View file modules/mail/chat.php

File size: 3.56Kb
*	@package: PerfCMS			  *
*	@year: 2012					  *
*	@author: Artas				  *
*	@link:	  *
if(isset($user) && $_GET['user_id'] != $user['id']) {
$locate = 'in_cabinet';

if ($db->query("SELECT * FROM `mail_chat` WHERE `user_id` = '$user[id]' AND `who_id` = '". abs(intval($_GET['user_id'])) ."'")->rowCount() != 0) $chat_id = $db->query("SELECT id FROM `mail_chat` WHERE `user_id` = '$user[id]' AND `who_id` = '". abs(intval($_GET['user_id'])) ."'")->fetchColumn();
else $chat_id = $db->query("SELECT `id` FROM `mail_chat` WHERE `who_id` = '$user[id]' AND `user_id` = '". abs(intval($_GET['user_id'])) ."'")->fetchColumn();
if ($db->query("SELECT * FROM `mail_chat` WHERE (`user_id` = '$user[id]' OR `who_id` = '$user[id]') AND (`who_id` = '". abs(intval($_GET['user_id'])) ."' OR `user_id` = '". abs(intval($_GET['user_id'])) ."')")->rowCount() == 0) {

$db->query("INSERT INTO `mail_chat` SET `user_id` = '$user[id]', `who_id` = '". abs(intval($_GET['user_id'])) ."', `time_last_message` = '". time() ."'");
// print_r($db->errorInfo());

$title = $lang->word('chat_with_user').' '.tnick($_GET['user_id']);
$tpl->div('title', $lang->word('chat_with_user').' '.tnick($_GET['user_id']));
if(isset($_POST['send']) && $_GET['act'] == 'send') {

$message = input($_POST['text']);
if(!empty($message)) { $text = substr($message, 0, 5000); } else { $err = 'Message is empty'; }
if(!isset($err)) {
$db->query("INSERT INTO `mail` SET `mail_chat_id` = '$chat_id', `user_id` = '$user[id]', `who_id` = '". abs(intval($_GET['user_id'])) ."', `text` = '". $text ."', `time` = '". time() ."', `read`='0'");
// print_r($db->errorInfo());
$db->query("UPDATE `mail_chat` SET `time_last_message` = '". time() ."' WHERE `id` = '$chat_id'");
$tpl->div('menu', $lang->word('mess_added'));
$tpl->div('block', img('nav.png') .'<a href="/mail/chat/'.abs(intval($_GET['user_id'])).'/">'. $lang->word('continue') .'</a><br/>'. img('admin.png') .'<a href="/mail/">'. $lang->word('u_mail') .'</a><br/>'. HICO .'<a href="/">'. $lang->word('home') .'</a>');
$tpl->div('menu', NAV .'<a href="/mail/chat/'.abs(intval($_GET['user_id'])).'/?">'.$lang->word('refresh').'</a>');
$chat_r = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE `mail_chat_id` = '$chat_id'")->rowCount();
$pages = new Paginator($chat_r, $ames);
if($chat_r == 0) {
$tpl->div('menu', $lang->word('no_posts'));
} else {
$chat_q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE `mail_chat_id` = '$chat_id' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT $start, $ames");
while($chat = $chat_q->fetch()) {
if ($user['id'] == $chat['who_id']) $db->query("UPDATE `mail` SET `read` = '1' WHERE `id` = '$chat[id]'");
echo '<div class="post">
		'. nick($chat['user_id']) .' ('. rtime($chat['time']) .')<br/>
		'. output($chat['text']) .'
echo '<a name="reply"></a>';
$tpl->div('menu', '<b>'.$lang->word('reply') .'</b>:<br/>
					<form action="/mail/chat/'.abs(intval($_GET['user_id'])).'/?act=send" method="post">
					<textarea name="text" rows="5" cols="26"></textarea><br/>
					<input name="send" type="submit" value="'. $lang->word('send').'"/>
$tpl->div('block', 	img('mail.png') .'<a href="/mail/">'.$lang->word('u_mail').'</a><br/>'
					. NAV .'<a href="/user/panel/">'.$lang->word('user_panel').'</a><br/>'
					. HICO .'<a href="/">'. $lang->word('home').'</a>');
} else { go('/'); }