View file element_function/element_function_standart.php

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	// Функция на определения IP адресса пользователя.
	function my_ip() { 
		if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
			} elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
				$ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
			} else {
				$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
			$ip = preg_replace("/[^\w\x7F-\xFF\s]/", ".", $ip);
		return $ip;
	// Функция даты, с русскими месяцами.
	function rdate($param,$time) {
		$MonthNames = array('янв','фев','мар','апр','мая','июн','июл','авг','сен','окт','ноя','дек');
		return date(str_replace('M',$MonthNames[date('n', $time) - 1],$param),$time);
	$data = rdate("d M H:i:s", time());

	// Записываем данные пользователя в массив. false - пользователя не сущетсвует.
	function cache_user($user) {
		$cache_user = readcache('element_users_id_'.$user);
		if (empty($cache_user)) {
		$cache_user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `element_user` WHERE `lost_id` = '$user' LIMIT 1"));
			if ($cache_user) {
				return $cache_user;
			} else return false;
	return $cache_user;
	// Функция принудительного обновления КЭША по данным из БД
	function cache_user1($user) {
		$cache_user = readcache('element_users_id_'.$user);
		$cache_user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `element_user` WHERE `lost_id` = '$user' LIMIT 1"));
			if ($cache_user) {
				return $cache_user;
			} else return false;
	return $cache_user;
	function cache_item($item) {
		return mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `element_item` WHERE `lost_id` = '$item' LIMIT 1"));
	function cache_town($town) {
		$cache_town = readcache('element_town_id_'.$town);
		if (empty($cache_town)) {
		$cache_town = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `element_town` WHERE `lost_id` = '$town' LIMIT 1"));
			if ($cache_town) {
				return $cache_town;
			} else return false;
	return $cache_town;

	function element_settings_game($value) {
		$readcache = readcache('element_settings_game_'.$value);
			if (empty($readcache)) {
				$query = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT `lost_value` FROM `element_options_games` WHERE `lost_options` = '$value' LIMIT 1"));
					if ($query) {
						$readcache = $query['lost_value'];
						writecache('element_settings_game_'.$value, $readcache);
						return $readcache;
					} else return false;
			} else return $readcache;
	// Авторизация пользователя. false - не авторизован
	function autorization($id,$pass) {
		if ($id AND $pass) {
			$cache_user = cache_user($id);
			if ($cache_user['lost_password'] == $pass) $user = $cache_user; else $user = false;
		} else $user = false;
	return $user;
	// Авторазация, проверяем куки и защищаем их.
	$cookie_password = (isset($_COOKIE['password']) AND !empty($_COOKIE['password'])) ? mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['password']))) : false;
	$cookie_id = (isset($_COOKIE['id']) AND is_numeric($_COOKIE['id'])) ? (int)mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['id']) : false;
	$user = autorization($cookie_id,$cookie_password);

	// Функция времени генерации страницы, начало
	function generationStart() {
		$start_array = explode(" ", microtime());
		return $start_array[1] + $start_array[0];
	$start_time = generationStart(); 
	// Функция времени генерации страницы, конец.
	function generationStop($start_time) {
		$end_array = explode(" ", microtime());
		return round(($end_array[1] + $end_array[0]) - $start_time,3).' сек';
	function params($min, $procent) {
		return ($min == 0) ? array(0, 0) : array(ceil(($min * ($procent + 100)) / 100), $procent);
	function online_users($user, $exp) {
		$online = readcache('lost_element_online');
		if (!is_array($online)) $online = array();
		if (!empty($online[$user])) {
			$explode = explode(".", $online[$user]);
				if ($explode[1] < (time() - 100)) {
					$online[$user] = $exp.'.'.time();
					writecache('lost_element_online', $online);
		} else {
			$online[$user] = $exp.'.'.time();
			writecache('lost_element_online', $online);
		return $online;
	function Color_Privilege($privilege, $text) {
		$color = array('white', 'moderator', 'game-master', 'admin');
		return '<span class="'.$color[$privilege].'">'.$text.'</span>';
	function Timer($time) {
		$timeOut = time() - $time;
		if ($timeOut < 60) $echo = $timeOut.' сек. назад';
		if ($timeOut == 0) $echo = 'сейчас';
		if ($timeOut >= 60) { $echo = $timeOut / 60; $echo = (int)$echo; $echo = $echo.' мин. назад'; }
		if ($timeOut >= 3600) { $echo = $timeOut / 3600; $echo = (int)$echo; $echo = $echo.' ч. назад'; }
		return $echo;
	function ikonka_user($race, $on_off) {
		if ($race > 0 AND $race < 5) {
			return '<img src="/images/icons/'.$race.'_'.$on_off.'.png">';
		} else return '';
	function Replace_Bytes($size) {
		$filesizename = array("B", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y");
		return $size ? round($size / pow(1024, ($i = floor(log($size, 1024)))), 2) . $filesizename[$i] : '0B';
	// Разбивает число на тысячные
	function nmb_2($count) {
		return number_format($count, 0, "'", "'");
	// Функция с список игроков, которым нужно обновить данные в БД
	function user_list_update($user) {
		$cache = readcache('element_user_list_update');
		if (!is_array($cache)) $cache = array();
		if ($user > 0) {
			if (empty($cache[$user])) {
				$cache[$user] = 'update';
				writecache('element_user_list_update', $cache);
			return $cache;
		} else return $cache;
	// Функция с списком городов, которым нужно обновить данные в БД
	function town_list_update($town) {
		$cache = readcache('element_town_list_update');
		if (!is_array($cache)) $cache = array();
		if ($town > 0) {
			if (empty($cache[$town])) {
				$cache[$town] = 'update';
				writecache('element_town_list_update', $cache);
			return $cache;
		} else return $cache;

