<?php return array (
'domain' => 'forum',
'plural-forms' => 'nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);',
'messages' =>
array (
'' =>
array (
'Access forbidden' => 'Ruxsat yo‘q',
'Back' => 'Orqaga',
'Wrong data' => 'Noto\'g\'ri ma\'lumotlar',
'Add file' => 'Fayl qo‘shish',
'The time allotted for the file upload has expired' => 'Faylni yuklashga ajratilgan vaqt tugadi',
'File size exceed' => 'Fayl hajmi katta',
'The forbidden file format.<br>You can upload files of the following extension' => 'Ruxsat etilmagan fayl formati.<br>
Siz quyidagi turdagi fayllarni yuklashingiz mumkin',
'Error uploading file' => 'Faylni yuklashda xatolik yuz berdi',
'Repeat' => 'Takrorlash',
'Add File' => 'Fayl qo‘shish',
'Add Poll' => 'So‘rovnoma qo‘shish',
'Poll added' => 'So‘rovnoma qo‘shildi',
'Continue' => 'Davom etish',
'The required fields are not filled' => 'Zaruriy maydonlar to‘ldirilmadi',
'Answer' => 'Javob berish',
'Curators' => 'Nazoratichilar',
'Topic has been deleted or does not exists' => 'Mavzu o‘chirilgan yoki mavjud emas',
'Delete Topic' => 'Mavzuni o‘chirish',
'Delete Poll' => 'So‘rovnomani o‘chirish',
'Poll deleted' => 'So‘rovnoma o‘chirildi',
'Edit Message' => 'Xabarni tahrirlash',
'You cannot edit posts of higher administration' => 'Siz o‘zingizdan yuqori lavozimdagi foydalanuvchi xabarini tahrirlay olmaysiz',
'You are trying to change another\'s post' => 'Siz boshqa foydalanuvchi xabarlarini tahriray olmaysiz',
'Your message not already latest, you cannot change it' => 'Sizdan xabaringizdan keyin xabar yozilgani sababli siz ushbu xabarni tahrirlay olmaysiz',
'You cannot edit your posts after 5 minutes' => 'Siz o‘z xabarlaringizni 5 daqiqa o‘tib bo‘lgandan so‘ng tahrirlay olmaysiz',
'Message does not exists or has been deleted' => 'Xabar mavjud emas yoki o‘chirilgan',
'Forum' => 'Forum',
'Delete file' => 'Faylni o‘chirish',
'Delete Message' => 'Xabarni o‘chirish',
'You have not entered the message' => 'Xabarni kiritmadingiz',
'Error' => 'Xatolik yuz berdi',
'Edit Poll' => 'So‘rovnomani tahrirlash',
'Delete Answer' => 'Javobni o‘chirish',
'Poll changed' => 'So‘rovnoma tahrirlandi',
'Download file' => 'Yuklab olish',
'File does not exist' => 'Fayl mavjud emas',
'Windows applications' => 'Windows dasturlari',
'Java applications' => 'Java dasturlari',
'SIS' => 'SIS',
'txt' => 'matn',
'Pictures' => 'Rasmlar',
'Archive' => 'Arxiv',
'Videos' => 'Videolar',
'MP3' => 'MP3',
'Other' => 'Boshqalar',
'Category Files' => 'Kategoriya fayllari',
'Section files' => 'Bo\'limda fayllar',
'Topic Files' => 'Mavzu Fayllari',
'Forum Files' => 'Forum Fayllari',
'New Files' => 'Yangi fayllar',
'List of sections' => 'Bo\'limlar ro\'yxati',
'Filter by author' => 'Muallif tomonidan filtrlash',
'You have not selected any author' => 'Siz muallifni tanlamadingiz',
'Download topic' => 'Mavzuni yuklab olish',
'Delete posts' => 'Xabarlarni o\'chirish',
'Marked posts are deleted' => 'Belgilangan xabarlar o\'chirildi',
'You did not choose something to delete' => 'O\'chirish uchun hechnima tanlamadingiz',
'Unread' => 'O‘qilmagan',
'All topics marked as read' => 'Barcha mavzular o\'qilgan deb belgilangan',
'All for period %d hours' => 'Jami %d soat',
'There is nothing new in this forum for selected period' => 'Ushbu forumda tanlangan davr uchun yangilik yo\'q',
'The list is empty' => 'Ro‘yxat bo‘sh',
'Last 10' => 'Oxirgi 10 mavzu',
