File size: 4.47Kb
* FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
* For further information visit:
* File Name: frmresourceslist.html
* This page shows all resources available in a folder in the File Browser.
* Version: 2.0 RC2
* Modified: 2004-11-27 00:29:09
* File Authors:
* Frederico Caldeira Knabben ([email protected])
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="">
<link href="Browser.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/common.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
var oListManager = new Object() ;
oListManager.Init = function()
this.Table = document.getElementById('tableFiles') ;
oListManager.Clear = function()
// Remove all other rows available.
while ( this.Table.rows.length > 0 )
this.Table.deleteRow(0) ;
oListManager.AddFolder = function( folderName, folderPath )
// Create the new row.
var oRow = this.Table.insertRow(-1) ;
// Build the link to view the folder.
var sLink = '<a href="#" onclick="OpenFolder(\'' + folderPath + '\');return false;">' ;
// Add the folder icon cell.
var oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1) ;
oCell.width = 16 ;
oCell.innerHTML = sLink + '<img alt="" src="images/Folder.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a>' ;
// Add the folder name cell.
oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1) ;
oCell.noWrap = true ;
oCell.colSpan = 2 ;
oCell.innerHTML = ' ' + sLink + folderName + '</a>' ;
oListManager.AddFile = function( fileName, fileUrl, fileSize )
// Create the new row.
var oRow = this.Table.insertRow(-1) ;
// Build the link to view the folder.
var sLink = '<a href="#" onclick="OpenFile(\'' + fileUrl + '\');return false;">' ;
// Get the file icon.
var sIcon = oIcons.GetIcon( fileName ) ;
// Add the file icon cell.
var oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1) ;
oCell.width = 16 ;
oCell.innerHTML = sLink + '<img alt="" src="images/icons/' + sIcon + '.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a>' ;
// Add the file name cell.
oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1) ;
oCell.innerHTML = ' ' + sLink + fileName + '</a>' ;
// Add the file size cell.
oCell = oRow.insertCell(-1) ;
oCell.noWrap = true ;
oCell.align = 'right' ;
oCell.innerHTML = ' ' + fileSize + ' KB' ;
function OpenFolder( folderPath )
// Load the resources list for this folder.
window.parent.frames['frmFolders'].LoadFolders( folderPath ) ;
function OpenFile( fileUrl )
{ fileUrl ) ; ; ;
function LoadResources( resourceType, folderPath )
oListManager.Clear() ;
oConnector.ResourceType = resourceType ;
oConnector.CurrentFolder = folderPath
oConnector.SendCommand( 'GetFoldersAndFiles', null, GetFoldersAndFilesCallBack ) ;
function Refresh()
LoadResources( oConnector.ResourceType, oConnector.CurrentFolder ) ;
function GetFoldersAndFilesCallBack( fckXml )
// Get the current folder path.
var oNode = fckXml.SelectSingleNode( 'Connector/CurrentFolder' ) ;
var sCurrentFolderPath = oNode.attributes.getNamedItem('path').value ;
var sCurrentFolderUrl = oNode.attributes.getNamedItem('url').value ;
// Add the Folders.
var oNodes = fckXml.SelectNodes( 'Connector/Folders/Folder' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < oNodes.length ; i++ )
var sFolderName = oNodes[i].attributes.getNamedItem('name').value ;
oListManager.AddFolder( sFolderName, sCurrentFolderPath + sFolderName + "/" ) ;
// Add the Files.
var oNodes = fckXml.SelectNodes( 'Connector/Files/File' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < oNodes.length ; i++ )
var sFileName = oNodes[i].attributes.getNamedItem('name').value ;
var sFileSize = oNodes[i].attributes.getNamedItem('size').value ;
oListManager.AddFile( sFileName, sCurrentFolderUrl + sFileName, sFileSize ) ;
window.onload = function()
oListManager.Init() ; = true ;
<body class="FileArea" bottomMargin="10" leftMargin="10" topMargin="10" rightMargin="10">
<table id="tableFiles" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0">