View file motorcms-v2.0.2-max/app/helpers.php

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use App\Factories\ContainerFactory;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Services\BBCode;
use App\Services\Session;
use App\Services\Setting;
use App\Services\Str;
use DI\Container;
use Slim\Factory\ServerRequestCreatorFactory;
use Slim\Exception\HttpException;

 * Escape data
 * @param mixed $value
 * @param bool  $doubleEncode
 * @return array|string
function escape(mixed $value, bool $doubleEncode = true): mixed

    if (is_array($value)) {
        foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
            $value[$key] = escape($val, $doubleEncode);
    } else {
        $value = htmlspecialchars((string) $value, $flags, 'UTF-8', $doubleEncode);

    return $value;

 * Sanitize
 * @param string $str
 * @return string
function sanitize(string $str): string
    // preg_replace('/\R/u', '', $str);
    $search = ["\0", "\x00", "\x1A", chr(226) . chr(128) . chr(174)];
    $str = str_replace($search, '', $str);

    return trim($str);

 * BBCode
 * @param mixed $text
 * @param bool  $parse
 * @return string
function bbCode(mixed $text, bool $parse = true): string
    $bbCode = new BBCode();
    $checkText = escape($text);

    if (! $parse) {
        return $bbCode->clear($checkText);

    $parseText = $bbCode->parse($checkText);

    return $bbCode->parseStickers($parseText);

 * Возвращает обрезанный текст с закрытием тегов
 * @param string $text
 * @param int    $words
 * @param string $end
 * @return string
function bbCodeTruncate(string $text, int $words = 20, string $end = '...'): string
    $bbCode = new BBCode();

    $text = Str::words($text, $words, $end);
    $text = bbCode($bbCode->closeTags($text));

    return preg_replace('/\[(.*?)]/', '', $text);

 * Возвращает размер в читаемом формате
 * @param int $bytes
 * @param int $precision
 * @return string
function formatSize(int $bytes, int $precision = 2): string
    $units = ['B', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb', 'Tb'];
    $pow   = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1000));
    $pow   = min($pow, count($units) - 1);

    $bytes /= (1 << (10 * $pow));

    return round($bytes, $precision) . $units[$pow];

 * @param string|null $abstract
 * @return mixed|Container
function app(?string $abstract = null): mixed
    $container = ContainerFactory::getInstance();

    if ($abstract === null) {
        return $container;

    return $container->get($abstract);

 * Get session
 * @param string|null $key
 * @param mixed|null  $default
 * @return Session|mixed
function session(?string $key = null, mixed $default = null): mixed
    /** @var Session $session */
    $session = app(Session::class);

    if ($key === null) {
        return $session;

    return $session->get($key, $default);

 * Get setting
 * @param string|null $key
 * @param mixed|null  $default
 * @return Setting|mixed
function setting(?string $key = null, mixed $default = null): mixed
    /** @var Setting $setting */
    $setting = app(Setting::class);

    if ($key === null) {
        return $setting;

    return $setting->get($key, $default);

 * Check auth
 * @return User|bool
function checkAuth(): User|bool
    $login    = session('login');
    $password = session('password');

    if ($login && $password) {
        $user = User::query()->where('login', $login)->first();

        if ($user && $password === $user->password) {
            return $user;

    return false;

 * Is user
 * @return bool
function isUser(): bool
    return (bool) getUser();

 * Get user
 * @param string $key
 * @return User|bool|null
function getUser(string $key = ''): mixed
    static $user;

    if (! $user) {
        $user = checkAuth();

    return $key ? ($user->$key ?? null) : $user;

 * Is admin
 * @param string $role
 * @return bool
function isAdmin(string $role = User::EDITOR): bool
    $group = array_flip(User::ALL_GROUP);

    return isUser()
        && isset($group[$role], $group[getUser('role')])
        && $group[getUser('role')] <= $group[$role];

 * Get extension
 * @param string $filename Имя файла
 * @return string расширение
function getExtension(string $filename): string
    return pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

 * Get unique name
 * @param string|null $extension
 * @return string
function uniqueName(string $extension = null): string
    if ($extension) {
        $extension = '.' . $extension;

    return str_replace('.', '', uniqid('', true)) . $extension;

 * Get root path
 * @param string $path
 * @return string
function basePath(string $path = ''): string
    return dirname(__DIR__) . '/' . ltrim($path, '/');

 * Get public path
 * @param string $path
 * @return string
function publicPath(string $path = ''): string
    return basePath('/public/' . ltrim($path, '/'));

 * Throw an Exception with the given data.
 * @param int    $code
 * @param string $message
 * @return void
function abort(int $code, string $message = ''): void
    $serverRequestCreator = ServerRequestCreatorFactory::create();
    $request = $serverRequestCreator->createServerRequestFromGlobals();

    throw new HttpException($request, $message, $code);

 * Session old
 * @param string     $key
 * @param mixed|null $default
 * @return mixed
function old(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed
    if (! session('flash.old')) {
        return escape($default);

    $old = session('flash.old.' . $key, $default);

    return escape($old);

 * Session has error
 * @param string $field
 * @return string
function hasError(string $field): string
    if (session('flash.errors')) {
        return session('flash.errors.' . $field) ? ' is-invalid' : ' is-valid';

    return '';

 * Session get error
 * @param string $field
 * @return string
function getError(string $field): string
    return session('flash.errors.' . $field, '');