// (c) vavok.net
if (!$users->is_reg() || !$users->is_administrator(101)) {
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? check($_GET['action']) : '';
// main settings update
if ($action == "editone") {
// Check fields
if (empty($_POST['conf_set0']) || empty($_POST['conf_set1']) || empty($_POST['conf_set2']) || empty($_POST['conf_set3']) || empty($_POST['conf_set8']) || empty($_POST['conf_set9']) || empty($_POST['conf_set10']) || empty($_POST['conf_set11']) || empty($_POST['conf_set14']) || empty($_POST['conf_set21']) || empty($_POST['conf_set29']) || empty($_POST['conf_set61']) || empty($_POST['conf_set62']) || empty($_POST['conf_set63'])) {
$ufile = file_get_contents(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat");
$udata = explode("|", $ufile);
$udata[0] = check($_POST['conf_set0']);
$udata[1] = check($_POST['conf_set1']);
$udata[2] = check($_POST['conf_set2']);
$udata[3] = check($_POST['conf_set3']);
$udata[8] = check($_POST['conf_set8']);
$udata[9] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($_POST['conf_set9'])));
$udata[10] = check($_POST['conf_set10']);
$udata[11] = check($_POST['conf_set11']);
$udata[14] = check($_POST['conf_set14']);
$udata[21] = check($_POST['conf_set21']); // transfer protocol
$udata[29] = (int)$_POST['conf_set29'];
$udata[47] = check($_POST['conf_set47']);
$udata[61] = (int)$_POST['conf_set61'];
$udata[62] = (int)$_POST['conf_set62'];
$udata[63] = (int)$_POST['conf_set63'];
$utext = '';
for ($u = 0; $u < $config["configKeys"]; $u++) {
$utext .= $udata[$u] . '|';
// update configuration file
if (!empty($udata[8]) && !empty($udata[9])) {
file_put_contents(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat", $utext);
// update .htaccess file
// dont force https
$htaccess_tp_nos = '# force https protocol
#RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
#RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]';
// force https
$htaccess_tp_s = '# force https protocol
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]';
if (get_configuration('transferProtocol') == 'HTTPS' && ($udata[21] == 'auto' || $udata[21] == 'HTTP')) {
// Disable forcing HTTPS in .htaccess
$file = file_get_contents('../.htaccess');
$start = strpos($file, '# force https protocol');
$strlen = mb_strlen($htaccess_tp_s); // find string length
$file = substr_replace($file, $htaccess_tp_nos, $start, $strlen);
file_put_contents('../.htaccess', $file);
} elseif ($udata[21] == 'HTTPS' && (get_configuration('transferProtocol') == 'HTTP' || get_configuration('transferProtocol') == 'auto')) {
// Enable forcing HTTPS in .htaccess
$file = file_get_contents('../.htaccess');
$start = strpos($file, '# force https protocol');
$strlen = mb_strlen($htaccess_tp_nos); // find string length
$file = substr_replace($file, $htaccess_tp_s, $start, $strlen);
file_put_contents('../.htaccess', $file);
if ($action == "edittwo") {
if ($_POST['conf_set4'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set5'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set7'] != "" && isset($_POST['conf_set32']) && $_POST['conf_set74'] != "") {
$ufile = file(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat");
$udata = explode("|", $ufile[0]);
$udata[4] = (int)$_POST['conf_set4'];
$udata[5] = (int)$_POST['conf_set5'];
$udata[7] = (int)$_POST['conf_set7'];
$udata[32] = (int)$_POST['conf_set32']; // cookie consent
$udata[74] = (int)$_POST['conf_set74'];
for ($u = 0; $u < $config["configKeys"]; $u++) {
$utext .= $udata[$u] . '|';
if (!empty($udata[8]) && !empty($udata[9])) {
// Save data
file_put_contents(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat", $utext);
redirect_to ("settings.php?isset=mp_yesset");
} else {
header ("Location: settings.php?action=settwo&isset=mp_nosset");
if ($action == "editthree") {
if ($_POST['conf_set20'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set22'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set24'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set25'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set56'] != "") {
$ufile = file(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat");
$udata = explode("|", $ufile[0]);
$udata[20] = (int)$_POST['conf_set20'];
$udata[22] = (int)$_POST['conf_set22'];
$udata[24] = (int)$_POST['conf_set24'];
$udata[25] = (int)$_POST['conf_set25'];
$udata[56] = (int)$_POST['conf_set56'];
$udata[63] = (int)$_POST['conf_set63'];
$udata[64] = (int)$_POST['conf_set64'];
$udata[65] = (int)$_POST['conf_set65'];
for ($u = 0; $u < $config["configKeys"]; $u++) {
$utext .= $udata[$u] . '|';
file_put_contents(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat", $utext);
header ("Location: settings.php?isset=mp_yesset");
} else {
header ("Location: settings.php?action=setthree&isset=mp_nosset");
if ($action == "editfour") {
if ($_POST['conf_set38'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set39'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set49'] != "") {
// update main config
$ufile = file(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat");
$udata = explode("|", $ufile[0]);
if (!empty($_POST['conf_set28'])) {
$udata[28] = (int)$_POST['conf_set28'];
