Просмотр файла assets/index-BYqAG32B.js

Размер файла: 1.26Mb
var Wf = (e,t,n)=>{
    if (!t.has(e))
        throw TypeError("Cannot " + n)
var G = (e,t,n)=>(Wf(e, t, "read from private field"),
n ? n.call(e) : t.get(e))
  , xe = (e,t,n)=>{
    if (t.has(e))
        throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once");
    t instanceof WeakSet ? t.add(e) : t.set(e, n)
  , he = (e,t,n,r)=>(Wf(e, t, "write to private field"),
r ? r.call(e, n) : t.set(e, n),
var Iu = (e,t,n,r)=>({
    set _(i) {
        he(e, t, i, n)
    get _() {
        return G(e, t, r)
  , Ie = (e,t,n)=>(Wf(e, t, "access private method"),
function ob(e, t) {
    for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
        const r = t[n];
        if (typeof r != "string" && !Array.isArray(r)) {
            for (const i in r)
                if (i !== "default" && !(i in e)) {
                    const s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, i);
                    s && Object.defineProperty(e, i, s.get ? s : {
                        enumerable: !0,
                        get: ()=>r[i]
    return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, {
        value: "Module"
(function() {
    const t = document.createElement("link").relList;
    if (t && t.supports && t.supports("modulepreload"))
    for (const i of document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="modulepreload"]'))
    new MutationObserver(i=>{
        for (const s of i)
            if (s.type === "childList")
                for (const o of s.addedNodes)
                    o.tagName === "LINK" && o.rel === "modulepreload" && r(o)
    ).observe(document, {
        childList: !0,
        subtree: !0
    function n(i) {
        const s = {};
        return i.integrity && (s.integrity = i.integrity),
        i.referrerPolicy && (s.referrerPolicy = i.referrerPolicy),
        i.crossOrigin === "use-credentials" ? s.credentials = "include" : i.crossOrigin === "anonymous" ? s.credentials = "omit" : s.credentials = "same-origin",
    function r(i) {
        if (i.ep)
        i.ep = !0;
        const s = n(i);
        fetch(i.href, s)
var Fu = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {};
function pu(e) {
    return e && e.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, "default") ? e.default : e
function cR(e) {
    if (e.__esModule)
        return e;
    var t = e.default;
    if (typeof t == "function") {
        var n = function r() {
            return this instanceof r ? Reflect.construct(t, arguments, this.constructor) : t.apply(this, arguments)
        n.prototype = t.prototype
    } else
        n = {};
    return Object.defineProperty(n, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    Object.keys(e).forEach(function(r) {
        var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r);
        Object.defineProperty(n, r, i.get ? i : {
            enumerable: !0,
            get: function() {
                return e[r]
var ab = {
    exports: {}
  , Xd = {}
  , lb = {
    exports: {}
  , ze = {};
 * @license React
 * react.production.min.js
 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var mu = Symbol.for("react.element")
  , dR = Symbol.for("react.portal")
  , fR = Symbol.for("react.fragment")
  , hR = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode")
  , pR = Symbol.for("react.profiler")
  , mR = Symbol.for("react.provider")
  , gR = Symbol.for("react.context")
  , vR = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref")
  , yR = Symbol.for("react.suspense")
  , wR = Symbol.for("react.memo")
  , xR = Symbol.for("react.lazy")
  , jy = Symbol.iterator;
function bR(e) {
    return e === null || typeof e != "object" ? null : (e = jy && e[jy] || e["@@iterator"],
    typeof e == "function" ? e : null)
var ub = {
    isMounted: function() {
        return !1
    enqueueForceUpdate: function() {},
    enqueueReplaceState: function() {},
    enqueueSetState: function() {}
  , cb = Object.assign
  , db = {};
function da(e, t, n) {
    this.props = e,
    this.context = t,
    this.refs = db,
    this.updater = n || ub
da.prototype.isReactComponent = {};
da.prototype.setState = function(e, t) {
    if (typeof e != "object" && typeof e != "function" && e != null)
        throw Error("setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.");
    this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, e, t, "setState")
da.prototype.forceUpdate = function(e) {
    this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, e, "forceUpdate")
function fb() {}
fb.prototype = da.prototype;
function yg(e, t, n) {
    this.props = e,
    this.context = t,
    this.refs = db,
    this.updater = n || ub
var wg = yg.prototype = new fb;
wg.constructor = yg;
cb(wg, da.prototype);
wg.isPureReactComponent = !0;
var $y = Array.isArray
  , hb = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
  , xg = {
    current: null
  , pb = {
    key: !0,
    ref: !0,
    __self: !0,
    __source: !0
function mb(e, t, n) {
    var r, i = {}, s = null, o = null;
    if (t != null)
        for (r in t.ref !== void 0 && (o = t.ref),
        t.key !== void 0 && (s = "" + t.key),
            hb.call(t, r) && !pb.hasOwnProperty(r) && (i[r] = t[r]);
    var a = arguments.length - 2;
    if (a === 1)
        i.children = n;
    else if (1 < a) {
        for (var l = Array(a), u = 0; u < a; u++)
            l[u] = arguments[u + 2];
        i.children = l
    if (e && e.defaultProps)
        for (r in a = e.defaultProps,
            i[r] === void 0 && (i[r] = a[r]);
    return {
        $$typeof: mu,
        type: e,
        key: s,
        ref: o,
        props: i,
        _owner: xg.current
function SR(e, t) {
    return {
        $$typeof: mu,
        type: e.type,
        key: t,
        ref: e.ref,
        props: e.props,
        _owner: e._owner
function bg(e) {
    return typeof e == "object" && e !== null && e.$$typeof === mu
function ER(e) {
    var t = {
        "=": "=0",
        ":": "=2"
    return "$" + e.replace(/[=:]/g, function(n) {
        return t[n]
var Iy = /\/+/g;
function Gf(e, t) {
    return typeof e == "object" && e !== null && e.key != null ? ER("" + e.key) : t.toString(36)
function xc(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = typeof e;
    (s === "undefined" || s === "boolean") && (e = null);
    var o = !1;
    if (e === null)
        o = !0;
        switch (s) {
        case "string":
        case "number":
            o = !0;
        case "object":
            switch (e.$$typeof) {
            case mu:
            case dR:
                o = !0
    if (o)
        return o = e,
        i = i(o),
        e = r === "" ? "." + Gf(o, 0) : r,
        $y(i) ? (n = "",
        e != null && (n = e.replace(Iy, "$&/") + "/"),
        xc(i, t, n, "", function(u) {
            return u
        })) : i != null && (bg(i) && (i = SR(i, n + (!i.key || o && o.key === i.key ? "" : ("" + i.key).replace(Iy, "$&/") + "/") + e)),
    if (o = 0,
    r = r === "" ? "." : r + ":",
        for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
            s = e[a];
            var l = r + Gf(s, a);
            o += xc(s, t, n, l, i)
    else if (l = bR(e),
    typeof l == "function")
        for (e = l.call(e),
        a = 0; !(s = e.next()).done; )
            s = s.value,
            l = r + Gf(s, a++),
            o += xc(s, t, n, l, i);
    else if (s === "object")
        throw t = String(e),
        Error("Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " + (t === "[object Object]" ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(e).join(", ") + "}" : t) + "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.");
    return o
function Vu(e, t, n) {
    if (e == null)
        return e;
    var r = []
      , i = 0;
    return xc(e, r, "", "", function(s) {
        return t.call(n, s, i++)
function CR(e) {
    if (e._status === -1) {
        var t = e._result;
        t = t(),
        t.then(function(n) {
            (e._status === 0 || e._status === -1) && (e._status = 1,
            e._result = n)
        }, function(n) {
            (e._status === 0 || e._status === -1) && (e._status = 2,
            e._result = n)
        e._status === -1 && (e._status = 0,
        e._result = t)
    if (e._status === 1)
        return e._result.default;
    throw e._result
var pn = {
    current: null
  , bc = {
    transition: null
  , PR = {
    ReactCurrentDispatcher: pn,
    ReactCurrentBatchConfig: bc,
    ReactCurrentOwner: xg
function gb() {
    throw Error("act(...) is not supported in production builds of React.")
ze.Children = {
    map: Vu,
    forEach: function(e, t, n) {
        Vu(e, function() {
            t.apply(this, arguments)
        }, n)
    count: function(e) {
        var t = 0;
        return Vu(e, function() {
    toArray: function(e) {
        return Vu(e, function(t) {
            return t
        }) || []
    only: function(e) {
        if (!bg(e))
            throw Error("React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.");
        return e
ze.Component = da;
ze.Fragment = fR;
ze.Profiler = pR;
ze.PureComponent = yg;
ze.StrictMode = hR;
ze.Suspense = yR;
ze.act = gb;
ze.cloneElement = function(e, t, n) {
    if (e == null)
        throw Error("React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed " + e + ".");
    var r = cb({}, e.props)
      , i = e.key
      , s = e.ref
      , o = e._owner;
    if (t != null) {
        if (t.ref !== void 0 && (s = t.ref,
        o = xg.current),
        t.key !== void 0 && (i = "" + t.key),
        e.type && e.type.defaultProps)
            var a = e.type.defaultProps;
        for (l in t)
            hb.call(t, l) && !pb.hasOwnProperty(l) && (r[l] = t[l] === void 0 && a !== void 0 ? a[l] : t[l])
    var l = arguments.length - 2;
    if (l === 1)
        r.children = n;
    else if (1 < l) {
        a = Array(l);
        for (var u = 0; u < l; u++)
            a[u] = arguments[u + 2];
        r.children = a
    return {
        $$typeof: mu,
        type: e.type,
        key: i,
        ref: s,
        props: r,
        _owner: o
ze.createContext = function(e) {
    return e = {
        $$typeof: gR,
        _currentValue: e,
        _currentValue2: e,
        _threadCount: 0,
        Provider: null,
        Consumer: null,
        _defaultValue: null,
        _globalName: null
    e.Provider = {
        $$typeof: mR,
        _context: e
    e.Consumer = e
ze.createElement = mb;
ze.createFactory = function(e) {
    var t = mb.bind(null, e);
    return t.type = e,
ze.createRef = function() {
    return {
        current: null
ze.forwardRef = function(e) {
    return {
        $$typeof: vR,
        render: e
ze.isValidElement = bg;
ze.lazy = function(e) {
    return {
        $$typeof: xR,
        _payload: {
            _status: -1,
            _result: e
        _init: CR
ze.memo = function(e, t) {
    return {
        $$typeof: wR,
        type: e,
        compare: t === void 0 ? null : t
ze.startTransition = function(e) {
    var t = bc.transition;
    bc.transition = {};
    try {
    } finally {
        bc.transition = t
ze.unstable_act = gb;
ze.useCallback = function(e, t) {
    return pn.current.useCallback(e, t)
ze.useContext = function(e) {
    return pn.current.useContext(e)
ze.useDebugValue = function() {}
ze.useDeferredValue = function(e) {
    return pn.current.useDeferredValue(e)
ze.useEffect = function(e, t) {
    return pn.current.useEffect(e, t)
ze.useId = function() {
    return pn.current.useId()
ze.useImperativeHandle = function(e, t, n) {
    return pn.current.useImperativeHandle(e, t, n)
ze.useInsertionEffect = function(e, t) {
    return pn.current.useInsertionEffect(e, t)
ze.useLayoutEffect = function(e, t) {
    return pn.current.useLayoutEffect(e, t)
ze.useMemo = function(e, t) {
    return pn.current.useMemo(e, t)
ze.useReducer = function(e, t, n) {
    return pn.current.useReducer(e, t, n)
ze.useRef = function(e) {
    return pn.current.useRef(e)
ze.useState = function(e) {
    return pn.current.useState(e)
ze.useSyncExternalStore = function(e, t, n) {
    return pn.current.useSyncExternalStore(e, t, n)
ze.useTransition = function() {
    return pn.current.useTransition()
ze.version = "18.3.1";
lb.exports = ze;
var y = lb.exports;
const ce = pu(y)
  , vb = ob({
    __proto__: null,
    default: ce
}, [y]);
 * @license React
 * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js
 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var TR = y
  , RR = Symbol.for("react.element")
  , OR = Symbol.for("react.fragment")
  , kR = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
  , AR = {
    key: !0,
    ref: !0,
    __self: !0,
    __source: !0
function yb(e, t, n) {
    var r, i = {}, s = null, o = null;
    n !== void 0 && (s = "" + n),
    t.key !== void 0 && (s = "" + t.key),
    t.ref !== void 0 && (o = t.ref);
    for (r in t)
        kR.call(t, r) && !AR.hasOwnProperty(r) && (i[r] = t[r]);
    if (e && e.defaultProps)
        for (r in t = e.defaultProps,
            i[r] === void 0 && (i[r] = t[r]);
    return {
        $$typeof: RR,
        type: e,
        key: s,
        ref: o,
        props: i,
        _owner: _R.current
Xd.Fragment = OR;
Xd.jsx = yb;
Xd.jsxs = yb;
ab.exports = Xd;
var x = ab.exports;
const wb = ()=>{
    var e;
    return typeof window < "u" && (e = window) != null && (e = e.Telegram) != null && e.WebApp ? window.Telegram.WebApp : null
  , xb = y.createContext(wb())
  , bb = {
    smoothButtonsTransition: !1,
    smoothButtonsTransitionMs: 10
  , DR = y.createContext(bb)
  , LR = ()=>({
    MainButton: {
        current: null
    BackButton: {
        current: null
  , NR = y.createContext({
    MainButton: {
        current: null
    BackButton: {
        current: null
  , MR = ()=>y.useContext(xb)
  , jR = ()=>{
    const e = MR()
      , t = e == null ? void 0 : e.HapticFeedback;
    return [y.useCallback((...n)=>t == null ? void 0 : t.impactOccurred(...n), [t]), y.useCallback((...n)=>t == null ? void 0 : t.notificationOccurred(...n), [t]), y.useCallback((...n)=>t == null ? void 0 : t.selectionChanged(...n), [t])]
function cp() {
    return cp = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) {
        for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
            var n = arguments[t];
            for (var r in n)
                Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r])
        return e
    cp.apply(this, arguments)
const $R = ({children: e, options: t})=>{
    const n = (o=>{
        const [a,l] = y.useState(!1);
        return y.useEffect(()=>{
            var u;
            if (!o)
            if ((u = window.Telegram) != null && u.WebApp)
                return void l(!0);
            const c = typeof window < "u" && window.TelegramWebviewProxy && window.TelegramWebviewProxy.postEvent;
            window.TelegramWebviewProxy ? window.TelegramWebviewProxy.postEvent = (...d)=>{
                var f;
                c == null || c(...d),
                (f = window.Telegram) != null && f.WebApp && (l(!0),
                window.TelegramWebviewProxy.postEvent = c)
            : window.TelegramWebviewProxy = {
                postEvent: (...d)=>{
                    var f;
                    c == null || c(...d),
                    (f = window.Telegram) != null && f.WebApp && (l(!0),
                    delete window.TelegramWebviewProxy)
        , [o]),
    )(!(t == null || !t.async))
      , r = y.useMemo(()=>cp({}, bb, t), [t])
      , i = y.useMemo(LR, [])
      , s = y.useMemo(wb, [n]);
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        if (t == null || !t.smoothButtonsTransition)
        const o = ()=>{
            var a, l;
            s == null || (a = s.MainButton) == null || a.hide(),
            s == null || (l = s.BackButton) == null || l.hide()
        return window.addEventListener("beforeunload", o),
        ()=>window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", o)
    , [s, t == null ? void 0 : t.smoothButtonsTransition]),
    ce.createElement(NR.Provider, {
        value: i
    }, ce.createElement(xb.Provider, {
        value: s
    }, ce.createElement(DR.Provider, {
        value: r
    }, e)))
var dp = {}
  , Sb = {
    exports: {}
  , jn = {}
  , Eb = {
    exports: {}
  , Cb = {};
 * @license React
 * scheduler.production.min.js
 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(function(e) {
    function t(R, z) {
        var Y = R.length;
        e: for (; 0 < Y; ) {
            var te = Y - 1 >>> 1
              , ue = R[te];
            if (0 < i(ue, z))
                R[te] = z,
                R[Y] = ue,
                Y = te;
                break e
    function n(R) {
        return R.length === 0 ? null : R[0]
    function r(R) {
        if (R.length === 0)
            return null;
        var z = R[0]
          , Y = R.pop();
        if (Y !== z) {
            R[0] = Y;
            e: for (var te = 0, ue = R.length, X = ue >>> 1; te < X; ) {
                var S = 2 * (te + 1) - 1
                  , j = R[S]
                  , N = S + 1
                  , I = R[N];
                if (0 > i(j, Y))
                    N < ue && 0 > i(I, j) ? (R[te] = I,
                    R[N] = Y,
                    te = N) : (R[te] = j,
                    R[S] = Y,
                    te = S);
                else if (N < ue && 0 > i(I, Y))
                    R[te] = I,
                    R[N] = Y,
                    te = N;
                    break e
        return z
    function i(R, z) {
        var Y = R.sortIndex - z.sortIndex;
        return Y !== 0 ? Y : R.id - z.id
    if (typeof performance == "object" && typeof performance.now == "function") {
        var s = performance;
        e.unstable_now = function() {
            return s.now()
    } else {
        var o = Date
          , a = o.now();
        e.unstable_now = function() {
            return o.now() - a
    var l = []
      , u = []
      , c = 1
      , d = null
      , f = 3
      , h = !1
      , m = !1
      , p = !1
      , b = typeof setTimeout == "function" ? setTimeout : null
      , v = typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? clearTimeout : null
      , g = typeof setImmediate < "u" ? setImmediate : null;
    typeof navigator < "u" && navigator.scheduling !== void 0 && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending !== void 0 && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling);
    function w(R) {
        for (var z = n(u); z !== null; ) {
            if (z.callback === null)
            else if (z.startTime <= R)
                z.sortIndex = z.expirationTime,
                t(l, z);
            z = n(u)
    function E(R) {
        if (p = !1,
            if (n(l) !== null)
                m = !0,
            else {
                var z = n(u);
                z !== null && O(E, z.startTime - R)
    function D(R, z) {
        m = !1,
        p && (p = !1,
        P = -1),
        h = !0;
        var Y = f;
        try {
            for (w(z),
            d = n(l); d !== null && (!(d.expirationTime > z) || R && !Q()); ) {
                var te = d.callback;
                if (typeof te == "function") {
                    d.callback = null,
                    f = d.priorityLevel;
                    var ue = te(d.expirationTime <= z);
                    z = e.unstable_now(),
                    typeof ue == "function" ? d.callback = ue : d === n(l) && r(l),
                } else
                d = n(l)
            if (d !== null)
                var X = !0;
            else {
                var S = n(u);
                S !== null && O(E, S.startTime - z),
                X = !1
            return X
        } finally {
            d = null,
            f = Y,
            h = !1
    var V = !1
      , C = null
      , P = -1
      , A = 5
      , B = -1;
    function Q() {
        return !(e.unstable_now() - B < A)
    function Z() {
        if (C !== null) {
            var R = e.unstable_now();
            B = R;
            var z = !0;
            try {
                z = C(!0, R)
            } finally {
                z ? F() : (V = !1,
                C = null)
        } else
            V = !1
    var F;
    if (typeof g == "function")
        F = function() {
    else if (typeof MessageChannel < "u") {
        var k = new MessageChannel
          , T = k.port2;
        k.port1.onmessage = Z,
        F = function() {
    } else
        F = function() {
            b(Z, 0)
    function _(R) {
        C = R,
        V || (V = !0,
    function O(R, z) {
        P = b(function() {
        }, z)
    e.unstable_IdlePriority = 5,
    e.unstable_ImmediatePriority = 1,
    e.unstable_LowPriority = 4,
    e.unstable_NormalPriority = 3,
    e.unstable_Profiling = null,
    e.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = 2,
    e.unstable_cancelCallback = function(R) {
        R.callback = null
    e.unstable_continueExecution = function() {
        m || h || (m = !0,
    e.unstable_forceFrameRate = function(R) {
        0 > R || 125 < R ? console.error("forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported") : A = 0 < R ? Math.floor(1e3 / R) : 5
    e.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = function() {
        return f
    e.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = function() {
        return n(l)
    e.unstable_next = function(R) {
        switch (f) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
            var z = 3;
            z = f
        var Y = f;
        f = z;
        try {
            return R()
        } finally {
            f = Y
    e.unstable_pauseExecution = function() {}
    e.unstable_requestPaint = function() {}
    e.unstable_runWithPriority = function(R, z) {
        switch (R) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
            R = 3
        var Y = f;
        f = R;
        try {
            return z()
        } finally {
            f = Y
    e.unstable_scheduleCallback = function(R, z, Y) {
        var te = e.unstable_now();
        switch (typeof Y == "object" && Y !== null ? (Y = Y.delay,
        Y = typeof Y == "number" && 0 < Y ? te + Y : te) : Y = te,
        R) {
        case 1:
            var ue = -1;
        case 2:
            ue = 250;
        case 5:
            ue = 1073741823;
        case 4:
            ue = 1e4;
            ue = 5e3
        return ue = Y + ue,
        R = {
            id: c++,
            callback: z,
            priorityLevel: R,
            startTime: Y,
            expirationTime: ue,
            sortIndex: -1
        Y > te ? (R.sortIndex = Y,
        t(u, R),
        n(l) === null && R === n(u) && (p ? (v(P),
        P = -1) : p = !0,
        O(E, Y - te))) : (R.sortIndex = ue,
        t(l, R),
        m || h || (m = !0,
    e.unstable_shouldYield = Q,
    e.unstable_wrapCallback = function(R) {
        var z = f;
        return function() {
            var Y = f;
            f = z;
            try {
                return R.apply(this, arguments)
            } finally {
                f = Y
Eb.exports = Cb;
var IR = Eb.exports;
 * @license React
 * react-dom.production.min.js
 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var FR = y
  , Dn = IR;
function oe(e) {
    for (var t = "https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=" + e, n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++)
        t += "&args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[n]);
    return "Minified React error #" + e + "; visit " + t + " for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."
var Pb = new Set
  , vl = {};
function Fs(e, t) {
    qo(e, t),
    qo(e + "Capture", t)
function qo(e, t) {
    for (vl[e] = t,
    e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
var qr = !(typeof window > "u" || typeof window.document > "u" || typeof window.document.createElement > "u")
  , fp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
  , VR = /^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/
  , Fy = {}
  , Vy = {};
function zR(e) {
    return fp.call(Vy, e) ? !0 : fp.call(Fy, e) ? !1 : VR.test(e) ? Vy[e] = !0 : (Fy[e] = !0,
function UR(e, t, n, r) {
    if (n !== null && n.type === 0)
        return !1;
    switch (typeof t) {
    case "function":
    case "symbol":
        return !0;
    case "boolean":
        return r ? !1 : n !== null ? !n.acceptsBooleans : (e = e.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5),
        e !== "data-" && e !== "aria-");
        return !1
function BR(e, t, n, r) {
    if (t === null || typeof t > "u" || UR(e, t, n, r))
        return !0;
    if (r)
        return !1;
    if (n !== null)
        switch (n.type) {
        case 3:
            return !t;
        case 4:
            return t === !1;
        case 5:
            return isNaN(t);
        case 6:
            return isNaN(t) || 1 > t
    return !1
function mn(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    this.acceptsBooleans = t === 2 || t === 3 || t === 4,
    this.attributeName = r,
    this.attributeNamespace = i,
    this.mustUseProperty = n,
    this.propertyName = e,
    this.type = t,
    this.sanitizeURL = s,
    this.removeEmptyString = o
var Xt = {};
"children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style".split(" ").forEach(function(e) {
    Xt[e] = new mn(e,0,!1,e,null,!1,!1)
[["acceptCharset", "accept-charset"], ["className", "class"], ["htmlFor", "for"], ["httpEquiv", "http-equiv"]].forEach(function(e) {
    var t = e[0];
    Xt[t] = new mn(t,1,!1,e[1],null,!1,!1)
["contentEditable", "draggable", "spellCheck", "value"].forEach(function(e) {
    Xt[e] = new mn(e,2,!1,e.toLowerCase(),null,!1,!1)
["autoReverse", "externalResourcesRequired", "focusable", "preserveAlpha"].forEach(function(e) {
    Xt[e] = new mn(e,2,!1,e,null,!1,!1)
"allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope".split(" ").forEach(function(e) {
    Xt[e] = new mn(e,3,!1,e.toLowerCase(),null,!1,!1)
["checked", "multiple", "muted", "selected"].forEach(function(e) {
    Xt[e] = new mn(e,3,!0,e,null,!1,!1)
["capture", "download"].forEach(function(e) {
    Xt[e] = new mn(e,4,!1,e,null,!1,!1)
["cols", "rows", "size", "span"].forEach(function(e) {
    Xt[e] = new mn(e,6,!1,e,null,!1,!1)
["rowSpan", "start"].forEach(function(e) {
    Xt[e] = new mn(e,5,!1,e.toLowerCase(),null,!1,!1)
var Sg = /[\-:]([a-z])/g;
function Eg(e) {
    return e[1].toUpperCase()
"accent-height alignment-baseline arabic-form baseline-shift cap-height clip-path clip-rule color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering dominant-baseline enable-background fill-opacity fill-rule flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical horiz-adv-x horiz-origin-x image-rendering letter-spacing lighting-color marker-end marker-mid marker-start overline-position overline-thickness paint-order panose-1 pointer-events rendering-intent shape-rendering stop-color stop-opacity strikethrough-position strikethrough-thickness stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering underline-position underline-thickness unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em v-alphabetic v-hanging v-ideographic v-mathematical vector-effect vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y word-spacing writing-mode xmlns:xlink x-height".split(" ").forEach(function(e) {
    var t = e.replace(Sg, Eg);
    Xt[t] = new mn(t,1,!1,e,null,!1,!1)
"xlink:actuate xlink:arcrole xlink:role xlink:show xlink:title xlink:type".split(" ").forEach(function(e) {
    var t = e.replace(Sg, Eg);
    Xt[t] = new mn(t,1,!1,e,"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",!1,!1)
["xml:base", "xml:lang", "xml:space"].forEach(function(e) {
    var t = e.replace(Sg, Eg);
    Xt[t] = new mn(t,1,!1,e,"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace",!1,!1)
["tabIndex", "crossOrigin"].forEach(function(e) {
    Xt[e] = new mn(e,1,!1,e.toLowerCase(),null,!1,!1)
Xt.xlinkHref = new mn("xlinkHref",1,!1,"xlink:href","http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",!0,!1);
["src", "href", "action", "formAction"].forEach(function(e) {
    Xt[e] = new mn(e,1,!1,e.toLowerCase(),null,!0,!0)
function Cg(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = Xt.hasOwnProperty(t) ? Xt[t] : null;
    (i !== null ? i.type !== 0 : r || !(2 < t.length) || t[0] !== "o" && t[0] !== "O" || t[1] !== "n" && t[1] !== "N") && (BR(t, n, i, r) && (n = null),
    r || i === null ? zR(t) && (n === null ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.setAttribute(t, "" + n)) : i.mustUseProperty ? e[i.propertyName] = n === null ? i.type === 3 ? !1 : "" : n : (t = i.attributeName,
    r = i.attributeNamespace,
    n === null ? e.removeAttribute(t) : (i = i.type,
    n = i === 3 || i === 4 && n === !0 ? "" : "" + n,
    r ? e.setAttributeNS(r, t, n) : e.setAttribute(t, n))))
  , zu = Symbol.for("react.element")
  , io = Symbol.for("react.portal")
  , so = Symbol.for("react.fragment")
  , Pg = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode")
  , hp = Symbol.for("react.profiler")
  , Tb = Symbol.for("react.provider")
  , Rb = Symbol.for("react.context")
  , Tg = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref")
  , pp = Symbol.for("react.suspense")
  , mp = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list")
  , Rg = Symbol.for("react.memo")
  , di = Symbol.for("react.lazy")
  , Ob = Symbol.for("react.offscreen")
  , zy = Symbol.iterator;
function Ea(e) {
    return e === null || typeof e != "object" ? null : (e = zy && e[zy] || e["@@iterator"],
    typeof e == "function" ? e : null)
var xt = Object.assign, Kf;
function Ha(e) {
    if (Kf === void 0)
        try {
            throw Error()
        } catch (n) {
            var t = n.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/);
            Kf = t && t[1] || ""
    return `
` + Kf + e
var qf = !1;
function Qf(e, t) {
    if (!e || qf)
        return "";
    qf = !0;
    var n = Error.prepareStackTrace;
    Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0;
    try {
        if (t)
            if (t = function() {
                throw Error()
            Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "props", {
                set: function() {
                    throw Error()
            typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect.construct) {
                try {
                    Reflect.construct(t, [])
                } catch (u) {
                    var r = u
                Reflect.construct(e, [], t)
            } else {
                try {
                } catch (u) {
                    r = u
        else {
            try {
                throw Error()
            } catch (u) {
                r = u
    } catch (u) {
        if (u && r && typeof u.stack == "string") {
            for (var i = u.stack.split(`
`), s = r.stack.split(`
`), o = i.length - 1, a = s.length - 1; 1 <= o && 0 <= a && i[o] !== s[a]; )
            for (; 1 <= o && 0 <= a; o--,
                if (i[o] !== s[a]) {
                    if (o !== 1 || a !== 1)
                            if (o--,
                            0 > a || i[o] !== s[a]) {
                                var l = `
` + i[o].replace(" at new ", " at ");
                                return e.displayName && l.includes("<anonymous>") && (l = l.replace("<anonymous>", e.displayName)),
                        while (1 <= o && 0 <= a);
    } finally {
        qf = !1,
        Error.prepareStackTrace = n
    return (e = e ? e.displayName || e.name : "") ? Ha(e) : ""
function HR(e) {
    switch (e.tag) {
    case 5:
        return Ha(e.type);
    case 16:
        return Ha("Lazy");
    case 13:
        return Ha("Suspense");
    case 19:
        return Ha("SuspenseList");
    case 0:
    case 2:
    case 15:
        return e = Qf(e.type, !1),
    case 11:
        return e = Qf(e.type.render, !1),
    case 1:
        return e = Qf(e.type, !0),
        return ""
function gp(e) {
    if (e == null)
        return null;
    if (typeof e == "function")
        return e.displayName || e.name || null;
    if (typeof e == "string")
        return e;
    switch (e) {
    case so:
        return "Fragment";
    case io:
        return "Portal";
    case hp:
        return "Profiler";
    case Pg:
        return "StrictMode";
    case pp:
        return "Suspense";
    case mp:
        return "SuspenseList"
    if (typeof e == "object")
        switch (e.$$typeof) {
        case Rb:
            return (e.displayName || "Context") + ".Consumer";
        case Tb:
            return (e._context.displayName || "Context") + ".Provider";
        case Tg:
            var t = e.render;
            return e = e.displayName,
            e || (e = t.displayName || t.name || "",
            e = e !== "" ? "ForwardRef(" + e + ")" : "ForwardRef"),
        case Rg:
            return t = e.displayName || null,
            t !== null ? t : gp(e.type) || "Memo";
        case di:
            t = e._payload,
            e = e._init;
            try {
                return gp(e(t))
            } catch {}
    return null
function WR(e) {
    var t = e.type;
    switch (e.tag) {
    case 24:
        return "Cache";
    case 9:
        return (t.displayName || "Context") + ".Consumer";
    case 10:
        return (t._context.displayName || "Context") + ".Provider";
    case 18:
        return "DehydratedFragment";
    case 11:
        return e = t.render,
        e = e.displayName || e.name || "",
        t.displayName || (e !== "" ? "ForwardRef(" + e + ")" : "ForwardRef");
    case 7:
        return "Fragment";
    case 5:
        return t;
    case 4:
        return "Portal";
    case 3:
        return "Root";
    case 6:
        return "Text";
    case 16:
        return gp(t);
    case 8:
        return t === Pg ? "StrictMode" : "Mode";
    case 22:
        return "Offscreen";
    case 12:
        return "Profiler";
    case 21:
        return "Scope";
    case 13:
        return "Suspense";
    case 19:
        return "SuspenseList";
    case 25:
        return "TracingMarker";
    case 1:
    case 0:
    case 17:
    case 2:
    case 14:
    case 15:
        if (typeof t == "function")
            return t.displayName || t.name || null;
        if (typeof t == "string")
            return t
    return null
function Ii(e) {
    switch (typeof e) {
    case "boolean":
    case "number":
    case "string":
    case "undefined":
        return e;
    case "object":
        return e;
        return ""
function kb(e) {
    var t = e.type;
    return (e = e.nodeName) && e.toLowerCase() === "input" && (t === "checkbox" || t === "radio")
function GR(e) {
    var t = kb(e) ? "checked" : "value"
      , n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e.constructor.prototype, t)
      , r = "" + e[t];
    if (!e.hasOwnProperty(t) && typeof n < "u" && typeof n.get == "function" && typeof n.set == "function") {
        var i = n.get
          , s = n.set;
        return Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
            configurable: !0,
            get: function() {
                return i.call(this)
            set: function(o) {
                r = "" + o,
                s.call(this, o)
        Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
            enumerable: n.enumerable
            getValue: function() {
                return r
            setValue: function(o) {
                r = "" + o
            stopTracking: function() {
                e._valueTracker = null,
                delete e[t]
function Uu(e) {
    e._valueTracker || (e._valueTracker = GR(e))
function _b(e) {
    if (!e)
        return !1;
    var t = e._valueTracker;
    if (!t)
        return !0;
    var n = t.getValue()
      , r = "";
    return e && (r = kb(e) ? e.checked ? "true" : "false" : e.value),
    e = r,
    e !== n ? (t.setValue(e),
    !0) : !1
function Kc(e) {
    if (e = e || (typeof document < "u" ? document : void 0),
    typeof e > "u")
        return null;
    try {
        return e.activeElement || e.body
    } catch {
        return e.body
function vp(e, t) {
    var n = t.checked;
    return xt({}, t, {
        defaultChecked: void 0,
        defaultValue: void 0,
        value: void 0,
        checked: n ?? e._wrapperState.initialChecked
function Uy(e, t) {
    var n = t.defaultValue == null ? "" : t.defaultValue
      , r = t.checked != null ? t.checked : t.defaultChecked;
    n = Ii(t.value != null ? t.value : n),
    e._wrapperState = {
        initialChecked: r,
        initialValue: n,
        controlled: t.type === "checkbox" || t.type === "radio" ? t.checked != null : t.value != null
function Ab(e, t) {
    t = t.checked,
    t != null && Cg(e, "checked", t, !1)
function yp(e, t) {
    Ab(e, t);
    var n = Ii(t.value)
      , r = t.type;
    if (n != null)
        r === "number" ? (n === 0 && e.value === "" || e.value != n) && (e.value = "" + n) : e.value !== "" + n && (e.value = "" + n);
    else if (r === "submit" || r === "reset") {
    t.hasOwnProperty("value") ? wp(e, t.type, n) : t.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue") && wp(e, t.type, Ii(t.defaultValue)),
    t.checked == null && t.defaultChecked != null && (e.defaultChecked = !!t.defaultChecked)
function By(e, t, n) {
    if (t.hasOwnProperty("value") || t.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")) {
        var r = t.type;
        if (!(r !== "submit" && r !== "reset" || t.value !== void 0 && t.value !== null))
        t = "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue,
        n || t === e.value || (e.value = t),
        e.defaultValue = t
    n = e.name,
    n !== "" && (e.name = ""),
    e.defaultChecked = !!e._wrapperState.initialChecked,
    n !== "" && (e.name = n)
function wp(e, t, n) {
    (t !== "number" || Kc(e.ownerDocument) !== e) && (n == null ? e.defaultValue = "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue : e.defaultValue !== "" + n && (e.defaultValue = "" + n))
var Wa = Array.isArray;
function Po(e, t, n, r) {
    if (e = e.options,
    t) {
        t = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
            t["$" + n[i]] = !0;
        for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
            i = t.hasOwnProperty("$" + e[n].value),
            e[n].selected !== i && (e[n].selected = i),
            i && r && (e[n].defaultSelected = !0)
    } else {
        for (n = "" + Ii(n),
        t = null,
        i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
            if (e[i].value === n) {
                e[i].selected = !0,
                r && (e[i].defaultSelected = !0);
            t !== null || e[i].disabled || (t = e[i])
        t !== null && (t.selected = !0)
function xp(e, t) {
    if (t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null)
        throw Error(oe(91));
    return xt({}, t, {
        value: void 0,
        defaultValue: void 0,
        children: "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue
function Hy(e, t) {
    var n = t.value;
    if (n == null) {
        if (n = t.children,
        t = t.defaultValue,
        n != null) {
            if (t != null)
                throw Error(oe(92));
            if (Wa(n)) {
                if (1 < n.length)
                    throw Error(oe(93));
                n = n[0]
            t = n
        t == null && (t = ""),
        n = t
    e._wrapperState = {
        initialValue: Ii(n)
function Db(e, t) {
    var n = Ii(t.value)
      , r = Ii(t.defaultValue);
    n != null && (n = "" + n,
    n !== e.value && (e.value = n),
    t.defaultValue == null && e.defaultValue !== n && (e.defaultValue = n)),
    r != null && (e.defaultValue = "" + r)
function Wy(e) {
    var t = e.textContent;
    t === e._wrapperState.initialValue && t !== "" && t !== null && (e.value = t)
function Lb(e) {
    switch (e) {
    case "svg":
        return "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
    case "math":
        return "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML";
        return "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
function bp(e, t) {
    return e == null || e === "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ? Lb(t) : e === "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" && t === "foreignObject" ? "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" : e
var Bu, Nb = function(e) {
    return typeof MSApp < "u" && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction ? function(t, n, r, i) {
        MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function() {
            return e(t, n, r, i)
    : e
}(function(e, t) {
    if (e.namespaceURI !== "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" || "innerHTML"in e)
        e.innerHTML = t;
    else {
        for (Bu = Bu || document.createElement("div"),
        Bu.innerHTML = "<svg>" + t.valueOf().toString() + "</svg>",
        t = Bu.firstChild; e.firstChild; )
        for (; t.firstChild; )
function yl(e, t) {
    if (t) {
        var n = e.firstChild;
        if (n && n === e.lastChild && n.nodeType === 3) {
            n.nodeValue = t;
    e.textContent = t
var Ja = {
    animationIterationCount: !0,
    aspectRatio: !0,
    borderImageOutset: !0,
    borderImageSlice: !0,
    borderImageWidth: !0,
    boxFlex: !0,
    boxFlexGroup: !0,
    boxOrdinalGroup: !0,
    columnCount: !0,
    columns: !0,
    flex: !0,
    flexGrow: !0,
    flexPositive: !0,
    flexShrink: !0,
    flexNegative: !0,
    flexOrder: !0,
    gridArea: !0,
    gridRow: !0,
    gridRowEnd: !0,
    gridRowSpan: !0,
    gridRowStart: !0,
    gridColumn: !0,
    gridColumnEnd: !0,
    gridColumnSpan: !0,
    gridColumnStart: !0,
    fontWeight: !0,
    lineClamp: !0,
    lineHeight: !0,
    opacity: !0,
    order: !0,
    orphans: !0,
    tabSize: !0,
    widows: !0,
    zIndex: !0,
    zoom: !0,
    fillOpacity: !0,
    floodOpacity: !0,
    stopOpacity: !0,
    strokeDasharray: !0,
    strokeDashoffset: !0,
    strokeMiterlimit: !0,
    strokeOpacity: !0,
    strokeWidth: !0
  , KR = ["Webkit", "ms", "Moz", "O"];
Object.keys(Ja).forEach(function(e) {
    KR.forEach(function(t) {
        t = t + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substring(1),
        Ja[t] = Ja[e]
function Mb(e, t, n) {
    return t == null || typeof t == "boolean" || t === "" ? "" : n || typeof t != "number" || t === 0 || Ja.hasOwnProperty(e) && Ja[e] ? ("" + t).trim() : t + "px"
function jb(e, t) {
    e = e.style;
    for (var n in t)
        if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
            var r = n.indexOf("--") === 0
              , i = Mb(n, t[n], r);
            n === "float" && (n = "cssFloat"),
            r ? e.setProperty(n, i) : e[n] = i
var qR = xt({
    menuitem: !0
}, {
    area: !0,
    base: !0,
    br: !0,
    col: !0,
    embed: !0,
    hr: !0,
    img: !0,
    input: !0,
    keygen: !0,
    link: !0,
    meta: !0,
    param: !0,
    source: !0,
    track: !0,
    wbr: !0
function Sp(e, t) {
    if (t) {
        if (qR[e] && (t.children != null || t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null))
            throw Error(oe(137, e));
        if (t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null) {
            if (t.children != null)
                throw Error(oe(60));
            if (typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != "object" || !("__html"in t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML))
                throw Error(oe(61))
        if (t.style != null && typeof t.style != "object")
            throw Error(oe(62))
function Ep(e, t) {
    if (e.indexOf("-") === -1)
        return typeof t.is == "string";
    switch (e) {
    case "annotation-xml":
    case "color-profile":
    case "font-face":
    case "font-face-src":
    case "font-face-uri":
    case "font-face-format":
    case "font-face-name":
    case "missing-glyph":
        return !1;
        return !0
var Cp = null;
function Og(e) {
    return e = e.target || e.srcElement || window,
    e.correspondingUseElement && (e = e.correspondingUseElement),
    e.nodeType === 3 ? e.parentNode : e
var Pp = null
  , To = null
  , Ro = null;
function Gy(e) {
    if (e = yu(e)) {
        if (typeof Pp != "function")
            throw Error(oe(280));
        var t = e.stateNode;
        t && (t = nf(t),
        Pp(e.stateNode, e.type, t))
function $b(e) {
    To ? Ro ? Ro.push(e) : Ro = [e] : To = e
function Ib() {
    if (To) {
        var e = To
          , t = Ro;
        if (Ro = To = null,
            for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
function Fb(e, t) {
    return e(t)
function Vb() {}
var Yf = !1;
function zb(e, t, n) {
    if (Yf)
        return e(t, n);
    Yf = !0;
    try {
        return Fb(e, t, n)
    } finally {
        Yf = !1,
        (To !== null || Ro !== null) && (Vb(),
function wl(e, t) {
    var n = e.stateNode;
    if (n === null)
        return null;
    var r = nf(n);
    if (r === null)
        return null;
    n = r[t];
    e: switch (t) {
    case "onClick":
    case "onClickCapture":
    case "onDoubleClick":
    case "onDoubleClickCapture":
    case "onMouseDown":
    case "onMouseDownCapture":
    case "onMouseMove":
    case "onMouseMoveCapture":
    case "onMouseUp":
    case "onMouseUpCapture":
    case "onMouseEnter":
        (r = !r.disabled) || (e = e.type,
        r = !(e === "button" || e === "input" || e === "select" || e === "textarea")),
        e = !r;
        break e;
        e = !1
    if (e)
        return null;
    if (n && typeof n != "function")
        throw Error(oe(231, t, typeof n));
    return n
var Tp = !1;
if (qr)
    try {
        var Ca = {};
        Object.defineProperty(Ca, "passive", {
            get: function() {
                Tp = !0
        window.addEventListener("test", Ca, Ca),
        window.removeEventListener("test", Ca, Ca)
    } catch {
        Tp = !1
function QR(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a, l) {
    var u = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3);
    try {
        t.apply(n, u)
    } catch (c) {
var Za = !1
  , qc = null
  , Qc = !1
  , Rp = null
  , YR = {
    onError: function(e) {
        Za = !0,
        qc = e
function XR(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a, l) {
    Za = !1,
    qc = null,
    QR.apply(YR, arguments)
function JR(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a, l) {
    if (XR.apply(this, arguments),
    Za) {
        if (Za) {
            var u = qc;
            Za = !1,
            qc = null
        } else
            throw Error(oe(198));
        Qc || (Qc = !0,
        Rp = u)
function Vs(e) {
    var t = e
      , n = e;
    if (e.alternate)
        for (; t.return; )
            t = t.return;
    else {
        e = t;
            t = e,
            t.flags & 4098 && (n = t.return),
            e = t.return;
        while (e)
    return t.tag === 3 ? n : null
function Ub(e) {
    if (e.tag === 13) {
        var t = e.memoizedState;
        if (t === null && (e = e.alternate,
        e !== null && (t = e.memoizedState)),
        t !== null)
            return t.dehydrated
    return null
function Ky(e) {
    if (Vs(e) !== e)
        throw Error(oe(188))
function ZR(e) {
    var t = e.alternate;
    if (!t) {
        if (t = Vs(e),
        t === null)
            throw Error(oe(188));
        return t !== e ? null : e
    for (var n = e, r = t; ; ) {
        var i = n.return;
        if (i === null)
        var s = i.alternate;
        if (s === null) {
            if (r = i.return,
            r !== null) {
                n = r;
        if (i.child === s.child) {
            for (s = i.child; s; ) {
                if (s === n)
                    return Ky(i),
                if (s === r)
                    return Ky(i),
                s = s.sibling
            throw Error(oe(188))
        if (n.return !== r.return)
            n = i,
            r = s;
        else {
            for (var o = !1, a = i.child; a; ) {
                if (a === n) {
                    o = !0,
                    n = i,
                    r = s;
                if (a === r) {
                    o = !0,
                    r = i,
                    n = s;
                a = a.sibling
            if (!o) {
                for (a = s.child; a; ) {
                    if (a === n) {
                        o = !0,
                        n = s,
                        r = i;
                    if (a === r) {
                        o = !0,
                        r = s,
                        n = i;
                    a = a.sibling
                if (!o)
                    throw Error(oe(189))
        if (n.alternate !== r)
            throw Error(oe(190))
    if (n.tag !== 3)
        throw Error(oe(188));
    return n.stateNode.current === n ? e : t
function Bb(e) {
    return e = ZR(e),
    e !== null ? Hb(e) : null
function Hb(e) {
    if (e.tag === 5 || e.tag === 6)
        return e;
    for (e = e.child; e !== null; ) {
        var t = Hb(e);
        if (t !== null)
            return t;
        e = e.sibling
    return null
var Wb = Dn.unstable_scheduleCallback
  , qy = Dn.unstable_cancelCallback
  , eO = Dn.unstable_shouldYield
  , tO = Dn.unstable_requestPaint
  , Pt = Dn.unstable_now
  , nO = Dn.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel
  , kg = Dn.unstable_ImmediatePriority
  , Gb = Dn.unstable_UserBlockingPriority
  , Yc = Dn.unstable_NormalPriority
  , rO = Dn.unstable_LowPriority
  , Kb = Dn.unstable_IdlePriority
  , Jd = null
  , Or = null;
function iO(e) {
    if (Or && typeof Or.onCommitFiberRoot == "function")
        try {
            Or.onCommitFiberRoot(Jd, e, void 0, (e.current.flags & 128) === 128)
        } catch {}
var ur = Math.clz32 ? Math.clz32 : aO
  , sO = Math.log
  , oO = Math.LN2;
function aO(e) {
    return e >>>= 0,
    e === 0 ? 32 : 31 - (sO(e) / oO | 0) | 0
var Hu = 64
  , Wu = 4194304;
function Ga(e) {
    switch (e & -e) {
    case 1:
        return 1;
    case 2:
        return 2;
    case 4:
        return 4;
    case 8:
        return 8;
    case 16:
        return 16;
    case 32:
        return 32;
    case 64:
    case 128:
    case 256:
    case 512:
    case 1024:
    case 2048:
    case 4096:
    case 8192:
    case 16384:
    case 32768:
    case 65536:
    case 131072:
    case 262144:
    case 524288:
    case 1048576:
    case 2097152:
        return e & 4194240;
    case 4194304:
    case 8388608:
    case 16777216:
    case 33554432:
    case 67108864:
        return e & 130023424;
    case 134217728:
        return 134217728;
    case 268435456:
        return 268435456;
    case 536870912:
        return 536870912;
    case 1073741824:
        return 1073741824;
        return e
function Xc(e, t) {
    var n = e.pendingLanes;
    if (n === 0)
        return 0;
    var r = 0
      , i = e.suspendedLanes
      , s = e.pingedLanes
      , o = n & 268435455;
    if (o !== 0) {
        var a = o & ~i;
        a !== 0 ? r = Ga(a) : (s &= o,
        s !== 0 && (r = Ga(s)))
    } else
        o = n & ~i,
        o !== 0 ? r = Ga(o) : s !== 0 && (r = Ga(s));
    if (r === 0)
        return 0;
    if (t !== 0 && t !== r && !(t & i) && (i = r & -r,
    s = t & -t,
    i >= s || i === 16 && (s & 4194240) !== 0))
        return t;
    if (r & 4 && (r |= n & 16),
    t = e.entangledLanes,
    t !== 0)
        for (e = e.entanglements,
        t &= r; 0 < t; )
            n = 31 - ur(t),
            i = 1 << n,
            r |= e[n],
            t &= ~i;
    return r
function lO(e, t) {
    switch (e) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 4:
        return t + 250;
    case 8:
    case 16:
    case 32:
    case 64:
    case 128:
    case 256:
    case 512:
    case 1024:
    case 2048:
    case 4096:
    case 8192:
    case 16384:
    case 32768:
    case 65536:
    case 131072:
    case 262144:
    case 524288:
    case 1048576:
    case 2097152:
        return t + 5e3;
    case 4194304:
    case 8388608:
    case 16777216:
    case 33554432:
    case 67108864:
        return -1;
    case 134217728:
    case 268435456:
    case 536870912:
    case 1073741824:
        return -1;
        return -1
function uO(e, t) {
    for (var n = e.suspendedLanes, r = e.pingedLanes, i = e.expirationTimes, s = e.pendingLanes; 0 < s; ) {
        var o = 31 - ur(s)
          , a = 1 << o
          , l = i[o];
        l === -1 ? (!(a & n) || a & r) && (i[o] = lO(a, t)) : l <= t && (e.expiredLanes |= a),
        s &= ~a
function Op(e) {
    return e = e.pendingLanes & -1073741825,
    e !== 0 ? e : e & 1073741824 ? 1073741824 : 0
function qb() {
    var e = Hu;
    return Hu <<= 1,
    !(Hu & 4194240) && (Hu = 64),
function Xf(e) {
    for (var t = [], n = 0; 31 > n; n++)
    return t
function gu(e, t, n) {
    e.pendingLanes |= t,
    t !== 536870912 && (e.suspendedLanes = 0,
    e.pingedLanes = 0),
    e = e.eventTimes,
    t = 31 - ur(t),
    e[t] = n
function cO(e, t) {
    var n = e.pendingLanes & ~t;
    e.pendingLanes = t,
    e.suspendedLanes = 0,
    e.pingedLanes = 0,
    e.expiredLanes &= t,
    e.mutableReadLanes &= t,
    e.entangledLanes &= t,
    t = e.entanglements;
    var r = e.eventTimes;
    for (e = e.expirationTimes; 0 < n; ) {
        var i = 31 - ur(n)
          , s = 1 << i;
        t[i] = 0,
        r[i] = -1,
        e[i] = -1,
        n &= ~s
function _g(e, t) {
    var n = e.entangledLanes |= t;
    for (e = e.entanglements; n; ) {
        var r = 31 - ur(n)
          , i = 1 << r;
        i & t | e[r] & t && (e[r] |= t),
        n &= ~i
var Je = 0;
function Qb(e) {
    return e &= -e,
    1 < e ? 4 < e ? e & 268435455 ? 16 : 536870912 : 4 : 1
var Yb, Ag, Xb, Jb, Zb, kp = !1, Gu = [], Ri = null, Oi = null, ki = null, xl = new Map, bl = new Map, pi = [], dO = "mousedown mouseup touchcancel touchend touchstart auxclick dblclick pointercancel pointerdown pointerup dragend dragstart drop compositionend compositionstart keydown keypress keyup input textInput copy cut paste click change contextmenu reset submit".split(" ");
function Qy(e, t) {
    switch (e) {
    case "focusin":
    case "focusout":
        Ri = null;
    case "dragenter":
    case "dragleave":
        Oi = null;
    case "mouseover":
    case "mouseout":
        ki = null;
    case "pointerover":
    case "pointerout":
    case "gotpointercapture":
    case "lostpointercapture":
function Pa(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    return e === null || e.nativeEvent !== s ? (e = {
        blockedOn: t,
        domEventName: n,
        eventSystemFlags: r,
        nativeEvent: s,
        targetContainers: [i]
    t !== null && (t = yu(t),
    t !== null && Ag(t)),
    e) : (e.eventSystemFlags |= r,
    t = e.targetContainers,
    i !== null && t.indexOf(i) === -1 && t.push(i),
function fO(e, t, n, r, i) {
    switch (t) {
    case "focusin":
        return Ri = Pa(Ri, e, t, n, r, i),
    case "dragenter":
        return Oi = Pa(Oi, e, t, n, r, i),
    case "mouseover":
        return ki = Pa(ki, e, t, n, r, i),
    case "pointerover":
        var s = i.pointerId;
        return xl.set(s, Pa(xl.get(s) || null, e, t, n, r, i)),
    case "gotpointercapture":
        return s = i.pointerId,
        bl.set(s, Pa(bl.get(s) || null, e, t, n, r, i)),
    return !1
function eS(e) {
    var t = as(e.target);
    if (t !== null) {
        var n = Vs(t);
        if (n !== null) {
            if (t = n.tag,
            t === 13) {
                if (t = Ub(n),
                t !== null) {
                    e.blockedOn = t,
                    Zb(e.priority, function() {
            } else if (t === 3 && n.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) {
                e.blockedOn = n.tag === 3 ? n.stateNode.containerInfo : null;
    e.blockedOn = null
function Sc(e) {
    if (e.blockedOn !== null)
        return !1;
    for (var t = e.targetContainers; 0 < t.length; ) {
        var n = _p(e.domEventName, e.eventSystemFlags, t[0], e.nativeEvent);
        if (n === null) {
            n = e.nativeEvent;
            var r = new n.constructor(n.type,n);
            Cp = r,
            Cp = null
        } else
            return t = yu(n),
            t !== null && Ag(t),
            e.blockedOn = n,
    return !0
function Yy(e, t, n) {
    Sc(e) && n.delete(t)
function hO() {
    kp = !1,
    Ri !== null && Sc(Ri) && (Ri = null),
    Oi !== null && Sc(Oi) && (Oi = null),
    ki !== null && Sc(ki) && (ki = null),
function Ta(e, t) {
    e.blockedOn === t && (e.blockedOn = null,
    kp || (kp = !0,
    Dn.unstable_scheduleCallback(Dn.unstable_NormalPriority, hO)))
function Sl(e) {
    function t(i) {
        return Ta(i, e)
    if (0 < Gu.length) {
        Ta(Gu[0], e);
        for (var n = 1; n < Gu.length; n++) {
            var r = Gu[n];
            r.blockedOn === e && (r.blockedOn = null)
    for (Ri !== null && Ta(Ri, e),
    Oi !== null && Ta(Oi, e),
    ki !== null && Ta(ki, e),
    n = 0; n < pi.length; n++)
        r = pi[n],
        r.blockedOn === e && (r.blockedOn = null);
    for (; 0 < pi.length && (n = pi[0],
    n.blockedOn === null); )
        n.blockedOn === null && pi.shift()
var Oo = ti.ReactCurrentBatchConfig
  , Jc = !0;
function pO(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = Je
      , s = Oo.transition;
    Oo.transition = null;
    try {
        Je = 1,
        Dg(e, t, n, r)
    } finally {
        Je = i,
        Oo.transition = s
function mO(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = Je
      , s = Oo.transition;
    Oo.transition = null;
    try {
        Je = 4,
        Dg(e, t, n, r)
    } finally {
        Je = i,
        Oo.transition = s
function Dg(e, t, n, r) {
    if (Jc) {
        var i = _p(e, t, n, r);
        if (i === null)
            ah(e, t, r, Zc, n),
            Qy(e, r);
        else if (fO(i, e, t, n, r))
        else if (Qy(e, r),
        t & 4 && -1 < dO.indexOf(e)) {
            for (; i !== null; ) {
                var s = yu(i);
                if (s !== null && Yb(s),
                s = _p(e, t, n, r),
                s === null && ah(e, t, r, Zc, n),
                s === i)
                i = s
            i !== null && r.stopPropagation()
        } else
            ah(e, t, r, null, n)
var Zc = null;
function _p(e, t, n, r) {
    if (Zc = null,
    e = Og(r),
    e = as(e),
    e !== null)
        if (t = Vs(e),
        t === null)
            e = null;
        else if (n = t.tag,
        n === 13) {
            if (e = Ub(t),
            e !== null)
                return e;
            e = null
        } else if (n === 3) {
            if (t.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated)
                return t.tag === 3 ? t.stateNode.containerInfo : null;
            e = null
        } else
            t !== e && (e = null);
    return Zc = e,
function tS(e) {
    switch (e) {
    case "cancel":
    case "click":
    case "close":
    case "contextmenu":
    case "copy":
    case "cut":
    case "auxclick":
    case "dblclick":
    case "dragend":
    case "dragstart":
    case "drop":
    case "focusin":
    case "focusout":
    case "input":
    case "invalid":
    case "keydown":
    case "keypress":
    case "keyup":
    case "mousedown":
    case "mouseup":
    case "paste":
    case "pause":
    case "play":
    case "pointercancel":
    case "pointerdown":
    case "pointerup":
    case "ratechange":
    case "reset":
    case "resize":
    case "seeked":
    case "submit":
    case "touchcancel":
    case "touchend":
    case "touchstart":
    case "volumechange":
    case "change":
    case "selectionchange":
    case "textInput":
    case "compositionstart":
    case "compositionend":
    case "compositionupdate":
    case "beforeblur":
    case "afterblur":
    case "beforeinput":
    case "blur":
    case "fullscreenchange":
    case "focus":
    case "hashchange":
    case "popstate":
    case "select":
    case "selectstart":
        return 1;
    case "drag":
    case "dragenter":
    case "dragexit":
    case "dragleave":
    case "dragover":
    case "mousemove":
    case "mouseout":
    case "mouseover":
    case "pointermove":
    case "pointerout":
    case "pointerover":
    case "scroll":
    case "toggle":
    case "touchmove":
    case "wheel":
    case "mouseenter":
    case "mouseleave":
    case "pointerenter":
    case "pointerleave":
        return 4;
    case "message":
        switch (nO()) {
        case kg:
            return 1;
        case Gb:
            return 4;
        case Yc:
        case rO:
            return 16;
        case Kb:
            return 536870912;
            return 16
        return 16
var Pi = null
  , Lg = null
  , Ec = null;
function nS() {
    if (Ec)
        return Ec;
    var e, t = Lg, n = t.length, r, i = "value"in Pi ? Pi.value : Pi.textContent, s = i.length;
    for (e = 0; e < n && t[e] === i[e]; e++)
    var o = n - e;
    for (r = 1; r <= o && t[n - r] === i[s - r]; r++)
    return Ec = i.slice(e, 1 < r ? 1 - r : void 0)
function Cc(e) {
    var t = e.keyCode;
    return "charCode"in e ? (e = e.charCode,
    e === 0 && t === 13 && (e = 13)) : e = t,
    e === 10 && (e = 13),
    32 <= e || e === 13 ? e : 0
function Ku() {
    return !0
function Xy() {
    return !1
function $n(e) {
    function t(n, r, i, s, o) {
        this._reactName = n,
        this._targetInst = i,
        this.type = r,
        this.nativeEvent = s,
        this.target = o,
        this.currentTarget = null;
        for (var a in e)
            e.hasOwnProperty(a) && (n = e[a],
            this[a] = n ? n(s) : s[a]);
        return this.isDefaultPrevented = (s.defaultPrevented != null ? s.defaultPrevented : s.returnValue === !1) ? Ku : Xy,
        this.isPropagationStopped = Xy,
    return xt(t.prototype, {
        preventDefault: function() {
            this.defaultPrevented = !0;
            var n = this.nativeEvent;
            n && (n.preventDefault ? n.preventDefault() : typeof n.returnValue != "unknown" && (n.returnValue = !1),
            this.isDefaultPrevented = Ku)
        stopPropagation: function() {
            var n = this.nativeEvent;
            n && (n.stopPropagation ? n.stopPropagation() : typeof n.cancelBubble != "unknown" && (n.cancelBubble = !0),
            this.isPropagationStopped = Ku)
        persist: function() {},
        isPersistent: Ku
var fa = {
    eventPhase: 0,
    bubbles: 0,
    cancelable: 0,
    timeStamp: function(e) {
        return e.timeStamp || Date.now()
    defaultPrevented: 0,
    isTrusted: 0
}, Ng = $n(fa), vu = xt({}, fa, {
    view: 0,
    detail: 0
}), gO = $n(vu), Jf, Zf, Ra, Zd = xt({}, vu, {
    screenX: 0,
    screenY: 0,
    clientX: 0,
    clientY: 0,
    pageX: 0,
    pageY: 0,
    ctrlKey: 0,
    shiftKey: 0,
    altKey: 0,
    metaKey: 0,
    getModifierState: Mg,
    button: 0,
    buttons: 0,
    relatedTarget: function(e) {
        return e.relatedTarget === void 0 ? e.fromElement === e.srcElement ? e.toElement : e.fromElement : e.relatedTarget
    movementX: function(e) {
        return "movementX"in e ? e.movementX : (e !== Ra && (Ra && e.type === "mousemove" ? (Jf = e.screenX - Ra.screenX,
        Zf = e.screenY - Ra.screenY) : Zf = Jf = 0,
        Ra = e),
    movementY: function(e) {
        return "movementY"in e ? e.movementY : Zf
}), Jy = $n(Zd), vO = xt({}, Zd, {
    dataTransfer: 0
}), yO = $n(vO), wO = xt({}, vu, {
    relatedTarget: 0
}), eh = $n(wO), xO = xt({}, fa, {
    animationName: 0,
    elapsedTime: 0,
    pseudoElement: 0
}), bO = $n(xO), SO = xt({}, fa, {
    clipboardData: function(e) {
        return "clipboardData"in e ? e.clipboardData : window.clipboardData
}), EO = $n(SO), CO = xt({}, fa, {
    data: 0
}), Zy = $n(CO), PO = {
    Esc: "Escape",
    Spacebar: " ",
    Left: "ArrowLeft",
    Up: "ArrowUp",
    Right: "ArrowRight",
    Down: "ArrowDown",
    Del: "Delete",
    Win: "OS",
    Menu: "ContextMenu",
    Apps: "ContextMenu",
    Scroll: "ScrollLock",
    MozPrintableKey: "Unidentified"
}, TO = {
    8: "Backspace",
    9: "Tab",
    12: "Clear",
    13: "Enter",
    16: "Shift",
    17: "Control",
    18: "Alt",
    19: "Pause",
    20: "CapsLock",
    27: "Escape",
    32: " ",
    33: "PageUp",
    34: "PageDown",
    35: "End",
    36: "Home",
    37: "ArrowLeft",
    38: "ArrowUp",
    39: "ArrowRight",
    40: "ArrowDown",
    45: "Insert",
    46: "Delete",
    112: "F1",
    113: "F2",
    114: "F3",
    115: "F4",
    116: "F5",
    117: "F6",
    118: "F7",
    119: "F8",
    120: "F9",
    121: "F10",
    122: "F11",
    123: "F12",
    144: "NumLock",
    145: "ScrollLock",
    224: "Meta"
}, RO = {
    Alt: "altKey",
    Control: "ctrlKey",
    Meta: "metaKey",
    Shift: "shiftKey"
function OO(e) {
    var t = this.nativeEvent;
    return t.getModifierState ? t.getModifierState(e) : (e = RO[e]) ? !!t[e] : !1
function Mg() {
    return OO
var kO = xt({}, vu, {
    key: function(e) {
        if (e.key) {
            var t = PO[e.key] || e.key;
            if (t !== "Unidentified")
                return t
        return e.type === "keypress" ? (e = Cc(e),
        e === 13 ? "Enter" : String.fromCharCode(e)) : e.type === "keydown" || e.type === "keyup" ? TO[e.keyCode] || "Unidentified" : ""
    code: 0,
    location: 0,
    ctrlKey: 0,
    shiftKey: 0,
    altKey: 0,
    metaKey: 0,
    repeat: 0,
    locale: 0,
    getModifierState: Mg,
    charCode: function(e) {
        return e.type === "keypress" ? Cc(e) : 0
    keyCode: function(e) {
        return e.type === "keydown" || e.type === "keyup" ? e.keyCode : 0
    which: function(e) {
        return e.type === "keypress" ? Cc(e) : e.type === "keydown" || e.type === "keyup" ? e.keyCode : 0
  , _O = $n(kO)
  , AO = xt({}, Zd, {
    pointerId: 0,
    width: 0,
    height: 0,
    pressure: 0,
    tangentialPressure: 0,
    tiltX: 0,
    tiltY: 0,
    twist: 0,
    pointerType: 0,
    isPrimary: 0
  , e0 = $n(AO)
  , DO = xt({}, vu, {
    touches: 0,
    targetTouches: 0,
    changedTouches: 0,
    altKey: 0,
    metaKey: 0,
    ctrlKey: 0,
    shiftKey: 0,
    getModifierState: Mg
  , LO = $n(DO)
  , NO = xt({}, fa, {
    propertyName: 0,
    elapsedTime: 0,
    pseudoElement: 0
  , MO = $n(NO)
  , jO = xt({}, Zd, {
    deltaX: function(e) {
        return "deltaX"in e ? e.deltaX : "wheelDeltaX"in e ? -e.wheelDeltaX : 0
    deltaY: function(e) {
        return "deltaY"in e ? e.deltaY : "wheelDeltaY"in e ? -e.wheelDeltaY : "wheelDelta"in e ? -e.wheelDelta : 0
    deltaZ: 0,
    deltaMode: 0
  , $O = $n(jO)
  , IO = [9, 13, 27, 32]
  , jg = qr && "CompositionEvent"in window
  , el = null;
qr && "documentMode"in document && (el = document.documentMode);
var FO = qr && "TextEvent"in window && !el
  , rS = qr && (!jg || el && 8 < el && 11 >= el)
  , t0 = " "
  , n0 = !1;
function iS(e, t) {
    switch (e) {
    case "keyup":
        return IO.indexOf(t.keyCode) !== -1;
    case "keydown":
        return t.keyCode !== 229;
    case "keypress":
    case "mousedown":
    case "focusout":
        return !0;
        return !1
function sS(e) {
    return e = e.detail,
    typeof e == "object" && "data"in e ? e.data : null
var oo = !1;
function VO(e, t) {
    switch (e) {
    case "compositionend":
        return sS(t);
    case "keypress":
        return t.which !== 32 ? null : (n0 = !0,
    case "textInput":
        return e = t.data,
        e === t0 && n0 ? null : e;
        return null
function zO(e, t) {
    if (oo)
        return e === "compositionend" || !jg && iS(e, t) ? (e = nS(),
        Ec = Lg = Pi = null,
        oo = !1,
        e) : null;
    switch (e) {
    case "paste":
        return null;
    case "keypress":
        if (!(t.ctrlKey || t.altKey || t.metaKey) || t.ctrlKey && t.altKey) {
            if (t.char && 1 < t.char.length)
                return t.char;
            if (t.which)
                return String.fromCharCode(t.which)
        return null;
    case "compositionend":
        return rS && t.locale !== "ko" ? null : t.data;
        return null
var UO = {
    color: !0,
    date: !0,
    datetime: !0,
    "datetime-local": !0,
    email: !0,
    month: !0,
    number: !0,
    password: !0,
    range: !0,
    search: !0,
    tel: !0,
    text: !0,
    time: !0,
    url: !0,
    week: !0
function r0(e) {
    var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
    return t === "input" ? !!UO[e.type] : t === "textarea"
function oS(e, t, n, r) {
    t = ed(t, "onChange"),
    0 < t.length && (n = new Ng("onChange","change",null,n,r),
        event: n,
        listeners: t
var tl = null
  , El = null;
function BO(e) {
    vS(e, 0)
function ef(e) {
    var t = uo(e);
    if (_b(t))
        return e
function HO(e, t) {
    if (e === "change")
        return t
var aS = !1;
if (qr) {
    var th;
    if (qr) {
        var nh = "oninput"in document;
        if (!nh) {
            var i0 = document.createElement("div");
            i0.setAttribute("oninput", "return;"),
            nh = typeof i0.oninput == "function"
        th = nh
    } else
        th = !1;
    aS = th && (!document.documentMode || 9 < document.documentMode)
function s0() {
    tl && (tl.detachEvent("onpropertychange", lS),
    El = tl = null)
function lS(e) {
    if (e.propertyName === "value" && ef(El)) {
        var t = [];
        oS(t, El, e, Og(e)),
        zb(BO, t)
function WO(e, t, n) {
    e === "focusin" ? (s0(),
    tl = t,
    El = n,
    tl.attachEvent("onpropertychange", lS)) : e === "focusout" && s0()
function GO(e) {
    if (e === "selectionchange" || e === "keyup" || e === "keydown")
        return ef(El)
function KO(e, t) {
    if (e === "click")
        return ef(t)
function qO(e, t) {
    if (e === "input" || e === "change")
        return ef(t)
function QO(e, t) {
    return e === t && (e !== 0 || 1 / e === 1 / t) || e !== e && t !== t
var pr = typeof Object.is == "function" ? Object.is : QO;
function Cl(e, t) {
    if (pr(e, t))
        return !0;
    if (typeof e != "object" || e === null || typeof t != "object" || t === null)
        return !1;
    var n = Object.keys(e)
      , r = Object.keys(t);
    if (n.length !== r.length)
        return !1;
    for (r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
        var i = n[r];
        if (!fp.call(t, i) || !pr(e[i], t[i]))
            return !1
    return !0
function o0(e) {
    for (; e && e.firstChild; )
        e = e.firstChild;
    return e
function a0(e, t) {
    var n = o0(e);
    e = 0;
    for (var r; n; ) {
        if (n.nodeType === 3) {
            if (r = e + n.textContent.length,
            e <= t && r >= t)
                return {
                    node: n,
                    offset: t - e
            e = r
        e: {
            for (; n; ) {
                if (n.nextSibling) {
                    n = n.nextSibling;
                    break e
                n = n.parentNode
            n = void 0
        n = o0(n)
function uS(e, t) {
    return e && t ? e === t ? !0 : e && e.nodeType === 3 ? !1 : t && t.nodeType === 3 ? uS(e, t.parentNode) : "contains"in e ? e.contains(t) : e.compareDocumentPosition ? !!(e.compareDocumentPosition(t) & 16) : !1 : !1
function cS() {
    for (var e = window, t = Kc(); t instanceof e.HTMLIFrameElement; ) {
        try {
            var n = typeof t.contentWindow.location.href == "string"
        } catch {
            n = !1
        if (n)
            e = t.contentWindow;
        t = Kc(e.document)
    return t
function $g(e) {
    var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
    return t && (t === "input" && (e.type === "text" || e.type === "search" || e.type === "tel" || e.type === "url" || e.type === "password") || t === "textarea" || e.contentEditable === "true")
function YO(e) {
    var t = cS()
      , n = e.focusedElem
      , r = e.selectionRange;
    if (t !== n && n && n.ownerDocument && uS(n.ownerDocument.documentElement, n)) {
        if (r !== null && $g(n)) {
            if (t = r.start,
            e = r.end,
            e === void 0 && (e = t),
            "selectionStart"in n)
                n.selectionStart = t,
                n.selectionEnd = Math.min(e, n.value.length);
            else if (e = (t = n.ownerDocument || document) && t.defaultView || window,
            e.getSelection) {
                e = e.getSelection();
                var i = n.textContent.length
                  , s = Math.min(r.start, i);
                r = r.end === void 0 ? s : Math.min(r.end, i),
                !e.extend && s > r && (i = r,
                r = s,
                s = i),
                i = a0(n, s);
                var o = a0(n, r);
                i && o && (e.rangeCount !== 1 || e.anchorNode !== i.node || e.anchorOffset !== i.offset || e.focusNode !== o.node || e.focusOffset !== o.offset) && (t = t.createRange(),
                t.setStart(i.node, i.offset),
                s > r ? (e.addRange(t),
                e.extend(o.node, o.offset)) : (t.setEnd(o.node, o.offset),
        for (t = [],
        e = n; e = e.parentNode; )
            e.nodeType === 1 && t.push({
                element: e,
                left: e.scrollLeft,
                top: e.scrollTop
        for (typeof n.focus == "function" && n.focus(),
        n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
            e = t[n],
            e.element.scrollLeft = e.left,
            e.element.scrollTop = e.top
var XO = qr && "documentMode"in document && 11 >= document.documentMode
  , ao = null
  , Ap = null
  , nl = null
  , Dp = !1;
function l0(e, t, n) {
    var r = n.window === n ? n.document : n.nodeType === 9 ? n : n.ownerDocument;
    Dp || ao == null || ao !== Kc(r) || (r = ao,
    "selectionStart"in r && $g(r) ? r = {
        start: r.selectionStart,
        end: r.selectionEnd
    } : (r = (r.ownerDocument && r.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getSelection(),
    r = {
        anchorNode: r.anchorNode,
        anchorOffset: r.anchorOffset,
        focusNode: r.focusNode,
        focusOffset: r.focusOffset
    nl && Cl(nl, r) || (nl = r,
    r = ed(Ap, "onSelect"),
    0 < r.length && (t = new Ng("onSelect","select",null,t,n),
        event: t,
        listeners: r
    t.target = ao)))
function qu(e, t) {
    var n = {};
    return n[e.toLowerCase()] = t.toLowerCase(),
    n["Webkit" + e] = "webkit" + t,
    n["Moz" + e] = "moz" + t,
var lo = {
    animationend: qu("Animation", "AnimationEnd"),
    animationiteration: qu("Animation", "AnimationIteration"),
    animationstart: qu("Animation", "AnimationStart"),
    transitionend: qu("Transition", "TransitionEnd")
  , rh = {}
  , dS = {};
qr && (dS = document.createElement("div").style,
"AnimationEvent"in window || (delete lo.animationend.animation,
delete lo.animationiteration.animation,
delete lo.animationstart.animation),
"TransitionEvent"in window || delete lo.transitionend.transition);
function tf(e) {
    if (rh[e])
        return rh[e];
    if (!lo[e])
        return e;
    var t = lo[e], n;
    for (n in t)
        if (t.hasOwnProperty(n) && n in dS)
            return rh[e] = t[n];
    return e
var fS = tf("animationend")
  , hS = tf("animationiteration")
  , pS = tf("animationstart")
  , mS = tf("transitionend")
  , gS = new Map
  , u0 = "abort auxClick cancel canPlay canPlayThrough click close contextMenu copy cut drag dragEnd dragEnter dragExit dragLeave dragOver dragStart drop durationChange emptied encrypted ended error gotPointerCapture input invalid keyDown keyPress keyUp load loadedData loadedMetadata loadStart lostPointerCapture mouseDown mouseMove mouseOut mouseOver mouseUp paste pause play playing pointerCancel pointerDown pointerMove pointerOut pointerOver pointerUp progress rateChange reset resize seeked seeking stalled submit suspend timeUpdate touchCancel touchEnd touchStart volumeChange scroll toggle touchMove waiting wheel".split(" ");
function Hi(e, t) {
    gS.set(e, t),
    Fs(t, [e])
for (var ih = 0; ih < u0.length; ih++) {
    var sh = u0[ih]
      , JO = sh.toLowerCase()
      , ZO = sh[0].toUpperCase() + sh.slice(1);
    Hi(JO, "on" + ZO)
Hi(fS, "onAnimationEnd");
Hi(hS, "onAnimationIteration");
Hi(pS, "onAnimationStart");
Hi("dblclick", "onDoubleClick");
Hi("focusin", "onFocus");
Hi("focusout", "onBlur");
Hi(mS, "onTransitionEnd");
qo("onMouseEnter", ["mouseout", "mouseover"]);
qo("onMouseLeave", ["mouseout", "mouseover"]);
qo("onPointerEnter", ["pointerout", "pointerover"]);
qo("onPointerLeave", ["pointerout", "pointerover"]);
Fs("onChange", "change click focusin focusout input keydown keyup selectionchange".split(" "));
Fs("onSelect", "focusout contextmenu dragend focusin keydown keyup mousedown mouseup selectionchange".split(" "));
Fs("onBeforeInput", ["compositionend", "keypress", "textInput", "paste"]);
Fs("onCompositionEnd", "compositionend focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" "));
Fs("onCompositionStart", "compositionstart focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" "));
Fs("onCompositionUpdate", "compositionupdate focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" "));
var Ka = "abort canplay canplaythrough durationchange emptied encrypted ended error loadeddata loadedmetadata loadstart pause play playing progress ratechange resize seeked seeking stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange waiting".split(" ")
  , ek = new Set("cancel close invalid load scroll toggle".split(" ").concat(Ka));
function c0(e, t, n) {
    var r = e.type || "unknown-event";
    e.currentTarget = n,
    JR(r, t, void 0, e),
    e.currentTarget = null
function vS(e, t) {
    t = (t & 4) !== 0;
    for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
        var r = e[n]
          , i = r.event;
        r = r.listeners;
        e: {
            var s = void 0;
            if (t)
                for (var o = r.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--) {
                    var a = r[o]
                      , l = a.instance
                      , u = a.currentTarget;
                    if (a = a.listener,
                    l !== s && i.isPropagationStopped())
                        break e;
                    c0(i, a, u),
                    s = l
                for (o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
                    if (a = r[o],
                    l = a.instance,
                    u = a.currentTarget,
                    a = a.listener,
                    l !== s && i.isPropagationStopped())
                        break e;
                    c0(i, a, u),
                    s = l
    if (Qc)
        throw e = Rp,
        Qc = !1,
        Rp = null,
function at(e, t) {
    var n = t[$p];
    n === void 0 && (n = t[$p] = new Set);
    var r = e + "__bubble";
    n.has(r) || (yS(t, e, 2, !1),
function oh(e, t, n) {
    var r = 0;
    t && (r |= 4),
    yS(n, e, r, t)
var Qu = "_reactListening" + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
function Pl(e) {
    if (!e[Qu]) {
        e[Qu] = !0,
        Pb.forEach(function(n) {
            n !== "selectionchange" && (ek.has(n) || oh(n, !1, e),
            oh(n, !0, e))
        var t = e.nodeType === 9 ? e : e.ownerDocument;
        t === null || t[Qu] || (t[Qu] = !0,
        oh("selectionchange", !1, t))
function yS(e, t, n, r) {
    switch (tS(t)) {
    case 1:
        var i = pO;
    case 4:
        i = mO;
        i = Dg
    n = i.bind(null, t, n, e),
    i = void 0,
    !Tp || t !== "touchstart" && t !== "touchmove" && t !== "wheel" || (i = !0),
    r ? i !== void 0 ? e.addEventListener(t, n, {
        capture: !0,
        passive: i
    }) : e.addEventListener(t, n, !0) : i !== void 0 ? e.addEventListener(t, n, {
        passive: i
    }) : e.addEventListener(t, n, !1)
function ah(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = r;
    if (!(t & 1) && !(t & 2) && r !== null)
        e: for (; ; ) {
            if (r === null)
            var o = r.tag;
            if (o === 3 || o === 4) {
                var a = r.stateNode.containerInfo;
                if (a === i || a.nodeType === 8 && a.parentNode === i)
                if (o === 4)
                    for (o = r.return; o !== null; ) {
                        var l = o.tag;
                        if ((l === 3 || l === 4) && (l = o.stateNode.containerInfo,
                        l === i || l.nodeType === 8 && l.parentNode === i))
                        o = o.return
                for (; a !== null; ) {
                    if (o = as(a),
                    o === null)
                    if (l = o.tag,
                    l === 5 || l === 6) {
                        r = s = o;
                        continue e
                    a = a.parentNode
            r = r.return
    zb(function() {
        var u = s
          , c = Og(n)
          , d = [];
        e: {
            var f = gS.get(e);
            if (f !== void 0) {
                var h = Ng
                  , m = e;
                switch (e) {
                case "keypress":
                    if (Cc(n) === 0)
                        break e;
                case "keydown":
                case "keyup":
                    h = _O;
                case "focusin":
                    m = "focus",
                    h = eh;
                case "focusout":
                    m = "blur",
                    h = eh;
                case "beforeblur":
                case "afterblur":
                    h = eh;
                case "click":
                    if (n.button === 2)
                        break e;
                case "auxclick":
                case "dblclick":
                case "mousedown":
                case "mousemove":
                case "mouseup":
                case "mouseout":
                case "mouseover":
                case "contextmenu":
                    h = Jy;
                case "drag":
                case "dragend":
                case "dragenter":
                case "dragexit":
                case "dragleave":
                case "dragover":
                case "dragstart":
                case "drop":
                    h = yO;
                case "touchcancel":
                case "touchend":
                case "touchmove":
                case "touchstart":
                    h = LO;
                case fS:
                case hS:
                case pS:
                    h = bO;
                case mS:
                    h = MO;
                case "scroll":
                    h = gO;
                case "wheel":
                    h = $O;
                case "copy":
                case "cut":
                case "paste":
                    h = EO;
                case "gotpointercapture":
                case "lostpointercapture":
                case "pointercancel":
                case "pointerdown":
                case "pointermove":
                case "pointerout":
                case "pointerover":
                case "pointerup":
                    h = e0
                var p = (t & 4) !== 0
                  , b = !p && e === "scroll"
                  , v = p ? f !== null ? f + "Capture" : null : f;
                p = [];
                for (var g = u, w; g !== null; ) {
                    w = g;
                    var E = w.stateNode;
                    if (w.tag === 5 && E !== null && (w = E,
                    v !== null && (E = wl(g, v),
                    E != null && p.push(Tl(g, E, w)))),
                    g = g.return
                0 < p.length && (f = new h(f,m,null,n,c),
                    event: f,
                    listeners: p
        if (!(t & 7)) {
            e: {
                if (f = e === "mouseover" || e === "pointerover",
                h = e === "mouseout" || e === "pointerout",
                f && n !== Cp && (m = n.relatedTarget || n.fromElement) && (as(m) || m[Qr]))
                    break e;
                if ((h || f) && (f = c.window === c ? c : (f = c.ownerDocument) ? f.defaultView || f.parentWindow : window,
                h ? (m = n.relatedTarget || n.toElement,
                h = u,
                m = m ? as(m) : null,
                m !== null && (b = Vs(m),
                m !== b || m.tag !== 5 && m.tag !== 6) && (m = null)) : (h = null,
                m = u),
                h !== m)) {
                    if (p = Jy,
                    E = "onMouseLeave",
                    v = "onMouseEnter",
                    g = "mouse",
                    (e === "pointerout" || e === "pointerover") && (p = e0,
                    E = "onPointerLeave",
                    v = "onPointerEnter",
                    g = "pointer"),
                    b = h == null ? f : uo(h),
                    w = m == null ? f : uo(m),
                    f = new p(E,g + "leave",h,n,c),
                    f.target = b,
                    f.relatedTarget = w,
                    E = null,
                    as(c) === u && (p = new p(v,g + "enter",m,n,c),
                    p.target = w,
                    p.relatedTarget = b,
                    E = p),
                    b = E,
                    h && m)
                        t: {
                            for (p = h,
                            v = m,
                            g = 0,
                            w = p; w; w = Qs(w))
                            for (w = 0,
                            E = v; E; E = Qs(E))
                            for (; 0 < g - w; )
                                p = Qs(p),
                            for (; 0 < w - g; )
                                v = Qs(v),
                            for (; g--; ) {
                                if (p === v || v !== null && p === v.alternate)
                                    break t;
                                p = Qs(p),
                                v = Qs(v)
                            p = null
                        p = null;
                    h !== null && d0(d, f, h, p, !1),
                    m !== null && b !== null && d0(d, b, m, p, !0)
            e: {
                if (f = u ? uo(u) : window,
                h = f.nodeName && f.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
                h === "select" || h === "input" && f.type === "file")
                    var D = HO;
                else if (r0(f))
                    if (aS)
                        D = qO;
                    else {
                        D = GO;
                        var V = WO
                    (h = f.nodeName) && h.toLowerCase() === "input" && (f.type === "checkbox" || f.type === "radio") && (D = KO);
                if (D && (D = D(e, u))) {
                    oS(d, D, n, c);
                    break e
                V && V(e, f, u),
                e === "focusout" && (V = f._wrapperState) && V.controlled && f.type === "number" && wp(f, "number", f.value)
            switch (V = u ? uo(u) : window,
            e) {
            case "focusin":
                (r0(V) || V.contentEditable === "true") && (ao = V,
                Ap = u,
                nl = null);
            case "focusout":
                nl = Ap = ao = null;
            case "mousedown":
                Dp = !0;
            case "contextmenu":
            case "mouseup":
            case "dragend":
                Dp = !1,
                l0(d, n, c);
            case "selectionchange":
                if (XO)
            case "keydown":
            case "keyup":
                l0(d, n, c)
            var C;
            if (jg)
                e: {
                    switch (e) {
                    case "compositionstart":
                        var P = "onCompositionStart";
                        break e;
                    case "compositionend":
                        P = "onCompositionEnd";
                        break e;
                    case "compositionupdate":
                        P = "onCompositionUpdate";
                        break e
                    P = void 0
                oo ? iS(e, n) && (P = "onCompositionEnd") : e === "keydown" && n.keyCode === 229 && (P = "onCompositionStart");
            P && (rS && n.locale !== "ko" && (oo || P !== "onCompositionStart" ? P === "onCompositionEnd" && oo && (C = nS()) : (Pi = c,
            Lg = "value"in Pi ? Pi.value : Pi.textContent,
            oo = !0)),
            V = ed(u, P),
            0 < V.length && (P = new Zy(P,e,null,n,c),
                event: P,
                listeners: V
            C ? P.data = C : (C = sS(n),
            C !== null && (P.data = C)))),
            (C = FO ? VO(e, n) : zO(e, n)) && (u = ed(u, "onBeforeInput"),
            0 < u.length && (c = new Zy("onBeforeInput","beforeinput",null,n,c),
                event: c,
                listeners: u
            c.data = C))
        vS(d, t)
function Tl(e, t, n) {
    return {
        instance: e,
        listener: t,
        currentTarget: n
function ed(e, t) {
    for (var n = t + "Capture", r = []; e !== null; ) {
        var i = e
          , s = i.stateNode;
        i.tag === 5 && s !== null && (i = s,
        s = wl(e, n),
        s != null && r.unshift(Tl(e, s, i)),
        s = wl(e, t),
        s != null && r.push(Tl(e, s, i))),
        e = e.return
    return r
function Qs(e) {
    if (e === null)
        return null;
        e = e.return;
    while (e && e.tag !== 5);
    return e || null
function d0(e, t, n, r, i) {
    for (var s = t._reactName, o = []; n !== null && n !== r; ) {
        var a = n
          , l = a.alternate
          , u = a.stateNode;
        if (l !== null && l === r)
        a.tag === 5 && u !== null && (a = u,
        i ? (l = wl(n, s),
        l != null && o.unshift(Tl(n, l, a))) : i || (l = wl(n, s),
        l != null && o.push(Tl(n, l, a)))),
        n = n.return
    o.length !== 0 && e.push({
        event: t,
        listeners: o
var tk = /\r\n?/g
  , nk = /\u0000|\uFFFD/g;
function f0(e) {
    return (typeof e == "string" ? e : "" + e).replace(tk, `
`).replace(nk, "")
function Yu(e, t, n) {
    if (t = f0(t),
    f0(e) !== t && n)
        throw Error(oe(425))
function td() {}
var Lp = null
  , Np = null;
function Mp(e, t) {
    return e === "textarea" || e === "noscript" || typeof t.children == "string" || typeof t.children == "number" || typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML == "object" && t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML !== null && t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html != null
var jp = typeof setTimeout == "function" ? setTimeout : void 0
  , rk = typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? clearTimeout : void 0
  , h0 = typeof Promise == "function" ? Promise : void 0
  , ik = typeof queueMicrotask == "function" ? queueMicrotask : typeof h0 < "u" ? function(e) {
    return h0.resolve(null).then(e).catch(sk)
: jp;
function sk(e) {
    setTimeout(function() {
        throw e
function lh(e, t) {
    var n = t
      , r = 0;
    do {
        var i = n.nextSibling;
        if (e.removeChild(n),
        i && i.nodeType === 8)
            if (n = i.data,
            n === "/$") {
                if (r === 0) {
            } else
                n !== "$" && n !== "$?" && n !== "$!" || r++;
        n = i
    } while (n);
function _i(e) {
    for (; e != null; e = e.nextSibling) {
        var t = e.nodeType;
        if (t === 1 || t === 3)
        if (t === 8) {
            if (t = e.data,
            t === "$" || t === "$!" || t === "$?")
