View file modules/profile/locale/uz.lng.php

File size: 13.01Kb
<?php return array (
  'domain' => 'profile',
  'plural-forms' => 'nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);',
  'messages' => 
  array (
    '' => 
    array (
      'Activity' => 'Faollik',
      'Profile' => 'Profil',
      'My Profile' => 'Mening profilim',
      'Messages' => 'Xatlar',
      'Themes' => 'Mavzular',
      'Comments' => 'Sharxlar',
      'Ban the User' => 'Foydalanuvchi to\'silgan',
      'You do not have enought rights to ban this user' => 'Sizda ushbu foydalanuvchini to\'sish uchun etarli huquqlaringiz yo\'q',
      'Reason not specified' => 'Sabab ko\'rsatilmagan',
      'There is no required data' => 'Kerakli ma\'lumotlar yo\'q',
      'You have no rights to ban in this section' => 'Ushbu bo\'limda taqiqlash huquqingiz yo\'q',
      'Ban already active' => 'To\'siq allaqachon faol',
      'System' => 'Tizim',
      'Ban' => 'To\'sib qo\'yish',
      'User banned' => 'Foydalanuvchi to\'sib qo\'yildi',
      'Ban termination' => 'To\'siqni bekor qilish',
      'Wrong data' => 'Noto\'g\'ri ma\'lumotlar',
      'Ban not active' => 'To\'siq faol emas',
      'Ban terminated' => 'To\'siqni bekor qilish',
      'Ban time is going to the end. Infrigement will be saved in the bans history' => 'To\'siq vaqti tugaydi. Qoidabuzarliklar To\'siqlar bo\'limida saqlanadi',
      'Terminate Ban' => 'To\'siqni olib tashlash',
      'Delete ban' => 'To\'siqni o\'chirish',
      'Ban deleted' => 'To\'siq o\'chirildi',
      'Removing ban along with a record in the bans history' => 'Taqiqlarni olib tashlash va taqiqlar tarixi',
      'Delete' => 'O‘chirish',
      'Violations history' => 'Qoidabuzarliklar tarixi',
      'Violations history cleared' => 'Qoidabuzilishlar tarixi tozalandi',
      'Are you sure want to clean entire history of user violations?' => 'Haqiqatan ham foydalanuvchi qoidalarini buzish tarixini tozalamoqchimisiz?',
      'Clear' => 'Tozalash',
      'Violations history can be cleared by Supervisor only' => 'Qoidabuzilishlar tarixini faqat Supervisor o\'chirishi mumkin',
      'Violations History' => 'Qoidabuzarliklar tarixi',
      'Full block' => 'To\'liq blokirovka',
      'Private messages' => 'Shaxsiy habarlar',
      'Forum' => 'Forum',
      'Guestbook' => 'Mehmonxona',
      'Library' => 'Kutubxona',
      'Till cancel' => 'Bekor qilishgacha',
      'Cancel Ban' => 'To\'siqni bekor qilish',
      'Delete Ban' => 'To\'siqni o\'chirish',
      'Edit Profile' => 'Profilni tahrirlash',
      'You cannot edit profile of higher administration' => 'Siz o\'zingizdan yuqori lavozimdagi foydalanuvchi xabarini tahrirlay olmaysiz',
      'Access forbidden' => 'Ruxsat yo\'q',
      'Avatar is successfully removed' => 'Avatar muvaffaqiyatli olib tashlandi',
      'Photo is successfully removed' => 'Foto muvaffaqiyatli olib tashlandi',
      'Data saved' => 'Ma\'lumotlar saqlandi',
      'Upload Avatar' => 'Avatarni yuklash',
      'The weight of the file exceeds' => 'Faylning hajmi juda katta',
      'The avatar is successfully uploaded' => 'Avatar muvaffaqiyatli yuklandi',
      'Continue' => 'Davom etish',
      'Repeat' => 'Takrorlash',
      'Upload Photo' => 'Rasmni Yuklash',
      'The photo is successfully uploaded' => 'Foto muvaffaqiyatli yuklandi',
      'User Profile' => 'Foydalanuvchi profili',