$udata[37] = (int)$_POST['conf_set37'];
$udata[38] = (int)$_POST['conf_set38'];
$udata[38] = $udata[38] * 1024;
$udata[38] = (int)$udata[38];
$udata[39] = (int)$_POST['conf_set39'];
$udata[49] = (int)$_POST['conf_set49'];
$udata[68] = (int)$_POST['conf_set68'];
for ($u = 0; $u < $config["configKeys"]; $u++) {
$utext .= $udata[$u] . '|';
file_put_contents(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat", $utext);
// update gallery settings
$gallery_file = file(BASEDIR . "used/dataconfig/gallery.dat");
if ($gallery_file) {
$gallery_data = explode("|", $gallery_file[0]);
$gallery_data[0] = (int)$_POST['gallery_set0'];
$gallery_data[8] = (int)$_POST['gallery_set8']; // photos per page
$gallery_data[5] = (int)$_POST['screen_width'];
$gallery_data[6] = (int)$_POST['screen_height'];
$gallery_data[7] = (int)$_POST['media_buttons'];
for ($u = 0; $u < $config["configKeys"]; $u++) {
$gallery_text .= $gallery_data[$u] . '|';
if (isset($gallery_data[0])) {
file_put_contents(BASEDIR . "used/dataconfig/gallery.dat", $gallery_text);
} else { redirect_to("settings.php?action=setfour&isset=mp_nosset"); }
if ($action == "editfive") {
if (!empty($_POST['conf_set30'])) {
$ufile = file(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat");
$udata = explode("|", $ufile[0]);
$udata[30] = (int)$_POST['conf_set30'];
for ($u = 0; $u < $config["configKeys"]; $u++) {
$utext .= $udata[$u] . '|';
if (!empty($udata[8]) && !empty($udata[9])) {
file_put_contents(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat", $utext);
} else { redirect_to("settings.php?action=setfive&isset=mp_nosset"); }
if ($action == "editseven") {
if (!empty($_POST['conf_set6']) || !empty($_POST['conf_set51']) || !empty($_POST['conf_set70'])) {
// url of custom pages
$htaccess = file_get_contents('../.htaccess'); // load .htaccess file
// replace custom link
$chars = strlen('# website custom pages');
$start = strpos($htaccess, '# website custom pages') + $chars;
$end = strpos($htaccess, '# end of website custom pages');
$replace = '';
for ($i=$start; $i < $end; $i++) {
$replace .= $htaccess[$i];
// do replacement
if (!empty($_POST['conf_set28'])) {
$_POST['conf_set28'] = str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['conf_set28']);
$replacement = "\r\n" . 'RewriteRule ^' . $_POST['conf_set28'] . '\/([^\/]+)\/?$ pages/pages.php?pg=$1 [NC,L]' . "\r\n";
} else { $replacement = "\r\n# custom_link - don't remove\r\n"; }
$new_htaccess = str_replace($replace, $replacement, $htaccess);
// save changes
file_put_contents('../.htaccess', $new_htaccess);
$data = array(
6 => $_POST['conf_set6'],
28 => $_POST['conf_set28'],
51 => $_POST['conf_set51'],
70 => $_POST['conf_set70']
$config_update = new Config();
} else {
if ($action == "editeight") {
if ($_POST['conf_set58'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set76'] != "") {
$ufile = file(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat");
$udata = explode("|", $ufile[0]);
$udata[58] = (int)$_POST['conf_set58'];
$udata[76] = round($_POST['conf_set76'] * 1440);
for ($u = 0; $u < $config["configKeys"]; $u++) {
$utext .= $udata[$u] . '|';
if (!empty($udata[8]) && !empty($udata[9])) {
file_put_contents(BASEDIR . "used/config.dat", $utext);
} else {
// edit database settings
if ($action == "editnine") {
if ($_POST['conf_set77'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set78'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set79'] != "" && $_POST['conf_set80'] != "") {
// check for tables
if (!$db->table_exists($_POST['conf_set71'] . 'pages')) { $db->copy_table('pages', $_POST['conf_set71']); } // pages for this site
if (!$db->table_exists($_POST['conf_set71'] . 'online')) { $db->copy_table('online', $_POST['conf_set71']); } // visitor counter for this site
if (!$db->table_exists($_POST['conf_set71'] . 'specperm')) { $db->copy_table('specperm', $_POST['conf_set71']); } // permittions for this site
if (!$db->table_exists($_POST['conf_set71'] . 'counter')) {
$db->copy_table('counter', $_POST['conf_set71']);
// set default values
$db->query("INSERT INTO " . $_POST['conf_set71'] . "counter (`day`, `month`, `visits_today`, `visits_total`, `clicks_today`, `clicks_total`) VALUES (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)");
} // visitor counter for this site
$data = array(
71 => $_POST['conf_set71'], // crossdomain table prefix 'tablePrefix'
77 => $_POST['conf_set77'],
78 => $_POST['conf_set78'],
79 => $_POST['conf_set79'],
80 => $_POST['conf_set80']
$config_update = new Config();
} else {
$my_title = "Settings";
require_once BASEDIR . "themes/" . MY_THEME . "/index.php";
if (empty($action)) {
echo '<a href="settings.php?action=setone" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_apsetting['mainset'] . '</a>';
echo '<a href="settings.php?action=setnine" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_apsetting['mainset'] . ' -> ' . $lang_apsetting['database'] . '</a>';
echo '<a href="settings.php?action=settwo" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_apsetting['shwinfo'] . '</a>';
echo '<a href="settings.php?action=setthree" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_apsetting['bookchatnews'] . '</a>';