            if (t === "/$")
                return null
    return e
function p0(e) {
    e = e.previousSibling;
    for (var t = 0; e; ) {
        if (e.nodeType === 8) {
            var n = e.data;
            if (n === "$" || n === "$!" || n === "$?") {
                if (t === 0)
                    return e;
            } else
                n === "/$" && t++
        e = e.previousSibling
    return null
var ha = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2)
  , Pr = "__reactFiber$" + ha
  , Rl = "__reactProps$" + ha
  , Qr = "__reactContainer$" + ha
  , $p = "__reactEvents$" + ha
  , ok = "__reactListeners$" + ha
  , ak = "__reactHandles$" + ha;
function as(e) {
    var t = e[Pr];
    if (t)
        return t;
    for (var n = e.parentNode; n; ) {
        if (t = n[Qr] || n[Pr]) {
            if (n = t.alternate,
            t.child !== null || n !== null && n.child !== null)
                for (e = p0(e); e !== null; ) {
                    if (n = e[Pr])
                        return n;
                    e = p0(e)
            return t
        e = n,
        n = e.parentNode
    return null
function yu(e) {
    return e = e[Pr] || e[Qr],
    !e || e.tag !== 5 && e.tag !== 6 && e.tag !== 13 && e.tag !== 3 ? null : e
function uo(e) {
    if (e.tag === 5 || e.tag === 6)
        return e.stateNode;
    throw Error(oe(33))
function nf(e) {
    return e[Rl] || null
var Ip = []
  , co = -1;
function Wi(e) {
    return {
        current: e
function ut(e) {
    0 > co || (e.current = Ip[co],
    Ip[co] = null,
function rt(e, t) {
    Ip[co] = e.current,
    e.current = t
var Fi = {}
  , an = Wi(Fi)
  , Sn = Wi(!1)
  , Ts = Fi;
function Qo(e, t) {
    var n = e.type.contextTypes;
    if (!n)
        return Fi;
    var r = e.stateNode;
    if (r && r.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === t)
        return r.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext;
    var i = {}, s;
    for (s in n)
        i[s] = t[s];
    return r && (e = e.stateNode,
    e.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = t,
    e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = i),
function En(e) {
    return e = e.childContextTypes,
    e != null
function nd() {
function m0(e, t, n) {
    if (an.current !== Fi)
        throw Error(oe(168));
    rt(an, t),
    rt(Sn, n)
function wS(e, t, n) {
    var r = e.stateNode;
    if (t = t.childContextTypes,
    typeof r.getChildContext != "function")
        return n;
    r = r.getChildContext();
    for (var i in r)
        if (!(i in t))
            throw Error(oe(108, WR(e) || "Unknown", i));
    return xt({}, n, r)
function rd(e) {
    return e = (e = e.stateNode) && e.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext || Fi,
    Ts = an.current,
    rt(an, e),
    rt(Sn, Sn.current),
function g0(e, t, n) {
    var r = e.stateNode;
    if (!r)
        throw Error(oe(169));
    n ? (e = wS(e, t, Ts),
    r.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = e,
    rt(an, e)) : ut(Sn),
    rt(Sn, n)
var jr = null
  , rf = !1
  , uh = !1;
function xS(e) {
    jr === null ? jr = [e] : jr.push(e)
function lk(e) {
    rf = !0,
function Gi() {
    if (!uh && jr !== null) {
        uh = !0;
        var e = 0
          , t = Je;
        try {
            var n = jr;
            for (Je = 1; e < n.length; e++) {
                var r = n[e];
                    r = r(!0);
                while (r !== null)
            jr = null,
            rf = !1
        } catch (i) {
            throw jr !== null && (jr = jr.slice(e + 1)),
            Wb(kg, Gi),
        } finally {
            Je = t,
            uh = !1
    return null
var fo = []
  , ho = 0
  , id = null
  , sd = 0
  , Hn = []
  , Wn = 0
  , Rs = null
  , Ir = 1
  , Fr = "";
function es(e, t) {
    fo[ho++] = sd,
    fo[ho++] = id,
    id = e,
    sd = t
function bS(e, t, n) {
    Hn[Wn++] = Ir,
    Hn[Wn++] = Fr,
    Hn[Wn++] = Rs,
    Rs = e;
    var r = Ir;
    e = Fr;
    var i = 32 - ur(r) - 1;
    r &= ~(1 << i),
    n += 1;
    var s = 32 - ur(t) + i;
    if (30 < s) {
        var o = i - i % 5;
        s = (r & (1 << o) - 1).toString(32),
        r >>= o,
        i -= o,
        Ir = 1 << 32 - ur(t) + i | n << i | r,
        Fr = s + e
    } else
        Ir = 1 << s | n << i | r,
        Fr = e
function Ig(e) {
    e.return !== null && (es(e, 1),
    bS(e, 1, 0))
function Fg(e) {
    for (; e === id; )
        id = fo[--ho],
        fo[ho] = null,
        sd = fo[--ho],
        fo[ho] = null;
    for (; e === Rs; )
        Rs = Hn[--Wn],
        Hn[Wn] = null,
        Fr = Hn[--Wn],
        Hn[Wn] = null,
        Ir = Hn[--Wn],
        Hn[Wn] = null
var An = null
  , kn = null
  , ht = !1
  , or = null;
function SS(e, t) {
    var n = Qn(5, null, null, 0);
    n.elementType = "DELETED",
    n.stateNode = t,
    n.return = e,
    t = e.deletions,
    t === null ? (e.deletions = [n],
    e.flags |= 16) : t.push(n)
function v0(e, t) {
    switch (e.tag) {
    case 5:
        var n = e.type;
        return t = t.nodeType !== 1 || n.toLowerCase() !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? null : t,
        t !== null ? (e.stateNode = t,
        An = e,
        kn = _i(t.firstChild),
        !0) : !1;
    case 6:
        return t = e.pendingProps === "" || t.nodeType !== 3 ? null : t,
        t !== null ? (e.stateNode = t,
        An = e,
        kn = null,
        !0) : !1;
    case 13:
        return t = t.nodeType !== 8 ? null : t,
        t !== null ? (n = Rs !== null ? {
            id: Ir,
            overflow: Fr
        } : null,
        e.memoizedState = {
            dehydrated: t,
            treeContext: n,
            retryLane: 1073741824
        n = Qn(18, null, null, 0),
        n.stateNode = t,
        n.return = e,
        e.child = n,
        An = e,
        kn = null,
        !0) : !1;
        return !1
function Fp(e) {
    return (e.mode & 1) !== 0 && (e.flags & 128) === 0
function Vp(e) {
    if (ht) {
        var t = kn;
        if (t) {
            var n = t;
            if (!v0(e, t)) {
                if (Fp(e))
                    throw Error(oe(418));
                t = _i(n.nextSibling);
                var r = An;
                t && v0(e, t) ? SS(r, n) : (e.flags = e.flags & -4097 | 2,
                ht = !1,
                An = e)
        } else {
            if (Fp(e))
                throw Error(oe(418));
            e.flags = e.flags & -4097 | 2,
            ht = !1,
            An = e
function y0(e) {
    for (e = e.return; e !== null && e.tag !== 5 && e.tag !== 3 && e.tag !== 13; )
        e = e.return;
    An = e
function Xu(e) {
    if (e !== An)
        return !1;
    if (!ht)
        return y0(e),
        ht = !0,
    var t;
    if ((t = e.tag !== 3) && !(t = e.tag !== 5) && (t = e.type,
    t = t !== "head" && t !== "body" && !Mp(e.type, e.memoizedProps)),
    t && (t = kn)) {
        if (Fp(e))
            throw ES(),
        for (; t; )
            SS(e, t),
            t = _i(t.nextSibling)
    if (y0(e),
    e.tag === 13) {
        if (e = e.memoizedState,
        e = e !== null ? e.dehydrated : null,
            throw Error(oe(317));
        e: {
            for (e = e.nextSibling,
            t = 0; e; ) {
                if (e.nodeType === 8) {
                    var n = e.data;
                    if (n === "/$") {
                        if (t === 0) {
                            kn = _i(e.nextSibling);
                            break e
                    } else
                        n !== "$" && n !== "$!" && n !== "$?" || t++
                e = e.nextSibling
            kn = null
    } else
        kn = An ? _i(e.stateNode.nextSibling) : null;
    return !0
function ES() {
    for (var e = kn; e; )
        e = _i(e.nextSibling)
function Yo() {
    kn = An = null,
    ht = !1
function Vg(e) {
    or === null ? or = [e] : or.push(e)
var uk = ti.ReactCurrentBatchConfig;
function Oa(e, t, n) {
    if (e = n.ref,
    e !== null && typeof e != "function" && typeof e != "object") {
        if (n._owner) {
            if (n = n._owner,
            n) {
                if (n.tag !== 1)
                    throw Error(oe(309));
                var r = n.stateNode
            if (!r)
                throw Error(oe(147, e));
            var i = r
              , s = "" + e;
            return t !== null && t.ref !== null && typeof t.ref == "function" && t.ref._stringRef === s ? t.ref : (t = function(o) {
                var a = i.refs;
                o === null ? delete a[s] : a[s] = o
            t._stringRef = s,
        if (typeof e != "string")
            throw Error(oe(284));
        if (!n._owner)
            throw Error(oe(290, e))
    return e
function Ju(e, t) {
    throw e = Object.prototype.toString.call(t),
    Error(oe(31, e === "[object Object]" ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(t).join(", ") + "}" : e))
function w0(e) {
    var t = e._init;
    return t(e._payload)
function CS(e) {
    function t(v, g) {
        if (e) {
            var w = v.deletions;
            w === null ? (v.deletions = [g],
            v.flags |= 16) : w.push(g)
    function n(v, g) {
        if (!e)
            return null;
        for (; g !== null; )
            t(v, g),
            g = g.sibling;
        return null
    function r(v, g) {
        for (v = new Map; g !== null; )
            g.key !== null ? v.set(g.key, g) : v.set(g.index, g),
            g = g.sibling;
        return v
    function i(v, g) {
        return v = Ni(v, g),
        v.index = 0,
        v.sibling = null,
    function s(v, g, w) {
        return v.index = w,
        e ? (w = v.alternate,
        w !== null ? (w = w.index,
        w < g ? (v.flags |= 2,
        g) : w) : (v.flags |= 2,
        g)) : (v.flags |= 1048576,
    function o(v) {
        return e && v.alternate === null && (v.flags |= 2),
    function a(v, g, w, E) {
        return g === null || g.tag !== 6 ? (g = gh(w, v.mode, E),
        g.return = v,
        g) : (g = i(g, w),
        g.return = v,
    function l(v, g, w, E) {
        var D = w.type;
        return D === so ? c(v, g, w.props.children, E, w.key) : g !== null && (g.elementType === D || typeof D == "object" && D !== null && D.$$typeof === di && w0(D) === g.type) ? (E = i(g, w.props),
        E.ref = Oa(v, g, w),
        E.return = v,
        E) : (E = Ac(w.type, w.key, w.props, null, v.mode, E),
        E.ref = Oa(v, g, w),
        E.return = v,
    function u(v, g, w, E) {
        return g === null || g.tag !== 4 || g.stateNode.containerInfo !== w.containerInfo || g.stateNode.implementation !== w.implementation ? (g = vh(w, v.mode, E),
        g.return = v,
        g) : (g = i(g, w.children || []),
        g.return = v,
    function c(v, g, w, E, D) {
        return g === null || g.tag !== 7 ? (g = Es(w, v.mode, E, D),
        g.return = v,
        g) : (g = i(g, w),
        g.return = v,
    function d(v, g, w) {
        if (typeof g == "string" && g !== "" || typeof g == "number")
            return g = gh("" + g, v.mode, w),
            g.return = v,
        if (typeof g == "object" && g !== null) {
            switch (g.$$typeof) {
            case zu:
                return w = Ac(g.type, g.key, g.props, null, v.mode, w),
                w.ref = Oa(v, null, g),
                w.return = v,
            case io:
                return g = vh(g, v.mode, w),
                g.return = v,
            case di:
                var E = g._init;
                return d(v, E(g._payload), w)
            if (Wa(g) || Ea(g))
                return g = Es(g, v.mode, w, null),
                g.return = v,
            Ju(v, g)
        return null
    function f(v, g, w, E) {
        var D = g !== null ? g.key : null;
        if (typeof w == "string" && w !== "" || typeof w == "number")
            return D !== null ? null : a(v, g, "" + w, E);
        if (typeof w == "object" && w !== null) {
            switch (w.$$typeof) {
            case zu:
                return w.key === D ? l(v, g, w, E) : null;
            case io:
                return w.key === D ? u(v, g, w, E) : null;
            case di:
                return D = w._init,
                f(v, g, D(w._payload), E)
            if (Wa(w) || Ea(w))
                return D !== null ? null : c(v, g, w, E, null);
            Ju(v, w)
        return null
    function h(v, g, w, E, D) {
        if (typeof E == "string" && E !== "" || typeof E == "number")
            return v = v.get(w) || null,
            a(g, v, "" + E, D);
        if (typeof E == "object" && E !== null) {
            switch (E.$$typeof) {
            case zu:
                return v = v.get(E.key === null ? w : E.key) || null,
                l(g, v, E, D);
            case io:
                return v = v.get(E.key === null ? w : E.key) || null,
                u(g, v, E, D);
            case di:
                var V = E._init;
                return h(v, g, w, V(E._payload), D)
            if (Wa(E) || Ea(E))
                return v = v.get(w) || null,
                c(g, v, E, D, null);
            Ju(g, E)
        return null
    function m(v, g, w, E) {
        for (var D = null, V = null, C = g, P = g = 0, A = null; C !== null && P < w.length; P++) {
            C.index > P ? (A = C,
            C = null) : A = C.sibling;
            var B = f(v, C, w[P], E);
            if (B === null) {
                C === null && (C = A);
            e && C && B.alternate === null && t(v, C),
            g = s(B, g, P),
            V === null ? D = B : V.sibling = B,
            V = B,
            C = A
        if (P === w.length)
            return n(v, C),
            ht && es(v, P),
        if (C === null) {
            for (; P < w.length; P++)
                C = d(v, w[P], E),
                C !== null && (g = s(C, g, P),
                V === null ? D = C : V.sibling = C,
                V = C);
            return ht && es(v, P),
        for (C = r(v, C); P < w.length; P++)
            A = h(C, v, P, w[P], E),
            A !== null && (e && A.alternate !== null && C.delete(A.key === null ? P : A.key),
            g = s(A, g, P),
            V === null ? D = A : V.sibling = A,
            V = A);
        return e && C.forEach(function(Q) {
            return t(v, Q)
        ht && es(v, P),
    function p(v, g, w, E) {
        var D = Ea(w);
        if (typeof D != "function")
            throw Error(oe(150));
        if (w = D.call(w),
        w == null)
            throw Error(oe(151));
        for (var V = D = null, C = g, P = g = 0, A = null, B = w.next(); C !== null && !B.done; P++,
        B = w.next()) {
            C.index > P ? (A = C,
            C = null) : A = C.sibling;
            var Q = f(v, C, B.value, E);
            if (Q === null) {
                C === null && (C = A);
            e && C && Q.alternate === null && t(v, C),
            g = s(Q, g, P),
            V === null ? D = Q : V.sibling = Q,
            V = Q,
            C = A
        if (B.done)
            return n(v, C),
            ht && es(v, P),
        if (C === null) {
            for (; !B.done; P++,
            B = w.next())
                B = d(v, B.value, E),
                B !== null && (g = s(B, g, P),
                V === null ? D = B : V.sibling = B,
                V = B);
            return ht && es(v, P),
        for (C = r(v, C); !B.done; P++,
        B = w.next())
            B = h(C, v, P, B.value, E),
            B !== null && (e && B.alternate !== null && C.delete(B.key === null ? P : B.key),
            g = s(B, g, P),
            V === null ? D = B : V.sibling = B,
            V = B);
        return e && C.forEach(function(Z) {
            return t(v, Z)
        ht && es(v, P),
    function b(v, g, w, E) {
        if (typeof w == "object" && w !== null && w.type === so && w.key === null && (w = w.props.children),
        typeof w == "object" && w !== null) {
            switch (w.$$typeof) {
            case zu:
                e: {
                    for (var D = w.key, V = g; V !== null; ) {
                        if (V.key === D) {
                            if (D = w.type,
                            D === so) {
                                if (V.tag === 7) {
                                    n(v, V.sibling),
                                    g = i(V, w.props.children),
                                    g.return = v,
                                    v = g;
                                    break e
                            } else if (V.elementType === D || typeof D == "object" && D !== null && D.$$typeof === di && w0(D) === V.type) {
                                n(v, V.sibling),
                                g = i(V, w.props),
                                g.ref = Oa(v, V, w),
                                g.return = v,
                                v = g;
                                break e
                            n(v, V);
                        } else
                            t(v, V);
                        V = V.sibling
                    w.type === so ? (g = Es(w.props.children, v.mode, E, w.key),
                    g.return = v,
                    v = g) : (E = Ac(w.type, w.key, w.props, null, v.mode, E),
                    E.ref = Oa(v, g, w),
                    E.return = v,
                    v = E)
                return o(v);
            case io:
                e: {
                    for (V = w.key; g !== null; ) {
                        if (g.key === V)
                            if (g.tag === 4 && g.stateNode.containerInfo === w.containerInfo && g.stateNode.implementation === w.implementation) {
                                n(v, g.sibling),
                                g = i(g, w.children || []),
                                g.return = v,
                                v = g;
                                break e
                            } else {
                                n(v, g);
                            t(v, g);
                        g = g.sibling
                    g = vh(w, v.mode, E),
                    g.return = v,
                    v = g
                return o(v);
            case di:
                return V = w._init,
                b(v, g, V(w._payload), E)
            if (Wa(w))
                return m(v, g, w, E);
            if (Ea(w))
                return p(v, g, w, E);
            Ju(v, w)
        return typeof w == "string" && w !== "" || typeof w == "number" ? (w = "" + w,
        g !== null && g.tag === 6 ? (n(v, g.sibling),
        g = i(g, w),
        g.return = v,
        v = g) : (n(v, g),
        g = gh(w, v.mode, E),
        g.return = v,
        v = g),
        o(v)) : n(v, g)
    return b
var Xo = CS(!0)
  , PS = CS(!1)
  , od = Wi(null)
  , ad = null
  , po = null
  , zg = null;
function Ug() {
    zg = po = ad = null
function Bg(e) {
    var t = od.current;
    e._currentValue = t
function zp(e, t, n) {
    for (; e !== null; ) {
        var r = e.alternate;
        if ((e.childLanes & t) !== t ? (e.childLanes |= t,
        r !== null && (r.childLanes |= t)) : r !== null && (r.childLanes & t) !== t && (r.childLanes |= t),
        e === n)
        e = e.return
function ko(e, t) {
    ad = e,
    zg = po = null,
    e = e.dependencies,
    e !== null && e.firstContext !== null && (e.lanes & t && (bn = !0),
    e.firstContext = null)
function Jn(e) {
    var t = e._currentValue;
    if (zg !== e)
        if (e = {
            context: e,
            memoizedValue: t,
            next: null
        po === null) {
            if (ad === null)
                throw Error(oe(308));
            po = e,
            ad.dependencies = {
                lanes: 0,
                firstContext: e
        } else
            po = po.next = e;
    return t
var ls = null;
function Hg(e) {
    ls === null ? ls = [e] : ls.push(e)
function TS(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = t.interleaved;
    return i === null ? (n.next = n,
    Hg(t)) : (n.next = i.next,
    i.next = n),
    t.interleaved = n,
    Yr(e, r)
function Yr(e, t) {
    e.lanes |= t;
    var n = e.alternate;
    for (n !== null && (n.lanes |= t),
    n = e,
    e = e.return; e !== null; )
        e.childLanes |= t,
        n = e.alternate,
        n !== null && (n.childLanes |= t),
        n = e,
        e = e.return;
    return n.tag === 3 ? n.stateNode : null
var fi = !1;
function Wg(e) {
    e.updateQueue = {
        baseState: e.memoizedState,
        firstBaseUpdate: null,
        lastBaseUpdate: null,
        shared: {
            pending: null,
            interleaved: null,
            lanes: 0
        effects: null
function RS(e, t) {
    e = e.updateQueue,
    t.updateQueue === e && (t.updateQueue = {
        baseState: e.baseState,
        firstBaseUpdate: e.firstBaseUpdate,
        lastBaseUpdate: e.lastBaseUpdate,
        shared: e.shared,
        effects: e.effects
function Ur(e, t) {
    return {
        eventTime: e,
        lane: t,
        tag: 0,
        payload: null,
        callback: null,
        next: null
function Ai(e, t, n) {
    var r = e.updateQueue;
    if (r === null)
        return null;
    if (r = r.shared,
    He & 2) {
        var i = r.pending;
        return i === null ? t.next = t : (t.next = i.next,
        i.next = t),
        r.pending = t,
        Yr(e, n)
    return i = r.interleaved,
    i === null ? (t.next = t,
    Hg(r)) : (t.next = i.next,
    i.next = t),
    r.interleaved = t,
    Yr(e, n)
function Pc(e, t, n) {
    if (t = t.updateQueue,
    t !== null && (t = t.shared,
    (n & 4194240) !== 0)) {
        var r = t.lanes;
        r &= e.pendingLanes,
        n |= r,
        t.lanes = n,
        _g(e, n)
function x0(e, t) {
    var n = e.updateQueue
      , r = e.alternate;
    if (r !== null && (r = r.updateQueue,
    n === r)) {
        var i = null
          , s = null;
        if (n = n.firstBaseUpdate,
        n !== null) {
            do {
                var o = {
                    eventTime: n.eventTime,
                    lane: n.lane,
                    tag: n.tag,
                    payload: n.payload,
                    callback: n.callback,
                    next: null
                s === null ? i = s = o : s = s.next = o,
                n = n.next
            } while (n !== null);
            s === null ? i = s = t : s = s.next = t
        } else
            i = s = t;
        n = {
            baseState: r.baseState,
            firstBaseUpdate: i,
            lastBaseUpdate: s,
            shared: r.shared,
            effects: r.effects
        e.updateQueue = n;
    e = n.lastBaseUpdate,
    e === null ? n.firstBaseUpdate = t : e.next = t,
    n.lastBaseUpdate = t
function ld(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = e.updateQueue;
    fi = !1;
    var s = i.firstBaseUpdate
      , o = i.lastBaseUpdate
      , a = i.shared.pending;
    if (a !== null) {
        i.shared.pending = null;
        var l = a
          , u = l.next;
        l.next = null,
        o === null ? s = u : o.next = u,
        o = l;
        var c = e.alternate;
        c !== null && (c = c.updateQueue,
        a = c.lastBaseUpdate,
        a !== o && (a === null ? c.firstBaseUpdate = u : a.next = u,
        c.lastBaseUpdate = l))
    if (s !== null) {
        var d = i.baseState;
        o = 0,
        c = u = l = null,
        a = s;
        do {
            var f = a.lane
              , h = a.eventTime;
            if ((r & f) === f) {
                c !== null && (c = c.next = {
                    eventTime: h,
                    lane: 0,
                    tag: a.tag,
                    payload: a.payload,
                    callback: a.callback,
                    next: null
                e: {
                    var m = e
                      , p = a;
                    switch (f = t,
                    h = n,
                    p.tag) {
                    case 1:
                        if (m = p.payload,
                        typeof m == "function") {
                            d = m.call(h, d, f);
                            break e
                        d = m;
                        break e;
                    case 3:
                        m.flags = m.flags & -65537 | 128;
                    case 0:
                        if (m = p.payload,
                        f = typeof m == "function" ? m.call(h, d, f) : m,
                        f == null)
                            break e;
                        d = xt({}, d, f);
                        break e;
                    case 2:
                        fi = !0
                a.callback !== null && a.lane !== 0 && (e.flags |= 64,
                f = i.effects,
                f === null ? i.effects = [a] : f.push(a))
            } else
                h = {
                    eventTime: h,
                    lane: f,
                    tag: a.tag,
                    payload: a.payload,
                    callback: a.callback,
                    next: null
                c === null ? (u = c = h,
                l = d) : c = c.next = h,
                o |= f;
            if (a = a.next,
            a === null) {
                if (a = i.shared.pending,
                a === null)
                f = a,
                a = f.next,
                f.next = null,
                i.lastBaseUpdate = f,
                i.shared.pending = null
        } while (!0);
        if (c === null && (l = d),
        i.baseState = l,
        i.firstBaseUpdate = u,
        i.lastBaseUpdate = c,
        t = i.shared.interleaved,
        t !== null) {
            i = t;
                o |= i.lane,
                i = i.next;
            while (i !== t)
        } else
            s === null && (i.shared.lanes = 0);
        ks |= o,
        e.lanes = o,
        e.memoizedState = d
function b0(e, t, n) {
    if (e = t.effects,
    t.effects = null,
    e !== null)
        for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
            var r = e[t]
              , i = r.callback;
            if (i !== null) {
                if (r.callback = null,
                r = n,
                typeof i != "function")
                    throw Error(oe(191, i));
var wu = {}
  , kr = Wi(wu)
  , Ol = Wi(wu)
  , kl = Wi(wu);
function us(e) {
    if (e === wu)
        throw Error(oe(174));
    return e
function Gg(e, t) {
    switch (rt(kl, t),
    rt(Ol, e),
    rt(kr, wu),
    e = t.nodeType,
    e) {
    case 9:
    case 11:
        t = (t = t.documentElement) ? t.namespaceURI : bp(null, "");
        e = e === 8 ? t.parentNode : t,
        t = e.namespaceURI || null,
        e = e.tagName,
        t = bp(t, e)
    rt(kr, t)
function Jo() {
function OS(e) {
    var t = us(kr.current)
      , n = bp(t, e.type);
    t !== n && (rt(Ol, e),
    rt(kr, n))
function Kg(e) {
    Ol.current === e && (ut(kr),
var gt = Wi(0);
function ud(e) {
    for (var t = e; t !== null; ) {
        if (t.tag === 13) {
            var n = t.memoizedState;
            if (n !== null && (n = n.dehydrated,
            n === null || n.data === "$?" || n.data === "$!"))
                return t
        } else if (t.tag === 19 && t.memoizedProps.revealOrder !== void 0) {
            if (t.flags & 128)
                return t
        } else if (t.child !== null) {
            t.child.return = t,
            t = t.child;
        if (t === e)
        for (; t.sibling === null; ) {
            if (t.return === null || t.return === e)
                return null;
            t = t.return
        t.sibling.return = t.return,
        t = t.sibling
    return null
var ch = [];
function qg() {
    for (var e = 0; e < ch.length; e++)
        ch[e]._workInProgressVersionPrimary = null;
    ch.length = 0
var Tc = ti.ReactCurrentDispatcher
  , dh = ti.ReactCurrentBatchConfig
  , Os = 0
  , yt = null
  , At = null
  , $t = null
  , cd = !1
  , rl = !1
  , _l = 0
  , ck = 0;
function Zt() {
    throw Error(oe(321))
function Qg(e, t) {
    if (t === null)
        return !1;
    for (var n = 0; n < t.length && n < e.length; n++)
        if (!pr(e[n], t[n]))
            return !1;
    return !0
function Yg(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    if (Os = s,
    yt = t,
    t.memoizedState = null,
    t.updateQueue = null,
    t.lanes = 0,
    Tc.current = e === null || e.memoizedState === null ? pk : mk,
    e = n(r, i),
    rl) {
        s = 0;
        do {
            if (rl = !1,
            _l = 0,
            25 <= s)
                throw Error(oe(301));
            s += 1,
            $t = At = null,
            t.updateQueue = null,
            Tc.current = gk,
            e = n(r, i)
        } while (rl)
    if (Tc.current = dd,
    t = At !== null && At.next !== null,
    Os = 0,
    $t = At = yt = null,
    cd = !1,
        throw Error(oe(300));
    return e
function Xg() {
    var e = _l !== 0;
    return _l = 0,
function wr() {
    var e = {
        memoizedState: null,
        baseState: null,
        baseQueue: null,
        queue: null,
        next: null
    return $t === null ? yt.memoizedState = $t = e : $t = $t.next = e,
function Zn() {
    if (At === null) {
        var e = yt.alternate;
        e = e !== null ? e.memoizedState : null
    } else
        e = At.next;
    var t = $t === null ? yt.memoizedState : $t.next;
    if (t !== null)
        $t = t,
        At = e;
    else {
        if (e === null)
            throw Error(oe(310));
        At = e,
        e = {
            memoizedState: At.memoizedState,
            baseState: At.baseState,
            baseQueue: At.baseQueue,
            queue: At.queue,
            next: null
        $t === null ? yt.memoizedState = $t = e : $t = $t.next = e
    return $t
function Al(e, t) {
    return typeof t == "function" ? t(e) : t
function fh(e) {
    var t = Zn()
      , n = t.queue;
    if (n === null)
        throw Error(oe(311));
    n.lastRenderedReducer = e;
    var r = At
      , i = r.baseQueue
      , s = n.pending;
    if (s !== null) {
        if (i !== null) {
            var o = i.next;
            i.next = s.next,
            s.next = o
        r.baseQueue = i = s,
        n.pending = null
    if (i !== null) {
        s = i.next,
        r = r.baseState;
        var a = o = null
          , l = null
          , u = s;
        do {
            var c = u.lane;
            if ((Os & c) === c)
                l !== null && (l = l.next = {
                    lane: 0,
                    action: u.action,
                    hasEagerState: u.hasEagerState,
                    eagerState: u.eagerState,
                    next: null
                r = u.hasEagerState ? u.eagerState : e(r, u.action);
            else {
                var d = {
                    lane: c,
                    action: u.action,
                    hasEagerState: u.hasEagerState,
                    eagerState: u.eagerState,
                    next: null
                l === null ? (a = l = d,
                o = r) : l = l.next = d,
                yt.lanes |= c,
                ks |= c
            u = u.next
        } while (u !== null && u !== s);
        l === null ? o = r : l.next = a,
        pr(r, t.memoizedState) || (bn = !0),
        t.memoizedState = r,
        t.baseState = o,
        t.baseQueue = l,
        n.lastRenderedState = r
    if (e = n.interleaved,
    e !== null) {
        i = e;
            s = i.lane,
            yt.lanes |= s,
            ks |= s,
            i = i.next;
        while (i !== e)
    } else
        i === null && (n.lanes = 0);
    return [t.memoizedState, n.dispatch]
function hh(e) {
    var t = Zn()
      , n = t.queue;
    if (n === null)
        throw Error(oe(311));
    n.lastRenderedReducer = e;
    var r = n.dispatch
      , i = n.pending
      , s = t.memoizedState;
    if (i !== null) {
        n.pending = null;
        var o = i = i.next;
            s = e(s, o.action),
            o = o.next;
        while (o !== i);
        pr(s, t.memoizedState) || (bn = !0),
        t.memoizedState = s,
        t.baseQueue === null && (t.baseState = s),
        n.lastRenderedState = s
    return [s, r]
function kS() {}
function _S(e, t) {
    var n = yt
      , r = Zn()
      , i = t()
      , s = !pr(r.memoizedState, i);
    if (s && (r.memoizedState = i,
    bn = !0),
    r = r.queue,
    Jg(LS.bind(null, n, r, e), [e]),
    r.getSnapshot !== t || s || $t !== null && $t.memoizedState.tag & 1) {
        if (n.flags |= 2048,
        Dl(9, DS.bind(null, n, r, i, t), void 0, null),
        Ft === null)
            throw Error(oe(349));
        Os & 30 || AS(n, t, i)
    return i
function AS(e, t, n) {
    e.flags |= 16384,
    e = {
        getSnapshot: t,
        value: n
    t = yt.updateQueue,
    t === null ? (t = {
        lastEffect: null,
        stores: null
    yt.updateQueue = t,
    t.stores = [e]) : (n = t.stores,
    n === null ? t.stores = [e] : n.push(e))
function DS(e, t, n, r) {
    t.value = n,
    t.getSnapshot = r,
    NS(t) && MS(e)
function LS(e, t, n) {
    return n(function() {
        NS(t) && MS(e)
function NS(e) {
    var t = e.getSnapshot;
    e = e.value;
    try {
        var n = t();
        return !pr(e, n)
    } catch {
        return !0
function MS(e) {
    var t = Yr(e, 1);
    t !== null && cr(t, e, 1, -1)
function S0(e) {
    var t = wr();
    return typeof e == "function" && (e = e()),
    t.memoizedState = t.baseState = e,
    e = {
        pending: null,
        interleaved: null,
        lanes: 0,
        dispatch: null,
        lastRenderedReducer: Al,
        lastRenderedState: e
    t.queue = e,
    e = e.dispatch = hk.bind(null, yt, e),
    [t.memoizedState, e]
function Dl(e, t, n, r) {
    return e = {
        tag: e,
        create: t,
        destroy: n,
        deps: r,
        next: null
    t = yt.updateQueue,
    t === null ? (t = {
        lastEffect: null,
        stores: null
    yt.updateQueue = t,
    t.lastEffect = e.next = e) : (n = t.lastEffect,
    n === null ? t.lastEffect = e.next = e : (r = n.next,
    n.next = e,
    e.next = r,
    t.lastEffect = e)),
function jS() {
    return Zn().memoizedState
function Rc(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = wr();
    yt.flags |= e,
    i.memoizedState = Dl(1 | t, n, void 0, r === void 0 ? null : r)
function sf(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = Zn();
    r = r === void 0 ? null : r;
    var s = void 0;
    if (At !== null) {
        var o = At.memoizedState;
        if (s = o.destroy,
        r !== null && Qg(r, o.deps)) {
            i.memoizedState = Dl(t, n, s, r);
    yt.flags |= e,
    i.memoizedState = Dl(1 | t, n, s, r)
function E0(e, t) {
    return Rc(8390656, 8, e, t)
function Jg(e, t) {
    return sf(2048, 8, e, t)
function $S(e, t) {
    return sf(4, 2, e, t)
function IS(e, t) {
    return sf(4, 4, e, t)
function FS(e, t) {
    if (typeof t == "function")
        return e = e(),
        function() {
    if (t != null)
        return e = e(),
        t.current = e,
        function() {
            t.current = null
function VS(e, t, n) {
    return n = n != null ? n.concat([e]) : null,
    sf(4, 4, FS.bind(null, t, e), n)
function Zg() {}
function zS(e, t) {
    var n = Zn();
    t = t === void 0 ? null : t;
    var r = n.memoizedState;
    return r !== null && t !== null && Qg(t, r[1]) ? r[0] : (n.memoizedState = [e, t],
function US(e, t) {
    var n = Zn();
    t = t === void 0 ? null : t;
    var r = n.memoizedState;
    return r !== null && t !== null && Qg(t, r[1]) ? r[0] : (e = e(),
    n.memoizedState = [e, t],
function BS(e, t, n) {
    return Os & 21 ? (pr(n, t) || (n = qb(),
    yt.lanes |= n,
    ks |= n,
    e.baseState = !0),
    t) : (e.baseState && (e.baseState = !1,
    bn = !0),
    e.memoizedState = n)
function dk(e, t) {
    var n = Je;
    Je = n !== 0 && 4 > n ? n : 4,
    var r = dh.transition;
    dh.transition = {};
    try {
    } finally {
        Je = n,
        dh.transition = r
function HS() {
    return Zn().memoizedState
function fk(e, t, n) {
    var r = Li(e);
    if (n = {
        lane: r,
        action: n,
        hasEagerState: !1,
        eagerState: null,
        next: null
        GS(t, n);
    else if (n = TS(e, t, n, r),
    n !== null) {
        var i = hn();
        cr(n, e, r, i),
        KS(n, t, r)
function hk(e, t, n) {
    var r = Li(e)
      , i = {
        lane: r,
        action: n,
        hasEagerState: !1,
        eagerState: null,
        next: null
    if (WS(e))
        GS(t, i);
    else {
        var s = e.alternate;
        if (e.lanes === 0 && (s === null || s.lanes === 0) && (s = t.lastRenderedReducer,
        s !== null))
            try {
                var o = t.lastRenderedState
                  , a = s(o, n);
                if (i.hasEagerState = !0,
                i.eagerState = a,
                pr(a, o)) {
                    var l = t.interleaved;
                    l === null ? (i.next = i,
                    Hg(t)) : (i.next = l.next,
                    l.next = i),
                    t.interleaved = i;
            } catch {} finally {}
        n = TS(e, t, i, r),
        n !== null && (i = hn(),
        cr(n, e, r, i),
        KS(n, t, r))
function WS(e) {
    var t = e.alternate;
    return e === yt || t !== null && t === yt
function GS(e, t) {
    rl = cd = !0;
    var n = e.pending;
    n === null ? t.next = t : (t.next = n.next,
    n.next = t),
    e.pending = t
function KS(e, t, n) {
    if (n & 4194240) {
        var r = t.lanes;
        r &= e.pendingLanes,
        n |= r,
        t.lanes = n,
        _g(e, n)
var dd = {
    readContext: Jn,
    useCallback: Zt,
    useContext: Zt,
    useEffect: Zt,
    useImperativeHandle: Zt,
    useInsertionEffect: Zt,
    useLayoutEffect: Zt,
    useMemo: Zt,
    useReducer: Zt,
    useRef: Zt,
    useState: Zt,
    useDebugValue: Zt,
    useDeferredValue: Zt,
    useTransition: Zt,
    useMutableSource: Zt,
    useSyncExternalStore: Zt,
    useId: Zt,
    unstable_isNewReconciler: !1
  , pk = {
    readContext: Jn,
    useCallback: function(e, t) {
        return wr().memoizedState = [e, t === void 0 ? null : t],
    useContext: Jn,
    useEffect: E0,
    useImperativeHandle: function(e, t, n) {
        return n = n != null ? n.concat([e]) : null,
        Rc(4194308, 4, FS.bind(null, t, e), n)
    useLayoutEffect: function(e, t) {
        return Rc(4194308, 4, e, t)
    useInsertionEffect: function(e, t) {
        return Rc(4, 2, e, t)
    useMemo: function(e, t) {
        var n = wr();
        return t = t === void 0 ? null : t,
        e = e(),
        n.memoizedState = [e, t],
    useReducer: function(e, t, n) {
        var r = wr();
        return t = n !== void 0 ? n(t) : t,
        r.memoizedState = r.baseState = t,
        e = {
            pending: null,
            interleaved: null,
            lanes: 0,
            dispatch: null,
            lastRenderedReducer: e,
            lastRenderedState: t
        r.queue = e,
        e = e.dispatch = fk.bind(null, yt, e),
        [r.memoizedState, e]
    useRef: function(e) {
        var t = wr();
        return e = {
            current: e
        t.memoizedState = e
    useState: S0,
    useDebugValue: Zg,
    useDeferredValue: function(e) {
        return wr().memoizedState = e
    useTransition: function() {
        var e = S0(!1)
          , t = e[0];
        return e = dk.bind(null, e[1]),
        wr().memoizedState = e,
        [t, e]
    useMutableSource: function() {},
    useSyncExternalStore: function(e, t, n) {
        var r = yt
          , i = wr();
        if (ht) {
            if (n === void 0)
                throw Error(oe(407));
            n = n()
        } else {
            if (n = t(),
            Ft === null)
                throw Error(oe(349));
            Os & 30 || AS(r, t, n)
        i.memoizedState = n;
        var s = {
            value: n,
            getSnapshot: t
        return i.queue = s,
        E0(LS.bind(null, r, s, e), [e]),
        r.flags |= 2048,
        Dl(9, DS.bind(null, r, s, n, t), void 0, null),
    useId: function() {
        var e = wr()
          , t = Ft.identifierPrefix;
        if (ht) {
            var n = Fr
              , r = Ir;
            n = (r & ~(1 << 32 - ur(r) - 1)).toString(32) + n,
            t = ":" + t + "R" + n,
            n = _l++,
            0 < n && (t += "H" + n.toString(32)),
            t += ":"
        } else
            n = ck++,
            t = ":" + t + "r" + n.toString(32) + ":";
        return e.memoizedState = t
    unstable_isNewReconciler: !1
  , mk = {
    readContext: Jn,
    useCallback: zS,
    useContext: Jn,
    useEffect: Jg,
    useImperativeHandle: VS,
    useInsertionEffect: $S,
    useLayoutEffect: IS,
    useMemo: US,
    useReducer: fh,
    useRef: jS,
    useState: function() {
        return fh(Al)
    useDebugValue: Zg,
    useDeferredValue: function(e) {
        var t = Zn();
        return BS(t, At.memoizedState, e)
    useTransition: function() {
        var e = fh(Al)[0]
          , t = Zn().memoizedState;
        return [e, t]
    useMutableSource: kS,
    useSyncExternalStore: _S,
    useId: HS,
    unstable_isNewReconciler: !1
  , gk = {
    readContext: Jn,
    useCallback: zS,
    useContext: Jn,
    useEffect: Jg,
    useImperativeHandle: VS,
    useInsertionEffect: $S,
    useLayoutEffect: IS,
    useMemo: US,
    useReducer: hh,
    useRef: jS,
    useState: function() {
        return hh(Al)
    useDebugValue: Zg,
    useDeferredValue: function(e) {
        var t = Zn();
        return At === null ? t.memoizedState = e : BS(t, At.memoizedState, e)
    useTransition: function() {
        var e = hh(Al)[0]
          , t = Zn().memoizedState;
        return [e, t]
    useMutableSource: kS,
    useSyncExternalStore: _S,
    useId: HS,
    unstable_isNewReconciler: !1
function tr(e, t) {
    if (e && e.defaultProps) {
        t = xt({}, t),
        e = e.defaultProps;
        for (var n in e)
            t[n] === void 0 && (t[n] = e[n]);
        return t
    return t
function Up(e, t, n, r) {
    t = e.memoizedState,
    n = n(r, t),
    n = n == null ? t : xt({}, t, n),
    e.memoizedState = n,
    e.lanes === 0 && (e.updateQueue.baseState = n)
var of = {
    isMounted: function(e) {
        return (e = e._reactInternals) ? Vs(e) === e : !1
    enqueueSetState: function(e, t, n) {
        e = e._reactInternals;
        var r = hn()
          , i = Li(e)
          , s = Ur(r, i);
        s.payload = t,
        n != null && (s.callback = n),
        t = Ai(e, s, i),
        t !== null && (cr(t, e, i, r),
        Pc(t, e, i))
    enqueueReplaceState: function(e, t, n) {
        e = e._reactInternals;
        var r = hn()
          , i = Li(e)
          , s = Ur(r, i);
        s.tag = 1,
        s.payload = t,
        n != null && (s.callback = n),
        t = Ai(e, s, i),
        t !== null && (cr(t, e, i, r),
        Pc(t, e, i))
    enqueueForceUpdate: function(e, t) {
        e = e._reactInternals;
        var n = hn()
          , r = Li(e)
          , i = Ur(n, r);
        i.tag = 2,
        t != null && (i.callback = t),
        t = Ai(e, i, r),
        t !== null && (cr(t, e, r, n),
        Pc(t, e, r))
function C0(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    return e = e.stateNode,
    typeof e.shouldComponentUpdate == "function" ? e.shouldComponentUpdate(r, s, o) : t.prototype && t.prototype.isPureReactComponent ? !Cl(n, r) || !Cl(i, s) : !0
function qS(e, t, n) {
    var r = !1
      , i = Fi
      , s = t.contextType;
    return typeof s == "object" && s !== null ? s = Jn(s) : (i = En(t) ? Ts : an.current,
    r = t.contextTypes,
    s = (r = r != null) ? Qo(e, i) : Fi),
    t = new t(n,s),
    e.memoizedState = t.state !== null && t.state !== void 0 ? t.state : null,
    t.updater = of,
    e.stateNode = t,
    t._reactInternals = e,
    r && (e = e.stateNode,
    e.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = i,
    e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = s),
function P0(e, t, n, r) {
    e = t.state,
    typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps == "function" && t.componentWillReceiveProps(n, r),
    typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps == "function" && t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(n, r),
    t.state !== e && of.enqueueReplaceState(t, t.state, null)
function Bp(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = e.stateNode;
    i.props = n,
    i.state = e.memoizedState,
    i.refs = {},
    var s = t.contextType;
    typeof s == "object" && s !== null ? i.context = Jn(s) : (s = En(t) ? Ts : an.current,
    i.context = Qo(e, s)),
    i.state = e.memoizedState,
    s = t.getDerivedStateFromProps,
    typeof s == "function" && (Up(e, t, s, n),
    i.state = e.memoizedState),
    typeof t.getDerivedStateFromProps == "function" || typeof i.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate == "function" || typeof i.UNSAFE_componentWillMount != "function" && typeof i.componentWillMount != "function" || (t = i.state,
    typeof i.componentWillMount == "function" && i.componentWillMount(),
    typeof i.UNSAFE_componentWillMount == "function" && i.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(),
    t !== i.state && of.enqueueReplaceState(i, i.state, null),
    ld(e, n, i, r),
    i.state = e.memoizedState),
    typeof i.componentDidMount == "function" && (e.flags |= 4194308)
function Zo(e, t) {
    try {
        var n = ""
          , r = t;
            n += HR(r),
            r = r.return;
        while (r);
        var i = n
    } catch (s) {
        i = `
Error generating stack: ` + s.message + `
` + s.stack
    return {
        value: e,
        source: t,
        stack: i,
        digest: null
function ph(e, t, n) {
    return {
        value: e,
        source: null,
        stack: n ?? null,
        digest: t ?? null
function Hp(e, t) {
    try {
    } catch (n) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            throw n
var vk = typeof WeakMap == "function" ? WeakMap : Map;
function QS(e, t, n) {
    n = Ur(-1, n),
    n.tag = 3,
    n.payload = {
        element: null
    var r = t.value;
    return n.callback = function() {
        hd || (hd = !0,
        em = r),
        Hp(e, t)
function YS(e, t, n) {
    n = Ur(-1, n),
    n.tag = 3;
    var r = e.type.getDerivedStateFromError;
    if (typeof r == "function") {
        var i = t.value;
        n.payload = function() {
            return r(i)
        n.callback = function() {
            Hp(e, t)
    var s = e.stateNode;
    return s !== null && typeof s.componentDidCatch == "function" && (n.callback = function() {
        Hp(e, t),
        typeof r != "function" && (Di === null ? Di = new Set([this]) : Di.add(this));
        var o = t.stack;
        this.componentDidCatch(t.value, {
            componentStack: o !== null ? o : ""
function T0(e, t, n) {
    var r = e.pingCache;
    if (r === null) {
        r = e.pingCache = new vk;
        var i = new Set;
        r.set(t, i)
    } else
        i = r.get(t),
        i === void 0 && (i = new Set,
        r.set(t, i));
    i.has(n) || (i.add(n),
    e = Ak.bind(null, e, t, n),
    t.then(e, e))
function R0(e) {
    do {
        var t;
        if ((t = e.tag === 13) && (t = e.memoizedState,
        t = t !== null ? t.dehydrated !== null : !0),
            return e;
        e = e.return
    } while (e !== null);
    return null
function O0(e, t, n, r, i) {
    return e.mode & 1 ? (e.flags |= 65536,
    e.lanes = i,
    e) : (e === t ? e.flags |= 65536 : (e.flags |= 128,
    n.flags |= 131072,
    n.flags &= -52805,
    n.tag === 1 && (n.alternate === null ? n.tag = 17 : (t = Ur(-1, 1),
    t.tag = 2,
    Ai(n, t, 1))),
    n.lanes |= 1),
var yk = ti.ReactCurrentOwner
  , bn = !1;
function fn(e, t, n, r) {
    t.child = e === null ? PS(t, null, n, r) : Xo(t, e.child, n, r)
function k0(e, t, n, r, i) {
    n = n.render;
    var s = t.ref;
    return ko(t, i),
    r = Yg(e, t, n, r, s, i),
    n = Xg(),
    e !== null && !bn ? (t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue,
    t.flags &= -2053,
    e.lanes &= ~i,
    Xr(e, t, i)) : (ht && n && Ig(t),
    t.flags |= 1,
    fn(e, t, r, i),
function _0(e, t, n, r, i) {
    if (e === null) {
        var s = n.type;
        return typeof s == "function" && !av(s) && s.defaultProps === void 0 && n.compare === null && n.defaultProps === void 0 ? (t.tag = 15,
        t.type = s,
        XS(e, t, s, r, i)) : (e = Ac(n.type, null, r, t, t.mode, i),
        e.ref = t.ref,
        e.return = t,
        t.child = e)
    if (s = e.child,
    !(e.lanes & i)) {
        var o = s.memoizedProps;
        if (n = n.compare,
        n = n !== null ? n : Cl,
        n(o, r) && e.ref === t.ref)
            return Xr(e, t, i)
    return t.flags |= 1,
    e = Ni(s, r),
    e.ref = t.ref,
    e.return = t,
    t.child = e
function XS(e, t, n, r, i) {
    if (e !== null) {
        var s = e.memoizedProps;
        if (Cl(s, r) && e.ref === t.ref)
            if (bn = !1,
            t.pendingProps = r = s,
            (e.lanes & i) !== 0)
                e.flags & 131072 && (bn = !0);
                return t.lanes = e.lanes,
                Xr(e, t, i)
    return Wp(e, t, n, r, i)
function JS(e, t, n) {
    var r = t.pendingProps
      , i = r.children
      , s = e !== null ? e.memoizedState : null;
    if (r.mode === "hidden")
        if (!(t.mode & 1))
            t.memoizedState = {
                baseLanes: 0,
                cachePool: null,
                transitions: null
            rt(go, On),
            On |= n;
        else {
            if (!(n & 1073741824))
                return e = s !== null ? s.baseLanes | n : n,
                t.lanes = t.childLanes = 1073741824,
                t.memoizedState = {
                    baseLanes: e,
                    cachePool: null,
                    transitions: null
                t.updateQueue = null,
                rt(go, On),
                On |= e,
            t.memoizedState = {
                baseLanes: 0,
                cachePool: null,
                transitions: null
            r = s !== null ? s.baseLanes : n,
            rt(go, On),
            On |= r
        s !== null ? (r = s.baseLanes | n,
        t.memoizedState = null) : r = n,
        rt(go, On),
        On |= r;
    return fn(e, t, i, n),
function ZS(e, t) {
    var n = t.ref;
    (e === null && n !== null || e !== null && e.ref !== n) && (t.flags |= 512,
    t.flags |= 2097152)
function Wp(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = En(n) ? Ts : an.current;
    return s = Qo(t, s),
    ko(t, i),
    n = Yg(e, t, n, r, s, i),
    r = Xg(),
    e !== null && !bn ? (t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue,
    t.flags &= -2053,
    e.lanes &= ~i,
    Xr(e, t, i)) : (ht && r && Ig(t),
    t.flags |= 1,
    fn(e, t, n, i),
function A0(e, t, n, r, i) {
    if (En(n)) {
        var s = !0;
    } else
        s = !1;
    if (ko(t, i),
    t.stateNode === null)
        Oc(e, t),
        qS(t, n, r),
        Bp(t, n, r, i),
        r = !0;
    else if (e === null) {
        var o = t.stateNode
          , a = t.memoizedProps;
        o.props = a;
        var l = o.context
          , u = n.contextType;
        typeof u == "object" && u !== null ? u = Jn(u) : (u = En(n) ? Ts : an.current,
        u = Qo(t, u));
        var c = n.getDerivedStateFromProps
          , d = typeof c == "function" || typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate == "function";
        d || typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps != "function" && typeof o.componentWillReceiveProps != "function" || (a !== r || l !== u) && P0(t, o, r, u),
        fi = !1;
        var f = t.memoizedState;
        o.state = f,
        ld(t, r, o, i),
        l = t.memoizedState,
        a !== r || f !== l || Sn.current || fi ? (typeof c == "function" && (Up(t, n, c, r),
        l = t.memoizedState),
        (a = fi || C0(t, n, a, r, f, l, u)) ? (d || typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount != "function" && typeof o.componentWillMount != "function" || (typeof o.componentWillMount == "function" && o.componentWillMount(),
        typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount == "function" && o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()),
        typeof o.componentDidMount == "function" && (t.flags |= 4194308)) : (typeof o.componentDidMount == "function" && (t.flags |= 4194308),
        t.memoizedProps = r,
        t.memoizedState = l),
        o.props = r,
        o.state = l,
        o.context = u,
        r = a) : (typeof o.componentDidMount == "function" && (t.flags |= 4194308),
        r = !1)
    } else {
        o = t.stateNode,
        RS(e, t),
        a = t.memoizedProps,
        u = t.type === t.elementType ? a : tr(t.type, a),
        o.props = u,
        d = t.pendingProps,
        f = o.context,
        l = n.contextType,
        typeof l == "object" && l !== null ? l = Jn(l) : (l = En(n) ? Ts : an.current,
        l = Qo(t, l));
        var h = n.getDerivedStateFromProps;
        (c = typeof h == "function" || typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate == "function") || typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps != "function" && typeof o.componentWillReceiveProps != "function" || (a !== d || f !== l) && P0(t, o, r, l),
        fi = !1,
        f = t.memoizedState,
        o.state = f,
        ld(t, r, o, i);
        var m = t.memoizedState;
        a !== d || f !== m || Sn.current || fi ? (typeof h == "function" && (Up(t, n, h, r),
        m = t.memoizedState),
        (u = fi || C0(t, n, u, r, f, m, l) || !1) ? (c || typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate != "function" && typeof o.componentWillUpdate != "function" || (typeof o.componentWillUpdate == "function" && o.componentWillUpdate(r, m, l),
        typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate == "function" && o.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(r, m, l)),
        typeof o.componentDidUpdate == "function" && (t.flags |= 4),
        typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate == "function" && (t.flags |= 1024)) : (typeof o.componentDidUpdate != "function" || a === e.memoizedProps && f === e.memoizedState || (t.flags |= 4),
        typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate != "function" || a === e.memoizedProps && f === e.memoizedState || (t.flags |= 1024),
        t.memoizedProps = r,
        t.memoizedState = m),
        o.props = r,
        o.state = m,
        o.context = l,
        r = u) : (typeof o.componentDidUpdate != "function" || a === e.memoizedProps && f === e.memoizedState || (t.flags |= 4),
        typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate != "function" || a === e.memoizedProps && f === e.memoizedState || (t.flags |= 1024),
        r = !1)
    return Gp(e, t, n, r, s, i)
function Gp(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    ZS(e, t);
    var o = (t.flags & 128) !== 0;
    if (!r && !o)
        return i && g0(t, n, !1),
        Xr(e, t, s);
    r = t.stateNode,
    yk.current = t;
    var a = o && typeof n.getDerivedStateFromError != "function" ? null : r.render();
    return t.flags |= 1,
    e !== null && o ? (t.child = Xo(t, e.child, null, s),
    t.child = Xo(t, null, a, s)) : fn(e, t, a, s),
    t.memoizedState = r.state,
    i && g0(t, n, !0),
function eE(e) {
    var t = e.stateNode;
    t.pendingContext ? m0(e, t.pendingContext, t.pendingContext !== t.context) : t.context && m0(e, t.context, !1),
    Gg(e, t.containerInfo)
function D0(e, t, n, r, i) {
    return Yo(),
    t.flags |= 256,
    fn(e, t, n, r),
var Kp = {
    dehydrated: null,
    treeContext: null,
    retryLane: 0
function qp(e) {
    return {
        baseLanes: e,
        cachePool: null,
        transitions: null
function tE(e, t, n) {
    var r = t.pendingProps, i = gt.current, s = !1, o = (t.flags & 128) !== 0, a;
    if ((a = o) || (a = e !== null && e.memoizedState === null ? !1 : (i & 2) !== 0),
    a ? (s = !0,
    t.flags &= -129) : (e === null || e.memoizedState !== null) && (i |= 1),
    rt(gt, i & 1),
    e === null)
        return Vp(t),
        e = t.memoizedState,
        e !== null && (e = e.dehydrated,
        e !== null) ? (t.mode & 1 ? e.data === "$!" ? t.lanes = 8 : t.lanes = 1073741824 : t.lanes = 1,
        null) : (o = r.children,
        e = r.fallback,
        s ? (r = t.mode,
        s = t.child,
        o = {
            mode: "hidden",
            children: o
        !(r & 1) && s !== null ? (s.childLanes = 0,
        s.pendingProps = o) : s = uf(o, r, 0, null),
        e = Es(e, r, n, null),
        s.return = t,
        e.return = t,
        s.sibling = e,
        t.child = s,
        t.child.memoizedState = qp(n),
        t.memoizedState = Kp,
        e) : ev(t, o));
    if (i = e.memoizedState,
    i !== null && (a = i.dehydrated,
    a !== null))
        return wk(e, t, o, r, a, i, n);
    if (s) {
        s = r.fallback,
        o = t.mode,
        i = e.child,
        a = i.sibling;
        var l = {
            mode: "hidden",
            children: r.children
        return !(o & 1) && t.child !== i ? (r = t.child,
        r.childLanes = 0,
        r.pendingProps = l,
        t.deletions = null) : (r = Ni(i, l),
        r.subtreeFlags = i.subtreeFlags & 14680064),
        a !== null ? s = Ni(a, s) : (s = Es(s, o, n, null),
        s.flags |= 2),
        s.return = t,
        r.return = t,
        r.sibling = s,
        t.child = r,
        r = s,
        s = t.child,
        o = e.child.memoizedState,
        o = o === null ? qp(n) : {
            baseLanes: o.baseLanes | n,
            cachePool: null,
            transitions: o.transitions
        s.memoizedState = o,
        s.childLanes = e.childLanes & ~n,
        t.memoizedState = Kp,
    return s = e.child,
    e = s.sibling,
    r = Ni(s, {
        mode: "visible",
        children: r.children
    !(t.mode & 1) && (r.lanes = n),
    r.return = t,
    r.sibling = null,
    e !== null && (n = t.deletions,
    n === null ? (t.deletions = [e],
    t.flags |= 16) : n.push(e)),
    t.child = r,
    t.memoizedState = null,
function ev(e, t) {
    return t = uf({
        mode: "visible",
        children: t
    }, e.mode, 0, null),
    t.return = e,
    e.child = t
function Zu(e, t, n, r) {
    return r !== null && Vg(r),
    Xo(t, e.child, null, n),
    e = ev(t, t.pendingProps.children),
    e.flags |= 2,
    t.memoizedState = null,
function wk(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    if (n)
        return t.flags & 256 ? (t.flags &= -257,
        r = ph(Error(oe(422))),
        Zu(e, t, o, r)) : t.memoizedState !== null ? (t.child = e.child,
        t.flags |= 128,
        null) : (s = r.fallback,
        i = t.mode,
        r = uf({
            mode: "visible",
            children: r.children
        }, i, 0, null),
        s = Es(s, i, o, null),
        s.flags |= 2,
        r.return = t,
        s.return = t,
        r.sibling = s,
        t.child = r,
        t.mode & 1 && Xo(t, e.child, null, o),
        t.child.memoizedState = qp(o),
        t.memoizedState = Kp,
    if (!(t.mode & 1))
        return Zu(e, t, o, null);
    if (i.data === "$!") {
        if (r = i.nextSibling && i.nextSibling.dataset,
            var a = r.dgst;
        return r = a,
        s = Error(oe(419)),
        r = ph(s, r, void 0),
        Zu(e, t, o, r)
    if (a = (o & e.childLanes) !== 0,
    bn || a) {
        if (r = Ft,
        r !== null) {
            switch (o & -o) {
            case 4:
                i = 2;
            case 16:
                i = 8;
            case 64:
            case 128:
            case 256:
            case 512:
            case 1024:
            case 2048:
            case 4096:
            case 8192:
            case 16384:
            case 32768:
            case 65536:
            case 131072:
            case 262144:
            case 524288:
            case 1048576:
            case 2097152:
            case 4194304:
            case 8388608:
            case 16777216:
            case 33554432:
            case 67108864:
                i = 32;
            case 536870912:
                i = 268435456;
                i = 0
            i = i & (r.suspendedLanes | o) ? 0 : i,
            i !== 0 && i !== s.retryLane && (s.retryLane = i,
            Yr(e, i),
            cr(r, e, i, -1))
        return ov(),
        r = ph(Error(oe(421))),
        Zu(e, t, o, r)
    return i.data === "$?" ? (t.flags |= 128,
    t.child = e.child,
    t = Dk.bind(null, e),
    i._reactRetry = t,
    null) : (e = s.treeContext,
    kn = _i(i.nextSibling),
    An = t,
    ht = !0,
    or = null,
    e !== null && (Hn[Wn++] = Ir,
    Hn[Wn++] = Fr,
    Hn[Wn++] = Rs,
    Ir = e.id,
    Fr = e.overflow,
    Rs = t),
    t = ev(t, r.children),
    t.flags |= 4096,
function L0(e, t, n) {
    e.lanes |= t;
    var r = e.alternate;
    r !== null && (r.lanes |= t),
    zp(e.return, t, n)
function mh(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = e.memoizedState;
    s === null ? e.memoizedState = {
        isBackwards: t,
        rendering: null,
        renderingStartTime: 0,
        last: r,
        tail: n,
        tailMode: i
    } : (s.isBackwards = t,
    s.rendering = null,
    s.renderingStartTime = 0,
    s.last = r,
    s.tail = n,
    s.tailMode = i)
function nE(e, t, n) {
    var r = t.pendingProps
      , i = r.revealOrder
      , s = r.tail;
    if (fn(e, t, r.children, n),
    r = gt.current,
    r & 2)
        r = r & 1 | 2,
        t.flags |= 128;
    else {
        if (e !== null && e.flags & 128)
            e: for (e = t.child; e !== null; ) {
                if (e.tag === 13)
                    e.memoizedState !== null && L0(e, n, t);
                else if (e.tag === 19)
                    L0(e, n, t);
                else if (e.child !== null) {
                    e.child.return = e,
                    e = e.child;
                if (e === t)
                    break e;
                for (; e.sibling === null; ) {
                    if (e.return === null || e.return === t)
                        break e;
                    e = e.return
                e.sibling.return = e.return,
                e = e.sibling
        r &= 1
    if (rt(gt, r),
    !(t.mode & 1))
        t.memoizedState = null;
        switch (i) {
        case "forwards":
            for (n = t.child,
            i = null; n !== null; )
                e = n.alternate,
                e !== null && ud(e) === null && (i = n),
                n = n.sibling;
            n = i,
            n === null ? (i = t.child,
            t.child = null) : (i = n.sibling,
            n.sibling = null),
            mh(t, !1, i, n, s);
        case "backwards":
            for (n = null,
            i = t.child,
            t.child = null; i !== null; ) {
                if (e = i.alternate,
                e !== null && ud(e) === null) {
                    t.child = i;
                e = i.sibling,
                i.sibling = n,
                n = i,
                i = e
            mh(t, !0, n, null, s);
        case "together":
            mh(t, !1, null, null, void 0);
            t.memoizedState = null
    return t.child
function Oc(e, t) {
    !(t.mode & 1) && e !== null && (e.alternate = null,
    t.alternate = null,
    t.flags |= 2)
function Xr(e, t, n) {
    if (e !== null && (t.dependencies = e.dependencies),
    ks |= t.lanes,
    !(n & t.childLanes))
        return null;
    if (e !== null && t.child !== e.child)
        throw Error(oe(153));
    if (t.child !== null) {
        for (e = t.child,
        n = Ni(e, e.pendingProps),
        t.child = n,
        n.return = t; e.sibling !== null; )
            e = e.sibling,
            n = n.sibling = Ni(e, e.pendingProps),
            n.return = t;
        n.sibling = null
    return t.child
function xk(e, t, n) {
    switch (t.tag) {
    case 3:
    case 5:
    case 1:
        En(t.type) && rd(t);
    case 4:
        Gg(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo);
    case 10:
        var r = t.type._context
          , i = t.memoizedProps.value;
        rt(od, r._currentValue),
        r._currentValue = i;
    case 13:
        if (r = t.memoizedState,
        r !== null)
            return r.dehydrated !== null ? (rt(gt, gt.current & 1),
            t.flags |= 128,
            null) : n & t.child.childLanes ? tE(e, t, n) : (rt(gt, gt.current & 1),
            e = Xr(e, t, n),
            e !== null ? e.sibling : null);
        rt(gt, gt.current & 1);
    case 19:
        if (r = (n & t.childLanes) !== 0,
        e.flags & 128) {
            if (r)
                return nE(e, t, n);
            t.flags |= 128
        if (i = t.memoizedState,
        i !== null && (i.rendering = null,
        i.tail = null,
        i.lastEffect = null),
        rt(gt, gt.current),
        return null;
    case 22:
    case 23:
        return t.lanes = 0,
        JS(e, t, n)
    return Xr(e, t, n)
var rE, Qp, iE, sE;
rE = function(e, t) {
    for (var n = t.child; n !== null; ) {
        if (n.tag === 5 || n.tag === 6)
        else if (n.tag !== 4 && n.child !== null) {
            n.child.return = n,
            n = n.child;
        if (n === t)
        for (; n.sibling === null; ) {
            if (n.return === null || n.return === t)
            n = n.return
        n.sibling.return = n.return,
        n = n.sibling
Qp = function() {}
iE = function(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = e.memoizedProps;
    if (i !== r) {
        e = t.stateNode,
        var s = null;
        switch (n) {
        case "input":
            i = vp(e, i),
            r = vp(e, r),
            s = [];
        case "select":
            i = xt({}, i, {
                value: void 0
            r = xt({}, r, {
                value: void 0
            s = [];
        case "textarea":
            i = xp(e, i),
            r = xp(e, r),
            s = [];
            typeof i.onClick != "function" && typeof r.onClick == "function" && (e.onclick = td)
        Sp(n, r);
        var o;
        n = null;
        for (u in i)
            if (!r.hasOwnProperty(u) && i.hasOwnProperty(u) && i[u] != null)
                if (u === "style") {
                    var a = i[u];
                    for (o in a)
                        a.hasOwnProperty(o) && (n || (n = {}),
                        n[o] = "")
                } else
                    u !== "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" && u !== "children" && u !== "suppressContentEditableWarning" && u !== "suppressHydrationWarning" && u !== "autoFocus" && (vl.hasOwnProperty(u) ? s || (s = []) : (s = s || []).push(u, null));
        for (u in r) {
            var l = r[u];
            if (a = i != null ? i[u] : void 0,
            r.hasOwnProperty(u) && l !== a && (l != null || a != null))
                if (u === "style")
                    if (a) {
                        for (o in a)
                            !a.hasOwnProperty(o) || l && l.hasOwnProperty(o) || (n || (n = {}),
                            n[o] = "");
                        for (o in l)
                            l.hasOwnProperty(o) && a[o] !== l[o] && (n || (n = {}),
                            n[o] = l[o])
                    } else
                        n || (s || (s = []),
                        s.push(u, n)),
                        n = l;
                    u === "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" ? (l = l ? l.__html : void 0,
                    a = a ? a.__html : void 0,
                    l != null && a !== l && (s = s || []).push(u, l)) : u === "children" ? typeof l != "string" && typeof l != "number" || (s = s || []).push(u, "" + l) : u !== "suppressContentEditableWarning" && u !== "suppressHydrationWarning" && (vl.hasOwnProperty(u) ? (l != null && u === "onScroll" && at("scroll", e),
