* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (https://cakephp.org)
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* @link https://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 3.0.0
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
namespace Cake\Datasource;
use BadMethodCallException;
use Cake\Collection\Iterator\MapReduce;
use Cake\Datasource\Exception\RecordNotFoundException;
* Contains the characteristics for an object that is attached to a repository and
* can retrieve results based on any criteria.
trait QueryTrait
* Instance of a table object this query is bound to
* @var \Cake\Datasource\RepositoryInterface
protected $_repository;
* A ResultSet.
* When set, query execution will be bypassed.
* @var \Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface|null
* @see \Cake\Datasource\QueryTrait::setResult()
protected $_results;
* List of map-reduce routines that should be applied over the query
* result
* @var array
protected $_mapReduce = [];
* List of formatter classes or callbacks that will post-process the
* results when fetched
* @var callable[]
protected $_formatters = [];
* A query cacher instance if this query has caching enabled.
* @var \Cake\Datasource\QueryCacher|null
protected $_cache;
* Holds any custom options passed using applyOptions that could not be processed
* by any method in this class.
* @var array
protected $_options = [];
* Whether the query is standalone or the product of an eager load operation.
* @var bool
protected $_eagerLoaded = false;
* Returns the default table object that will be used by this query,
* that is, the table that will appear in the from clause.
* When called with a Table argument, the default table object will be set
* and this query object will be returned for chaining.
* @param \Cake\Datasource\RepositoryInterface|null $table The default table object to use
* @return \Cake\Datasource\RepositoryInterface|$this
public function repository(RepositoryInterface $table = null)
if ($table === null) {
'Using Query::repository() as getter is deprecated. ' .
'Use getRepository() instead.'
return $this->getRepository();
$this->_repository = $table;
return $this;
* Returns the default table object that will be used by this query,
* that is, the table that will appear in the from clause.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\RepositoryInterface
public function getRepository()
return $this->_repository;
* Set the result set for a query.
* Setting the resultset of a query will make execute() a no-op. Instead
* of executing the SQL query and fetching results, the ResultSet provided to this
* method will be returned.
* This method is most useful when combined with results stored in a persistent cache.
* @param \Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface $results The results this query should return.
* @return $this
public function setResult($results)
$this->_results = $results;
return $this;
* Executes this query and returns a results iterator. This function is required
* for implementing the IteratorAggregate interface and allows the query to be
* iterated without having to call execute() manually, thus making it look like
* a result set instead of the query itself.
* @return \Iterator
public function getIterator()
return $this->all();
* Enable result caching for this query.
* If a query has caching enabled, it will do the following when executed:
* - Check the cache for $key. If there are results no SQL will be executed.
* Instead the cached results will be returned.
* - When the cached data is stale/missing the result set will be cached as the query
* is executed.
* ### Usage
* ```
* // Simple string key + config
* $query->cache('my_key', 'db_results');
* // Function to generate key.
* $query->cache(function ($q) {
* $key = serialize($q->clause('select'));
* $key .= serialize($q->clause('where'));
* return md5($key);
* });
* // Using a pre-built cache engine.
* $query->cache('my_key', $engine);
* // Disable caching
* $query->cache(false);
* ```
* @param false|string|\Closure $key Either the cache key or a function to generate the cache key.
* When using a function, this query instance will be supplied as an argument.
* @param string|\Cake\Cache\CacheEngine $config Either the name of the cache config to use, or
* a cache config instance.
* @return $this
public function cache($key, $config = 'default')
if ($key === false) {
$this->_cache = null;
return $this;
$this->_cache = new QueryCacher($key, $config);
return $this;
* Returns the current configured query `_eagerLoaded` value
* @return bool
public function isEagerLoaded()
return $this->_eagerLoaded;
* Sets the query instance to be an eager loaded query. If no argument is
* passed, the current configured query `_eagerLoaded` value is returned.
* @deprecated 3.5.0 Use isEagerLoaded() for the getter part instead.
* @param bool|null $value Whether or not to eager load.