'New Topic' => 'Yangi Mavzu',
'Go to Section' => 'Bo\'limga o\'tish',
'You cannot add the message so often<br>Please, wait %d sec.' => 'Siz xabarni tez-tez qo\'sha olmaysiz <br> Iltimos, %d soniya kuting.',
'Move topic' => 'Mavzuni ko`chirish',
'New message' => 'Yangi xabar',
'You cannot write in a closed topic' => 'Mavzu yopilgan yozish mumkin emas!',
'Text is too short' => 'Matn juda qisqa',
'Message already exists' => 'Xabar allaqachon mavjud',
'Message not found' => 'Xabar topilmadi',
'You can not reply to your own message' => 'Siz o\'z xabaringizga javob yozolmaysiz',
'I am glad to answer you' => 'Men sizga javob berishdan xursandman',
'respond to Your message' => 'Sizning xabarga javob',
'Reply to message' => 'Xabarga javob',
'Forum search' => 'Forumdan qidirish',
'Invalid length' => 'Juda uzun',
'Show post' => 'Xabarni ko\'rish',
'Quote' => 'Iqtibos',
'This theme was downloaded from the forum site' => 'Ushbu mavzu forum saytidan yuklab olindi',
'Who voted in the poll' => 'So\'rovnomaga kim ovoz berdi',
'No one has voted in this poll yet' => 'Ushbu so\'rivnomaga hozircha hech kim ovoz bermagan',
'Vote accepted' => 'Ovoz qabul qilinadi',
'Guest' => 'Mehmon',
'Who in Topic' => 'Kim Mavzuda',
'In the forum Main' => 'Forum Bosh menyusi',
'Here, in the List' => 'Kim shu yerda',
'Looking forum files' => 'Forum fayllarida',
'In the unreads' => 'O‘qilmaganlar',
'In the Category' => 'Kategoriyada',
'In the Section' => 'Bo‘limda',
'Answers in the Topic' => 'Mavzuda javob qoldirish',
'Writes in the Topic' => 'Mavzuda javob qoldirish',
'In the Topic' => 'Mavzuda',
'Who in Forum' => 'Forumdagilar',
'Forum moderator' => 'Forum moderatori',
'Download moderator' => 'Yuklamalar moderatori',
'Library moderator' => 'Kutubxona moderatori',
'Super moderator' => 'Katta moderator',
'Administrator' => 'Ma‘mur',
'Supervisor' => 'Superma‘mur',
'Forum is closed' => 'Forum yopiq',
'For registered users only' => 'Faqat ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan foydalanuvchilar uchun',
'File attached' => 'Fayl biriktirilgan',
'Add more' => 'Yana qo‘shish',
'Back to topic' => 'Mavzuga qaytish',
'Choose file' => 'Faylni tanlang',
'Max. Size' => 'Maksimal hajmi',
'Upload' => 'Yuklash',
'Poll' => 'So‘rovnoma',
'Maximum length: 150 characters' => 'Maksimal uzunligi: 150 belgi',
'Answers' => 'Javoblar',
'Maximum length: 50 characters' => 'Maksimal uzunligi: 150 belgi',
'Add Answer' => 'Javob qo‘shish',
'Delete last' => 'Oxirgisini o‘chirish',
'Save' => 'Saqlash',
'Topic name' => 'Mavzu nomi',
'Do you really want to clear the search history?' => 'Rostdan ham qidiruvlar tarixini tozalamoqchimisiz?',
'Clear' => 'Tozalash',
'Cancel' => 'Bekor qilish',
'Changes saved' => 'O‘zgarishlar saqlandi',
'Assign' => 'Biriktirish',
'Do you really want to delete the answer?' => 'Siz rostdan ham ushbu javobni o‘chirmoqchimisiz?',
'Delete' => 'O‘chirish',
'Do you really want to delete?' => 'Rostdan ham o‘chirmoqchimisiz?',
'After deleting, one point will be subtracted from the counter of forum posts' => 'O‘chirilgandan so‘ng foydalanuvchi forumi xabarlaridan 1 qiymat olib tashlanadi',
'Do you really want to delete a poll?' => 'Rostdan ham so‘rovnomani o‘chirmoqchimisiz?',
'WARNING!<br>This is last post of topic. By deleting this post topic will be deleted (or hidden) too' => 'DIQQAT!<br>
Bu mavzudagi oxirgi xabar.
