Просмотр файла wwphpmaster1.02/www.phpedited.com/wap/fm/showpst.php

Размер файла: 9.63Kb
//               -_- W|W PHP-master -_-                                   //
//                                                                        //
//                Copyright 2008 MyIE                                     //
//  Create and Design by -_- MyIE                                         //
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<table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
<td><div class=a>
echo "Форум на $title";


echo "<center>";
$podrazdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$podrazdel);
$razdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$razdel);
echo "<a href=$url/fm/index.php?razdel=$razdel class=forum1>";
$podrazdel = str_replace("%20"," ",$podrazdel);
$razdel = str_replace("%20"," ",$razdel);
echo "Форум на $title</a> | ";
$podrazdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$podrazdel);
$razdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$razdel);
echo "<a href=$url/fm/show.php?razdel=$razdel&podrazdel=$podrazdel class=forum1>";
$podrazdel = str_replace("%20"," ",$podrazdel);
$razdel = str_replace("%20"," ",$razdel);
echo "$podrazdel</a>";
echo " | $theme";
echo "</center>";

echo "<table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 width=100%>";
// определяем очередность сообщений и выводим их
$count = $i;
$count1 = $count;
if (empty($start))
$start = 0;
$start = intval($start);
if ($start < 0)
$start = 0;
if ($count > $start + $mgs_fm) $count = $start + $mgs_fm;

echo "<table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 width=100%>";
// выводим все сообщения в цикле
for ($i = $start; $i < $count; $i++)
if ($i!=0)
list ($from, $msg, $time) = explode("|", $file_array[$i]);
// делаем bb-code
$msg = str_replace("[color=red]","<font color=red>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[color=blue]","<font color=blue>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[color=green]","<font color=green>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[color=yellow]","<font color=yellow>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[/color]","</font>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[u]","<u>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[U]","<u>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[i]","<i>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[I]","<i>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[b]","<B>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[B]","<B>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[sub]","<SUB>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[SUB]","<SUB>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[sup]","<SUP>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[SUP]","<SUP>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[/u]","</u>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[/U]","</u>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[/i]","</i>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[/I]","</i>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[/b]","</B>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[/B]","</B>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[/SUB]","</SUB>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[/sub]","</SUB>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[/SUP]","</SUP>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[/sup]","</SUP>",$msg);
$msg = eregi_replace("(.*)\\[url\\](.*)\\[/url\\](.*)","\\1<ahref=\\2>\\2</a>\\3",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("[br]","<br>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace(";)","<img src='../wap/img/bb_icons/smile.gif'>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace(":dance:","<img src='../wap/img/bb_icons/4.gif'>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace(";(","<img src='../wap/img/bb_icons/2.gif'>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace(":lol:","<img src='../wap/img/bb_icons/8.gif'>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace(":ok:","<img src='../wap/img/bb_icons/9.gif'>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace(":shit:","<img src='../wap/img/bb_icons/13.gif'>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace(":star:","<img src='../wap/img/bb_icons/star.gif'>",$msg);
// непосредственный вывод
echo "<tr><td class=frm3><div class=ab>$from</div></td><td align=right><div class=ab> $time";
////////// проверка на админа ////////
if ($_SESSION)
$files_array = file("../lcl/prof/$log");
echo("Ошибка открытия файла wap/lcl/prof/log$log");
if (($files_array[2]==101) || ($files_array[2]==102) || ($files_array[2]==103))
$podrazdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$podrazdel);
$razdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$razdel);
echo ("<a href='fm_msg_del.php?del=$i&razdel=$razdel&podrazdel=$podrazdel&entry=$entry&theme=$theme' class=cool>[del]</a>");
echo ("<a href='msg_edit.php?del=$i&razdel=$razdel&podrazdel=$podrazdel&entry=$entry&theme=$theme&i=$i' class=cool>[edit]</a></div>");
////////// проверка на админа ////////
echo "</td></tr><tr><td valign=_top>";
echo "$msg<br></td>";
echo "</td></tr>";
$theme = $file_array[0];
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
print "</table>";


if ($_SESSION)
<table width=1 border=0>
$podrazdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$podrazdel);
$razdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$razdel);
$theme = str_replace(" ","%20",$theme);
if ($start != 0)
echo '<form action=fm_add.php?log='.$log.'&entry='.$entry.'&start='.($start - $mgs_fm).'&razdel='.$razdel.'&podrazdel='.$podrazdel.'&theme='.$theme.' method=post name="formular">';
if ($count1 > $start + $mgs_fm)
echo '<form action=fm_add.php?log='.$log.'&entry='.$entry.'&start='.($start + $mgs_fm).'&razdel='.$razdel.'&podrazdel='.$podrazdel.'&theme='.$theme.' method=post name="formular">';
echo '<form action=fm_add.php?log='.$log.'&entry='.$entry.'&razdel='.$razdel.'&podrazdel='.$podrazdel.'&theme='.$theme.' method=post name="formular">';
<td colspan=2>Сообщение | post:<br>
<textarea cols=18 rows=5 name=msg class=input>
<td colspan=2><center><input type=submit value='Добавить' class=submit></center></td>
if ((!$_SESSION) && ($guest==1))
<table width=1 border=0>
$podrazdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$podrazdel);
$razdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$razdel);
$theme = str_replace(" ","%20",$theme);
if ($start != 0)
echo '<form action=fm_add.php?log=guest&entry='.$entry.'&razdel='.$razdel.'&podrazdel='.$podrazdel.'&theme='.$theme.'&start='.($start - $mgs_fm).' method=post name="formular">';
if ($count1 > $start + $mgs_fm)
echo '<form action=fm_add.php?log=guest&entry='.$entry.'&razdel='.$razdel.'&podrazdel='.$podrazdel.'&theme='.$theme.'&start='.($start + $mgs_fm).' method=post name="formular">';
<td colspan=2>Сообщение: <font color=red></font><br>
<textarea cols=100% rows=7 name='msg' class=input>
<td colspan=2><center><input type=submit value='Добавить' class=submit></center></td>

if ((!$_SESSION) && ($guest==0))
<table border=0 width=100%>
<td align=center><font color=00FF00>Для добавления сообщения необходимо авторизоваться</font></td>
print "<right>";
if ($start != 0)
$theme = str_replace(" ","%20",$theme);
$podrazdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$podrazdel);
$razdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$razdel);
print "<A href=showpst.php?razdel=$razdel&podrazdel=$podrazdel&entry=$entry&start=".($start - $mgs_fm)."&theme=$theme class=forum2> Предыдущие </A>";
$theme = str_replace("%20"," ",$theme);
$podrazdel = str_replace("%20"," ",$podrazdel);
$razdel = str_replace("%20"," ",$razdel);
if ($count1 > $start + $mgs_fm)
$theme = str_replace(" ","%20",$theme);
$podrazdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$podrazdel);
$razdel = str_replace(" ","%20",$razdel);
print "<A href=showpst.php?razdel=$razdel&podrazdel=$podrazdel&entry=$entry&start=".($start + $mgs_fm)."&theme=$theme class=forum2> Следующие </A> \n";
$theme = str_replace("%20"," ",$theme);
$podrazdel = str_replace("%20"," ",$podrazdel);
$razdel = str_replace("%20"," ",$razdel);
print "</right>";
