
if ($_GET['v'] == '' OR $_GET[v] == 'xhtml' || isset($_GET['v']))
require "themes/1/foot.php";
elseif ($_GET['v'] == 'web')
require "themes/2/foot.php";
} else
require "themes/1/foot.php";
}elseif (isset($usr) && $diz > 0)
$u = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE usr = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['usr'])."'"));
$id = $u['id'];
$diz = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE u_id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($id)."'"));
$t = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT design FROM settings WHERE u_id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($id)."'"));
require "themes/$t[design]/foot.php";
function foot_main()
$diz = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE usr = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['usr'])."'"));
if (empty($_GET['usr']))
if (isset($_GET['v']))
if ($_GET['v'] == '' OR $_GET['v'] == 'xhtml')
require "themes/1/foot_main.php";
elseif ($_GET['v'] == 'web')
require "themes/2/foot_main.php";
} else
require "themes/1/foot_main.php";
}elseif (isset($_GET['usr']) && $diz > 0)
$t = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT design FROM settings WHERE user = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['usr'])."'"));
require "themes/$t[design]/foot_main.php";
function title($msg = NULL,$img = NULL) // Загловок страницы
if (!isset($_SESSION['web']) || $_SESSION['web']==0)
global $set;
if ($msg=='no' || $msg=='notitle' || $msg=='not')$msg=NULL;
elseif ($msg==NULL || $msg=='default' || $msg=='DEFAULT')$msg=$set['welcome'];

if ($img!=NULL && $msg!=NULL)$img.="<br />\n";

echo "<div class=\"title\"></div>";
function ban()
$u = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE usr = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['usr'])."'"));
$ban = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ban WHERE user_id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($u['id'])."'"));
$bn = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ban WHERE user_id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($u['id'])."'"));
$times = time();
echo "<div class=\"main\"><div class=\"in\">";
if ($ban > 0 && $times<$bn['time'])
echo "Вы в бане!<br/>\n";
$who = iconv("windows-1251","utf-8",$bn['who']);
$why = iconv("windows-1251","utf-8",$bn['why']);
echo "Забанил: $who <br/>\n";
echo "Причина: $why <br/>\n";
echo "До: ".vremja($bn[time])." <br/>\n";
$r = rand(10000,999999);
echo "<a href=\"main.php?usr=$_GET[usr]&amp;pwd=$_GET[pwd]&amp;rand=$r\">назад</a><br/>\n"; 
elseif ($times >= $bn['time'])
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ban WHERE user_id = '$u[id]'");
echo "Вы успешно вышли из бана<br/>\n<a href=\"main.php?usr=$_GET[usr]&amp;pwd=$_GET[pwd]\">в игру</a>";
