View file vendor/visavi/cleanup/

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## Cleaning composer vendor directory

It cleans up any tests, descriptions, documentation, examples, etc.

* .git
* .github
* test
* tests
* travis
* demo
* example
* examples
* doc
* docs
* license
* changelog*
* changes*
* faq*
* contributing*
* history*
* upgrading*
* upgrade*
* readme*
* {,.}*.yml
* *.md
* *.xml
* *.txt
* *.dist
* *.neon
* .php_cs*
* .scrutinizer
* .gitignore
* .gitattributes
* .editorconfig
* .phpstorm.meta.php
* dockerfile
* composer.lock

## Installing

composer require visavi/cleanup
## Run

## Option
--help (-h) - Display help message

--include (-i) - include new rules pattern

--exclude (-e) - excludes from the pattern rule

--verbose (-v) - Increase the verbosity of messages

--path (-p) - Find on specific path

--dry (-d) - Run without actual remove

*the list of arguments must be passed by a comma*

## Example
./vendor/bin/cleanup -v --path symfony --include *.zip,*.rar --exclude doc,docs,test

## License

The class is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](