View file vendor/doctrine/cache/lib/Doctrine/Common/Cache/PredisCache.php

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namespace Doctrine\Common\Cache;

use Predis\ClientInterface;

use function array_combine;
use function array_filter;
use function array_map;
use function array_values;
use function call_user_func_array;
use function serialize;
use function unserialize;

 * Predis cache provider.
 * @deprecated Deprecated without replacement in doctrine/cache 1.11. This class will be dropped in 2.0
class PredisCache extends CacheProvider
    /** @var ClientInterface */
    private $client;

    public function __construct(ClientInterface $client)
        $this->client = $client;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doFetch($id)
        $result = $this->client->get($id);
        if ($result === null) {
            return false;

        return unserialize($result);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doFetchMultiple(array $keys)
        $fetchedItems = call_user_func_array([$this->client, 'mget'], array_values($keys));

        return array_map('unserialize', array_filter(array_combine($keys, $fetchedItems)));

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doSaveMultiple(array $keysAndValues, $lifetime = 0)
        if ($lifetime) {
            $success = true;

            // Keys have lifetime, use SETEX for each of them
            foreach ($keysAndValues as $key => $value) {
                $response = (string) $this->client->setex($key, $lifetime, serialize($value));

                if ($response == 'OK') {

                $success = false;

            return $success;

        // No lifetime, use MSET
        $response = $this->client->mset(array_map(static function ($value) {
            return serialize($value);
        }, $keysAndValues));

        return (string) $response == 'OK';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doContains($id)
        return (bool) $this->client->exists($id);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doSave($id, $data, $lifeTime = 0)
        $data = serialize($data);
        if ($lifeTime > 0) {
            $response = $this->client->setex($id, $lifeTime, $data);
        } else {
            $response = $this->client->set($id, $data);

        return $response === true || $response == 'OK';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doDelete($id)
        return $this->client->del($id) >= 0;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doDeleteMultiple(array $keys)
        return $this->client->del($keys) >= 0;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doFlush()
        $response = $this->client->flushdb();

        return $response === true || $response == 'OK';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doGetStats()
        $info = $this->client->info();

        return [
            Cache::STATS_HITS              => $info['Stats']['keyspace_hits'],
            Cache::STATS_MISSES            => $info['Stats']['keyspace_misses'],
            Cache::STATS_UPTIME            => $info['Server']['uptime_in_seconds'],
            Cache::STATS_MEMORY_USAGE      => $info['Memory']['used_memory'],
            Cache::STATS_MEMORY_AVAILABLE  => false,