* @return $this|bool
public function eagerLoaded($value = null)
if ($value === null) {
'Using ' . get_called_class() . '::eagerLoaded() as a getter is deprecated. ' .
'Use isEagerLoaded() instead.'
return $this->_eagerLoaded;
$this->_eagerLoaded = $value;
return $this;
* Returns a key => value array representing a single aliased field
* that can be passed directly to the select() method.
* The key will contain the alias and the value the actual field name.
* If the field is already aliased, then it will not be changed.
* If no $alias is passed, the default table for this query will be used.
* @param string $field The field to alias
* @param string|null $alias the alias used to prefix the field
* @return array
public function aliasField($field, $alias = null)
$namespaced = strpos($field, '.') !== false;
$aliasedField = $field;
if ($namespaced) {
list($alias, $field) = explode('.', $field);
if (!$alias) {
$alias = $this->getRepository()->getAlias();
$key = sprintf('%s__%s', $alias, $field);
if (!$namespaced) {
$aliasedField = $alias . '.' . $field;
return [$key => $aliasedField];
* Runs `aliasField()` for each field in the provided list and returns
* the result under a single array.
* @param array $fields The fields to alias
* @param string|null $defaultAlias The default alias
* @return array
public function aliasFields($fields, $defaultAlias = null)
$aliased = [];
foreach ($fields as $alias => $field) {
if (is_numeric($alias) && is_string($field)) {
$aliased += $this->aliasField($field, $defaultAlias);
$aliased[$alias] = $field;
return $aliased;
* Fetch the results for this query.
* Will return either the results set through setResult(), or execute this query
* and return the ResultSetDecorator object ready for streaming of results.
* ResultSetDecorator is a traversable object that implements the methods found
* on Cake\Collection\Collection.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface
public function all()
if ($this->_results !== null) {
return $this->_results;
if ($this->_cache) {
$results = $this->_cache->fetch($this);
if (!isset($results)) {
$results = $this->_decorateResults($this->_execute());
if ($this->_cache) {
$this->_cache->store($this, $results);
$this->_results = $results;
return $this->_results;
* Returns an array representation of the results after executing the query.
* @return array
public function toArray()
return $this->all()->toArray();
* Register a new MapReduce routine to be executed on top of the database results
* Both the mapper and caller callable should be invokable objects.
* The MapReduce routing will only be run when the query is executed and the first
* result is attempted to be fetched.
* If the first argument is set to null, it will return the list of previously
* registered map reduce routines. This is deprecated as of 3.6.0 - use getMapReducers() instead.
* If the third argument is set to true, it will erase previous map reducers
* and replace it with the arguments passed.
* @param callable|null $mapper The mapper callable.
* @param callable|null $reducer The reducing function.
* @param bool $overwrite Set to true to overwrite existing map + reduce functions.
* @return $this|array
* @see \Cake\Collection\Iterator\MapReduce for details on how to use emit data to the map reducer.
public function mapReduce(callable $mapper = null, callable $reducer = null, $overwrite = false)
if ($overwrite) {
$this->_mapReduce = [];
if ($mapper === null) {
if (!$overwrite) {
'Using QueryTrait::mapReduce() as a getter is deprecated. ' .
'Use getMapReducers() instead.'
return $this->_mapReduce;
$this->_mapReduce[] = compact('mapper', 'reducer');
return $this;
* Returns the list of previously registered map reduce routines.
* @return array
public function getMapReducers()
return $this->_mapReduce;
* Registers a new formatter callback function that is to be executed when trying
* to fetch the results from the database.
* Formatting callbacks will get a first parameter, an object implementing
* `\Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface`, that can be traversed and modified at will.
* Callbacks are required to return an iterator object, which will be used as
* the return value for this query's result. Formatter functions are applied
* after all the `MapReduce` routines for this query have been executed.
* If the first argument is set to null, it will return the list of previously
* registered format routines. This is deprecated as of 3.6.0 - use getResultFormatters() instead.
