<?php return array (
'domain' => 'admin',
'plural-forms' => 'nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);',
'messages' =>
array (
'' =>
array (
'Admin Panel' => 'Boshqaruv Paneli',
'Permissions' => 'Foydalanish huquqi',
'Administration' => 'Boshqaruv paneli',
'Supervisors' => 'Sayt yaratuvchisi',
'Administrators' => 'Administratorlar',
'Super Moderators' => 'Katta moderator',
'Moderators' => 'Moderatorlar',
'Advertisement' => 'Reklama',
'Edit link' => 'Havolani tahrirlash',
'Add link' => 'Havola qo\'shish',
'Wrong data' => 'Noto\'g\'ri ma\'lumotlar',
'The required fields are not filled' => 'Kerakli maydonlar to\'ldirilmadi',
'This place is occupied' => 'Bu joy band',
'Invalid characters' => 'Ruxsat etilmagan belgilar',
'Color is specified incorrectly' => 'Rang noto‘g‘ri ko‘rsatilgan',
'Link successfully changed' => 'Havola muvaffaqiyatli o\'zgartirildi',
'Link successfully added' => 'Havola muvaffaqiyatli qo\'shildi',
'Continue' => 'Davom etish',
'Delete' => 'O\'chirish',
'Are you sure want to delete link?' => 'Haqiqatan ham havolani o\'chirmoqchimisiz?',
'Are you sure you want to delete all inactive links?' => 'Haqiqatan ham barcha faol bo\'lmagan havolalarni o\'chirmoqchimisiz?',
'Before the menu' => 'Menyu tepasida',
'After the menu' => 'Menyu pastida',
'At the top of the page' => 'Sahifaning yuqori qismida',
'At the bottom of the page' => 'Sahifaning pastki qismida',
'All pages' => 'Barcha bo\'limlar',
'Only on Homepage' => 'Faqat Bosh sahifada',
'On all, except Homepage' => 'Bosh sahifadan tashqari barcha sahifalarda',
'Everyone' => 'Hamma',
'Guests' => 'Mehmonlar',
'Users' => 'Foydalanuvchilar',
'hits' => 'xitlar',
'Color:' => 'Rang:',
'Bold' => 'Qalin',
'Italic' => 'Kursiv',
'Underline' => 'Pastki chiziq',
'Antiflood Settings' => 'Antiflood sozlamalari',
'ERROR: Can not write system.local.php' => 'XATOLIK: system.local.php yoza olmaydi',
'Settings are saved successfully' => 'Sozlamalar muvaffaqiyatli saqlandi',
'Anti-Spyware' => 'Antishpion',
'Access denied' => 'Kirish rad etildi',
'Snapshot scan' => 'Snapshot bo\'yicha tekshirish',
'Snapshot is not created' => 'Surat yaratilmadi',
'Create snapshot' => 'Rasmni yarating',
'Excellent!<br>All files are consistent with previously made image.' => 'Zo\'r!<br>Barcha fayllar avval yaratilgan rasmga mos keladi.',
'Back' => 'Orqaga',
'Snapshot successfully created' => 'Surat muvaffaqiyatli yaratildi',
'Ban Panel' => 'Jazolanganlar',
'Amnesty is available for supervisors only' => 'Muddatdan oldin ozod qilish faqar Sayt yaratuvchilariga ruxsat berilgan',
'Amnesty' => 'Amnistiya',
'Amnesty has been successful' => 'Amnistiya muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirildi',
'All the users with active bans were unbanned (Except for bans "till cancel")' => 'Разбанены все пользователи, которые имели активные Баны (кроме банов "До отмены")',
'Term' => 'Muddati',
'Violations' => 'Qoidabuzarliklar',
'Violations history' => 'Qoidabuzarliklar tarixi',
'Counters' => 'Hisoblagichlar',
'Viewing' => 'Ko\'rish',
'On all pages showing option 1' => '1-variantni ko\'rsatilsa barcha sahifada',
'On all pages showing option 2' => '2-variantni ko\'rsatilsa barcha sahifalarda',
'On the main showing option 1, on the other pages option 2' => 'Bosh sahifada variant 1, boshqa sahifalarda 2',
'Counter deleted' => 'Hisoblagich o\'chirildi',
'Delete:' => 'O\'chirish',
'Do you really want to delete?' => 'Rostdan ham o‘chirmoqchimisiz?',
'Counter successfully changed' => 'Hisoblagich muvaffaqiyatli o\'zgartirildi',
'Counter successfully added' => 'Hisoblagich muvaffaqiyatli qo\'shildi',
