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				<h1 class="title title-new-works">New Works</h1>
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					<p class="title">DESIGN MUZOK.NET</p>
					<p class="image"><a href="/muzok/"><img src="content/muzok/muzok_mini_new.png" alt="Design for" /></a></p>
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						<p class="spent">Time spent: 5 Days</p>
						<p class="price">Price: 150$</p>
						<p class="date">Date: 08.03.2013</p>
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						<p class="get"><a href="" title="Page will open in new window<br>MUZOK.NET" target="_blank">Look a site</a></p></div>
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					<p class="title">DESIGN ODVIN.COM</p>
					<p class="image"><a href="/odvin/"><img src="content/odvin/odvins_mini.png" alt="Design for ODVIN.COM" /></a></p>
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						<p class="spent">Time spent: 5 Days</p>
						<p class="price">Price: Free</p>
						<p class="date">Date: 30.01.2013</p>
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					<p class="title">DESIGN JUST.VC</p>
					<p class="image"><a href="/just/"><img src="content/just/justvc_mini.jpg" alt="Harley Davidson" /></a></p>
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						<p class="spent">Time spent: 2 Days</p>
						<p class="price">Price: Free</p>
						<p class="date">Date: 20.01.2013</p>
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						<p class="title"><b>How it all began.</b></p>
						<p class="date">Date: 08.03.2013</p>
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						<p>Starting from my school years, I have been interested in how sites are constructed, how they are made and, the most interesting thing, how you make them on your own.<br/>
Everything started with wap sites! Those were absolutely simple HTML pages located on a free hosting.
Everything was made by me from the phone, and it looked quite poor. Unfortunately, I don't have any examples left, and it is for the better :)<br/><br/>

Then, I started studying, reading about the essence of hosting, domain, etc.
I became acquainted with Photoshop, started studying HTML and CSS, and then I started creating..unfortunately, not wonders.<br/>
At first, I followed the elements of design, did such quite easy works! Those were simple sites with my design.<br/><br/>

Time was passing by, and I got into coding, studied PHP and MySQL!<br/>
Then, I had my Slim Cms project - a ready-to-use wap engine which was distributed for free. Almost the entire code was written by me, but back then, I didn't reinvent the wheel, and took some code from other cms..<br/>
Well, that CMS actually survived, but it isn't functioning, if anyone interested, here is the archive <a href="/blog/zip/">[Download]</a><br/><br/>

Finally, due to finishing school studies, I didn't have any time for my hobbies, and I gave up everything :(<br/>
However, a year later, I renewed my interest, and do only design and layout.
Currently, there is a project called DIZ.VC..</p>
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		<p class="design">Design by Jack Hill 2013</p>
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