Просмотр файла id2764/upgrade/modifydisplay_1.php

Размер файла: 2.3Kb
if ($nsauth == ok) {

if ($modifydisplay9 == yes) {

$table_name = "ns_display";

$connection = @mysql_connect("$db_server", "$db_name", "$db_password") or die("Couldn't connect.");

$db = @mysql_select_db($db_database, $connection) or die("Couldn't select database.");

$sql = "SELECT bsize, bcolor, titlebgcolor, titletextcolor, msgbgcolor, msgtextcolor, titletextsize, datelinetextsize, msgtextsize, newswidth
     FROM $table_name

$result = @mysql_query($sql, $connection) or die("Couldn't execute query.");

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

$bsize = $row['bsize'];
$bcolor = $row['bcolor'];
$titlebgcolor = $row['titlebgcolor'];
$titletextcolor = $row['titletextcolor'];
$msgbgcolor = $row['msgbgcolor'];
$msgtextcolor = $row['msgtextcolor'];
$titletextsize = $row['titletextsize'];
$datelinetextsize = $row['datelinetextsize'];
$msgtextsize = $row['msgtextsize'];
$newswidth = $row['newswidth'];

$display = "
<font size=4>
<form action=modifydisplay_2.php method=post>
Border Size
<br><input type=text name=bsize value=\"$bsize\">

Border Color
<br><input type=text name=bcolor value=\"$bcolor\">

Title Background Color
<br><input type=text name=titlebgcolor value=\"$titlebgcolor\">

Title Text Color
<br><input type=text name=titletextcolor value=\"$titletextcolor\">

Title Text Size
<br><input type=text name=titletextsize value=\"$titletextsize\">

Body Background Color
<br><input type=text name=msgbgcolor value=\"$msgbgcolor\">

Body Text Color
<br><input type=text name=msgtextcolor value=\"$msgtextcolor\">

Body Text Size
<br><input type=text name=msgtextsize value=\"$msgtextsize\">

Date Line Text Size
<br><input type=text name=datelinetextsize value=\"$datelinetextsize\">

News Width
<br><input type=text name=newswidth value=\"$newswidth\">

<input type=submit value=\"Modify\">

<a href=\"admin.php\">Admin Center</a>

} else {
$display_add = "You do not have access to this page.";

} else {
header("location: login_admin.php");

<body bgcolor=#D1E7FE>
<title>Admin / Modify Display</title>
<? echo $display; ?>