echo '<a href="settings.php?action=setfour" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_apsetting['forumgallery'] . '</a>';
echo '<a href="settings.php?action=setfive" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_home['inbox'] . '</a>';
// echo '<a href="settings.php?action=setsix" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_apsetting['advert'] . '</a><br />';
echo '<a href="settings.php?action=setseven" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_apsetting['pagemanage'] . '</a>';
echo '<a href="settings.php?action=seteight" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_apsetting['other'] . '</a>';
if ($_SESSION['permissions'] == 101 && $users->is_administrator()) {
// main settings
if ($action == "setone") {
echo '<h1>' . $lang_apsetting['mainset'] . '</h1>';
echo '<form method="post" action="settings.php?action=editone">';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['language'] . ':<br /><select name="conf_set47"><option value="' . $config['siteDefaultLang'] . '">' . $config['siteDefaultLang'] . '</option>';
$dir = opendir ("../lang");
while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
if (!preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z.\_\-]/', $file) && $file != $config['siteDefaultLang'] && $file != '..' && $file != '.' && $file != "index.php" && $file != ".htaccess" && strlen($file) > 2) {
echo '<option value="' . $file . '">' . $file . '</option>';
echo '</select></p>';
$config_themes_show = str_replace("web_", "", $config['webtheme']);
$config_themes_show = str_replace("wap_", "", $config_themes_show);
$config_themes_show = ucfirst($config_themes_show);
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['webskin'] . ':<br /><select name="conf_set2"><option value="' . $config['webtheme'] . '">' . $config_themes_show . '</option>';
$dir = opendir ("../themes");
while ($file = readdir ($dir)) {
if (!preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z.\_\-]/', $file) && $file != $config['webtheme'] && $file != '..' && $file != '.' && $file != "index.php" && $file != ".htaccess" && $file != "templates") {
$nfile = str_replace("web_", "", $file);
$nfile = str_replace("wap_", "", $nfile);
$nfile = ucfirst($nfile);
echo '<option value="' . $file . '">' . $nfile . '</option>';
echo '</select></p>';
closedir ($dir);
// this will be admin username or system username
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['adminusername'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set8" maxlength="20" value="' . $config['adminNick'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['adminemail'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set9" maxlength="50" value="' . $config['adminEmail'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['timezone'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set10" maxlength="3" value="' . $config['timeZone'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['pagetitle'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set11" maxlength="100" value="' . $config['title'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['siteurl'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set14" maxlength="50" value="' . $config['homeUrl'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['floodtime'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set29" maxlength="3" value="' . $config['floodTime'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['passkey'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set1" maxlength="25" value="' . $config['keypass'] . '" /></p>';
// quarantine time
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['quarantinetime'] . ':<br /><select name="conf_set3">';
$quarantine = array(0 => "" . $lang_apsetting['disabled'] . "", 21600 => "6 " . $lang_apsetting['hours'] . "", 43200 => "12 " . $lang_apsetting['hours'] . "", 86400 => "24 " . $lang_apsetting['hours'] . "", 129600 => "36 " . $lang_apsetting['hours'] . "", 172800 => "48 " . $lang_apsetting['hours'] . "");
echo '<option value="' . $config['quarantine'] . '">' . $quarantine[$config['quarantine']] . '</option>';
foreach($quarantine as $k => $v) {
if ($k != $config['quarantine']) {
echo '<option value="' . $k . '">' . $v . '</option>';
echo '</select></p>';
// transfer protocol
echo '<p>Transfer protocol:<br /><select name="conf_set21">';
$tProtocol = array('HTTPS' => 'HTTPS', 'HTTP' => 'HTTP', 'auto' => 'auto');
if (empty($config['transferProtocol'])) $config['transferProtocol'] = 'auto';
echo '<option value="' . $config['transferProtocol'] . '">' . $tProtocol[$config['transferProtocol']] . '</option>';
foreach($tProtocol as $k => $v) {
if ($k != $config['transferProtocol']) {
echo '<option value="' . $k . '">' . $v . '</option>';
echo '</select></p>';
// is registration opened
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['openreg'] . ': <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . '';
if ($config['openReg'] == "1") {
echo '<input name="conf_set61" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set61" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($config['openReg'] == "0") {
