namespace Xsolla\SDK\API;
use Guzzle\Common\Collection;
use Guzzle\Common\Event;
use Guzzle\Http\Exception\BadResponseException;
use Guzzle\Service\Client;
use Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription;
use Xsolla\SDK\API\PaymentUI\TokenRequest;
use Xsolla\SDK\Exception\API\XsollaAPIException;
use Xsolla\SDK\Version;
* @method array CreatePaymentUIToken(array $args = array()) Create payment UI token. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#payment-ui
* @method array CreateSubscriptionPlan(array $args = array()) Create a recurrent plan. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#create-a-plan
* @method array UpdateSubscriptionPlan(array $args = array()) Update a recurrent plan. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#update-a-plan
* @method void DeleteSubscriptionPlan(array $args = array()) Delete a recurrent plan. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#delete-a-plan
* @method void DisableSubscriptionPlan(array $args = array()) Disable a recurrent plan. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#disable-a-plan
* @method void EnableSubscriptionPlan(array $args = array()) Enable a recurrent plan. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#enable-a-plan
* @method array ListSubscriptionPlans(array $args = array()) List all recurrent plans. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-plans
* @method array CreateSubscriptionProduct(array $args = array()) Create a product. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#create-a-product
* @method array UpdateSubscriptionProduct(array $args = array()) Update a product. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#update-a-product
* @method void DeleteSubscriptionProduct(array $args = array()) Delete a product. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#delete-a-product
* @method array ListSubscriptionProducts(array $args = array()) List all recurrent products. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-products
* @method array UpdateSubscription(array $args = array()) Update a recurrent subscription. It's available to update the status of subscription (active or canceled) and to postpone the date of the next charge for current subscription. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#update-subscription
* @method array ListSubscriptions(array $args = array()) List all recurrent subscriptions. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-subscriptions
* @method array ListSubscriptionPayments(array $args = array()) List all recurrent payments. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-payments
* @method array ListUserSubscriptionPayments(array $args = array()) List all recurrent payments by user. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-payments-by-user
* @method array ListSubscriptionCurrencies(array $args = array()) List all recurrent currencies. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-currencies
* @method array ListUserAttributes(array $args = array()) Get list of user attributes. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-user-attributes
* @method array GetUserAttribute(array $args = array()) Show a user attribute. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#get-user-attribute
* @method array CreateUserAttribute(array $args = array()) Create user attribute. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#create-user-attribute
* @method void UpdateUserAttribute(array $args = array()) Update user attribute. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#update-user-attribute
* @method void DeleteUserAttribute(array $args = array()) Delete a user attribute. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#delete-user-attribute
* @method array CreateVirtualItem(array $args = array()) Create a virtual item. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#create-an-item
* @method array GetVirtualItem(array $args = array()) Get a virtual item. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#get-an-item
* @method void UpdateVirtualItem(array $args = array()) Update a virtual item. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#update-an-item
* @method void DeleteVirtualItem(array $args = array()) Delete a virtual item. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#delete-an-item
* @method array ListVirtualItems(array $args = array()) List a virtual items. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-items
* @method array CreateVirtualItemsGroup(array $args = array()) Create a virtual items group. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#create-a-group
* @method array GetVirtualItemsGroup(array $args = array()) Get a virtual items group. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#get-a-group
* @method void UpdateVirtualItemsGroup(array $args = array()) Update a virtual items group. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#update-a-group
* @method void DeleteVirtualItemsGroup(array $args = array()) Delete a virtual items group. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#delete-a-group
* @method array ListVirtualItemsGroups(array $args = array()) List all virtual items groups. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-groups
* @method void UpdateVirtualItemOrderInGroup(array $args = array()) Update items order in group. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#change-an-items-order
* @method array GetProjectVirtualCurrencySettings(array $args = array()) Get project virtual currency settings. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-the-currency-package
* @method void UpdateProjectVirtualCurrencySettings(array $args = array()) Update project virtual currency settings. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#update-the-currency-package
* @method void CreateWalletUser(array $args = array()) Create a new user. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#create-a-new-user
* @method array GetWalletUser(array $args = array()) Retrieve a user data. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#get-a-user
* @method void UpdateWalletUser(array $args = array()) Update user's information. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#update-an-user
* @method array ListWalletUsers(array $args = array()) List all users. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-users
* @method array ListWalletUserOperations(array $args = array()) List all operations. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-operations
* @method array RechargeWalletUserBalance(array $args = array()) Change a balance. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#change-a-balance
* @method array ListWalletUserVirtualItems(array $args = array()) Get user's virtual items. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-virtual-items
* @method void AddVirtualItemToWalletUser(array $args = array()) Add the virtual items to the user's account. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#add-items-to-the-user
* @method void DeleteVirtualItemFromWalletUser(array $args = array()) Delete the virtual items from the user's account. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#delete-items-from-the-user
* @method array GetCoupon(array $args = array()) Get information about coupon by code. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#get-a-coupon
* @method array RedeemCoupon(array $args = array()) Redeem coupon by code. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#redeem-a-coupon
* @method array CreatePromotion(array $args = array()) Create a new promotion. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#create-a-new-promotion