* If the second argument is set to true, it will erase previous formatters
* and replace them with the passed first argument.
* ### Example:
* ```
* // Return all results from the table indexed by id
* $query->select(['id', 'name'])->formatResults(function ($results) {
* return $results->indexBy('id');
* });
* // Add a new column to the ResultSet
* $query->select(['name', 'birth_date'])->formatResults(function ($results) {
* return $results->map(function ($row) {
* $row['age'] = $row['birth_date']->diff(new DateTime)->y;
* return $row;
* });
* });
* ```
* @param callable|null $formatter The formatting callable.
* @param bool|int $mode Whether or not to overwrite, append or prepend the formatter.
* @return $this|array
public function formatResults(callable $formatter = null, $mode = 0)
if ($mode === self::OVERWRITE) {
$this->_formatters = [];
if ($formatter === null) {
if ($mode !== self::OVERWRITE) {
'Using QueryTrait::formatResults() as a getter is deprecated. ' .
'Use getResultFormatters() instead.'
return $this->_formatters;
if ($mode === self::PREPEND) {
array_unshift($this->_formatters, $formatter);
return $this;
$this->_formatters[] = $formatter;
return $this;
* Returns the list of previously registered format routines.
* @return array
public function getResultFormatters()
return $this->_formatters;
* Returns the first result out of executing this query, if the query has not been
* executed before, it will set the limit clause to 1 for performance reasons.
* ### Example:
* ```
* $singleUser = $query->select(['id', 'username'])->first();
* ```
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface|array|null The first result from the ResultSet.
public function first()
if ($this->_dirty) {
return $this->all()->first();
* Get the first result from the executing query or raise an exception.
* @throws \Cake\Datasource\Exception\RecordNotFoundException When there is no first record.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface|array The first result from the ResultSet.
public function firstOrFail()
$entity = $this->first();
if (!$entity) {
/** @var \Cake\ORM\Table $table */
$table = $this->getRepository();
throw new RecordNotFoundException(sprintf(
'Record not found in table "%s"',
return $entity;
* Returns an array with the custom options that were applied to this query
* and that were not already processed by another method in this class.
* ### Example:
* ```
* $query->applyOptions(['doABarrelRoll' => true, 'fields' => ['id', 'name']);
* $query->getOptions(); // Returns ['doABarrelRoll' => true]
* ```
* @see \Cake\Datasource\QueryInterface::applyOptions() to read about the options that will
* be processed by this class and not returned by this function
* @return array
public function getOptions()
return $this->_options;
* Enables calling methods from the result set as if they were from this class
* @param string $method the method to call
* @param array $arguments list of arguments for the method to call
* @return mixed
* @throws \BadMethodCallException if no such method exists in result set
public function __call($method, $arguments)
$resultSetClass = $this->_decoratorClass();
if (in_array($method, get_class_methods($resultSetClass))) {
$results = $this->all();
return $results->$method(...$arguments);
throw new BadMethodCallException(
sprintf('Unknown method "%s"', $method)
* Populates or adds parts to current query clauses using an array.
* This is handy for passing all query clauses at once.
* @param array $options the options to be applied
* @return $this
abstract public function applyOptions(array $options);
* Executes this query and returns a traversable object containing the results
* @return \Traversable
abstract protected function _execute();
* Decorates the results iterator with MapReduce routines and formatters
* @param \Traversable $result Original results
* @return \Cake\Datasource\ResultSetInterface
protected function _decorateResults($result)
$decorator = $this->_decoratorClass();
foreach ($this->_mapReduce as $functions) {
$result = new MapReduce($result, $functions['mapper'], $functions['reducer']);
if (!empty($this->_mapReduce)) {
$result = new $decorator($result);
foreach ($this->_formatters as $formatter) {
$result = $formatter($result);
if (!empty($this->_formatters) && !($result instanceof $decorator)) {
$result = new $decorator($result);
return $result;
* Returns the name of the class to be used for decorating results
* @return string
protected function _decoratorClass()
return ResultSetDecorator::class;