      'Pending confirmation' => 'Tasdiqlanish uchun navbatda',
      'Add to Contacts' => 'Aloqalarga qo‘shish',
      'Remove from Contacts' => 'Aloqalardan o\'chirish',
      'Edit' => 'Tahrirlash',
      'IP History' => 'IP tarixi',
      'Karma' => 'Ovozlar',
      'It is forbidden to vote for administration' => 'Sayt ma\'muryatiga ovoz berish ta\'qiqlangan',
      'Cheating karma is forbidden' => 'Ovozlarni soxtalashtirish taqiqlanadi',
      'Users can take part in voting if they have stayed on a site not less %s and their score on the forum %d posts.' => 'Foydalanuvchilar ovoz berishda ishtirok etishlari mumkin, agar ular kamida% s saytda bo\'lishgan bo\'lsa va forumdagi habarlari %d bo\'lsa',
      'days' => 'Kunlar',
      'You can vote for single user just one time for 24 hours' => '24 soat davomida bitta foydalanuvchi uchun faqat bir marta ovoz berish mumkin',
      'You have exceeded the limit of votes. New voices will be added %s' => 'Sizning ovoz berish imkoniyatingiz tugadi, yangi ovozni %s da qo\'shish mumkin',
      'Back' => 'Ortga',
      'You have successfully voted' => 'Siz muvaffaqtiyatli ovoz berdingiz',
      'Vote for' => 'Ovoz bering',
      'You are not allowed to vote for users' => 'Sizga ovoz berish mumkin emas',
      'Do you really want to delete comment?' => 'Rostdan sharxni o\'chirmoqchimisiz?',
      'Do you really want to delete all reviews about user?' => 'Haqiqatan ham foydalanuvchi haqidagi barcha sharhlarni yo\'q qilmoqchimisiz?',
      'New responses' => 'Yangi ovozlar',
      'All' => 'Barcha',
      'Positive' => 'Ijobiy',
      'Negative' => 'Salbiy',
      'My Account' => 'Mening sahifam',
      'Change Password' => 'Parolni o‘zgartirish',
      'It is necessary to fill in all fields' => 'Barcha maydonlarni to\'ldirish kerak',
      'Old password entered incorrectly' => 'Eski parol noto\'g\'ri kiritilgan',
      'The password confirmation you entered is wrong' => 'Siz kiritgan parol noto‘g‘ri',
      'The password must contain at least 3 characters' => 'Parol kamida 3 ta belgidan iborat bo\'lishi kerak',
      'Password successfully changed' => 'Parol muvaffaqiyatli o\'zgardi',
      'Reset user settings' => 'Sozlamalarni tiklash',
      'For user %s default settings were set.' => '%s foydalanuvchi uchun standart sozlamalar o\'rnatildi.',
      'Settings' => 'Sozlovlar',
      'General setting' => 'Umumiy sozlamalar',
      'Mail' => 'Xatlar',
      'Settings saved successfully' => 'Sozlamalar muvaffaqiyatli saqlandi',
      'Default settings are set' => 'Standart sozlamalar o\'rnatildi',
      'Statistic' => 'Statistika',
      'For registered users only' => 'Faqat ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan foydalanuvchilar uchun',
      'This User does not exists' => 'Bunday foydalanuvchi mavjud emas.',
      'Restore password' => 'Parolni tiklash',
      'The required fields are not filled' => 'Zaruriy maydonlar to‘ldirilmadi',
      'Incorrect code' => 'Tekshiruv kodi xato',
      'Invalid Email address' => 'Noto‘g‘ri elektron pochta manzili',
      'Password can be recovered 1 time per day' => 'Parol 1sutkada 1marta qayta tiklanishi mumkin',
      'User does not exists' => 'Foydalanuvchi mavjud emas',
      'Password recovery' => 'Parolni tiklash',
      'Check your e-mail for further information' => 'Parolni tiklash yo\'riqnomasi emailingizga yuborildi',
