# + xDLs [x-devDownloads] v 1.0 #
# + by Robert Klikics #
# + visit: http://x-dev.de for more stuff #
# + License: GPL #
# + You may not remove the Copyrights #
# + Filename: readme.txt #
You have:
- download.php [Mainfile]
- func.inc.php [Functions]
- data.txt [Savefile]
You need:
- Webserver with PHP
- set up the var's in download.php AND func.inc.php (DONT FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD)
- upload download.php, func.inc.php & data.txt into a directory on your server
- chmod 666 or 777 data.txt (666 does not work with some servers, then try 777)
Use of Scripts:
- open the admin-area [http://path/to/script/download.php?act=admin aufrufen] [Password: test] and add your downloads
- Linking* to download.php?id=[ID] - counts downloads and sends informations via header to the browser
*[ID] = your download-ID
- if you want to start the downloads with browser-refresh instead of header add this to the download-url: &go=browser
- NOTE: please don't open download.php directly
Adding download-counters to your pages:
- the page with the links must be a .php or .phtml file
- add this at the top of your page: <? include("path/to/func.inc.php"); ?>
- to show all download-IDs in a table, add this to your site: <? allDL(); ?>
- to show the count of an unique download, add this code*: <? oneDL("[ID]"); ?>
*[ID] = your download-ID
- to show the last downloaded file*, add this: <? lastDL(); ?>
* shows only the ID, not the filename or path
Visit x-dev.de in case of problems ...
Robert [x-dev.de]