echo '<input name="conf_set61" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set61" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
// does user need to confirm registration
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['confregs'] . ': <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . '';
if ($config['regConfirm'] == "1") {
echo '<input name="conf_set62" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set62" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($config['regConfirm'] == "0") {
echo '<input name="conf_set62" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set62" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
// redirect browser to mobile or desktop theme
echo '<p>Browser redirection: <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . '';
if ($config['redbrow'] == "1") {
echo '<input name="conf_set0" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set0" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($config['redbrow'] == "0") {
echo '<input name="conf_set0" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set0" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
// maintenance mode
echo '<p>Maintenance: <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . ''; // update lang
if ($config['siteOff'] == 1) {
echo '<input name="conf_set63" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set63" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($config['siteOff'] == 0) {
echo '<input name="conf_set63" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set63" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
echo '<br /><button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" />' . $lang_home['save'] . '</button></form><hr>';
echo '<br /><a href="settings.php" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_home['back'] . '</a>';
if ($action == "settwo") {
echo '<h1>' . $lang_apsetting['shwinfo'] . '</h1>';
echo '<form method="post" action="settings.php?action=edittwo">';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['showclock'] . ': <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . '';
if ($config['showtime'] == "1") {
echo '<input name="conf_set4" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set4" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($config['showtime'] == "0") {
echo '<input name="conf_set4" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set4" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['pagegen'] . ': <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . '';
if ($config['pageGenTime'] == "1") {
echo '<input name="conf_set5" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set5" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($config['pageGenTime'] == "0") {
echo '<input name="conf_set5" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set5" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['showonline'] . ': <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . '';
if ($config['showOnline'] == "1") {
echo '<input name="conf_set7" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set7" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($config['showOnline'] == "0") {
echo '<input name="conf_set7" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set7" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
// cookie consent
echo '<p>Cookie consent: <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . '';
if ($config['cookieConsent'] == "1") {
echo '<input name="conf_set32" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set32" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($config['cookieConsent'] == "0") {
echo '<input name="conf_set32" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set32" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['countlook'] . ':<br /><select name="conf_set74">';
$incounters = array(6 => "" . $lang_apsetting['dontshow'] . "", 1 => "" . $lang_apsetting['vsttotalvst'] . "", 2 => "" . $lang_apsetting['clicktotalclick'] . "", 3 => "" . $lang_apsetting['clickvisits'] . "", 4 => "" . $lang_apsetting['totclicktotvst']);
echo '<option value="' . $config['showCounter'] . '">' . $incounters[$config['showCounter']] . '</option>';
foreach($incounters as $k => $v) {
if ($k != $config['showCounter']) {
echo '<option value="' . $k . '">' . $v . '</option>';
echo '</select></p>';
echo '<br /><button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" />' . $lang_home['save'] . '</button></form><hr>';
echo '<br /><a href="settings.php" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_home['back'] . '</a>';
if ($action == "setthree") {
echo '<h1>' . $lang_apsetting['gbnewschatset'] . '</h1>';
echo '<form method="post" action="settings.php?action=editthree">';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['allowguestingb'] . ': <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'];
if ($config['bookGuestAdd'] == "1") {
echo '<input name="conf_set20" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set20" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($config['bookGuestAdd'] == "0") {