                    s || a === l || (s = [])) : (s = s || []).push(u, l))
        n && (s = s || []).push("style", n);
        var u = s;
        (t.updateQueue = u) && (t.flags |= 4)
sE = function(e, t, n, r) {
    n !== r && (t.flags |= 4)
function ka(e, t) {
    if (!ht)
        switch (e.tailMode) {
        case "hidden":
            t = e.tail;
            for (var n = null; t !== null; )
                t.alternate !== null && (n = t),
                t = t.sibling;
            n === null ? e.tail = null : n.sibling = null;
        case "collapsed":
            n = e.tail;
            for (var r = null; n !== null; )
                n.alternate !== null && (r = n),
                n = n.sibling;
            r === null ? t || e.tail === null ? e.tail = null : e.tail.sibling = null : r.sibling = null
function en(e) {
    var t = e.alternate !== null && e.alternate.child === e.child
      , n = 0
      , r = 0;
    if (t)
        for (var i = e.child; i !== null; )
            n |= i.lanes | i.childLanes,
            r |= i.subtreeFlags & 14680064,
            r |= i.flags & 14680064,
            i.return = e,
            i = i.sibling;
        for (i = e.child; i !== null; )
            n |= i.lanes | i.childLanes,
            r |= i.subtreeFlags,
            r |= i.flags,
            i.return = e,
            i = i.sibling;
    return e.subtreeFlags |= r,
    e.childLanes = n,
function bk(e, t, n) {
    var r = t.pendingProps;
    switch (Fg(t),
    t.tag) {
    case 2:
    case 16:
    case 15:
    case 0:
    case 11:
    case 7:
    case 8:
    case 12:
    case 9:
    case 14:
        return en(t),
    case 1:
        return En(t.type) && nd(),
    case 3:
        return r = t.stateNode,
        r.pendingContext && (r.context = r.pendingContext,
        r.pendingContext = null),
        (e === null || e.child === null) && (Xu(t) ? t.flags |= 4 : e === null || e.memoizedState.isDehydrated && !(t.flags & 256) || (t.flags |= 1024,
        or !== null && (rm(or),
        or = null))),
        Qp(e, t),
    case 5:
        var i = us(kl.current);
        if (n = t.type,
        e !== null && t.stateNode != null)
            iE(e, t, n, r, i),
            e.ref !== t.ref && (t.flags |= 512,
            t.flags |= 2097152);
        else {
            if (!r) {
                if (t.stateNode === null)
                    throw Error(oe(166));
                return en(t),
            if (e = us(kr.current),
            Xu(t)) {
                r = t.stateNode,
                n = t.type;
                var s = t.memoizedProps;
                switch (r[Pr] = t,
                r[Rl] = s,
                e = (t.mode & 1) !== 0,
                n) {
                case "dialog":
                    at("cancel", r),
                    at("close", r);
                case "iframe":
                case "object":
                case "embed":
                    at("load", r);
                case "video":
                case "audio":
                    for (i = 0; i < Ka.length; i++)
                        at(Ka[i], r);
                case "source":
                    at("error", r);
                case "img":
                case "image":
                case "link":
                    at("error", r),
                    at("load", r);
                case "details":
                    at("toggle", r);
                case "input":
                    Uy(r, s),
                    at("invalid", r);
                case "select":
                    r._wrapperState = {
                        wasMultiple: !!s.multiple
                    at("invalid", r);
                case "textarea":
                    Hy(r, s),
                    at("invalid", r)
                Sp(n, s),
                i = null;
                for (var o in s)
                    if (s.hasOwnProperty(o)) {
                        var a = s[o];
                        o === "children" ? typeof a == "string" ? r.textContent !== a && (s.suppressHydrationWarning !== !0 && Yu(r.textContent, a, e),
                        i = ["children", a]) : typeof a == "number" && r.textContent !== "" + a && (s.suppressHydrationWarning !== !0 && Yu(r.textContent, a, e),
                        i = ["children", "" + a]) : vl.hasOwnProperty(o) && a != null && o === "onScroll" && at("scroll", r)
                switch (n) {
                case "input":
                    By(r, s, !0);
                case "textarea":
                case "select":
                case "option":
                    typeof s.onClick == "function" && (r.onclick = td)
                r = i,
                t.updateQueue = r,
                r !== null && (t.flags |= 4)
            } else {
                o = i.nodeType === 9 ? i : i.ownerDocument,
                e === "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" && (e = Lb(n)),
                e === "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ? n === "script" ? (e = o.createElement("div"),
                e.innerHTML = "<script><\/script>",
                e = e.removeChild(e.firstChild)) : typeof r.is == "string" ? e = o.createElement(n, {
                    is: r.is
                }) : (e = o.createElement(n),
                n === "select" && (o = e,
                r.multiple ? o.multiple = !0 : r.size && (o.size = r.size))) : e = o.createElementNS(e, n),
                e[Pr] = t,
                e[Rl] = r,
                rE(e, t, !1, !1),
                t.stateNode = e;
                e: {
                    switch (o = Ep(n, r),
                    n) {
                    case "dialog":
                        at("cancel", e),
                        at("close", e),
                        i = r;
                    case "iframe":
                    case "object":
                    case "embed":
                        at("load", e),
                        i = r;
                    case "video":
                    case "audio":
                        for (i = 0; i < Ka.length; i++)
                            at(Ka[i], e);
                        i = r;
                    case "source":
                        at("error", e),
                        i = r;
                    case "img":
                    case "image":
                    case "link":
                        at("error", e),
                        at("load", e),
                        i = r;
                    case "details":
                        at("toggle", e),
                        i = r;
                    case "input":
                        Uy(e, r),
                        i = vp(e, r),
                        at("invalid", e);
                    case "option":
                        i = r;
                    case "select":
                        e._wrapperState = {
                            wasMultiple: !!r.multiple
                        i = xt({}, r, {
                            value: void 0
                        at("invalid", e);
                    case "textarea":
                        Hy(e, r),
                        i = xp(e, r),
                        at("invalid", e);
                        i = r
                    Sp(n, i),
                    a = i;
                    for (s in a)
                        if (a.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
                            var l = a[s];
                            s === "style" ? jb(e, l) : s === "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" ? (l = l ? l.__html : void 0,
                            l != null && Nb(e, l)) : s === "children" ? typeof l == "string" ? (n !== "textarea" || l !== "") && yl(e, l) : typeof l == "number" && yl(e, "" + l) : s !== "suppressContentEditableWarning" && s !== "suppressHydrationWarning" && s !== "autoFocus" && (vl.hasOwnProperty(s) ? l != null && s === "onScroll" && at("scroll", e) : l != null && Cg(e, s, l, o))
                    switch (n) {
                    case "input":
                        By(e, r, !1);
                    case "textarea":
                    case "option":
                        r.value != null && e.setAttribute("value", "" + Ii(r.value));
                    case "select":
                        e.multiple = !!r.multiple,
                        s = r.value,
                        s != null ? Po(e, !!r.multiple, s, !1) : r.defaultValue != null && Po(e, !!r.multiple, r.defaultValue, !0);
                        typeof i.onClick == "function" && (e.onclick = td)
                    switch (n) {
                    case "button":
                    case "input":
                    case "select":
                    case "textarea":
                        r = !!r.autoFocus;
                        break e;
                    case "img":
                        r = !0;
                        break e;
                        r = !1
                r && (t.flags |= 4)
            t.ref !== null && (t.flags |= 512,
            t.flags |= 2097152)
        return en(t),
    case 6:
        if (e && t.stateNode != null)
            sE(e, t, e.memoizedProps, r);
        else {
            if (typeof r != "string" && t.stateNode === null)
                throw Error(oe(166));
            if (n = us(kl.current),
            Xu(t)) {
                if (r = t.stateNode,
                n = t.memoizedProps,
                r[Pr] = t,
                (s = r.nodeValue !== n) && (e = An,
                e !== null))
                    switch (e.tag) {
                    case 3:
                        Yu(r.nodeValue, n, (e.mode & 1) !== 0);
                    case 5:
                        e.memoizedProps.suppressHydrationWarning !== !0 && Yu(r.nodeValue, n, (e.mode & 1) !== 0)
                s && (t.flags |= 4)
            } else
                r = (n.nodeType === 9 ? n : n.ownerDocument).createTextNode(r),
                r[Pr] = t,
                t.stateNode = r
        return en(t),
    case 13:
        if (ut(gt),
        r = t.memoizedState,
        e === null || e.memoizedState !== null && e.memoizedState.dehydrated !== null) {
            if (ht && kn !== null && t.mode & 1 && !(t.flags & 128))
                t.flags |= 98560,
                s = !1;
            else if (s = Xu(t),
            r !== null && r.dehydrated !== null) {
                if (e === null) {
                    if (!s)
                        throw Error(oe(318));
                    if (s = t.memoizedState,
                    s = s !== null ? s.dehydrated : null,
                        throw Error(oe(317));
                    s[Pr] = t
                } else
                    !(t.flags & 128) && (t.memoizedState = null),
                    t.flags |= 4;
                s = !1
            } else
                or !== null && (rm(or),
                or = null),
                s = !0;
            if (!s)
                return t.flags & 65536 ? t : null
        return t.flags & 128 ? (t.lanes = n,
        t) : (r = r !== null,
        r !== (e !== null && e.memoizedState !== null) && r && (t.child.flags |= 8192,
        t.mode & 1 && (e === null || gt.current & 1 ? Nt === 0 && (Nt = 3) : ov())),
        t.updateQueue !== null && (t.flags |= 4),
    case 4:
        return Jo(),
        Qp(e, t),
        e === null && Pl(t.stateNode.containerInfo),
    case 10:
        return Bg(t.type._context),
    case 17:
        return En(t.type) && nd(),
    case 19:
        if (ut(gt),
        s = t.memoizedState,
        s === null)
            return en(t),
        if (r = (t.flags & 128) !== 0,
        o = s.rendering,
        o === null)
            if (r)
                ka(s, !1);
            else {
                if (Nt !== 0 || e !== null && e.flags & 128)
                    for (e = t.child; e !== null; ) {
                        if (o = ud(e),
                        o !== null) {
                            for (t.flags |= 128,
                            ka(s, !1),
                            r = o.updateQueue,
                            r !== null && (t.updateQueue = r,
                            t.flags |= 4),
                            t.subtreeFlags = 0,
                            r = n,
                            n = t.child; n !== null; )
                                s = n,
                                e = r,
                                s.flags &= 14680066,
                                o = s.alternate,
                                o === null ? (s.childLanes = 0,
                                s.lanes = e,
                                s.child = null,
                                s.subtreeFlags = 0,
                                s.memoizedProps = null,
                                s.memoizedState = null,
                                s.updateQueue = null,
                                s.dependencies = null,
                                s.stateNode = null) : (s.childLanes = o.childLanes,
                                s.lanes = o.lanes,
                                s.child = o.child,
                                s.subtreeFlags = 0,
                                s.deletions = null,
                                s.memoizedProps = o.memoizedProps,
                                s.memoizedState = o.memoizedState,
                                s.updateQueue = o.updateQueue,
                                s.type = o.type,
                                e = o.dependencies,
                                s.dependencies = e === null ? null : {
                                    lanes: e.lanes,
                                    firstContext: e.firstContext
                                n = n.sibling;
                            return rt(gt, gt.current & 1 | 2),
                        e = e.sibling
                s.tail !== null && Pt() > ea && (t.flags |= 128,
                r = !0,
                ka(s, !1),
                t.lanes = 4194304)
        else {
            if (!r)
                if (e = ud(o),
                e !== null) {
                    if (t.flags |= 128,
                    r = !0,
                    n = e.updateQueue,
                    n !== null && (t.updateQueue = n,
                    t.flags |= 4),
                    ka(s, !0),
                    s.tail === null && s.tailMode === "hidden" && !o.alternate && !ht)
                        return en(t),
                } else
                    2 * Pt() - s.renderingStartTime > ea && n !== 1073741824 && (t.flags |= 128,
                    r = !0,
                    ka(s, !1),
                    t.lanes = 4194304);
            s.isBackwards ? (o.sibling = t.child,
            t.child = o) : (n = s.last,
            n !== null ? n.sibling = o : t.child = o,
            s.last = o)
        return s.tail !== null ? (t = s.tail,
        s.rendering = t,
        s.tail = t.sibling,
        s.renderingStartTime = Pt(),
        t.sibling = null,
        n = gt.current,
        rt(gt, r ? n & 1 | 2 : n & 1),
        t) : (en(t),
    case 22:
    case 23:
        return sv(),
        r = t.memoizedState !== null,
        e !== null && e.memoizedState !== null !== r && (t.flags |= 8192),
        r && t.mode & 1 ? On & 1073741824 && (en(t),
        t.subtreeFlags & 6 && (t.flags |= 8192)) : en(t),
    case 24:
        return null;
    case 25:
        return null
    throw Error(oe(156, t.tag))
function Sk(e, t) {
    switch (Fg(t),
    t.tag) {
    case 1:
        return En(t.type) && nd(),
        e = t.flags,
        e & 65536 ? (t.flags = e & -65537 | 128,
        t) : null;
    case 3:
        return Jo(),
        e = t.flags,
        e & 65536 && !(e & 128) ? (t.flags = e & -65537 | 128,
        t) : null;
    case 5:
        return Kg(t),
    case 13:
        if (ut(gt),
        e = t.memoizedState,
        e !== null && e.dehydrated !== null) {
            if (t.alternate === null)
                throw Error(oe(340));
        return e = t.flags,
        e & 65536 ? (t.flags = e & -65537 | 128,
        t) : null;
    case 19:
        return ut(gt),
    case 4:
        return Jo(),
    case 10:
        return Bg(t.type._context),
    case 22:
    case 23:
        return sv(),
    case 24:
        return null;
        return null
var ec = !1
  , rn = !1
  , Ek = typeof WeakSet == "function" ? WeakSet : Set
  , pe = null;
function mo(e, t) {
    var n = e.ref;
    if (n !== null)
        if (typeof n == "function")
            try {
            } catch (r) {
                St(e, t, r)
            n.current = null
function Yp(e, t, n) {
    try {
    } catch (r) {
        St(e, t, r)
var N0 = !1;
function Ck(e, t) {
    if (Lp = Jc,
    e = cS(),
    $g(e)) {
        if ("selectionStart"in e)
            var n = {
                start: e.selectionStart,
                end: e.selectionEnd
            e: {
                n = (n = e.ownerDocument) && n.defaultView || window;
                var r = n.getSelection && n.getSelection();
                if (r && r.rangeCount !== 0) {
                    n = r.anchorNode;
                    var i = r.anchorOffset
                      , s = r.focusNode;
                    r = r.focusOffset;
                    try {
                    } catch {
                        n = null;
                        break e
                    var o = 0
                      , a = -1
                      , l = -1
                      , u = 0
                      , c = 0
                      , d = e
                      , f = null;
                    t: for (; ; ) {
                        for (var h; d !== n || i !== 0 && d.nodeType !== 3 || (a = o + i),
                        d !== s || r !== 0 && d.nodeType !== 3 || (l = o + r),
                        d.nodeType === 3 && (o += d.nodeValue.length),
                        (h = d.firstChild) !== null; )
                            f = d,
                            d = h;
                        for (; ; ) {
                            if (d === e)
                                break t;
                            if (f === n && ++u === i && (a = o),
                            f === s && ++c === r && (l = o),
                            (h = d.nextSibling) !== null)
                            d = f,
                            f = d.parentNode
                        d = h
                    n = a === -1 || l === -1 ? null : {
                        start: a,
                        end: l
                } else
                    n = null
        n = n || {
            start: 0,
            end: 0
    } else
        n = null;
    for (Np = {
        focusedElem: e,
        selectionRange: n
    Jc = !1,
    pe = t; pe !== null; )
        if (t = pe,
        e = t.child,
        (t.subtreeFlags & 1028) !== 0 && e !== null)
            e.return = t,
            pe = e;
            for (; pe !== null; ) {
                t = pe;
                try {
                    var m = t.alternate;
                    if (t.flags & 1024)
                        switch (t.tag) {
                        case 0:
                        case 11:
                        case 15:
                        case 1:
                            if (m !== null) {
                                var p = m.memoizedProps
                                  , b = m.memoizedState
                                  , v = t.stateNode
                                  , g = v.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(t.elementType === t.type ? p : tr(t.type, p), b);
                                v.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = g
                        case 3:
                            var w = t.stateNode.containerInfo;
                            w.nodeType === 1 ? w.textContent = "" : w.nodeType === 9 && w.documentElement && w.removeChild(w.documentElement);
                        case 5:
                        case 6:
                        case 4:
                        case 17:
                            throw Error(oe(163))
                } catch (E) {
                    St(t, t.return, E)
                if (e = t.sibling,
                e !== null) {
                    e.return = t.return,
                    pe = e;
                pe = t.return
    return m = N0,
    N0 = !1,
function il(e, t, n) {
    var r = t.updateQueue;
    if (r = r !== null ? r.lastEffect : null,
    r !== null) {
        var i = r = r.next;
        do {
            if ((i.tag & e) === e) {
                var s = i.destroy;
                i.destroy = void 0,
                s !== void 0 && Yp(t, n, s)
            i = i.next
        } while (i !== r)
function af(e, t) {
    if (t = t.updateQueue,
    t = t !== null ? t.lastEffect : null,
    t !== null) {
        var n = t = t.next;
        do {
            if ((n.tag & e) === e) {
                var r = n.create;
                n.destroy = r()
            n = n.next
        } while (n !== t)
function Xp(e) {
    var t = e.ref;
    if (t !== null) {
        var n = e.stateNode;
        switch (e.tag) {
        case 5:
            e = n;
            e = n
        typeof t == "function" ? t(e) : t.current = e
function oE(e) {
    var t = e.alternate;
    t !== null && (e.alternate = null,
    e.child = null,
    e.deletions = null,
    e.sibling = null,
    e.tag === 5 && (t = e.stateNode,
    t !== null && (delete t[Pr],
    delete t[Rl],
    delete t[$p],
    delete t[ok],
    delete t[ak])),
    e.stateNode = null,
    e.return = null,
    e.dependencies = null,
    e.memoizedProps = null,
    e.memoizedState = null,
    e.pendingProps = null,
    e.stateNode = null,
    e.updateQueue = null
function aE(e) {
    return e.tag === 5 || e.tag === 3 || e.tag === 4
function M0(e) {
    e: for (; ; ) {
        for (; e.sibling === null; ) {
            if (e.return === null || aE(e.return))
                return null;
            e = e.return
        for (e.sibling.return = e.return,
        e = e.sibling; e.tag !== 5 && e.tag !== 6 && e.tag !== 18; ) {
            if (e.flags & 2 || e.child === null || e.tag === 4)
                continue e;
            e.child.return = e,
            e = e.child
        if (!(e.flags & 2))
            return e.stateNode
function Jp(e, t, n) {
    var r = e.tag;
    if (r === 5 || r === 6)
        e = e.stateNode,
        t ? n.nodeType === 8 ? n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t) : n.insertBefore(e, t) : (n.nodeType === 8 ? (t = n.parentNode,
        t.insertBefore(e, n)) : (t = n,
        n = n._reactRootContainer,
        n != null || t.onclick !== null || (t.onclick = td));
    else if (r !== 4 && (e = e.child,
    e !== null))
        for (Jp(e, t, n),
        e = e.sibling; e !== null; )
            Jp(e, t, n),
            e = e.sibling
function Zp(e, t, n) {
    var r = e.tag;
    if (r === 5 || r === 6)
        e = e.stateNode,
        t ? n.insertBefore(e, t) : n.appendChild(e);
    else if (r !== 4 && (e = e.child,
    e !== null))
        for (Zp(e, t, n),
        e = e.sibling; e !== null; )
            Zp(e, t, n),
            e = e.sibling
var Gt = null
  , ir = !1;
function ri(e, t, n) {
    for (n = n.child; n !== null; )
        lE(e, t, n),
        n = n.sibling
function lE(e, t, n) {
    if (Or && typeof Or.onCommitFiberUnmount == "function")
        try {
            Or.onCommitFiberUnmount(Jd, n)
        } catch {}
    switch (n.tag) {
    case 5:
        rn || mo(n, t);
    case 6:
        var r = Gt
          , i = ir;
        Gt = null,
        ri(e, t, n),
        Gt = r,
        ir = i,
        Gt !== null && (ir ? (e = Gt,
        n = n.stateNode,
        e.nodeType === 8 ? e.parentNode.removeChild(n) : e.removeChild(n)) : Gt.removeChild(n.stateNode));
    case 18:
        Gt !== null && (ir ? (e = Gt,
        n = n.stateNode,
        e.nodeType === 8 ? lh(e.parentNode, n) : e.nodeType === 1 && lh(e, n),
        Sl(e)) : lh(Gt, n.stateNode));
    case 4:
        r = Gt,
        i = ir,
        Gt = n.stateNode.containerInfo,
        ir = !0,
        ri(e, t, n),
        Gt = r,
        ir = i;
    case 0:
    case 11:
    case 14:
    case 15:
        if (!rn && (r = n.updateQueue,
        r !== null && (r = r.lastEffect,
        r !== null))) {
            i = r = r.next;
            do {
                var s = i
                  , o = s.destroy;
                s = s.tag,
                o !== void 0 && (s & 2 || s & 4) && Yp(n, t, o),
                i = i.next
            } while (i !== r)
        ri(e, t, n);
    case 1:
        if (!rn && (mo(n, t),
        r = n.stateNode,
        typeof r.componentWillUnmount == "function"))
            try {
                r.props = n.memoizedProps,
                r.state = n.memoizedState,
            } catch (a) {
                St(n, t, a)
        ri(e, t, n);
    case 21:
        ri(e, t, n);
    case 22:
        n.mode & 1 ? (rn = (r = rn) || n.memoizedState !== null,
        ri(e, t, n),
        rn = r) : ri(e, t, n);
        ri(e, t, n)
function j0(e) {
    var t = e.updateQueue;
    if (t !== null) {
        e.updateQueue = null;
        var n = e.stateNode;
        n === null && (n = e.stateNode = new Ek),
        t.forEach(function(r) {
            var i = Lk.bind(null, e, r);
            n.has(r) || (n.add(r),
            r.then(i, i))
function er(e, t) {
    var n = t.deletions;
    if (n !== null)
        for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
            var i = n[r];
            try {
                var s = e
                  , o = t
                  , a = o;
                e: for (; a !== null; ) {
                    switch (a.tag) {
                    case 5:
                        Gt = a.stateNode,
                        ir = !1;
                        break e;
                    case 3:
                        Gt = a.stateNode.containerInfo,
                        ir = !0;
                        break e;
                    case 4:
                        Gt = a.stateNode.containerInfo,
                        ir = !0;
                        break e
                    a = a.return
                if (Gt === null)
                    throw Error(oe(160));
                lE(s, o, i),
                Gt = null,
                ir = !1;
                var l = i.alternate;
                l !== null && (l.return = null),
                i.return = null
            } catch (u) {
                St(i, t, u)
    if (t.subtreeFlags & 12854)
        for (t = t.child; t !== null; )
            uE(t, e),
            t = t.sibling
function uE(e, t) {
    var n = e.alternate
      , r = e.flags;
    switch (e.tag) {
    case 0:
    case 11:
    case 14:
    case 15:
        if (er(t, e),
        r & 4) {
            try {
                il(3, e, e.return),
                af(3, e)
            } catch (p) {
                St(e, e.return, p)
            try {
                il(5, e, e.return)
            } catch (p) {
                St(e, e.return, p)
    case 1:
        er(t, e),
        r & 512 && n !== null && mo(n, n.return);
    case 5:
        if (er(t, e),
        r & 512 && n !== null && mo(n, n.return),
        e.flags & 32) {
            var i = e.stateNode;
            try {
                yl(i, "")
            } catch (p) {
                St(e, e.return, p)
        if (r & 4 && (i = e.stateNode,
        i != null)) {
            var s = e.memoizedProps
              , o = n !== null ? n.memoizedProps : s
              , a = e.type
              , l = e.updateQueue;
            if (e.updateQueue = null,
            l !== null)
                try {
                    a === "input" && s.type === "radio" && s.name != null && Ab(i, s),
                    Ep(a, o);
                    var u = Ep(a, s);
                    for (o = 0; o < l.length; o += 2) {
                        var c = l[o]
                          , d = l[o + 1];
                        c === "style" ? jb(i, d) : c === "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" ? Nb(i, d) : c === "children" ? yl(i, d) : Cg(i, c, d, u)
                    switch (a) {
                    case "input":
                        yp(i, s);
                    case "textarea":
                        Db(i, s);
                    case "select":
                        var f = i._wrapperState.wasMultiple;
                        i._wrapperState.wasMultiple = !!s.multiple;
                        var h = s.value;
                        h != null ? Po(i, !!s.multiple, h, !1) : f !== !!s.multiple && (s.defaultValue != null ? Po(i, !!s.multiple, s.defaultValue, !0) : Po(i, !!s.multiple, s.multiple ? [] : "", !1))
                    i[Rl] = s
                } catch (p) {
                    St(e, e.return, p)
    case 6:
        if (er(t, e),
        r & 4) {
            if (e.stateNode === null)
                throw Error(oe(162));
            i = e.stateNode,
            s = e.memoizedProps;
            try {
                i.nodeValue = s
            } catch (p) {
                St(e, e.return, p)
    case 3:
        if (er(t, e),
        r & 4 && n !== null && n.memoizedState.isDehydrated)
            try {
            } catch (p) {
                St(e, e.return, p)
    case 4:
        er(t, e),
    case 13:
        er(t, e),
        i = e.child,
        i.flags & 8192 && (s = i.memoizedState !== null,
        i.stateNode.isHidden = s,
        !s || i.alternate !== null && i.alternate.memoizedState !== null || (rv = Pt())),
        r & 4 && j0(e);
    case 22:
        if (c = n !== null && n.memoizedState !== null,
        e.mode & 1 ? (rn = (u = rn) || c,
        er(t, e),
        rn = u) : er(t, e),
        r & 8192) {
            if (u = e.memoizedState !== null,
            (e.stateNode.isHidden = u) && !c && e.mode & 1)
                for (pe = e,
                c = e.child; c !== null; ) {
                    for (d = pe = c; pe !== null; ) {
                        switch (f = pe,
                        h = f.child,
                        f.tag) {
                        case 0:
                        case 11:
                        case 14:
                        case 15:
                            il(4, f, f.return);
                        case 1:
                            mo(f, f.return);
                            var m = f.stateNode;
                            if (typeof m.componentWillUnmount == "function") {
                                r = f,
                                n = f.return;
                                try {
                                    t = r,
                                    m.props = t.memoizedProps,
                                    m.state = t.memoizedState,
                                } catch (p) {
                                    St(r, n, p)
                        case 5:
                            mo(f, f.return);
                        case 22:
                            if (f.memoizedState !== null) {
                        h !== null ? (h.return = f,
                        pe = h) : I0(d)
                    c = c.sibling
            e: for (c = null,
            d = e; ; ) {
                if (d.tag === 5) {
                    if (c === null) {
                        c = d;
                        try {
                            i = d.stateNode,
                            u ? (s = i.style,
                            typeof s.setProperty == "function" ? s.setProperty("display", "none", "important") : s.display = "none") : (a = d.stateNode,
                            l = d.memoizedProps.style,
                            o = l != null && l.hasOwnProperty("display") ? l.display : null,
                            a.style.display = Mb("display", o))
                        } catch (p) {
                            St(e, e.return, p)
                } else if (d.tag === 6) {
                    if (c === null)
                        try {
                            d.stateNode.nodeValue = u ? "" : d.memoizedProps
                        } catch (p) {
                            St(e, e.return, p)
                } else if ((d.tag !== 22 && d.tag !== 23 || d.memoizedState === null || d === e) && d.child !== null) {
                    d.child.return = d,
                    d = d.child;
                if (d === e)
                    break e;
                for (; d.sibling === null; ) {
                    if (d.return === null || d.return === e)
                        break e;
                    c === d && (c = null),
                    d = d.return
                c === d && (c = null),
                d.sibling.return = d.return,
                d = d.sibling
    case 19:
        er(t, e),
        r & 4 && j0(e);
    case 21:
        er(t, e),
function yr(e) {
    var t = e.flags;
    if (t & 2) {
        try {
            e: {
                for (var n = e.return; n !== null; ) {
                    if (aE(n)) {
                        var r = n;
                        break e
                    n = n.return
                throw Error(oe(160))
            switch (r.tag) {
            case 5:
                var i = r.stateNode;
                r.flags & 32 && (yl(i, ""),
                r.flags &= -33);
                var s = M0(e);
                Zp(e, s, i);
            case 3:
            case 4:
                var o = r.stateNode.containerInfo
                  , a = M0(e);
                Jp(e, a, o);
                throw Error(oe(161))
        } catch (l) {
            St(e, e.return, l)
        e.flags &= -3
    t & 4096 && (e.flags &= -4097)
function Pk(e, t, n) {
    pe = e,
function cE(e, t, n) {
    for (var r = (e.mode & 1) !== 0; pe !== null; ) {
        var i = pe
          , s = i.child;
        if (i.tag === 22 && r) {
            var o = i.memoizedState !== null || ec;
            if (!o) {
                var a = i.alternate
                  , l = a !== null && a.memoizedState !== null || rn;
                a = ec;
                var u = rn;
                if (ec = o,
                (rn = l) && !u)
                    for (pe = i; pe !== null; )
                        o = pe,
                        l = o.child,
                        o.tag === 22 && o.memoizedState !== null ? F0(i) : l !== null ? (l.return = o,
                        pe = l) : F0(i);
                for (; s !== null; )
                    pe = s,
                    s = s.sibling;
                pe = i,
                ec = a,
                rn = u
        } else
            i.subtreeFlags & 8772 && s !== null ? (s.return = i,
            pe = s) : $0(e)
function $0(e) {
    for (; pe !== null; ) {
        var t = pe;
        if (t.flags & 8772) {
            var n = t.alternate;
            try {
                if (t.flags & 8772)
                    switch (t.tag) {
                    case 0:
                    case 11:
                    case 15:
                        rn || af(5, t);
                    case 1:
                        var r = t.stateNode;
                        if (t.flags & 4 && !rn)
                            if (n === null)
                            else {
                                var i = t.elementType === t.type ? n.memoizedProps : tr(t.type, n.memoizedProps);
                                r.componentDidUpdate(i, n.memoizedState, r.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate)
                        var s = t.updateQueue;
                        s !== null && b0(t, s, r);
                    case 3:
                        var o = t.updateQueue;
                        if (o !== null) {
                            if (n = null,
                            t.child !== null)
                                switch (t.child.tag) {
                                case 5:
                                    n = t.child.stateNode;
                                case 1:
                                    n = t.child.stateNode
                            b0(t, o, n)
                    case 5:
                        var a = t.stateNode;
                        if (n === null && t.flags & 4) {
                            n = a;
                            var l = t.memoizedProps;
                            switch (t.type) {
                            case "button":
                            case "input":
                            case "select":
                            case "textarea":
                                l.autoFocus && n.focus();
                            case "img":
                                l.src && (n.src = l.src)
                    case 6:
                    case 4:
                    case 12:
                    case 13:
                        if (t.memoizedState === null) {
                            var u = t.alternate;
                            if (u !== null) {
                                var c = u.memoizedState;
                                if (c !== null) {
                                    var d = c.dehydrated;
                                    d !== null && Sl(d)
                    case 19:
                    case 17:
                    case 21:
                    case 22:
                    case 23:
                    case 25:
                        throw Error(oe(163))
                rn || t.flags & 512 && Xp(t)
            } catch (f) {
                St(t, t.return, f)
        if (t === e) {
            pe = null;
        if (n = t.sibling,
        n !== null) {
            n.return = t.return,
            pe = n;
        pe = t.return
function I0(e) {
    for (; pe !== null; ) {
        var t = pe;
        if (t === e) {
            pe = null;
        var n = t.sibling;
        if (n !== null) {
            n.return = t.return,
            pe = n;
        pe = t.return
function F0(e) {
    for (; pe !== null; ) {
        var t = pe;
        try {
            switch (t.tag) {
            case 0:
            case 11:
            case 15:
                var n = t.return;
                try {
                    af(4, t)
                } catch (l) {
                    St(t, n, l)
            case 1:
                var r = t.stateNode;
                if (typeof r.componentDidMount == "function") {
                    var i = t.return;
                    try {
                    } catch (l) {
                        St(t, i, l)
                var s = t.return;
                try {
                } catch (l) {
                    St(t, s, l)
            case 5:
                var o = t.return;
                try {
                } catch (l) {
                    St(t, o, l)
        } catch (l) {
            St(t, t.return, l)
        if (t === e) {
            pe = null;
        var a = t.sibling;
        if (a !== null) {
            a.return = t.return,
            pe = a;
        pe = t.return
var Tk = Math.ceil
  , fd = ti.ReactCurrentDispatcher
  , tv = ti.ReactCurrentOwner
  , Yn = ti.ReactCurrentBatchConfig
  , He = 0
  , Ft = null
  , kt = null
  , qt = 0
  , On = 0
  , go = Wi(0)
  , Nt = 0
  , Ll = null
  , ks = 0
  , lf = 0
  , nv = 0
  , sl = null
  , xn = null
  , rv = 0
  , ea = 1 / 0
  , Mr = null
  , hd = !1
  , em = null
  , Di = null
  , tc = !1
  , Ti = null
  , pd = 0
  , ol = 0
  , tm = null
  , kc = -1
  , _c = 0;
function hn() {
    return He & 6 ? Pt() : kc !== -1 ? kc : kc = Pt()
function Li(e) {
    return e.mode & 1 ? He & 2 && qt !== 0 ? qt & -qt : uk.transition !== null ? (_c === 0 && (_c = qb()),
    _c) : (e = Je,
    e !== 0 || (e = window.event,
    e = e === void 0 ? 16 : tS(e.type)),
    e) : 1
function cr(e, t, n, r) {
    if (50 < ol)
        throw ol = 0,
        tm = null,
    gu(e, n, r),
    (!(He & 2) || e !== Ft) && (e === Ft && (!(He & 2) && (lf |= n),
    Nt === 4 && mi(e, qt)),
    Cn(e, r),
    n === 1 && He === 0 && !(t.mode & 1) && (ea = Pt() + 500,
    rf && Gi()))
function Cn(e, t) {
    var n = e.callbackNode;
    uO(e, t);
    var r = Xc(e, e === Ft ? qt : 0);
    if (r === 0)
        n !== null && qy(n),
        e.callbackNode = null,
        e.callbackPriority = 0;
    else if (t = r & -r,
    e.callbackPriority !== t) {
        if (n != null && qy(n),
        t === 1)
            e.tag === 0 ? lk(V0.bind(null, e)) : xS(V0.bind(null, e)),
            ik(function() {
                !(He & 6) && Gi()
            n = null;
        else {
            switch (Qb(r)) {
            case 1:
                n = kg;
            case 4:
                n = Gb;
            case 16:
                n = Yc;
            case 536870912:
                n = Kb;
                n = Yc
            n = yE(n, dE.bind(null, e))
        e.callbackPriority = t,
        e.callbackNode = n
function dE(e, t) {
    if (kc = -1,
    _c = 0,
    He & 6)
        throw Error(oe(327));
    var n = e.callbackNode;
    if (_o() && e.callbackNode !== n)
        return null;
    var r = Xc(e, e === Ft ? qt : 0);
    if (r === 0)
        return null;
    if (r & 30 || r & e.expiredLanes || t)
        t = md(e, r);
    else {
        t = r;
        var i = He;
        He |= 2;
        var s = hE();
        (Ft !== e || qt !== t) && (Mr = null,
        ea = Pt() + 500,
        Ss(e, t));
            try {
            } catch (a) {
                fE(e, a)
        while (!0);
        fd.current = s,
        He = i,
        kt !== null ? t = 0 : (Ft = null,
        qt = 0,
        t = Nt)
    if (t !== 0) {
        if (t === 2 && (i = Op(e),
        i !== 0 && (r = i,
        t = nm(e, i))),
        t === 1)
            throw n = Ll,
            Ss(e, 0),
            mi(e, r),
            Cn(e, Pt()),
        if (t === 6)
            mi(e, r);
        else {
            if (i = e.current.alternate,
            !(r & 30) && !Rk(i) && (t = md(e, r),
            t === 2 && (s = Op(e),
            s !== 0 && (r = s,
            t = nm(e, s))),
            t === 1))
                throw n = Ll,
                Ss(e, 0),
                mi(e, r),
                Cn(e, Pt()),
            switch (e.finishedWork = i,
            e.finishedLanes = r,
            t) {
            case 0:
            case 1:
                throw Error(oe(345));
            case 2:
                ts(e, xn, Mr);
            case 3:
                if (mi(e, r),
                (r & 130023424) === r && (t = rv + 500 - Pt(),
                10 < t)) {
                    if (Xc(e, 0) !== 0)
                    if (i = e.suspendedLanes,
                    (i & r) !== r) {
                        e.pingedLanes |= e.suspendedLanes & i;
                    e.timeoutHandle = jp(ts.bind(null, e, xn, Mr), t);
                ts(e, xn, Mr);
            case 4:
                if (mi(e, r),
                (r & 4194240) === r)
                for (t = e.eventTimes,
                i = -1; 0 < r; ) {
                    var o = 31 - ur(r);
                    s = 1 << o,
                    o = t[o],
                    o > i && (i = o),
                    r &= ~s
                if (r = i,
                r = Pt() - r,
                r = (120 > r ? 120 : 480 > r ? 480 : 1080 > r ? 1080 : 1920 > r ? 1920 : 3e3 > r ? 3e3 : 4320 > r ? 4320 : 1960 * Tk(r / 1960)) - r,
                10 < r) {
                    e.timeoutHandle = jp(ts.bind(null, e, xn, Mr), r);
                ts(e, xn, Mr);
            case 5:
                ts(e, xn, Mr);
                throw Error(oe(329))
    return Cn(e, Pt()),
    e.callbackNode === n ? dE.bind(null, e) : null
function nm(e, t) {
    var n = sl;
    return e.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated && (Ss(e, t).flags |= 256),
    e = md(e, t),
    e !== 2 && (t = xn,
    xn = n,
    t !== null && rm(t)),
function rm(e) {
    xn === null ? xn = e : xn.push.apply(xn, e)
function Rk(e) {
    for (var t = e; ; ) {
        if (t.flags & 16384) {
            var n = t.updateQueue;
            if (n !== null && (n = n.stores,
            n !== null))
                for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
                    var i = n[r]
                      , s = i.getSnapshot;
                    i = i.value;
                    try {
                        if (!pr(s(), i))
                            return !1
                    } catch {
                        return !1
        if (n = t.child,
        t.subtreeFlags & 16384 && n !== null)
            n.return = t,
            t = n;
        else {
            if (t === e)
            for (; t.sibling === null; ) {
                if (t.return === null || t.return === e)
                    return !0;
                t = t.return
            t.sibling.return = t.return,
            t = t.sibling
    return !0
function mi(e, t) {
    for (t &= ~nv,
    t &= ~lf,
    e.suspendedLanes |= t,
    e.pingedLanes &= ~t,
    e = e.expirationTimes; 0 < t; ) {
        var n = 31 - ur(t)
          , r = 1 << n;
        e[n] = -1,
        t &= ~r
function V0(e) {
    if (He & 6)
        throw Error(oe(327));
    var t = Xc(e, 0);
    if (!(t & 1))
        return Cn(e, Pt()),
    var n = md(e, t);
    if (e.tag !== 0 && n === 2) {
        var r = Op(e);
        r !== 0 && (t = r,
        n = nm(e, r))
    if (n === 1)
        throw n = Ll,
        Ss(e, 0),
        mi(e, t),
        Cn(e, Pt()),
    if (n === 6)
        throw Error(oe(345));
    return e.finishedWork = e.current.alternate,
    e.finishedLanes = t,
    ts(e, xn, Mr),
    Cn(e, Pt()),
function iv(e, t) {
    var n = He;
    He |= 1;
    try {
        return e(t)
    } finally {
        He = n,
        He === 0 && (ea = Pt() + 500,
        rf && Gi())
function _s(e) {
    Ti !== null && Ti.tag === 0 && !(He & 6) && _o();
    var t = He;
    He |= 1;
    var n = Yn.transition
      , r = Je;
    try {
        if (Yn.transition = null,
        Je = 1,
            return e()
    } finally {
        Je = r,
        Yn.transition = n,
        He = t,
        !(He & 6) && Gi()
function sv() {
    On = go.current,
function Ss(e, t) {
    e.finishedWork = null,
    e.finishedLanes = 0;
    var n = e.timeoutHandle;
    if (n !== -1 && (e.timeoutHandle = -1,
    kt !== null)
        for (n = kt.return; n !== null; ) {
            var r = n;
            switch (Fg(r),
            r.tag) {
            case 1:
                r = r.type.childContextTypes,
                r != null && nd();
            case 3:
            case 5:
            case 4:
            case 13:
            case 19:
            case 10:
            case 22:
            case 23:
            n = n.return
    if (Ft = e,
    kt = e = Ni(e.current, null),
    qt = On = t,
    Nt = 0,
    Ll = null,
    nv = lf = ks = 0,
    xn = sl = null,
    ls !== null) {
        for (t = 0; t < ls.length; t++)
            if (n = ls[t],
            r = n.interleaved,
            r !== null) {
                n.interleaved = null;
                var i = r.next
                  , s = n.pending;
                if (s !== null) {
                    var o = s.next;
                    s.next = i,
                    r.next = o
                n.pending = r
        ls = null
    return e
function fE(e, t) {
    do {
        var n = kt;
        try {
            if (Ug(),
            Tc.current = dd,
            cd) {
                for (var r = yt.memoizedState; r !== null; ) {
                    var i = r.queue;
                    i !== null && (i.pending = null),
                    r = r.next
                cd = !1
            if (Os = 0,
            $t = At = yt = null,
            rl = !1,
            _l = 0,
            tv.current = null,
            n === null || n.return === null) {
                Nt = 1,
                Ll = t,
                kt = null;
            e: {
                var s = e
                  , o = n.return
                  , a = n
                  , l = t;
                if (t = qt,
                a.flags |= 32768,
                l !== null && typeof l == "object" && typeof l.then == "function") {
                    var u = l
                      , c = a
                      , d = c.tag;
                    if (!(c.mode & 1) && (d === 0 || d === 11 || d === 15)) {
                        var f = c.alternate;
                        f ? (c.updateQueue = f.updateQueue,
                        c.memoizedState = f.memoizedState,
                        c.lanes = f.lanes) : (c.updateQueue = null,
                        c.memoizedState = null)
                    var h = R0(o);
                    if (h !== null) {
                        h.flags &= -257,
                        O0(h, o, a, s, t),
                        h.mode & 1 && T0(s, u, t),
                        t = h,
                        l = u;
                        var m = t.updateQueue;
                        if (m === null) {
                            var p = new Set;
                            t.updateQueue = p
                        } else
                        break e
                    } else {
                        if (!(t & 1)) {
                            T0(s, u, t),
                            break e
                        l = Error(oe(426))
                } else if (ht && a.mode & 1) {
                    var b = R0(o);
                    if (b !== null) {
                        !(b.flags & 65536) && (b.flags |= 256),
                        O0(b, o, a, s, t),
                        Vg(Zo(l, a));
                        break e
                s = l = Zo(l, a),
                Nt !== 4 && (Nt = 2),
                sl === null ? sl = [s] : sl.push(s),
                s = o;
                do {
                    switch (s.tag) {
                    case 3:
                        s.flags |= 65536,
                        t &= -t,
                        s.lanes |= t;
                        var v = QS(s, l, t);
                        x0(s, v);
                        break e;
                    case 1:
                        a = l;
                        var g = s.type
                          , w = s.stateNode;
                        if (!(s.flags & 128) && (typeof g.getDerivedStateFromError == "function" || w !== null && typeof w.componentDidCatch == "function" && (Di === null || !Di.has(w)))) {
                            s.flags |= 65536,
                            t &= -t,
                            s.lanes |= t;
                            var E = YS(s, a, t);
                            x0(s, E);
                            break e
                    s = s.return
                } while (s !== null)
        } catch (D) {
            t = D,
            kt === n && n !== null && (kt = n = n.return);
    } while (!0)
function hE() {
    var e = fd.current;
    return fd.current = dd,
    e === null ? dd : e
function ov() {
    (Nt === 0 || Nt === 3 || Nt === 2) && (Nt = 4),
    Ft === null || !(ks & 268435455) && !(lf & 268435455) || mi(Ft, qt)
function md(e, t) {
    var n = He;
    He |= 2;
    var r = hE();
    (Ft !== e || qt !== t) && (Mr = null,
    Ss(e, t));
        try {
        } catch (i) {
            fE(e, i)
    while (!0);
    if (Ug(),
    He = n,
    fd.current = r,
    kt !== null)
        throw Error(oe(261));
    return Ft = null,
    qt = 0,
function Ok() {
    for (; kt !== null; )
function kk() {
    for (; kt !== null && !eO(); )
function pE(e) {
    var t = vE(e.alternate, e, On);
    e.memoizedProps = e.pendingProps,
    t === null ? mE(e) : kt = t,
    tv.current = null
function mE(e) {
    var t = e;
    do {
        var n = t.alternate;
        if (e = t.return,
        t.flags & 32768) {
            if (n = Sk(n, t),
            n !== null) {
                n.flags &= 32767,
                kt = n;
            if (e !== null)
                e.flags |= 32768,
                e.subtreeFlags = 0,
                e.deletions = null;
            else {
                Nt = 6,
                kt = null;
        } else if (n = bk(n, t, On),
        n !== null) {
            kt = n;
        if (t = t.sibling,
        t !== null) {
            kt = t;
        kt = t = e
    } while (t !== null);
    Nt === 0 && (Nt = 5)
function ts(e, t, n) {
    var r = Je
      , i = Yn.transition;
    try {
        Yn.transition = null,
        Je = 1,
        _k(e, t, n, r)
    } finally {
        Yn.transition = i,
        Je = r
    return null
function _k(e, t, n, r) {
    while (Ti !== null);
    if (He & 6)
        throw Error(oe(327));
    n = e.finishedWork;
    var i = e.finishedLanes;
    if (n === null)
        return null;
    if (e.finishedWork = null,
    e.finishedLanes = 0,
    n === e.current)
        throw Error(oe(177));
    e.callbackNode = null,
    e.callbackPriority = 0;
    var s = n.lanes | n.childLanes;
    if (cO(e, s),
    e === Ft && (kt = Ft = null,
    qt = 0),
    !(n.subtreeFlags & 2064) && !(n.flags & 2064) || tc || (tc = !0,
    yE(Yc, function() {
        return _o(),
    s = (n.flags & 15990) !== 0,
    n.subtreeFlags & 15990 || s) {
        s = Yn.transition,
        Yn.transition = null;
        var o = Je;
        Je = 1;
        var a = He;
        He |= 4,
        tv.current = null,
        Ck(e, n),
        uE(n, e),
        Jc = !!Lp,
        Np = Lp = null,
        e.current = n,
        He = a,
        Je = o,
        Yn.transition = s
    } else
        e.current = n;
    if (tc && (tc = !1,
    Ti = e,
    pd = i),
    s = e.pendingLanes,
    s === 0 && (Di = null),
    Cn(e, Pt()),
    t !== null)
        for (r = e.onRecoverableError,
        n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
            i = t[n],
            r(i.value, {
                componentStack: i.stack,
                digest: i.digest
    if (hd)
        throw hd = !1,
        e = em,
        em = null,
    return pd & 1 && e.tag !== 0 && _o(),
    s = e.pendingLanes,
    s & 1 ? e === tm ? ol++ : (ol = 0,
    tm = e) : ol = 0,
function _o() {
    if (Ti !== null) {
        var e = Qb(pd)
          , t = Yn.transition
          , n = Je;
        try {
            if (Yn.transition = null,
            Je = 16 > e ? 16 : e,
            Ti === null)
                var r = !1;
            else {
                if (e = Ti,
                Ti = null,
                pd = 0,
                He & 6)
                    throw Error(oe(331));
                var i = He;
                for (He |= 4,
                pe = e.current; pe !== null; ) {
                    var s = pe
                      , o = s.child;
                    if (pe.flags & 16) {
                        var a = s.deletions;
                        if (a !== null) {
                            for (var l = 0; l < a.length; l++) {
                                var u = a[l];
                                for (pe = u; pe !== null; ) {
                                    var c = pe;
                                    switch (c.tag) {
                                    case 0:
                                    case 11:
                                    case 15:
                                        il(8, c, s)
                                    var d = c.child;
                                    if (d !== null)
                                        d.return = c,
                                        pe = d;
                                        for (; pe !== null; ) {
                                            c = pe;
                                            var f = c.sibling
                                              , h = c.return;
                                            if (oE(c),
                                            c === u) {
                                                pe = null;
                                            if (f !== null) {
                                                f.return = h,
                                                pe = f;
                                            pe = h
                            var m = s.alternate;
                            if (m !== null) {
                                var p = m.child;
                                if (p !== null) {
                                    m.child = null;
                                    do {
                                        var b = p.sibling;
                                        p.sibling = null,
                                        p = b
                                    } while (p !== null)
                            pe = s
                    if (s.subtreeFlags & 2064 && o !== null)
                        o.return = s,
                        pe = o;
                        e: for (; pe !== null; ) {
                            if (s = pe,
                            s.flags & 2048)
                                switch (s.tag) {
                                case 0:
                                case 11:
                                case 15:
                                    il(9, s, s.return)
                            var v = s.sibling;
                            if (v !== null) {
                                v.return = s.return,
                                pe = v;
                                break e
                            pe = s.return
                var g = e.current;
                for (pe = g; pe !== null; ) {
                    o = pe;
                    var w = o.child;
                    if (o.subtreeFlags & 2064 && w !== null)
                        w.return = o,
                        pe = w;
                        e: for (o = g; pe !== null; ) {
                            if (a = pe,
                            a.flags & 2048)
                                try {
                                    switch (a.tag) {
                                    case 0:
                                    case 11:
                                    case 15:
                                        af(9, a)
                                } catch (D) {
                                    St(a, a.return, D)
                            if (a === o) {
                                pe = null;
                                break e
                            var E = a.sibling;
                            if (E !== null) {
                                E.return = a.return,
                                pe = E;
                                break e
                            pe = a.return
                if (He = i,
                Or && typeof Or.onPostCommitFiberRoot == "function")
                    try {
                        Or.onPostCommitFiberRoot(Jd, e)
                    } catch {}
                r = !0
            return r
        } finally {
            Je = n,
            Yn.transition = t
    return !1
function z0(e, t, n) {
    t = Zo(n, t),
    t = QS(e, t, 1),
    e = Ai(e, t, 1),
    t = hn(),
    e !== null && (gu(e, 1, t),
    Cn(e, t))
function St(e, t, n) {
    if (e.tag === 3)
        z0(e, e, n);
        for (; t !== null; ) {
            if (t.tag === 3) {
                z0(t, e, n);
            } else if (t.tag === 1) {
                var r = t.stateNode;
                if (typeof t.type.getDerivedStateFromError == "function" || typeof r.componentDidCatch == "function" && (Di === null || !Di.has(r))) {
                    e = Zo(n, e),
                    e = YS(t, e, 1),
                    t = Ai(t, e, 1),
                    e = hn(),
                    t !== null && (gu(t, 1, e),
                    Cn(t, e));
            t = t.return
function Ak(e, t, n) {
    var r = e.pingCache;
    r !== null && r.delete(t),
    t = hn(),
    e.pingedLanes |= e.suspendedLanes & n,
    Ft === e && (qt & n) === n && (Nt === 4 || Nt === 3 && (qt & 130023424) === qt && 500 > Pt() - rv ? Ss(e, 0) : nv |= n),
    Cn(e, t)
function gE(e, t) {
    t === 0 && (e.mode & 1 ? (t = Wu,
    Wu <<= 1,
    !(Wu & 130023424) && (Wu = 4194304)) : t = 1);
    var n = hn();
    e = Yr(e, t),
    e !== null && (gu(e, t, n),
    Cn(e, n))
function Dk(e) {
    var t = e.memoizedState
      , n = 0;
    t !== null && (n = t.retryLane),
    gE(e, n)
function Lk(e, t) {
    var n = 0;
    switch (e.tag) {
    case 13:
        var r = e.stateNode
          , i = e.memoizedState;
        i !== null && (n = i.retryLane);
    case 19:
        r = e.stateNode;
        throw Error(oe(314))
    r !== null && r.delete(t),
    gE(e, n)
var vE;
vE = function(e, t, n) {
    if (e !== null)
        if (e.memoizedProps !== t.pendingProps || Sn.current)
            bn = !0;
        else {
            if (!(e.lanes & n) && !(t.flags & 128))
                return bn = !1,
                xk(e, t, n);
            bn = !!(e.flags & 131072)
        bn = !1,
        ht && t.flags & 1048576 && bS(t, sd, t.index);
    switch (t.lanes = 0,
    t.tag) {
    case 2:
        var r = t.type;
        Oc(e, t),
        e = t.pendingProps;
        var i = Qo(t, an.current);
        ko(t, n),
        i = Yg(null, t, r, e, i, n);
        var s = Xg();
        return t.flags |= 1,
        typeof i == "object" && i !== null && typeof i.render == "function" && i.$$typeof === void 0 ? (t.tag = 1,
        t.memoizedState = null,
        t.updateQueue = null,
        En(r) ? (s = !0,
        rd(t)) : s = !1,
        t.memoizedState = i.state !== null && i.state !== void 0 ? i.state : null,
        i.updater = of,
        t.stateNode = i,
        i._reactInternals = t,
        Bp(t, r, e, n),
        t = Gp(null, t, r, !0, s, n)) : (t.tag = 0,
        ht && s && Ig(t),
        fn(null, t, i, n),
        t = t.child),
    case 16:
        r = t.elementType;
        e: {
            switch (Oc(e, t),
            e = t.pendingProps,
            i = r._init,
            r = i(r._payload),
            t.type = r,
            i = t.tag = Mk(r),
            e = tr(r, e),
            i) {
            case 0:
                t = Wp(null, t, r, e, n);
                break e;
            case 1:
                t = A0(null, t, r, e, n);
                break e;
            case 11:
                t = k0(null, t, r, e, n);
                break e;
            case 14:
                t = _0(null, t, r, tr(r.type, e), n);
                break e
            throw Error(oe(306, r, ""))
        return t;
    case 0:
        return r = t.type,
        i = t.pendingProps,
        i = t.elementType === r ? i : tr(r, i),
        Wp(e, t, r, i, n);
    case 1:
        return r = t.type,
        i = t.pendingProps,
        i = t.elementType === r ? i : tr(r, i),
        A0(e, t, r, i, n);
    case 3:
        e: {
            if (eE(t),
            e === null)
                throw Error(oe(387));
            r = t.pendingProps,
            s = t.memoizedState,
            i = s.element,
            RS(e, t),
            ld(t, r, null, n);
            var o = t.memoizedState;
            if (r = o.element,
                if (s = {
                    element: r,
                    isDehydrated: !1,
                    cache: o.cache,
                    pendingSuspenseBoundaries: o.pendingSuspenseBoundaries,
                    transitions: o.transitions
                t.updateQueue.baseState = s,
                t.memoizedState = s,
                t.flags & 256) {
                    i = Zo(Error(oe(423)), t),
                    t = D0(e, t, r, n, i);
                    break e
                } else if (r !== i) {
                    i = Zo(Error(oe(424)), t),
                    t = D0(e, t, r, n, i);
                    break e
                } else
                    for (kn = _i(t.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild),
                    An = t,
                    ht = !0,
                    or = null,
                    n = PS(t, null, r, n),
                    t.child = n; n; )
                        n.flags = n.flags & -3 | 4096,
                        n = n.sibling;
            else {
                if (Yo(),
                r === i) {
                    t = Xr(e, t, n);
                    break e
                fn(e, t, r, n)
            t = t.child
        return t;
    case 5:
        return OS(t),
        e === null && Vp(t),
        r = t.type,
        i = t.pendingProps,
        s = e !== null ? e.memoizedProps : null,
        o = i.children,
        Mp(r, i) ? o = null : s !== null && Mp(r, s) && (t.flags |= 32),
        ZS(e, t),
        fn(e, t, o, n),
    case 6:
        return e === null && Vp(t),
    case 13:
        return tE(e, t, n);
    case 4:
        return Gg(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo),
        r = t.pendingProps,
        e === null ? t.child = Xo(t, null, r, n) : fn(e, t, r, n),
    case 11:
        return r = t.type,
        i = t.pendingProps,
        i = t.elementType === r ? i : tr(r, i),
        k0(e, t, r, i, n);
    case 7:
        return fn(e, t, t.pendingProps, n),
    case 8:
        return fn(e, t, t.pendingProps.children, n),
    case 12:
        return fn(e, t, t.pendingProps.children, n),
    case 10:
        e: {
            if (r = t.type._context,
            i = t.pendingProps,
            s = t.memoizedProps,
            o = i.value,
            rt(od, r._currentValue),
            r._currentValue = o,
            s !== null)
                if (pr(s.value, o)) {
                    if (s.children === i.children && !Sn.current) {
                        t = Xr(e, t, n);
                        break e
                } else
                    for (s = t.child,
                    s !== null && (s.return = t); s !== null; ) {
                        var a = s.dependencies;
                        if (a !== null) {
                            o = s.child;
                            for (var l = a.firstContext; l !== null; ) {
                                if (l.context === r) {
                                    if (s.tag === 1) {
                                        l = Ur(-1, n & -n),
                                        l.tag = 2;
                                        var u = s.updateQueue;
                                        if (u !== null) {
                                            u = u.shared;
                                            var c = u.pending;
                                            c === null ? l.next = l : (l.next = c.next,
                                            c.next = l),
                                            u.pending = l
                                    s.lanes |= n,
                                    l = s.alternate,
                                    l !== null && (l.lanes |= n),
                                    zp(s.return, n, t),
                                    a.lanes |= n;
                                l = l.next
                        } else if (s.tag === 10)
                            o = s.type === t.type ? null : s.child;
                        else if (s.tag === 18) {
                            if (o = s.return,
                            o === null)
                                throw Error(oe(341));
                            o.lanes |= n,
                            a = o.alternate,
                            a !== null && (a.lanes |= n),
                            zp(o, n, t),
                            o = s.sibling
                        } else
                            o = s.child;
                        if (o !== null)
                            o.return = s;
                            for (o = s; o !== null; ) {
                                if (o === t) {
                                    o = null;
                                if (s = o.sibling,
                                s !== null) {
                                    s.return = o.return,
                                    o = s;
                                o = o.return
                        s = o
            fn(e, t, i.children, n),
            t = t.child
        return t;
    case 9:
        return i = t.type,
        r = t.pendingProps.children,