'Smilies' => 'Kulgichlar',
'Smilie cache updated successfully' => 'Smilie keshi muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi',
'Total' => 'Umumiy',
'Error updating cache' => 'Keshni yangilashda xatolik',
'Forum Management' => 'Forum boshqaruvi',
'Add Section' => 'Bo\'lim qo\'shish',
'Add Category' => 'Kategoriya qo\'shish',
'Invalid ID' => 'Identifikator noto‘g‘ri',
'You have not entered Title' => 'Siz sarlavha kiritmadingiz',
'Title' => 'Sarlavha',
'Invalid length' => 'Juda uzun',
'Description should be at least 2 characters in length' => 'Ta\'rif kamida 2 ta belgidan iborat bo\'lishi kerak',
'Forum structure' => 'Forum tuzilishi',
'List of sections' => 'Bo\'limlar ro\'yxati',
'List of categories' => 'Toifalar ro\'yxati',
'Delete section' => 'Bo\'limni o\'chirish',
'Delete category' => 'Kategoriyani o\'chirish',
'Category deleted' => 'Kategoriya o\'chirildi',
'All content has been moved to' => 'Barcha tarkib boshqa joyga ko\'chirildi',
'selected category' => 'Kategoriyani tanlash',
'Section deleted' => 'Bo\'lim o\'chirildi',
'selected section' => 'Bo\'limni tanlash',
'Section with all contents are removed' => 'Barcha tarkibga ega bo\'lim olib tashlandi',
'Go to category' => 'Kategoriyaga borish',
'Edit Section' => 'Bo\'lim tahrir.',
'Please select a valid parent' => 'Iltimos tegishlisini tanlang',
'Hidden posts' => 'Yashirin xabarlar',
'by topic' => 'mavzu bo\'yicha',
'by author' => 'muallif bo\'yicha',
'Access forbidden' => 'Ruxsat yo\'q',
'Hidden topics' => 'Yashirin mavzular',
'by section' => 'boʻlim bo\'yicha',
'Forum Settings' => 'Forumlar sozlanmasi',
'Ban by IP' => 'IP bo\'yicha To\'siq',
'Add Ban' => 'To\'sib qo\'yish',
'Invalid IP' => 'IP noto‘g‘ri',
'First IP is entered incorrectly' => 'Birinchi IP noto\'g\'ri kiriladi',
'Second IP is entered incorrectly' => 'Ikkinchi IP noto\'g\'ri kiriTILDI',
'Address you entered conflicts with other who in the database' => 'Siz kiritgan manzil ma\'lumotlar bazasidagi boshqalar bilan zid',
'Redirect' => 'Yo\'naltiruvchi',
'Registration' => 'A\'zo bo\'lish',
'Block' => 'To\'sish',
'Ban impossible. Your own IP address in the range' => 'Imkonsiz taqiq. O\'zingizning IP-manzilingiz',
'Ban range address' => 'Taqiqlash manzili',
'Ban on the subnet mask' => 'Ichki tarmoq niqobini taqiqlang',
'Ban IP address' => 'To\'siladigan Ip manzil',
'Default' => 'Standart',
'Not specified' => 'Ko\'rsatilmagan',
'Are you sure you wan to unban all IP?' => 'Haqiqatan ham IP-ni taqiqini bekor qilmoqchimisiz?',
'Perform' => 'Amalga oshirish',
'Cancel' => 'Bekor qilish',
'Ban details' => 'To\'sish malumotalri',
'This address not in the database' => 'Ushbu manzil ma\'lumotlar bazasida yo\'q',
'Ban has been successfully removed' => 'To\'siq muvaffaqiyatli olib tashlandi',
'Are you sure you want to remove the ban?' => 'Haqiqatan ham to\'siqni olib tashlamoqchimisiz?',
'Search' => 'Izlash',
'Karma' => 'Ovozlar',
'Karma is cleared' => 'Ovozlar tozalandi',
'You really want to clear the Karma?' => 'Siz ovozlarni tozalashni hohlaysizmi?',
'Languages' => 'Tillar',
'The language was successfully deleted' => 'Til muvaffaqiyatli o\'chirildi',
'The language was successfully installed' => 'Til muvaffaqiyatli o\'rnatildi',
'Managing languages' => 'Tillarni boshqarish',
'The language was successfully updated' => 'Til muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi',
'Registration confirmation' => 'A\'zolikni tasdiqlash',
'Registration is confirmed' => 'A\'zolik tasdiqlandi',
'User deleted' => 'Foydalanuvchi o\'chirildi',
'All unconfirmed registrations were removed' => 'Tasdiqlanmagan barcha azolik so\'rovlari o\'chirildi',
