File size: 1.23Kb
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
return array(
'year' => ':count aasta|:count aastat',
'y' => ':count aasta|:count aastat',
'month' => ':count kuu|:count kuud',
'm' => ':count kuu|:count kuud',
'week' => ':count nädal|:count nädalat',
'w' => ':count nädal|:count nädalat',
'day' => ':count päev|:count päeva',
'd' => ':count päev|:count päeva',
'hour' => ':count tund|:count tundi',
'h' => ':count tund|:count tundi',
'minute' => ':count minut|:count minutit',
'min' => ':count minut|:count minutit',
'second' => ':count sekund|:count sekundit',
's' => ':count sekund|:count sekundit',
'ago' => ':time tagasi',
'from_now' => ':time pärast',
'after' => ':time pärast',
'before' => ':time enne',
'year_from_now' => ':count aasta',
'month_from_now' => ':count kuu',
'week_from_now' => ':count nädala',
'day_from_now' => ':count päeva',
'hour_from_now' => ':count tunni',
'minute_from_now' => ':count minuti',
'second_from_now' => ':count sekundi',