echo '<input name="conf_set20" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set20" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['maxinchat'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set22" maxlength="4" value="' . $config['maxPostChat'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['maxnews'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set24" maxlength="5" value="' . $config['maxPostNews'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['maxgbmsgs'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set25" maxlength="5" value="' . $config['maxPostBook'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['onepassmail'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set56" maxlength="3" value="' . $config['subMailPacket'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<br /><button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" />' . $lang_home['save'] . '</button></form><hr>';
echo '<br /><a href="settings.php" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_home['back'] . '</a>';
if ($action == "setfour") {
$kbs = $config['photoFileSize'] / 1024;
// forum settings
echo '<h1>' . $lang_apsetting['forumandgalset'] . '</h1>';
echo '<form method="post" action="settings.php?action=editfour">';
echo '<br /><img src="../images/img/forums.gif" alt=""/> Forum settings<br /><br />';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['forumon'] . ': <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . '';
if ($config['forumAccess'] == "1") {
echo '<input name="conf_set49" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set49" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($config['forumAccess'] == "0") {
echo '<input name="conf_set49" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set49" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
echo '<p>Show language dropdown: <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'];
if ($config['forumChLang'] == "1") {
echo '<input name="conf_set68" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set68" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($config['forumChLang'] == "0") {
echo '<input name="conf_set68" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="conf_set68" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
// gallery settings
$gallery_config = file(BASEDIR . "used/dataconfig/gallery.dat");
if ($gallery_config) {
$gallery_data = explode("|", $gallery_config[0]);
} else {
$gallery_data = explode("|", '|||||||||||||');
echo '<br /><img src="../images/img/forums.gif" alt=""/> Gallery settings<br /><br />';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['photosperpg'] . ':<br /><input name="gallery_set8" maxlength="2" value="' . $gallery_data[8] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>Maximum width in gallery:<br /><input name="screen_width" maxlength="5" value="' . $gallery_data[5] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>Maximum height in gallery:<br /><input name="screen_height" maxlength="5" value="' . $gallery_data[6] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>Social media like buttons in gallery <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes']; // update lang
if ($gallery_data[7] == "1") {
echo '<input name="media_buttons" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="media_buttons" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($gallery_data[7] == "0") {
echo '<input name="media_buttons" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="media_buttons" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
echo '<br /><img src="../images/img/forums.gif" alt=""/> Uploading in gallery<br /><br />';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['photomaxkb'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set38" maxlength="8" value="' . (int)$kbs . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['photopx'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set39" maxlength="4" value="' . $config['maxPhotoPixels'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>Users can upload? <br />' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . '';
if ($gallery_data[0] == "1") {
echo '<input name="gallery_set0" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="gallery_set0" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo ' ';
if ($gallery_data[0] == "0") {
echo '<input name="gallery_set0" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input name="gallery_set0" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</p>';
echo '<br /><button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" />' . $lang_home['save'] . '</button></form><hr>';
echo '<br /><a href="settings.php" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_home['back'] . '</a>';
if ($action == "setfive") {
echo '<h1>' . $lang_apsetting['downandinbxsets'] . '</h1>';
echo '<form method="post" action="settings.php?action=editfive">';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['maxinbxmsgs'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set30" maxlength="5" value="' . $config['pvtLimit'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<br /><button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" />' . $lang_home['save'] . '</button></form><hr>';