'All unconfirmed registrations with selected IP were deleted' => 'Tanlangan IP bilan tasdiqlanmagan barcha ro\'yxatdan o\'tish o\'chirildi',
'Approve' => 'Tastiqlash',
'Remove IP' => 'Olib tashlash IP',
'Search IP' => 'IP bo\'yicha qidirish',
'Actual IP' => 'Haqiqiy IP',
'IP history' => 'IP tarixi',
'System Settings' => 'Tizim sozlamalari',
'List of Users' => 'Foydalanuvchilar ro\'yhati',
'Database cleanup' => 'Ma\'lumotlar bazasini tozalash',
'Inactive profiles deleted' => 'Nofaol profil o\'chirildi',
'Delete user' => 'Foydalanuvchini o\'chirish',
'You cannot delete higher administration' => 'Siz o‘zingizdan yuqori lavozimdagi foydalanuvchi xabarini tahrirlay olmaysiz',
'User does not exists' => 'Bunday foydalanuvchi mavjud emas.',
'Forum' => 'Forum',
'Access is allowed' => 'Kirishga ruxsat berilgan',
'Only for authorized' => 'Faqat ro\'yhatdan o\'tganlar uchun',
'Read only' => 'Faqat o\'qish uchun',
'Guestbook' => 'Mehmonlar kitobi',
'Library' => 'Kutubxona',
'Comments' => 'Fikrlar',
'Downloads' => 'Yuklamalar',
'Community' => 'Jamoa',
'With moderation' => 'Moderatsiya bilan',
'Administrators always have access to all closed modules and comments' => 'Ma\'murlar doimo barcha yopiq modullar va sharhlarga kirish huquqiga ega',
'Save' => 'Saqlash',
'The list is empty' => 'Ro‘yxat bo‘sh',
'Total:' => 'Umumiy',
'Link' => 'Havola',
'Direct Link' => 'Tashqi havola',
'Click statistics won\'t be counted, If the direct link is turned on' => 'Agar to\'g\'ridan-to\'g\'ri aloqa yoqilgan bo\'lsa, klik statistikasi hisobga olinmaydi',
'To change the name when updating pages, you must wtite names trought the symbol |' => 'Sahifalarni yangilashda nomni o\'zgartirish uchun siz | belgisi orqali nomlarni yozishingiz kerak',
'Color' => 'Rang:',
'In the format FFFFFF, if you do not want to use link color, simply do not fill this field' => 'FFFFFF formatida, agar siz bog\'lanish rangini ishlatishni xohlamasangiz, bu maydonni to\'ldirmang',
'Hits' => 'Xitlar',
'Number of hits for link existence which will be automatically removed from the page<br>0 - Unlimited' => 'Количество переходов, после которого ссылка автоматически уберется<br>0 - без ограничений',
'Days' => 'Kunlar',
'Number of days for link existence which will be automatically removed from the page<br>0 - Unlimited' => 'Количество переходов, после которого ссылка автоматически уберется<br>0 - без ограничений',
'Show' => 'Ko\'rish',
'Place' => 'Joy',
'Layout' => 'Tartib',
'Styling links' => 'Havola rangi',
'On' => 'Yoqilgan',
'Off' => 'O\'chirilgan',
'Start date' => 'Boshlanish sanasi',
'Disposition' => 'Joylashtirish',
'Agreement' => 'Shartnoma',
'Remains' => 'Qolganlari',
'Link type' => 'Havola turi',
'Style settings' => 'Sozlamalar rangi',
'Up' => 'Yuqoriga',
'Down' => 'Pastga',
'Edit' => 'Tahrirlash',
'Hide' => 'Yashirin',
'Delete inactive links' => 'Nofaol havolalarni o\'chirish',
'Unban all' => 'To\'siqni olish barcha IP',
'Clear Ban database' => 'Barcha to\'silganlarni ozod qilish',
'"Unban All" - terminating all active bans<br>"Clear Database" - terminates all bans and clears an offenses history' => '"Разбанить всех" - прекращает действие всех активных Банов<br>"Очистить базу" - прекращает действие всех банов и очищает всю историю нарушений',
'Operation mode' => 'Ish holati',
'Day' => 'Kun',
'Night' => 'Tun',
'Day / Night' => 'Kun / Kecha',
'Automatic change from day to night mode, according to specified time set' => 'Belgilangan vaqtga ko\'ra kundan-tun rejimiga avtomatik o\'zgartirish',
'Adaptive' => 'Moslashuvchan',
