# Xsolla SDK for PHP
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An official PHP SDK for interacting with [Xsolla API](http://developers.xsolla.com)
![Payment UI screenshot](http://xsolla.cachefly.net/img/ps3_github2.png)
## Features
* Full customisation of Payment UI with the help of different methods of getting token.
* Client for all API methods, making your integration easy and convenient. You can use it for setting up and updating virtual currency, items and subscription plans, for managing the users balance, for checking the finance information with the help of Report API and so on.
* Convenient webhook server:
* To start you need only one callback function.
* All security checking already implemented: signature authentication and IP whitelisting.
* Full customisation of notification processing logic, if standard server class doesn’t suit you.
* SDK is built on Guzzle v3, and utilizes many of its features, including persistent connections, parallel requests, events and plugins (via Symfony2 EventDispatcher), service descriptions, over-the-wire logging, caching, flexible batching, and request retrying with truncated exponential back off.
## Requirements
* PHP 5.3.9+
* The following PHP extensions are required:
* curl
* json
## Getting Started
Please register your [Merchant Account](https://merchant.xsolla.com/signup) and create the project.
In order to use the PHP SDK Library you'll need:
You can obtain these parameters using the information in your [Company Profile](https://merchant.xsolla.com/company) and [Project Settings](https://merchant.xsolla.com/projects).
## Installation
### Installing via Composer
The recommended way to install Xsolla SDK for PHP is through [Composer](http://getcomposer.org).
``` bash
$ cd /path/to/your/project
$ composer require xsolla/xsolla-sdk-php
### Installing via Phar
You can [download the packaged phar](https://github.com/xsolla/xsolla-sdk-php/releases) and include it in your scripts to get started:
``` php
require '/path/to/xsolla.phar';
### Installing via Zip
You can [download the zip file](https://github.com/xsolla/xsolla-sdk-php/releases), unzip it into your project to a location of your choosing, and include the autoloader:
``` php
require '/path/to/xsolla-autoloader.php';
## Quick Examples
### Integrate Payment UI
To integrate Payment UI into your game you should obtain an access token. An access token is a string that identifies game, user and purchase parameters.
There are number of ways for getting token. The easiest one is to use the _createCommonPaymentUIToken_ method, you will need to pass only ID of project in Xsolla system and ID of the user in your game:
``` php
use Xsolla\SDK\API\XsollaClient;
$client = XsollaClient::factory(array(
'merchant_id' => MERCHANT_ID,
'api_key' => API_KEY
$paymentUIToken = $client->createCommonPaymentUIToken(PROJECT_ID, USER_ID, $sandboxMode = true);
Render Payment UI script in your page:
``` php
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<button data-xpaystation-widget-open>Buy Credits</button>
<?php \Xsolla\SDK\API\PaymentUI\PaymentUIScriptRenderer::send($paymentUIToken, $isSandbox = true); ?>
### Receive webhooks
There is a build in server class to help you to handle the webhooks.
use Xsolla\SDK\Webhook\WebhookServer;
use Xsolla\SDK\Webhook\Message\Message;
use Xsolla\SDK\Exception\Webhook\XsollaWebhookException;
$callback = function (Message $message) {
switch ($message->getNotificationType()) {
case Message::USER_VALIDATION:
/** @var Xsolla\SDK\Webhook\Message\UserValidationMessage $message */
// TODO if user not found, you should throw Xsolla\SDK\Exception\Webhook\InvalidUserException
case Message::PAYMENT:
/** @var Xsolla\SDK\Webhook\Message\PaymentMessage $message */
// TODO if the payment delivery fails for some reason, you should throw Xsolla\SDK\Exception\Webhook\XsollaWebhookException
case Message::REFUND:
/** @var Xsolla\SDK\Webhook\Message\RefundMessage $message */
// TODO if you cannot handle the refund, you should throw Xsolla\SDK\Exception\Webhook\XsollaWebhookException
throw new XsollaWebhookException('Notification type not implemented');
$webhookServer = WebhookServer::create($callback, PROJECT_KEY);
Once you've finished the handling of notifications on your server, please set up the URL that will receive all webhook notifications on the Settings page for your project.
## Troubleshooting
You can find solutions for the most frequently encountered errors in our [documentation](http://developers.xsolla.com/#php_troubleshooting).
## Contributing
Please take a look at the [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) to see how to get your changes merged in.
## Additional resources
* [Website](http://xsolla.com)
* [Documentation](http://developers.xsolla.com)
* [Status](http://status.xsolla.com)
* [Support and Feedback](mailto:[email protected])