Просмотр файла vendor/doctrine/cache/lib/Doctrine/Common/Cache/PhpFileCache.php

Размер файла: 2.72Kb

namespace Doctrine\Common\Cache;

use function is_object;
use function method_exists;
use function restore_error_handler;
use function serialize;
use function set_error_handler;
use function sprintf;
use function time;
use function var_export;

 * Php file cache driver.
 * @deprecated Deprecated without replacement in doctrine/cache 1.11. This class will be dropped in 2.0
class PhpFileCache extends FileCache
    public const EXTENSION = '.doctrinecache.php';

     * @var callable
     * This is cached in a local static variable to avoid instantiating a closure each time we need an empty handler
    private static $emptyErrorHandler;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function __construct($directory, $extension = self::EXTENSION, $umask = 0002)
        parent::__construct($directory, $extension, $umask);

        self::$emptyErrorHandler = static function () {

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doFetch($id)
        $value = $this->includeFileForId($id);

        if ($value === null) {
            return false;

        if ($value['lifetime'] !== 0 && $value['lifetime'] < time()) {
            return false;

        return $value['data'];

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doContains($id)
        $value = $this->includeFileForId($id);

        if ($value === null) {
            return false;

        return $value['lifetime'] === 0 || $value['lifetime'] > time();

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function doSave($id, $data, $lifeTime = 0)
        if ($lifeTime > 0) {
            $lifeTime = time() + $lifeTime;

        $filename = $this->getFilename($id);

        $value = [
            'lifetime'  => $lifeTime,
            'data'      => $data,

        if (is_object($data) && method_exists($data, '__set_state')) {
            $value = var_export($value, true);
            $code  = sprintf('<?php return %s;', $value);
        } else {
            $value = var_export(serialize($value), true);
            $code  = sprintf('<?php return unserialize(%s);', $value);

        return $this->writeFile($filename, $code);

     * @return mixed[]|null
    private function includeFileForId(string $id): ?array
        $fileName = $this->getFilename($id);

        // note: error suppression is still faster than `file_exists`, `is_file` and `is_readable`

        $value = include $fileName;


        if (! isset($value['lifetime'])) {
            return null;

        return $value;