Просмотр файла vendor/php-di/php-di/src/functions.php

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namespace DI;

use DI\Definition\ArrayDefinitionExtension;
use DI\Definition\EnvironmentVariableDefinition;
use DI\Definition\Helper\AutowireDefinitionHelper;
use DI\Definition\Helper\CreateDefinitionHelper;
use DI\Definition\Helper\FactoryDefinitionHelper;
use DI\Definition\Reference;
use DI\Definition\StringDefinition;
use DI\Definition\ValueDefinition;

if (! function_exists('DI\value')) {
     * Helper for defining a value.
     * @param mixed $value
    function value($value) : ValueDefinition
        return new ValueDefinition($value);

if (! function_exists('DI\create')) {
     * Helper for defining an object.
     * @param string|null $className Class name of the object.
     *                               If null, the name of the entry (in the container) will be used as class name.
    function create(string $className = null) : CreateDefinitionHelper
        return new CreateDefinitionHelper($className);

if (! function_exists('DI\autowire')) {
     * Helper for autowiring an object.
     * @param string|null $className Class name of the object.
     *                               If null, the name of the entry (in the container) will be used as class name.
    function autowire(string $className = null) : AutowireDefinitionHelper
        return new AutowireDefinitionHelper($className);

if (! function_exists('DI\factory')) {
     * Helper for defining a container entry using a factory function/callable.
     * @param callable $factory The factory is a callable that takes the container as parameter
     *                          and returns the value to register in the container.
    function factory($factory) : FactoryDefinitionHelper
        return new FactoryDefinitionHelper($factory);

if (! function_exists('DI\decorate')) {
     * Decorate the previous definition using a callable.
     * Example:
     *     'foo' => decorate(function ($foo, $container) {
     *         return new CachedFoo($foo, $container->get('cache'));
     *     })
     * @param callable $callable The callable takes the decorated object as first parameter and
     *                           the container as second.
    function decorate($callable) : FactoryDefinitionHelper
        return new FactoryDefinitionHelper($callable, true);

if (! function_exists('DI\get')) {
     * Helper for referencing another container entry in an object definition.
    function get(string $entryName) : Reference
        return new Reference($entryName);

if (! function_exists('DI\env')) {
     * Helper for referencing environment variables.
     * @param string $variableName The name of the environment variable.
     * @param mixed $defaultValue The default value to be used if the environment variable is not defined.
    function env(string $variableName, $defaultValue = null) : EnvironmentVariableDefinition
        // Only mark as optional if the default value was *explicitly* provided.
        $isOptional = 2 === func_num_args();

        return new EnvironmentVariableDefinition($variableName, $isOptional, $defaultValue);

if (! function_exists('DI\add')) {
     * Helper for extending another definition.
     * Example:
     *     'log.backends' => DI\add(DI\get('My\Custom\LogBackend'))
     * or:
     *     'log.backends' => DI\add([
     *         DI\get('My\Custom\LogBackend')
     *     ])
     * @param mixed|array $values A value or an array of values to add to the array.
     * @since 5.0
    function add($values) : ArrayDefinitionExtension
        if (! is_array($values)) {
            $values = [$values];

        return new ArrayDefinitionExtension($values);

if (! function_exists('DI\string')) {
     * Helper for concatenating strings.
     * Example:
     *     'log.filename' => DI\string('{app.path}/app.log')
     * @param string $expression A string expression. Use the `{}` placeholders to reference other container entries.
     * @since 5.0
    function string(string $expression) : StringDefinition
        return new StringDefinition($expression);