'If one of administration is online (on the site), the system work in "day" mode, if administration is offline, it switch to "night"' => 'Если на сайте есть кто-то из Администрации, система работает в "дневном" режиме, иначе переходит в "ночной"',
'Time limit' => 'Vaqt chegarasi',
'Day mode' => 'Kun rejimi',
'Beginning of day' => 'Boshlangan kun',
'End of day' => 'Ohirgi kun',
'Scan mode' => 'Tekshirish rejimi',
'Compare the list of files and checksums with pre-made way. Allows you to identify unknow files, and unauthorized changes.' => 'Сравнение списка и контрольных сумм файлов с заранее сделанным образом. Позволяет выявить неизвестные файлы и несанкционированные изменения.',
'Takes a snapshot of all script files from the site calculates their checksums and stored in the database.' => 'Делается снимок всех скриптовых файлов сайта, вычисляются их контрольные суммы и запоминаются в базе',
'WARNING!!!<br>Before continuing make sure that all the files have been identified in the scanning mode distribution reliable and contain no unauthorized modifications.' => 'ВНИМАНИЕ!!!<br>Перед продолжением убедитесь, что все файлы, которые были выявлены в режиме сканирования Дистрибутив, надежны и не содержат несанкционированных модификаций',
'This procedure creates a list of all script files to your site, calculates the checksums and writes to the database, for later comparison.' => 'Ushbu protsedura saytingizdagi barcha skript fayllarining ro\'yxatini tuzadi, chexlar miqdorini hisoblab chiqadi va keyinchalik taqqoslash uchun ma\'lumotlar bazasiga yozadi.',
'Snapshot Inconsistency<br>Warning! You need to pay attention to all files from the list. They have been added or modified since the image created.' => 'Rasmning mos kelmasligi - Diqqat! Ro\'yxatdagi barcha fayllarga e\'tibor berishingiz kerak. Rasm yaratilgandan beri ular qo\'shilgan yoki o\'zgartirilgan.',
'List of files' => 'Fayllar ro\'yxati',
'Sort' => 'Saralash',
'Add' => 'Qo\'shish',
'Option 1' => 'Variant 1',
'Option 2' => 'Variant 2',
'If the counter are displayed correctly and without errors, click "Save".<br>Otherwise, click back button and correct errors.' => 'Если счетчики отображаются правильно и без ошибок, нажмите кнопку "Запомнить".<br>В противном случае, нажмите в браузере кнопку "назад" и исправляйте ошибки',
'Name' => 'Nomi',
'Code for main page' => 'Asosiy sahifa uchun kod',
'Code for other pages' => 'Boshqa sahifalar uchun kod',
'Display mode' => 'Ekran holati',
'On the main showing option 1, on the other pages option 2.<br>If "option 2" not filled, counter would only appear on the main page.' => 'На Главной показывается Вариант-1, на остальных страницах Вариант-2<br>Если поле "Вариант-2" не заполнено, то счетчик будет отображаться только на Главной странице',
'Make sure you have correctly entered the code. It must meet the standard of XML' => 'Kodni to\'g\'ri kiritganingizga ishonch hosil qiling. Bu XML standartiga javob berishi kerak',
'If you click "View" and XHTML errors occured, then click "Back" button in your browser, return to this form and correct the errors.' => 'Если вы нажмете "вид" и страница будет отображаться некорректно, нажмите кнопку "назад" в вашем браузере для возврата к форме и исправьте ошибки.',
'Status:' => 'Holati:',
'Enabled' => 'Yoqilgan',
'Disabled' => 'O‘chirilgan',
'Display mode:' => 'Ekran holati:',
'Disable' => 'O`chirish',
'Enable' => 'Yoqish',
'Parent section:' => 'Ota-qism:',
'Min. 2, Max. 30 characters' => 'Min. 2, Max. 30 belgilar',
'Description' => 'Tavsif',
'Optional field' => 'Ixtiyoriy maydon',
