View file mail/index.php

File size: 2Kb

require '../inc/func.php';
require '../inc/head.php';

header('location: /index.php');

echo '<div class="list1"><div class="tt">&nbsp;'.$index_mail['title'].'</div>';

$total = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `cont` WHERE `id_ser` = '$userid' OR `id_ger` = '$userid'") ,0);

$display = 3;
$count_pages = ceil($total/$display);
$page = (isset($_GET['page']) and is_numeric($_GET['page']) and $_GET['page']>1 and $_GET['page']<=$count_pages) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
$start = $page*$display-$display;

$qcont = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cont` WHERE `id_ser` = '$userid' OR `id_ger` = '$userid' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $start, $display");

if($total > 0){

while($contact = mysql_fetch_assoc($qcont)){

	if($contact['id_ser'] == $userid){
		$contact['id_ser'] = $contact['id_ger'];

	$qmsg = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `cont` = '$contact[id]' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 1"));


echo '<div class="list1">';
echo '<a href="/mail/write'.$contact['id'].'">'; ?>
 <td><?php avatar($contact['id_ser'], 33, 50); ?></td>
 <td> &nbsp;<a href=""><?php echo user($contact['id_ser']); ?>(<?=time_post($contact['time']);?>)</a> 

$msg = mb_substr($qmsg['msg'], 0, 150, 'UTF-8');
	if (mb_strlen($qmsg['msg']) > 150) {
		$vmsg = '...';
	} else {
		$vmsg = '';
if($qmsg['read'] == '0' && $qmsg['id_ger'] == $userid){
echo ''.smiles(tags($msg)).''.$vmsg.' <img src="/images/new.gif" />';
echo ''.smiles(tags($msg)).''.$vmsg.'';
if($total > 3 && $page < $count_pages)
echo '<div class="shadow">';
echo '</div><br />';
err ('Trống');
echo '<hr><div class="shadow"><a href="/users/my.php"><b>My Menu</b></a> | <a href="/u/'.$userid.'"><b>Profile</b></a> | <a href="/exit.php"><b>LogOut</b></a></div></div>';