	// Функция с списком заданий, которые нужно обновить данные в БД
	function quests_list_update($quests) {
		$cache = readcache('element_quests_list_update');
		if (!is_array($cache)) $cache = array();
		if ($quests > 0) {
			if (empty($cache[$quests])) {
				$cache[$quests] = 'update';
				writecache('element_quests_list_update', $cache);
			return $cache;
		} else return $cache;
	// Функция обновления данных юзера
	function update_params_users($cache_user) {
		if ($cache_user) {
			mysql_query("UPDATE `element_user` SET 
									`lost_level` = '$cache_user[lost_level]',
									`lost_exp` = '$cache_user[lost_exp]',
									`lost_race` = '$cache_user[lost_race]',
									`lost_privilege` = '$cache_user[lost_privilege]',
									`lost_money_gold` = '$cache_user[lost_money_gold]',
									`lost_block_info` = '$cache_user[lost_block_info]',
									`lost_male` = '$cache_user[lost_male]',
									`lost_resourse_cristalls` = '$cache_user[lost_resourse_cristalls]',
									`lost_resourse_irridyi` = '$cache_user[lost_resourse_irridyi]',
									`lost_params_strlen` = '$cache_user[lost_params_strlen]',
									`lost_params_heatpoints` = '$cache_user[lost_params_heatpoints]',
									`lost_params_energy` = '$cache_user[lost_params_energy]',
									`lost_params_protection` = '$cache_user[lost_params_protection]',
									`lost_params_summa` = '$cache_user[lost_params_summa]',
									`lost_other` = '$cache_user[lost_other]',
									`lost_labirint` = '$cache_user[lost_labirint]',
									`lost_town` = '$cache_user[lost_town]',
									`lost_town_other` = '$cache_user[lost_town_other]',
									`lost_avatar` = '$cache_user[lost_avatar]',
									`lost_params_training` = '$cache_user[lost_params_training]',
									`lost_abilities_ogon` = '$cache_user[lost_abilities_ogon]',
									`lost_abilities_voda` = '$cache_user[lost_abilities_voda]',
									`lost_abilities_zemlya` = '$cache_user[lost_abilities_zemlya]',
									`lost_abilities_vozduh` = '$cache_user[lost_abilities_vozduh]',
									`lost_time_bank` = '$cache_user[lost_time_bank]',
									`lost_arena_tvt_rating` = '$cache_user[lost_arena_tvt_rating]',
									`lost_arena_pvp_rating` = '$cache_user[lost_arena_pvp_rating]',
									`lost_add_user_exp` = '$cache_user[lost_add_user_exp]',
									`lost_add_town_exp` = '$cache_user[lost_add_town_exp]',
									`lost_ip` = '$cache_user[lost_ip]',
									`lost_user_agent_2` = '$cache_user[lost_user_agent_2]',
									`lost_town_altar` = '$cache_user[lost_town_altar]', 
									`lost_town_altar_time` = '$cache_user[lost_town_altar_time]', 
									`lost_town_altar_params` = '$cache_user[lost_town_altar_params]', 
									`lost_blessing` = '$cache_user[lost_blessing]',
									`lost_blessing_time` = '$cache_user[lost_blessing_time]'
									 WHERE `lost_id` = '$cache_user[lost_id]' 
									 LIMIT 1");
		return true;
		} else return false;