        ko(t, n),
        i = Jn(i),
        r = r(i),
        t.flags |= 1,
        fn(e, t, r, n),
    case 14:
        return r = t.type,
        i = tr(r, t.pendingProps),
        i = tr(r.type, i),
        _0(e, t, r, i, n);
    case 15:
        return XS(e, t, t.type, t.pendingProps, n);
    case 17:
        return r = t.type,
        i = t.pendingProps,
        i = t.elementType === r ? i : tr(r, i),
        Oc(e, t),
        t.tag = 1,
        En(r) ? (e = !0,
        rd(t)) : e = !1,
        ko(t, n),
        qS(t, r, i),
        Bp(t, r, i, n),
        Gp(null, t, r, !0, e, n);
    case 19:
        return nE(e, t, n);
    case 22:
        return JS(e, t, n)
    throw Error(oe(156, t.tag))
function yE(e, t) {
    return Wb(e, t)
function Nk(e, t, n, r) {
    this.tag = e,
    this.key = n,
    this.sibling = this.child = this.return = this.stateNode = this.type = this.elementType = null,
    this.index = 0,
    this.ref = null,
    this.pendingProps = t,
    this.dependencies = this.memoizedState = this.updateQueue = this.memoizedProps = null,
    this.mode = r,
    this.subtreeFlags = this.flags = 0,
    this.deletions = null,
    this.childLanes = this.lanes = 0,
    this.alternate = null
function Qn(e, t, n, r) {
    return new Nk(e,t,n,r)
function av(e) {
    return e = e.prototype,
    !(!e || !e.isReactComponent)
function Mk(e) {
    if (typeof e == "function")
        return av(e) ? 1 : 0;
    if (e != null) {
        if (e = e.$$typeof,
        e === Tg)
            return 11;
        if (e === Rg)
            return 14
    return 2
function Ni(e, t) {
    var n = e.alternate;
    return n === null ? (n = Qn(e.tag, t, e.key, e.mode),
    n.elementType = e.elementType,
    n.type = e.type,
    n.stateNode = e.stateNode,
    n.alternate = e,
    e.alternate = n) : (n.pendingProps = t,
    n.type = e.type,
    n.flags = 0,
    n.subtreeFlags = 0,
    n.deletions = null),
    n.flags = e.flags & 14680064,
    n.childLanes = e.childLanes,
    n.lanes = e.lanes,
    n.child = e.child,
    n.memoizedProps = e.memoizedProps,
    n.memoizedState = e.memoizedState,
    n.updateQueue = e.updateQueue,
    t = e.dependencies,
    n.dependencies = t === null ? null : {
        lanes: t.lanes,
        firstContext: t.firstContext
    n.sibling = e.sibling,
    n.index = e.index,
    n.ref = e.ref,
function Ac(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    var o = 2;
    if (r = e,
    typeof e == "function")
        av(e) && (o = 1);
    else if (typeof e == "string")
        o = 5;
        e: switch (e) {
        case so:
            return Es(n.children, i, s, t);
        case Pg:
            o = 8,
            i |= 8;
        case hp:
            return e = Qn(12, n, t, i | 2),
            e.elementType = hp,
            e.lanes = s,
        case pp:
            return e = Qn(13, n, t, i),
            e.elementType = pp,
            e.lanes = s,
        case mp:
            return e = Qn(19, n, t, i),
            e.elementType = mp,
            e.lanes = s,
        case Ob:
            return uf(n, i, s, t);
            if (typeof e == "object" && e !== null)
                switch (e.$$typeof) {
                case Tb:
                    o = 10;
                    break e;
                case Rb:
                    o = 9;
                    break e;
                case Tg:
                    o = 11;
                    break e;
                case Rg:
                    o = 14;
                    break e;
                case di:
                    o = 16,
                    r = null;
                    break e
            throw Error(oe(130, e == null ? e : typeof e, ""))
    return t = Qn(o, n, t, i),
    t.elementType = e,
    t.type = r,
    t.lanes = s,
function Es(e, t, n, r) {
    return e = Qn(7, e, r, t),
    e.lanes = n,
function uf(e, t, n, r) {
    return e = Qn(22, e, r, t),
    e.elementType = Ob,
    e.lanes = n,
    e.stateNode = {
        isHidden: !1
function gh(e, t, n) {
    return e = Qn(6, e, null, t),
    e.lanes = n,
function vh(e, t, n) {
    return t = Qn(4, e.children !== null ? e.children : [], e.key, t),
    t.lanes = n,
    t.stateNode = {
        containerInfo: e.containerInfo,
        pendingChildren: null,
        implementation: e.implementation
function jk(e, t, n, r, i) {
    this.tag = t,
    this.containerInfo = e,
    this.finishedWork = this.pingCache = this.current = this.pendingChildren = null,
    this.timeoutHandle = -1,
    this.callbackNode = this.pendingContext = this.context = null,
    this.callbackPriority = 0,
    this.eventTimes = Xf(0),
    this.expirationTimes = Xf(-1),
    this.entangledLanes = this.finishedLanes = this.mutableReadLanes = this.expiredLanes = this.pingedLanes = this.suspendedLanes = this.pendingLanes = 0,
    this.entanglements = Xf(0),
    this.identifierPrefix = r,
    this.onRecoverableError = i,
    this.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = null
function lv(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a, l) {
    return e = new jk(e,t,n,a,l),
    t === 1 ? (t = 1,
    s === !0 && (t |= 8)) : t = 0,
    s = Qn(3, null, null, t),
    e.current = s,
    s.stateNode = e,
    s.memoizedState = {
        element: r,
        isDehydrated: n,
        cache: null,
        transitions: null,
        pendingSuspenseBoundaries: null
function $k(e, t, n) {
    var r = 3 < arguments.length && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : null;
    return {
        $$typeof: io,
        key: r == null ? null : "" + r,
        children: e,
        containerInfo: t,
        implementation: n
function wE(e) {
    if (!e)
        return Fi;
    e = e._reactInternals;
    e: {
        if (Vs(e) !== e || e.tag !== 1)
            throw Error(oe(170));
        var t = e;
        do {
            switch (t.tag) {
            case 3:
                t = t.stateNode.context;
                break e;
            case 1:
                if (En(t.type)) {
                    t = t.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext;
                    break e
            t = t.return
        } while (t !== null);
        throw Error(oe(171))
    if (e.tag === 1) {
        var n = e.type;
        if (En(n))
            return wS(e, n, t)
    return t
function xE(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a, l) {
    return e = lv(n, r, !0, e, i, s, o, a, l),
    e.context = wE(null),
    n = e.current,
    r = hn(),
    i = Li(n),
    s = Ur(r, i),
    s.callback = t ?? null,
    Ai(n, s, i),
    e.current.lanes = i,
    gu(e, i, r),
    Cn(e, r),
function cf(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = t.current
      , s = hn()
      , o = Li(i);
    return n = wE(n),
    t.context === null ? t.context = n : t.pendingContext = n,
    t = Ur(s, o),
    t.payload = {
        element: e
    r = r === void 0 ? null : r,
    r !== null && (t.callback = r),
    e = Ai(i, t, o),
    e !== null && (cr(e, i, o, s),
    Pc(e, i, o)),
function gd(e) {
    if (e = e.current,
        return null;
    switch (e.child.tag) {
    case 5:
        return e.child.stateNode;
        return e.child.stateNode
function U0(e, t) {
    if (e = e.memoizedState,
    e !== null && e.dehydrated !== null) {
        var n = e.retryLane;
        e.retryLane = n !== 0 && n < t ? n : t
function uv(e, t) {
    U0(e, t),
    (e = e.alternate) && U0(e, t)
function Ik() {
    return null
var bE = typeof reportError == "function" ? reportError : function(e) {
function cv(e) {
    this._internalRoot = e
df.prototype.render = cv.prototype.render = function(e) {
    var t = this._internalRoot;
    if (t === null)
        throw Error(oe(409));
    cf(e, t, null, null)
df.prototype.unmount = cv.prototype.unmount = function() {
    var e = this._internalRoot;
    if (e !== null) {
        this._internalRoot = null;
        var t = e.containerInfo;
        _s(function() {
            cf(null, e, null, null)
        t[Qr] = null
function df(e) {
    this._internalRoot = e
df.prototype.unstable_scheduleHydration = function(e) {
    if (e) {
        var t = Jb();
        e = {
            blockedOn: null,
            target: e,
            priority: t
        for (var n = 0; n < pi.length && t !== 0 && t < pi[n].priority; n++)
        pi.splice(n, 0, e),
        n === 0 && eS(e)
function dv(e) {
    return !(!e || e.nodeType !== 1 && e.nodeType !== 9 && e.nodeType !== 11)
function ff(e) {
    return !(!e || e.nodeType !== 1 && e.nodeType !== 9 && e.nodeType !== 11 && (e.nodeType !== 8 || e.nodeValue !== " react-mount-point-unstable "))
function B0() {}
function Fk(e, t, n, r, i) {
    if (i) {
        if (typeof r == "function") {
            var s = r;
            r = function() {
                var u = gd(o);
        var o = xE(t, r, e, 0, null, !1, !1, "", B0);
        return e._reactRootContainer = o,
        e[Qr] = o.current,
        Pl(e.nodeType === 8 ? e.parentNode : e),
    for (; i = e.lastChild; )
    if (typeof r == "function") {
        var a = r;
        r = function() {
            var u = gd(l);
    var l = lv(e, 0, !1, null, null, !1, !1, "", B0);
    return e._reactRootContainer = l,
    e[Qr] = l.current,
    Pl(e.nodeType === 8 ? e.parentNode : e),
    _s(function() {
        cf(t, l, n, r)
function hf(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = n._reactRootContainer;
    if (s) {
        var o = s;
        if (typeof i == "function") {
            var a = i;
            i = function() {
                var l = gd(o);
        cf(t, o, e, i)
    } else
        o = Fk(n, t, e, i, r);
    return gd(o)
Yb = function(e) {
    switch (e.tag) {
    case 3:
        var t = e.stateNode;
        if (t.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) {
            var n = Ga(t.pendingLanes);
            n !== 0 && (_g(t, n | 1),
            Cn(t, Pt()),
            !(He & 6) && (ea = Pt() + 500,
    case 13:
        _s(function() {
            var r = Yr(e, 1);
            if (r !== null) {
                var i = hn();
                cr(r, e, 1, i)
        uv(e, 1)
Ag = function(e) {
    if (e.tag === 13) {
        var t = Yr(e, 134217728);
        if (t !== null) {
            var n = hn();
            cr(t, e, 134217728, n)
        uv(e, 134217728)
Xb = function(e) {
    if (e.tag === 13) {
        var t = Li(e)
          , n = Yr(e, t);
        if (n !== null) {
            var r = hn();
            cr(n, e, t, r)
        uv(e, t)
Jb = function() {
    return Je
Zb = function(e, t) {
    var n = Je;
    try {
        return Je = e,
    } finally {
        Je = n
Pp = function(e, t, n) {
    switch (t) {
    case "input":
        if (yp(e, n),
        t = n.name,
        n.type === "radio" && t != null) {
            for (n = e; n.parentNode; )
                n = n.parentNode;
            for (n = n.querySelectorAll("input[name=" + JSON.stringify("" + t) + '][type="radio"]'),
            t = 0; t < n.length; t++) {
                var r = n[t];
                if (r !== e && r.form === e.form) {
                    var i = nf(r);
                    if (!i)
                        throw Error(oe(90));
                    yp(r, i)
    case "textarea":
        Db(e, n);
    case "select":
        t = n.value,
        t != null && Po(e, !!n.multiple, t, !1)
Fb = iv;
Vb = _s;
var Vk = {
    usingClientEntryPoint: !1,
    Events: [yu, uo, nf, $b, Ib, iv]
  , _a = {
    findFiberByHostInstance: as,
    bundleType: 0,
    version: "18.3.1",
    rendererPackageName: "react-dom"
  , zk = {
    bundleType: _a.bundleType,
    version: _a.version,
    rendererPackageName: _a.rendererPackageName,
    rendererConfig: _a.rendererConfig,
    overrideHookState: null,
    overrideHookStateDeletePath: null,
    overrideHookStateRenamePath: null,
    overrideProps: null,
    overridePropsDeletePath: null,
    overridePropsRenamePath: null,
    setErrorHandler: null,
    setSuspenseHandler: null,
    scheduleUpdate: null,
    currentDispatcherRef: ti.ReactCurrentDispatcher,
    findHostInstanceByFiber: function(e) {
        return e = Bb(e),
        e === null ? null : e.stateNode
    findFiberByHostInstance: _a.findFiberByHostInstance || Ik,
    findHostInstancesForRefresh: null,
    scheduleRefresh: null,
    scheduleRoot: null,
    setRefreshHandler: null,
    getCurrentFiber: null,
    reconcilerVersion: "18.3.1-next-f1338f8080-20240426"
if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ < "u") {
    if (!nc.isDisabled && nc.supportsFiber)
        try {
            Jd = nc.inject(zk),
            Or = nc
        } catch {}
jn.createPortal = function(e, t) {
    var n = 2 < arguments.length && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : null;
    if (!dv(t))
        throw Error(oe(200));
    return $k(e, t, null, n)
jn.createRoot = function(e, t) {
    if (!dv(e))
        throw Error(oe(299));
    var n = !1
      , r = ""
      , i = bE;
    return t != null && (t.unstable_strictMode === !0 && (n = !0),
    t.identifierPrefix !== void 0 && (r = t.identifierPrefix),
    t.onRecoverableError !== void 0 && (i = t.onRecoverableError)),
    t = lv(e, 1, !1, null, null, n, !1, r, i),
    e[Qr] = t.current,
    Pl(e.nodeType === 8 ? e.parentNode : e),
    new cv(t)
jn.findDOMNode = function(e) {
    if (e == null)
        return null;
    if (e.nodeType === 1)
        return e;
    var t = e._reactInternals;
    if (t === void 0)
        throw typeof e.render == "function" ? Error(oe(188)) : (e = Object.keys(e).join(","),
        Error(oe(268, e)));
    return e = Bb(t),
    e = e === null ? null : e.stateNode,
jn.flushSync = function(e) {
    return _s(e)
jn.hydrate = function(e, t, n) {
    if (!ff(t))
        throw Error(oe(200));
    return hf(null, e, t, !0, n)
jn.hydrateRoot = function(e, t, n) {
    if (!dv(e))
        throw Error(oe(405));
    var r = n != null && n.hydratedSources || null
      , i = !1
      , s = ""
      , o = bE;
    if (n != null && (n.unstable_strictMode === !0 && (i = !0),
    n.identifierPrefix !== void 0 && (s = n.identifierPrefix),
    n.onRecoverableError !== void 0 && (o = n.onRecoverableError)),
    t = xE(t, null, e, 1, n ?? null, i, !1, s, o),
    e[Qr] = t.current,
        for (e = 0; e < r.length; e++)
            n = r[e],
            i = n._getVersion,
            i = i(n._source),
            t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData == null ? t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = [n, i] : t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData.push(n, i);
    return new df(t)
jn.render = function(e, t, n) {
    if (!ff(t))
        throw Error(oe(200));
    return hf(null, e, t, !1, n)
jn.unmountComponentAtNode = function(e) {
    if (!ff(e))
        throw Error(oe(40));
    return e._reactRootContainer ? (_s(function() {
        hf(null, null, e, !1, function() {
            e._reactRootContainer = null,
            e[Qr] = null
    !0) : !1
jn.unstable_batchedUpdates = iv;
jn.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer = function(e, t, n, r) {
    if (!ff(n))
        throw Error(oe(200));
    if (e == null || e._reactInternals === void 0)
        throw Error(oe(38));
    return hf(e, t, n, !1, r)
jn.version = "18.3.1-next-f1338f8080-20240426";
function SE() {
    if (!(typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ > "u" || typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE != "function"))
        try {
        } catch (e) {
Sb.exports = jn;
var xu = Sb.exports;
const EE = pu(xu)
  , Uk = ob({
    __proto__: null,
    default: EE
}, [xu]);
var H0 = xu;
dp.createRoot = H0.createRoot,
dp.hydrateRoot = H0.hydrateRoot;
 * @remix-run/router v1.16.1
 * Copyright (c) Remix Software Inc.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE.md file in the root directory of this source tree.
 * @license MIT
function mt() {
    return mt = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) {
        for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
            var n = arguments[t];
            for (var r in n)
                Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r])
        return e
    mt.apply(this, arguments)
var Ot;
(function(e) {
    e.Pop = "POP",
    e.Push = "PUSH",
    e.Replace = "REPLACE"
)(Ot || (Ot = {}));
const W0 = "popstate";
function Bk(e) {
    e === void 0 && (e = {});
    function t(r, i) {
        let {pathname: s, search: o, hash: a} = r.location;
        return Nl("", {
            pathname: s,
            search: o,
            hash: a
        }, i.state && i.state.usr || null, i.state && i.state.key || "default")
    function n(r, i) {
        return typeof i == "string" ? i : As(i)
    return Wk(t, n, null, e)
function Fe(e, t) {
    if (e === !1 || e === null || typeof e > "u")
        throw new Error(t)
function ta(e, t) {
    if (!e) {
        typeof console < "u" && console.warn(t);
        try {
            throw new Error(t)
        } catch {}
function Hk() {
    return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 8)
function G0(e, t) {
    return {
        usr: e.state,
        key: e.key,
        idx: t
function Nl(e, t, n, r) {
    return n === void 0 && (n = null),
        pathname: typeof e == "string" ? e : e.pathname,
        search: "",
        hash: ""
    }, typeof t == "string" ? Ki(t) : t, {
        state: n,
        key: t && t.key || r || Hk()
function As(e) {
    let {pathname: t="/", search: n="", hash: r=""} = e;
    return n && n !== "?" && (t += n.charAt(0) === "?" ? n : "?" + n),
    r && r !== "#" && (t += r.charAt(0) === "#" ? r : "#" + r),
function Ki(e) {
    let t = {};
    if (e) {
        let n = e.indexOf("#");
        n >= 0 && (t.hash = e.substr(n),
        e = e.substr(0, n));
        let r = e.indexOf("?");
        r >= 0 && (t.search = e.substr(r),
        e = e.substr(0, r)),
        e && (t.pathname = e)
    return t
function Wk(e, t, n, r) {
    r === void 0 && (r = {});
    let {window: i=document.defaultView, v5Compat: s=!1} = r
      , o = i.history
      , a = Ot.Pop
      , l = null
      , u = c();
    u == null && (u = 0,
    o.replaceState(mt({}, o.state, {
        idx: u
    }), ""));
    function c() {
        return (o.state || {
            idx: null
    function d() {
        a = Ot.Pop;
        let b = c()
          , v = b == null ? null : b - u;
        u = b,
        l && l({
            action: a,
            location: p.location,
            delta: v
    function f(b, v) {
        a = Ot.Push;
        let g = Nl(p.location, b, v);
        u = c() + 1;
        let w = G0(g, u)
          , E = p.createHref(g);
        try {
            o.pushState(w, "", E)
        } catch (D) {
            if (D instanceof DOMException && D.name === "DataCloneError")
                throw D;
        s && l && l({
            action: a,
            location: p.location,
            delta: 1
    function h(b, v) {
        a = Ot.Replace;
        let g = Nl(p.location, b, v);
        u = c();
        let w = G0(g, u)
          , E = p.createHref(g);
        o.replaceState(w, "", E),
        s && l && l({
            action: a,
            location: p.location,
            delta: 0
    function m(b) {
        let v = i.location.origin !== "null" ? i.location.origin : i.location.href
          , g = typeof b == "string" ? b : As(b);
        return g = g.replace(/ $/, "%20"),
        Fe(v, "No window.location.(origin|href) available to create URL for href: " + g),
        new URL(g,v)
    let p = {
        get action() {
            return a
        get location() {
            return e(i, o)
        listen(b) {
            if (l)
                throw new Error("A history only accepts one active listener");
            return i.addEventListener(W0, d),
            l = b,
                i.removeEventListener(W0, d),
                l = null
        createHref(b) {
            return t(i, b)
        createURL: m,
        encodeLocation(b) {
            let v = m(b);
            return {
                pathname: v.pathname,
                search: v.search,
                hash: v.hash
        push: f,
        replace: h,
        go(b) {
            return o.go(b)
    return p
var ft;
(function(e) {
    e.data = "data",
    e.deferred = "deferred",
    e.redirect = "redirect",
    e.error = "error"
)(ft || (ft = {}));
const Gk = new Set(["lazy", "caseSensitive", "path", "id", "index", "children"]);
function Kk(e) {
    return e.index === !0
function im(e, t, n, r) {
    return n === void 0 && (n = []),
    r === void 0 && (r = {}),
        let o = [...n, s]
          , a = typeof i.id == "string" ? i.id : o.join("-");
        if (Fe(i.index !== !0 || !i.children, "Cannot specify children on an index route"),
        Fe(!r[a], 'Found a route id collision on id "' + a + `".  Route id's must be globally unique within Data Router usages`),
        Kk(i)) {
            let l = mt({}, i, t(i), {
                id: a
            return r[a] = l,
        } else {
            let l = mt({}, i, t(i), {
                id: a,
                children: void 0
            return r[a] = l,
            i.children && (l.children = im(i.children, t, o, r)),
function vo(e, t, n) {
    n === void 0 && (n = "/");
    let r = typeof t == "string" ? Ki(t) : t
      , i = pa(r.pathname || "/", n);
    if (i == null)
        return null;
    let s = CE(e);
    let o = null;
    for (let a = 0; o == null && a < s.length; ++a) {
        let l = a_(i);
        o = i_(s[a], l)
    return o
function qk(e, t) {
    let {route: n, pathname: r, params: i} = e;
    return {
        id: n.id,
        pathname: r,
        params: i,
        data: t[n.id],
        handle: n.handle
function CE(e, t, n, r) {
    t === void 0 && (t = []),
    n === void 0 && (n = []),
    r === void 0 && (r = "");
    let i = (s,o,a)=>{
        let l = {
            relativePath: a === void 0 ? s.path || "" : a,
            caseSensitive: s.caseSensitive === !0,
            childrenIndex: o,
            route: s
        l.relativePath.startsWith("/") && (Fe(l.relativePath.startsWith(r), 'Absolute route path "' + l.relativePath + '" nested under path ' + ('"' + r + '" is not valid. An absolute child route path ') + "must start with the combined path of all its parent routes."),
        l.relativePath = l.relativePath.slice(r.length));
        let u = Br([r, l.relativePath])
          , c = n.concat(l);
        s.children && s.children.length > 0 && (Fe(s.index !== !0, "Index routes must not have child routes. Please remove " + ('all child routes from route path "' + u + '".')),
        CE(s.children, t, c, u)),
        !(s.path == null && !s.index) && t.push({
            path: u,
            score: n_(u, s.index),
            routesMeta: c
    return e.forEach((s,o)=>{
        var a;
        if (s.path === "" || !((a = s.path) != null && a.includes("?")))
            i(s, o);
            for (let l of PE(s.path))
                i(s, o, l)
function PE(e) {
    let t = e.split("/");
    if (t.length === 0)
        return [];
    let[n,...r] = t
      , i = n.endsWith("?")
      , s = n.replace(/\?$/, "");
    if (r.length === 0)
        return i ? [s, ""] : [s];
    let o = PE(r.join("/"))
      , a = [];
    return a.push(...o.map(l=>l === "" ? s : [s, l].join("/"))),
    i && a.push(...o),
    a.map(l=>e.startsWith("/") && l === "" ? "/" : l)
function Qk(e) {
    e.sort((t,n)=>t.score !== n.score ? n.score - t.score : r_(t.routesMeta.map(r=>r.childrenIndex), n.routesMeta.map(r=>r.childrenIndex)))
const Yk = /^:[\w-]+$/
  , Xk = 3
  , Jk = 2
  , Zk = 1
  , e_ = 10
  , t_ = -2
  , K0 = e=>e === "*";
function n_(e, t) {
    let n = e.split("/")
      , r = n.length;
    return n.some(K0) && (r += t_),
    t && (r += Jk),
    n.filter(i=>!K0(i)).reduce((i,s)=>i + (Yk.test(s) ? Xk : s === "" ? Zk : e_), r)
function r_(e, t) {
    return e.length === t.length && e.slice(0, -1).every((r,i)=>r === t[i]) ? e[e.length - 1] - t[t.length - 1] : 0
function i_(e, t) {
    let {routesMeta: n} = e
      , r = {}
      , i = "/"
      , s = [];
    for (let o = 0; o < n.length; ++o) {
        let a = n[o]
          , l = o === n.length - 1
          , u = i === "/" ? t : t.slice(i.length) || "/"
          , c = s_({
            path: a.relativePath,
            caseSensitive: a.caseSensitive,
            end: l
        }, u);
        if (!c)
            return null;
        Object.assign(r, c.params);
        let d = a.route;
            params: r,
            pathname: Br([i, c.pathname]),
            pathnameBase: c_(Br([i, c.pathnameBase])),
            route: d
        c.pathnameBase !== "/" && (i = Br([i, c.pathnameBase]))
    return s
function s_(e, t) {
    typeof e == "string" && (e = {
        path: e,
        caseSensitive: !1,
        end: !0
    let[n,r] = o_(e.path, e.caseSensitive, e.end)
      , i = t.match(n);
    if (!i)
        return null;
    let s = i[0]
      , o = s.replace(/(.)\/+$/, "$1")
      , a = i.slice(1);
    return {
        params: r.reduce((u,c,d)=>{
            let {paramName: f, isOptional: h} = c;
            if (f === "*") {
                let p = a[d] || "";
                o = s.slice(0, s.length - p.length).replace(/(.)\/+$/, "$1")
            const m = a[d];
            return h && !m ? u[f] = void 0 : u[f] = (m || "").replace(/%2F/g, "/"),
        , {}),
        pathname: s,
        pathnameBase: o,
        pattern: e
function o_(e, t, n) {
    t === void 0 && (t = !1),
    n === void 0 && (n = !0),
    ta(e === "*" || !e.endsWith("*") || e.endsWith("/*"), 'Route path "' + e + '" will be treated as if it were ' + ('"' + e.replace(/\*$/, "/*") + '" because the `*` character must ') + "always follow a `/` in the pattern. To get rid of this warning, " + ('please change the route path to "' + e.replace(/\*$/, "/*") + '".'));
    let r = []
      , i = "^" + e.replace(/\/*\*?$/, "").replace(/^\/*/, "/").replace(/[\\.*+^${}|()[\]]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\/:([\w-]+)(\?)?/g, (o,a,l)=>(r.push({
        paramName: a,
        isOptional: l != null
    l ? "/?([^\\/]+)?" : "/([^\\/]+)"));
    return e.endsWith("*") ? (r.push({
        paramName: "*"
    i += e === "*" || e === "/*" ? "(.*)$" : "(?:\\/(.+)|\\/*)$") : n ? i += "\\/*$" : e !== "" && e !== "/" && (i += "(?:(?=\\/|$))"),
    [new RegExp(i,t ? void 0 : "i"), r]
function a_(e) {
    try {
        return e.split("/").map(t=>decodeURIComponent(t).replace(/\//g, "%2F")).join("/")
    } catch (t) {
        return ta(!1, 'The URL path "' + e + '" could not be decoded because it is is a malformed URL segment. This is probably due to a bad percent ' + ("encoding (" + t + ").")),
function pa(e, t) {
    if (t === "/")
        return e;
    if (!e.toLowerCase().startsWith(t.toLowerCase()))
        return null;
    let n = t.endsWith("/") ? t.length - 1 : t.length
      , r = e.charAt(n);
    return r && r !== "/" ? null : e.slice(n) || "/"
function l_(e, t) {
    t === void 0 && (t = "/");
    let {pathname: n, search: r="", hash: i=""} = typeof e == "string" ? Ki(e) : e;
    return {
        pathname: n ? n.startsWith("/") ? n : u_(n, t) : t,
        search: d_(r),
        hash: f_(i)
function u_(e, t) {
    let n = t.replace(/\/+$/, "").split("/");
    return e.split("/").forEach(i=>{
        i === ".." ? n.length > 1 && n.pop() : i !== "." && n.push(i)
    n.length > 1 ? n.join("/") : "/"
function yh(e, t, n, r) {
    return "Cannot include a '" + e + "' character in a manually specified " + ("`to." + t + "` field [" + JSON.stringify(r) + "].  Please separate it out to the ") + ("`to." + n + "` field. Alternatively you may provide the full path as ") + 'a string in <Link to="..."> and the router will parse it for you.'
function TE(e) {
    return e.filter((t,n)=>n === 0 || t.route.path && t.route.path.length > 0)
function fv(e, t) {
    let n = TE(e);
    return t ? n.map((r,i)=>i === e.length - 1 ? r.pathname : r.pathnameBase) : n.map(r=>r.pathnameBase)
function hv(e, t, n, r) {
    r === void 0 && (r = !1);
    let i;
    typeof e == "string" ? i = Ki(e) : (i = mt({}, e),
    Fe(!i.pathname || !i.pathname.includes("?"), yh("?", "pathname", "search", i)),
    Fe(!i.pathname || !i.pathname.includes("#"), yh("#", "pathname", "hash", i)),
    Fe(!i.search || !i.search.includes("#"), yh("#", "search", "hash", i)));
    let s = e === "" || i.pathname === "", o = s ? "/" : i.pathname, a;
    if (o == null)
        a = n;
    else {
        let d = t.length - 1;
        if (!r && o.startsWith("..")) {
            let f = o.split("/");
            for (; f[0] === ".."; )
                d -= 1;
            i.pathname = f.join("/")
        a = d >= 0 ? t[d] : "/"
    let l = l_(i, a)
      , u = o && o !== "/" && o.endsWith("/")
      , c = (s || o === ".") && n.endsWith("/");
    return !l.pathname.endsWith("/") && (u || c) && (l.pathname += "/"),
const Br = e=>e.join("/").replace(/\/\/+/g, "/")
  , c_ = e=>e.replace(/\/+$/, "").replace(/^\/*/, "/")
  , d_ = e=>!e || e === "?" ? "" : e.startsWith("?") ? e : "?" + e
  , f_ = e=>!e || e === "#" ? "" : e.startsWith("#") ? e : "#" + e;
class pv {
    constructor(t, n, r, i) {
        i === void 0 && (i = !1),
        this.status = t,
        this.statusText = n || "",
        this.internal = i,
        r instanceof Error ? (this.data = r.toString(),
        this.error = r) : this.data = r
function mv(e) {
    return e != null && typeof e.status == "number" && typeof e.statusText == "string" && typeof e.internal == "boolean" && "data"in e
const RE = ["post", "put", "patch", "delete"]
  , h_ = new Set(RE)
  , p_ = ["get", ...RE]
  , m_ = new Set(p_)
  , g_ = new Set([301, 302, 303, 307, 308])
  , v_ = new Set([307, 308])
  , wh = {
    state: "idle",
    location: void 0,
    formMethod: void 0,
    formAction: void 0,
    formEncType: void 0,
    formData: void 0,
    json: void 0,
    text: void 0
  , y_ = {
    state: "idle",
    data: void 0,
    formMethod: void 0,
    formAction: void 0,
    formEncType: void 0,
    formData: void 0,
    json: void 0,
    text: void 0
  , Aa = {
    state: "unblocked",
    proceed: void 0,
    reset: void 0,
    location: void 0
  , gv = /^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|\/\/)/i
  , w_ = e=>({
    hasErrorBoundary: !!e.hasErrorBoundary
  , OE = "remix-router-transitions";
function x_(e) {
    const t = e.window ? e.window : typeof window < "u" ? window : void 0
      , n = typeof t < "u" && typeof t.document < "u" && typeof t.document.createElement < "u"
      , r = !n;
    Fe(e.routes.length > 0, "You must provide a non-empty routes array to createRouter");
    let i;
    if (e.mapRouteProperties)
        i = e.mapRouteProperties;
    else if (e.detectErrorBoundary) {
        let K = e.detectErrorBoundary;
        i = ee=>({
            hasErrorBoundary: K(ee)
    } else
        i = w_;
    let s = {}, o = im(e.routes, i, void 0, s), a, l = e.basename || "/", u = e.unstable_dataStrategy || C_, c = mt({
        v7_fetcherPersist: !1,
        v7_normalizeFormMethod: !1,
        v7_partialHydration: !1,
        v7_prependBasename: !1,
        v7_relativeSplatPath: !1,
        unstable_skipActionErrorRevalidation: !1
    }, e.future), d = null, f = new Set, h = null, m = null, p = null, b = e.hydrationData != null, v = vo(o, e.history.location, l), g = null;
    if (v == null) {
        let K = Un(404, {
            pathname: e.history.location.pathname
          , {matches: ee, route: ie} = r1(o);
        v = ee,
        g = {
            [ie.id]: K
    let w, E = v.some(K=>K.route.lazy), D = v.some(K=>K.route.loader);
    if (E)
        w = !1;
    else if (!D)
        w = !0;
    else if (c.v7_partialHydration) {
        let K = e.hydrationData ? e.hydrationData.loaderData : null
          , ee = e.hydrationData ? e.hydrationData.errors : null
          , ie = le=>le.route.loader ? typeof le.route.loader == "function" && le.route.loader.hydrate === !0 ? !1 : K && K[le.route.id] !== void 0 || ee && ee[le.route.id] !== void 0 : !0;
        if (ee) {
            let le = v.findIndex(ge=>ee[ge.route.id] !== void 0);
            w = v.slice(0, le + 1).every(ie)
        } else
            w = v.every(ie)
    } else
        w = e.hydrationData != null;
    let V, C = {
        historyAction: e.history.action,
        location: e.history.location,
        matches: v,
        initialized: w,
        navigation: wh,
        restoreScrollPosition: e.hydrationData != null ? !1 : null,
        preventScrollReset: !1,
        revalidation: "idle",
        loaderData: e.hydrationData && e.hydrationData.loaderData || {},
        actionData: e.hydrationData && e.hydrationData.actionData || null,
        errors: e.hydrationData && e.hydrationData.errors || g,
        fetchers: new Map,
        blockers: new Map
    }, P = Ot.Pop, A = !1, B, Q = !1, Z = new Map, F = null, k = !1, T = !1, _ = [], O = [], R = new Map, z = 0, Y = -1, te = new Map, ue = new Set, X = new Map, S = new Map, j = new Set, N = new Map, I = new Map, U = !1;
    function H() {
        if (d = e.history.listen(K=>{
            let {action: ee, location: ie, delta: le} = K;
            if (U) {
                U = !1;
            ta(I.size === 0 || le != null, "You are trying to use a blocker on a POP navigation to a location that was not created by @remix-run/router. This will fail silently in production. This can happen if you are navigating outside the router via `window.history.pushState`/`window.location.hash` instead of using router navigation APIs.  This can also happen if you are using createHashRouter and the user manually changes the URL.");
            let ge = Re({
                currentLocation: C.location,
                nextLocation: ie,
                historyAction: ee
            if (ge && le != null) {
                U = !0,
                e.history.go(le * -1),
                Be(ge, {
                    state: "blocked",
                    location: ie,
                    proceed() {
                        Be(ge, {
                            state: "proceeding",
                            proceed: void 0,
                            reset: void 0,
                            location: ie
                    reset() {
                        let Le = new Map(C.blockers);
                        Le.set(ge, Aa),
                            blockers: Le
            return se(ee, ie)
        n) {
            j_(t, Z);
            let K = ()=>$_(t, Z);
            t.addEventListener("pagehide", K),
            F = ()=>t.removeEventListener("pagehide", K)
        return C.initialized || se(Ot.Pop, C.location, {
            initialHydration: !0
    function q() {
        d && d(),
        F && F(),
        B && B.abort(),
    function $(K) {
        return f.add(K),
    function L(K, ee) {
        ee === void 0 && (ee = {}),
        C = mt({}, C, K);
        let ie = []
          , le = [];
        c.v7_fetcherPersist && C.fetchers.forEach((ge,Le)=>{
            ge.state === "idle" && (j.has(Le) ? le.push(Le) : ie.push(Le))
        [...f].forEach(ge=>ge(C, {
            deletedFetchers: le,
            unstable_viewTransitionOpts: ee.viewTransitionOpts,
            unstable_flushSync: ee.flushSync === !0
        c.v7_fetcherPersist && (ie.forEach(ge=>C.fetchers.delete(ge)),
    function M(K, ee, ie) {
        var le, ge;
        let {flushSync: Le} = ie === void 0 ? {} : ie, Pe = C.actionData != null && C.navigation.formMethod != null && sr(C.navigation.formMethod) && C.navigation.state === "loading" && ((le = K.state) == null ? void 0 : le._isRedirect) !== !0, ve;
        ee.actionData ? Object.keys(ee.actionData).length > 0 ? ve = ee.actionData : ve = null : Pe ? ve = C.actionData : ve = null;
        let je = ee.loaderData ? t1(C.loaderData, ee.loaderData, ee.matches || [], ee.errors) : C.loaderData
          , De = C.blockers;
        De.size > 0 && (De = new Map(De),
        De.forEach((_e,ct)=>De.set(ct, Aa)));
        let Bt = A === !0 || C.navigation.formMethod != null && sr(C.navigation.formMethod) && ((ge = K.state) == null ? void 0 : ge._isRedirect) !== !0;
        a && (o = a,
        a = void 0),
        k || P === Ot.Pop || (P === Ot.Push ? e.history.push(K, K.state) : P === Ot.Replace && e.history.replace(K, K.state));
        let Ht;
        if (P === Ot.Pop) {
            let _e = Z.get(C.location.pathname);
            _e && _e.has(K.pathname) ? Ht = {
                currentLocation: C.location,
                nextLocation: K
            } : Z.has(K.pathname) && (Ht = {
                currentLocation: K,
                nextLocation: C.location
        } else if (Q) {
            let _e = Z.get(C.location.pathname);
            _e ? _e.add(K.pathname) : (_e = new Set([K.pathname]),
            Z.set(C.location.pathname, _e)),
            Ht = {
                currentLocation: C.location,
                nextLocation: K
        L(mt({}, ee, {
            actionData: ve,
            loaderData: je,
            historyAction: P,
            location: K,
            initialized: !0,
            navigation: wh,
            revalidation: "idle",
            restoreScrollPosition: _t(K, ee.matches || C.matches),
            preventScrollReset: Bt,
            blockers: De
        }), {
            viewTransitionOpts: Ht,
            flushSync: Le === !0
        P = Ot.Pop,
        A = !1,
        Q = !1,
        k = !1,
        T = !1,
        _ = [],
        O = []
    async function W(K, ee) {
        if (typeof K == "number") {
        let ie = sm(C.location, C.matches, l, c.v7_prependBasename, K, c.v7_relativeSplatPath, ee == null ? void 0 : ee.fromRouteId, ee == null ? void 0 : ee.relative)
          , {path: le, submission: ge, error: Le} = q0(c.v7_normalizeFormMethod, !1, ie, ee)
          , Pe = C.location
          , ve = Nl(C.location, le, ee && ee.state);
        ve = mt({}, ve, e.history.encodeLocation(ve));
        let je = ee && ee.replace != null ? ee.replace : void 0
          , De = Ot.Push;
        je === !0 ? De = Ot.Replace : je === !1 || ge != null && sr(ge.formMethod) && ge.formAction === C.location.pathname + C.location.search && (De = Ot.Replace);
        let Bt = ee && "preventScrollReset"in ee ? ee.preventScrollReset === !0 : void 0
          , Ht = (ee && ee.unstable_flushSync) === !0
          , _e = Re({
            currentLocation: Pe,
            nextLocation: ve,
            historyAction: De
        if (_e) {
            Be(_e, {
                state: "blocked",
                location: ve,
                proceed() {
                    Be(_e, {
                        state: "proceeding",
                        proceed: void 0,
                        reset: void 0,
                        location: ve
                    W(K, ee)
                reset() {
                    let ct = new Map(C.blockers);
                    ct.set(_e, Aa),
                        blockers: ct
        return await se(De, ve, {
            submission: ge,
            pendingError: Le,
            preventScrollReset: Bt,
            replace: ee && ee.replace,
            enableViewTransition: ee && ee.unstable_viewTransition,
            flushSync: Ht
    function J() {
        if (we(),
            revalidation: "loading"
        C.navigation.state !== "submitting") {
            if (C.navigation.state === "idle") {
                se(C.historyAction, C.location, {
                    startUninterruptedRevalidation: !0
            se(P || C.historyAction, C.navigation.location, {
                overrideNavigation: C.navigation
    async function se(K, ee, ie) {
        B && B.abort(),
        B = null,
        P = K,
        k = (ie && ie.startUninterruptedRevalidation) === !0,
        Jt(C.location, C.matches),
        A = (ie && ie.preventScrollReset) === !0,
        Q = (ie && ie.enableViewTransition) === !0;
        let le = a || o
          , ge = ie && ie.overrideNavigation
          , Le = vo(le, ee, l)
          , Pe = (ie && ie.flushSync) === !0;
        if (!Le) {
            let _e = Un(404, {
                pathname: ee.pathname
              , {matches: ct, route: Mt} = r1(le);
            M(ee, {
                matches: ct,
                loaderData: {},
                errors: {
                    [Mt.id]: _e
            }, {
                flushSync: Pe
        if (C.initialized && !T && __(C.location, ee) && !(ie && ie.submission && sr(ie.submission.formMethod))) {
            M(ee, {
                matches: Le
            }, {
                flushSync: Pe
        B = new AbortController;
        let ve = Ys(e.history, ee, B.signal, ie && ie.submission), je;
        if (ie && ie.pendingError)
            je = [al(Le).route.id, {
                type: ft.error,
                error: ie.pendingError
        else if (ie && ie.submission && sr(ie.submission.formMethod)) {
            let _e = await ae(ve, ee, ie.submission, Le, {
                replace: ie.replace,
                flushSync: Pe
            if (_e.shortCircuited)
            je = _e.pendingActionResult,
            ge = xh(ee, ie.submission),
            Pe = !1,
            ve = Ys(e.history, ve.url, ve.signal)
        let {shortCircuited: De, loaderData: Bt, errors: Ht} = await ne(ve, ee, Le, ge, ie && ie.submission, ie && ie.fetcherSubmission, ie && ie.replace, ie && ie.initialHydration === !0, Pe, je);
        De || (B = null,
        M(ee, mt({
            matches: Le
        }, n1(je), {
            loaderData: Bt,
            errors: Ht
    async function ae(K, ee, ie, le, ge) {
        ge === void 0 && (ge = {}),
        let Le = N_(ee, ie);
            navigation: Le
        }, {
            flushSync: ge.flushSync === !0
        let Pe, ve = am(le, ee);
        if (!ve.route.action && !ve.route.lazy)
            Pe = {
                type: ft.error,
                error: Un(405, {
                    method: K.method,
                    pathname: ee.pathname,
                    routeId: ve.route.id
        else if (Pe = (await fe("action", K, [ve], le))[0],
            return {
                shortCircuited: !0
        if (ds(Pe)) {
            let je;
            return ge && ge.replace != null ? je = ge.replace : je = J0(Pe.response.headers.get("Location"), new URL(K.url), l) === C.location.pathname + C.location.search,
            await Me(K, Pe, {
                submission: ie,
                replace: je
                shortCircuited: !0
        if (cs(Pe))
            throw Un(400, {
                type: "defer-action"
        if (Gn(Pe)) {
            let je = al(le, ve.route.id);
            return (ge && ge.replace) !== !0 && (P = Ot.Push),
                pendingActionResult: [je.route.id, Pe]
        return {
            pendingActionResult: [ve.route.id, Pe]
    async function ne(K, ee, ie, le, ge, Le, Pe, ve, je, De) {
        let Bt = le || xh(ee, ge)
          , Ht = ge || Le || o1(Bt)
          , _e = a || o
          , [ct,Mt] = Q0(e.history, C, ie, Ht, ee, c.v7_partialHydration && ve === !0, c.unstable_skipActionErrorRevalidation, T, _, O, j, X, ue, _e, l, De);
        if (We(Ue=>!(ie && ie.some(un=>un.route.id === Ue)) || ct && ct.some(un=>un.route.id === Ue)),
        Y = ++z,
        ct.length === 0 && Mt.length === 0) {
            let Ue = nt();
            return M(ee, mt({
                matches: ie,
                loaderData: {},
                errors: De && Gn(De[1]) ? {
                    [De[0]]: De[1].error
                } : null
            }, n1(De), Ue ? {
                fetchers: new Map(C.fetchers)
            } : {}), {
                flushSync: je
                shortCircuited: !0
        if (!k && (!c.v7_partialHydration || !ve)) {
                let In = C.fetchers.get(un.key)
                  , Wt = Da(void 0, In ? In.data : void 0);
                C.fetchers.set(un.key, Wt)
            let Ue;
            De && !Gn(De[1]) ? Ue = {
                [De[0]]: De[1].data
            } : C.actionData && (Object.keys(C.actionData).length === 0 ? Ue = null : Ue = C.actionData),
                navigation: Bt
            }, Ue !== void 0 ? {
                actionData: Ue
            } : {}, Mt.length > 0 ? {
                fetchers: new Map(C.fetchers)
            } : {}), {
                flushSync: je
            R.has(Ue.key) && ke(Ue.key),
            Ue.controller && R.set(Ue.key, Ue.controller)
        let ba = ()=>Mt.forEach(Ue=>ke(Ue.key));
        B && B.signal.addEventListener("abort", ba);
        let {loaderResults: ni, fetcherResults: Gs} = await Ee(C.matches, ie, ct, Mt, K);
        if (K.signal.aborted)
            return {
                shortCircuited: !0
        B && B.signal.removeEventListener("abort", ba),
        let Ks = i1([...ni, ...Gs]);
        if (Ks) {
            if (Ks.idx >= ct.length) {
                let Ue = Mt[Ks.idx - ct.length].key;
            return await Me(K, Ks.result, {
                replace: Pe
                shortCircuited: !0
        let {loaderData: qs, errors: vr} = e1(C, ie, ct, ni, De, Mt, Gs, N);
                (In || Ue.done) && N.delete(un)
        c.v7_partialHydration && ve && C.errors && Object.entries(C.errors).filter(Ue=>{
            let[un] = Ue;
            return !ct.some(In=>In.route.id === un)
            let[un,In] = Ue;
            vr = Object.assign(vr || {}, {
                [un]: In
        let Mu = nt()
          , ju = it(Y)
          , $u = Mu || ju || Mt.length > 0;
        return mt({
            loaderData: qs,
            errors: vr
        }, $u ? {
            fetchers: new Map(C.fetchers)
        } : {})
    function de(K, ee, ie, le) {
        if (r)
            throw new Error("router.fetch() was called during the server render, but it shouldn't be. You are likely calling a useFetcher() method in the body of your component. Try moving it to a useEffect or a callback.");
        R.has(K) && ke(K);
        let ge = (le && le.unstable_flushSync) === !0
          , Le = a || o
          , Pe = sm(C.location, C.matches, l, c.v7_prependBasename, ie, c.v7_relativeSplatPath, ee, le == null ? void 0 : le.relative)
          , ve = vo(Le, Pe, l);
        if (!ve) {
            Ge(K, ee, Un(404, {
                pathname: Pe
            }), {
                flushSync: ge
        let {path: je, submission: De, error: Bt} = q0(c.v7_normalizeFormMethod, !0, Pe, le);
        if (Bt) {
            Ge(K, ee, Bt, {
                flushSync: ge
        let Ht = am(ve, je);
        if (A = (le && le.preventScrollReset) === !0,
        De && sr(De.formMethod)) {
            ye(K, ee, je, Ht, ve, ge, De);
        X.set(K, {
            routeId: ee,
            path: je
        be(K, ee, je, Ht, ve, ge, De)
    async function ye(K, ee, ie, le, ge, Le, Pe) {
        if (we(),
        !le.route.action && !le.route.lazy) {
            let Wt = Un(405, {
                method: Pe.formMethod,
                pathname: ie,
                routeId: ee
            Ge(K, ee, Wt, {
                flushSync: Le
        let ve = C.fetchers.get(K);
        Se(K, M_(Pe, ve), {
            flushSync: Le
        let je = new AbortController
          , De = Ys(e.history, ie, je.signal, Pe);
        R.set(K, je);
        let Bt = z
          , _e = (await fe("action", De, [le], ge))[0];
        if (De.signal.aborted) {
            R.get(K) === je && R.delete(K);
        if (c.v7_fetcherPersist && j.has(K)) {
            if (ds(_e) || Gn(_e)) {
                Se(K, ai(void 0));
        } else {
            if (ds(_e))
                if (R.delete(K),
                Y > Bt) {
                    Se(K, ai(void 0));
                } else
                    return ue.add(K),
                    Se(K, Da(Pe)),
                    Me(De, _e, {
                        fetcherSubmission: Pe
            if (Gn(_e)) {
                Ge(K, ee, _e.error);
        if (cs(_e))
            throw Un(400, {
                type: "defer-action"
        let ct = C.navigation.location || C.location
          , Mt = Ys(e.history, ct, je.signal)
          , ba = a || o
          , ni = C.navigation.state !== "idle" ? vo(ba, C.navigation.location, l) : C.matches;
        Fe(ni, "Didn't find any matches after fetcher action");
        let Gs = ++z;
        te.set(K, Gs);
        let Ks = Da(Pe, _e.data);
        C.fetchers.set(K, Ks);
        let[qs,vr] = Q0(e.history, C, ni, Pe, ct, !1, c.unstable_skipActionErrorRevalidation, T, _, O, j, X, ue, ba, l, [le.route.id, _e]);
        vr.filter(Wt=>Wt.key !== K).forEach(Wt=>{
            let Sa = Wt.key
              , My = C.fetchers.get(Sa)
              , uR = Da(void 0, My ? My.data : void 0);
            C.fetchers.set(Sa, uR),
            R.has(Sa) && ke(Sa),
            Wt.controller && R.set(Sa, Wt.controller)
            fetchers: new Map(C.fetchers)
        let Mu = ()=>vr.forEach(Wt=>ke(Wt.key));
        je.signal.addEventListener("abort", Mu);
        let {loaderResults: ju, fetcherResults: $u} = await Ee(C.matches, ni, qs, vr, Mt);
        if (je.signal.aborted)
        je.signal.removeEventListener("abort", Mu),
        let Ue = i1([...ju, ...$u]);
        if (Ue) {
            if (Ue.idx >= qs.length) {
                let Wt = vr[Ue.idx - qs.length].key;
            return Me(Mt, Ue.result)
        let {loaderData: un, errors: In} = e1(C, C.matches, qs, ju, void 0, vr, $u, N);
        if (C.fetchers.has(K)) {
            let Wt = ai(_e.data);
            C.fetchers.set(K, Wt)
        C.navigation.state === "loading" && Gs > Y ? (Fe(P, "Expected pending action"),
        B && B.abort(),
        M(C.navigation.location, {
            matches: ni,
            loaderData: un,
            errors: In,
            fetchers: new Map(C.fetchers)
        })) : (L({
            errors: In,
            loaderData: t1(C.loaderData, un, ni, In),
            fetchers: new Map(C.fetchers)
        T = !1)
    async function be(K, ee, ie, le, ge, Le, Pe) {
        let ve = C.fetchers.get(K);
        Se(K, Da(Pe, ve ? ve.data : void 0), {
            flushSync: Le
        let je = new AbortController
          , De = Ys(e.history, ie, je.signal);
        R.set(K, je);
        let Bt = z
          , _e = (await fe("loader", De, [le], ge))[0];
        if (cs(_e) && (_e = await DE(_e, De.signal, !0) || _e),
        R.get(K) === je && R.delete(K),
        !De.signal.aborted) {
            if (j.has(K)) {
                Se(K, ai(void 0));
            if (ds(_e))
                if (Y > Bt) {
                    Se(K, ai(void 0));
                } else {
                    await Me(De, _e);
            if (Gn(_e)) {
                Ge(K, ee, _e.error);
            Fe(!cs(_e), "Unhandled fetcher deferred data"),
            Se(K, ai(_e.data))
    async function Me(K, ee, ie) {
        let {submission: le, fetcherSubmission: ge, replace: Le} = ie === void 0 ? {} : ie;
        ee.response.headers.has("X-Remix-Revalidate") && (T = !0);
        let Pe = ee.response.headers.get("Location");
        Fe(Pe, "Expected a Location header on the redirect Response"),
        Pe = J0(Pe, new URL(K.url), l);
        let ve = Nl(C.location, Pe, {
            _isRedirect: !0
        if (n) {
            let ct = !1;
            if (ee.response.headers.has("X-Remix-Reload-Document"))
                ct = !0;
            else if (gv.test(Pe)) {
                const Mt = e.history.createURL(Pe);
                ct = Mt.origin !== t.location.origin || pa(Mt.pathname, l) == null
            if (ct) {
                Le ? t.location.replace(Pe) : t.location.assign(Pe);
        B = null;
        let je = Le === !0 ? Ot.Replace : Ot.Push
          , {formMethod: De, formAction: Bt, formEncType: Ht} = C.navigation;
        !le && !ge && De && Bt && Ht && (le = o1(C.navigation));
        let _e = le || ge;
        if (v_.has(ee.response.status) && _e && sr(_e.formMethod))
            await se(je, ve, {
                submission: mt({}, _e, {
                    formAction: Pe
                preventScrollReset: A
        else {
            let ct = xh(ve, le);
            await se(je, ve, {
                overrideNavigation: ct,
                fetcherSubmission: ge,
                preventScrollReset: A
    async function fe(K, ee, ie, le) {
        try {
            let ge = await P_(u, K, ee, ie, le, s, i);
            return await Promise.all(ge.map((Le,Pe)=>{
                if (A_(Le)) {
                    let ve = Le.result;
                    return {
                        type: ft.redirect,
                        response: O_(ve, ee, ie[Pe].route.id, le, l, c.v7_relativeSplatPath)
                return R_(Le)
        } catch (ge) {
            return ie.map(()=>({
                type: ft.error,
                error: ge
    async function Ee(K, ee, ie, le, ge) {
        let[Le,...Pe] = await Promise.all([ie.length ? fe("loader", ge, ie, ee) : [], ...le.map(ve=>{
            if (ve.matches && ve.match && ve.controller) {
                let je = Ys(e.history, ve.path, ve.controller.signal);
                return fe("loader", je, [ve.match], ve.matches).then(De=>De[0])
            } else
                return Promise.resolve({
                    type: ft.error,
                    error: Un(404, {
                        pathname: ve.path
        return await Promise.all([s1(K, ie, Le, Le.map(()=>ge.signal), !1, C.loaderData), s1(K, le.map(ve=>ve.match), Pe, le.map(ve=>ve.controller ? ve.controller.signal : null), !0)]),
            loaderResults: Le,
            fetcherResults: Pe
    function we() {
        T = !0,
            R.has(ee) && (O.push(ee),
    function Se(K, ee, ie) {
        ie === void 0 && (ie = {}),
        C.fetchers.set(K, ee),
            fetchers: new Map(C.fetchers)
        }, {
            flushSync: (ie && ie.flushSync) === !0
    function Ge(K, ee, ie, le) {
        le === void 0 && (le = {});
        let ge = al(C.matches, ee);
            errors: {
                [ge.route.id]: ie
            fetchers: new Map(C.fetchers)
        }, {
            flushSync: (le && le.flushSync) === !0
    function Ve(K) {
        return c.v7_fetcherPersist && (S.set(K, (S.get(K) || 0) + 1),
        j.has(K) && j.delete(K)),
        C.fetchers.get(K) || y_
    function Te(K) {
        let ee = C.fetchers.get(K);
        R.has(K) && !(ee && ee.state === "loading" && te.has(K)) && ke(K),
    function Ke(K) {
        if (c.v7_fetcherPersist) {
            let ee = (S.get(K) || 0) - 1;
            ee <= 0 ? (S.delete(K),
            j.add(K)) : S.set(K, ee)
        } else
            fetchers: new Map(C.fetchers)
    function ke(K) {
        let ee = R.get(K);
        Fe(ee, "Expected fetch controller: " + K),
    function Qe(K) {
        for (let ee of K) {
            let ie = Ve(ee)
              , le = ai(ie.data);
            C.fetchers.set(ee, le)
    function nt() {
        let K = []
          , ee = !1;
        for (let ie of ue) {
            let le = C.fetchers.get(ie);
            Fe(le, "Expected fetcher: " + ie),
            le.state === "loading" && (ue.delete(ie),
            ee = !0)
        return Qe(K),
    function it(K) {
        let ee = [];
        for (let[ie,le] of te)
            if (le < K) {
                let ge = C.fetchers.get(ie);
                Fe(ge, "Expected fetcher: " + ie),
                ge.state === "loading" && (ke(ie),
        return Qe(ee),
        ee.length > 0
    function me(K, ee) {
        let ie = C.blockers.get(K) || Aa;
        return I.get(K) !== ee && I.set(K, ee),
    function Ce(K) {
    function Be(K, ee) {
        let ie = C.blockers.get(K) || Aa;
        Fe(ie.state === "unblocked" && ee.state === "blocked" || ie.state === "blocked" && ee.state === "blocked" || ie.state === "blocked" && ee.state === "proceeding" || ie.state === "blocked" && ee.state === "unblocked" || ie.state === "proceeding" && ee.state === "unblocked", "Invalid blocker state transition: " + ie.state + " -> " + ee.state);
        let le = new Map(C.blockers);
        le.set(K, ee),
            blockers: le
    function Re(K) {
        let {currentLocation: ee, nextLocation: ie, historyAction: le} = K;
        if (I.size === 0)
        I.size > 1 && ta(!1, "A router only supports one blocker at a time");
        let ge = Array.from(I.entries())
          , [Le,Pe] = ge[ge.length - 1]
          , ve = C.blockers.get(Le);
        if (!(ve && ve.state === "proceeding") && Pe({
            currentLocation: ee,
            nextLocation: ie,
            historyAction: le
            return Le
    function We(K) {
        let ee = [];
        return N.forEach((ie,le)=>{
            (!K || K(le)) && (ie.cancel(),
    function et(K, ee, ie) {
        if (h = K,
        p = ee,
        m = ie || null,
        !b && C.navigation === wh) {
            b = !0;
            let le = _t(C.location, C.matches);
            le != null && L({
                restoreScrollPosition: le
        return ()=>{
            h = null,
            p = null,
            m = null
    function st(K, ee) {
        return m && m(K, ee.map(le=>qk(le, C.loaderData))) || K.key
    function Jt(K, ee) {
        if (h && p) {
            let ie = st(K, ee);
            h[ie] = p()
    function _t(K, ee) {
        if (h) {
            let ie = st(K, ee)
              , le = h[ie];
            if (typeof le == "number")
                return le
        return null
    function vn(K) {
        s = {},
        a = im(K, i, void 0, s)
    return V = {
        get basename() {
            return l
        get future() {
            return c
        get state() {
            return C
        get routes() {
            return o
        get window() {
            return t
        initialize: H,
        subscribe: $,
        enableScrollRestoration: et,
        navigate: W,
        fetch: de,
        revalidate: J,
        createHref: K=>e.history.createHref(K),
        encodeLocation: K=>e.history.encodeLocation(K),
        getFetcher: Ve,
        deleteFetcher: Ke,
        dispose: q,
        getBlocker: me,
        deleteBlocker: Ce,
        _internalFetchControllers: R,
        _internalActiveDeferreds: N,
        _internalSetRoutes: vn
function b_(e) {
    return e != null && ("formData"in e && e.formData != null || "body"in e && e.body !== void 0)
function sm(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a) {
    let l, u;
    if (o) {
        l = [];
        for (let d of t)
            if (l.push(d),
            d.route.id === o) {
                u = d;
    } else
        l = t,
        u = t[t.length - 1];
    let c = hv(i || ".", fv(l, s), pa(e.pathname, n) || e.pathname, a === "path");
    return i == null && (c.search = e.search,
    c.hash = e.hash),
    (i == null || i === "" || i === ".") && u && u.route.index && !vv(c.search) && (c.search = c.search ? c.search.replace(/^\?/, "?index&") : "?index"),
    r && n !== "/" && (c.pathname = c.pathname === "/" ? n : Br([n, c.pathname])),
function q0(e, t, n, r) {
    if (!r || !b_(r))
        return {
            path: n
    if (r.formMethod && !L_(r.formMethod))
        return {
            path: n,
            error: Un(405, {
                method: r.formMethod
    let i = ()=>({
        path: n,
        error: Un(400, {
            type: "invalid-body"
      , s = r.formMethod || "get"
      , o = e ? s.toUpperCase() : s.toLowerCase()
      , a = _E(n);
    if (r.body !== void 0) {
        if (r.formEncType === "text/plain") {
            if (!sr(o))
                return i();
            let f = typeof r.body == "string" ? r.body : r.body instanceof FormData || r.body instanceof URLSearchParams ? Array.from(r.body.entries()).reduce((h,m)=>{
                let[p,b] = m;
                return "" + h + p + "=" + b + `
            , "") : String(r.body);
            return {
                path: n,
                submission: {
                    formMethod: o,
                    formAction: a,
                    formEncType: r.formEncType,
                    formData: void 0,
                    json: void 0,
                    text: f
        } else if (r.formEncType === "application/json") {
            if (!sr(o))
                return i();
            try {
                let f = typeof r.body == "string" ? JSON.parse(r.body) : r.body;
                return {
                    path: n,
                    submission: {
                        formMethod: o,
                        formAction: a,
                        formEncType: r.formEncType,
                        formData: void 0,
                        json: f,
                        text: void 0
            } catch {
                return i()
    Fe(typeof FormData == "function", "FormData is not available in this environment");
    let l, u;
    if (r.formData)
        l = om(r.formData),
        u = r.formData;
    else if (r.body instanceof FormData)
        l = om(r.body),
        u = r.body;
    else if (r.body instanceof URLSearchParams)
        l = r.body,
        u = Z0(l);
    else if (r.body == null)
        l = new URLSearchParams,
        u = new FormData;
        try {
            l = new URLSearchParams(r.body),
            u = Z0(l)
        } catch {
            return i()
    let c = {
        formMethod: o,
        formAction: a,
        formEncType: r && r.formEncType || "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        formData: u,
        json: void 0,
        text: void 0
    if (sr(c.formMethod))
        return {
            path: n,
            submission: c
    let d = Ki(n);
    return t && d.search && vv(d.search) && l.append("index", ""),
    d.search = "?" + l,
        path: As(d),
        submission: c
function S_(e, t) {
    let n = e;
    if (t) {
        let r = e.findIndex(i=>i.route.id === t);
        r >= 0 && (n = e.slice(0, r))
    return n
function Q0(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a, l, u, c, d, f, h, m, p) {
    let b = p ? Gn(p[1]) ? p[1].error : p[1].data : void 0
      , v = e.createURL(t.location)
      , g = e.createURL(i)
      , w = p && Gn(p[1]) ? p[0] : void 0
      , E = w ? S_(n, w) : n
      , D = p ? p[1].statusCode : void 0
      , V = o && D && D >= 400
      , C = E.filter((A,B)=>{
        let {route: Q} = A;
        if (Q.lazy)
            return !0;
        if (Q.loader == null)
            return !1;
        if (s)
            return typeof Q.loader != "function" || Q.loader.hydrate ? !0 : t.loaderData[Q.id] === void 0 && (!t.errors || t.errors[Q.id] === void 0);
        if (E_(t.loaderData, t.matches[B], A) || l.some(k=>k === A.route.id))
            return !0;
        let Z = t.matches[B]
          , F = A;
        return Y0(A, mt({
            currentUrl: v,
            currentParams: Z.params,
            nextUrl: g,
            nextParams: F.params
        }, r, {
            actionResult: b,
            unstable_actionStatus: D,
            defaultShouldRevalidate: V ? !1 : a || v.pathname + v.search === g.pathname + g.search || v.search !== g.search || kE(Z, F)
      , P = [];
    return d.forEach((A,B)=>{
        if (s || !n.some(T=>T.route.id === A.routeId) || c.has(B))
        let Q = vo(h, A.path, m);
        if (!Q) {
                key: B,
                routeId: A.routeId,
                path: A.path,
                matches: null,
                match: null,
                controller: null
        let Z = t.fetchers.get(B)
          , F = am(Q, A.path)
          , k = !1;
        f.has(B) ? k = !1 : u.includes(B) ? k = !0 : Z && Z.state !== "idle" && Z.data === void 0 ? k = a : k = Y0(F, mt({
            currentUrl: v,
            currentParams: t.matches[t.matches.length - 1].params,
            nextUrl: g,
            nextParams: n[n.length - 1].params
        }, r, {
            actionResult: b,
            unstable_actionStatus: D,
            defaultShouldRevalidate: V ? !1 : a
        k && P.push({
            key: B,
            routeId: A.routeId,
            path: A.path,
            matches: Q,
            match: F,
            controller: new AbortController
    [C, P]
function E_(e, t, n) {
    let r = !t || n.route.id !== t.route.id
      , i = e[n.route.id] === void 0;
    return r || i
function kE(e, t) {
    let n = e.route.path;
    return e.pathname !== t.pathname || n != null && n.endsWith("*") && e.params["*"] !== t.params["*"]
function Y0(e, t) {
    if (e.route.shouldRevalidate) {
        let n = e.route.shouldRevalidate(t);
        if (typeof n == "boolean")
            return n
    return t.defaultShouldRevalidate
async function X0(e, t, n) {
    if (!e.lazy)
    let r = await e.lazy();
    if (!e.lazy)
    let i = n[e.id];
    Fe(i, "No route found in manifest");
    let s = {};
    for (let o in r) {
        let l = i[o] !== void 0 && o !== "hasErrorBoundary";
        ta(!l, 'Route "' + i.id + '" has a static property "' + o + '" defined but its lazy function is also returning a value for this property. ' + ('The lazy route property "' + o + '" will be ignored.')),
        !l && !Gk.has(o) && (s[o] = r[o])
    Object.assign(i, s),
    Object.assign(i, mt({}, t(i), {
        lazy: void 0
function C_(e) {
    return Promise.all(e.matches.map(t=>t.resolve()))
async function P_(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a) {
    let l = r.reduce((d,f)=>d.add(f.route.id), new Set)
      , u = new Set
      , c = await e({
        matches: i.map(d=>{
            let f = l.has(d.route.id);
            return mt({}, d, {
                shouldLoad: f,
                resolve: m=>(u.add(d.route.id),
                f ? T_(t, n, d, s, o, m, a) : Promise.resolve({
                    type: ft.data,
                    result: void 0
        request: n,
        params: i[0].params,
        context: a
    return i.forEach(d=>Fe(u.has(d.route.id), '`match.resolve()` was not called for route id "' + d.route.id + '". You must call `match.resolve()` on every match passed to `dataStrategy` to ensure all routes are properly loaded.')),
async function T_(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    let a, l, u = c=>{
        let d, f = new Promise((p,b)=>d = b);
        l = ()=>d(),
        t.signal.addEventListener("abort", l);
        let h = p=>typeof c != "function" ? Promise.reject(new Error("You cannot call the handler for a route which defines a boolean " + ('"' + e + '" [routeId: ' + n.route.id + "]"))) : c({
            request: t,
            params: n.params,
            context: o
        }, ...p !== void 0 ? [p] : []), m;
        return s ? m = s(p=>h(p)) : m = (async()=>{
            try {
                return {
                    type: "data",
                    result: await h()
            } catch (p) {
                return {
                    type: "error",
                    result: p
        Promise.race([m, f])
    try {
        let c = n.route[e];
        if (n.route.lazy)
            if (c) {
                let d, [f] = await Promise.all([u(c).catch(h=>{
                    d = h
                ), X0(n.route, i, r)]);
                if (d !== void 0)
                    throw d;
                a = f
            } else if (await X0(n.route, i, r),
            c = n.route[e],
                a = await u(c);
            else if (e === "action") {
                let d = new URL(t.url)
                  , f = d.pathname + d.search;
                throw Un(405, {
                    method: t.method,
                    pathname: f,
                    routeId: n.route.id
            } else
                return {
                    type: ft.data,
                    result: void 0
        else if (c)
            a = await u(c);
        else {
            let d = new URL(t.url)
              , f = d.pathname + d.search;
            throw Un(404, {
                pathname: f
        Fe(a.result !== void 0, "You defined " + (e === "action" ? "an action" : "a loader") + " for route " + ('"' + n.route.id + "\" but didn't return anything from your `" + e + "` ") + "function. Please return a value or `null`.")
