File size: 1.03Kb
<?php return array (
'domain' => 'notifications',
'plural-forms' => 'nplurals=1; plural=0;',
'messages' =>
array (
'' =>
array (
'Notifications are cleared!' => 'Pemberitahuan dihapus!',
'Users on registration' => 'Pengguna pada saat pendaftaran',
'Articles on moderation' => 'Artikel tentang moderasi',
'Downloads on moderation' => 'Popularitas di moderasi',
'Ban' => 'Blokir',
'New forum posts' => 'Baru posting forum',
'Mail' => 'Pesan',
'Guestbook' => 'Buku Tamu',
'Comments' => 'Komentar',
'Settings' => 'Pengaturan',
'Settings saved!' => 'Pengaturan disimpan!',
'Notifications' => 'Pemberitahuan',
'All notifications have already been read' => 'Semua pemberitahuan telah membaca',
'Total' => 'Total',
'Clear notifications' => 'Menghapus pemberitahuan',
'Display the number of unread messages in the forum' => 'Menampilkan jumlah pesan yang belum dibaca di forum',
'Save' => 'Simpan',
'Cancel' => 'Batal',