      'Password recovery is impossible' => 'Parolni qayta tiklab bo\'lmadi',
      'Time allotted for the password recovery has been exceeded' => 'Parolni tiklash uchun ajratilgan vaqtdan oshib ketdi',
      'Your new password' => 'Siz yangi parol',
      'Password successfully changed.<br>New password sent to your E-mail address.' => 'Parol muvaffaqtiyatli o\'zgartirildi<br>Yangi parol emailingizga yuborildi',
      'The list is empty' => 'Ro‘yxat bo‘sh',
      'Total:' => 'Jami',
      'Ban:' => 'To\'sib qo\'yish',
      'Ban type' => 'To\'sib qo\'yish turi',
      'Ban time' => 'To\'sib qo\'yish vaqti',
      'Time' => 'Vaqt',
      'Minutes (60 max.)' => 'Daqiqa (60 max.)',
      'Hours (24 max.)' => 'Soat (24 max.)',
      'Days (30 max.)' => 'Kun (30 max.)',
      'Reason' => 'Sababi',
      'Apply Ban' => 'Amal qilishi',
      'Cancel' => 'Bekor qilish',
      'User:' => 'Foydalanuvchi',
      'Active' => 'Faol',
      'Blocked by:' => 'To\'sib qo\'ygan:',
      'Time:' => 'Vaqt',
      'Remains:' => 'Qoldi:',
      'List is empty' => 'Ro‘yxat bo‘sh',
      'Total' => 'Jami',
      'Clear history' => 'Tarixni tozalash',
      'Username' => 'Tahallusingiz',
      'Nickname' => 'Sizning tahallus',
      'Min.2, Max. 20' => 'Min.2, Max. 20',
      'Status' => 'Holati',
      'Max. 50' => 'Max. 50',
      'Avatar' => 'Avatar',
      'Upload' => 'Yuklash',
      'Select in Catalog' => 'Bo\'limni tanlang',
      'Photo' => 'Foto',
      'Personal info' => 'Shaxsiy ma’lumotlar',
      'Your name' => 'Ismingiz',
      'Date of birth (d.m.y)' => 'Tug\'ilgan sana (d.m.y)',
      'Day' => 'Kun',
      'Month' => 'Oy',
      'Year' => 'Yil',
      'City, Country' => 'Shahar, Mamlakat',
      'About myself' => 'O\'zi haqida',
      'Contacts' => 'Aloqalar',
      'Phone number' => 'Telefon raqami',
      'E-mail' => 'Elektron manzili',
      'Show in Profile' => 'Profilda ko\'rsatish',
      'Warning! Write your e-mail correctly. Your password will be sent to the email address on record for this account.' => 'Ogohlantirish! Elektron pochtangizni to\'g\'ri kiriting. Parolingiz esingizdan chiqqan taqdirda elektron pochta orqali parolni tiklashingiz mumkin bo\'ladi.',
      'Skype' => 'Skype',
      'Site' => 'Web Sayt',
      'Administrative Functions' => 'Ma\'muriy Vazifalari',
      'Prohibit Karma' => 'Ovoz berishni taqiqlash',
      'Reset User options to default' => 'Foydalanuvchi parametrlarini asl holatiga qaytarish',
      'Select gender' => 'Jinsni tanlang',
      'Man' => 'Erkak',
      'Woman' => 'Ayol',
      'Position on the Site' => 'Saytdagi lavozimlar',
      'User' => 'Foydalanuvchi',
      'Forum Moderator' => 'Forum Moderatori',
      'Download Moderator' => 'Yuklamalar Moderatori',
      'Library Moderator' => 'Kutubxona Moderatori',
      'Super Moderator' => 'Katta moderator',
      'Administrator' => 'Administrator',
      'Supervisor' => 'Sayt yaratuvchisi',
      'Save' => 'Saqlash',
      'Basic settings' => 'Asosiy sozlamalar',
      'Inverse sorting' => 'Teskari saralash',
      'Use the form of a quick answer' => 'Tezkor javob shaklida foydalanish',
      'Preview of messages' => 'Xabarlarni ko\'rib chiqish',
      'Attach first post' => 'Birinchi post qo\'shishingiz',
      'Always' => 'Har doim',
      'In unread topics' => 'o\'qilmagan mavzular',