    } catch (c) {
        return {
            type: ft.error,
            result: c
    } finally {
        l && t.signal.removeEventListener("abort", l)
    return a
async function R_(e) {
    let {result: t, type: n, status: r} = e;
    if (AE(t)) {
        let o;
        try {
            let a = t.headers.get("Content-Type");
            a && /\bapplication\/json\b/.test(a) ? t.body == null ? o = null : o = await t.json() : o = await t.text()
        } catch (a) {
            return {
                type: ft.error,
                error: a
        return n === ft.error ? {
            type: ft.error,
            error: new pv(t.status,t.statusText,o),
            statusCode: t.status,
            headers: t.headers
        } : {
            type: ft.data,
            data: o,
            statusCode: t.status,
            headers: t.headers
    if (n === ft.error)
        return {
            type: ft.error,
            error: t,
            statusCode: mv(t) ? t.status : r
    if (D_(t)) {
        var i, s;
        return {
            type: ft.deferred,
            deferredData: t,
            statusCode: (i = t.init) == null ? void 0 : i.status,
            headers: ((s = t.init) == null ? void 0 : s.headers) && new Headers(t.init.headers)
    return {
        type: ft.data,
        data: t,
        statusCode: r
function O_(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    let o = e.headers.get("Location");
    if (Fe(o, "Redirects returned/thrown from loaders/actions must have a Location header"),
    !gv.test(o)) {
        let a = r.slice(0, r.findIndex(l=>l.route.id === n) + 1);
        o = sm(new URL(t.url), a, i, !0, o, s),
        e.headers.set("Location", o)
    return e
function J0(e, t, n) {
    if (gv.test(e)) {
        let r = e
          , i = r.startsWith("//") ? new URL(t.protocol + r) : new URL(r)
          , s = pa(i.pathname, n) != null;
        if (i.origin === t.origin && s)
            return i.pathname + i.search + i.hash
    return e
function Ys(e, t, n, r) {
    let i = e.createURL(_E(t)).toString()
      , s = {
        signal: n
    if (r && sr(r.formMethod)) {
        let {formMethod: o, formEncType: a} = r;
        s.method = o.toUpperCase(),
        a === "application/json" ? (s.headers = new Headers({
            "Content-Type": a
        s.body = JSON.stringify(r.json)) : a === "text/plain" ? s.body = r.text : a === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" && r.formData ? s.body = om(r.formData) : s.body = r.formData
    return new Request(i,s)
function om(e) {
    let t = new URLSearchParams;
    for (let[n,r] of e.entries())
        t.append(n, typeof r == "string" ? r : r.name);
    return t
function Z0(e) {
    let t = new FormData;
    for (let[n,r] of e.entries())
        t.append(n, r);
    return t
function k_(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    let o = {}, a = null, l, u = !1, c = {}, d = r && Gn(r[1]) ? r[1].error : void 0;
    return n.forEach((f,h)=>{
        let m = t[h].route.id;
        if (Fe(!ds(f), "Cannot handle redirect results in processLoaderData"),
        Gn(f)) {
            let p = f.error;
            d !== void 0 && (p = d,
            d = void 0),
            a = a || {};
                let b = al(e, m);
                a[b.route.id] == null && (a[b.route.id] = p)
            o[m] = void 0,
            u || (u = !0,
            l = mv(f.error) ? f.error.status : 500),
            f.headers && (c[m] = f.headers)
        } else
            cs(f) ? (i.set(m, f.deferredData),
            o[m] = f.deferredData.data,
            f.statusCode != null && f.statusCode !== 200 && !u && (l = f.statusCode),
            f.headers && (c[m] = f.headers)) : (o[m] = f.data,
            f.statusCode && f.statusCode !== 200 && !u && (l = f.statusCode),
            f.headers && (c[m] = f.headers))
    d !== void 0 && r && (a = {
        [r[0]]: d
    o[r[0]] = void 0),
        loaderData: o,
        errors: a,
        statusCode: l || 200,
        loaderHeaders: c
function e1(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a) {
    let {loaderData: l, errors: u} = k_(t, n, r, i, a);
    for (let c = 0; c < s.length; c++) {
        let {key: d, match: f, controller: h} = s[c];
        Fe(o !== void 0 && o[c] !== void 0, "Did not find corresponding fetcher result");
        let m = o[c];
        if (!(h && h.signal.aborted))
            if (Gn(m)) {
                let p = al(e.matches, f == null ? void 0 : f.route.id);
                u && u[p.route.id] || (u = mt({}, u, {
                    [p.route.id]: m.error
            } else if (ds(m))
                Fe(!1, "Unhandled fetcher revalidation redirect");
            else if (cs(m))
                Fe(!1, "Unhandled fetcher deferred data");
            else {
                let p = ai(m.data);
                e.fetchers.set(d, p)
    return {
        loaderData: l,
        errors: u
function t1(e, t, n, r) {
    let i = mt({}, t);
    for (let s of n) {
        let o = s.route.id;
        if (t.hasOwnProperty(o) ? t[o] !== void 0 && (i[o] = t[o]) : e[o] !== void 0 && s.route.loader && (i[o] = e[o]),
        r && r.hasOwnProperty(o))
    return i
function n1(e) {
    return e ? Gn(e[1]) ? {
        actionData: {}
    } : {
        actionData: {
            [e[0]]: e[1].data
    } : {}
function al(e, t) {
    return (t ? e.slice(0, e.findIndex(r=>r.route.id === t) + 1) : [...e]).reverse().find(r=>r.route.hasErrorBoundary === !0) || e[0]
function r1(e) {
    let t = e.length === 1 ? e[0] : e.find(n=>n.index || !n.path || n.path === "/") || {
        id: "__shim-error-route__"
    return {
        matches: [{
            params: {},
            pathname: "",
            pathnameBase: "",
            route: t
        route: t
function Un(e, t) {
    let {pathname: n, routeId: r, method: i, type: s} = t === void 0 ? {} : t
      , o = "Unknown Server Error"
      , a = "Unknown @remix-run/router error";
    return e === 400 ? (o = "Bad Request",
    i && n && r ? a = "You made a " + i + ' request to "' + n + '" but ' + ('did not provide a `loader` for route "' + r + '", ') + "so there is no way to handle the request." : s === "defer-action" ? a = "defer() is not supported in actions" : s === "invalid-body" && (a = "Unable to encode submission body")) : e === 403 ? (o = "Forbidden",
    a = 'Route "' + r + '" does not match URL "' + n + '"') : e === 404 ? (o = "Not Found",
    a = 'No route matches URL "' + n + '"') : e === 405 && (o = "Method Not Allowed",
    i && n && r ? a = "You made a " + i.toUpperCase() + ' request to "' + n + '" but ' + ('did not provide an `action` for route "' + r + '", ') + "so there is no way to handle the request." : i && (a = 'Invalid request method "' + i.toUpperCase() + '"')),
    new pv(e || 500,o,new Error(a),!0)
function i1(e) {
    for (let t = e.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) {
        let n = e[t];
        if (ds(n))
            return {
                result: n,
                idx: t
function _E(e) {
    let t = typeof e == "string" ? Ki(e) : e;
    return As(mt({}, t, {
        hash: ""
function __(e, t) {
    return e.pathname !== t.pathname || e.search !== t.search ? !1 : e.hash === "" ? t.hash !== "" : e.hash === t.hash ? !0 : t.hash !== ""
function A_(e) {
    return AE(e.result) && g_.has(e.result.status)
function cs(e) {
    return e.type === ft.deferred
function Gn(e) {
    return e.type === ft.error
function ds(e) {
    return (e && e.type) === ft.redirect
function D_(e) {
    let t = e;
    return t && typeof t == "object" && typeof t.data == "object" && typeof t.subscribe == "function" && typeof t.cancel == "function" && typeof t.resolveData == "function"
function AE(e) {
    return e != null && typeof e.status == "number" && typeof e.statusText == "string" && typeof e.headers == "object" && typeof e.body < "u"
function L_(e) {
    return m_.has(e.toLowerCase())
function sr(e) {
    return h_.has(e.toLowerCase())
async function s1(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    for (let o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
        let a = n[o]
          , l = t[o];
        if (!l)
        let u = e.find(d=>d.route.id === l.route.id)
          , c = u != null && !kE(u, l) && (s && s[l.route.id]) !== void 0;
        if (cs(a) && (i || c)) {
            let d = r[o];
            Fe(d, "Expected an AbortSignal for revalidating fetcher deferred result"),
            await DE(a, d, i).then(f=>{
                f && (n[o] = f || n[o])
async function DE(e, t, n) {
    if (n === void 0 && (n = !1),
    !await e.deferredData.resolveData(t)) {
        if (n)
            try {
                return {
                    type: ft.data,
                    data: e.deferredData.unwrappedData
            } catch (i) {
                return {
                    type: ft.error,
                    error: i
        return {
            type: ft.data,
            data: e.deferredData.data
function vv(e) {
    return new URLSearchParams(e).getAll("index").some(t=>t === "")
function am(e, t) {
    let n = typeof t == "string" ? Ki(t).search : t.search;
    if (e[e.length - 1].route.index && vv(n || ""))
        return e[e.length - 1];
    let r = TE(e);
    return r[r.length - 1]
function o1(e) {
    let {formMethod: t, formAction: n, formEncType: r, text: i, formData: s, json: o} = e;
    if (!(!t || !n || !r)) {
        if (i != null)
            return {
                formMethod: t,
                formAction: n,
                formEncType: r,
                formData: void 0,
                json: void 0,
                text: i
        if (s != null)
            return {
                formMethod: t,
                formAction: n,
                formEncType: r,
                formData: s,
                json: void 0,
                text: void 0
        if (o !== void 0)
            return {
                formMethod: t,
                formAction: n,
                formEncType: r,
                formData: void 0,
                json: o,
                text: void 0
function xh(e, t) {
    return t ? {
        state: "loading",
        location: e,
        formMethod: t.formMethod,
        formAction: t.formAction,
        formEncType: t.formEncType,
        formData: t.formData,
        json: t.json,
        text: t.text
    } : {
        state: "loading",
        location: e,
        formMethod: void 0,
        formAction: void 0,
        formEncType: void 0,
        formData: void 0,
        json: void 0,
        text: void 0
function N_(e, t) {
    return {
        state: "submitting",
        location: e,
        formMethod: t.formMethod,
        formAction: t.formAction,
        formEncType: t.formEncType,
        formData: t.formData,
        json: t.json,
        text: t.text
function Da(e, t) {
    return e ? {
        state: "loading",
        formMethod: e.formMethod,
        formAction: e.formAction,
        formEncType: e.formEncType,
        formData: e.formData,
        json: e.json,
        text: e.text,
        data: t
    } : {
        state: "loading",
        formMethod: void 0,
        formAction: void 0,
        formEncType: void 0,
        formData: void 0,
        json: void 0,
        text: void 0,
        data: t
function M_(e, t) {
    return {
        state: "submitting",
        formMethod: e.formMethod,
        formAction: e.formAction,
        formEncType: e.formEncType,
        formData: e.formData,
        json: e.json,
        text: e.text,
        data: t ? t.data : void 0
function ai(e) {
    return {
        state: "idle",
        formMethod: void 0,
        formAction: void 0,
        formEncType: void 0,
        formData: void 0,
        json: void 0,
        text: void 0,
        data: e
function j_(e, t) {
    try {
        let n = e.sessionStorage.getItem(OE);
        if (n) {
            let r = JSON.parse(n);
            for (let[i,s] of Object.entries(r || {}))
                s && Array.isArray(s) && t.set(i, new Set(s || []))
    } catch {}
function $_(e, t) {
    if (t.size > 0) {
        let n = {};
        for (let[r,i] of t)
            n[r] = [...i];
        try {
            e.sessionStorage.setItem(OE, JSON.stringify(n))
        } catch (r) {
            ta(!1, "Failed to save applied view transitions in sessionStorage (" + r + ").")
 * React Router v6.23.1
 * Copyright (c) Remix Software Inc.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE.md file in the root directory of this source tree.
 * @license MIT
function vd() {
    return vd = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) {
        for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
            var n = arguments[t];
            for (var r in n)
                Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r])
        return e
    vd.apply(this, arguments)
const pf = y.createContext(null)
  , LE = y.createContext(null)
  , zs = y.createContext(null)
  , yv = y.createContext(null)
  , qi = y.createContext({
    outlet: null,
    matches: [],
    isDataRoute: !1
  , NE = y.createContext(null);
function I_(e, t) {
    let {relative: n} = t === void 0 ? {} : t;
    bu() || Fe(!1);
    let {basename: r, navigator: i} = y.useContext(zs)
      , {hash: s, pathname: o, search: a} = jE(e, {
        relative: n
      , l = o;
    return r !== "/" && (l = o === "/" ? r : Br([r, o])),
        pathname: l,
        search: a,
        hash: s
function bu() {
    return y.useContext(yv) != null
function Qi() {
    return bu() || Fe(!1),
function ME(e) {
    y.useContext(zs).static || y.useLayoutEffect(e)
function wv() {
    let {isDataRoute: e} = y.useContext(qi);
    return e ? X_() : F_()
function F_() {
    bu() || Fe(!1);
    let e = y.useContext(pf)
      , {basename: t, future: n, navigator: r} = y.useContext(zs)
      , {matches: i} = y.useContext(qi)
      , {pathname: s} = Qi()
      , o = JSON.stringify(fv(i, n.v7_relativeSplatPath))
      , a = y.useRef(!1);
    return ME(()=>{
        a.current = !0
    y.useCallback(function(u, c) {
        if (c === void 0 && (c = {}),
        if (typeof u == "number") {
        let d = hv(u, JSON.parse(o), s, c.relative === "path");
        e == null && t !== "/" && (d.pathname = d.pathname === "/" ? t : Br([t, d.pathname])),
        (c.replace ? r.replace : r.push)(d, c.state, c)
    }, [t, r, o, s, e])
const V_ = y.createContext(null);
function z_(e) {
    let t = y.useContext(qi).outlet;
    return t && y.createElement(V_.Provider, {
        value: e
    }, t)
function jE(e, t) {
    let {relative: n} = t === void 0 ? {} : t
      , {future: r} = y.useContext(zs)
      , {matches: i} = y.useContext(qi)
      , {pathname: s} = Qi()
      , o = JSON.stringify(fv(i, r.v7_relativeSplatPath));
    return y.useMemo(()=>hv(e, JSON.parse(o), s, n === "path"), [e, o, s, n])
function U_(e, t, n, r) {
    bu() || Fe(!1);
    let {navigator: i} = y.useContext(zs)
      , {matches: s} = y.useContext(qi)
      , o = s[s.length - 1]
      , a = o ? o.params : {};
    o && o.pathname;
    let l = o ? o.pathnameBase : "/";
    o && o.route;
    let u = Qi(), c;
    c = u;
    let d = c.pathname || "/"
      , f = d;
    if (l !== "/") {
        let p = l.replace(/^\//, "").split("/");
        f = "/" + d.replace(/^\//, "").split("/").slice(p.length).join("/")
    let h = vo(e, {
        pathname: f
    return K_(h && h.map(p=>Object.assign({}, p, {
        params: Object.assign({}, a, p.params),
        pathname: Br([l, i.encodeLocation ? i.encodeLocation(p.pathname).pathname : p.pathname]),
        pathnameBase: p.pathnameBase === "/" ? l : Br([l, i.encodeLocation ? i.encodeLocation(p.pathnameBase).pathname : p.pathnameBase])
    })), s, n, r)
function B_() {
    let e = FE()
      , t = mv(e) ? e.status + " " + e.statusText : e instanceof Error ? e.message : JSON.stringify(e)
      , n = e instanceof Error ? e.stack : null
      , i = {
        padding: "0.5rem",
        backgroundColor: "rgba(200,200,200, 0.5)"
    return y.createElement(y.Fragment, null, y.createElement("h2", null, "Unexpected Application Error!"), y.createElement("h3", {
        style: {
            fontStyle: "italic"
    }, t), n ? y.createElement("pre", {
        style: i
    }, n) : null, null)
const H_ = y.createElement(B_, null);
class W_ extends y.Component {
    constructor(t) {
        this.state = {
            location: t.location,
            revalidation: t.revalidation,
            error: t.error
    static getDerivedStateFromError(t) {
        return {
            error: t
    static getDerivedStateFromProps(t, n) {
        return n.location !== t.location || n.revalidation !== "idle" && t.revalidation === "idle" ? {
            error: t.error,
            location: t.location,
            revalidation: t.revalidation
        } : {
            error: t.error !== void 0 ? t.error : n.error,
            location: n.location,
            revalidation: t.revalidation || n.revalidation
    componentDidCatch(t, n) {
        console.error("React Router caught the following error during render", t, n)
    render() {
        return this.state.error !== void 0 ? y.createElement(qi.Provider, {
            value: this.props.routeContext
        }, y.createElement(NE.Provider, {
            value: this.state.error,
            children: this.props.component
        })) : this.props.children
function G_(e) {
    let {routeContext: t, match: n, children: r} = e
      , i = y.useContext(pf);
    return i && i.static && i.staticContext && (n.route.errorElement || n.route.ErrorBoundary) && (i.staticContext._deepestRenderedBoundaryId = n.route.id),
    y.createElement(qi.Provider, {
        value: t
    }, r)
function K_(e, t, n, r) {
    var i;
    if (t === void 0 && (t = []),
    n === void 0 && (n = null),
    r === void 0 && (r = null),
    e == null) {
        var s;
        if ((s = n) != null && s.errors)
            e = n.matches;
            return null
    let o = e
      , a = (i = n) == null ? void 0 : i.errors;
    if (a != null) {
        let c = o.findIndex(d=>d.route.id && (a == null ? void 0 : a[d.route.id]) !== void 0);
        c >= 0 || Fe(!1),
        o = o.slice(0, Math.min(o.length, c + 1))
    let l = !1
      , u = -1;
    if (n && r && r.v7_partialHydration)
        for (let c = 0; c < o.length; c++) {
            let d = o[c];
            if ((d.route.HydrateFallback || d.route.hydrateFallbackElement) && (u = c),
            d.route.id) {
                let {loaderData: f, errors: h} = n
                  , m = d.route.loader && f[d.route.id] === void 0 && (!h || h[d.route.id] === void 0);
                if (d.route.lazy || m) {
                    l = !0,
                    u >= 0 ? o = o.slice(0, u + 1) : o = [o[0]];
    return o.reduceRight((c,d,f)=>{
        let h, m = !1, p = null, b = null;
        n && (h = a && d.route.id ? a[d.route.id] : void 0,
        p = d.route.errorElement || H_,
        l && (u < 0 && f === 0 ? (m = !0,
        b = null) : u === f && (m = !0,
        b = d.route.hydrateFallbackElement || null)));
        let v = t.concat(o.slice(0, f + 1))
          , g = ()=>{
            let w;
            return h ? w = p : m ? w = b : d.route.Component ? w = y.createElement(d.route.Component, null) : d.route.element ? w = d.route.element : w = c,
            y.createElement(G_, {
                match: d,
                routeContext: {
                    outlet: c,
                    matches: v,
                    isDataRoute: n != null
                children: w
        return n && (d.route.ErrorBoundary || d.route.errorElement || f === 0) ? y.createElement(W_, {
            location: n.location,
            revalidation: n.revalidation,
            component: p,
            error: h,
            children: g(),
            routeContext: {
                outlet: null,
                matches: v,
                isDataRoute: !0
        }) : g()
    , null)
var $E = function(e) {
    return e.UseBlocker = "useBlocker",
    e.UseRevalidator = "useRevalidator",
    e.UseNavigateStable = "useNavigate",
}($E || {})
  , yd = function(e) {
    return e.UseBlocker = "useBlocker",
    e.UseLoaderData = "useLoaderData",
    e.UseActionData = "useActionData",
    e.UseRouteError = "useRouteError",
    e.UseNavigation = "useNavigation",
    e.UseRouteLoaderData = "useRouteLoaderData",
    e.UseMatches = "useMatches",
    e.UseRevalidator = "useRevalidator",
    e.UseNavigateStable = "useNavigate",
    e.UseRouteId = "useRouteId",
}(yd || {});
function q_(e) {
    let t = y.useContext(pf);
    return t || Fe(!1),
function Q_(e) {
    let t = y.useContext(LE);
    return t || Fe(!1),
function Y_(e) {
    let t = y.useContext(qi);
    return t || Fe(!1),
function IE(e) {
    let t = Y_()
      , n = t.matches[t.matches.length - 1];
    return n.route.id || Fe(!1),
function FE() {
    var e;
    let t = y.useContext(NE)
      , n = Q_(yd.UseRouteError)
      , r = IE(yd.UseRouteError);
    return t !== void 0 ? t : (e = n.errors) == null ? void 0 : e[r]
function X_() {
    let {router: e} = q_($E.UseNavigateStable)
      , t = IE(yd.UseNavigateStable)
      , n = y.useRef(!1);
    return ME(()=>{
        n.current = !0
    y.useCallback(function(i, s) {
        s === void 0 && (s = {}),
        n.current && (typeof i == "number" ? e.navigate(i) : e.navigate(i, vd({
            fromRouteId: t
        }, s)))
    }, [e, t])
function J_(e) {
    return z_(e.context)
function ns(e) {
function Z_(e) {
    let {basename: t="/", children: n=null, location: r, navigationType: i=Ot.Pop, navigator: s, static: o=!1, future: a} = e;
    bu() && Fe(!1);
    let l = t.replace(/^\/*/, "/")
      , u = y.useMemo(()=>({
        basename: l,
        navigator: s,
        static: o,
        future: vd({
            v7_relativeSplatPath: !1
        }, a)
    }), [l, a, s, o]);
    typeof r == "string" && (r = Ki(r));
    let {pathname: c="/", search: d="", hash: f="", state: h=null, key: m="default"} = r
      , p = y.useMemo(()=>{
        let b = pa(c, l);
        return b == null ? null : {
            location: {
                pathname: b,
                search: d,
                hash: f,
                state: h,
                key: m
            navigationType: i
    , [l, c, d, f, h, m, i]);
    return p == null ? null : y.createElement(zs.Provider, {
        value: u
    }, y.createElement(yv.Provider, {
        children: n,
        value: p
new Promise(()=>{}
function lm(e, t) {
    t === void 0 && (t = []);
    let n = [];
    return y.Children.forEach(e, (r,i)=>{
        if (!y.isValidElement(r))
        let s = [...t, i];
        if (r.type === y.Fragment) {
            n.push.apply(n, lm(r.props.children, s));
        r.type !== ns && Fe(!1),
        !r.props.index || !r.props.children || Fe(!1);
        let o = {
            id: r.props.id || s.join("-"),
            caseSensitive: r.props.caseSensitive,
            element: r.props.element,
            Component: r.props.Component,
            index: r.props.index,
            path: r.props.path,
            loader: r.props.loader,
            action: r.props.action,
            errorElement: r.props.errorElement,
            ErrorBoundary: r.props.ErrorBoundary,
            hasErrorBoundary: r.props.ErrorBoundary != null || r.props.errorElement != null,
            shouldRevalidate: r.props.shouldRevalidate,
            handle: r.props.handle,
            lazy: r.props.lazy
        r.props.children && (o.children = lm(r.props.children, s)),
function eA(e) {
    let t = {
        hasErrorBoundary: e.ErrorBoundary != null || e.errorElement != null
    return e.Component && Object.assign(t, {
        element: y.createElement(e.Component),
        Component: void 0
    e.HydrateFallback && Object.assign(t, {
        hydrateFallbackElement: y.createElement(e.HydrateFallback),
        HydrateFallback: void 0
    e.ErrorBoundary && Object.assign(t, {
        errorElement: y.createElement(e.ErrorBoundary),
        ErrorBoundary: void 0
 * React Router DOM v6.23.1
 * Copyright (c) Remix Software Inc.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE.md file in the root directory of this source tree.
 * @license MIT
function Ml() {
    return Ml = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) {
        for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
            var n = arguments[t];
            for (var r in n)
                Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r])
        return e
    Ml.apply(this, arguments)
function tA(e, t) {
    if (e == null)
        return {};
    var n = {}, r = Object.keys(e), i, s;
    for (s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
        i = r[s],
        !(t.indexOf(i) >= 0) && (n[i] = e[i]);
    return n
function nA(e) {
    return !!(e.metaKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey)
function rA(e, t) {
    return e.button === 0 && (!t || t === "_self") && !nA(e)
const iA = ["onClick", "relative", "reloadDocument", "replace", "state", "target", "to", "preventScrollReset", "unstable_viewTransition"]
  , sA = "6";
try {
    window.__reactRouterVersion = sA
} catch {}
function oA(e, t) {
    return x_({
        basename: void 0,
        future: Ml({}, void 0, {
            v7_prependBasename: !0
        history: Bk({
            window: void 0
        hydrationData: aA(),
        routes: e,
        mapRouteProperties: eA,
        unstable_dataStrategy: void 0,
        window: void 0
function aA() {
    var e;
    let t = (e = window) == null ? void 0 : e.__staticRouterHydrationData;
    return t && t.errors && (t = Ml({}, t, {
        errors: lA(t.errors)
function lA(e) {
    if (!e)
        return null;
    let t = Object.entries(e)
      , n = {};
    for (let[r,i] of t)
        if (i && i.__type === "RouteErrorResponse")
            n[r] = new pv(i.status,i.statusText,i.data,i.internal === !0);
        else if (i && i.__type === "Error") {
            if (i.__subType) {
                let s = window[i.__subType];
                if (typeof s == "function")
                    try {
                        let o = new s(i.message);
                        o.stack = "",
                        n[r] = o
                    } catch {}
            if (n[r] == null) {
                let s = new Error(i.message);
                s.stack = "",
                n[r] = s
        } else
            n[r] = i;
    return n
const uA = y.createContext({
    isTransitioning: !1
  , cA = y.createContext(new Map)
  , dA = "startTransition"
  , a1 = vb[dA]
  , fA = "flushSync"
  , l1 = Uk[fA];
function hA(e) {
    a1 ? a1(e) : e()
function La(e) {
    l1 ? l1(e) : e()
class pA {
    constructor() {
        this.status = "pending",
        this.promise = new Promise((t,n)=>{
            this.resolve = r=>{
                this.status === "pending" && (this.status = "resolved",
            this.reject = r=>{
                this.status === "pending" && (this.status = "rejected",
function mA(e) {
    let {fallbackElement: t, router: n, future: r} = e
      , [i,s] = y.useState(n.state)
      , [o,a] = y.useState()
      , [l,u] = y.useState({
        isTransitioning: !1
      , [c,d] = y.useState()
      , [f,h] = y.useState()
      , [m,p] = y.useState()
      , b = y.useRef(new Map)
      , {v7_startTransition: v} = r || {}
      , g = y.useCallback(C=>{
        v ? hA(C) : C()
    , [v])
      , w = y.useCallback((C,P)=>{
        let {deletedFetchers: A, unstable_flushSync: B, unstable_viewTransitionOpts: Q} = P;
            F.data !== void 0 && b.current.set(k, F.data)
        let Z = n.window == null || n.window.document == null || typeof n.window.document.startViewTransition != "function";
        if (!Q || Z) {
            B ? La(()=>s(C)) : g(()=>s(C));
        if (B) {
                f && (c && c.resolve(),
                    isTransitioning: !0,
                    flushSync: !0,
                    currentLocation: Q.currentLocation,
                    nextLocation: Q.nextLocation
            let F = n.window.document.startViewTransition(()=>{
                    d(void 0),
                    h(void 0),
                    a(void 0),
                        isTransitioning: !1
        f ? (c && c.resolve(),
            state: C,
            currentLocation: Q.currentLocation,
            nextLocation: Q.nextLocation
        })) : (a(C),
            isTransitioning: !0,
            flushSync: !1,
            currentLocation: Q.currentLocation,
            nextLocation: Q.nextLocation
    , [n.window, f, c, b, g]);
    y.useLayoutEffect(()=>n.subscribe(w), [n, w]),
        l.isTransitioning && !l.flushSync && d(new pA)
    , [l]),
        if (c && o && n.window) {
            let C = o
              , P = c.promise
              , A = n.window.document.startViewTransition(async()=>{
                await P
                d(void 0),
                h(void 0),
                a(void 0),
                    isTransitioning: !1
    , [g, o, c, n.window]),
        c && o && i.location.key === o.location.key && c.resolve()
    , [c, f, i.location, o]),
        !l.isTransitioning && m && (a(m.state),
            isTransitioning: !0,
            flushSync: !1,
            currentLocation: m.currentLocation,
            nextLocation: m.nextLocation
        p(void 0))
    , [l.isTransitioning, m]),
    , []);
    let E = y.useMemo(()=>({
        createHref: n.createHref,
        encodeLocation: n.encodeLocation,
        go: C=>n.navigate(C),
        push: (C,P,A)=>n.navigate(C, {
            state: P,
            preventScrollReset: A == null ? void 0 : A.preventScrollReset
        replace: (C,P,A)=>n.navigate(C, {
            replace: !0,
            state: P,
            preventScrollReset: A == null ? void 0 : A.preventScrollReset
    }), [n])
      , D = n.basename || "/"
      , V = y.useMemo(()=>({
        router: n,
        navigator: E,
        static: !1,
        basename: D
    }), [n, E, D]);
    return y.createElement(y.Fragment, null, y.createElement(pf.Provider, {
        value: V
    }, y.createElement(LE.Provider, {
        value: i
    }, y.createElement(cA.Provider, {
        value: b.current
    }, y.createElement(uA.Provider, {
        value: l
    }, y.createElement(Z_, {
        basename: D,
        location: i.location,
        navigationType: i.historyAction,
        navigator: E,
        future: {
            v7_relativeSplatPath: n.future.v7_relativeSplatPath
    }, i.initialized || n.future.v7_partialHydration ? y.createElement(gA, {
        routes: n.routes,
        future: n.future,
        state: i
    }) : t))))), null)
function gA(e) {
    let {routes: t, future: n, state: r} = e;
    return U_(t, void 0, r, n)
const vA = typeof window < "u" && typeof window.document < "u" && typeof window.document.createElement < "u"
  , yA = /^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|\/\/)/i
  , wA = y.forwardRef(function(t, n) {
    let {onClick: r, relative: i, reloadDocument: s, replace: o, state: a, target: l, to: u, preventScrollReset: c, unstable_viewTransition: d} = t, f = tA(t, iA), {basename: h} = y.useContext(zs), m, p = !1;
    if (typeof u == "string" && yA.test(u) && (m = u,
        try {
            let w = new URL(window.location.href)
              , E = u.startsWith("//") ? new URL(w.protocol + u) : new URL(u)
              , D = pa(E.pathname, h);
            E.origin === w.origin && D != null ? u = D + E.search + E.hash : p = !0
        } catch {}
    let b = I_(u, {
        relative: i
      , v = xA(u, {
        replace: o,
        state: a,
        target: l,
        preventScrollReset: c,
        relative: i,
        unstable_viewTransition: d
    function g(w) {
        r && r(w),
        w.defaultPrevented || v(w)
    return y.createElement("a", Ml({}, f, {
        href: m || b,
        onClick: p || s ? r : g,
        ref: n,
        target: l
var u1;
(function(e) {
    e.UseScrollRestoration = "useScrollRestoration",
    e.UseSubmit = "useSubmit",
    e.UseSubmitFetcher = "useSubmitFetcher",
    e.UseFetcher = "useFetcher",
    e.useViewTransitionState = "useViewTransitionState"
)(u1 || (u1 = {}));
var c1;
(function(e) {
    e.UseFetcher = "useFetcher",
    e.UseFetchers = "useFetchers",
    e.UseScrollRestoration = "useScrollRestoration"
)(c1 || (c1 = {}));
function xA(e, t) {
    let {target: n, replace: r, state: i, preventScrollReset: s, relative: o, unstable_viewTransition: a} = t === void 0 ? {} : t
      , l = wv()
      , u = Qi()
      , c = jE(e, {
        relative: o
    return y.useCallback(d=>{
        if (rA(d, n)) {
            let f = r !== void 0 ? r : As(u) === As(c);
            l(e, {
                replace: f,
                state: i,
                preventScrollReset: s,
                relative: o,
                unstable_viewTransition: a
    , [u, l, c, r, i, n, e, s, o, a])
const mf = (e,t)=>t === 0 ? 0 : e / t * 100
  , bA = ()=>!!/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
function VE(e) {
    var t, n, r = "";
    if (typeof e == "string" || typeof e == "number")
        r += e;
    else if (typeof e == "object")
        if (Array.isArray(e)) {
            var i = e.length;
            for (t = 0; t < i; t++)
                e[t] && (n = VE(e[t])) && (r && (r += " "),
                r += n)
        } else
            for (n in e)
                e[n] && (r && (r += " "),
                r += n);
    return r
function SA() {
    for (var e, t, n = 0, r = "", i = arguments.length; n < i; n++)
        (e = arguments[n]) && (t = VE(e)) && (r && (r += " "),
        r += t);
    return r
function Ze(...e) {
    return SA(e)
const zE = ()=>{
    var e;
    (e = document.querySelector("#loader")) == null || e.remove()
  , xv = "-";
function EA(e) {
    const t = PA(e)
      , {conflictingClassGroups: n, conflictingClassGroupModifiers: r} = e;
    function i(o) {
        const a = o.split(xv);
        return a[0] === "" && a.length !== 1 && a.shift(),
        UE(a, t) || CA(o)
    function s(o, a) {
        const l = n[o] || [];
        return a && r[o] ? [...l, ...r[o]] : l
    return {
        getClassGroupId: i,
        getConflictingClassGroupIds: s
function UE(e, t) {
    var o;
    if (e.length === 0)
        return t.classGroupId;
    const n = e[0]
      , r = t.nextPart.get(n)
      , i = r ? UE(e.slice(1), r) : void 0;
    if (i)
        return i;
    if (t.validators.length === 0)
    const s = e.join(xv);
    return (o = t.validators.find(({validator: a})=>a(s))) == null ? void 0 : o.classGroupId
const d1 = /^\[(.+)\]$/;
function CA(e) {
    if (d1.test(e)) {
        const t = d1.exec(e)[1]
          , n = t == null ? void 0 : t.substring(0, t.indexOf(":"));
        if (n)
            return "arbitrary.." + n
function PA(e) {
    const {theme: t, prefix: n} = e
      , r = {
        nextPart: new Map,
        validators: []
    return RA(Object.entries(e.classGroups), n).forEach(([s,o])=>{
        um(o, r, s, t)
function um(e, t, n, r) {
        if (typeof i == "string") {
            const s = i === "" ? t : f1(t, i);
            s.classGroupId = n;
        if (typeof i == "function") {
            if (TA(i)) {
                um(i(r), t, n, r);
                validator: i,
                classGroupId: n
            um(o, f1(t, s), n, r)
function f1(e, t) {
    let n = e;
    return t.split(xv).forEach(r=>{
        n.nextPart.has(r) || n.nextPart.set(r, {
            nextPart: new Map,
            validators: []
        n = n.nextPart.get(r)
function TA(e) {
    return e.isThemeGetter
function RA(e, t) {
    return t ? e.map(([n,r])=>{
        const i = r.map(s=>typeof s == "string" ? t + s : typeof s == "object" ? Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(s).map(([o,a])=>[t + o, a])) : s);
        return [n, i]
    ) : e
function OA(e) {
    if (e < 1)
        return {
            get: ()=>{}
            set: ()=>{}
    let t = 0
      , n = new Map
      , r = new Map;
    function i(s, o) {
        n.set(s, o),
        t > e && (t = 0,
        r = n,
        n = new Map)
    return {
        get(s) {
            let o = n.get(s);
            if (o !== void 0)
                return o;
            if ((o = r.get(s)) !== void 0)
                return i(s, o),
        set(s, o) {
            n.has(s) ? n.set(s, o) : i(s, o)
const BE = "!";
function kA(e) {
    const t = e.separator
      , n = t.length === 1
      , r = t[0]
      , i = t.length;
    return function(o) {
        const a = [];
        let l = 0, u = 0, c;
        for (let p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
            let b = o[p];
            if (l === 0) {
                if (b === r && (n || o.slice(p, p + i) === t)) {
                    a.push(o.slice(u, p)),
                    u = p + i;
                if (b === "/") {
                    c = p;
            b === "[" ? l++ : b === "]" && l--
        const d = a.length === 0 ? o : o.substring(u)
          , f = d.startsWith(BE)
          , h = f ? d.substring(1) : d
          , m = c && c > u ? c - u : void 0;
        return {
            modifiers: a,
            hasImportantModifier: f,
            baseClassName: h,
            maybePostfixModifierPosition: m
function _A(e) {
    if (e.length <= 1)
        return e;
    const t = [];
    let n = [];
    return e.forEach(r=>{
        r[0] === "[" ? (t.push(...n.sort(), r),
        n = []) : n.push(r)
function AA(e) {
    return {
        cache: OA(e.cacheSize),
        splitModifiers: kA(e),
const DA = /\s+/;
function LA(e, t) {
    const {splitModifiers: n, getClassGroupId: r, getConflictingClassGroupIds: i} = t
      , s = new Set;
    return e.trim().split(DA).map(o=>{
        const {modifiers: a, hasImportantModifier: l, baseClassName: u, maybePostfixModifierPosition: c} = n(o);
        let d = r(c ? u.substring(0, c) : u)
          , f = !!c;
        if (!d) {
            if (!c)
                return {
                    isTailwindClass: !1,
                    originalClassName: o
            if (d = r(u),
                return {
                    isTailwindClass: !1,
                    originalClassName: o
            f = !1
        const h = _A(a).join(":");
        return {
            isTailwindClass: !0,
            modifierId: l ? h + BE : h,
            classGroupId: d,
            originalClassName: o,
            hasPostfixModifier: f
        if (!o.isTailwindClass)
            return !0;
        const {modifierId: a, classGroupId: l, hasPostfixModifier: u} = o
          , c = a + l;
        return s.has(c) ? !1 : (s.add(c),
        i(l, u).forEach(d=>s.add(a + d)),
    ).reverse().map(o=>o.originalClassName).join(" ")
function NA() {
    let e = 0, t, n, r = "";
    for (; e < arguments.length; )
        (t = arguments[e++]) && (n = HE(t)) && (r && (r += " "),
        r += n);
    return r
function HE(e) {
    if (typeof e == "string")
        return e;
    let t, n = "";
    for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r++)
        e[r] && (t = HE(e[r])) && (n && (n += " "),
        n += t);
    return n
function MA(e, ...t) {
    let n, r, i, s = o;
    function o(l) {
        const u = t.reduce((c,d)=>d(c), e());
        return n = AA(u),
        r = n.cache.get,
        i = n.cache.set,
        s = a,
    function a(l) {
        const u = r(l);
        if (u)
            return u;
        const c = LA(l, n);
        return i(l, c),
    return function() {
        return s(NA.apply(null, arguments))
function ot(e) {
    const t = n=>n[e] || [];
    return t.isThemeGetter = !0,
const WE = /^\[(?:([a-z-]+):)?(.+)\]$/i
  , jA = /^\d+\/\d+$/
  , $A = new Set(["px", "full", "screen"])
  , IA = /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)?(xs|sm|md|lg|xl)$/
  , FA = /\d+(%|px|r?em|[sdl]?v([hwib]|min|max)|pt|pc|in|cm|mm|cap|ch|ex|r?lh|cq(w|h|i|b|min|max))|\b(calc|min|max|clamp)\(.+\)|^0$/
  , VA = /^(rgba?|hsla?|hwb|(ok)?(lab|lch))\(.+\)$/
  , zA = /^(inset_)?-?((\d+)?\.?(\d+)[a-z]+|0)_-?((\d+)?\.?(\d+)[a-z]+|0)/
  , UA = /^(url|image|image-set|cross-fade|element|(repeating-)?(linear|radial|conic)-gradient)\(.+\)$/;
function Dr(e) {
    return fs(e) || $A.has(e) || jA.test(e)
function ii(e) {
    return ma(e, "length", YA)
function fs(e) {
    return !!e && !Number.isNaN(Number(e))
function rc(e) {
    return ma(e, "number", fs)
function Na(e) {
    return !!e && Number.isInteger(Number(e))
function BA(e) {
    return e.endsWith("%") && fs(e.slice(0, -1))
function $e(e) {
    return WE.test(e)
function si(e) {
    return IA.test(e)
const HA = new Set(["length", "size", "percentage"]);
function WA(e) {
    return ma(e, HA, GE)
function GA(e) {
    return ma(e, "position", GE)
const KA = new Set(["image", "url"]);
function qA(e) {
    return ma(e, KA, JA)
function QA(e) {
    return ma(e, "", XA)
function Ma() {
    return !0
function ma(e, t, n) {
    const r = WE.exec(e);
    return r ? r[1] ? typeof t == "string" ? r[1] === t : t.has(r[1]) : n(r[2]) : !1
function YA(e) {
    return FA.test(e) && !VA.test(e)
function GE() {
    return !1
function XA(e) {
    return zA.test(e)
function JA(e) {
    return UA.test(e)
function ZA() {
    const e = ot("colors")
      , t = ot("spacing")
      , n = ot("blur")
      , r = ot("brightness")
      , i = ot("borderColor")
      , s = ot("borderRadius")
      , o = ot("borderSpacing")
      , a = ot("borderWidth")
      , l = ot("contrast")
      , u = ot("grayscale")
      , c = ot("hueRotate")
      , d = ot("invert")
      , f = ot("gap")
      , h = ot("gradientColorStops")
      , m = ot("gradientColorStopPositions")
      , p = ot("inset")
      , b = ot("margin")
      , v = ot("opacity")
      , g = ot("padding")
      , w = ot("saturate")
      , E = ot("scale")
      , D = ot("sepia")
      , V = ot("skew")
      , C = ot("space")
      , P = ot("translate")
      , A = ()=>["auto", "contain", "none"]
      , B = ()=>["auto", "hidden", "clip", "visible", "scroll"]
      , Q = ()=>["auto", $e, t]
      , Z = ()=>[$e, t]
      , F = ()=>["", Dr, ii]
      , k = ()=>["auto", fs, $e]
      , T = ()=>["bottom", "center", "left", "left-bottom", "left-top", "right", "right-bottom", "right-top", "top"]
      , _ = ()=>["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "none"]
      , O = ()=>["normal", "multiply", "screen", "overlay", "darken", "lighten", "color-dodge", "color-burn", "hard-light", "soft-light", "difference", "exclusion", "hue", "saturation", "color", "luminosity"]
      , R = ()=>["start", "end", "center", "between", "around", "evenly", "stretch"]
      , z = ()=>["", "0", $e]
      , Y = ()=>["auto", "avoid", "all", "avoid-page", "page", "left", "right", "column"]
      , te = ()=>[fs, rc]
      , ue = ()=>[fs, $e];
    return {
        cacheSize: 500,
        separator: ":",
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            colors: [Ma],
            spacing: [Dr, ii],
            blur: ["none", "", si, $e],
            brightness: te(),
            borderColor: [e],
            borderRadius: ["none", "", "full", si, $e],
            borderSpacing: Z(),
            borderWidth: F(),
            contrast: te(),
            grayscale: z(),
            hueRotate: ue(),
            invert: z(),
            gap: Z(),
            gradientColorStops: [e],
            gradientColorStopPositions: [BA, ii],
            inset: Q(),
            margin: Q(),
            opacity: te(),
            padding: Z(),
            saturate: te(),
            scale: te(),
            sepia: z(),
            skew: ue(),
            space: Z(),
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                aspect: ["auto", "square", "video", $e]
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                columns: [si]
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                snap: ["none", "x", "y", "both"]
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                snap: ["mandatory", "proximity"]
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                touch: ["auto", "none", "manipulation"]
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const eD = MA(ZA)
  , Ds = e=>{
    const {children: t, className: n, bgUrl: r} = e
      , {pathname: i} = Qi()
      , s = i === "/";
    return r ? x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "relative h-full overflow-hidden",
        children: [x.jsx("img", {
            src: r,
            alt: "bg",
            className: Ze("absolute top-0 -z-10 w-full", s && "opacity-20")
        }), x.jsx("div", {
            className: Ze(eD("relative h-full overflow-x-hidden overflow-y-scroll px-5 pb-4 pt-10", n)),
            children: t
    }) : x.jsx("div", {
        className: Ze("relative overflow-scroll px-5 pb-4 pt-10", n),
        children: t
  , dt = "https://your-url.com/images"
  , Ae = {
    bgTap: `${dt}/bg/main.png`,
    bgMini: `${dt}/bg/mini.png`,
    bgAccent: `${dt}/bg/accent.png`,
    coin: `${dt}/coin.png`,
    levelCoin: `${dt}/level-coin.png`,
    flyingCoin: `${dt}/flying-coin.png`,
    tapCoin: `${dt}/tap-coin.png`,
    energy: `${dt}/energy.png`,
    bookmark: `${dt}/bookmark.png`,
    tappingGuru: `${dt}/flames.png`,
    fullTank: `${dt}/thunder.png`,
    energyLimit: `${dt}/energy-limit.png`,
    multitap: `${dt}/multitap.png`,
    rechargingSpeed: `${dt}/thunder.png`,
    congrats: `${dt}/congrats.png`,
    notFound: `${dt}/not-found.png`,
    navRef: `${dt}/nav/ref.png`,
    navTasks: `${dt}/nav/tasks.png`,
    navTap: `${dt}/nav/tap.png`,
    navBoosters: `${dt}/nav/boosts.png`,
    navStats: `${dt}/nav/stats.png`,
    navGlow: `${dt}/nav/glow.png`,
    tappingGuruEffect: `${dt}/tapping-guru-effect.png`
var ga = class {
    constructor() {
        this.listeners = new Set,
        this.subscribe = this.subscribe.bind(this)
    subscribe(e) {
        return this.listeners.add(e),
    hasListeners() {
        return this.listeners.size > 0
    onSubscribe() {}
    onUnsubscribe() {}
  , na = typeof window > "u" || "Deno"in globalThis;
function Bn() {}
function tD(e, t) {
    return typeof e == "function" ? e(t) : e
function cm(e) {
    return typeof e == "number" && e >= 0 && e !== 1 / 0
function KE(e, t) {
    return Math.max(e + (t || 0) - Date.now(), 0)
function Ao(e, t) {
    return typeof e == "function" ? e(t) : e
function h1(e, t) {
    const {type: n="all", exact: r, fetchStatus: i, predicate: s, queryKey: o, stale: a} = e;
    if (o) {
        if (r) {
            if (t.queryHash !== bv(o, t.options))
                return !1
        } else if (!jl(t.queryKey, o))
            return !1
    if (n !== "all") {
        const l = t.isActive();
        if (n === "active" && !l || n === "inactive" && l)
            return !1
    return !(typeof a == "boolean" && t.isStale() !== a || i && i !== t.state.fetchStatus || s && !s(t))
function p1(e, t) {
    const {exact: n, status: r, predicate: i, mutationKey: s} = e;
    if (s) {
        if (!t.options.mutationKey)
            return !1;
        if (n) {
            if (Ls(t.options.mutationKey) !== Ls(s))
                return !1
        } else if (!jl(t.options.mutationKey, s))
            return !1
    return !(r && t.state.status !== r || i && !i(t))
function bv(e, t) {
    return ((t == null ? void 0 : t.queryKeyHashFn) || Ls)(e)
function Ls(e) {
    return JSON.stringify(e, (t,n)=>dm(n) ? Object.keys(n).sort().reduce((r,i)=>(r[i] = n[i],
    r), {}) : n)
function jl(e, t) {
    return e === t ? !0 : typeof e != typeof t ? !1 : e && t && typeof e == "object" && typeof t == "object" ? !Object.keys(t).some(n=>!jl(e[n], t[n])) : !1
function qE(e, t) {
    if (e === t)
        return e;
    const n = m1(e) && m1(t);
    if (n || dm(e) && dm(t)) {
        const r = n ? e : Object.keys(e)
          , i = r.length
          , s = n ? t : Object.keys(t)
          , o = s.length
          , a = n ? [] : {};
        let l = 0;
        for (let u = 0; u < o; u++) {
            const c = n ? u : s[u];
            (!n && r.includes(c) || n) && e[c] === void 0 && t[c] === void 0 ? (a[c] = void 0,
            l++) : (a[c] = qE(e[c], t[c]),
            a[c] === e[c] && e[c] !== void 0 && l++)
        return i === o && l === i ? e : a
    return t
function wd(e, t) {
    if (!t || Object.keys(e).length !== Object.keys(t).length)
        return !1;
    for (const n in e)
        if (e[n] !== t[n])
            return !1;
    return !0
function m1(e) {
    return Array.isArray(e) && e.length === Object.keys(e).length
function dm(e) {
    if (!g1(e))
        return !1;
    const t = e.constructor;
    if (t === void 0)
        return !0;
    const n = t.prototype;
    return !(!g1(n) || !n.hasOwnProperty("isPrototypeOf") || Object.getPrototypeOf(e) !== Object.prototype)
function g1(e) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(e) === "[object Object]"
function nD(e) {
    return new Promise(t=>{
        setTimeout(t, e)
function fm(e, t, n) {
    return typeof n.structuralSharing == "function" ? n.structuralSharing(e, t) : n.structuralSharing !== !1 ? qE(e, t) : t
function rD(e, t, n=0) {
    const r = [...e, t];
    return n && r.length > n ? r.slice(1) : r
function iD(e, t, n=0) {
    const r = [t, ...e];
    return n && r.length > n ? r.slice(0, -1) : r
var QE = Symbol(), YE = (e,t)=>!e.queryFn && (t != null && t.initialPromise) ? ()=>t.initialPromise : !e.queryFn || e.queryFn === QE ? ()=>Promise.reject(new Error(`Missing queryFn: '${e.queryHash}'`)) : e.queryFn, ps, vi, No, Yx, sD = (Yx = class extends ga {
    constructor() {
        xe(this, ps, void 0);
        xe(this, vi, void 0);
        xe(this, No, void 0);
        he(this, No, t=>{
            if (!na && window.addEventListener) {
                const n = ()=>t();
                return window.addEventListener("visibilitychange", n, !1),
                    window.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", n)
    onSubscribe() {
        G(this, vi) || this.setEventListener(G(this, No))
    onUnsubscribe() {
        var t;
        this.hasListeners() || ((t = G(this, vi)) == null || t.call(this),
        he(this, vi, void 0))
    setEventListener(t) {
        var n;
        he(this, No, t),
        (n = G(this, vi)) == null || n.call(this),
        he(this, vi, t(r=>{
            typeof r == "boolean" ? this.setFocused(r) : this.onFocus()
    setFocused(t) {
        G(this, ps) !== t && (he(this, ps, t),
    onFocus() {
        const t = this.isFocused();
    isFocused() {
        var t;
        return typeof G(this, ps) == "boolean" ? G(this, ps) : ((t = globalThis.document) == null ? void 0 : t.visibilityState) !== "hidden"
ps = new WeakMap,
vi = new WeakMap,
No = new WeakMap,
Yx), Sv = new sD, Mo, yi, jo, Xx, oD = (Xx = class extends ga {
    constructor() {
        xe(this, Mo, !0);
        xe(this, yi, void 0);
        xe(this, jo, void 0);
        he(this, jo, t=>{
            if (!na && window.addEventListener) {
                const n = ()=>t(!0)
                  , r = ()=>t(!1);
                return window.addEventListener("online", n, !1),
                window.addEventListener("offline", r, !1),
                    window.removeEventListener("online", n),
                    window.removeEventListener("offline", r)
    onSubscribe() {
        G(this, yi) || this.setEventListener(G(this, jo))
    onUnsubscribe() {
        var t;
        this.hasListeners() || ((t = G(this, yi)) == null || t.call(this),
        he(this, yi, void 0))
    setEventListener(t) {
        var n;
        he(this, jo, t),
        (n = G(this, yi)) == null || n.call(this),
        he(this, yi, t(this.setOnline.bind(this)))
    setOnline(t) {
        G(this, Mo) !== t && (he(this, Mo, t),
    isOnline() {
        return G(this, Mo)
Mo = new WeakMap,
yi = new WeakMap,
jo = new WeakMap,
Xx), xd = new oD;
function aD(e) {
    return Math.min(1e3 * 2 ** e, 3e4)
function XE(e) {
    return (e ?? "online") === "online" ? xd.isOnline() : !0
var JE = class {
    constructor(e) {
        this.revert = e == null ? void 0 : e.revert,
        this.silent = e == null ? void 0 : e.silent
function bh(e) {
    return e instanceof JE
function ZE(e) {
    let t = !1, n = 0, r = !1, i, s, o;
    const a = new Promise((v,g)=>{
        s = v,
        o = g
      , l = v=>{
        var g;
        r || (m(new JE(v)),
        (g = e.abort) == null || g.call(e))
      , u = ()=>{
        t = !0
      , c = ()=>{
        t = !1
      , d = ()=>Sv.isFocused() && (e.networkMode === "always" || xd.isOnline()) && e.canRun()
      , f = ()=>XE(e.networkMode) && e.canRun()
      , h = v=>{
        var g;
        r || (r = !0,
        (g = e.onSuccess) == null || g.call(e, v),
        i == null || i(),
      , m = v=>{
        var g;
        r || (r = !0,
        (g = e.onError) == null || g.call(e, v),
        i == null || i(),
      , p = ()=>new Promise(v=>{
        var g;
        i = w=>{
            (r || d()) && v(w)
        (g = e.onPause) == null || g.call(e)
        var v;
        i = void 0,
        r || (v = e.onContinue) == null || v.call(e)
      , b = ()=>{
        if (r)
        let v;
        const g = n === 0 ? e.initialPromise : void 0;
        try {
            v = g ?? e.fn()
        } catch (w) {
            v = Promise.reject(w)
            var P;
            if (r)
            const E = e.retry ?? (na ? 0 : 3)
              , D = e.retryDelay ?? aD
              , V = typeof D == "function" ? D(n, w) : D
              , C = E === !0 || typeof E == "number" && n < E || typeof E == "function" && E(n, w);
            if (t || !C) {
            (P = e.onFail) == null || P.call(e, n, w),
            nD(V).then(()=>d() ? void 0 : p()).then(()=>{
                t ? m(w) : b()
    return {
        promise: a,
        cancel: l,
        continue: ()=>(i == null || i(),
        cancelRetry: u,
        continueRetry: c,
        canStart: f,
        start: ()=>(f() ? b() : p().then(b),
function lD() {
    let e = []
      , t = 0
      , n = f=>{
      , r = f=>{
      , i = f=>setTimeout(f, 0);
    const s = f=>{
        i = f
      , o = f=>{
        let h;
        try {
            h = f()
        } finally {
            t || u()
        return h
      , a = f=>{
        t ? e.push(f) : i(()=>{
      , l = f=>(...h)=>{
      , u = ()=>{
        const f = e;
        e = [],
        f.length && i(()=>{
    return {
        batch: o,
        batchCalls: l,
        schedule: a,
        setNotifyFunction: f=>{
            n = f
        setBatchNotifyFunction: f=>{
            r = f
        setScheduler: s
var Dt = lD(), ms, Jx, eC = (Jx = class {
    constructor() {
        xe(this, ms, void 0)
    destroy() {
    scheduleGc() {
        cm(this.gcTime) && he(this, ms, setTimeout(()=>{
        , this.gcTime))
    updateGcTime(e) {
        this.gcTime = Math.max(this.gcTime || 0, e ?? (na ? 1 / 0 : 5 * 60 * 1e3))
    clearGcTimeout() {
        G(this, ms) && (clearTimeout(G(this, ms)),
        he(this, ms, void 0))
ms = new WeakMap,
Jx), $o, Io, zn, tn, nu, gs, rr, Nr, Zx, uD = (Zx = class extends eC {
    constructor(t) {
        xe(this, rr);
        xe(this, $o, void 0);
        xe(this, Io, void 0);
        xe(this, zn, void 0);
        xe(this, tn, void 0);
        xe(this, nu, void 0);
        xe(this, gs, void 0);
        he(this, gs, !1),
        he(this, nu, t.defaultOptions),
        this.observers = [],
        he(this, zn, t.cache),
        this.queryKey = t.queryKey,
        this.queryHash = t.queryHash,
        he(this, $o, t.state || cD(this.options)),
        this.state = G(this, $o),
    get meta() {
        return this.options.meta
    get promise() {
        var t;
        return (t = G(this, tn)) == null ? void 0 : t.promise
    setOptions(t) {
        this.options = {
            ...G(this, nu),
    optionalRemove() {
        !this.observers.length && this.state.fetchStatus === "idle" && G(this, zn).remove(this)
    setData(t, n) {
        const r = fm(this.state.data, t, this.options);
        return Ie(this, rr, Nr).call(this, {
            data: r,
            type: "success",
            dataUpdatedAt: n == null ? void 0 : n.updatedAt,
            manual: n == null ? void 0 : n.manual
    setState(t, n) {
        Ie(this, rr, Nr).call(this, {
            type: "setState",
            state: t,
            setStateOptions: n
    cancel(t) {
        var r, i;
        const n = (r = G(this, tn)) == null ? void 0 : r.promise;
        return (i = G(this, tn)) == null || i.cancel(t),
        n ? n.then(Bn).catch(Bn) : Promise.resolve()
    destroy() {
            silent: !0
    reset() {
        this.setState(G(this, $o))
    isActive() {
        return this.observers.some(t=>t.options.enabled !== !1)
    isDisabled() {
        return this.getObserversCount() > 0 && !this.isActive()
    isStale() {
        return this.state.isInvalidated ? !0 : this.getObserversCount() > 0 ? this.observers.some(t=>t.getCurrentResult().isStale) : this.state.data === void 0
    isStaleByTime(t=0) {
        return this.state.isInvalidated || this.state.data === void 0 || !KE(this.state.dataUpdatedAt, t)
    onFocus() {
        var n;
        const t = this.observers.find(r=>r.shouldFetchOnWindowFocus());
        t == null || t.refetch({
            cancelRefetch: !1
        (n = G(this, tn)) == null || n.continue()
    onOnline() {
        var n;
        const t = this.observers.find(r=>r.shouldFetchOnReconnect());
        t == null || t.refetch({
            cancelRefetch: !1
        (n = G(this, tn)) == null || n.continue()
    addObserver(t) {
        this.observers.includes(t) || (this.observers.push(t),
        G(this, zn).notify({
            type: "observerAdded",
            query: this,
            observer: t
    removeObserver(t) {
        this.observers.includes(t) && (this.observers = this.observers.filter(n=>n !== t),
        this.observers.length || (G(this, tn) && (G(this, gs) ? G(this, tn).cancel({
            revert: !0
        }) : G(this, tn).cancelRetry()),
        G(this, zn).notify({
            type: "observerRemoved",
            query: this,
            observer: t
    getObserversCount() {
        return this.observers.length
    invalidate() {
        this.state.isInvalidated || Ie(this, rr, Nr).call(this, {
            type: "invalidate"
    fetch(t, n) {
        var l, u, c;
        if (this.state.fetchStatus !== "idle") {
            if (this.state.data !== void 0 && (n != null && n.cancelRefetch))
                    silent: !0
            else if (G(this, tn))
                return G(this, tn).continueRetry(),
                G(this, tn).promise
        if (t && this.setOptions(t),
        !this.options.queryFn) {
            const d = this.observers.find(f=>f.options.queryFn);
            d && this.setOptions(d.options)
        const r = new AbortController
          , i = d=>{
            Object.defineProperty(d, "signal", {
                enumerable: !0,
                get: ()=>(he(this, gs, !0),
          , s = ()=>{
            const d = YE(this.options, n)
              , f = {
                queryKey: this.queryKey,
                meta: this.meta
            return i(f),
            he(this, gs, !1),
            this.options.persister ? this.options.persister(d, f, this) : d(f)
          , o = {
            fetchOptions: n,
            options: this.options,
            queryKey: this.queryKey,
            state: this.state,
            fetchFn: s
        (l = this.options.behavior) == null || l.onFetch(o, this),
        he(this, Io, this.state),
        (this.state.fetchStatus === "idle" || this.state.fetchMeta !== ((u = o.fetchOptions) == null ? void 0 : u.meta)) && Ie(this, rr, Nr).call(this, {
            type: "fetch",
            meta: (c = o.fetchOptions) == null ? void 0 : c.meta
        const a = d=>{
            var f, h, m, p;
            bh(d) && d.silent || Ie(this, rr, Nr).call(this, {
                type: "error",
                error: d
            bh(d) || ((h = (f = G(this, zn).config).onError) == null || h.call(f, d, this),
            (p = (m = G(this, zn).config).onSettled) == null || p.call(m, this.state.data, d, this)),
            this.isFetchingOptimistic || this.scheduleGc(),
            this.isFetchingOptimistic = !1
        return he(this, tn, ZE({
            initialPromise: n == null ? void 0 : n.initialPromise,
            fn: o.fetchFn,
            abort: r.abort.bind(r),
            onSuccess: d=>{
                var f, h, m, p;
                if (d === void 0) {
                    a(new Error(`${this.queryHash} data is undefined`));
                (h = (f = G(this, zn).config).onSuccess) == null || h.call(f, d, this),
                (p = (m = G(this, zn).config).onSettled) == null || p.call(m, d, this.state.error, this),
                this.isFetchingOptimistic || this.scheduleGc(),
                this.isFetchingOptimistic = !1
            onError: a,
            onFail: (d,f)=>{
                Ie(this, rr, Nr).call(this, {
                    type: "failed",
                    failureCount: d,
                    error: f
            onPause: ()=>{
                Ie(this, rr, Nr).call(this, {
                    type: "pause"
            onContinue: ()=>{
                Ie(this, rr, Nr).call(this, {
                    type: "continue"
            retry: o.options.retry,
            retryDelay: o.options.retryDelay,
            networkMode: o.options.networkMode,
            canRun: ()=>!0
        G(this, tn).start()
$o = new WeakMap,
Io = new WeakMap,
zn = new WeakMap,
tn = new WeakMap,
nu = new WeakMap,
gs = new WeakMap,
rr = new WeakSet,
Nr = function(t) {
    const n = r=>{
        switch (t.type) {
        case "failed":
            return {
                fetchFailureCount: t.failureCount,
                fetchFailureReason: t.error
        case "pause":
            return {
                fetchStatus: "paused"
        case "continue":
            return {
                fetchStatus: "fetching"
        case "fetch":
            return {
                ...tC(r.data, this.options),
                fetchMeta: t.meta ?? null
        case "success":
            return {
                data: t.data,
                dataUpdateCount: r.dataUpdateCount + 1,
                dataUpdatedAt: t.dataUpdatedAt ?? Date.now(),
                error: null,
                isInvalidated: !1,
                status: "success",
                ...!t.manual && {
                    fetchStatus: "idle",
                    fetchFailureCount: 0,
                    fetchFailureReason: null
        case "error":
            const i = t.error;
            return bh(i) && i.revert && G(this, Io) ? {
                ...G(this, Io),
                fetchStatus: "idle"
            } : {
                error: i,
                errorUpdateCount: r.errorUpdateCount + 1,
                errorUpdatedAt: Date.now(),
                fetchFailureCount: r.fetchFailureCount + 1,
                fetchFailureReason: i,
                fetchStatus: "idle",
                status: "error"
        case "invalidate":
            return {
                isInvalidated: !0
        case "setState":
            return {
    this.state = n(this.state),
        G(this, zn).notify({
            query: this,
            type: "updated",
            action: t
function tC(e, t) {
    return {
        fetchFailureCount: 0,
        fetchFailureReason: null,
        fetchStatus: XE(t.networkMode) ? "fetching" : "paused",
        ...e === void 0 && {
            error: null,
            status: "pending"
function cD(e) {
    const t = typeof e.initialData == "function" ? e.initialData() : e.initialData
      , n = t !== void 0
      , r = n ? typeof e.initialDataUpdatedAt == "function" ? e.initialDataUpdatedAt() : e.initialDataUpdatedAt : 0;
    return {
        data: t,
        dataUpdateCount: 0,
        dataUpdatedAt: n ? r ?? Date.now() : 0,
        error: null,
        errorUpdateCount: 0,
        errorUpdatedAt: 0,
        fetchFailureCount: 0,
        fetchFailureReason: null,
        fetchMeta: null,
        isInvalidated: !1,
        status: n ? "success" : "pending",
        fetchStatus: "idle"
var br, eb, dD = (eb = class extends ga {
    constructor(t={}) {
        xe(this, br, void 0);
        this.config = t,
        he(this, br, new Map)
    build(t, n, r) {
        const i = n.queryKey
          , s = n.queryHash ?? bv(i, n);
        let o = this.get(s);
        return o || (o = new uD({
            cache: this,
            queryKey: i,
            queryHash: s,
            options: t.defaultQueryOptions(n),
            state: r,
            defaultOptions: t.getQueryDefaults(i)
    add(t) {
        G(this, br).has(t.queryHash) || (G(this, br).set(t.queryHash, t),
            type: "added",
            query: t
    remove(t) {
        const n = G(this, br).get(t.queryHash);
        n && (t.destroy(),
        n === t && G(this, br).delete(t.queryHash),
            type: "removed",
            query: t
    clear() {
    get(t) {
        return G(this, br).get(t)
    getAll() {
        return [...G(this, br).values()]
    find(t) {
        const n = {
            exact: !0,
        return this.getAll().find(r=>h1(n, r))
    findAll(t={}) {
        const n = this.getAll();
        return Object.keys(t).length > 0 ? n.filter(r=>h1(t, r)) : n
    notify(t) {
    onFocus() {
    onOnline() {
br = new WeakMap,
eb), Sr, cn, vs, Er, li, tb, fD = (tb = class extends eC {
    constructor(t) {
        xe(this, Er);
        xe(this, Sr, void 0);
        xe(this, cn, void 0);
        xe(this, vs, void 0);
        this.mutationId = t.mutationId,
        he(this, cn, t.mutationCache),
        he(this, Sr, []),
        this.state = t.state || nC(),
    setOptions(t) {
        this.options = t,
    get meta() {
        return this.options.meta
    addObserver(t) {
        G(this, Sr).includes(t) || (G(this, Sr).push(t),
        G(this, cn).notify({
            type: "observerAdded",
            mutation: this,
            observer: t
    removeObserver(t) {
        he(this, Sr, G(this, Sr).filter(n=>n !== t)),
        G(this, cn).notify({
            type: "observerRemoved",
            mutation: this,
            observer: t
    optionalRemove() {
        G(this, Sr).length || (this.state.status === "pending" ? this.scheduleGc() : G(this, cn).remove(this))
    continue() {
        var t;
        return ((t = G(this, vs)) == null ? void 0 : t.continue()) ?? this.execute(this.state.variables)
    async execute(t) {
        var i, s, o, a, l, u, c, d, f, h, m, p, b, v, g, w, E, D, V, C;
        he(this, vs, ZE({
            fn: ()=>this.options.mutationFn ? this.options.mutationFn(t) : Promise.reject(new Error("No mutationFn found")),
            onFail: (P,A)=>{
                Ie(this, Er, li).call(this, {
                    type: "failed",
                    failureCount: P,
                    error: A
            onPause: ()=>{
                Ie(this, Er, li).call(this, {
                    type: "pause"
            onContinue: ()=>{
                Ie(this, Er, li).call(this, {
                    type: "continue"
            retry: this.options.retry ?? 0,
            retryDelay: this.options.retryDelay,
            networkMode: this.options.networkMode,
            canRun: ()=>G(this, cn).canRun(this)
        const n = this.state.status === "pending"
          , r = !G(this, vs).canStart();
        try {
            if (!n) {
                Ie(this, Er, li).call(this, {
                    type: "pending",
                    variables: t,
                    isPaused: r
                await ((s = (i = G(this, cn).config).onMutate) == null ? void 0 : s.call(i, t, this));
                const A = await ((a = (o = this.options).onMutate) == null ? void 0 : a.call(o, t));
                A !== this.state.context && Ie(this, Er, li).call(this, {
                    type: "pending",
                    context: A,
                    variables: t,
                    isPaused: r
            const P = await G(this, vs).start();
            return await ((u = (l = G(this, cn).config).onSuccess) == null ? void 0 : u.call(l, P, t, this.state.context, this)),
            await ((d = (c = this.options).onSuccess) == null ? void 0 : d.call(c, P, t, this.state.context)),
            await ((h = (f = G(this, cn).config).onSettled) == null ? void 0 : h.call(f, P, null, this.state.variables, this.state.context, this)),
            await ((p = (m = this.options).onSettled) == null ? void 0 : p.call(m, P, null, t, this.state.context)),
            Ie(this, Er, li).call(this, {
                type: "success",
                data: P
        } catch (P) {
            try {
                throw await ((v = (b = G(this, cn).config).onError) == null ? void 0 : v.call(b, P, t, this.state.context, this)),
                await ((w = (g = this.options).onError) == null ? void 0 : w.call(g, P, t, this.state.context)),
                await ((D = (E = G(this, cn).config).onSettled) == null ? void 0 : D.call(E, void 0, P, this.state.variables, this.state.context, this)),
                await ((C = (V = this.options).onSettled) == null ? void 0 : C.call(V, void 0, P, t, this.state.context)),
            } finally {
                Ie(this, Er, li).call(this, {
                    type: "error",
                    error: P
        } finally {
            G(this, cn).runNext(this)
Sr = new WeakMap,
cn = new WeakMap,
vs = new WeakMap,
Er = new WeakSet,
li = function(t) {
    const n = r=>{
        switch (t.type) {
        case "failed":
            return {
                failureCount: t.failureCount,
                failureReason: t.error
        case "pause":
            return {
                isPaused: !0
        case "continue":
            return {
                isPaused: !1
        case "pending":
            return {
                context: t.context,
                data: void 0,
                failureCount: 0,
                failureReason: null,
                error: null,
                isPaused: t.isPaused,
                status: "pending",
                variables: t.variables,
                submittedAt: Date.now()
        case "success":
            return {
                data: t.data,
                failureCount: 0,
                failureReason: null,
                error: null,
                status: "success",
                isPaused: !1
        case "error":
            return {
                data: void 0,
                error: t.error,
                failureCount: r.failureCount + 1,
                failureReason: t.error,
                isPaused: !1,
                status: "error"
    this.state = n(this.state),
        G(this, Sr).forEach(r=>{
        G(this, cn).notify({
            mutation: this,
            type: "updated",
            action: t
function nC() {
    return {
        context: void 0,
        data: void 0,
        error: null,
        failureCount: 0,
        failureReason: null,
        isPaused: !1,
        status: "idle",
        variables: void 0,
        submittedAt: 0
var Rn, ru, nb, hD = (nb = class extends ga {
    constructor(t={}) {
        xe(this, Rn, void 0);
        xe(this, ru, void 0);
        this.config = t,
        he(this, Rn, new Map),
        he(this, ru, Date.now())
    build(t, n, r) {
        const i = new fD({
            mutationCache: this,
            mutationId: ++Iu(this, ru)._,
            options: t.defaultMutationOptions(n),
            state: r
        return this.add(i),
    add(t) {
        const n = ic(t)
          , r = G(this, Rn).get(n) ?? [];
        G(this, Rn).set(n, r),
            type: "added",
            mutation: t
    remove(t) {
        var r;
        const n = ic(t);
        if (G(this, Rn).has(n)) {
            const i = (r = G(this, Rn).get(n)) == null ? void 0 : r.filter(s=>s !== t);
            i && (i.length === 0 ? G(this, Rn).delete(n) : G(this, Rn).set(n, i))
            type: "removed",
            mutation: t
    canRun(t) {
        var r;
        const n = (r = G(this, Rn).get(ic(t))) == null ? void 0 : r.find(i=>i.state.status === "pending");
        return !n || n === t
    runNext(t) {