'Min. 2, Max. 500 characters' => 'Min. 2, Max. 500 belgilar',
'Common access' => 'Barchaga ruhsat',
'Assign the newly created authors as curators' => 'Mavzu yaratuvchilarni kurator sifatida tayinlash',
'Allow authors to edit the 1st post' => 'Mualliflarga 1-postni tahrirlashga ruxsat berish',
'Only for reading' => 'Faqat o\'qish uchun',
'Section type' => 'Bo\'lim turi',
'For subsections' => 'Bo\'limlar uchun',
'For topics' => 'Mavzular uchun',
'<h3>WARNING!</h3>There are subsections. Move them to another category.' => '<h3> DIQQAT! </h3> bo\'limlar mavjud. Ularni boshqa toifaga o\'tkazing.',
'Category' => 'Kategoriya',
'All categories, topics, and files will be moved into selected category. Old category will be removed.' => 'Barcha toifalar, mavzular va fayllar tanlangan toifaga o\'tkaziladi. Eski kategoriya olib tashlanadi.',
'Move' => 'Ko\'chirish',
'Complete removal' => 'To\'liq o\'chirish',
'If you want to destroy all the information, first remove' => 'Agar siz barcha ma\'lumotlarni yo\'q qilmoqchi bo\'lsangiz, avval o\'chirib tashlang',
'subsections' => 'Bo\'limlar uchun',
'<h3>WARNING!</h3>There are topics in the section. You must move them to another section.' => '<h3> DIQQAT! </h3> Bo\'limda mavzular mavjud. Siz ularni boshqa qismga o\'tkazishingiz kerak.',
'Select section' => 'Bo\'limni tanlash',
'Other category' => 'Boshqa kategoriya',
'All the topics and files will be moved to selected section. Old section will be deleted.' => 'Barcha mavzular va fayllar tanlangan qismga o\'tkaziladi. Eski bo\'lim o\'chiriladi.',
'WARNING! All the information will be deleted' => 'DIQQAT! Barcha ma\'lumotlar o\'chiriladi',
'Order' => 'Saralash',
'Only numbers' => 'Faqat raqamlar',
'Filtered:' => 'Tartiblash:',
'Go to page' => 'Sahifaga o\'tish',
'Topic:' => 'Mavzu',
'Edited:' => 'Tahrirlagan:',
'Post deleted:' => 'Post o\'chirildi:',
'Post restored by:' => 'Xabarni tikladi:',
'Filter:' => 'Filtr:',
'Delete all' => 'Hammasini o\'chirish',
'Path:' => 'Yo\'li',
'Topic deleted:' => 'Mavzu o\'chirildi:',
'Statistic' => 'Statistika',
'Categories' => 'Kategoriyalar',
'Sections' => 'Bo\'limlar',
'Topics' => 'Mavzular',
'Messages' => 'Xabarlar',
'Files' => 'Fayllar',
'Votes' => 'Ovozlar',
'Settings' => 'Sozlovlar',
'Common settings' => 'Umumiy Sozlash',
'Show file counters' => 'Fayllar sonini ko\'rish',
'SEO settings' => 'SEO sozlanmasi',
'Forum keywords' => 'Forum kalit so\'zi',
'Forum description' => 'Forum haqida',
'Section keywords' => 'Bo\'lim kalit so\'zi',
'Macros available: #name#, #description#' => 'Mavjud makros: #name#, #description#',
'Section description' => 'Bo\'lim haqida',
'Topic keywords' => 'Bo\'lim kalit so\'zi',
'Macros available: #name#' => 'Mavjud makros: #name#',
'Topic description' => 'Bo\'lim haqida',
'View' => 'Ko\'rish',
'Dashboard' => 'Bosh sahifa',
'Show admin menu' => 'Admin menyusi',
'registered visitors today' => 'ro\'yxatdan o\'tgan mehmonlar bugun',
'users registered today' => 'bugun ro\'yxatdan o\'tgan foydalanuvchilar',
'posts on the forum today' => 'Bugungi forumdagi habarlar',
'IP Address' => 'Ip manzil',
'Search results' => 'Qidiruv natijalari',
'IP address' => 'Ip manzil',
'Reason' => 'Sababi',
'Unban all IP' => 'To\'siqni olish barcha IP',
'Ban type' => 'To\'sish turi',
'Redirect URL' => 'Yo\'naltiruvchi URL',
'If the ban on Redirect, then specify the URL' => 'Agar URLtaqiqlash kerak bo\'lsa, unda URL manzilini ko\'rsating',
'Example:' => 'Misol:',
'Ban one address' => 'Bitta manzilni taqiqlash',
'Ban range of address' => 'Manzillar qatorini to\'sish',
