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/*Welcome to Anti Mate PHP Class source-code!*/
/*The Anti Mate PHP Class and its functions, contexture are copyrighted by s1ayer [www.spg.arbse.net]*/
/*Current file: anti_mate.php*/
/*Optimized for PHP 4.3.6, Apache 1.3.27*/
setlocale (LC_ALL, "ru_RU.CP1251");
/*<=====================Describing anti_mate class==============================>*/
class anti_mate {
//latin equivalents for russian letters
var $let_matches = array (
"a" => "а",
"c" => "с",
"e" => "е",
"k" => "к",
"m" => "м",
"o" => "о",
"x" => "х",
"y" => "у",
"ё" => "е"
//bad words array. Regexp's symbols are readable !
var $bad_words = array (".*ху(й|и|я|е|л(и|е)).*", ".*пизд.*", "бл(я|т|д).*", "(с|сц)ук(а|о|и).*", "еб.*", ".*уеб.*", ".*пид(о|е)р.*", ".*хер.*");
//if script will find bad word, it replace word to package of symbols below
var $rand_sym = array ("#", "@", "&", "*");
function rand_replace (){
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++)
@$output .= $this->rand_sym[rand(0,count($this->rand_sym)-1)];
return $output;
function filter ($string){
$counter = 0;
$elems = explode (" ", $string); //here we explode string to words
$count_elems = count($elems);
for ($i=0; $i<$count_elems; $i++)
$blocked = 0;
/*formating word...*/
$str_rep = eregi_replace ("[^a-zA-Zа-яА-Яё]", "", strtolower($elems[$i]));
for ($j=0; $j<strlen($str_rep); $j++)
foreach ($this->let_matches as $key => $value)
if ($str_rep[$j] == $key)
$str_rep[$j] = $value;
/*here we are trying to find bad word*/
/*match in the special array*/
for ($k=0; $k<count($this->bad_words); $k++)
if (ereg("\*$", $this->bad_words[$k]))
if (ereg("^".$this->bad_words[$k], $str_rep))
$elems[$i] = $this->rand_replace();
$blocked = 1;
if ($str_rep == $this->bad_words[$k]){
$elems[$i] = $this->rand_replace();
$blocked = 1;
if ($counter != 0)
$string = implode (" ", $elems); //here we implode words in the whole string
return $string;