        var r;
        const n = (r = G(this, Rn).get(ic(t))) == null ? void 0 : r.find(i=>i !== t && i.state.isPaused);
        return (n == null ? void 0 : n.continue()) ?? Promise.resolve()
    clear() {
    getAll() {
        return [...G(this, Rn).values()].flat()
    find(t) {
        const n = {
            exact: !0,
        return this.getAll().find(r=>p1(n, r))
    findAll(t={}) {
        return this.getAll().filter(n=>p1(t, n))
    notify(t) {
    resumePausedMutations() {
        const t = this.getAll().filter(n=>n.state.isPaused);
        return Dt.batch(()=>Promise.all(t.map(n=>n.continue().catch(Bn))))
Rn = new WeakMap,
ru = new WeakMap,
function ic(e) {
    var t;
    return ((t = e.options.scope) == null ? void 0 : t.id) ?? String(e.mutationId)
function pD(e) {
    return {
        onFetch: (t,n)=>{
            const r = async()=>{
                var m, p, b, v, g;
                const i = t.options
                  , s = (b = (p = (m = t.fetchOptions) == null ? void 0 : m.meta) == null ? void 0 : p.fetchMore) == null ? void 0 : b.direction
                  , o = ((v = t.state.data) == null ? void 0 : v.pages) || []
                  , a = ((g = t.state.data) == null ? void 0 : g.pageParams) || []
                  , l = {
                    pages: [],
                    pageParams: []
                let u = !1;
                const c = w=>{
                    Object.defineProperty(w, "signal", {
                        enumerable: !0,
                        get: ()=>(t.signal.aborted ? u = !0 : t.signal.addEventListener("abort", ()=>{
                            u = !0
                  , d = YE(t.options, t.fetchOptions)
                  , f = async(w,E,D)=>{
                    if (u)
                        return Promise.reject();
                    if (E == null && w.pages.length)
                        return Promise.resolve(w);
                    const V = {
                        queryKey: t.queryKey,
                        pageParam: E,
                        direction: D ? "backward" : "forward",
                        meta: t.options.meta
                    const C = await d(V)
                      , {maxPages: P} = t.options
                      , A = D ? iD : rD;
                    return {
                        pages: A(w.pages, C, P),
                        pageParams: A(w.pageParams, E, P)
                let h;
                if (s && o.length) {
                    const w = s === "backward"
                      , E = w ? mD : v1
                      , D = {
                        pages: o,
                        pageParams: a
                      , V = E(i, D);
                    h = await f(D, V, w)
                } else {
                    h = await f(l, a[0] ?? i.initialPageParam);
                    const w = e ?? o.length;
                    for (let E = 1; E < w; E++) {
                        const D = v1(i, h);
                        h = await f(h, D)
                return h
            t.options.persister ? t.fetchFn = ()=>{
                var i, s;
                return (s = (i = t.options).persister) == null ? void 0 : s.call(i, r, {
                    queryKey: t.queryKey,
                    meta: t.options.meta,
                    signal: t.signal
                }, n)
            : t.fetchFn = r
function v1(e, {pages: t, pageParams: n}) {
    const r = t.length - 1;
    return e.getNextPageParam(t[r], t, n[r], n)
function mD(e, {pages: t, pageParams: n}) {
    var r;
    return (r = e.getPreviousPageParam) == null ? void 0 : r.call(e, t[0], t, n[0], n)
var bt, wi, xi, Fo, Vo, bi, zo, Uo, rb, gD = (rb = class {
    constructor(e={}) {
        xe(this, bt, void 0);
        xe(this, wi, void 0);
        xe(this, xi, void 0);
        xe(this, Fo, void 0);
        xe(this, Vo, void 0);
        xe(this, bi, void 0);
        xe(this, zo, void 0);
        xe(this, Uo, void 0);
        he(this, bt, e.queryCache || new dD),
        he(this, wi, e.mutationCache || new hD),
        he(this, xi, e.defaultOptions || {}),
        he(this, Fo, new Map),
        he(this, Vo, new Map),
        he(this, bi, 0)
    mount() {
        Iu(this, bi)._++,
        G(this, bi) === 1 && (he(this, zo, Sv.subscribe(async e=>{
            e && (await this.resumePausedMutations(),
            G(this, bt).onFocus())
        he(this, Uo, xd.subscribe(async e=>{
            e && (await this.resumePausedMutations(),
            G(this, bt).onOnline())
    unmount() {
        var e, t;
        Iu(this, bi)._--,
        G(this, bi) === 0 && ((e = G(this, zo)) == null || e.call(this),
        he(this, zo, void 0),
        (t = G(this, Uo)) == null || t.call(this),
        he(this, Uo, void 0))
    isFetching(e) {
        return G(this, bt).findAll({
            fetchStatus: "fetching"
    isMutating(e) {
        return G(this, wi).findAll({
            status: "pending"
    getQueryData(e) {
        var n;
        const t = this.defaultQueryOptions({
            queryKey: e
        return (n = G(this, bt).get(t.queryHash)) == null ? void 0 : n.state.data
    ensureQueryData(e) {
        const t = this.getQueryData(e.queryKey);
        if (t === void 0)
            return this.fetchQuery(e);
            const n = this.defaultQueryOptions(e)
              , r = G(this, bt).build(this, n);
            return e.revalidateIfStale && r.isStaleByTime(Ao(n.staleTime, r)) && this.prefetchQuery(n),
    getQueriesData(e) {
        return G(this, bt).findAll(e).map(({queryKey: t, state: n})=>{
            const r = n.data;
            return [t, r]
    setQueryData(e, t, n) {
        const r = this.defaultQueryOptions({
            queryKey: e
          , i = G(this, bt).get(r.queryHash)
          , s = i == null ? void 0 : i.state.data
          , o = tD(t, s);
        if (o !== void 0)
            return G(this, bt).build(this, r).setData(o, {
                manual: !0
    setQueriesData(e, t, n) {
        return Dt.batch(()=>G(this, bt).findAll(e).map(({queryKey: r})=>[r, this.setQueryData(r, t, n)]))
    getQueryState(e) {
        var n;
        const t = this.defaultQueryOptions({
            queryKey: e
        return (n = G(this, bt).get(t.queryHash)) == null ? void 0 : n.state
    removeQueries(e) {
        const t = G(this, bt);
    resetQueries(e, t) {
        const n = G(this, bt)
          , r = {
            type: "active",
        return Dt.batch(()=>(n.findAll(e).forEach(i=>{
        this.refetchQueries(r, t)))
    cancelQueries(e={}, t={}) {
        const n = {
            revert: !0,
          , r = Dt.batch(()=>G(this, bt).findAll(e).map(i=>i.cancel(n)));
        return Promise.all(r).then(Bn).catch(Bn)
    invalidateQueries(e={}, t={}) {
        return Dt.batch(()=>{
            if (G(this, bt).findAll(e).forEach(r=>{
            e.refetchType === "none")
                return Promise.resolve();
            const n = {
                type: e.refetchType ?? e.type ?? "active"
            return this.refetchQueries(n, t)
    refetchQueries(e={}, t) {
        const n = {
            cancelRefetch: (t == null ? void 0 : t.cancelRefetch) ?? !0
          , r = Dt.batch(()=>G(this, bt).findAll(e).filter(i=>!i.isDisabled()).map(i=>{
            let s = i.fetch(void 0, n);
            return n.throwOnError || (s = s.catch(Bn)),
            i.state.fetchStatus === "paused" ? Promise.resolve() : s
        return Promise.all(r).then(Bn)
    fetchQuery(e) {
        const t = this.defaultQueryOptions(e);
        t.retry === void 0 && (t.retry = !1);
        const n = G(this, bt).build(this, t);
        return n.isStaleByTime(Ao(t.staleTime, n)) ? n.fetch(t) : Promise.resolve(n.state.data)
    prefetchQuery(e) {
        return this.fetchQuery(e).then(Bn).catch(Bn)
    fetchInfiniteQuery(e) {
        return e.behavior = pD(e.pages),
    prefetchInfiniteQuery(e) {
        return this.fetchInfiniteQuery(e).then(Bn).catch(Bn)
    resumePausedMutations() {
        return xd.isOnline() ? G(this, wi).resumePausedMutations() : Promise.resolve()
    getQueryCache() {
        return G(this, bt)
    getMutationCache() {
        return G(this, wi)
    getDefaultOptions() {
        return G(this, xi)
    setDefaultOptions(e) {
        he(this, xi, e)
    setQueryDefaults(e, t) {
        G(this, Fo).set(Ls(e), {
            queryKey: e,
            defaultOptions: t
    getQueryDefaults(e) {
        const t = [...G(this, Fo).values()];
        let n = {};
        return t.forEach(r=>{
            jl(e, r.queryKey) && (n = {
    setMutationDefaults(e, t) {
        G(this, Vo).set(Ls(e), {
            mutationKey: e,
            defaultOptions: t
    getMutationDefaults(e) {
        const t = [...G(this, Vo).values()];
        let n = {};
        return t.forEach(r=>{
            jl(e, r.mutationKey) && (n = {
    defaultQueryOptions(e) {
        if (e._defaulted)
            return e;
        const t = {
            ...G(this, xi).queries,
            _defaulted: !0
        return t.queryHash || (t.queryHash = bv(t.queryKey, t)),
        t.refetchOnReconnect === void 0 && (t.refetchOnReconnect = t.networkMode !== "always"),
        t.throwOnError === void 0 && (t.throwOnError = !!t.suspense),
        !t.networkMode && t.persister && (t.networkMode = "offlineFirst"),
        t.enabled !== !0 && t.queryFn === QE && (t.enabled = !1),
    defaultMutationOptions(e) {
        return e != null && e._defaulted ? e : {
            ...G(this, xi).mutations,
            ...(e == null ? void 0 : e.mutationKey) && this.getMutationDefaults(e.mutationKey),
            _defaulted: !0
    clear() {
        G(this, bt).clear(),
        G(this, wi).clear()
bt = new WeakMap,
wi = new WeakMap,
xi = new WeakMap,
Fo = new WeakMap,
Vo = new WeakMap,
bi = new WeakMap,
zo = new WeakMap,
Uo = new WeakMap,
rb), yn, Ye, iu, dn, ys, Bo, Cr, su, Ho, Wo, ws, xs, Si, Go, bs, qa, ou, hm, au, pm, lu, mm, uu, gm, cu, vm, du, ym, fu, wm, Yd, rC, ib, vD = (ib = class extends ga {
    constructor(t, n) {
        xe(this, bs);
        xe(this, ou);
        xe(this, au);
        xe(this, lu);
        xe(this, uu);
        xe(this, cu);
        xe(this, du);
        xe(this, fu);
        xe(this, Yd);
        xe(this, yn, void 0);
        xe(this, Ye, void 0);
        xe(this, iu, void 0);
        xe(this, dn, void 0);
        xe(this, ys, void 0);
        xe(this, Bo, void 0);
        xe(this, Cr, void 0);
        xe(this, su, void 0);
        xe(this, Ho, void 0);
        xe(this, Wo, void 0);
        xe(this, ws, void 0);
        xe(this, xs, void 0);
        xe(this, Si, void 0);
        xe(this, Go, new Set);
        this.options = n,
        he(this, yn, t),
        he(this, Cr, null),
    bindMethods() {
        this.refetch = this.refetch.bind(this)
    onSubscribe() {
        this.listeners.size === 1 && (G(this, Ye).addObserver(this),
        y1(G(this, Ye), this.options) ? Ie(this, bs, qa).call(this) : this.updateResult(),
        Ie(this, uu, gm).call(this))
    onUnsubscribe() {
        this.hasListeners() || this.destroy()
    shouldFetchOnReconnect() {
        return xm(G(this, Ye), this.options, this.options.refetchOnReconnect)
    shouldFetchOnWindowFocus() {
        return xm(G(this, Ye), this.options, this.options.refetchOnWindowFocus)
    destroy() {
        this.listeners = new Set,
        Ie(this, cu, vm).call(this),
        Ie(this, du, ym).call(this),
        G(this, Ye).removeObserver(this)
    setOptions(t, n) {
        const r = this.options
          , i = G(this, Ye);
        if (this.options = G(this, yn).defaultQueryOptions(t),
        this.options.enabled !== void 0 && typeof this.options.enabled != "boolean")
            throw new Error("Expected enabled to be a boolean");
        Ie(this, fu, wm).call(this),
        G(this, Ye).setOptions(this.options),
        r._defaulted && !wd(this.options, r) && G(this, yn).getQueryCache().notify({
            type: "observerOptionsUpdated",
            query: G(this, Ye),
            observer: this
        const s = this.hasListeners();
        s && w1(G(this, Ye), i, this.options, r) && Ie(this, bs, qa).call(this),
        s && (G(this, Ye) !== i || this.options.enabled !== r.enabled || Ao(this.options.staleTime, G(this, Ye)) !== Ao(r.staleTime, G(this, Ye))) && Ie(this, ou, hm).call(this);
        const o = Ie(this, au, pm).call(this);
        s && (G(this, Ye) !== i || this.options.enabled !== r.enabled || o !== G(this, Si)) && Ie(this, lu, mm).call(this, o)
    getOptimisticResult(t) {
        const n = G(this, yn).getQueryCache().build(G(this, yn), t)
          , r = this.createResult(n, t);
        return wD(this, r) && (he(this, dn, r),
        he(this, Bo, this.options),
        he(this, ys, G(this, Ye).state)),
    getCurrentResult() {
        return G(this, dn)
    trackResult(t, n) {
        const r = {};
        return Object.keys(t).forEach(i=>{
            Object.defineProperty(r, i, {
                configurable: !1,
                enumerable: !0,
                get: ()=>(this.trackProp(i),
                n == null || n(i),
    trackProp(t) {
        G(this, Go).add(t)
    getCurrentQuery() {
        return G(this, Ye)
    refetch({...t}={}) {
        return this.fetch({
    fetchOptimistic(t) {
        const n = G(this, yn).defaultQueryOptions(t)
          , r = G(this, yn).getQueryCache().build(G(this, yn), n);
        return r.isFetchingOptimistic = !0,
        r.fetch().then(()=>this.createResult(r, n))
    fetch(t) {
        return Ie(this, bs, qa).call(this, {
            cancelRefetch: t.cancelRefetch ?? !0
        G(this, dn)))
    createResult(t, n) {
        var C;
        const r = G(this, Ye)
          , i = this.options
          , s = G(this, dn)
          , o = G(this, ys)
          , a = G(this, Bo)
          , u = t !== r ? t.state : G(this, iu)
          , {state: c} = t;
        let d = {
        }, f = !1, h;
        if (n._optimisticResults) {
            const P = this.hasListeners()
              , A = !P && y1(t, n)
              , B = P && w1(t, r, n, i);
            (A || B) && (d = {
                ...tC(c.data, t.options)
            n._optimisticResults === "isRestoring" && (d.fetchStatus = "idle")
        let {error: m, errorUpdatedAt: p, status: b} = d;
        if (n.select && d.data !== void 0)
            if (s && d.data === (o == null ? void 0 : o.data) && n.select === G(this, su))
                h = G(this, Ho);
                try {
                    he(this, su, n.select),
                    h = n.select(d.data),
                    h = fm(s == null ? void 0 : s.data, h, n),
                    he(this, Ho, h),
                    he(this, Cr, null)
                } catch (P) {
                    he(this, Cr, P)
            h = d.data;
        if (n.placeholderData !== void 0 && h === void 0 && b === "pending") {
            let P;
            if (s != null && s.isPlaceholderData && n.placeholderData === (a == null ? void 0 : a.placeholderData))
                P = s.data;
            else if (P = typeof n.placeholderData == "function" ? n.placeholderData((C = G(this, Wo)) == null ? void 0 : C.state.data, G(this, Wo)) : n.placeholderData,
            n.select && P !== void 0)
                try {
                    P = n.select(P),
                    he(this, Cr, null)
                } catch (A) {
                    he(this, Cr, A)
            P !== void 0 && (b = "success",
            h = fm(s == null ? void 0 : s.data, P, n),
            f = !0)
        G(this, Cr) && (m = G(this, Cr),
        h = G(this, Ho),
        p = Date.now(),
        b = "error");
        const v = d.fetchStatus === "fetching"
          , g = b === "pending"
          , w = b === "error"
          , E = g && v
          , D = h !== void 0;
        return {
            status: b,
            fetchStatus: d.fetchStatus,
            isPending: g,
            isSuccess: b === "success",
            isError: w,
            isInitialLoading: E,
            isLoading: E,
            data: h,
            dataUpdatedAt: d.dataUpdatedAt,
            error: m,
            errorUpdatedAt: p,
            failureCount: d.fetchFailureCount,
            failureReason: d.fetchFailureReason,
            errorUpdateCount: d.errorUpdateCount,
            isFetched: d.dataUpdateCount > 0 || d.errorUpdateCount > 0,
            isFetchedAfterMount: d.dataUpdateCount > u.dataUpdateCount || d.errorUpdateCount > u.errorUpdateCount,
            isFetching: v,
            isRefetching: v && !g,
            isLoadingError: w && !D,
            isPaused: d.fetchStatus === "paused",
            isPlaceholderData: f,
            isRefetchError: w && D,
            isStale: Ev(t, n),
            refetch: this.refetch
    updateResult(t) {
        const n = G(this, dn)
          , r = this.createResult(G(this, Ye), this.options);
        if (he(this, ys, G(this, Ye).state),
        he(this, Bo, this.options),
        G(this, ys).data !== void 0 && he(this, Wo, G(this, Ye)),
        wd(r, n))
        he(this, dn, r);
        const i = {}
          , s = ()=>{
            if (!n)
                return !0;
            const {notifyOnChangeProps: o} = this.options
              , a = typeof o == "function" ? o() : o;
            if (a === "all" || !a && !G(this, Go).size)
                return !0;
            const l = new Set(a ?? G(this, Go));
            return this.options.throwOnError && l.add("error"),
            Object.keys(G(this, dn)).some(u=>{
                const c = u;
                return G(this, dn)[c] !== n[c] && l.has(c)
        (t == null ? void 0 : t.listeners) !== !1 && s() && (i.listeners = !0),
        Ie(this, Yd, rC).call(this, {
    onQueryUpdate() {
        this.hasListeners() && Ie(this, uu, gm).call(this)
yn = new WeakMap,
Ye = new WeakMap,
iu = new WeakMap,
dn = new WeakMap,
ys = new WeakMap,
Bo = new WeakMap,
Cr = new WeakMap,
su = new WeakMap,
Ho = new WeakMap,
Wo = new WeakMap,
ws = new WeakMap,
xs = new WeakMap,
Si = new WeakMap,
Go = new WeakMap,
bs = new WeakSet,
qa = function(t) {
    Ie(this, fu, wm).call(this);
    let n = G(this, Ye).fetch(this.options, t);
    return t != null && t.throwOnError || (n = n.catch(Bn)),
ou = new WeakSet,
hm = function() {
    Ie(this, cu, vm).call(this);
    const t = Ao(this.options.staleTime, G(this, Ye));
    if (na || G(this, dn).isStale || !cm(t))
    const r = KE(G(this, dn).dataUpdatedAt, t) + 1;
    he(this, ws, setTimeout(()=>{
        G(this, dn).isStale || this.updateResult()
    , r))
au = new WeakSet,
pm = function() {
    return (typeof this.options.refetchInterval == "function" ? this.options.refetchInterval(G(this, Ye)) : this.options.refetchInterval) ?? !1
lu = new WeakSet,
mm = function(t) {
    Ie(this, du, ym).call(this),
    he(this, Si, t),
    !(na || this.options.enabled === !1 || !cm(G(this, Si)) || G(this, Si) === 0) && he(this, xs, setInterval(()=>{
        (this.options.refetchIntervalInBackground || Sv.isFocused()) && Ie(this, bs, qa).call(this)
    , G(this, Si)))
uu = new WeakSet,
gm = function() {
    Ie(this, ou, hm).call(this),
    Ie(this, lu, mm).call(this, Ie(this, au, pm).call(this))
cu = new WeakSet,
vm = function() {
    G(this, ws) && (clearTimeout(G(this, ws)),
    he(this, ws, void 0))
du = new WeakSet,
ym = function() {
    G(this, xs) && (clearInterval(G(this, xs)),
    he(this, xs, void 0))
fu = new WeakSet,
wm = function() {
    const t = G(this, yn).getQueryCache().build(G(this, yn), this.options);
    if (t === G(this, Ye))
    const n = G(this, Ye);
    he(this, Ye, t),
    he(this, iu, t.state),
    this.hasListeners() && (n == null || n.removeObserver(this),
Yd = new WeakSet,
rC = function(t) {
        t.listeners && this.listeners.forEach(n=>{
            n(G(this, dn))
        G(this, yn).getQueryCache().notify({
            query: G(this, Ye),
            type: "observerResultsUpdated"
function yD(e, t) {
    return t.enabled !== !1 && e.state.data === void 0 && !(e.state.status === "error" && t.retryOnMount === !1)
function y1(e, t) {
    return yD(e, t) || e.state.data !== void 0 && xm(e, t, t.refetchOnMount)
function xm(e, t, n) {
    if (t.enabled !== !1) {
        const r = typeof n == "function" ? n(e) : n;
        return r === "always" || r !== !1 && Ev(e, t)
    return !1
function w1(e, t, n, r) {
    return (e !== t || r.enabled === !1) && (!n.suspense || e.state.status !== "error") && Ev(e, n)
function Ev(e, t) {
    return t.enabled !== !1 && e.isStaleByTime(Ao(t.staleTime, e))
function wD(e, t) {
    return !wd(e.getCurrentResult(), t)
var Ei, Ci, wn, $r, Ko, Dc, hu, bm, sb, xD = (sb = class extends ga {
    constructor(n, r) {
        xe(this, Ko);
        xe(this, hu);
        xe(this, Ei, void 0);
        xe(this, Ci, void 0);
        xe(this, wn, void 0);
        xe(this, $r, void 0);
        he(this, Ei, n),
        Ie(this, Ko, Dc).call(this)
    bindMethods() {
        this.mutate = this.mutate.bind(this),
        this.reset = this.reset.bind(this)
    setOptions(n) {
        var i;
        const r = this.options;
        this.options = G(this, Ei).defaultMutationOptions(n),
        wd(this.options, r) || G(this, Ei).getMutationCache().notify({
            type: "observerOptionsUpdated",
            mutation: G(this, wn),
            observer: this
        r != null && r.mutationKey && this.options.mutationKey && Ls(r.mutationKey) !== Ls(this.options.mutationKey) ? this.reset() : ((i = G(this, wn)) == null ? void 0 : i.state.status) === "pending" && G(this, wn).setOptions(this.options)
    onUnsubscribe() {
        var n;
        this.hasListeners() || (n = G(this, wn)) == null || n.removeObserver(this)
    onMutationUpdate(n) {
        Ie(this, Ko, Dc).call(this),
        Ie(this, hu, bm).call(this, n)
    getCurrentResult() {
        return G(this, Ci)
    reset() {
        var n;
        (n = G(this, wn)) == null || n.removeObserver(this),
        he(this, wn, void 0),
        Ie(this, Ko, Dc).call(this),
        Ie(this, hu, bm).call(this)
    mutate(n, r) {
        var i;
        return he(this, $r, r),
        (i = G(this, wn)) == null || i.removeObserver(this),
        he(this, wn, G(this, Ei).getMutationCache().build(G(this, Ei), this.options)),
        G(this, wn).addObserver(this),
        G(this, wn).execute(n)
Ei = new WeakMap,
Ci = new WeakMap,
wn = new WeakMap,
$r = new WeakMap,
Ko = new WeakSet,
Dc = function() {
    var r;
    const n = ((r = G(this, wn)) == null ? void 0 : r.state) ?? nC();
    he(this, Ci, {
        isPending: n.status === "pending",
        isSuccess: n.status === "success",
        isError: n.status === "error",
        isIdle: n.status === "idle",
        mutate: this.mutate,
        reset: this.reset
hu = new WeakSet,
bm = function(n) {
        var r, i, s, o, a, l, u, c;
        if (G(this, $r) && this.hasListeners()) {
            const d = G(this, Ci).variables
              , f = G(this, Ci).context;
            (n == null ? void 0 : n.type) === "success" ? ((i = (r = G(this, $r)).onSuccess) == null || i.call(r, n.data, d, f),
            (o = (s = G(this, $r)).onSettled) == null || o.call(s, n.data, null, d, f)) : (n == null ? void 0 : n.type) === "error" && ((l = (a = G(this, $r)).onError) == null || l.call(a, n.error, d, f),
            (c = (u = G(this, $r)).onSettled) == null || c.call(u, void 0, n.error, d, f))
            d(G(this, Ci))
sb), iC = y.createContext(void 0), gf = e=>{
    const t = y.useContext(iC);
    if (!t)
        throw new Error("No QueryClient set, use QueryClientProvider to set one");
    return t
, bD = ({client: e, children: t})=>(y.useEffect(()=>(e.mount(),
), [e]),
x.jsx(iC.Provider, {
    value: e,
    children: t
})), sC = y.createContext(!1), SD = ()=>y.useContext(sC);
function ED() {
    let e = !1;
    return {
        clearReset: ()=>{
            e = !1
        reset: ()=>{
            e = !0
        isReset: ()=>e
var CD = y.createContext(ED())
  , PD = ()=>y.useContext(CD);
function oC(e, t) {
    return typeof e == "function" ? e(...t) : !!e
function TD() {}
var RD = (e,t)=>{
    (e.suspense || e.throwOnError) && (t.isReset() || (e.retryOnMount = !1))
  , OD = e=>{
    , [e])
  , kD = ({result: e, errorResetBoundary: t, throwOnError: n, query: r})=>e.isError && !t.isReset() && !e.isFetching && r && oC(n, [e.error, r])
  , _D = e=>{
    e.suspense && typeof e.staleTime != "number" && (e.staleTime = 1e3)
  , AD = (e,t)=>(e == null ? void 0 : e.suspense) && t.isPending
  , DD = (e,t,n)=>t.fetchOptimistic(e).catch(()=>{
function LD(e, t, n) {
    const r = gf()
      , i = SD()
      , s = PD()
      , o = r.defaultQueryOptions(e);
    o._optimisticResults = i ? "isRestoring" : "optimistic",
    RD(o, s),
    const [a] = y.useState(()=>new t(r,o))
      , l = a.getOptimisticResult(o);
    if (y.useSyncExternalStore(y.useCallback(u=>{
        const c = i ? ()=>{}
        : a.subscribe(Dt.batchCalls(u));
        return a.updateResult(),
    , [a, i]), ()=>a.getCurrentResult(), ()=>a.getCurrentResult()),
        a.setOptions(o, {
            listeners: !1
    , [o, a]),
    AD(o, l))
        throw DD(o, a, s);
    if (kD({
        result: l,
        errorResetBoundary: s,
        throwOnError: o.throwOnError,
        query: r.getQueryCache().get(o.queryHash)
        throw l.error;
    return o.notifyOnChangeProps ? l : a.trackResult(l)
function vf(e, t) {
    return LD(e, vD)
function Us(e, t) {
    const n = gf()
      , [r] = y.useState(()=>new xD(n,e));
    , [r, e]);
    const i = y.useSyncExternalStore(y.useCallback(o=>r.subscribe(Dt.batchCalls(o)), [r]), ()=>r.getCurrentResult(), ()=>r.getCurrentResult())
      , s = y.useCallback((o,a)=>{
        r.mutate(o, a).catch(TD)
    , [r]);
    if (i.error && oC(r.options.throwOnError, [i.error]))
        throw i.error;
    return {
        mutate: s,
        mutateAsync: i.mutate
const ND = ()=>{
    const e = gf();
    return async n=>{
        await e.cancelQueries({
            queryKey: n
var jt = {
    VITE_API_URL: "https://your-url.com/api",
    VITE_BOT_NAME: "your_tap_bot",
    BASE_URL: "/",
    MODE: "production",
    DEV: !1,
    PROD: !0,
    SSR: !1
let MD = 0;
function aC(e, t) {
    const n = `atom${++MD}`
      , r = {
        toString: ()=>n
    return typeof e == "function" ? r.read = e : (r.init = e,
    r.read = jD,
    r.write = $D),
function jD(e) {
    return e(this)
function $D(e, t, n) {
    return t(this, typeof n == "function" ? n(e(this)) : n)
const Sh = (e,t)=>e.unstable_is ? e.unstable_is(t) : t === e
  , Eh = e=>"init"in e
  , Ch = e=>!!e.write
  , bd = new WeakMap
  , ID = (e,t)=>{
    bd.set(e, t),
  , x1 = (e,t)=>{
    const n = bd.get(e);
    n && (bd.delete(e),
  , b1 = (e,t)=>{
    e.status = "fulfilled",
    e.value = t
  , S1 = (e,t)=>{
    e.status = "rejected",
    e.reason = t
  , FD = e=>typeof (e == null ? void 0 : e.then) == "function"
  , ja = (e,t)=>!!e && "v"in e && "v"in t && Object.is(e.v, t.v)
  , E1 = (e,t)=>!!e && "e"in e && "e"in t && Object.is(e.e, t.e)
  , Xs = e=>!!e && "v"in e && e.v instanceof Promise
  , VD = (e,t)=>"v"in e && "v"in t && e.v.orig && e.v.orig === t.v.orig
  , sc = e=>{
    if ("e"in e)
        throw e.e;
    return e.v
  , zD = ()=>{
    const e = new WeakMap
      , t = new WeakMap
      , n = []
      , r = new WeakMap;
    let i, s;
    (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && (i = new Set,
    s = new Set);
    const o = P=>e.get(P)
      , a = (P,A)=>{
            if (!r.has(Q)) {
                const Z = o(Q);
                r.set(Q, [Z, new Set]),
                Z && a(Q, Z)
      , l = (P,A)=>{
        var B;
        (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && Object.freeze(A);
        const Q = o(P);
        if (e.set(P, A),
        (B = n[n.length - 1]) == null || B.add(P),
        r.has(P) || (r.set(P, [Q, new Set]),
        a(P, A)),
        Xs(Q)) {
            const Z = "v"in A ? A.v instanceof Promise ? A.v : Promise.resolve(A.v) : Promise.reject(A.e);
            Q.v !== Z && x1(Q.v, Z)
      , u = (P,A,B,Q)=>{
        const Z = new Map(Q ? A.d : null);
        let F = !1;
            !k && Sh(P, T) && (k = A),
            k ? (Z.set(T, k),
            A.d.get(T) !== k && (F = !0)) : (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && console.warn("[Bug] atom state not found")
        (F || A.d.size !== Z.size) && (A.d = Z)
      , c = (P,A,B,Q)=>{
        const Z = o(P)
          , F = {
            d: (Z == null ? void 0 : Z.d) || new Map,
            v: A
        if (B && u(P, F, B, Q),
        ja(Z, F) && Z.d === F.d)
            return Z;
        if (Xs(Z) && Xs(F) && VD(Z, F)) {
            if (Z.d === F.d)
                return Z;
            F.v = Z.v
        return l(P, F),
      , d = (P,A,B,Q)=>{
        if (FD(A)) {
            let Z;
            const F = ()=>{
                const T = o(P);
                if (!Xs(T) || T.v !== k)
                const _ = c(P, k, B);
                t.has(P) && T.d !== _.d && D(P, _, T.d)
              , k = new Promise((T,_)=>{
                let O = !1;
                    O || (O = !0,
                    b1(k, R),
                , R=>{
                    O || (O = !0,
                    S1(k, R),
                Z = R=>{
                    O || (O = !0,
                    R.then(z=>b1(k, z), z=>S1(k, z)),
            return k.orig = A,
            k.status = "pending",
            ID(k, T=>{
                T && Z(T),
                Q == null || Q()
            c(P, k, B, !0)
        return c(P, A, B)
      , f = (P,A,B)=>{
        const Q = o(P)
          , Z = {
            d: (Q == null ? void 0 : Q.d) || new Map,
            e: A
        return B && u(P, Z, B),
        E1(Q, Z) && Q.d === Z.d ? Q : (l(P, Z),
      , h = (P,A)=>{
        const B = o(P);
        if (!(A != null && A(P)) && B && (t.has(P) || Array.from(B.d).every(([O,R])=>{
            if (O === P)
                return !0;
            const z = h(O, A);
            return z === R || ja(z, R)
            return B;
        const Q = new Map;
        let Z = !0;
        const F = O=>{
            if (Sh(P, O)) {
                const z = o(O);
                if (z)
                    return Q.set(O, z),
                if (Eh(O))
                    return Q.set(O, void 0),
                throw new Error("no atom init")
            const R = h(O, A);
            return Q.set(O, R),
        let k, T;
        const _ = {
            get signal() {
                return k || (k = new AbortController),
            get setSelf() {
                return (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && !Ch(P) && console.warn("setSelf function cannot be used with read-only atom"),
                !T && Ch(P) && (T = (...O)=>{
                    if ((jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && Z && console.warn("setSelf function cannot be called in sync"),
                        return v(P, ...O)
        try {
            const O = P.read(F, _);
            return d(P, O, Q, ()=>k == null ? void 0 : k.abort())
        } catch (O) {
            return f(P, O, Q)
        } finally {
            Z = !1
      , m = P=>sc(h(P))
      , p = P=>{
        const A = T=>{
            var _, O;
            const R = new Set((_ = t.get(T)) == null ? void 0 : _.t);
            return (O = r.get(T)) == null || O[1].forEach(z=>{
          , B = new Array
          , Q = new Set
          , Z = T=>{
            if (!Q.has(T)) {
                for (const _ of A(T))
                    T !== _ && Z(_);
        const F = new Set([P])
          , k = T=>Q.has(T);
        for (let T = B.length - 1; T >= 0; --T) {
            const _ = B[T]
              , O = o(_);
            if (!O)
            let R = !1;
            for (const z of O.d.keys())
                if (z !== _ && F.has(z)) {
                    R = !0;
            if (R) {
                const z = h(_, k);
                a(_, z),
                ja(O, z) || F.add(_)
      , b = (P,...A)=>{
        const B = F=>sc(h(F))
          , Q = (F,...k)=>{
            const T = n.length > 0;
            T || n.push(new Set([F]));
            let _;
            if (Sh(P, F)) {
                if (!Eh(F))
                    throw new Error("atom not writable");
                const O = o(F)
                  , R = d(F, k[0]);
                ja(O, R) || p(F)
            } else
                _ = b(F, ...k);
            if (!T) {
                const O = V(n.pop());
                (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && i.forEach(R=>R({
                    type: "async-write",
                    flushed: O
            return _
        return P.write(B, Q, ...A)
      , v = (P,...A)=>{
        n.push(new Set([P]));
        const B = b(P, ...A)
          , Q = V(n.pop());
        return (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && i.forEach(Z=>Z({
            type: "write",
            flushed: Q
      , g = (P,A,B)=>{
        var Q;
        const Z = t.get(P);
        if (Z)
            return A && Z.t.add(A),
        const F = B || [];
        (Q = o(P)) == null || Q.d.forEach((T,_)=>{
            _ !== P && g(_, P, F)
        const k = {
            t: new Set(A && [A]),
            l: new Set
        if (t.set(P, k),
        (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && s.add(P),
        Ch(P) && P.onMount) {
            const {onMount: T} = P;
                const _ = T((...O)=>v(P, ...O));
                _ && (k.u = _)
        return B || F.forEach(T=>T()),
      , w = (P,A)=>!A.l.size && (!A.t.size || A.t.size === 1 && A.t.has(P))
      , E = (P,A)=>{
        if (!w(P, A))
        const B = A.u;
        B && B(),
        (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && s.delete(P);
        const Q = o(P);
        Q ? (Xs(Q) && x1(Q.v),
            if (F !== P) {
                const k = t.get(F);
                k && (k.t.delete(P),
                E(F, k))
        )) : (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && console.warn("[Bug] could not find atom state to unmount", P)
      , D = (P,A,B)=>{
        const Q = new Set(A.d.keys())
          , Z = new Set;
        B == null || B.forEach((F,k)=>{
            if (Q.has(k)) {
            const T = t.get(k);
            T && T.t.delete(P)
            g(F, P)
            const k = t.get(F);
            k && E(F, k)
      , V = P=>{
        let A;
        (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && (A = new Set);
        const B = []
          , Q = Z=>{
            var F;
            if (!r.has(Z))
            const [k,T] = r.get(Z);
            B.push([Z, k]),
            (F = o(Z)) == null || F.d.forEach((_,O)=>Q(O))
        if (P.forEach(Q),
            const k = o(Z);
            if (!k) {
                (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && console.warn("[Bug] no atom state to flush");
            if (k !== F) {
                const T = t.get(Z);
                T && k.d !== (F == null ? void 0 : F.d) && D(Z, k, F == null ? void 0 : F.d),
                T && !(!Xs(F) && (ja(F, k) || E1(F, k))) && (T.l.forEach(_=>_()),
                (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && A.add(Z))
        (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production")
            return A
      , C = (P,A)=>{
        const B = g(P)
          , Q = V([P])
          , Z = B.l;
        return Z.add(A),
        (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && i.forEach(F=>F({
            type: "sub",
            flushed: Q
            E(P, B),
            (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && i.forEach(F=>F({
                type: "unsub"
    return (jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" ? {
        get: m,
        set: v,
        sub: C,
        dev_subscribe_store: P=>(i.add(P),
        dev_get_mounted_atoms: ()=>s.values(),
        dev_get_atom_state: P=>e.get(P),
        dev_get_mounted: P=>t.get(P),
        dev_restore_atoms: P=>{
            n.push(new Set);
            for (const [B,Q] of P)
                Eh(B) && (d(B, Q),
            const A = V(n.pop());
                type: "restore",
                flushed: A
    } : {
        get: m,
        set: v,
        sub: C
let $a;
const UD = ()=>($a || ($a = zD(),
(jt ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && (globalThis.__JOTAI_DEFAULT_STORE__ || (globalThis.__JOTAI_DEFAULT_STORE__ = $a),
globalThis.__JOTAI_DEFAULT_STORE__ !== $a && console.warn("Detected multiple Jotai instances. It may cause unexpected behavior with the default store. https://github.com/pmndrs/jotai/discussions/2044"))),
  , BD = UD;
var HD = {
    VITE_API_URL: "https://your-url.com/api",
    VITE_BOT_NAME: "your_tap_bot",
    BASE_URL: "/",
    MODE: "production",
    DEV: !1,
    PROD: !0,
    SSR: !1
const WD = y.createContext(void 0)
  , lC = e=>y.useContext(WD) || BD()
  , GD = e=>typeof (e == null ? void 0 : e.then) == "function"
  , KD = ce.use || (e=>{
    if (e.status === "pending")
        throw e;
    if (e.status === "fulfilled")
        return e.value;
    throw e.status === "rejected" ? e.reason : (e.status = "pending",
        e.status = "fulfilled",
        e.value = t
    , t=>{
        e.status = "rejected",
        e.reason = t
function Vt(e, t) {
    const n = lC()
      , [[r,i,s],o] = y.useReducer(u=>{
        const c = n.get(e);
        return Object.is(u[0], c) && u[1] === n && u[2] === e ? u : [c, n, e]
    , void 0, ()=>[n.get(e), n, e]);
    let a = r;
    return (i !== n || s !== e) && (o(),
    a = n.get(e)),
        const u = n.sub(e, ()=>{
        return o(),
    , [n, e, void 0]),
    GD(a) ? KD(a) : a
function uC(e, t) {
    const n = lC();
    return y.useCallback((...i)=>{
        if ((HD ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && !("write"in e))
            throw new Error("not writable atom");
        return n.set(e, ...i)
    , [n, e])
function qD(e, t) {
    return [Vt(e), uC(e)]
const QD = aC({
    leagues: !1,
    referrals: !1
  , yf = e=>{
    const [t,n] = qD(QD);
    if (e === "all")
        return {
            isDialogOpen: Object.values(t).some(s=>s),
            setIsDialogOpen: ()=>{
                    const o = {
                    return Object.keys(o).forEach(a=>{
                        o[a] = !1
    const r = s=>{
            [e]: s
    return {
        isDialogOpen: t[e],
        setIsDialogOpen: r
  , YD = ()=>/iPad|iPhone|iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
  , Js = 2
  , XD = ()=>{
    const e = YD()
      , {pathname: t} = Qi()
      , n = t === "/"
      , r = y.useRef()
      , i = y.useRef(null);
        i.current = document.getElementById("root")
    , []);
    const s = u=>{
        u ? (document.documentElement.classList.add("html"),
        document.body.style.marginTop = `${Js}px`,
        document.body.style.height = window.innerHeight + Js + "px",
        document.body.style.paddingBottom = `${Js}px`,
        window.scrollTo(0, Js)) : (document.documentElement.classList.remove("html"),
        window.scrollTo(0, 0))
      , o = y.useCallback(u=>{
        r.current = u.touches[0].clientY
    , [])
      , a = y.useCallback(u=>{
        const c = i.current;
        if (c) {
            const d = c.scrollTop
              , f = u.changedTouches[0].clientY;
            d <= 0 && r.current < f && u.preventDefault()
        } else
    , [])
      , l = y.useCallback(()=>{
        const u = i.current;
        window.scrollY < Js && (window.scrollTo(0, Js),
        u && u.scrollTo(0, 0))
    , []);
    n ? (s(!0),
    document.documentElement.addEventListener("touchstart", o, {
        passive: !1
    document.documentElement.addEventListener("touchmove", a, {
        passive: !1
    window.addEventListener("scroll", l, {
        passive: !0
    })) : (console.log("removing everything"),
    document.documentElement.removeEventListener("touchstart", o),
    document.documentElement.removeEventListener("touchmove", a),
    window.removeEventListener("scroll", l)),
        document.documentElement.removeEventListener("touchstart", o),
        document.documentElement.removeEventListener("touchmove", a),
        window.removeEventListener("scroll", l)
    ), [n, e, l, a, o])
var ar = (e=>(e[e.new = 0] = "new",
e[e.started = 1] = "started",
e[e.completed = 2] = "completed",
e[e.claimed = 3] = "claimed",
e))(ar || {})
  , Kn = (e=>(e[e.new = 0] = "new",
e[e.started = 1] = "started",
e[e.checking = 2] = "checking",
e[e.completed = 3] = "completed",
e))(Kn || {});
const cC = ()=>{
    const {user: e} = Et();
    return e ? e.missions.some(t=>t.status !== ar.completed) : !1
  , JD = {
    1: 5e3,
    3: 1e5,
    10: 4e5,
    25: 5e5,
    50: 6e5,
    100: 1e6,
    500: 4e6,
    1e3: 25e5,
    1e4: 1e7,
    1e5: 1e8
  , ZD = {
    wooden: 0,
    bronze: 1e3,
    silver: 5e3,
    gold: 1e4,
    platinum: 3e4,
    diamond: 5e4,
    master: 1e5,
    grandmaster: 25e4,
    elite: 5e5,
    legendary: 1e6,
    mythic: 5e6
var eL = {
    VITE_API_URL: "https://your-url.com/api",
    VITE_BOT_NAME: "your_tap_bot",
    BASE_URL: "/",
    MODE: "production",
    DEV: !1,
    PROD: !0,
    SSR: !1
const C1 = e=>{
    let t;
    const n = new Set
      , r = (c,d)=>{
        const f = typeof c == "function" ? c(t) : c;
        if (!Object.is(f, t)) {
            const h = t;
            t = d ?? (typeof f != "object" || f === null) ? f : Object.assign({}, t, f),
            n.forEach(m=>m(t, h))
      , i = ()=>t
      , l = {
        setState: r,
        getState: i,
        getInitialState: ()=>u,
        subscribe: c=>(n.add(c),
        destroy: ()=>{
            (eL ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && console.warn("[DEPRECATED] The `destroy` method will be unsupported in a future version. Instead use unsubscribe function returned by subscribe. Everything will be garbage-collected if store is garbage-collected."),
      , u = t = e(r, i, l);
    return l
  , tL = e=>e ? C1(e) : C1;
var dC = {
    exports: {}
  , fC = {}
  , hC = {
    exports: {}
  , pC = {};
 * @license React
 * use-sync-external-store-shim.production.min.js
 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var ra = y;
function nL(e, t) {
    return e === t && (e !== 0 || 1 / e === 1 / t) || e !== e && t !== t
var rL = typeof Object.is == "function" ? Object.is : nL
  , iL = ra.useState
  , sL = ra.useEffect
  , oL = ra.useLayoutEffect
  , aL = ra.useDebugValue;
function lL(e, t) {
    var n = t()
      , r = iL({
        inst: {
            value: n,
            getSnapshot: t
      , i = r[0].inst
      , s = r[1];
    return oL(function() {
        i.value = n,
        i.getSnapshot = t,
        Ph(i) && s({
            inst: i
    }, [e, n, t]),
    sL(function() {
        return Ph(i) && s({
            inst: i
        e(function() {
            Ph(i) && s({
                inst: i
    }, [e]),
function Ph(e) {
    var t = e.getSnapshot;
    e = e.value;
    try {
        var n = t();
        return !rL(e, n)
    } catch {
        return !0
function uL(e, t) {
    return t()
var cL = typeof window > "u" || typeof window.document > "u" || typeof window.document.createElement > "u" ? uL : lL;
pC.useSyncExternalStore = ra.useSyncExternalStore !== void 0 ? ra.useSyncExternalStore : cL;
hC.exports = pC;
var dL = hC.exports;
 * @license React
 * use-sync-external-store-shim/with-selector.production.min.js
 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var wf = y
  , fL = dL;
function hL(e, t) {
    return e === t && (e !== 0 || 1 / e === 1 / t) || e !== e && t !== t
var pL = typeof Object.is == "function" ? Object.is : hL
  , mL = fL.useSyncExternalStore
  , gL = wf.useRef
  , vL = wf.useEffect
  , yL = wf.useMemo
  , wL = wf.useDebugValue;
fC.useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = gL(null);
    if (s.current === null) {
        var o = {
            hasValue: !1,
            value: null
        s.current = o
    } else
        o = s.current;
    s = yL(function() {
        function l(h) {
            if (!u) {
                if (u = !0,
                c = h,
                h = r(h),
                i !== void 0 && o.hasValue) {
                    var m = o.value;
                    if (i(m, h))
                        return d = m
                return d = h
            if (m = d,
            pL(c, h))
                return m;
            var p = r(h);
            return i !== void 0 && i(m, p) ? m : (c = h,
            d = p)
        var u = !1, c, d, f = n === void 0 ? null : n;
        return [function() {
            return l(t())
        , f === null ? void 0 : function() {
            return l(f())
    }, [t, n, r, i]);
    var a = mL(e, s[0], s[1]);
    return vL(function() {
        o.hasValue = !0,
        o.value = a
    }, [a]),
dC.exports = fC;
var xL = dC.exports;
const bL = pu(xL);
var mC = {
    VITE_API_URL: "https://your-url.com/api",
    VITE_BOT_NAME: "your_tap_bot",
    BASE_URL: "/",
    MODE: "production",
    DEV: !1,
    PROD: !0,
    SSR: !1
const {useDebugValue: SL} = ce
  , {useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector: EL} = bL;
let P1 = !1;
const CL = e=>e;
function PL(e, t=CL, n) {
    (mC ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && n && !P1 && (console.warn("[DEPRECATED] Use `createWithEqualityFn` instead of `create` or use `useStoreWithEqualityFn` instead of `useStore`. They can be imported from 'zustand/traditional'. https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand/discussions/1937"),
    P1 = !0);
    const r = EL(e.subscribe, e.getState, e.getServerState || e.getInitialState, t, n);
    return SL(r),
const T1 = e=>{
    (mC ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && typeof e != "function" && console.warn("[DEPRECATED] Passing a vanilla store will be unsupported in a future version. Instead use `import { useStore } from 'zustand'`.");
    const t = typeof e == "function" ? tL(e) : e
      , n = (r,i)=>PL(t, r, i);
    return Object.assign(n, t),
  , Su = e=>e ? T1(e) : T1;
var TL = {
    VITE_API_URL: "https://your-url.com/api",
    VITE_BOT_NAME: "your_tap_bot",
    BASE_URL: "/",
    MODE: "production",
    DEV: !1,
    PROD: !0,
    SSR: !1
function gC(e, t) {
    let n;
    try {
        n = e()
    } catch {
    return {
        getItem: i=>{
            var s;
            const o = l=>l === null ? null : JSON.parse(l, void 0)
              , a = (s = n.getItem(i)) != null ? s : null;
            return a instanceof Promise ? a.then(o) : o(a)
        setItem: (i,s)=>n.setItem(i, JSON.stringify(s, void 0)),
        removeItem: i=>n.removeItem(i)
const $l = e=>t=>{
    try {
        const n = e(t);
        return n instanceof Promise ? n : {
            then(r) {
                return $l(r)(n)
            catch(r) {
                return this
    } catch (n) {
        return {
            then(r) {
                return this
            catch(r) {
                return $l(r)(n)
  , RL = (e,t)=>(n,r,i)=>{
    let s = {
        getStorage: ()=>localStorage,
        serialize: JSON.stringify,
        deserialize: JSON.parse,
        partialize: b=>b,
        version: 0,
        merge: (b,v)=>({
      , o = !1;
    const a = new Set
      , l = new Set;
    let u;
    try {
        u = s.getStorage()
    } catch {}
    if (!u)
        return e((...b)=>{
            console.warn(`[zustand persist middleware] Unable to update item '${s.name}', the given storage is currently unavailable.`),
        , r, i);
    const c = $l(s.serialize)
      , d = ()=>{
        const b = s.partialize({
        let v;
        const g = c({
            state: b,
            version: s.version
        }).then(w=>u.setItem(s.name, w)).catch(w=>{
            v = w
        if (v)
            throw v;
        return g
      , f = i.setState;
    i.setState = (b,v)=>{
        f(b, v),
    const h = e((...b)=>{
    , r, i);
    let m;
    const p = ()=>{
        var b;
        if (!u)
        o = !1,
        const v = ((b = s.onRehydrateStorage) == null ? void 0 : b.call(s, r())) || void 0;
        return $l(u.getItem.bind(u))(s.name).then(g=>{
            if (g)
                return s.deserialize(g)
            if (g)
                if (typeof g.version == "number" && g.version !== s.version) {
                    if (s.migrate)
                        return s.migrate(g.state, g.version);
                    console.error("State loaded from storage couldn't be migrated since no migrate function was provided")
                } else
                    return g.state
            var w;
            return m = s.merge(g, (w = r()) != null ? w : h),
            n(m, !0),
            v == null || v(m, void 0),
            o = !0,
            v == null || v(void 0, g)
    return i.persist = {
        setOptions: b=>{
            s = {
            b.getStorage && (u = b.getStorage())
        clearStorage: ()=>{
            u == null || u.removeItem(s.name)
        getOptions: ()=>s,
        rehydrate: ()=>p(),
        hasHydrated: ()=>o,
        onHydrate: b=>(a.add(b),
        onFinishHydration: b=>(l.add(b),
    m || h
  , OL = (e,t)=>(n,r,i)=>{
    let s = {
        storage: gC(()=>localStorage),
        partialize: p=>p,
        version: 0,
        merge: (p,b)=>({
      , o = !1;
    const a = new Set
      , l = new Set;
    let u = s.storage;
    if (!u)
        return e((...p)=>{
            console.warn(`[zustand persist middleware] Unable to update item '${s.name}', the given storage is currently unavailable.`),
        , r, i);
    const c = ()=>{
        const p = s.partialize({
        return u.setItem(s.name, {
            state: p,
            version: s.version
      , d = i.setState;
    i.setState = (p,b)=>{
        d(p, b),
    const f = e((...p)=>{
    , r, i);
    i.getInitialState = ()=>f;
    let h;
    const m = ()=>{
        var p, b;
        if (!u)
        o = !1,
            var w;
            return g((w = r()) != null ? w : f)
        const v = ((b = s.onRehydrateStorage) == null ? void 0 : b.call(s, (p = r()) != null ? p : f)) || void 0;
        return $l(u.getItem.bind(u))(s.name).then(g=>{
            if (g)
                if (typeof g.version == "number" && g.version !== s.version) {
                    if (s.migrate)
                        return s.migrate(g.state, g.version);
                    console.error("State loaded from storage couldn't be migrated since no migrate function was provided")
                } else
                    return g.state
            var w;
            return h = s.merge(g, (w = r()) != null ? w : f),
            n(h, !0),
            v == null || v(h, void 0),
            h = r(),
            o = !0,
            v == null || v(void 0, g)
    return i.persist = {
        setOptions: p=>{
            s = {
            p.storage && (u = p.storage)
        clearStorage: ()=>{
            u == null || u.removeItem(s.name)
        getOptions: ()=>s,
        rehydrate: ()=>m(),
        hasHydrated: ()=>o,
        onHydrate: p=>(a.add(p),
        onFinishHydration: p=>(l.add(p),
    s.skipHydration || m(),
    h || f
  , kL = (e,t)=>"getStorage"in t || "serialize"in t || "deserialize"in t ? ((TL ? "production" : void 0) !== "production" && console.warn("[DEPRECATED] `getStorage`, `serialize` and `deserialize` options are deprecated. Use `storage` option instead."),
RL(e, t)) : OL(e, t)
  , _L = kL
  , R1 = Su(_L(()=>({
    token: null
}), {
    name: "auth",
    storage: gC(()=>sessionStorage)
  , Sd = Su()(e=>({
    api: void 0,
    setApi: t=>{
            api: t
  , gn = ()=>Sd(e=>e.api);
    user: {
        score: 0,
        balance: 0,
        tappingGuruLeft: 3,
        fullTankLeft: 3,
        energy: 500,
        energyLimit: 1,
        multitap: 1,
        rechargingSpeed: 1,
        referrals: 0,
        missions: [],
        refTasks: [],
        leaguesTasks: [],
        totalReferralsRewards: 0,
        language: "en",
        diff: 0,
        timestamp: 0
    setUser: t=>{
            user: t
const zt = aC({
    score: 0,
    balance: 0,
    tappingGuruLeft: 3,
    fullTankLeft: 3,
    energy: 500,
    energyLimit: 1,
    multitap: 1,
    rechargingSpeed: 1,
    referrals: 0,
    missions: [],
    refTasks: [],
    leaguesTasks: [],
    totalReferralsRewards: 0,
    language: "en",
    diff: 0,
    timestamp: 0
  , ll = Su()(e=>({
    tapsInc: 0,
    initTimestamp: 0,
    addTaps: t=>{
            const r = n.initTimestamp === 0;
            return {
                tapsInc: n.tapsInc + t,
                ...r ? {
                    initTimestamp: Date.now()
                } : {}
    resetTaps: ()=>{
            tapsInc: 0,
            initTimestamp: 0
  , yo = {
    wooden: 0,
    bronze: 1,
    silver: 5e3,
    gold: 5e4,
    platinum: 25e4,
    diamond: 5e5,
    master: 1e6,
    grandmaster: 25e5,
    elite: 5e6,
    legendary: 1e7,
    mythic: 5e7
  , Il = e=>{
    const t = Object.keys(yo);
    t.sort((n,r)=>yo[r] - yo[n]);
    for (const n of t)
        if (e >= yo[n])
            return n;
    return "wooden"
  , vC = ()=>Object.keys(yo)
  , AL = e=>{
    const t = vC()
      , n = t.indexOf(e);
    return n < t.length - 1 ? t[n + 1] : null
  , yC = e=>yo[e]
  , Cv = e=>{
    const t = AL(e);
    return t ? yC(t) : 1 / 0
  , wC = e=>{
    const t = Cv(Il(e));
    return mf(e, t)
  , xf = e=>`${dt}/leagues/${e}.png`;
function DL() {
    if (console && console.warn) {
        for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++)
            t[n] = arguments[n];
        typeof t[0] == "string" && (t[0] = `react-i18next:: ${t[0]}`),
const O1 = {};
function Sm() {
    for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++)
        t[n] = arguments[n];
    typeof t[0] == "string" && O1[t[0]] || (typeof t[0] == "string" && (O1[t[0]] = new Date),
const xC = (e,t)=>()=>{
    if (e.isInitialized)
    else {
        const n = ()=>{
                e.off("initialized", n)
            , 0),
        e.on("initialized", n)
function k1(e, t, n) {
    e.loadNamespaces(t, xC(e, n))
function _1(e, t, n, r) {
    typeof n == "string" && (n = [n]),
        e.options.ns.indexOf(i) < 0 && e.options.ns.push(i)
    e.loadLanguages(t, xC(e, r))
function LL(e, t) {
    let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {};
    const r = t.languages[0]
      , i = t.options ? t.options.fallbackLng : !1
      , s = t.languages[t.languages.length - 1];
    if (r.toLowerCase() === "cimode")
        return !0;
    const o = (a,l)=>{
        const u = t.services.backendConnector.state[`${a}|${l}`];
        return u === -1 || u === 2
    return n.bindI18n && n.bindI18n.indexOf("languageChanging") > -1 && t.services.backendConnector.backend && t.isLanguageChangingTo && !o(t.isLanguageChangingTo, e) ? !1 : !!(t.hasResourceBundle(r, e) || !t.services.backendConnector.backend || t.options.resources && !t.options.partialBundledLanguages || o(r, e) && (!i || o(s, e)))
function NL(e, t) {
    let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {};
    return !t.languages || !t.languages.length ? (Sm("i18n.languages were undefined or empty", t.languages),
    !0) : t.options.ignoreJSONStructure !== void 0 ? t.hasLoadedNamespace(e, {
        lng: n.lng,
        precheck: (i,s)=>{
            if (n.bindI18n && n.bindI18n.indexOf("languageChanging") > -1 && i.services.backendConnector.backend && i.isLanguageChangingTo && !s(i.isLanguageChangingTo, e))
                return !1
    }) : LL(e, t, n)
const ML = /&(?:amp|#38|lt|#60|gt|#62|apos|#39|quot|#34|nbsp|#160|copy|#169|reg|#174|hellip|#8230|#x2F|#47);/g
  , jL = {
    "&amp;": "&",
    "&#38;": "&",
    "&lt;": "<",
    "&#60;": "<",
    "&gt;": ">",
    "&#62;": ">",
    "&apos;": "'",
    "&#39;": "'",
    "&quot;": '"',
    "&#34;": '"',
    "&nbsp;": " ",
    "&#160;": " ",
    "&copy;": "©",
    "&#169;": "©",
    "&reg;": "®",
    "&#174;": "®",
    "&hellip;": "…",
    "&#8230;": "…",
    "&#x2F;": "/",
    "&#47;": "/"
  , $L = e=>jL[e]
  , IL = e=>e.replace(ML, $L);
let FL = {
    bindI18n: "languageChanged",
    bindI18nStore: "",
    transEmptyNodeValue: "",
    transSupportBasicHtmlNodes: !0,
    transWrapTextNodes: "",
    transKeepBasicHtmlNodesFor: ["br", "strong", "i", "p"],
    useSuspense: !0,
    unescape: IL
function VL() {
    return FL
let zL;
function UL() {
    return zL
const bC = y.createContext();
class BL {
    constructor() {
        this.usedNamespaces = {}
    addUsedNamespaces(t) {
            this.usedNamespaces[n] || (this.usedNamespaces[n] = !0)
    getUsedNamespaces() {
        return Object.keys(this.usedNamespaces)
const HL = (e,t)=>{
    const n = y.useRef();
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        n.current = e
    , [e, t]),
function SC(e, t, n, r) {
    return e.getFixedT(t, n, r)
function WL(e, t, n, r) {
    return y.useCallback(SC(e, t, n, r), [e, t, n, r])
function Tt(e) {
    let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
    const {i18n: n} = t
      , {i18n: r, defaultNS: i} = y.useContext(bC) || {}
      , s = n || r || UL();
    if (s && !s.reportNamespaces && (s.reportNamespaces = new BL),
    !s) {
        Sm("You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next");
        const E = (V,C)=>typeof C == "string" ? C : C && typeof C == "object" && typeof C.defaultValue == "string" ? C.defaultValue : Array.isArray(V) ? V[V.length - 1] : V
          , D = [E, {}, !1];
        return D.t = E,
        D.i18n = {},
        D.ready = !1,
    s.options.react && s.options.react.wait !== void 0 && Sm("It seems you are still using the old wait option, you may migrate to the new useSuspense behaviour.");
    const o = {
      , {useSuspense: a, keyPrefix: l} = o;
    let u = e || i || s.options && s.options.defaultNS;
    u = typeof u == "string" ? [u] : u || ["translation"],
    s.reportNamespaces.addUsedNamespaces && s.reportNamespaces.addUsedNamespaces(u);
    const c = (s.isInitialized || s.initializedStoreOnce) && u.every(E=>NL(E, s, o))
      , d = WL(s, t.lng || null, o.nsMode === "fallback" ? u : u[0], l)
      , f = ()=>d
      , h = ()=>SC(s, t.lng || null, o.nsMode === "fallback" ? u : u[0], l)
      , [m,p] = y.useState(f);
    let b = u.join();
    t.lng && (b = `${t.lng}${b}`);
    const v = HL(b)
      , g = y.useRef(!0);
        const {bindI18n: E, bindI18nStore: D} = o;
        g.current = !0,
        !c && !a && (t.lng ? _1(s, t.lng, u, ()=>{
            g.current && p(h)
        ) : k1(s, u, ()=>{
            g.current && p(h)
        c && v && v !== b && g.current && p(h);
        function V() {
            g.current && p(h)
        return E && s && s.on(E, V),
        D && s && s.store.on(D, V),
            g.current = !1,
            E && s && E.split(" ").forEach(C=>s.off(C, V)),
            D && s && D.split(" ").forEach(C=>s.store.off(C, V))
    , [s, b]),
        g.current && c && p(f)
    , [s, l, c]);
    const w = [m, s, c];
    if (w.t = m,
    w.i18n = s,
    w.ready = c,
    c || !c && !a)
        return w;
    throw new Promise(E=>{
        t.lng ? _1(s, t.lng, u, ()=>E()) : k1(s, u, ()=>E())
function GL(e) {
    let {i18n: t, defaultNS: n, children: r} = e;
    const i = y.useMemo(()=>({
        i18n: t,
        defaultNS: n
    }), [t, n]);
    return y.createElement(bC.Provider, {
        value: i
    }, r)
const KL = ()=>{
    const {leaguesTasks: e} = Vt(zt)
      , {score: t} = Vt(zt)
      , {t: n} = Tt("leagues");
    return e.map(i=>{
        const s = Cv(i);
        return {
            name: n(i),
            league: i,
            iconUrl: xf(i),
            reward: ZD[i],
            progress: mf(t, s)
  , Qt = {
    getUser: "/getUser/",
    stats: "/stat/",
    referrals: "/referrals/",
    claimRefTask: "/claimRefTask/",
    claimLeagueTask: "/claimLeagueTask/",
    inviteFriend: "/inviteFriend/",
    startTask: "/startTask/",
    checkTask: "/checkTask/",
    startMission: "/startMission/",
    finishMission: "/finishMission/",
    getReferrals: "/referrals/",
    energyLimit: "/energyLimit/",
    fullTank: "/fullTank/",
    multitap: "/multitap/",
    rechargingSpeed: "/rechargingSpeed/",
    tappingGuru: "/tappingGuru/",
    tap: "/tap/"
  , qL = e=>Ae.bookmark
  , QL = ()=>{
    const {refTasks: e} = Vt(zt)
      , {referrals: t} = Vt(zt)
      , {t: n} = Tt("tasks");
    return e.map(i=>{
        const s = n("invite", {
            count: i
          , o = JD[i]
          , a = qL()
          , l = mf(t, i);
        return {
            level: i,
            name: s,
            iconUrl: a,
            reward: o,
            progress: l
  , YL = e=>{
    const {mutate: t} = Et()
      , n = gn();
    return {
        claim: async(i,s)=>{
            const o = e.balance + i
              , a = e.leaguesTasks.filter(l=>l !== s);
                balance: o,
                leaguesTasks: a
            await n.post(Qt.claimLeagueTask, {
                league: s
  , XL = e=>{
    const {mutate: t} = Et()
      , n = gn();
    return {
        claim: async(i,s)=>{
            const o = e.balance + i
              , a = e.refTasks.filter(l=>l !== s);
                balance: o,
                refTasks: a
            await n.post(Qt.claimRefTask, {
                refLevel: s
var EC = Symbol.for("immer-nothing")
  , A1 = Symbol.for("immer-draftable")
  , Ln = Symbol.for("immer-state");
function lr(e, ...t) {
    throw new Error(`[Immer] minified error nr: ${e}. Full error at: https://bit.ly/3cXEKWf`)
var ia = Object.getPrototypeOf;
function sa(e) {
    return !!e && !!e[Ln]
function Ns(e) {
    var t;
    return e ? CC(e) || Array.isArray(e) || !!e[A1] || !!((t = e.constructor) != null && t[A1]) || Sf(e) || Ef(e) : !1
var JL = Object.prototype.constructor.toString();
function CC(e) {
    if (!e || typeof e != "object")
        return !1;
    const t = ia(e);
    if (t === null)
        return !0;
    const n = Object.hasOwnProperty.call(t, "constructor") && t.constructor;
    return n === Object ? !0 : typeof n == "function" && Function.toString.call(n) === JL
function Ed(e, t) {
    bf(e) === 0 ? Reflect.ownKeys(e).forEach(n=>{
        t(n, e[n], e)
    ) : e.forEach((n,r)=>t(r, n, e))
function bf(e) {
    const t = e[Ln];
    return t ? t.type_ : Array.isArray(e) ? 1 : Sf(e) ? 2 : Ef(e) ? 3 : 0
function Em(e, t) {
    return bf(e) === 2 ? e.has(t) : Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t)
function PC(e, t, n) {
    const r = bf(e);
    r === 2 ? e.set(t, n) : r === 3 ? e.add(n) : e[t] = n
function ZL(e, t) {
    return e === t ? e !== 0 || 1 / e === 1 / t : e !== e && t !== t
function Sf(e) {
    return e instanceof Map
function Ef(e) {
    return e instanceof Set
function rs(e) {
    return e.copy_ || e.base_
function Cm(e, t) {
    if (Sf(e))
        return new Map(e);
    if (Ef(e))
        return new Set(e);
    if (Array.isArray(e))
        return Array.prototype.slice.call(e);
    const n = CC(e);
    if (t === !0 || t === "class_only" && !n) {
        const r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(e);
        delete r[Ln];
        let i = Reflect.ownKeys(r);
        for (let s = 0; s < i.length; s++) {
            const o = i[s]
              , a = r[o];
            a.writable === !1 && (a.writable = !0,
            a.configurable = !0),
            (a.get || a.set) && (r[o] = {
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0,
                enumerable: a.enumerable,
                value: e[o]
        return Object.create(ia(e), r)
    } else {
        const r = ia(e);
        if (r !== null && n)
            return {
        const i = Object.create(r);
        return Object.assign(i, e)
function Pv(e, t=!1) {
    return Cf(e) || sa(e) || !Ns(e) || (bf(e) > 1 && (e.set = e.add = e.clear = e.delete = eN),
    t && Object.entries(e).forEach(([n,r])=>Pv(r, !0))),
function eN() {
function Cf(e) {
    return Object.isFrozen(e)
var tN = {};
function Ms(e) {
    const t = tN[e];
    return t || lr(0, e),
var Fl;
function TC() {
    return Fl
function nN(e, t) {
    return {
        drafts_: [],
        parent_: e,
        immer_: t,
        canAutoFreeze_: !0,
        unfinalizedDrafts_: 0
function D1(e, t) {
    t && (Ms("Patches"),
    e.patches_ = [],
    e.inversePatches_ = [],
    e.patchListener_ = t)
function Pm(e) {
    e.drafts_ = null
function Tm(e) {
    e === Fl && (Fl = e.parent_)
function L1(e) {
    return Fl = nN(Fl, e)
function rN(e) {
    const t = e[Ln];
    t.type_ === 0 || t.type_ === 1 ? t.revoke_() : t.revoked_ = !0
function N1(e, t) {
    t.unfinalizedDrafts_ = t.drafts_.length;
    const n = t.drafts_[0];
    return e !== void 0 && e !== n ? (n[Ln].modified_ && (Pm(t),
    Ns(e) && (e = Cd(t, e),
    t.parent_ || Pd(t, e)),
    t.patches_ && Ms("Patches").generateReplacementPatches_(n[Ln].base_, e, t.patches_, t.inversePatches_)) : e = Cd(t, n, []),
    t.patches_ && t.patchListener_(t.patches_, t.inversePatches_),
    e !== EC ? e : void 0
function Cd(e, t, n) {
    if (Cf(t))
        return t;
    const r = t[Ln];
    if (!r)
        return Ed(t, (i,s)=>M1(e, r, t, i, s, n)),
    if (r.scope_ !== e)
        return t;
    if (!r.modified_)
        return Pd(e, r.base_, !0),
    if (!r.finalized_) {
        r.finalized_ = !0,
        const i = r.copy_;
        let s = i
          , o = !1;
        r.type_ === 3 && (s = new Set(i),
        o = !0),
        Ed(s, (a,l)=>M1(e, r, i, a, l, n, o)),
        Pd(e, i, !1),
        n && e.patches_ && Ms("Patches").generatePatches_(r, n, e.patches_, e.inversePatches_)
    return r.copy_
function M1(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    if (sa(i)) {
        const a = s && t && t.type_ !== 3 && !Em(t.assigned_, r) ? s.concat(r) : void 0
          , l = Cd(e, i, a);
        if (PC(n, r, l),
            e.canAutoFreeze_ = !1;
    } else
        o && n.add(i);
    if (Ns(i) && !Cf(i)) {
        if (!e.immer_.autoFreeze_ && e.unfinalizedDrafts_ < 1)
        Cd(e, i),
        (!t || !t.scope_.parent_) && typeof r != "symbol" && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(n, r) && Pd(e, i)
function Pd(e, t, n=!1) {
    !e.parent_ && e.immer_.autoFreeze_ && e.canAutoFreeze_ && Pv(t, n)
function iN(e, t) {
    const n = Array.isArray(e)
      , r = {
        type_: n ? 1 : 0,
        scope_: t ? t.scope_ : TC(),
        modified_: !1,
        finalized_: !1,
        assigned_: {},
        parent_: t,
        base_: e,
        draft_: null,
        copy_: null,
        revoke_: null,
        isManual_: !1
    let i = r
      , s = Tv;
    n && (i = [r],
    s = Vl);
    const {revoke: o, proxy: a} = Proxy.revocable(i, s);
    return r.draft_ = a,
    r.revoke_ = o,
var Tv = {
    get(e, t) {
        if (t === Ln)
            return e;
        const n = rs(e);
        if (!Em(n, t))
            return sN(e, n, t);
        const r = n[t];
        return e.finalized_ || !Ns(r) ? r : r === Th(e.base_, t) ? (Rh(e),
        e.copy_[t] = Om(r, e)) : r
    has(e, t) {
        return t in rs(e)
    ownKeys(e) {
        return Reflect.ownKeys(rs(e))
    set(e, t, n) {
        const r = RC(rs(e), t);
        if (r != null && r.set)
            return r.set.call(e.draft_, n),
        if (!e.modified_) {
            const i = Th(rs(e), t)
              , s = i == null ? void 0 : i[Ln];
            if (s && s.base_ === n)
                return e.copy_[t] = n,
                e.assigned_[t] = !1,
            if (ZL(n, i) && (n !== void 0 || Em(e.base_, t)))
                return !0;
        return e.copy_[t] === n && (n !== void 0 || t in e.copy_) || Number.isNaN(n) && Number.isNaN(e.copy_[t]) || (e.copy_[t] = n,
        e.assigned_[t] = !0),
    deleteProperty(e, t) {
        return Th(e.base_, t) !== void 0 || t in e.base_ ? (e.assigned_[t] = !1,
        Rm(e)) : delete e.assigned_[t],
        e.copy_ && delete e.copy_[t],
    getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t) {
        const n = rs(e)
          , r = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t);
        return r && {
            writable: !0,
            configurable: e.type_ !== 1 || t !== "length",
            enumerable: r.enumerable,
            value: n[t]
    defineProperty() {
    getPrototypeOf(e) {
        return ia(e.base_)
    setPrototypeOf() {
  , Vl = {};
Ed(Tv, (e,t)=>{
    Vl[e] = function() {
        return arguments[0] = arguments[0][0],
        t.apply(this, arguments)
Vl.deleteProperty = function(e, t) {
    return Vl.set.call(this, e, t, void 0)
Vl.set = function(e, t, n) {
    return Tv.set.call(this, e[0], t, n, e[0])
function Th(e, t) {
    const n = e[Ln];
    return (n ? rs(n) : e)[t]
function sN(e, t, n) {
    var i;
    const r = RC(t, n);
    return r ? "value"in r ? r.value : (i = r.get) == null ? void 0 : i.call(e.draft_) : void 0
function RC(e, t) {
    if (!(t in e))
    let n = ia(e);
    for (; n; ) {
        const r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t);
        if (r)
            return r;
        n = ia(n)
function Rm(e) {
    e.modified_ || (e.modified_ = !0,
    e.parent_ && Rm(e.parent_))
function Rh(e) {
    e.copy_ || (e.copy_ = Cm(e.base_, e.scope_.immer_.useStrictShallowCopy_))
var oN = class {
    constructor(e) {
        this.autoFreeze_ = !0,
        this.useStrictShallowCopy_ = !1,
        this.produce = (t,n,r)=>{
            if (typeof t == "function" && typeof n != "function") {
                const s = n;
                n = t;
                const o = this;
                return function(l=s, ...u) {
                    return o.produce(l, c=>n.call(this, c, ...u))
            typeof n != "function" && lr(6),
            r !== void 0 && typeof r != "function" && lr(7);
            let i;
            if (Ns(t)) {
                const s = L1(this)
                  , o = Om(t, void 0);
                let a = !0;
                try {
                    i = n(o),
                    a = !1
                } finally {
                    a ? Pm(s) : Tm(s)
                return D1(s, r),
                N1(i, s)
            } else if (!t || typeof t != "object") {
                if (i = n(t),
                i === void 0 && (i = t),
                i === EC && (i = void 0),
                this.autoFreeze_ && Pv(i, !0),
                r) {
                    const s = []
                      , o = [];
                    Ms("Patches").generateReplacementPatches_(t, i, s, o),
                    r(s, o)
                return i
            } else
                lr(1, t)
        this.produceWithPatches = (t,n)=>{
            if (typeof t == "function")
                return (o,...a)=>this.produceWithPatches(o, l=>t(l, ...a));
            let r, i;
            return [this.produce(t, n, (o,a)=>{
                r = o,
                i = a
            ), r, i]
        typeof (e == null ? void 0 : e.autoFreeze) == "boolean" && this.setAutoFreeze(e.autoFreeze),
        typeof (e == null ? void 0 : e.useStrictShallowCopy) == "boolean" && this.setUseStrictShallowCopy(e.useStrictShallowCopy)
    createDraft(e) {
        Ns(e) || lr(8),
        sa(e) && (e = aN(e));
        const t = L1(this)
          , n = Om(e, void 0);
        return n[Ln].isManual_ = !0,
    finishDraft(e, t) {
        const n = e && e[Ln];
        (!n || !n.isManual_) && lr(9);
        const {scope_: r} = n;
        return D1(r, t),
        N1(void 0, r)
    setAutoFreeze(e) {
        this.autoFreeze_ = e
    setUseStrictShallowCopy(e) {
        this.useStrictShallowCopy_ = e
    applyPatches(e, t) {
        let n;
        for (n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
            const i = t[n];
            if (i.path.length === 0 && i.op === "replace") {
                e = i.value;
        n > -1 && (t = t.slice(n + 1));
        const r = Ms("Patches").applyPatches_;
        return sa(e) ? r(e, t) : this.produce(e, i=>r(i, t))
function Om(e, t) {
    const n = Sf(e) ? Ms("MapSet").proxyMap_(e, t) : Ef(e) ? Ms("MapSet").proxySet_(e, t) : iN(e, t);
    return (t ? t.scope_ : TC()).drafts_.push(n),
function aN(e) {
    return sa(e) || lr(10, e),
function OC(e) {
    if (!Ns(e) || Cf(e))
        return e;
    const t = e[Ln];
    let n;
    if (t) {
        if (!t.modified_)
            return t.base_;