* @method array GetPromotion(array $args = array()) Get a promotion. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#get-the-promotion
* @method void UpdatePromotion(array $args = array()) Update a promotion. If the promotion is read-only (read_only = true), you are not allowed to change "project_id" parameter. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#update-the-promotion
* @method array ReviewPromotion(array $args = array()) Check the promotion, if it is ready for activation. This method returns the list of errors (if they exist). http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#review-the-promotion
* @method void TogglePromotion(array $args = array()) Toggle the promotion. Change the status of promotion from enabled to disabled and vice versa. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#toggle-the-promotion
* @method void DeletePromotion(array $args = array()) Delete a promotion. Only disabled promotion is allowed to delete (enabled = false). http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#delete-the-promotion
* @method array ListPromotions(array $args = array()) List all promotions. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-promotions
* @method array GetPromotionSubject(array $args = array()) Get the subject of the promotion. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#get-the-subject
* @method void SetPromotionSubject(array $args = array()) Set the subject of the promotion. If the promotion is read-only (read_only = true), you are not allowed to update the subject. The subject can take the following values: "purchase", or "items", or "packages". http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#set-the-subject
* @method array GetPromotionPaymentSystems(array $args = array()) Get the payment systems of the promotion. If the payment systems list is empty, the promotion will be valid for all payment systems. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#get-the-payment-systems
* @method void SetPromotionPaymentSystems(array $args = array()) Set the payment systems of the promotion. If the payment systems list is empty, the promotion will be applied for all payment systems. If the promotion is read-only (read_only = true), you are not allowed to call this command. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#set-the-payment-systems
* @method array GetPromotionPeriods(array $args = array()) Get the periods of the promotion. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#get-the-periods
* @method void SetPromotionPeriods(array $args = array()) Set the periods of the promotion. If the promotion is read-only (read_only = true), you are not allowed to edit existing periods, add new periods only. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#set-the-periods
* @method array GetPromotionRewards(array $args = array()) Get the rewards of the promotion. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#get-the-rewards
* @method void SetPromotionRewards(array $args = array()) Set the rewards to the promotion. If the promotion is read-only (read_only = true), you are not allowed to update the rewards. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#set-the-rewards
* @method array ListEvents(array $args = array()) List all events from Xsolla Event System. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-events
* @method array SearchPaymentsRegistry(array $args = array()) Get a transaction list based on specific search parameters. JSON, CSV or XML will be returned in response from the API. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#search-all-transactions
* @method array ListPaymentsRegistry(array $args = array()) Get information about all transactions for specified data range/transfer/report in different data formats. JSON, CSV or XML will be returned in response from the API. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-transactions
* @method array ListTransfersRegistry(array $args = array()) List all transfers. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-transfers
* @method array ListReportsRegistry(array $args = array()) Get a list of finance reports for specified data range. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-reports
* @method void CreateRefundRequest(array $args = array()) Send a refund request. Money will be returned to user. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#send-a-refund-request
* @method array ListSupportTickets(array $args = array()) List all tickets. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-tickets
* @method array ListSupportTicketComments(array $args = array()) List all comments. http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-comments
* @method array CreateGameDeliveryEntity(array $args = array()) Create game delivery entity http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#create-game-delivery-entity
* @method array GetGameDeliveryEntity(array $args = array()) Get a game delivery entity http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#get-a-game-delivery-entity
* @method void UpdateGameDeliveryEntity(array $args = array()) Update a game delivery entity http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#update-a-game-delivery-entity
* @method array ListGameDeliveryEntities(array $args = array()) List all game delivery entities http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-all-game-delivery-entities
* @method array ListGameDeliveryDrmPlatforms(array $args = array()) List available DRM platforms http://developers.xsolla.com/api.html#list-available-drm-platforms
class XsollaClient extends Client
* @var int
protected $merchantId;
* @var Client
protected $guzzleClient;
* @internal
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
public static function jsonEncode($value)
$flags = 0;
if (defined('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT')) {
return json_encode($value, $flags);
* @param array $config
* @return static
public static function factory($config = array())
$default = array(
'ssl.certificate_authority' => 'system',
$required = array(
$config = Collection::fromConfig($config, $default, $required);
$client = new static(isset($config['base_url']) ? $config['base_url'] : null, $config);
$client->setDefaultOption('auth', array($config['merchant_id'], $config['api_key'], 'Basic'));
$client->setDefaultOption('headers', array('Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'));
$client->setDefaultOption('command.params', array('merchant_id' => $config['merchant_id']));
$exceptionCb = function (Event $event) {
$previous = $event['exception'];
if ($previous instanceof BadResponseException) {
$e = XsollaAPIException::fromBadResponse($previous);
} else {
/* @var \Exception $previous */
$e = new XsollaAPIException(
'XsollaClient Exception: '.$previous->getMessage().' Please check troubleshooting section in README.md https://github.com/xsolla/xsolla-sdk-php#troubleshooting',
throw $e;
/* @var \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher */
$dispatcher = $client->getEventDispatcher();
$dispatcher->addListener('request.exception', $exceptionCb);
return $client;
* @param int $projectId
* @param string $userId
* @param bool $sandboxMode
* @return string
public function createCommonPaymentUIToken($projectId, $userId, $sandboxMode = false)
$tokenRequest = new TokenRequest($projectId, $userId);
return $this->createPaymentUITokenFromRequest($tokenRequest);
* @param TokenRequest $tokenRequest
* @return string
public function createPaymentUITokenFromRequest(TokenRequest $tokenRequest)
$parsedResponse = $this->CreatePaymentUIToken(array('request' => $tokenRequest->toArray()));
return $parsedResponse['token'];