Ushbu xabar o‘chirilsa mavzu ham qo‘shib o‘chiriladi (yashiriladi)',
'Hide' => 'Yashirish',
'Perform' => 'Amalga oshirish',
'Link active 5 minutes' => 'Manzil 5 daqiqa faol bo‘ladi',
'Download' => 'Yuklab olish',
'Select format' => 'Formatini tanlang',
'Message' => 'Xabar',
'Preview' => 'Oldindan ko‘rish',
'Smilies' => 'Kulgichlar',
'Link to post' => 'Xabarga link',
'To message' => 'Xabarga o‘tish',
'To topic' => 'Mavzuga',
'Total' => 'Jami',
'Filter will be display posts from selected authors only' => 'Filtr faqat tanlangan mualliflarning xabarlarini namoyish etadi',
'Filter' => 'Filtr',
'Forum rules' => 'Forum qoidalari',
'Search query' => 'Qidiruv so\'rovi',
'Length of query: 4min., 64maks.<br>Search is case insensitive <br>Results are sorted by relevance.' => 'So\'rov uzunligi: 4min, 64maks. <br> Katta-kichikk harflar farqlanmaydi. Natijalar dolzarbligi bo\'yicha saralanadi.',
'Search in the topic names' => 'Mavzu nomlari bo\'yicha qidiruv',
'Search' => 'Izlash',
'Your search did not match any results' => 'Qidiruvingiz hech qanday natijaga mos kelmadi',
'Author' => 'Muallif',
'Go to Message' => 'Xabarga borish',
'Search History' => 'Qidiruv tarixi',
'Clear history' => 'Tarixni tozalash',
'Read only' => 'Faqat o\'qish uchun',
'Show for Period' => 'Davr uchun ko\'rsatish',
'Last activity' => 'Oxirgi faollik',
'Files' => 'Fayllar',
'Category' => 'Kategoriya',
'New section' => 'Yangi bo\'lim',
'Category is empty' => 'Kategoriya bo\'sh',
'Move' => 'Ko\'chir',
'Other categories' => 'Boshqa kategoriyalar',
'Title' => 'Sarlavha',
'Write' => 'Yozish',
'Period' => 'Davr',
'Show period' => 'Davrni ko\'rsatish',
'Pinned topic' => 'Belgilangan mavzu',
'Topic has poll' => 'Mavzuda so\'rovnoma bor',
'Closed topic' => 'Mavzuni yopish',
'Deleted topic' => 'Mavzuni o‘chirish',
'Last post' => 'Oxirgi post',
'Mark as read' => 'O‘qilgan deb belgilash',
'Topic' => 'Mavzu',
'Only allowed 200 characters, other text will be cropped.' => 'Faqat ruxsat berilgan 200 ta belgi, boshqa matnlar kesiladi.',
'Appeal' => 'Murojaat',
'Section Files' => 'Bo\'lim fayllari',
'There are no sections in this category' => 'Bu kategoriyada bo\'limlar yo\'q',
'Edited:' => 'Tahrirlangan:',
'Edited' => 'Tahrirladi',
'Attached files' => 'Biriktirilgan fayllar',
'Reply' => 'Javob qaytarish',
'Filter by author is activated' => 'Muallif filtri faollashtirilgan',
'Cancel Filter' => 'Filtrni bekor qilish',
'Topic closed' => 'Mavzu yopiq',
'Topic deleted by' => 'Mavzu o‘chirilgan',
'Undelete topic' => 'Mavzuni o\'chirish bekor qilindi',
'Vote' => 'Ovoz berish',
'Results' => 'Natijalar',
'Total votes' => 'Barcha ovozlar',
'Post deleted:' => 'Xabarni o‘chirdi:',
'Deleted' => 'Xabar o‘chirildi',
'Post restored by:' => 'Xabarni tikladi:',
'Restored' => 'Tikladi',
'Edit' => 'Tahrirlash',
'Restore' => 'Tiklash',
'Delete selected' => 'Belgilanganlarni o‘chirish',
'Actions with topic' => 'Mavzu bo\'yicha harakatlar',
'Curators of the Topic' => 'Mavzu murabbiylari',
'Open Topic' => 'Mavzuni ochish',
'Close Topic' => 'Mavzuni yopish',
'Restore Topic' => 'Mavzuni Qayta Tiklash',
'Unfix Topic' => 'Mavzuni ochish',
'Pin Topic' => 'Mavzuni qistirish',
'Move Topic' => 'Mavzuni ko`chirish',
'Download Topic' => 'Mavzuni yuklab olish',
'Who is here' => 'Kim bu yerda',
'No topics in this section' => 'Ushbu bo\'limda mavzular yo\'q',
'Last page' => 'Oxirgi sahifa',
'Go to Topic' => 'Mavzuga borish',
'Users' => 'Azolar',
'Guests' => 'Mehmonlar',