        t.finalized_ = !0,
        n = Cm(e, t.scope_.immer_.useStrictShallowCopy_)
    } else
        n = Cm(e, !0);
    return Ed(n, (r,i)=>{
        PC(n, r, OC(i))
    t && (t.finalized_ = !1),
var Nn = new oN
  , Td = Nn.produce;
const lN = 300
  , Rv = Su()((e,t)=>({
    countdowns: {},
    createTask: n=>{
        t().countdowns[n] || e(Td(r=>{
            r.countdowns[n] = lN
    decrement: ()=>{
        const n = Object.keys(t().countdowns);
                const s = +i;
                r.countdowns[s] === 0 && delete r.countdowns[s],
                r.countdowns[s] > 0 && r.countdowns[s]--
  , uN = e=>Rv(n=>n.countdowns)[e]
  , cN = (e,t)=>{
    const {user: n, mutate: r} = Et()
      , {createTask: i} = Rv()
      , s = gn()
      , {mutate: o, isPending: a} = Us({
        mutationFn: async()=>{
            if (!n)
            const {data: l} = await s.post(Qt.checkTask, {
                taskId: t
              , u = Td(n, c=>{
                var f;
                const d = (f = c.missions.find(h=>h.id === e)) == null ? void 0 : f.tasks.find(h=>h.id === t);
                d && (l.status === "wait" && (i(t),
                d.status = Kn.checking),
                l.status === "ok" && (d.status = Kn.completed))
    return {
        checkTask: o,
        isMutating: a
  , dN = (e,t)=>{
    const {user: n, mutate: r} = Et()
      , i = gn();
    return {
        finishMission: async()=>{
            if (!n)
            const o = n.missions.map(l=>l.id === e ? {
                status: ar.completed
            } : l)
              , a = n.balance + t;
                balance: a,
                missions: o
            await i.post(Qt.finishMission, {
                missionId: e
  , fN = ()=>{
    const {mutate: e, user: t} = Et();
    return {
        setStartedMission: async r=>{
            if (!t)
            const i = Td(t, s=>{
                        a.id === r && (a.status = Kn.started)
  , hN = e=>{
    const {user: t, mutate: n} = Et()
      , r = gn();
    return {
        startMission: y.useCallback(async()=>{
            if (!t)
            const s = t.missions.map(o=>o.id === e ? {
                status: ar.started
            } : o);
                missions: s
            await r.post("/startMission/", {
                missionId: e
        , [r, e, n, t])
  , pN = (e,t,n)=>{
    const {user: r, mutate: i} = Et()
      , s = gn();
    return {
        startTask: async()=>{
            const a = r == null ? void 0 : r.missions.find(d=>d.id === e);
            if (!r || !a)
            const l = a.tasks.map(d=>d.id === t ? {
                status: Kn.started
            } : d)
              , u = {
                tasks: l
              , c = r.missions.map(d=>d.id === e ? u : d);
                missions: c
            await s.post("/startTask/", {
                taskId: t
var mN = typeof Fu == "object" && Fu && Fu.Object === Object && Fu
  , gN = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self;
mN || gN || Function("return this")();
var Ov = typeof window < "u" ? y.useLayoutEffect : y.useEffect;
function vN(e, t, n, r) {
    const i = y.useRef(t);
        i.current = t
    , [t]),
        const s = window;
        if (!(s && s.addEventListener))
        const o = a=>{
        return s.addEventListener(e, o, r),
            s.removeEventListener(e, o, r)
    , [e, n, r])
function kv(e, t) {
    const n = y.useRef(e);
        n.current = e
    , [e]),
        const r = setInterval(()=>{
        , t);
        return ()=>{
    , [t])
var yN = typeof window > "u";
function wN(e, {defaultValue: t=!1, initializeWithValue: n=!0}={}) {
    const r = a=>yN ? t : window.matchMedia(a).matches
      , [i,s] = y.useState(()=>n ? r(e) : t);
    function o() {
    return Ov(()=>{
        const a = window.matchMedia(e);
        return o(),
        a.addListener ? a.addListener(o) : a.addEventListener("change", o),
            a.removeListener ? a.removeListener(o) : a.removeEventListener("change", o)
    , [e]),
function kC(e, t, n="mousedown", r={}) {
    vN(n, i=>{
        const s = i.target;
        if (!s || !s.isConnected)
        (Array.isArray(e) ? e.filter(a=>!!a.current).every(a=>a.current && !a.current.contains(s)) : e.current && !e.current.contains(s)) && t(i)
    , void 0, r)
const xN = ()=>{
    const {decrement: e, countdowns: t} = Rv()
      , {setStartedMission: n} = fN();
            const i = Number(r);
            t[i] <= 0 && n(i)
    , 1e3)
  , Ar = {
    tappingGurus: 3,
    fullTanks: 3,
    tappingGuruLifeTime: 20 * 1e3,
    tappingGuruDelay: 6 * 60 * 60 * 1e3,
    fullTankDelay: 12 * 60 * 60 * 1e3,
    energyPerLevel: 500,
    tappingGuruMultiplier: 5
  , bN = ()=>{
    const {user: e, mutate: t} = Et()
      , n = Pu();
    return {
        recoverEnergy: async()=>{
            if (!e || n)
            const i = e.energyLimit * Ar.energyPerLevel
              , s = e.energy + e.rechargingSpeed
              , o = s > i ? i : s;
                energy: o
  , SN = ()=>{
    const {recoverEnergy: e} = bN()
      , t = ll(r=>r.tapsInc)
      , n = y.useCallback(()=>{
        t === 0 && e()
    , [e, t]);
    kv(n, 1e3)
function _C(e, t) {
    return function() {
        return e.apply(t, arguments)
const {toString: EN} = Object.prototype
  , {getPrototypeOf: _v} = Object
  , Pf = (e=>t=>{
    const n = EN.call(t);
    return e[n] || (e[n] = n.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase())
  , mr = e=>(e = e.toLowerCase(),
t=>Pf(t) === e)
  , Tf = e=>t=>typeof t === e
  , {isArray: va} = Array
  , zl = Tf("undefined");
function CN(e) {
    return e !== null && !zl(e) && e.constructor !== null && !zl(e.constructor) && Xn(e.constructor.isBuffer) && e.constructor.isBuffer(e)
const AC = mr("ArrayBuffer");
function PN(e) {
    let t;
    return typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && ArrayBuffer.isView ? t = ArrayBuffer.isView(e) : t = e && e.buffer && AC(e.buffer),
const TN = Tf("string")
  , Xn = Tf("function")
  , DC = Tf("number")
  , Rf = e=>e !== null && typeof e == "object"
  , RN = e=>e === !0 || e === !1
  , Lc = e=>{
    if (Pf(e) !== "object")
        return !1;
    const t = _v(e);
    return (t === null || t === Object.prototype || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) === null) && !(Symbol.toStringTag in e) && !(Symbol.iterator in e)
  , ON = mr("Date")
  , kN = mr("File")
  , _N = mr("Blob")
  , AN = mr("FileList")
  , DN = e=>Rf(e) && Xn(e.pipe)
  , LN = e=>{
    let t;
    return e && (typeof FormData == "function" && e instanceof FormData || Xn(e.append) && ((t = Pf(e)) === "formdata" || t === "object" && Xn(e.toString) && e.toString() === "[object FormData]"))
  , NN = mr("URLSearchParams")
  , [MN,jN,$N,IN] = ["ReadableStream", "Request", "Response", "Headers"].map(mr)
  , FN = e=>e.trim ? e.trim() : e.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, "");
function Eu(e, t, {allOwnKeys: n=!1}={}) {
    if (e === null || typeof e > "u")
    let r, i;
    if (typeof e != "object" && (e = [e]),
        for (r = 0,
        i = e.length; r < i; r++)
            t.call(null, e[r], r, e);
    else {
        const s = n ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e) : Object.keys(e)
          , o = s.length;
        let a;
        for (r = 0; r < o; r++)
            a = s[r],
            t.call(null, e[a], a, e)
function LC(e, t) {
    t = t.toLowerCase();
    const n = Object.keys(e);
    let r = n.length, i;
    for (; r-- > 0; )
        if (i = n[r],
        t === i.toLowerCase())
            return i;
    return null
const NC = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : global
  , MC = e=>!zl(e) && e !== NC;
function km() {
    const {caseless: e} = MC(this) && this || {}
      , t = {}
      , n = (r,i)=>{
        const s = e && LC(t, i) || i;
        Lc(t[s]) && Lc(r) ? t[s] = km(t[s], r) : Lc(r) ? t[s] = km({}, r) : va(r) ? t[s] = r.slice() : t[s] = r
    for (let r = 0, i = arguments.length; r < i; r++)
        arguments[r] && Eu(arguments[r], n);
    return t
const VN = (e,t,n,{allOwnKeys: r}={})=>(Eu(t, (i,s)=>{
    n && Xn(i) ? e[s] = _C(i, n) : e[s] = i
, {
    allOwnKeys: r
  , zN = e=>(e.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 && (e = e.slice(1)),
  , UN = (e,t,n,r)=>{
    e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype, r),
    e.prototype.constructor = e,
    Object.defineProperty(e, "super", {
        value: t.prototype
    n && Object.assign(e.prototype, n)
  , BN = (e,t,n,r)=>{
    let i, s, o;
    const a = {};
    if (t = t || {},
    e == null)
        return t;
    do {
        for (i = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e),
        s = i.length; s-- > 0; )
            o = i[s],
            (!r || r(o, e, t)) && !a[o] && (t[o] = e[o],
            a[o] = !0);
        e = n !== !1 && _v(e)
    } while (e && (!n || n(e, t)) && e !== Object.prototype);
    return t
  , HN = (e,t,n)=>{
    e = String(e),
    (n === void 0 || n > e.length) && (n = e.length),
    n -= t.length;
    const r = e.indexOf(t, n);
    return r !== -1 && r === n
  , WN = e=>{
    if (!e)
        return null;
    if (va(e))
        return e;
    let t = e.length;
    if (!DC(t))
        return null;
    const n = new Array(t);
    for (; t-- > 0; )
        n[t] = e[t];
    return n
  , GN = (e=>t=>e && t instanceof e)(typeof Uint8Array < "u" && _v(Uint8Array))
  , KN = (e,t)=>{
    const r = (e && e[Symbol.iterator]).call(e);
    let i;
    for (; (i = r.next()) && !i.done; ) {
        const s = i.value;
        t.call(e, s[0], s[1])
  , qN = (e,t)=>{
    let n;
    const r = [];
    for (; (n = e.exec(t)) !== null; )
    return r
  , QN = mr("HTMLFormElement")
  , YN = e=>e.toLowerCase().replace(/[-_\s]([a-z\d])(\w*)/g, function(n, r, i) {
    return r.toUpperCase() + i
  , j1 = (({hasOwnProperty: e})=>(t,n)=>e.call(t, n))(Object.prototype)
  , XN = mr("RegExp")
  , jC = (e,t)=>{
    const n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(e)
      , r = {};
    Eu(n, (i,s)=>{
        let o;
        (o = t(i, s, e)) !== !1 && (r[s] = o || i)
    Object.defineProperties(e, r)
  , JN = e=>{
    jC(e, (t,n)=>{
        if (Xn(e) && ["arguments", "caller", "callee"].indexOf(n) !== -1)
            return !1;
        const r = e[n];
        if (Xn(r)) {
            if (t.enumerable = !1,
            "writable"in t) {
                t.writable = !1;
            t.set || (t.set = ()=>{
                throw Error("Can not rewrite read-only method '" + n + "'")
  , ZN = (e,t)=>{
    const n = {}
      , r = i=>{
            n[s] = !0
    return va(e) ? r(e) : r(String(e).split(t)),
  , eM = ()=>{}
  , tM = (e,t)=>e != null && Number.isFinite(e = +e) ? e : t
  , Oh = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  , $1 = "0123456789"
  , $C = {
    DIGIT: $1,
    ALPHA: Oh,
    ALPHA_DIGIT: Oh + Oh.toUpperCase() + $1
  , nM = (e=16,t=$C.ALPHA_DIGIT)=>{
    let n = "";
    const {length: r} = t;
    for (; e--; )
        n += t[Math.random() * r | 0];
    return n
function rM(e) {
    return !!(e && Xn(e.append) && e[Symbol.toStringTag] === "FormData" && e[Symbol.iterator])
const iM = e=>{
    const t = new Array(10)
      , n = (r,i)=>{
        if (Rf(r)) {
            if (t.indexOf(r) >= 0)
            if (!("toJSON"in r)) {
                t[i] = r;
                const s = va(r) ? [] : {};
                return Eu(r, (o,a)=>{
                    const l = n(o, i + 1);
                    !zl(l) && (s[a] = l)
                t[i] = void 0,
        return r
    return n(e, 0)
  , sM = mr("AsyncFunction")
  , oM = e=>e && (Rf(e) || Xn(e)) && Xn(e.then) && Xn(e.catch)
  , re = {
    isArray: va,
    isArrayBuffer: AC,
    isBuffer: CN,
    isFormData: LN,
    isArrayBufferView: PN,
    isString: TN,
    isNumber: DC,
    isBoolean: RN,
    isObject: Rf,
    isPlainObject: Lc,
    isReadableStream: MN,
    isRequest: jN,
    isResponse: $N,
    isHeaders: IN,
    isUndefined: zl,
    isDate: ON,
    isFile: kN,
    isBlob: _N,
    isRegExp: XN,
    isFunction: Xn,
    isStream: DN,
    isURLSearchParams: NN,
    isTypedArray: GN,
    isFileList: AN,
    forEach: Eu,
    merge: km,
    extend: VN,
    trim: FN,
    stripBOM: zN,
    inherits: UN,
    toFlatObject: BN,
    kindOf: Pf,
    kindOfTest: mr,
    endsWith: HN,
    toArray: WN,
    forEachEntry: KN,
    matchAll: qN,
    isHTMLForm: QN,
    hasOwnProperty: j1,
    hasOwnProp: j1,
    reduceDescriptors: jC,
    freezeMethods: JN,
    toObjectSet: ZN,
    toCamelCase: YN,
    noop: eM,
    toFiniteNumber: tM,
    findKey: LC,
    global: NC,
    isContextDefined: MC,
    generateString: nM,
    isSpecCompliantForm: rM,
    toJSONObject: iM,
    isAsyncFn: sM,
    isThenable: oM
function Ne(e, t, n, r, i) {
    Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : this.stack = new Error().stack,
    this.message = e,
    this.name = "AxiosError",
    t && (this.code = t),
    n && (this.config = n),
    r && (this.request = r),
    i && (this.response = i)
re.inherits(Ne, Error, {
    toJSON: function() {
        return {
            message: this.message,
            name: this.name,
            description: this.description,
            number: this.number,
            fileName: this.fileName,
            lineNumber: this.lineNumber,
            columnNumber: this.columnNumber,
            stack: this.stack,
            config: re.toJSONObject(this.config),
            code: this.code,
            status: this.response && this.response.status ? this.response.status : null
const IC = Ne.prototype
  , FC = {};
    FC[e] = {
        value: e
Object.defineProperties(Ne, FC);
Object.defineProperty(IC, "isAxiosError", {
    value: !0
Ne.from = (e,t,n,r,i,s)=>{
    const o = Object.create(IC);
    return re.toFlatObject(e, o, function(l) {
        return l !== Error.prototype
    }, a=>a !== "isAxiosError"),
    Ne.call(o, e.message, t, n, r, i),
    o.cause = e,
    o.name = e.name,
    s && Object.assign(o, s),
const aM = null;
function _m(e) {
    return re.isPlainObject(e) || re.isArray(e)
function VC(e) {
    return re.endsWith(e, "[]") ? e.slice(0, -2) : e
function I1(e, t, n) {
    return e ? e.concat(t).map(function(i, s) {
        return i = VC(i),
        !n && s ? "[" + i + "]" : i
    }).join(n ? "." : "") : t
function lM(e) {
    return re.isArray(e) && !e.some(_m)
const uM = re.toFlatObject(re, {}, null, function(t) {
    return /^is[A-Z]/.test(t)
function Of(e, t, n) {
    if (!re.isObject(e))
        throw new TypeError("target must be an object");
    t = t || new FormData,
    n = re.toFlatObject(n, {
        metaTokens: !0,
        dots: !1,
        indexes: !1
    }, !1, function(p, b) {
        return !re.isUndefined(b[p])
    const r = n.metaTokens
      , i = n.visitor || c
      , s = n.dots
      , o = n.indexes
      , l = (n.Blob || typeof Blob < "u" && Blob) && re.isSpecCompliantForm(t);
    if (!re.isFunction(i))
        throw new TypeError("visitor must be a function");
    function u(m) {
        if (m === null)
            return "";
        if (re.isDate(m))
            return m.toISOString();
        if (!l && re.isBlob(m))
            throw new Ne("Blob is not supported. Use a Buffer instead.");
        return re.isArrayBuffer(m) || re.isTypedArray(m) ? l && typeof Blob == "function" ? new Blob([m]) : Buffer.from(m) : m
    function c(m, p, b) {
        let v = m;
        if (m && !b && typeof m == "object") {
            if (re.endsWith(p, "{}"))
                p = r ? p : p.slice(0, -2),
                m = JSON.stringify(m);
            else if (re.isArray(m) && lM(m) || (re.isFileList(m) || re.endsWith(p, "[]")) && (v = re.toArray(m)))
                return p = VC(p),
                v.forEach(function(w, E) {
                    !(re.isUndefined(w) || w === null) && t.append(o === !0 ? I1([p], E, s) : o === null ? p : p + "[]", u(w))
        return _m(m) ? !0 : (t.append(I1(b, p, s), u(m)),
    const d = []
      , f = Object.assign(uM, {
        defaultVisitor: c,
        convertValue: u,
        isVisitable: _m
    function h(m, p) {
        if (!re.isUndefined(m)) {
            if (d.indexOf(m) !== -1)
                throw Error("Circular reference detected in " + p.join("."));
            re.forEach(m, function(v, g) {
                (!(re.isUndefined(v) || v === null) && i.call(t, v, re.isString(g) ? g.trim() : g, p, f)) === !0 && h(v, p ? p.concat(g) : [g])
    if (!re.isObject(e))
        throw new TypeError("data must be an object");
    return h(e),
function F1(e) {
    const t = {
        "!": "%21",
        "'": "%27",
        "(": "%28",
        ")": "%29",
        "~": "%7E",
        "%20": "+",
        "%00": "\0"
    return encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/[!'()~]|%20|%00/g, function(r) {
        return t[r]
function Av(e, t) {
    this._pairs = [],
    e && Of(e, this, t)
const zC = Av.prototype;
zC.append = function(t, n) {
    this._pairs.push([t, n])
zC.toString = function(t) {
    const n = t ? function(r) {
        return t.call(this, r, F1)
    : F1;
    return this._pairs.map(function(i) {
        return n(i[0]) + "=" + n(i[1])
    }, "").join("&")
function cM(e) {
    return encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/%3A/gi, ":").replace(/%24/g, "$").replace(/%2C/gi, ",").replace(/%20/g, "+").replace(/%5B/gi, "[").replace(/%5D/gi, "]")
function UC(e, t, n) {
    if (!t)
        return e;
    const r = n && n.encode || cM
      , i = n && n.serialize;
    let s;
    if (i ? s = i(t, n) : s = re.isURLSearchParams(t) ? t.toString() : new Av(t,n).toString(r),
    s) {
        const o = e.indexOf("#");
        o !== -1 && (e = e.slice(0, o)),
        e += (e.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + s
    return e
class V1 {
    constructor() {
        this.handlers = []
    use(t, n, r) {
        return this.handlers.push({
            fulfilled: t,
            rejected: n,
            synchronous: r ? r.synchronous : !1,
            runWhen: r ? r.runWhen : null
        this.handlers.length - 1
    eject(t) {
        this.handlers[t] && (this.handlers[t] = null)
    clear() {
        this.handlers && (this.handlers = [])
    forEach(t) {
        re.forEach(this.handlers, function(r) {
            r !== null && t(r)
const BC = {
    silentJSONParsing: !0,
    forcedJSONParsing: !0,
    clarifyTimeoutError: !1
  , dM = typeof URLSearchParams < "u" ? URLSearchParams : Av
  , fM = typeof FormData < "u" ? FormData : null
  , hM = typeof Blob < "u" ? Blob : null
  , pM = {
    isBrowser: !0,
    classes: {
        URLSearchParams: dM,
        FormData: fM,
        Blob: hM
    protocols: ["http", "https", "file", "blob", "url", "data"]
  , Dv = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u"
  , mM = (e=>Dv && ["ReactNative", "NativeScript", "NS"].indexOf(e) < 0)(typeof navigator < "u" && navigator.product)
  , gM = typeof WorkerGlobalScope < "u" && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && typeof self.importScripts == "function"
  , vM = Dv && window.location.href || "http://localhost"
  , yM = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({
    __proto__: null,
    hasBrowserEnv: Dv,
    hasStandardBrowserEnv: mM,
    hasStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv: gM,
    origin: vM
}, Symbol.toStringTag, {
    value: "Module"
  , dr = {
function wM(e, t) {
    return Of(e, new dr.classes.URLSearchParams, Object.assign({
        visitor: function(n, r, i, s) {
            return dr.isNode && re.isBuffer(n) ? (this.append(r, n.toString("base64")),
            !1) : s.defaultVisitor.apply(this, arguments)
    }, t))
function xM(e) {
    return re.matchAll(/\w+|\[(\w*)]/g, e).map(t=>t[0] === "[]" ? "" : t[1] || t[0])
function bM(e) {
    const t = {}
      , n = Object.keys(e);
    let r;
    const i = n.length;
    let s;
    for (r = 0; r < i; r++)
        s = n[r],
        t[s] = e[s];
    return t
function HC(e) {
    function t(n, r, i, s) {
        let o = n[s++];
        if (o === "__proto__")
            return !0;
        const a = Number.isFinite(+o)
          , l = s >= n.length;
        return o = !o && re.isArray(i) ? i.length : o,
        l ? (re.hasOwnProp(i, o) ? i[o] = [i[o], r] : i[o] = r,
        !a) : ((!i[o] || !re.isObject(i[o])) && (i[o] = []),
        t(n, r, i[o], s) && re.isArray(i[o]) && (i[o] = bM(i[o])),
    if (re.isFormData(e) && re.isFunction(e.entries)) {
        const n = {};
        return re.forEachEntry(e, (r,i)=>{
            t(xM(r), i, n, 0)
    return null
function SM(e, t, n) {
    if (re.isString(e))
        try {
            return (t || JSON.parse)(e),
        } catch (r) {
            if (r.name !== "SyntaxError")
                throw r
    return (n || JSON.stringify)(e)
const Cu = {
    transitional: BC,
    adapter: ["xhr", "http", "fetch"],
    transformRequest: [function(t, n) {
        const r = n.getContentType() || ""
          , i = r.indexOf("application/json") > -1
          , s = re.isObject(t);
        if (s && re.isHTMLForm(t) && (t = new FormData(t)),
            return i ? JSON.stringify(HC(t)) : t;
        if (re.isArrayBuffer(t) || re.isBuffer(t) || re.isStream(t) || re.isFile(t) || re.isBlob(t) || re.isReadableStream(t))
            return t;
        if (re.isArrayBufferView(t))
            return t.buffer;
        if (re.isURLSearchParams(t))
            return n.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8", !1),
        let a;
        if (s) {
            if (r.indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") > -1)
                return wM(t, this.formSerializer).toString();
            if ((a = re.isFileList(t)) || r.indexOf("multipart/form-data") > -1) {
                const l = this.env && this.env.FormData;
                return Of(a ? {
                    "files[]": t
                } : t, l && new l, this.formSerializer)
        return s || i ? (n.setContentType("application/json", !1),
        SM(t)) : t
    transformResponse: [function(t) {
        const n = this.transitional || Cu.transitional
          , r = n && n.forcedJSONParsing
          , i = this.responseType === "json";
        if (re.isResponse(t) || re.isReadableStream(t))
            return t;
        if (t && re.isString(t) && (r && !this.responseType || i)) {
            const o = !(n && n.silentJSONParsing) && i;
            try {
                return JSON.parse(t)
            } catch (a) {
                if (o)
                    throw a.name === "SyntaxError" ? Ne.from(a, Ne.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE, this, null, this.response) : a
        return t
    timeout: 0,
    xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
    xsrfHeaderName: "X-XSRF-TOKEN",
    maxContentLength: -1,
    maxBodyLength: -1,
    env: {
        FormData: dr.classes.FormData,
        Blob: dr.classes.Blob
    validateStatus: function(t) {
        return t >= 200 && t < 300
    headers: {
        common: {
            Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*",
            "Content-Type": void 0
re.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "post", "put", "patch"], e=>{
    Cu.headers[e] = {}
const EM = re.toObjectSet(["age", "authorization", "content-length", "content-type", "etag", "expires", "from", "host", "if-modified-since", "if-unmodified-since", "last-modified", "location", "max-forwards", "proxy-authorization", "referer", "retry-after", "user-agent"])
  , CM = e=>{
    const t = {};
    let n, r, i;
    return e && e.split(`
`).forEach(function(o) {
        i = o.indexOf(":"),
        n = o.substring(0, i).trim().toLowerCase(),
        r = o.substring(i + 1).trim(),
        !(!n || t[n] && EM[n]) && (n === "set-cookie" ? t[n] ? t[n].push(r) : t[n] = [r] : t[n] = t[n] ? t[n] + ", " + r : r)
  , z1 = Symbol("internals");
function Ia(e) {
    return e && String(e).trim().toLowerCase()
function Nc(e) {
    return e === !1 || e == null ? e : re.isArray(e) ? e.map(Nc) : String(e)
function PM(e) {
    const t = Object.create(null)
      , n = /([^\s,;=]+)\s*(?:=\s*([^,;]+))?/g;
    let r;
    for (; r = n.exec(e); )
        t[r[1]] = r[2];
    return t
const TM = e=>/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9^`|~,!#$%&'*+.]+$/.test(e.trim());
function kh(e, t, n, r, i) {
    if (re.isFunction(r))
        return r.call(this, t, n);
    if (i && (t = n),
    !!re.isString(t)) {
        if (re.isString(r))
            return t.indexOf(r) !== -1;
        if (re.isRegExp(r))
            return r.test(t)
function RM(e) {
    return e.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/([a-z\d])(\w*)/g, (t,n,r)=>n.toUpperCase() + r)
function OM(e, t) {
    const n = re.toCamelCase(" " + t);
    ["get", "set", "has"].forEach(r=>{
        Object.defineProperty(e, r + n, {
            value: function(i, s, o) {
                return this[r].call(this, t, i, s, o)
            configurable: !0
class Pn {
    constructor(t) {
        t && this.set(t)
    set(t, n, r) {
        const i = this;
        function s(a, l, u) {
            const c = Ia(l);
            if (!c)
                throw new Error("header name must be a non-empty string");
            const d = re.findKey(i, c);
            (!d || i[d] === void 0 || u === !0 || u === void 0 && i[d] !== !1) && (i[d || l] = Nc(a))
        const o = (a,l)=>re.forEach(a, (u,c)=>s(u, c, l));
        if (re.isPlainObject(t) || t instanceof this.constructor)
            o(t, n);
        else if (re.isString(t) && (t = t.trim()) && !TM(t))
            o(CM(t), n);
        else if (re.isHeaders(t))
            for (const [a,l] of t.entries())
                s(l, a, r);
            t != null && s(n, t, r);
        return this
    get(t, n) {
        if (t = Ia(t),
        t) {
            const r = re.findKey(this, t);
            if (r) {
                const i = this[r];
                if (!n)
                    return i;
                if (n === !0)
                    return PM(i);
                if (re.isFunction(n))
                    return n.call(this, i, r);
                if (re.isRegExp(n))
                    return n.exec(i);
                throw new TypeError("parser must be boolean|regexp|function")
    has(t, n) {
        if (t = Ia(t),
        t) {
            const r = re.findKey(this, t);
            return !!(r && this[r] !== void 0 && (!n || kh(this, this[r], r, n)))
        return !1
    delete(t, n) {
        const r = this;
        let i = !1;
        function s(o) {
            if (o = Ia(o),
            o) {
                const a = re.findKey(r, o);
                a && (!n || kh(r, r[a], a, n)) && (delete r[a],
                i = !0)
        return re.isArray(t) ? t.forEach(s) : s(t),
    clear(t) {
        const n = Object.keys(this);
        let r = n.length
          , i = !1;
        for (; r--; ) {
            const s = n[r];
            (!t || kh(this, this[s], s, t, !0)) && (delete this[s],
            i = !0)
        return i
    normalize(t) {
        const n = this
          , r = {};
        return re.forEach(this, (i,s)=>{
            const o = re.findKey(r, s);
            if (o) {
                n[o] = Nc(i),
                delete n[s];
            const a = t ? RM(s) : String(s).trim();
            a !== s && delete n[s],
            n[a] = Nc(i),
            r[a] = !0
    concat(...t) {
        return this.constructor.concat(this, ...t)
    toJSON(t) {
        const n = Object.create(null);
        return re.forEach(this, (r,i)=>{
            r != null && r !== !1 && (n[i] = t && re.isArray(r) ? r.join(", ") : r)
    [Symbol.iterator]() {
        return Object.entries(this.toJSON())[Symbol.iterator]()
    toString() {
        return Object.entries(this.toJSON()).map(([t,n])=>t + ": " + n).join(`
    get[Symbol.toStringTag]() {
        return "AxiosHeaders"
    static from(t) {
        return t instanceof this ? t : new this(t)
    static concat(t, ...n) {
        const r = new this(t);
        return n.forEach(i=>r.set(i)),
    static accessor(t) {
        const r = (this[z1] = this[z1] = {
            accessors: {}
          , i = this.prototype;
        function s(o) {
            const a = Ia(o);
            r[a] || (OM(i, o),
            r[a] = !0)
        return re.isArray(t) ? t.forEach(s) : s(t),
Pn.accessor(["Content-Type", "Content-Length", "Accept", "Accept-Encoding", "User-Agent", "Authorization"]);
re.reduceDescriptors(Pn.prototype, ({value: e},t)=>{
    let n = t[0].toUpperCase() + t.slice(1);
    return {
        get: ()=>e,
        set(r) {
            this[n] = r
function _h(e, t) {
    const n = this || Cu
      , r = t || n
      , i = Pn.from(r.headers);
    let s = r.data;
    return re.forEach(e, function(a) {
        s = a.call(n, s, i.normalize(), t ? t.status : void 0)
function WC(e) {
    return !!(e && e.__CANCEL__)
function ya(e, t, n) {
    Ne.call(this, e ?? "canceled", Ne.ERR_CANCELED, t, n),
    this.name = "CanceledError"
re.inherits(ya, Ne, {
    __CANCEL__: !0
function GC(e, t, n) {
    const r = n.config.validateStatus;
    !n.status || !r || r(n.status) ? e(n) : t(new Ne("Request failed with status code " + n.status,[Ne.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, Ne.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE][Math.floor(n.status / 100) - 4],n.config,n.request,n))
function kM(e) {
    const t = /^([-+\w]{1,25})(:?\/\/|:)/.exec(e);
    return t && t[1] || ""
function _M(e, t) {
    e = e || 10;
    const n = new Array(e)
      , r = new Array(e);
    let i = 0, s = 0, o;
    return t = t !== void 0 ? t : 1e3,
    function(l) {
        const u = Date.now()
          , c = r[s];
        o || (o = u),
        n[i] = l,
        r[i] = u;
        let d = s
          , f = 0;
        for (; d !== i; )
            f += n[d++],
            d = d % e;
        if (i = (i + 1) % e,
        i === s && (s = (s + 1) % e),
        u - o < t)
        const h = c && u - c;
        return h ? Math.round(f * 1e3 / h) : void 0
function AM(e, t) {
    let n = 0;
    const r = 1e3 / t;
    let i = null;
    return function() {
        const o = this === !0
          , a = Date.now();
        if (o || a - n > r)
            return i && (clearTimeout(i),
            i = null),
            n = a,
            e.apply(null, arguments);
        i || (i = setTimeout(()=>(i = null,
        n = Date.now(),
        e.apply(null, arguments)), r - (a - n)))
const Rd = (e,t,n=3)=>{
    let r = 0;
    const i = _M(50, 250);
    return AM(s=>{
        const o = s.loaded
          , a = s.lengthComputable ? s.total : void 0
          , l = o - r
          , u = i(l)
          , c = o <= a;
        r = o;
        const d = {
            loaded: o,
            total: a,
            progress: a ? o / a : void 0,
            bytes: l,
            rate: u || void 0,
            estimated: u && a && c ? (a - o) / u : void 0,
            event: s,
            lengthComputable: a != null
        d[t ? "download" : "upload"] = !0,
    , n)
  , DM = dr.hasStandardBrowserEnv ? function() {
    const t = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
      , n = document.createElement("a");
    let r;
    function i(s) {
        let o = s;
        return t && (n.setAttribute("href", o),
        o = n.href),
        n.setAttribute("href", o),
            href: n.href,
            protocol: n.protocol ? n.protocol.replace(/:$/, "") : "",
            host: n.host,
            search: n.search ? n.search.replace(/^\?/, "") : "",
            hash: n.hash ? n.hash.replace(/^#/, "") : "",
            hostname: n.hostname,
            port: n.port,
            pathname: n.pathname.charAt(0) === "/" ? n.pathname : "/" + n.pathname
    return r = i(window.location.href),
    function(o) {
        const a = re.isString(o) ? i(o) : o;
        return a.protocol === r.protocol && a.host === r.host
}() : function() {
    return function() {
        return !0
  , LM = dr.hasStandardBrowserEnv ? {
    write(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
        const o = [e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t)];
        re.isNumber(n) && o.push("expires=" + new Date(n).toGMTString()),
        re.isString(r) && o.push("path=" + r),
        re.isString(i) && o.push("domain=" + i),
        s === !0 && o.push("secure"),
        document.cookie = o.join("; ")
    read(e) {
        const t = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^|;\\s*)(" + e + ")=([^;]*)"));
        return t ? decodeURIComponent(t[3]) : null
    remove(e) {
        this.write(e, "", Date.now() - 864e5)
} : {
    write() {},
    read() {
        return null
    remove() {}
function NM(e) {
    return /^([a-z][a-z\d+\-.]*:)?\/\//i.test(e)
function MM(e, t) {
    return t ? e.replace(/\/?\/$/, "") + "/" + t.replace(/^\/+/, "") : e
function KC(e, t) {
    return e && !NM(t) ? MM(e, t) : t
const U1 = e=>e instanceof Pn ? {
} : e;
function js(e, t) {
    t = t || {};
    const n = {};
    function r(u, c, d) {
        return re.isPlainObject(u) && re.isPlainObject(c) ? re.merge.call({
            caseless: d
        }, u, c) : re.isPlainObject(c) ? re.merge({}, c) : re.isArray(c) ? c.slice() : c
    function i(u, c, d) {
        if (re.isUndefined(c)) {
            if (!re.isUndefined(u))
                return r(void 0, u, d)
        } else
            return r(u, c, d)
    function s(u, c) {
        if (!re.isUndefined(c))
            return r(void 0, c)
    function o(u, c) {
        if (re.isUndefined(c)) {
            if (!re.isUndefined(u))
                return r(void 0, u)
        } else
            return r(void 0, c)
    function a(u, c, d) {
        if (d in t)
            return r(u, c);
        if (d in e)
            return r(void 0, u)
    const l = {
        url: s,
        method: s,
        data: s,
        baseURL: o,
        transformRequest: o,
        transformResponse: o,
        paramsSerializer: o,
        timeout: o,
        timeoutMessage: o,
        withCredentials: o,
        withXSRFToken: o,
        adapter: o,
        responseType: o,
        xsrfCookieName: o,
        xsrfHeaderName: o,
        onUploadProgress: o,
        onDownloadProgress: o,
        decompress: o,
        maxContentLength: o,
        maxBodyLength: o,
        beforeRedirect: o,
        transport: o,
        httpAgent: o,
        httpsAgent: o,
        cancelToken: o,
        socketPath: o,
        responseEncoding: o,
        validateStatus: a,
        headers: (u,c)=>i(U1(u), U1(c), !0)
    return re.forEach(Object.keys(Object.assign({}, e, t)), function(c) {
        const d = l[c] || i
          , f = d(e[c], t[c], c);
        re.isUndefined(f) && d !== a || (n[c] = f)
const qC = e=>{
    const t = js({}, e);
    let {data: n, withXSRFToken: r, xsrfHeaderName: i, xsrfCookieName: s, headers: o, auth: a} = t;
    t.headers = o = Pn.from(o),
    t.url = UC(KC(t.baseURL, t.url), e.params, e.paramsSerializer),
    a && o.set("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa((a.username || "") + ":" + (a.password ? unescape(encodeURIComponent(a.password)) : "")));
    let l;
    if (re.isFormData(n)) {
        if (dr.hasStandardBrowserEnv || dr.hasStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv)
            o.setContentType(void 0);
        else if ((l = o.getContentType()) !== !1) {
            const [u,...c] = l ? l.split(";").map(d=>d.trim()).filter(Boolean) : [];
            o.setContentType([u || "multipart/form-data", ...c].join("; "))
    if (dr.hasStandardBrowserEnv && (r && re.isFunction(r) && (r = r(t)),
    r || r !== !1 && DM(t.url))) {
        const u = i && s && LM.read(s);
        u && o.set(i, u)
    return t
  , jM = typeof XMLHttpRequest < "u"
  , $M = jM && function(e) {
    return new Promise(function(n, r) {
        const i = qC(e);
        let s = i.data;
        const o = Pn.from(i.headers).normalize();
        let {responseType: a} = i, l;
        function u() {
            i.cancelToken && i.cancelToken.unsubscribe(l),
            i.signal && i.signal.removeEventListener("abort", l)
        let c = new XMLHttpRequest;
        c.open(i.method.toUpperCase(), i.url, !0),
        c.timeout = i.timeout;
        function d() {
            if (!c)
            const h = Pn.from("getAllResponseHeaders"in c && c.getAllResponseHeaders())
              , p = {
                data: !a || a === "text" || a === "json" ? c.responseText : c.response,
                status: c.status,
                statusText: c.statusText,
                headers: h,
                config: e,
                request: c
            GC(function(v) {
            }, function(v) {
            }, p),
            c = null
        "onloadend"in c ? c.onloadend = d : c.onreadystatechange = function() {
            !c || c.readyState !== 4 || c.status === 0 && !(c.responseURL && c.responseURL.indexOf("file:") === 0) || setTimeout(d)
        c.onabort = function() {
            c && (r(new Ne("Request aborted",Ne.ECONNABORTED,i,c)),
            c = null)
        c.onerror = function() {
            r(new Ne("Network Error",Ne.ERR_NETWORK,i,c)),
            c = null
        c.ontimeout = function() {
            let m = i.timeout ? "timeout of " + i.timeout + "ms exceeded" : "timeout exceeded";
            const p = i.transitional || BC;
            i.timeoutErrorMessage && (m = i.timeoutErrorMessage),
            r(new Ne(m,p.clarifyTimeoutError ? Ne.ETIMEDOUT : Ne.ECONNABORTED,i,c)),
            c = null
        s === void 0 && o.setContentType(null),
        "setRequestHeader"in c && re.forEach(o.toJSON(), function(m, p) {
            c.setRequestHeader(p, m)
        re.isUndefined(i.withCredentials) || (c.withCredentials = !!i.withCredentials),
        a && a !== "json" && (c.responseType = i.responseType),
        typeof i.onDownloadProgress == "function" && c.addEventListener("progress", Rd(i.onDownloadProgress, !0)),
        typeof i.onUploadProgress == "function" && c.upload && c.upload.addEventListener("progress", Rd(i.onUploadProgress)),
        (i.cancelToken || i.signal) && (l = h=>{
            c && (r(!h || h.type ? new ya(null,e,c) : h),
            c = null)
        i.cancelToken && i.cancelToken.subscribe(l),
        i.signal && (i.signal.aborted ? l() : i.signal.addEventListener("abort", l)));
        const f = kM(i.url);
        if (f && dr.protocols.indexOf(f) === -1) {
            r(new Ne("Unsupported protocol " + f + ":",Ne.ERR_BAD_REQUEST,e));
        c.send(s || null)
  , IM = (e,t)=>{
    let n = new AbortController, r;
    const i = function(l) {
        if (!r) {
            r = !0,
            const u = l instanceof Error ? l : this.reason;
            n.abort(u instanceof Ne ? u : new ya(u instanceof Error ? u.message : u))
    let s = t && setTimeout(()=>{
        i(new Ne(`timeout ${t} of ms exceeded`,Ne.ETIMEDOUT))
    , t);
    const o = ()=>{
        e && (s && clearTimeout(s),
        s = null,
            l && (l.removeEventListener ? l.removeEventListener("abort", i) : l.unsubscribe(i))
        e = null)
    e.forEach(l=>l && l.addEventListener && l.addEventListener("abort", i));
    const {signal: a} = n;
    return a.unsubscribe = o,
    [a, ()=>{
        s && clearTimeout(s),
        s = null
  , FM = function*(e, t) {
    let n = e.byteLength;
    if (!t || n < t) {
        yield e;
    let r = 0, i;
    for (; r < n; )
        i = r + t,
        yield e.slice(r, i),
        r = i
  , VM = async function*(e, t, n) {
    for await(const r of e)
        yield*FM(ArrayBuffer.isView(r) ? r : await n(String(r)), t)
  , B1 = (e,t,n,r,i)=>{
    const s = VM(e, t, i);
    let o = 0;
    return new ReadableStream({
        type: "bytes",
        async pull(a) {
            const {done: l, value: u} = await s.next();
            if (l) {
            let c = u.byteLength;
            n && n(o += c),
            a.enqueue(new Uint8Array(u))
        cancel(a) {
            return r(a),
        highWaterMark: 2
  , H1 = (e,t)=>{
    const n = e != null;
    return r=>setTimeout(()=>t({
        lengthComputable: n,
        total: e,
        loaded: r
  , kf = typeof fetch == "function" && typeof Request == "function" && typeof Response == "function"
  , QC = kf && typeof ReadableStream == "function"
  , Am = kf && (typeof TextEncoder == "function" ? (e=>t=>e.encode(t))(new TextEncoder) : async e=>new Uint8Array(await new Response(e).arrayBuffer()))
  , zM = QC && (()=>{
    let e = !1;
    const t = new Request(dr.origin,{
        body: new ReadableStream,
        method: "POST",
        get duplex() {
            return e = !0,
    return e && !t
  , W1 = 64 * 1024
  , Dm = QC && !!(()=>{
    try {
        return re.isReadableStream(new Response("").body)
    } catch {}
  , Od = {
    stream: Dm && (e=>e.body)
kf && (e=>{
    ["text", "arrayBuffer", "blob", "formData", "stream"].forEach(t=>{
        !Od[t] && (Od[t] = re.isFunction(e[t]) ? n=>n[t]() : (n,r)=>{
            throw new Ne(`Response type '${t}' is not supported`,Ne.ERR_NOT_SUPPORT,r)
)(new Response);
const UM = async e=>{
    if (e == null)
        return 0;
    if (re.isBlob(e))
        return e.size;
    if (re.isSpecCompliantForm(e))
        return (await new Request(e).arrayBuffer()).byteLength;
    if (re.isArrayBufferView(e))
        return e.byteLength;
    if (re.isURLSearchParams(e) && (e = e + ""),
        return (await Am(e)).byteLength
  , BM = async(e,t)=>{
    const n = re.toFiniteNumber(e.getContentLength());
    return n ?? UM(t)
  , HM = kf && (async e=>{
    let {url: t, method: n, data: r, signal: i, cancelToken: s, timeout: o, onDownloadProgress: a, onUploadProgress: l, responseType: u, headers: c, withCredentials: d="same-origin", fetchOptions: f} = qC(e);
    u = u ? (u + "").toLowerCase() : "text";
    let[h,m] = i || s || o ? IM([i, s], o) : [], p, b;
    const v = ()=>{
        !p && setTimeout(()=>{
            h && h.unsubscribe()
        p = !0
    let g;
    try {
        if (l && zM && n !== "get" && n !== "head" && (g = await BM(c, r)) !== 0) {
            let V = new Request(t,{
                method: "POST",
                body: r,
                duplex: "half"
            }), C;
            re.isFormData(r) && (C = V.headers.get("content-type")) && c.setContentType(C),
            V.body && (r = B1(V.body, W1, H1(g, Rd(l)), null, Am))
        re.isString(d) || (d = d ? "cors" : "omit"),
        b = new Request(t,{
            signal: h,
            method: n.toUpperCase(),
            headers: c.normalize().toJSON(),
            body: r,
            duplex: "half",
            withCredentials: d
        let w = await fetch(b);
        const E = Dm && (u === "stream" || u === "response");
        if (Dm && (a || E)) {
            const V = {};
            ["status", "statusText", "headers"].forEach(P=>{
                V[P] = w[P]
            const C = re.toFiniteNumber(w.headers.get("content-length"));
            w = new Response(B1(w.body, W1, a && H1(C, Rd(a, !0)), E && v, Am),V)
        u = u || "text";
        let D = await Od[re.findKey(Od, u) || "text"](w, e);
        return !E && v(),
        m && m(),
        await new Promise((V,C)=>{
            GC(V, C, {
                data: D,
                headers: Pn.from(w.headers),
                status: w.status,
                statusText: w.statusText,
                config: e,
                request: b
    } catch (w) {
        throw v(),
        w && w.name === "TypeError" && /fetch/i.test(w.message) ? Object.assign(new Ne("Network Error",Ne.ERR_NETWORK,e,b), {
            cause: w.cause || w
        }) : Ne.from(w, w && w.code, e, b)
  , Lm = {
    http: aM,
    xhr: $M,
    fetch: HM
re.forEach(Lm, (e,t)=>{
    if (e) {
        try {
            Object.defineProperty(e, "name", {
                value: t
        } catch {}
        Object.defineProperty(e, "adapterName", {
            value: t
const G1 = e=>`- ${e}`
  , WM = e=>re.isFunction(e) || e === null || e === !1
  , YC = {
    getAdapter: e=>{
        e = re.isArray(e) ? e : [e];
        const {length: t} = e;
        let n, r;
        const i = {};
        for (let s = 0; s < t; s++) {
            n = e[s];
            let o;
            if (r = n,
            !WM(n) && (r = Lm[(o = String(n)).toLowerCase()],
            r === void 0))
                throw new Ne(`Unknown adapter '${o}'`);
            if (r)
            i[o || "#" + s] = r
        if (!r) {
            const s = Object.entries(i).map(([a,l])=>`adapter ${a} ` + (l === !1 ? "is not supported by the environment" : "is not available in the build"));
            let o = t ? s.length > 1 ? `since :
` + s.map(G1).join(`
`) : " " + G1(s[0]) : "as no adapter specified";
            throw new Ne("There is no suitable adapter to dispatch the request " + o,"ERR_NOT_SUPPORT")
        return r
    adapters: Lm
function Ah(e) {
    if (e.cancelToken && e.cancelToken.throwIfRequested(),
    e.signal && e.signal.aborted)
        throw new ya(null,e)
function K1(e) {
    return Ah(e),
    e.headers = Pn.from(e.headers),
    e.data = _h.call(e, e.transformRequest),
    ["post", "put", "patch"].indexOf(e.method) !== -1 && e.headers.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", !1),
    YC.getAdapter(e.adapter || Cu.adapter)(e).then(function(r) {
        return Ah(e),
        r.data = _h.call(e, e.transformResponse, r),
        r.headers = Pn.from(r.headers),
    }, function(r) {
        return WC(r) || (Ah(e),
        r && r.response && (r.response.data = _h.call(e, e.transformResponse, r.response),
        r.response.headers = Pn.from(r.response.headers))),
const XC = "1.7.2"
  , Lv = {};
["object", "boolean", "number", "function", "string", "symbol"].forEach((e,t)=>{
    Lv[e] = function(r) {
        return typeof r === e || "a" + (t < 1 ? "n " : " ") + e
const q1 = {};
Lv.transitional = function(t, n, r) {
    function i(s, o) {
        return "[Axios v" + XC + "] Transitional option '" + s + "'" + o + (r ? ". " + r : "")
    return (s,o,a)=>{
        if (t === !1)
            throw new Ne(i(o, " has been removed" + (n ? " in " + n : "")),Ne.ERR_DEPRECATED);
        return n && !q1[o] && (q1[o] = !0,
        console.warn(i(o, " has been deprecated since v" + n + " and will be removed in the near future"))),
        t ? t(s, o, a) : !0
function GM(e, t, n) {
    if (typeof e != "object")
        throw new Ne("options must be an object",Ne.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE);
    const r = Object.keys(e);
    let i = r.length;
    for (; i-- > 0; ) {
        const s = r[i]
          , o = t[s];
        if (o) {
            const a = e[s]
              , l = a === void 0 || o(a, s, e);
            if (l !== !0)
                throw new Ne("option " + s + " must be " + l,Ne.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE);
        if (n !== !0)
            throw new Ne("Unknown option " + s,Ne.ERR_BAD_OPTION)
const Nm = {
    assertOptions: GM,
    validators: Lv
  , oi = Nm.validators;
class Cs {
    constructor(t) {
        this.defaults = t,
        this.interceptors = {
            request: new V1,
            response: new V1
    async request(t, n) {
        try {
            return await this._request(t, n)
        } catch (r) {
            if (r instanceof Error) {
                let i;
                Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(i = {}) : i = new Error;
                const s = i.stack ? i.stack.replace(/^.+\n/, "") : "";
                try {
                    r.stack ? s && !String(r.stack).endsWith(s.replace(/^.+\n.+\n/, "")) && (r.stack += `
` + s) : r.stack = s
                } catch {}
            throw r
    _request(t, n) {
        typeof t == "string" ? (n = n || {},
        n.url = t) : n = t || {},
        n = js(this.defaults, n);
        const {transitional: r, paramsSerializer: i, headers: s} = n;
        r !== void 0 && Nm.assertOptions(r, {
            silentJSONParsing: oi.transitional(oi.boolean),
            forcedJSONParsing: oi.transitional(oi.boolean),
            clarifyTimeoutError: oi.transitional(oi.boolean)
        }, !1),
        i != null && (re.isFunction(i) ? n.paramsSerializer = {
            serialize: i
        } : Nm.assertOptions(i, {
            encode: oi.function,
            serialize: oi.function
        }, !0)),
        n.method = (n.method || this.defaults.method || "get").toLowerCase();
        let o = s && re.merge(s.common, s[n.method]);
        s && re.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "post", "put", "patch", "common"], m=>{
            delete s[m]
        n.headers = Pn.concat(o, s);
        const a = [];
        let l = !0;
        this.interceptors.request.forEach(function(p) {
            typeof p.runWhen == "function" && p.runWhen(n) === !1 || (l = l && p.synchronous,
            a.unshift(p.fulfilled, p.rejected))
        const u = [];
        this.interceptors.response.forEach(function(p) {
            u.push(p.fulfilled, p.rejected)
        let c, d = 0, f;
        if (!l) {
            const m = [K1.bind(this), void 0];
            for (m.unshift.apply(m, a),
            m.push.apply(m, u),
            f = m.length,
            c = Promise.resolve(n); d < f; )
                c = c.then(m[d++], m[d++]);
            return c
        f = a.length;
        let h = n;
        for (d = 0; d < f; ) {
            const m = a[d++]
              , p = a[d++];
            try {
                h = m(h)
            } catch (b) {
                p.call(this, b);
        try {
            c = K1.call(this, h)
        } catch (m) {
            return Promise.reject(m)
        for (d = 0,
        f = u.length; d < f; )
            c = c.then(u[d++], u[d++]);
        return c
    getUri(t) {
        t = js(this.defaults, t);
        const n = KC(t.baseURL, t.url);
        return UC(n, t.params, t.paramsSerializer)
re.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "options"], function(t) {
    Cs.prototype[t] = function(n, r) {
        return this.request(js(r || {}, {
            method: t,
            url: n,
            data: (r || {}).data
re.forEach(["post", "put", "patch"], function(t) {
    function n(r) {
        return function(s, o, a) {
            return this.request(js(a || {}, {
                method: t,
                headers: r ? {
                    "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
                } : {},
                url: s,
                data: o
    Cs.prototype[t] = n(),
    Cs.prototype[t + "Form"] = n(!0)
class Nv {
    constructor(t) {
        if (typeof t != "function")
            throw new TypeError("executor must be a function.");
        let n;
        this.promise = new Promise(function(s) {
            n = s
        const r = this;
            if (!r._listeners)
            let s = r._listeners.length;
            for (; s-- > 0; )
            r._listeners = null
        this.promise.then = i=>{
            let s;
            const o = new Promise(a=>{
                s = a
            return o.cancel = function() {
        t(function(s, o, a) {
            r.reason || (r.reason = new ya(s,o,a),
    throwIfRequested() {
        if (this.reason)
            throw this.reason
    subscribe(t) {
        if (this.reason) {
        this._listeners ? this._listeners.push(t) : this._listeners = [t]
    unsubscribe(t) {
        if (!this._listeners)
        const n = this._listeners.indexOf(t);
        n !== -1 && this._listeners.splice(n, 1)
    static source() {
        let t;
        return {
            token: new Nv(function(i) {
                t = i
            cancel: t
function KM(e) {
    return function(n) {
        return e.apply(null, n)
function qM(e) {
    return re.isObject(e) && e.isAxiosError === !0
const Mm = {
    Continue: 100,
    SwitchingProtocols: 101,
    Processing: 102,
    EarlyHints: 103,
    Ok: 200,
    Created: 201,
    Accepted: 202,
    NonAuthoritativeInformation: 203,
    NoContent: 204,
    ResetContent: 205,
    PartialContent: 206,
    MultiStatus: 207,
    AlreadyReported: 208,
    ImUsed: 226,
    MultipleChoices: 300,
    MovedPermanently: 301,
    Found: 302,
    SeeOther: 303,
    NotModified: 304,
    UseProxy: 305,
    Unused: 306,
    TemporaryRedirect: 307,
    PermanentRedirect: 308,
    BadRequest: 400,
    Unauthorized: 401,
    PaymentRequired: 402,
    Forbidden: 403,
    NotFound: 404,
    MethodNotAllowed: 405,
    NotAcceptable: 406,
    ProxyAuthenticationRequired: 407,
    RequestTimeout: 408,
    Conflict: 409,
    Gone: 410,
    LengthRequired: 411,
    PreconditionFailed: 412,
    PayloadTooLarge: 413,
    UriTooLong: 414,
    UnsupportedMediaType: 415,
    RangeNotSatisfiable: 416,
    ExpectationFailed: 417,
    ImATeapot: 418,
    MisdirectedRequest: 421,
    UnprocessableEntity: 422,
    Locked: 423,
    FailedDependency: 424,
    TooEarly: 425,
    UpgradeRequired: 426,
    PreconditionRequired: 428,
    TooManyRequests: 429,
    RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge: 431,
    UnavailableForLegalReasons: 451,
    InternalServerError: 500,
    NotImplemented: 501,
    BadGateway: 502,
    ServiceUnavailable: 503,
    GatewayTimeout: 504,
    HttpVersionNotSupported: 505,
    VariantAlsoNegotiates: 506,
    InsufficientStorage: 507,
    LoopDetected: 508,
    NotExtended: 510,
    NetworkAuthenticationRequired: 511
    Mm[t] = e
function JC(e) {
    const t = new Cs(e)
      , n = _C(Cs.prototype.request, t);
    return re.extend(n, Cs.prototype, t, {
        allOwnKeys: !0
    re.extend(n, t, null, {
        allOwnKeys: !0
    n.create = function(i) {
        return JC(js(e, i))
const wt = JC(Cu);
wt.Axios = Cs;
wt.CanceledError = ya;
wt.CancelToken = Nv;
wt.isCancel = WC;
wt.toFormData = Of;
wt.AxiosError = Ne;
wt.Cancel = wt.CanceledError;
wt.all = function(t) {
    return Promise.all(t)
wt.spread = KM;
wt.isAxiosError = qM;
wt.mergeConfig = js;
wt.AxiosHeaders = Pn;
wt.formToJSON = e=>HC(re.isHTMLForm(e) ? new FormData(e) : e);
wt.getAdapter = YC.getAdapter;
wt.HttpStatusCode = Mm;
wt.default = wt;
const QM = ()=>{
    const {token: e} = R1()
      , {data: t, error: n} = vf({
        queryKey: ["token"],
        queryFn: async()=>{
            var i;
            const {data: r} = await wt.post("https://your-url.com/api/login/", {}, {
                headers: {
                    "Telegram-Data": (i = Telegram.WebApp) == null ? void 0 : i.initData
            return r
        enabled: !e
    if (n)
        throw n;
        if (e) {
            const r = wt.create({
                baseURL: "https://your-url.com/api",
                headers: {
                    "App-Token": e
                api: r
    , [e]),
        if (t) {
            const r = wt.create({
                baseURL: "https://your-url.com/api",
                headers: {
                    "App-Token": t
                token: t
                api: r
    , [t])
  , Et = e=>{
    const {enabled: t=!1} = e || {}
      , n = gn()
      , r = gf()
      , i = ND()
      , {mutate: s} = Us({
        onMutate: async l=>{
            const u = [Qt.getUser];
            await i(u),
            r.setQueryData(u, c=>{
                const d = {
                return console.log("nextUser mutate", d),
      , {data: o, ...a} = vf({
        queryKey: [Qt.getUser],
        queryFn: async()=>{
            if (!n)
                throw new Error("api is not defined");
            const l = Date.now()
              , {data: u} = await n.get(Qt.getUser)
              , c = Date.now()
              , f = (l + c) / 2 - u.timestamp;
            return {
                diff: f
        enabled: t
    if (a.error)
        throw a.error;
    return {
        user: o,
        mutate: s
  , Pu = ()=>{
    const {user: e} = Et();
    return e ? e.tappingGuruStarted !== void 0 : !1
let YM = {
    data: ""
  , XM = e=>typeof window == "object" ? ((e ? e.querySelector("#_goober") : window._goober) || Object.assign((e || document.head).appendChild(document.createElement("style")), {
    innerHTML: " ",
    id: "_goober"
})).firstChild : e || YM
  , JM = /(?:([\u0080-\uFFFF\w-%@]+) *:? *([^{;]+?);|([^;}{]*?) *{)|(}\s*)/g
  , ZM = /\/\*[^]*?\*\/|  +/g
  , Q1 = /\n+/g
  , gi = (e,t)=>{
    let n = ""
      , r = ""
      , i = "";
    for (let s in e) {
        let o = e[s];
        s[0] == "@" ? s[1] == "i" ? n = s + " " + o + ";" : r += s[1] == "f" ? gi(o, s) : s + "{" + gi(o, s[1] == "k" ? "" : t) + "}" : typeof o == "object" ? r += gi(o, t ? t.replace(/([^,])+/g, a=>s.replace(/(^:.*)|([^,])+/g, l=>/&/.test(l) ? l.replace(/&/g, a) : a ? a + " " + l : l)) : s) : o != null && (s = /^--/.test(s) ? s : s.replace(/[A-Z]/g, "-$&").toLowerCase(),
        i += gi.p ? gi.p(s, o) : s + ":" + o + ";")
    return n + (t && i ? t + "{" + i + "}" : i) + r
  , Lr = {}
  , ZC = e=>{
    if (typeof e == "object") {
        let t = "";
        for (let n in e)
            t += n + ZC(e[n]);
        return t
    return e
  , e3 = (e,t,n,r,i)=>{
    let s = ZC(e)
      , o = Lr[s] || (Lr[s] = (l=>{
        let u = 0
          , c = 11;
        for (; u < l.length; )
            c = 101 * c + l.charCodeAt(u++) >>> 0;
        return "go" + c
    if (!Lr[o]) {
        let l = s !== e ? e : (u=>{
            let c, d, f = [{}];
            for (; c = JM.exec(u.replace(ZM, "")); )
                c[4] ? f.shift() : c[3] ? (d = c[3].replace(Q1, " ").trim(),
                f.unshift(f[0][d] = f[0][d] || {})) : f[0][c[1]] = c[2].replace(Q1, " ").trim();
            return f[0]
        Lr[o] = gi(i ? {
            ["@keyframes " + o]: l
        } : l, n ? "" : "." + o)
    let a = n && Lr.g ? Lr.g : null;
    return n && (Lr.g = Lr[o]),
        d ? u.data = u.data.replace(d, l) : u.data.indexOf(l) === -1 && (u.data = c ? l + u.data : u.data + l)
    )(Lr[o], t, r, a),
  , t3 = (e,t,n)=>e.reduce((r,i,s)=>{
    let o = t[s];
    if (o && o.call) {
        let a = o(n)
          , l = a && a.props && a.props.className || /^go/.test(a) && a;
        o = l ? "." + l : a && typeof a == "object" ? a.props ? "" : gi(a, "") : a === !1 ? "" : a
    return r + i + (o ?? "")
, "");
function _f(e) {
    let t = this || {}
      , n = e.call ? e(t.p) : e;
    return e3(n.unshift ? n.raw ? t3(n, [].slice.call(arguments, 1), t.p) : n.reduce((r,i)=>Object.assign(r, i && i.call ? i(t.p) : i), {}) : n, XM(t.target), t.g, t.o, t.k)
let eP, jm, $m;
    g: 1
let Jr = _f.bind({
    k: 1
function n3(e, t, n, r) {
    gi.p = t,
    eP = e,
    jm = n,
    $m = r
function Yi(e, t) {
    let n = this || {};
    return function() {
        let r = arguments;
        function i(s, o) {
            let a = Object.assign({}, s)
              , l = a.className || i.className;
            n.p = Object.assign({
                theme: jm && jm()
            }, a),
            n.o = / *go\d+/.test(l),
            a.className = _f.apply(n, r) + (l ? " " + l : "");
            let u = e;
            return e[0] && (u = a.as || e,
            delete a.as),
            $m && u[0] && $m(a),
            eP(u, a)
        return i
var r3 = e=>typeof e == "function"
  , kd = (e,t)=>r3(e) ? e(t) : e
  , i3 = (()=>{
    let e = 0;
    return ()=>(++e).toString()
  , tP = (()=>{
    let e;
    return ()=>{
        if (e === void 0 && typeof window < "u") {
            let t = matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)");
            e = !t || t.matches
        return e
  , s3 = 20
  , Mc = new Map
  , o3 = 1e3
  , Y1 = e=>{
    if (Mc.has(e))
    let t = setTimeout(()=>{
            type: 4,
            toastId: e
    , o3);
    Mc.set(e, t)
  , a3 = e=>{
    let t = Mc.get(e);
    t && clearTimeout(t)
  , Im = (e,t)=>{
    switch (t.type) {
    case 0:
        return {
            toasts: [t.toast, ...e.toasts].slice(0, s3)
    case 1:
        return t.toast.id && a3(t.toast.id),
            toasts: e.toasts.map(s=>s.id === t.toast.id ? {
            } : s)
    case 2:
        let {toast: n} = t;
        return e.toasts.find(s=>s.id === n.id) ? Im(e, {
            type: 1,
            toast: n
        }) : Im(e, {
            type: 0,
            toast: n
    case 3:
        let {toastId: r} = t;
        return r ? Y1(r) : e.toasts.forEach(s=>{
            toasts: e.toasts.map(s=>s.id === r || r === void 0 ? {
                visible: !1
            } : s)
    case 4:
        return t.toastId === void 0 ? {
            toasts: []
        } : {
            toasts: e.toasts.filter(s=>s.id !== t.toastId)
    case 5:
        return {
            pausedAt: t.time
    case 6:
        let i = t.time - (e.pausedAt || 0);
        return {
            pausedAt: void 0,
            toasts: e.toasts.map(s=>({
                pauseDuration: s.pauseDuration + i
  , jc = []
  , $c = {
    toasts: [],
    pausedAt: void 0
  , Bs = e=>{
    $c = Im($c, e),
  , l3 = {
    blank: 4e3,
    error: 4e3,
    success: 2e3,
    loading: 1 / 0,
    custom: 4e3
  , u3 = (e={})=>{
    let[t,n] = y.useState($c);
        let i = jc.indexOf(n);
        i > -1 && jc.splice(i, 1)
    ), [t]);
    let r = t.toasts.map(i=>{
        var s, o;
        return {
            duration: i.duration || ((s = e[i.type]) == null ? void 0 : s.duration) || (e == null ? void 0 : e.duration) || l3[i.type],
            style: {
                ...(o = e[i.type]) == null ? void 0 : o.style,
    return {
        toasts: r
  , c3 = (e,t="blank",n)=>({
    createdAt: Date.now(),
    visible: !0,
    type: t,
    ariaProps: {
        role: "status",
        "aria-live": "polite"
    message: e,
    pauseDuration: 0,
    id: (n == null ? void 0 : n.id) || i3()
  , Tu = e=>(t,n)=>{
    let r = c3(t, e, n);
    return Bs({
        type: 2,
        toast: r
  , _n = (e,t)=>Tu("blank")(e, t);
_n.error = Tu("error");
_n.success = Tu("success");
_n.loading = Tu("loading");
_n.custom = Tu("custom");
_n.dismiss = e=>{
        type: 3,
        toastId: e
_n.remove = e=>Bs({
    type: 4,
    toastId: e
_n.promise = (e,t,n)=>{
    let r = _n.loading(t.loading, {
        ...n == null ? void 0 : n.loading
    return e.then(i=>(_n.success(kd(t.success, i), {
        id: r,
        ...n == null ? void 0 : n.success
        _n.error(kd(t.error, i), {
            id: r,
            ...n == null ? void 0 : n.error
var d3 = (e,t)=>{
        type: 1,
        toast: {
            id: e,
            height: t
  , f3 = ()=>{
        type: 5,
        time: Date.now()
  , h3 = e=>{
    let {toasts: t, pausedAt: n} = u3(e);
        if (n)
        let s = Date.now()
          , o = t.map(a=>{
            if (a.duration === 1 / 0)
            let l = (a.duration || 0) + a.pauseDuration - (s - a.createdAt);
            if (l < 0) {
                a.visible && _n.dismiss(a.id);
            return setTimeout(()=>_n.dismiss(a.id), l)
        return ()=>{
            o.forEach(a=>a && clearTimeout(a))
    , [t, n]);
    let r = y.useCallback(()=>{
        n && Bs({
            type: 6,
            time: Date.now()
    , [n])
      , i = y.useCallback((s,o)=>{
        let {reverseOrder: a=!1, gutter: l=8, defaultPosition: u} = o || {}
          , c = t.filter(h=>(h.position || u) === (s.position || u) && h.height)
          , d = c.findIndex(h=>h.id === s.id)
          , f = c.filter((h,m)=>m < d && h.visible).length;
        return c.filter(h=>h.visible).slice(...a ? [f + 1] : [0, f]).reduce((h,m)=>h + (m.height || 0) + l, 0)
    , [t]);
    return {
        toasts: t,
        handlers: {
            updateHeight: d3,
            startPause: f3,
            endPause: r,
            calculateOffset: i
  , p3 = Jr`
from {
  transform: scale(0) rotate(45deg);
	opacity: 0;
to {
 transform: scale(1) rotate(45deg);
  opacity: 1;
  , m3 = Jr`
from {
  transform: scale(0);
  opacity: 0;
to {
  transform: scale(1);
  opacity: 1;
  , g3 = Jr`
from {
  transform: scale(0) rotate(90deg);
	opacity: 0;
to {
  transform: scale(1) rotate(90deg);
	opacity: 1;
  , v3 = Yi("div")`
  width: 20px;
  opacity: 0;
  height: 20px;
  border-radius: 10px;
  background: ${e=>e.primary || "#ff4b4b"};
  position: relative;
  transform: rotate(45deg);

  animation: ${p3} 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275)
  animation-delay: 100ms;

  &:before {
    content: '';
    animation: ${m3} 0.15s ease-out forwards;
    animation-delay: 150ms;
    position: absolute;
    border-radius: 3px;
    opacity: 0;
    background: ${e=>e.secondary || "#fff"};
    bottom: 9px;
    left: 4px;
    height: 2px;
    width: 12px;

  &:before {
    animation: ${g3} 0.15s ease-out forwards;
    animation-delay: 180ms;
    transform: rotate(90deg);
  , y3 = Jr`
  from {
    transform: rotate(0deg);
  to {
    transform: rotate(360deg);
  , w3 = Yi("div")`
  width: 12px;
  height: 12px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  border: 2px solid;
  border-radius: 100%;
  border-color: ${e=>e.secondary || "#e0e0e0"};
  border-right-color: ${e=>e.primary || "#616161"};
  animation: ${y3} 1s linear infinite;
  , x3 = Jr`
from {
  transform: scale(0) rotate(45deg);
	opacity: 0;
to {
  transform: scale(1) rotate(45deg);
	opacity: 1;
  , b3 = Jr`
0% {
	height: 0;
	width: 0;
	opacity: 0;
40% {
  height: 0;
	width: 6px;
	opacity: 1;
100% {
  opacity: 1;
  height: 10px;
  , S3 = Yi("div")`
  width: 20px;
  opacity: 0;
  height: 20px;
  border-radius: 10px;
  background: ${e=>e.primary || "#61d345"};
  position: relative;
  transform: rotate(45deg);

  animation: ${x3} 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275)
  animation-delay: 100ms;
  &:after {
    content: '';
    box-sizing: border-box;
    animation: ${b3} 0.2s ease-out forwards;
    opacity: 0;
    animation-delay: 200ms;
    position: absolute;
    border-right: 2px solid;
    border-bottom: 2px solid;
    border-color: ${e=>e.secondary || "#fff"};
    bottom: 6px;
    left: 6px;
    height: 10px;
    width: 6px;
  , E3 = Yi("div")`
  position: absolute;
  , C3 = Yi("div")`
  position: relative;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  min-width: 20px;
  min-height: 20px;
  , P3 = Jr`
from {
  transform: scale(0.6);
  opacity: 0.4;
to {
  transform: scale(1);
  opacity: 1;
  , T3 = Yi("div")`
  position: relative;
  transform: scale(0.6);
  opacity: 0.4;
  min-width: 20px;
  animation: ${P3} 0.3s 0.12s cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275)
  , R3 = ({toast: e})=>{
    let {icon: t, type: n, iconTheme: r} = e;
    return t !== void 0 ? typeof t == "string" ? y.createElement(T3, null, t) : t : n === "blank" ? null : y.createElement(C3, null, y.createElement(w3, {
    }), n !== "loading" && y.createElement(E3, null, n === "error" ? y.createElement(v3, {
    }) : y.createElement(S3, {
  , O3 = e=>`
0% {transform: translate3d(0,${e * -200}%,0) scale(.6); opacity:.5;}
100% {transform: translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1); opacity:1;}
  , k3 = e=>`
0% {transform: translate3d(0,0,-1px) scale(1); opacity:1;}
100% {transform: translate3d(0,${e * -150}%,-1px) scale(.6); opacity:0;}
  , _3 = "0%{opacity:0;} 100%{opacity:1;}"
  , A3 = "0%{opacity:1;} 100%{opacity:0;}"
  , D3 = Yi("div")`
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  background: #fff;
  color: #363636;
  line-height: 1.3;
  will-change: transform;
  box-shadow: 0 3px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
  max-width: 350px;
  pointer-events: auto;
  padding: 8px 10px;
  border-radius: 8px;
  , L3 = Yi("div")`
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  margin: 4px 10px;
  color: inherit;
  flex: 1 1 auto;
  white-space: pre-line;
  , N3 = (e,t)=>{
    let n = e.includes("top") ? 1 : -1
      , [r,i] = tP() ? [_3, A3] : [O3(n), k3(n)];
    return {
        animation: t ? `${Jr(r)} 0.35s cubic-bezier(.21,1.02,.73,1) forwards` : `${Jr(i)} 0.4s forwards cubic-bezier(.06,.71,.55,1)`
  , M3 = y.memo(({toast: e, position: t, style: n, children: r})=>{
    let i = e.height ? N3(e.position || t || "top-center", e.visible) : {
        opacity: 0
      , s = y.createElement(R3, {
        toast: e
      , o = y.createElement(L3, {
    }, kd(e.message, e));
    return y.createElement(D3, {
        className: e.className,
        style: {
    }, typeof r == "function" ? r({
        icon: s,
        message: o
    }) : y.createElement(y.Fragment, null, s, o))
var j3 = ({id: e, className: t, style: n, onHeightUpdate: r, children: i})=>{
    let s = y.useCallback(o=>{
        if (o) {
            let a = ()=>{
                let l = o.getBoundingClientRect().height;
                r(e, l)
            new MutationObserver(a).observe(o, {
                subtree: !0,
                childList: !0,
                characterData: !0
    , [e, r]);
    return y.createElement("div", {
        ref: s,
        className: t,
        style: n
    }, i)
  , $3 = (e,t)=>{
    let n = e.includes("top")
      , r = n ? {
        top: 0
    } : {
        bottom: 0
      , i = e.includes("center") ? {
        justifyContent: "center"
    } : e.includes("right") ? {
        justifyContent: "flex-end"
    } : {};
    return {
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        display: "flex",
        position: "absolute",
        transition: tP() ? void 0 : "all 230ms cubic-bezier(.21,1.02,.73,1)",
        transform: `translateY(${t * (n ? 1 : -1)}px)`,
  , I3 = _f`
  z-index: 9999;
  > * {
    pointer-events: auto;
  , oc = 16
  , F3 = ({reverseOrder: e, position: t="top-center", toastOptions: n, gutter: r, children: i, containerStyle: s, containerClassName: o})=>{
    let {toasts: a, handlers: l} = h3(n);
    return y.createElement("div", {
        style: {
            position: "fixed",
            zIndex: 9999,
            top: oc,
            left: oc,
            right: oc,
            bottom: oc,
            pointerEvents: "none",
        className: o,
        onMouseEnter: l.startPause,
        onMouseLeave: l.endPause
    }, a.map(u=>{
        let c = u.position || t
          , d = l.calculateOffset(u, {
            reverseOrder: e,
            gutter: r,
            defaultPosition: t
          , f = $3(c, d);
        return y.createElement(j3, {
            id: u.id,
            key: u.id,
            onHeightUpdate: l.updateHeight,
            className: u.visible ? I3 : "",
            style: f
        }, u.type === "custom" ? kd(u.message, u) : i ? i(u) : y.createElement(M3, {
            toast: u,
            position: c
const wa = ()=>{
    const [e,t] = jR();
    return r=>{
  , nP = ()=>{
    const e = wv()
      , t = gn()
      , {mutate: n, isPending: r} = Us({
        mutationFn: ()=>t.post(Qt.fullTank, {})
      , {user: i, mutate: s} = Et()
      , o = wa();
    return {
        startFullTank: async()=>{
            if (!i)
            const l = Date.now()
              , {energyLimit: u, fullTankLeft: c} = i
              , d = u * Ar.energyPerLevel
              , f = c - 1;
            if (f === 0) {
                const h = l + Ar.fullTankDelay;
                    fullTankNextTime: h,
                    fullTankLeft: 0,
                    energy: d
            } else
                    fullTankLeft: f,
                    energy: d
            o("Energy restored!"),
        isFullTankPending: r
  , V3 = e=>{
    const t = gn()
      , n = wa()
      , {mutate: r} = Us({
        mutationFn: ()=>t.post(Qt.multitap, {})
      , {user: i, mutate: s} = Et();
    return {
        increaseMultitap: async()=>{
            i && (n("Multitap increased!"),
                multitap: i.multitap + 1,
                balance: i.balance - e
  , z3 = e=>{
    const t = gn()
      , n = wa()
      , {mutate: r} = Us({
        mutationFn: ()=>t.post(Qt.rechargingSpeed, {})
      , {user: i, mutate: s} = Et()
      , o = async()=>{
        i && (n("Recharging speed increased!"),
            rechargingSpeed: i.rechargingSpeed + 1,
            balance: i.balance - e
    return {
        increaseRechargingSpeed: ()=>o()
  , U3 = e=>{
    const {user: t, mutate: n} = Et()
      , r = gn()
      , i = wa()
      , {mutate: s} = Us({
        mutationFn: ()=>r.post(Qt.energyLimit, {})
    return {
        increaseEnergyLimit: async()=>{
            t && (n({
                energyLimit: t.energyLimit + 1,
                balance: t.balance - e
            i("Energy limit increased!"))
