Размер файла: 4.72Kb
# Script by seg0ro http://mobilarts.ru
# Not for sale!!!
# fixed
$set['title'] .= ' | Новые, последние темы';
include H . 'engine/includes/head.php';
if (!$user_id){
echo Core::msg_show('Только для авторизованных!<br /><a href="index.php">Форум</a>');
include H . 'engine/includes/foot.php';
$timeRes = isset($_REQUEST['time']) ? abs(intval($_REQUEST['time'])) : null;
if ($timeRes)
$time = time() - $timeRes * 3600;
$unread = isset($_GET['unread']) ? 1 : 0;
$nav = '';
if ($unread || isset($_GET['reset'])){
$tree = '<a href="index.php">Форум</a> / Непрочитанные';
$nav = 'unread&';
$nav = $time ? 'time='.$timeRes.'&' : '';
$tree = '<a href="index.php">Форум</a> / Последние темы'.($time ? ' за '.$timeRes.' час.' : '');
echo '<div class="fmenu">'.$tree.'</div>';
if (isset($_GET['reset'])){
$sql->query("SELECT `forum_topics`.`id`, `forum_topics`.`lastpost` FROM `forum_topics` LEFT JOIN `forum_readed` ON `forum_topics`.`id` = `forum_readed`.`topic` AND `forum_readed`.`user_id` = '$user_id' WHERE `forum_readed`.`topic` Is Null ");
while ($res = $sql->fetch()){
$lastPost = explode(':|:', $res['lastpost']);
$sql->query("INSERT INTO `forum_readed` SET
`topic` = '".$res['id']."',
`user_id` = '$user_id',
`time` = '".time()."',
`lastpost` = '".$lastPost[1]."' ", true);
$sql->query("SELECT `forum_topics`.`id`, `forum_topics`.`lastpost` FROM `forum_topics` LEFT JOIN `forum_readed` ON `forum_topics`.`id` = `forum_readed`.`topic` AND `forum_readed`.`user_id` = '$user_id' WHERE `forum_topics`.`time` > `forum_readed`.`time` ");
while ($res = $sql->fetch()){
$lastPost = explode(':|:', $res['lastpost']);
$sql->query("UPDATE `forum_readed` SET
`time` = '".time()."',
`lastpost` = '".$lastPost[1]."'
WHERE `topic` = '".$res['id']."' AND `user_id` = '$user_id' ", true);
echo '<div class="post">Все темы приняты как прочитанные<br /><a href="index.php">Форум</a></div>';
include H . 'engine/includes/foot.php';
if ($unread){
$total = $sql->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum_topics` LEFT JOIN `forum_readed` ON `forum_topics`.`id` = `forum_readed`.`topic` AND `forum_readed`.`user_id` = '$user_id' WHERE (`forum_readed`.`topic` Is Null OR `forum_topics`.`time` > `forum_readed`.`time`) ")->result();
$total = $sql->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum_topics` ".($time ? "WHERE `forum_topics`.`time` > '".$time."' " : ""))->result();
$page = new page($total, $set['p_str']);
if ($total){
if ($unread){
$req = $sql->query("SELECT *, `forum_topics`.`time` AS `topictime`, `forum_topics`.`lastpost` AS `lastpost` FROM `forum_topics` LEFT JOIN `forum_readed` ON `forum_topics`.`id` = `forum_readed`.`topic` AND `forum_readed`.`user_id` = '$user_id' WHERE (`forum_readed`.`topic` Is Null OR `forum_topics`.`time` > `forum_readed`.`time`) ORDER BY `forum_topics`.`time` DESC LIMIT ".$page->limit());
$req = $sql->query("SELECT *, `forum_topics`.`time` AS `topictime` FROM `forum_topics` ".($time ? "WHERE `time` > '$time' " : "")."ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT ".$page->limit());
while ($res = $sql->fetch()){
echo $i % 2 ? '<div class="p_t">' : '<div class="p_m">';
$sub = 'Автор: '.$res['user'];
if ($res['count'] > 1){
$lastPost = explode(':|:', $res['lastpost']);
$sub .= ' <a href="index.php?post='.$lastPost[1].'">Последн.</a>: '.$lastPost[0];
$sub .= ' '.Core::time($res['topictime']).'<br />';
$sub .= 'Подфорум: <a href="index.php?forum='.$res['refid'].'">'.htmlspecialchars($res['forum']).'</a>';
echo show_topic($res, $sub, ($unread ? 1 : 0));
echo '</div>';
if (!$i) echo '<div class="p_m">Неверные данные. Убедитесь в правильности ввода страницы!</div>';
echo '<div class="fmenu">Тем: '.$total.'</div>';
echo '<div class="p_m">Пусто</div>';
if ($unread && $total)
echo '<div class="menu_razd"><a href="index.php?act=last&reset">Принять как прочитанное</a></div>';
echo '<form class="post" action="index.php?act=last" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="act" value="last" />
Показать за период (час.) <input type="text" size="2" name="time" value="'.($timeRes ? $timeRes : '24').'" /> <input type="submit" value="OK" />';
if ($time || $unread)
echo '<br /><a href="index.php?act=last">Показать все</a>';
echo '</form>';