* This file is part of the nelexa/zip package.
* (c) Ne-Lexa <https://github.com/Ne-Lexa/php-zip>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace PhpZip\IO\Filter\Cipher\WinZipAes;
use PhpZip\Exception\RuntimeException;
use PhpZip\Exception\ZipAuthenticationException;
use PhpZip\Util\CryptoUtil;
* WinZip Aes Encryption.
* @see https://pkware.cachefly.net/webdocs/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT APPENDIX E
* @see https://www.winzip.com/win/en/aes_info.html
* @internal
class WinZipAesContext
/** @var int AES Block size */
public const BLOCK_SIZE = self::IV_SIZE;
/** @var int Footer size */
public const FOOTER_SIZE = 10;
/** @var int The iteration count for the derived keys of the cipher, KLAC and MAC. */
public const ITERATION_COUNT = 1000;
/** @var int Password verifier size */
public const PASSWORD_VERIFIER_SIZE = 2;
/** @var int IV size */
public const IV_SIZE = 16;
private string $iv;
private string $key;
private \HashContext $hmacContext;
private string $passwordVerifier;
public function __construct(int $encryptionStrengthBits, string $password, string $salt)
if ($password === '') {
throw new RuntimeException('$password is empty');
if (empty($salt)) {
throw new RuntimeException('$salt is empty');
// WinZip 99-character limit https://sourceforge.net/p/p7zip/discussion/383044/thread/c859a2f0/
$password = substr($password, 0, 99);
$this->iv = str_repeat("\0", self::IV_SIZE);
$keyStrengthBytes = (int) ($encryptionStrengthBits / 8);
$hashLength = $keyStrengthBytes * 2 + self::PASSWORD_VERIFIER_SIZE * 8;
$hash = hash_pbkdf2(
$this->key = substr($hash, 0, $keyStrengthBytes);
$sha1Mac = substr($hash, $keyStrengthBytes, $keyStrengthBytes);
$this->hmacContext = hash_init('sha1', \HASH_HMAC, $sha1Mac);
$this->passwordVerifier = substr($hash, 2 * $keyStrengthBytes, self::PASSWORD_VERIFIER_SIZE);
public function getPasswordVerifier(): string
return $this->passwordVerifier;
public function updateIv(): void
for ($ivCharIndex = 0; $ivCharIndex < self::IV_SIZE; $ivCharIndex++) {
$ivByte = \ord($this->iv[$ivCharIndex]);
if (++$ivByte === 256) {
// overflow, set this one to 0, increment next
$this->iv[$ivCharIndex] = "\0";
} else {
// no overflow, just write incremented number back and abort
$this->iv[$ivCharIndex] = \chr($ivByte);
public function decryption(string $data): string
hash_update($this->hmacContext, $data);
return CryptoUtil::decryptAesCtr($data, $this->key, $this->iv);
public function encrypt(string $data): string
$encryptionData = CryptoUtil::encryptAesCtr($data, $this->key, $this->iv);
hash_update($this->hmacContext, $encryptionData);
return $encryptionData;
* @throws ZipAuthenticationException
public function checkAuthCode(string $authCode): void
$hmac = $this->getHmac();
// check authenticationCode
if (strcmp($hmac, $authCode) !== 0) {
throw new ZipAuthenticationException('Authenticated WinZip AES entry content has been tampered with.');
public function getHmac(): string
return substr(
hash_final($this->hmacContext, true),