'Ban on a mask. There will banned from the entrie subnet, begining with address 0 and ending with 255' => 'Niqobni taqiqlang. 0-dan boshlanadigan va 255-raqamgacha bo\'lgan barcha pastki tarmoq ichidagi narsalar taqiqlanadi',
'Ban mode' => 'To\'siq holati',
'Redirect URL:' => 'Yo\'naltiruvchi URL:',
'Please, check up correctness of the input data' => 'Iltimos, kiritilgan ma\'lumotlarning to\'g\'riligini tekshiring',
'Ban type:' => 'To\'sish turi',
'Redirect to:' => 'Qayta yo‘naltirilsin:',
'Reason:' => 'Sababi:',
'Banned by:' => 'To\'siq qo\'ydi:',
'Date:' => 'Sana',
'Time:' => 'Vaqt',
'Delete Ban' => 'To\'siqni o\'chirish',
'Enter a single address, mask and range are not allowed' => 'Bitta manzil, maska va diapazani kiritishga ruxsat berilmaydi',
'Voices per day' => 'Kunlik ovozlar',
'Restriction for vote' => 'Ovoz berishni cheklash',
'Forum posts' => 'Forum xabarlar',
'General Settings' => 'Umumiy sozlamalar',
'Switch module ON' => 'Moduli yoqilgan',
'Forbid to vote for the administration' => 'Ma\'muriyatga ovoz berish taqiqlangan',
'Clear Karma' => 'Ovozlarni tozalash',
'Clear' => 'Tozalash',
'Descriptions have been updated successfully' => 'Ta\'riflar muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi',
'Default language' => 'Asosiy til',
'Update List' => 'Ro\'yhatni yangilash',
'Version:' => 'Versiya:',
'New version:' => 'Yangi versiyasi:',
'Installed' => 'O\'rnatilgan',
'Not installed' => 'O\'rnatilmagan',
'Install' => 'O\'rnatish',
'Update' => 'Yangilash',
'Confirm all' => 'Barcha tasdiqlash',
'Sample queries:' => 'Namuna so\'rovlari:',
'Search for a single address' => 'Bitta manzil qidirish',
'Search a range address (forbidden to use mask symbol *)' => 'Поиск по диапазону адресов (запрещено использовать символ маски *)',
'Search mask. Will be found all subnet addresses starting with 0 and ending with 255' => 'Поиск по маске. Будут найдены все адреса подсети, начиная с 0 и заканчивая 255',
'At your request, nothing found' => 'Sizning so\'rovingiz bo\'yicha hech narsa topilmadi',
'Common Settings' => 'Umumiy Sozlash',
'Web site address without the slash at the end' => 'Veb-sayt manzili oxirida sleshsiz',
'Site copyright' => 'Sayt muallifi',
'Site Email' => 'Sayt Emaili',
'Max. file size' => 'Max. fayl hajmi',
'Gzip compression' => 'Gzip zichlagich',
'E-mail is required for registration' => 'E-mail ro\'yxatga olish uchun talab qilinadi',
'Request a confirmation email to activate the user\'s account.' => 'Foydalanuvchi hisobini aktivlash uchun emailingizni tasdiqlang',
'Time shift' => 'Soat farqi',
'System Time' => 'Tizim vaqti',
'META tags' => 'META teglar',
'Keywords' => 'Kalit so\'zlar',
'Themes' => 'Ko\'rinishlar',
'On registration' => 'Ro\'yxatga olish to\'g\'risida',
'Antiflood' => 'Antiflud',
'Modules' => 'Modullar',
'News' => 'Yangiliklar',
'System' => 'Tizim',
'Update Smilies' => 'Kulgichlarni yangilash',
'Language Settings' => 'Til sozlamalari',
'Security' => 'Xavfsizlik',
'This category includes profiles, recorded more than 6 months ago, with the date of last visit for more than 5 months ago and with zero activity.<br>Can safely remove them.' => 'Ushbu toifaga 6 oy oldin yozilgan profillar kiradi, oxirgi tashrif sanasi 5 oy oldin va nol faolligi bor. Ularni xavfsiz ravishda olib tashlash mumkin.',
'Nickname' => 'Taxallus',
'List is empty' => 'Ro‘yxat bo‘sh',
'Delete user:' => 'Azoni o\'chirish',
'Are you sure that you want to delete this user?' => 'Haqiqatan ham ushbu foydalanuvchini yo\'q qilmoqchimisiz?',
'All threads and posts created by the user go in the hidden state' => 'Foydalanuvchi tomonidan yaratilgan barcha mavzular va xabarlar yashirin holatda bo\'ladi',