echo '<br /><a href="settings.php" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_home['back'] . '</a>';
if ($action == "setseven") {
echo '<h1>' . $lang_apsetting['pagessets'] . '</h1>';
echo '<form method="post" action="settings.php?action=editseven">';
echo '<div class="form-group">';
echo '<label for="custom-pages">' . $lang_home['customPageUrl'] . '</label>';
echo '<input class="form-control" name="conf_set28" id="custom-pages" value="' . $config['customPages'] . '" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="form-group">';
echo '<label for="referals">' . $lang_apsetting['maxrefererdata'] . '</label>';
echo '<input class="form-control" name="conf_set51" id="referals" maxlength="3" value="' . $config['refererLog'] . '" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['showrefpage'] . ': </p>';
echo '<div class="form-group form-check form-check-inline">';
if ($config['showRefPage'] == "1") {
echo '<input class="form-check-input" id="referal-yes" name="conf_set70" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input class="form-check-input" id="referal-yes" name="conf_set70" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo '<label class="form-check-label" for="referal-yes">' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . '</label>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="form-check form-check-inline">';
if ($config['showRefPage'] == "0") {
echo '<input class="form-check-input" id="referal-no" name="conf_set70" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input class="form-check-input" id="referal-no" name="conf_set70" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo '<label class="form-check-label" for="referal-no">' . $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</label>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<p>Facebook comments on pages:</p>'; // update lang
echo '<div class="form-group form-check form-check-inline">';
if ($config['pgFbComm'] == "1") {
echo '<input class="form-check-input" id="referal-yes" name="conf_set6" type="radio" value="1" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input class="form-check-input" id="referal-yes" name="conf_set6" type="radio" value="1" />';
echo '<label class="form-check-label" for="referal-yes">' . $lang_apsetting['yes'] . '</label>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="form-check form-check-inline">';
if ($config['pgFbComm'] == "0") {
echo '<input class="form-check-input" id="referal-no" name="conf_set6" type="radio" value="0" checked>';
} else {
echo '<input class="form-check-input" id="referal-no" name="conf_set6" type="radio" value="0" />';
echo '<label class="form-check-label" for="referal-no">' . $lang_apsetting['no'] . '</label>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="col-sm-10">';
echo '<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" />' . $lang_home['save'] . '</button></div>
echo '<br /><a href="settings.php" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_home['back'] . '</a>';
if ($action == "seteight") {
echo '<h1>' . $lang_apsetting['other'] . '</h1>';
echo '<form method="post" action="settings.php?action=editeight">';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['maxlogfile'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set58" maxlength="3" value="' . $config['maxLogData'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['maxbantime'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set76" maxlength="3" value="' . round($config['maxBanTime'] / 1440) . '" /></p>';
echo '<br /><button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" />' . $lang_home['save'] . '</button></form><hr>';
echo '<br /><a href="settings.php" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_home['back'] . '</a>';
// database settings
if ($action == "setnine") {
echo '<h1>Database settings</h1>';
echo '<form method="post" action="settings.php?action=editnine">';
echo '<p>Database host:<br /><input name="conf_set77" maxlength="40" value="' . $config['dbhost'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['username'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set78" maxlength="40" value="' . $config['dbuser'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['password'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set79" maxlength="40" value="' . $config['dbpass'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>' . $lang_apsetting['dbname'] . ':<br /><input name="conf_set80" maxlength="40" value="' . $config['dbname'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<p>Crossdomain table prefix:<br /><input name="conf_set71" maxlength="12" value="' . $config['tablePrefix'] . '" /></p>';
echo '<br /><button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" />' . $lang_home['save'] . '</button></form><hr>';
echo '<br /><a href="settings.php" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_home['back'] . '</a>';
echo '<p><a href="index.php" class="btn btn-outline-primary sitelink">' . $lang_home['admpanel'] . '</a><br />';
echo '<a href="../" class="btn btn-primary homepage">' . $lang_home['home'] . '</a></p>';
require_once BASEDIR . "themes/" . MY_THEME . "/foot.php";