Размер файла: 3Kb
- <?php
- /**
- * Slim Framework (https://slimframework.com)
- *
- * @license https://github.com/slimphp/Slim/blob/4.x/LICENSE.md (MIT License)
- */
- declare(strict_types=1);
- namespace Slim\Factory;
- use RuntimeException;
- use Slim\Factory\Psr17\Psr17Factory;
- use Slim\Factory\Psr17\Psr17FactoryProvider;
- use Slim\Factory\Psr17\SlimHttpServerRequestCreator;
- use Slim\Interfaces\Psr17FactoryProviderInterface;
- use Slim\Interfaces\ServerRequestCreatorInterface;
- class ServerRequestCreatorFactory
- {
- protected static ?Psr17FactoryProviderInterface $psr17FactoryProvider = null;
- protected static ?ServerRequestCreatorInterface $serverRequestCreator = null;
- protected static bool $slimHttpDecoratorsAutomaticDetectionEnabled = true;
- public static function create(): ServerRequestCreatorInterface
- {
- return static::determineServerRequestCreator();
- }
- /**
- * @throws RuntimeException
- */
- public static function determineServerRequestCreator(): ServerRequestCreatorInterface
- {
- if (static::$serverRequestCreator) {
- return static::attemptServerRequestCreatorDecoration(static::$serverRequestCreator);
- }
- $psr17FactoryProvider = static::$psr17FactoryProvider ?? new Psr17FactoryProvider();
- /** @var Psr17Factory $psr17Factory */
- foreach ($psr17FactoryProvider->getFactories() as $psr17Factory) {
- if ($psr17Factory::isServerRequestCreatorAvailable()) {
- $serverRequestCreator = $psr17Factory::getServerRequestCreator();
- return static::attemptServerRequestCreatorDecoration($serverRequestCreator);
- }
- }
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Could not detect any ServerRequest creator implementations. " .
- "Please install a supported implementation in order to use `App::run()` " .
- "without having to pass in a `ServerRequest` object. " .
- "See https://github.com/slimphp/Slim/blob/4.x/README.md for a list of supported implementations."
- );
- }
- protected static function attemptServerRequestCreatorDecoration(
- ServerRequestCreatorInterface $serverRequestCreator
- ): ServerRequestCreatorInterface {
- if (
- static::$slimHttpDecoratorsAutomaticDetectionEnabled
- && SlimHttpServerRequestCreator::isServerRequestDecoratorAvailable()
- ) {
- return new SlimHttpServerRequestCreator($serverRequestCreator);
- }
- return $serverRequestCreator;
- }
- public static function setPsr17FactoryProvider(Psr17FactoryProviderInterface $psr17FactoryProvider): void
- {
- static::$psr17FactoryProvider = $psr17FactoryProvider;
- }
- public static function setServerRequestCreator(ServerRequestCreatorInterface $serverRequestCreator): void
- {
- self::$serverRequestCreator = $serverRequestCreator;
- }
- public static function setSlimHttpDecoratorsAutomaticDetection(bool $enabled): void
- {
- static::$slimHttpDecoratorsAutomaticDetectionEnabled = $enabled;
- }
- }