      'Never' => 'Hech qachon',
      'Reset Settings' => 'Sozlamalarni tiklash',
      'Choose file' => 'Faylni tanlang',
      'Allowed image formats: JPG, PNG, GIF. File size should not exceed %d kb.<br>The new image will replace old (if was).' => 'Ruxsat etilgan rasm formatlari: JPG, GIF, PNG. Fayl hajmi %d dan oshmasligi kerak. Yangi qo\'shilgan rasm eskisini o\'rniga yuklanadi.',
      'Last visit' => 'So\'nggi tashrif',
      'Online' => 'Hozir saytda',
      'User is banned' => 'Foydalanuvchi to\'silgan',
      'Reason:' => 'Sababi',
      'Violations' => 'Qoidabuzarliklar',
      'User Agent' => 'Foydalanuvchi agenti',
      'Ip' => 'IP',
      'Whois' => 'Tekshirish',
      'Write' => 'Yozish',
      'Block' => 'To\'sish',
      'Unblock' => 'To\'siqni olish',
      'Actions' => 'Harakatlar',
      'Edit profile' => 'Profilni tahrirlash',
      'vote' => 
      array (
        0 => 'Ovoz',
        1 => 'Ovozlar',
      'Vote' => 'Ovoz',
      'Information' => 'Ma’lumot',
      'Birthday' => 'Tug‘ilgan kun:',
      'Gender' => 'Jins',
      'Not specified' => 'Ko\'rsatilmagan',
      'hidden' => 'berkitilgan',
      'Photo Album' => 'Foto Albom',
      'IP address' => 'IP manzil:',
      'Date' => 'Sana',
      'Reset Karma' => 'Ovozlarni yangilash',
      'Type of vote' => 'Ovoz turi',
      'Votes quantity' => 'Ovoz soni',
      'Comment' => 'Sharx',
      'Min. 2, Max. 500 characters' => 'Min. 2, Max. 500 belgilar',
      'Who can write you?' => 'Sizga kimlar yozishi mumkin',
      'All can write' => 'Barcha yozish mumkin',
      'Only my contacts' => 'Faqat mening aloqadoshlarim',
      'To message' => 'Xabarga o‘tish',
      'My Pages' => 'Mening Sahifalarim',
      'Statistics' => 'Statistika',
      'My Mailbox' => 'Mening Xatlarim',
      'Received' => 'Kiruvchi',
      'Sent' => 'Yuborilgan',
      'Files' => 'Fayllar',
      'Blocked' => 'To\'silgan',
      'System Settings' => 'Tizim sozlamalari',
      'Enter old password' => 'Eski parolni kiriting',
      'Enter new password' => 'Yangi parol kiriting',
      'Repeat password' => 'Parolni qaytaring',
      'Your E-mail' => 'E-Mailingiz',
      'Verification code' => 'Tekshiruv kodi',
      'Enter verification code' => 'Tekshiruv ko\'dini kiriting',
      'Password will be send to E-mail address specified in your profile.<br />WARNING !! If E-mail address has not been specified in your profile, you will not be able to recover your password.' => 'Parol profilingizda ko\'rsatilgan elektron pochta manzilingizga yuboriladi. <br /> Diqqat! Agar elektron pochta manzilingiz profilingizda ko\'rsatilmagan bo\'lsa, siz parolingizni tiklay olmaysiz.',
      'Time settings' => 'Soatni sozlash',
      'Shift of time' => 'Vaqt O\'zgarishi',
      'System time' => 'Tizim vaqti',
      'System Functions' => 'Tizim Vazifalari',
      'Direct URL' => 'Tashqi URL',
      'Youtube Player' => 'Yutub playeri',
      'Text entering' => 'Matn kiritish',
      'Height of field' => 'Maydon balandligi',
      'Appearance' => 'Tashqi koʻrinishi',
      'Size of Lists' => 'Ro\'yhatlar hajmi',
      'Select Language' => 'Tilni tanlang',
      'Site Default' => 'Standart holat',
      'Registration confirmed' => 'A\'zolik tasdiqlandi',
      'Free registration' => 'Bepul ro\'yxatga olish',
      'Registered' => 'Azo bo\'lgan',