<?php return array (
'domain' => 'registration',
'plural-forms' => 'nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);',
'messages' =>
array (
'' =>
array (
'Registration' => 'A\'zo bo\'lish',
'You can get authorized on the site after confirmation of your registration.' => 'Siz ro\'yxatdan o\'tishni tasdiqlaganingizdan so\'ng saytga kirish huquqini olishingiz mumkin.',
'Please, do not register names like 111, shhhh, uuuu, etc. They will be deleted. <br /> Also all the profiles registered via proxy servers will be deleted' => 'Iltimos, 111, shhhh, uuuu va hokazo kabi nomlarni ro\'yxatdan o\'tkazmang, ular o\'chiriladi. <br /> Shuningdek, proksi-serverlar orqali ro\'yxatdan o\'tgan barcha profillar o\'chiriladi',
'Choose Nickname' => 'Tahallusingiz',
'Username' => 'Ismingiz',
'Min. 2, Max. 20 characters.<br />Allowed letters of the russian and latin alphabets, numbers and symbols - = @ ! ? ~ _ ( ) [ ] . * (Except zero)' => 'Min. 2, Maks. 20 ta belgi. <br /> Rus va lotin alifbolarining harflari, raqamlar va belgilar - = @! ? ~ _ () []. * (No\'ldan tashqari)',
'Assign a password' => 'Parolingizni kiriting',
'Select Gender' => 'Jinsni tanlang',
'Man' => 'Erkak',
'Woman' => 'Ayol',
'Your name' => 'Ismingiz',
'Tell us a little about yourself' => 'O\'zingiz haqingizda (majburiy emas)',
'Verification code' => 'Tekshiruv ko\'di',
'Enter verification code' => 'Tekshiruv ko\'dini kiriting',
'If you cannot see the image code, enable graphics in your browser and refresh this page' => 'Agar siz rasm kodini ko\'rmasangiz, brauzeringizda grafikani yoqing va ushbu sahifani yangilang',
'Registration is temporarily closed' => 'Saytga a\'zo bo\'lish yopilgan',
'Your ID' => 'Sizning ID',
'Your Username' => 'Sizning tahallus',
'Your Password' => 'Sizning parol',
'Please, wait until a moderator approves your registration' => 'Iltimos, moderator sizning ro\'yxatdan o\'tganingizni tasdiqlashini kuting...',
'Enter' => 'Kirish',