  , Mv = ()=>{
    const e = gn()
      , {user: t, mutate: n} = Et()
      , r = ll(s=>s.resetTaps);
    return {
        sendTaps: async s=>{
            if (!t)
            const o = ll.getState().tapsInc
              , a = ll.getState().initTimestamp
              , l = s == null ? void 0 : s.tappingGuruEnded;
            if (o === 0)
            const u = a - t.diff
              , c = {
                tapsInc: o,
                initTimestamp: u,
                ...l ? {
                    tappingGuruEnded: l
                } : {}
            const {data: d} = await e.post(Qt.tap, c)
              , f = d.energy ? {
                energy: d.energy
            } : {};
                balance: d.balance,
                score: d.score,
  , rP = ()=>{
    const e = wv()
      , {user: t, mutate: n} = Et()
      , r = gn()
      , {sendTaps: i} = Mv()
      , s = wa()
      , {mutate: o, isPending: a} = Us({
        mutationFn: ()=>r.post(Qt.tappingGuru, {})
    return {
        startTapingGuru: async()=>{
            if (!t)
            const u = Date.now()
              , c = t.tappingGuruLeft === 1
              , d = c ? t.tappingGuruNextTime : void 0;
                tappingGuruStarted: u,
                tappingGuruLeft: t.tappingGuruLeft - 1,
                ...c && {
                    tappingGuruNextTime: d
            s("Power Punching activated!"),
                    tappingGuruStarted: void 0
                    tappingGuruEnded: !0
            , Ar.tappingGuruLifeTime)
        isTapingGuruPending: a
  , X1 = [200, 500, 1e3, 2e3, 4e3, 8e3, 16e3, 25e3, 5e4, 1e5, 2e5, 3e5, 4e5, 5e5, 6e5, 7e5, 8e5, 9e5, 1e6]
  , Hr = {
    multitap: X1,
    energyLimit: X1,
    rechargingSpeed: [2e3, 1e4, 1e5, 25e4]
  , jv = e=>{
    const {children: t, price: n, level: r, iconUrl: i, disabled: s, isMaxLevelReached: o, ...a} = e
      , {t: l} = Tt("boosters");
    return x.jsx("button", {
        className: Ze("w-full rounded-2xl bg-graphite-normal p-3 pr-5 disabled:opacity-35", s && "pointer-events-none"),
        disabled: s,
        children: x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex w-full items-center justify-between",
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex items-center gap-2 leading-none",
                children: [x.jsx("img", {
                    src: i,
                    className: "size-10"
                }), x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "flex flex-col items-start gap-3",
                    children: [x.jsx("div", {
                        className: "text-h5",
                        children: t
                    }), x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "flex items-center gap-2.5",
                        children: [!o && x.jsxs("div", {
                            className: "flex items-center gap-1",
                            children: [x.jsx("img", {
                                src: Ae.coin,
                                className: "size-6"
                            }), x.jsx("div", {
                                className: "text-base text-white/65",
                                children: n
                        }), x.jsxs("div", {
                            className: "flex items-center gap-1",
                            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                                className: "relative",
                                children: [x.jsx("img", {
                                    src: Ae.levelCoin,
                                    className: "relative size-6 object-contain"
                                }), x.jsx("div", {
                                    className: "absolute inset-0 top-[5px] z-0 text-base text-white",
                                    children: r
                            }), x.jsx("div", {
                                children: l("level")
            }), x.jsx(B3, {})]
  , B3 = ()=>x.jsx("svg", {
    width: "8",
    height: "12",
    viewBox: "0 0 8 12",
    fill: "none",
    xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
    children: x.jsx("path", {
        fillRule: "evenodd",
        clipRule: "evenodd",
        d: "M0.861766 0.195262C1.12212 -0.0650874 1.54423 -0.0650874 1.80458 0.195262L7.13791 5.5286C7.39826 5.78895 7.39826 6.21106 7.13791 6.4714L1.80458 11.8047C1.54423 12.0651 1.12212 12.0651 0.861766 11.8047C0.601417 11.5444 0.601417 11.1223 0.861766 10.8619L5.7237 6L0.861766 1.13807C0.601417 0.877722 0.601417 0.455612 0.861766 0.195262Z",
        fill: "white"
function H3(e) {
    const t = Math.floor(e / 3600)
      , n = Math.floor(e % 3600 / 60)
      , r = e % 60;
    return `${Dh(t)}:${Dh(n)}:${Dh(r)}`
function Dh(e) {
    return e < 10 ? `0${e}` : `${e}`
const iP = e=>{
    const {nextActiveTime: t, ...n} = e
      , [r,i] = y.useState(t ? t - Date.now() : void 0)
      , s = r ? Math.floor(r / 1e3) : 0;
    return kv(()=>{
        if (!t)
        const o = Date.now()
          , a = t - o;
    , 1e3),
    x.jsx("button", {
        className: Ze("min-h-16 w-full rounded-2xl border border-graphite-light bg-graphite-normal p-2.5 disabled:opacity-35", e.disabled && "pointer-events-none"),
        disabled: e.disabled,
        children: x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex items-center gap-1 leading-none",
            children: [x.jsx("img", {
                src: e.iconUrl,
                className: "size-10"
            }), x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex flex-col items-start gap-2.5",
                children: [x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "text-left text-h5",
                    children: e.children
                }), x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "text-base text-white/65",
                    children: e.left === 0 ? H3(s) : `${e.left}/3`
  , W3 = e=>{
    const {multitap: t, balance: n} = Vt(zt)
      , r = Hr.multitap[t - 1]
      , i = !Hr.multitap[t - 1]
      , s = r > n || i
      , {t: o} = Tt("boosters");
    return x.jsx(jv, {
        level: t,
        price: r,
        iconUrl: Ae.multitap,
        disabled: s,
        isMaxLevelReached: i,
        children: o("multitap")
  , G3 = e=>{
    const {energyLimit: t, balance: n} = Vt(zt)
      , r = Hr.energyLimit[t - 1]
      , i = !Hr.energyLimit[t - 1]
      , s = r > n || i
      , {t: o} = Tt("boosters");
    return x.jsx(jv, {
        level: t,
        price: r,
        iconUrl: Ae.energyLimit,
        disabled: s,
        isMaxLevelReached: i,
        children: o("energyLimit")
  , K3 = e=>{
    const {rechargingSpeed: t, balance: n} = Vt(zt)
      , r = Hr.rechargingSpeed[t - 1]
      , i = !Hr.rechargingSpeed[t - 1]
      , s = r > n || i
      , {t: o} = Tt("boosters");
    return x.jsx(jv, {
        level: t,
        price: r,
        iconUrl: Ae.rechargingSpeed,
        disabled: s,
        isMaxLevelReached: i,
        children: o("rechargingSpeed")
  , q3 = e=>{
    const {tappingGuruLeft: t, tappingGuruNextTime: n} = Vt(zt)
      , r = Pu()
      , {isTapingGuruPending: i} = rP()
      , s = t === 0 || i || r
      , {t: o} = Tt("boosters");
    return x.jsx(iP, {
        disabled: s,
        left: t,
        iconUrl: Ae.tappingGuru,
        nextActiveTime: n,
        children: o("tappingGuru")
  , Q3 = e=>{
    const {fullTankLeft: t, fullTankNextTime: n} = Vt(zt)
      , {isFullTankPending: r} = nP()
      , i = Pu()
      , s = t === 0 || r || i
      , {t: o} = Tt("boosters");
    return x.jsx(iP, {
        disabled: s,
        left: t,
        iconUrl: Ae.fullTank,
        nextActiveTime: n,
        children: o("fullTank")
  , Af = e=>x.jsx("svg", {
    width: "16",
    height: "16",
    viewBox: "0 0 16 16",
    fill: "none",
    xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
    children: x.jsx("path", {
        d: "M0.362356 13.7928C-0.117521 14.2727 -0.127314 15.1247 0.37215 15.6242C0.881407 16.1236 1.73343 16.1138 2.20352 15.6438L8.00121 9.84606L13.7891 15.634C14.2788 16.1236 15.121 16.1236 15.6205 15.6242C16.12 15.1149 16.12 14.2825 15.6303 13.7928L9.84238 8.0049L15.6303 2.2072C16.12 1.71753 16.1297 0.875295 15.6205 0.375831C15.121 -0.123633 14.2788 -0.123633 13.7891 0.366038L8.00121 6.15394L2.20352 0.366038C1.73343 -0.113839 0.871613 -0.133426 0.37215 0.375831C-0.127314 0.875295 -0.117521 1.73711 0.362356 2.2072L6.15026 8.0049L0.362356 13.7928Z",
        fill: "white"
function qe() {
    return qe = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) {
        for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
            var n = arguments[t];
            for (var r in n)
                ({}).hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r])
        return e
    qe.apply(null, arguments)
function Yt(e, t, {checkForDefaultPrevented: n=!0}={}) {
    return function(i) {
        if (e == null || e(i),
        n === !1 || !i.defaultPrevented)
            return t == null ? void 0 : t(i)
function Y3(e, t) {
    typeof e == "function" ? e(t) : e != null && (e.current = t)
function sP(...e) {
    return t=>e.forEach(n=>Y3(n, t))
function Zr(...e) {
    return y.useCallback(sP(...e), e)
function Ru(e, t=[]) {
    let n = [];
    function r(s, o) {
        const a = y.createContext(o)
          , l = n.length;
        n = [...n, o];
        function u(d) {
            const {scope: f, children: h, ...m} = d
              , p = (f == null ? void 0 : f[e][l]) || a
              , b = y.useMemo(()=>m, Object.values(m));
            return y.createElement(p.Provider, {
                value: b
            }, h)
        function c(d, f) {
            const h = (f == null ? void 0 : f[e][l]) || a
              , m = y.useContext(h);
            if (m)
                return m;
            if (o !== void 0)
                return o;
            throw new Error(`\`${d}\` must be used within \`${s}\``)
        return u.displayName = s + "Provider",
        [u, c]
    const i = ()=>{
        const s = n.map(o=>y.createContext(o));
        return function(a) {
            const l = (a == null ? void 0 : a[e]) || s;
            return y.useMemo(()=>({
                [`__scope${e}`]: {
                    [e]: l
            }), [a, l])
    return i.scopeName = e,
    [r, X3(i, ...t)]
function X3(...e) {
    const t = e[0];
    if (e.length === 1)
        return t;
    const n = ()=>{
        const r = e.map(i=>({
            useScope: i(),
            scopeName: i.scopeName
        return function(s) {
            const o = r.reduce((a,{useScope: l, scopeName: u})=>{
                const d = l(s)[`__scope${u}`];
                return {
            , {});
            return y.useMemo(()=>({
                [`__scope${t.scopeName}`]: o
            }), [o])
    return n.scopeName = t.scopeName,
const Fm = globalThis != null && globalThis.document ? y.useLayoutEffect : ()=>{}
  , J3 = vb.useId || (()=>{}
let Z3 = 0;
function ul(e) {
    const [t,n] = y.useState(J3());
    return Fm(()=>{
        n(r=>r ?? String(Z3++))
    , [e]),
    t ? `radix-${t}` : ""
function Vi(e) {
    const t = y.useRef(e);
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        t.current = e
        var r;
        return (r = t.current) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.call(t, ...n)
    , [])
function $v({prop: e, defaultProp: t, onChange: n=()=>{}
}) {
    const [r,i] = ej({
        defaultProp: t,
        onChange: n
      , s = e !== void 0
      , o = s ? e : r
      , a = Vi(n)
      , l = y.useCallback(u=>{
        if (s) {
            const d = typeof u == "function" ? u(e) : u;
            d !== e && a(d)
        } else
    , [s, e, i, a]);
    return [o, l]
function ej({defaultProp: e, onChange: t}) {
    const n = y.useState(e)
      , [r] = n
      , i = y.useRef(r)
      , s = Vi(t);
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        i.current !== r && (s(r),
        i.current = r)
    , [r, i, s]),
const Ul = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {children: n, ...r} = e
      , i = y.Children.toArray(n)
      , s = i.find(nj);
    if (s) {
        const o = s.props.children
          , a = i.map(l=>l === s ? y.Children.count(o) > 1 ? y.Children.only(null) : y.isValidElement(o) ? o.props.children : null : l);
        return y.createElement(Vm, qe({}, r, {
            ref: t
        }), y.isValidElement(o) ? y.cloneElement(o, void 0, a) : null)
    return y.createElement(Vm, qe({}, r, {
        ref: t
    }), n)
Ul.displayName = "Slot";
const Vm = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {children: n, ...r} = e;
    return y.isValidElement(n) ? y.cloneElement(n, {
        ...rj(r, n.props),
        ref: t ? sP(t, n.ref) : n.ref
    }) : y.Children.count(n) > 1 ? y.Children.only(null) : null
Vm.displayName = "SlotClone";
const tj = ({children: e})=>y.createElement(y.Fragment, null, e);
function nj(e) {
    return y.isValidElement(e) && e.type === tj
function rj(e, t) {
    const n = {
    for (const r in t) {
        const i = e[r]
          , s = t[r];
        /^on[A-Z]/.test(r) ? i && s ? n[r] = (...a)=>{
        : i && (n[r] = i) : r === "style" ? n[r] = {
        } : r === "className" && (n[r] = [i, s].filter(Boolean).join(" "))
    return {
const ij = ["a", "button", "div", "form", "h2", "h3", "img", "input", "label", "li", "nav", "ol", "p", "span", "svg", "ul"]
  , ln = ij.reduce((e,t)=>{
    const n = y.forwardRef((r,i)=>{
        const {asChild: s, ...o} = r
          , a = s ? Ul : t;
        return y.useEffect(()=>{
            window[Symbol.for("radix-ui")] = !0
        , []),
        y.createElement(a, qe({}, o, {
            ref: i
    return n.displayName = `Primitive.${t}`,
        [t]: n
, {});
function sj(e, t) {
    e && xu.flushSync(()=>e.dispatchEvent(t))
function oj(e, t=globalThis == null ? void 0 : globalThis.document) {
    const n = Vi(e);
        const r = i=>{
            i.key === "Escape" && n(i)
        return t.addEventListener("keydown", r),
        ()=>t.removeEventListener("keydown", r)
    , [n, t])
const zm = "dismissableLayer.update"
  , aj = "dismissableLayer.pointerDownOutside"
  , lj = "dismissableLayer.focusOutside";
let J1;
const uj = y.createContext({
    layers: new Set,
    layersWithOutsidePointerEventsDisabled: new Set,
    branches: new Set
  , cj = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    var n;
    const {disableOutsidePointerEvents: r=!1, onEscapeKeyDown: i, onPointerDownOutside: s, onFocusOutside: o, onInteractOutside: a, onDismiss: l, ...u} = e
      , c = y.useContext(uj)
      , [d,f] = y.useState(null)
      , h = (n = d == null ? void 0 : d.ownerDocument) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : globalThis == null ? void 0 : globalThis.document
      , [,m] = y.useState({})
      , p = Zr(t, P=>f(P))
      , b = Array.from(c.layers)
      , [v] = [...c.layersWithOutsidePointerEventsDisabled].slice(-1)
      , g = b.indexOf(v)
      , w = d ? b.indexOf(d) : -1
      , E = c.layersWithOutsidePointerEventsDisabled.size > 0
      , D = w >= g
      , V = dj(P=>{
        const A = P.target
          , B = [...c.branches].some(Q=>Q.contains(A));
        !D || B || (s == null || s(P),
        a == null || a(P),
        P.defaultPrevented || l == null || l())
    , h)
      , C = fj(P=>{
        const A = P.target;
        [...c.branches].some(Q=>Q.contains(A)) || (o == null || o(P),
        a == null || a(P),
        P.defaultPrevented || l == null || l())
    , h);
    return oj(P=>{
        w === c.layers.size - 1 && (i == null || i(P),
        !P.defaultPrevented && l && (P.preventDefault(),
    , h),
        if (d)
            return r && (c.layersWithOutsidePointerEventsDisabled.size === 0 && (J1 = h.body.style.pointerEvents,
            h.body.style.pointerEvents = "none"),
                r && c.layersWithOutsidePointerEventsDisabled.size === 1 && (h.body.style.pointerEvents = J1)
    , [d, h, r, c]),
        d && (c.layers.delete(d),
    , [d, c]),
        const P = ()=>m({});
        return document.addEventListener(zm, P),
        ()=>document.removeEventListener(zm, P)
    , []),
    y.createElement(ln.div, qe({}, u, {
        ref: p,
        style: {
            pointerEvents: E ? D ? "auto" : "none" : void 0,
        onFocusCapture: Yt(e.onFocusCapture, C.onFocusCapture),
        onBlurCapture: Yt(e.onBlurCapture, C.onBlurCapture),
        onPointerDownCapture: Yt(e.onPointerDownCapture, V.onPointerDownCapture)
function dj(e, t=globalThis == null ? void 0 : globalThis.document) {
    const n = Vi(e)
      , r = y.useRef(!1)
      , i = y.useRef(()=>{}
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        const s = a=>{
            if (a.target && !r.current) {
                let c = function() {
                    oP(aj, n, u, {
                        discrete: !0
                var l = c;
                const u = {
                    originalEvent: a
                a.pointerType === "touch" ? (t.removeEventListener("click", i.current),
                i.current = c,
                t.addEventListener("click", i.current, {
                    once: !0
                })) : c()
            } else
                t.removeEventListener("click", i.current);
            r.current = !1
          , o = window.setTimeout(()=>{
            t.addEventListener("pointerdown", s)
        , 0);
        return ()=>{
            t.removeEventListener("pointerdown", s),
            t.removeEventListener("click", i.current)
    , [t, n]),
        onPointerDownCapture: ()=>r.current = !0
function fj(e, t=globalThis == null ? void 0 : globalThis.document) {
    const n = Vi(e)
      , r = y.useRef(!1);
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        const i = s=>{
            s.target && !r.current && oP(lj, n, {
                originalEvent: s
            }, {
                discrete: !1
        return t.addEventListener("focusin", i),
        ()=>t.removeEventListener("focusin", i)
    , [t, n]),
        onFocusCapture: ()=>r.current = !0,
        onBlurCapture: ()=>r.current = !1
function Z1() {
    const e = new CustomEvent(zm);
function oP(e, t, n, {discrete: r}) {
    const i = n.originalEvent.target
      , s = new CustomEvent(e,{
        bubbles: !1,
        cancelable: !0,
        detail: n
    t && i.addEventListener(e, t, {
        once: !0
    r ? sj(i, s) : i.dispatchEvent(s)
const Lh = "focusScope.autoFocusOnMount"
  , Nh = "focusScope.autoFocusOnUnmount"
  , ew = {
    bubbles: !1,
    cancelable: !0
  , hj = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {loop: n=!1, trapped: r=!1, onMountAutoFocus: i, onUnmountAutoFocus: s, ...o} = e
      , [a,l] = y.useState(null)
      , u = Vi(i)
      , c = Vi(s)
      , d = y.useRef(null)
      , f = Zr(t, p=>l(p))
      , h = y.useRef({
        paused: !1,
        pause() {
            this.paused = !0
        resume() {
            this.paused = !1
        if (r) {
            let g = function(V) {
                if (h.paused || !a)
                const C = V.target;
                a.contains(C) ? d.current = C : ui(d.current, {
                    select: !0
              , w = function(V) {
                if (h.paused || !a)
                const C = V.relatedTarget;
                C !== null && (a.contains(C) || ui(d.current, {
                    select: !0
              , E = function(V) {
                if (document.activeElement === document.body)
                    for (const P of V)
                        P.removedNodes.length > 0 && ui(a)
            var p = g
              , b = w
              , v = E;
            document.addEventListener("focusin", g),
            document.addEventListener("focusout", w);
            const D = new MutationObserver(E);
            return a && D.observe(a, {
                childList: !0,
                subtree: !0
                document.removeEventListener("focusin", g),
                document.removeEventListener("focusout", w),
    , [r, a, h.paused]),
        if (a) {
            const p = document.activeElement;
            if (!a.contains(p)) {
                const v = new CustomEvent(Lh,ew);
                a.addEventListener(Lh, u),
                v.defaultPrevented || (pj(wj(aP(a)), {
                    select: !0
                document.activeElement === p && ui(a))
            return ()=>{
                a.removeEventListener(Lh, u),
                    const v = new CustomEvent(Nh,ew);
                    a.addEventListener(Nh, c),
                    v.defaultPrevented || ui(p ?? document.body, {
                        select: !0
                    a.removeEventListener(Nh, c),
                , 0)
    , [a, u, c, h]);
    const m = y.useCallback(p=>{
        if (!n && !r || h.paused)
        const b = p.key === "Tab" && !p.altKey && !p.ctrlKey && !p.metaKey
          , v = document.activeElement;
        if (b && v) {
            const g = p.currentTarget
              , [w,E] = mj(g);
            w && E ? !p.shiftKey && v === E ? (p.preventDefault(),
            n && ui(w, {
                select: !0
            })) : p.shiftKey && v === w && (p.preventDefault(),
            n && ui(E, {
                select: !0
            })) : v === g && p.preventDefault()
    , [n, r, h.paused]);
    return y.createElement(ln.div, qe({
        tabIndex: -1
    }, o, {
        ref: f,
        onKeyDown: m
function pj(e, {select: t=!1}={}) {
    const n = document.activeElement;
    for (const r of e)
        if (ui(r, {
            select: t
        document.activeElement !== n)
function mj(e) {
    const t = aP(e)
      , n = tw(t, e)
      , r = tw(t.reverse(), e);
    return [n, r]
function aP(e) {
    const t = []
      , n = document.createTreeWalker(e, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {
        acceptNode: r=>{
            const i = r.tagName === "INPUT" && r.type === "hidden";
            return r.disabled || r.hidden || i ? NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP : r.tabIndex >= 0 ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP
    for (; n.nextNode(); )
    return t
function tw(e, t) {
    for (const n of e)
        if (!gj(n, {
            upTo: t
            return n
function gj(e, {upTo: t}) {
    if (getComputedStyle(e).visibility === "hidden")
        return !0;
    for (; e; ) {
        if (t !== void 0 && e === t)
            return !1;
        if (getComputedStyle(e).display === "none")
            return !0;
        e = e.parentElement
    return !1
function vj(e) {
    return e instanceof HTMLInputElement && "select"in e
function ui(e, {select: t=!1}={}) {
    if (e && e.focus) {
        const n = document.activeElement;
            preventScroll: !0
        e !== n && vj(e) && t && e.select()
const nw = yj();
function yj() {
    let e = [];
    return {
        add(t) {
            const n = e[0];
            t !== n && (n == null || n.pause()),
            e = rw(e, t),
        remove(t) {
            var n;
            e = rw(e, t),
            (n = e[0]) === null || n === void 0 || n.resume()
function rw(e, t) {
    const n = [...e]
      , r = n.indexOf(t);
    return r !== -1 && n.splice(r, 1),
function wj(e) {
    return e.filter(t=>t.tagName !== "A")
const xj = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    var n;
    const {container: r=globalThis == null || (n = globalThis.document) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.body, ...i} = e;
    return r ? EE.createPortal(y.createElement(ln.div, qe({}, i, {
        ref: t
    })), r) : null
function bj(e, t) {
    return y.useReducer((n,r)=>{
        const i = t[n][r];
        return i ?? n
    , e)
const Ou = e=>{
    const {present: t, children: n} = e
      , r = Sj(t)
      , i = typeof n == "function" ? n({
        present: r.isPresent
    }) : y.Children.only(n)
      , s = Zr(r.ref, i.ref);
    return typeof n == "function" || r.isPresent ? y.cloneElement(i, {
        ref: s
    }) : null
Ou.displayName = "Presence";
function Sj(e) {
    const [t,n] = y.useState()
      , r = y.useRef({})
      , i = y.useRef(e)
      , s = y.useRef("none")
      , o = e ? "mounted" : "unmounted"
      , [a,l] = bj(o, {
        mounted: {
            UNMOUNT: "unmounted",
            ANIMATION_OUT: "unmountSuspended"
        unmountSuspended: {
            MOUNT: "mounted",
            ANIMATION_END: "unmounted"
        unmounted: {
            MOUNT: "mounted"
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        const u = ac(r.current);
        s.current = a === "mounted" ? u : "none"
    , [a]),
        const u = r.current
          , c = i.current;
        if (c !== e) {
            const f = s.current
              , h = ac(u);
            e ? l("MOUNT") : h === "none" || (u == null ? void 0 : u.display) === "none" ? l("UNMOUNT") : l(c && f !== h ? "ANIMATION_OUT" : "UNMOUNT"),
            i.current = e
    , [e, l]),
        if (t) {
            const u = d=>{
                const h = ac(r.current).includes(d.animationName);
                d.target === t && h && xu.flushSync(()=>l("ANIMATION_END"))
              , c = d=>{
                d.target === t && (s.current = ac(r.current))
            return t.addEventListener("animationstart", c),
            t.addEventListener("animationcancel", u),
            t.addEventListener("animationend", u),
                t.removeEventListener("animationstart", c),
                t.removeEventListener("animationcancel", u),
                t.removeEventListener("animationend", u)
        } else
    , [t, l]),
        isPresent: ["mounted", "unmountSuspended"].includes(a),
        ref: y.useCallback(u=>{
            u && (r.current = getComputedStyle(u)),
        , [])
function ac(e) {
    return (e == null ? void 0 : e.animationName) || "none"
let Mh = 0;
function Ej() {
        var e, t;
        const n = document.querySelectorAll("[data-radix-focus-guard]");
        return document.body.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", (e = n[0]) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : iw()),
        document.body.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", (t = n[1]) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : iw()),
            Mh === 1 && document.querySelectorAll("[data-radix-focus-guard]").forEach(r=>r.remove()),
    , [])
function iw() {
    const e = document.createElement("span");
    return e.setAttribute("data-radix-focus-guard", ""),
    e.tabIndex = 0,
    e.style.cssText = "outline: none; opacity: 0; position: fixed; pointer-events: none",
var Tr = function() {
    return Tr = Object.assign || function(t) {
        for (var n, r = 1, i = arguments.length; r < i; r++) {
            n = arguments[r];
            for (var s in n)
                Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, s) && (t[s] = n[s])
        return t
    Tr.apply(this, arguments)
function lP(e, t) {
    var n = {};
    for (var r in e)
        Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
    if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function")
        for (var i = 0, r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
            t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
    return n
function Cj(e, t, n) {
    if (n || arguments.length === 2)
        for (var r = 0, i = t.length, s; r < i; r++)
            (s || !(r in t)) && (s || (s = Array.prototype.slice.call(t, 0, r)),
            s[r] = t[r]);
    return e.concat(s || Array.prototype.slice.call(t))
var Ic = "right-scroll-bar-position"
  , Fc = "width-before-scroll-bar"
  , Pj = "with-scroll-bars-hidden"
  , Tj = "--removed-body-scroll-bar-size";
function jh(e, t) {
    return typeof e == "function" ? e(t) : e && (e.current = t),
function Rj(e, t) {
    var n = y.useState(function() {
        return {
            value: e,
            callback: t,
            facade: {
                get current() {
                    return n.value
                set current(r) {
                    var i = n.value;
                    i !== r && (n.value = r,
                    n.callback(r, i))
    return n.callback = t,
var Oj = typeof window < "u" ? y.useLayoutEffect : y.useEffect
  , sw = new WeakMap;
function kj(e, t) {
    var n = Rj(null, function(r) {
        return e.forEach(function(i) {
            return jh(i, r)
    return Oj(function() {
        var r = sw.get(n);
        if (r) {
            var i = new Set(r)
              , s = new Set(e)
              , o = n.current;
            i.forEach(function(a) {
                s.has(a) || jh(a, null)
            s.forEach(function(a) {
                i.has(a) || jh(a, o)
        sw.set(n, e)
    }, [e]),
function _j(e) {
    return e
function Aj(e, t) {
    t === void 0 && (t = _j);
    var n = []
      , r = !1
      , i = {
        read: function() {
            if (r)
                throw new Error("Sidecar: could not `read` from an `assigned` medium. `read` could be used only with `useMedium`.");
            return n.length ? n[n.length - 1] : e
        useMedium: function(s) {
            var o = t(s, r);
            return n.push(o),
            function() {
                n = n.filter(function(a) {
                    return a !== o
        assignSyncMedium: function(s) {
            for (r = !0; n.length; ) {
                var o = n;
                n = [],
            n = {
                push: function(a) {
                    return s(a)
                filter: function() {
                    return n
        assignMedium: function(s) {
            r = !0;
            var o = [];
            if (n.length) {
                var a = n;
                n = [],
                o = n
            var l = function() {
                var c = o;
                o = [],
              , u = function() {
                return Promise.resolve().then(l)
            n = {
                push: function(c) {
                filter: function(c) {
                    return o = o.filter(c),
    return i
function Dj(e) {
    e === void 0 && (e = {});
    var t = Aj(null);
    return t.options = Tr({
        async: !0,
        ssr: !1
    }, e),
var uP = function(e) {
    var t = e.sideCar
      , n = lP(e, ["sideCar"]);
    if (!t)
        throw new Error("Sidecar: please provide `sideCar` property to import the right car");
    var r = t.read();
    if (!r)
        throw new Error("Sidecar medium not found");
    return y.createElement(r, Tr({}, n))
uP.isSideCarExport = !0;
function Lj(e, t) {
    return e.useMedium(t),
var cP = Dj()
  , $h = function() {}
  , Df = y.forwardRef(function(e, t) {
    var n = y.useRef(null)
      , r = y.useState({
        onScrollCapture: $h,
        onWheelCapture: $h,
        onTouchMoveCapture: $h
      , i = r[0]
      , s = r[1]
      , o = e.forwardProps
      , a = e.children
      , l = e.className
      , u = e.removeScrollBar
      , c = e.enabled
      , d = e.shards
      , f = e.sideCar
      , h = e.noIsolation
      , m = e.inert
      , p = e.allowPinchZoom
      , b = e.as
      , v = b === void 0 ? "div" : b
      , g = lP(e, ["forwardProps", "children", "className", "removeScrollBar", "enabled", "shards", "sideCar", "noIsolation", "inert", "allowPinchZoom", "as"])
      , w = f
      , E = kj([n, t])
      , D = Tr(Tr({}, g), i);
    return y.createElement(y.Fragment, null, c && y.createElement(w, {
        sideCar: cP,
        removeScrollBar: u,
        shards: d,
        noIsolation: h,
        inert: m,
        setCallbacks: s,
        allowPinchZoom: !!p,
        lockRef: n
    }), o ? y.cloneElement(y.Children.only(a), Tr(Tr({}, D), {
        ref: E
    })) : y.createElement(v, Tr({}, D, {
        className: l,
        ref: E
    }), a))
Df.defaultProps = {
    enabled: !0,
    removeScrollBar: !0,
    inert: !1
Df.classNames = {
    fullWidth: Fc,
    zeroRight: Ic
var Nj = function() {
    if (typeof __webpack_nonce__ < "u")
        return __webpack_nonce__
function Mj() {
    if (!document)
        return null;
    var e = document.createElement("style");
    e.type = "text/css";
    var t = Nj();
    return t && e.setAttribute("nonce", t),
function jj(e, t) {
    e.styleSheet ? e.styleSheet.cssText = t : e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t))
function $j(e) {
    var t = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var Ij = function() {
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      , t = null;
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        add: function(n) {
            e == 0 && (t = Mj()) && (jj(t, n),
        remove: function() {
            !e && t && (t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t),
            t = null)
  , Fj = function() {
    var e = Ij();
    return function(t, n) {
        y.useEffect(function() {
            return e.add(t),
            function() {
        }, [t && n])
  , dP = function() {
    var e = Fj()
      , t = function(n) {
        var r = n.styles
          , i = n.dynamic;
        return e(r, i),
    return t
  , Vj = {
    left: 0,
    top: 0,
    right: 0,
    gap: 0
  , Ih = function(e) {
    return parseInt(e || "", 10) || 0
  , zj = function(e) {
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      , n = t[e === "padding" ? "paddingLeft" : "marginLeft"]
      , r = t[e === "padding" ? "paddingTop" : "marginTop"]
      , i = t[e === "padding" ? "paddingRight" : "marginRight"];
    return [Ih(n), Ih(r), Ih(i)]
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    if (e === void 0 && (e = "margin"),
    typeof window > "u")
        return Vj;
    var t = zj(e)
      , n = document.documentElement.clientWidth
      , r = window.innerWidth;
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        left: t[0],
        top: t[1],
        right: t[2],
        gap: Math.max(0, r - n + t[2] - t[0])
  , Bj = dP()
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  , Hj = function(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = e.left
      , s = e.top
      , o = e.right
      , a = e.gap;
    return n === void 0 && (n = "margin"),
  .`.concat(Pj, ` {
   overflow: hidden `).concat(r, `;
   padding-right: `).concat(a, "px ").concat(r, `;
  body[`).concat(Do, `] {
    overflow: hidden `).concat(r, `;
    overscroll-behavior: contain;
    `).concat([t && "position: relative ".concat(r, ";"), n === "margin" && `
    padding-left: `.concat(i, `px;
    padding-top: `).concat(s, `px;
    padding-right: `).concat(o, `px;
    margin-right: `).concat(a, "px ").concat(r, `;
    `), n === "padding" && "padding-right: ".concat(a, "px ").concat(r, ";")].filter(Boolean).join(""), `
  .`).concat(Ic, ` {
    right: `).concat(a, "px ").concat(r, `;
  .`).concat(Fc, ` {
    margin-right: `).concat(a, "px ").concat(r, `;
  .`).concat(Ic, " .").concat(Ic, ` {
    right: 0 `).concat(r, `;
  .`).concat(Fc, " .").concat(Fc, ` {
    margin-right: 0 `).concat(r, `;
  body[`).concat(Do, `] {
    `).concat(Tj, ": ").concat(a, `px;
  , ow = function() {
    var e = parseInt(document.body.getAttribute(Do) || "0", 10);
    return isFinite(e) ? e : 0
  , Wj = function() {
    y.useEffect(function() {
        return document.body.setAttribute(Do, (ow() + 1).toString()),
        function() {
            var e = ow() - 1;
            e <= 0 ? document.body.removeAttribute(Do) : document.body.setAttribute(Do, e.toString())
    }, [])
  , Gj = function(e) {
    var t = e.noRelative
      , n = e.noImportant
      , r = e.gapMode
      , i = r === void 0 ? "margin" : r;
    var s = y.useMemo(function() {
        return Uj(i)
    }, [i]);
    return y.createElement(Bj, {
        styles: Hj(s, !t, i, n ? "" : "!important")
  , Um = !1;
if (typeof window < "u")
    try {
        var lc = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {
            get: function() {
                return Um = !0,
        window.addEventListener("test", lc, lc),
        window.removeEventListener("test", lc, lc)
    } catch {
        Um = !1
var Zs = Um ? {
    passive: !1
} : !1
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    return e.tagName === "TEXTAREA"
  , fP = function(e, t) {
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    return n[t] !== "hidden" && !(n.overflowY === n.overflowX && !Kj(e) && n[t] === "visible")
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    return fP(e, "overflowY")
  , Qj = function(e) {
    return fP(e, "overflowX")
  , aw = function(e, t) {
    var n = t;
    do {
        typeof ShadowRoot < "u" && n instanceof ShadowRoot && (n = n.host);
        var r = hP(e, n);
        if (r) {
            var i = pP(e, n)
              , s = i[1]
              , o = i[2];
            if (s > o)
                return !0
        n = n.parentNode
    } while (n && n !== document.body);
    return !1
  , Yj = function(e) {
    var t = e.scrollTop
      , n = e.scrollHeight
      , r = e.clientHeight;
    return [t, n, r]
  , Xj = function(e) {
    var t = e.scrollLeft
      , n = e.scrollWidth
      , r = e.clientWidth;
    return [t, n, r]
  , hP = function(e, t) {
    return e === "v" ? qj(t) : Qj(t)
  , pP = function(e, t) {
    return e === "v" ? Yj(t) : Xj(t)
  , Jj = function(e, t) {
    return e === "h" && t === "rtl" ? -1 : 1
  , Zj = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = Jj(e, window.getComputedStyle(t).direction)
      , o = s * r
      , a = n.target
      , l = t.contains(a)
      , u = !1
      , c = o > 0
      , d = 0
      , f = 0;
    do {
        var h = pP(e, a)
          , m = h[0]
          , p = h[1]
          , b = h[2]
          , v = p - b - s * m;
        (m || v) && hP(e, a) && (d += v,
        f += m),
        a = a.parentNode
    } while (!l && a !== document.body || l && (t.contains(a) || t === a));
    return (c && (d === 0 || !i) || !c && (f === 0 || !i)) && (u = !0),
  , uc = function(e) {
    return "changedTouches"in e ? [e.changedTouches[0].clientX, e.changedTouches[0].clientY] : [0, 0]
  , lw = function(e) {
    return [e.deltaX, e.deltaY]
  , uw = function(e) {
    return e && "current"in e ? e.current : e
  , e4 = function(e, t) {
    return e[0] === t[0] && e[1] === t[1]
  , t4 = function(e) {
    return `
  .block-interactivity-`.concat(e, ` {pointer-events: none;}
  .allow-interactivity-`).concat(e, ` {pointer-events: all;}
  , n4 = 0
  , eo = [];
function r4(e) {
    var t = y.useRef([])
      , n = y.useRef([0, 0])
      , r = y.useRef()
      , i = y.useState(n4++)[0]
      , s = y.useState(function() {
        return dP()
      , o = y.useRef(e);
    y.useEffect(function() {
        o.current = e
    }, [e]),
    y.useEffect(function() {
        if (e.inert) {
            var p = Cj([e.lockRef.current], (e.shards || []).map(uw), !0).filter(Boolean);
            return p.forEach(function(b) {
                return b.classList.add("allow-interactivity-".concat(i))
            function() {
                p.forEach(function(b) {
                    return b.classList.remove("allow-interactivity-".concat(i))
    }, [e.inert, e.lockRef.current, e.shards]);
    var a = y.useCallback(function(p, b) {
        if ("touches"in p && p.touches.length === 2)
            return !o.current.allowPinchZoom;
        var v = uc(p), g = n.current, w = "deltaX"in p ? p.deltaX : g[0] - v[0], E = "deltaY"in p ? p.deltaY : g[1] - v[1], D, V = p.target, C = Math.abs(w) > Math.abs(E) ? "h" : "v";
        if ("touches"in p && C === "h" && V.type === "range")
            return !1;
        var P = aw(C, V);
        if (!P)
            return !0;
        if (P ? D = C : (D = C === "v" ? "h" : "v",
        P = aw(C, V)),
            return !1;
        if (!r.current && "changedTouches"in p && (w || E) && (r.current = D),
            return !0;
        var A = r.current || D;
        return Zj(A, b, p, A === "h" ? w : E, !0)
    }, [])
      , l = y.useCallback(function(p) {
        var b = p;
        if (!(!eo.length || eo[eo.length - 1] !== s)) {
            var v = "deltaY"in b ? lw(b) : uc(b)
              , g = t.current.filter(function(D) {
                return D.name === b.type && D.target === b.target && e4(D.delta, v)
            if (g && g.should) {
                b.cancelable && b.preventDefault();
            if (!g) {
                var w = (o.current.shards || []).map(uw).filter(Boolean).filter(function(D) {
                    return D.contains(b.target)
                  , E = w.length > 0 ? a(b, w[0]) : !o.current.noIsolation;
                E && b.cancelable && b.preventDefault()
    }, [])
      , u = y.useCallback(function(p, b, v, g) {
        var w = {
            name: p,
            delta: b,
            target: v,
            should: g
        setTimeout(function() {
            t.current = t.current.filter(function(E) {
                return E !== w
        }, 1)
    }, [])
      , c = y.useCallback(function(p) {
        n.current = uc(p),
        r.current = void 0
    }, [])
      , d = y.useCallback(function(p) {
        u(p.type, lw(p), p.target, a(p, e.lockRef.current))
    }, [])
      , f = y.useCallback(function(p) {
        u(p.type, uc(p), p.target, a(p, e.lockRef.current))
    }, []);
    y.useEffect(function() {
        return eo.push(s),
            onScrollCapture: d,
            onWheelCapture: d,
            onTouchMoveCapture: f
        document.addEventListener("wheel", l, Zs),
        document.addEventListener("touchmove", l, Zs),
        document.addEventListener("touchstart", c, Zs),
        function() {
            eo = eo.filter(function(p) {
                return p !== s
            document.removeEventListener("wheel", l, Zs),
            document.removeEventListener("touchmove", l, Zs),
            document.removeEventListener("touchstart", c, Zs)
    }, []);
    var h = e.removeScrollBar
      , m = e.inert;
    return y.createElement(y.Fragment, null, m ? y.createElement(s, {
        styles: t4(i)
    }) : null, h ? y.createElement(Gj, {
        gapMode: "margin"
    }) : null)
const i4 = Lj(cP, r4);
var mP = y.forwardRef(function(e, t) {
    return y.createElement(Df, Tr({}, e, {
        ref: t,
        sideCar: i4
mP.classNames = Df.classNames;
var s4 = function(e) {
    if (typeof document > "u")
        return null;
    var t = Array.isArray(e) ? e[0] : e;
    return t.ownerDocument.body
  , to = new WeakMap
  , cc = new WeakMap
  , dc = {}
  , Fh = 0
  , gP = function(e) {
    return e && (e.host || gP(e.parentNode))
  , o4 = function(e, t) {
    return t.map(function(n) {
        if (e.contains(n))
            return n;
        var r = gP(n);
        return r && e.contains(r) ? r : (console.error("aria-hidden", n, "in not contained inside", e, ". Doing nothing"),
    }).filter(function(n) {
        return !!n
  , a4 = function(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = o4(t, Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]);
    dc[n] || (dc[n] = new WeakMap);
    var s = dc[n]
      , o = []
      , a = new Set
      , l = new Set(i)
      , u = function(d) {
        !d || a.has(d) || (a.add(d),
    var c = function(d) {
        !d || l.has(d) || Array.prototype.forEach.call(d.children, function(f) {
            if (a.has(f))
                try {
                    var h = f.getAttribute(r)
                      , m = h !== null && h !== "false"
                      , p = (to.get(f) || 0) + 1
                      , b = (s.get(f) || 0) + 1;
                    to.set(f, p),
                    s.set(f, b),
                    p === 1 && m && cc.set(f, !0),
                    b === 1 && f.setAttribute(n, "true"),
                    m || f.setAttribute(r, "true")
                } catch (v) {
                    console.error("aria-hidden: cannot operate on ", f, v)
    return c(t),
    function() {
        o.forEach(function(d) {
            var f = to.get(d) - 1
              , h = s.get(d) - 1;
            to.set(d, f),
            s.set(d, h),
            f || (cc.has(d) || d.removeAttribute(r),
            h || d.removeAttribute(n)
        Fh || (to = new WeakMap,
        to = new WeakMap,
        cc = new WeakMap,
        dc = {})
  , l4 = function(e, t, n) {
    n === void 0 && (n = "data-aria-hidden");
    var r = Array.from(Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e])
      , i = s4(e);
    return i ? (r.push.apply(r, Array.from(i.querySelectorAll("[aria-live]"))),
    a4(r, i, n, "aria-hidden")) : function() {
        return null
const vP = "Dialog"
  , [yP,Dz] = Ru(vP)
  , [u4,gr] = yP(vP)
  , c4 = e=>{
    const {__scopeDialog: t, children: n, open: r, defaultOpen: i, onOpenChange: s, modal: o=!0} = e
      , a = y.useRef(null)
      , l = y.useRef(null)
      , [u=!1,c] = $v({
        prop: r,
        defaultProp: i,
        onChange: s
    return y.createElement(u4, {
        scope: t,
        triggerRef: a,
        contentRef: l,
        contentId: ul(),
        titleId: ul(),
        descriptionId: ul(),
        open: u,
        onOpenChange: c,
        onOpenToggle: y.useCallback(()=>c(d=>!d), [c]),
        modal: o
    }, n)
  , d4 = "DialogTrigger"
  , f4 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeDialog: n, ...r} = e
      , i = gr(d4, n)
      , s = Zr(t, i.triggerRef);
    return y.createElement(ln.button, qe({
        type: "button",
        "aria-haspopup": "dialog",
        "aria-expanded": i.open,
        "aria-controls": i.contentId,
        "data-state": Iv(i.open)
    }, r, {
        ref: s,
        onClick: Yt(e.onClick, i.onOpenToggle)
  , wP = "DialogPortal"
  , [h4,xP] = yP(wP, {
    forceMount: void 0
  , p4 = e=>{
    const {__scopeDialog: t, forceMount: n, children: r, container: i} = e
      , s = gr(wP, t);
    return y.createElement(h4, {
        scope: t,
        forceMount: n
    }, y.Children.map(r, o=>y.createElement(Ou, {
        present: n || s.open
    }, y.createElement(xj, {
        asChild: !0,
        container: i
    }, o))))
  , Bm = "DialogOverlay"
  , m4 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const n = xP(Bm, e.__scopeDialog)
      , {forceMount: r=n.forceMount, ...i} = e
      , s = gr(Bm, e.__scopeDialog);
    return s.modal ? y.createElement(Ou, {
        present: r || s.open
    }, y.createElement(g4, qe({}, i, {
        ref: t
    }))) : null
  , g4 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeDialog: n, ...r} = e
      , i = gr(Bm, n);
    return y.createElement(mP, {
        as: Ul,
        allowPinchZoom: !0,
        shards: [i.contentRef]
    }, y.createElement(ln.div, qe({
        "data-state": Iv(i.open)
    }, r, {
        ref: t,
        style: {
            pointerEvents: "auto",
  , Bl = "DialogContent"
  , v4 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const n = xP(Bl, e.__scopeDialog)
      , {forceMount: r=n.forceMount, ...i} = e
      , s = gr(Bl, e.__scopeDialog);
    return y.createElement(Ou, {
        present: r || s.open
    }, s.modal ? y.createElement(y4, qe({}, i, {
        ref: t
    })) : y.createElement(w4, qe({}, i, {
        ref: t
  , y4 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const n = gr(Bl, e.__scopeDialog)
      , r = y.useRef(null)
      , i = Zr(t, n.contentRef, r);
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        const s = r.current;
        if (s)
            return l4(s)
    , []),
    y.createElement(bP, qe({}, e, {
        ref: i,
        trapFocus: n.open,
        disableOutsidePointerEvents: !0,
        onCloseAutoFocus: Yt(e.onCloseAutoFocus, s=>{
            var o;
            (o = n.triggerRef.current) === null || o === void 0 || o.focus()
        onPointerDownOutside: Yt(e.onPointerDownOutside, s=>{
            const o = s.detail.originalEvent
              , a = o.button === 0 && o.ctrlKey === !0;
            (o.button === 2 || a) && s.preventDefault()
        onFocusOutside: Yt(e.onFocusOutside, s=>s.preventDefault())
  , w4 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const n = gr(Bl, e.__scopeDialog)
      , r = y.useRef(!1)
      , i = y.useRef(!1);
    return y.createElement(bP, qe({}, e, {
        ref: t,
        trapFocus: !1,
        disableOutsidePointerEvents: !1,
        onCloseAutoFocus: s=>{
            var o;
            if ((o = e.onCloseAutoFocus) === null || o === void 0 || o.call(e, s),
            !s.defaultPrevented) {
                var a;
                r.current || (a = n.triggerRef.current) === null || a === void 0 || a.focus(),
            r.current = !1,
            i.current = !1
        onInteractOutside: s=>{
            var o, a;
            (o = e.onInteractOutside) === null || o === void 0 || o.call(e, s),
            s.defaultPrevented || (r.current = !0,
            s.detail.originalEvent.type === "pointerdown" && (i.current = !0));
            const l = s.target;
            ((a = n.triggerRef.current) === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.contains(l)) && s.preventDefault(),
            s.detail.originalEvent.type === "focusin" && i.current && s.preventDefault()
  , bP = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeDialog: n, trapFocus: r, onOpenAutoFocus: i, onCloseAutoFocus: s, ...o} = e
      , a = gr(Bl, n)
      , l = y.useRef(null)
      , u = Zr(t, l);
    return Ej(),
    y.createElement(y.Fragment, null, y.createElement(hj, {
        asChild: !0,
        loop: !0,
        trapped: r,
        onMountAutoFocus: i,
        onUnmountAutoFocus: s
    }, y.createElement(cj, qe({
        role: "dialog",
        id: a.contentId,
        "aria-describedby": a.descriptionId,
        "aria-labelledby": a.titleId,
        "data-state": Iv(a.open)
    }, o, {
        ref: u,
        onDismiss: ()=>a.onOpenChange(!1)
    }))), !1)
  , x4 = "DialogTitle"
  , b4 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeDialog: n, ...r} = e
      , i = gr(x4, n);
    return y.createElement(ln.h2, qe({
        id: i.titleId
    }, r, {
        ref: t
  , S4 = "DialogDescription"
  , E4 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeDialog: n, ...r} = e
      , i = gr(S4, n);
    return y.createElement(ln.p, qe({
        id: i.descriptionId
    }, r, {
        ref: t
  , C4 = "DialogClose"
  , P4 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeDialog: n, ...r} = e
      , i = gr(C4, n);
    return y.createElement(ln.button, qe({
        type: "button"
    }, r, {
        ref: t,
        onClick: Yt(e.onClick, ()=>i.onOpenChange(!1))
function Iv(e) {
    return e ? "open" : "closed"
const T4 = c4
  , R4 = f4
  , O4 = p4
  , k4 = m4
  , _4 = v4
  , A4 = b4
  , D4 = E4
  , L4 = P4;
function N4(e) {
    if (typeof document > "u")
    let t = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]
      , n = document.createElement("style");
    n.type = "text/css",
    n.styleSheet ? n.styleSheet.cssText = e : n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e))
const SP = ce.createContext({
    drawerRef: {
        current: null
    overlayRef: {
        current: null
    scaleBackground: ()=>{}
    onPress: ()=>{}
    onRelease: ()=>{}
    onDrag: ()=>{}
    onNestedDrag: ()=>{}
    onNestedOpenChange: ()=>{}
    onNestedRelease: ()=>{}
    openProp: void 0,
    dismissible: !1,
    handleOnly: !1,
    isOpen: !1,
    isDragging: !1,
    keyboardIsOpen: {
        current: !1
    snapPointsOffset: null,
    snapPoints: null,
    modal: !1,
    shouldFade: !1,
    activeSnapPoint: null,
    onOpenChange: ()=>{}
    setActiveSnapPoint: ()=>{}
    visible: !1,
    closeDrawer: ()=>{}
    setVisible: ()=>{}
    direction: "bottom"
  , Lf = ()=>{
    const e = ce.useContext(SP);
    if (!e)
        throw new Error("useDrawerContext must be used within a Drawer.Root");
    return e
N4("[vaul-drawer]{touch-action:none;will-change:transform;transition:transform .5s cubic-bezier(.32, .72, 0, 1)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=bottom]{transform:translate3d(0,100%,0)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=top]{transform:translate3d(0,-100%,0)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=left]{transform:translate3d(-100%,0,0)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=right]{transform:translate3d(100%,0,0)}.vaul-dragging .vaul-scrollable [vault-drawer-direction=top]{overflow-y:hidden!important}.vaul-dragging .vaul-scrollable [vault-drawer-direction=bottom]{overflow-y:hidden!important}.vaul-dragging .vaul-scrollable [vault-drawer-direction=left]{overflow-x:hidden!important}.vaul-dragging .vaul-scrollable [vault-drawer-direction=right]{overflow-x:hidden!important}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-visible=true][vaul-drawer-direction=top]{transform:translate3d(0,var(--snap-point-height,0),0)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-visible=true][vaul-drawer-direction=bottom]{transform:translate3d(0,var(--snap-point-height,0),0)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-visible=true][vaul-drawer-direction=left]{transform:translate3d(var(--snap-point-height,0),0,0)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-visible=true][vaul-drawer-direction=right]{transform:translate3d(var(--snap-point-height,0),0,0)}[vaul-overlay]{opacity:0;transition:opacity .5s cubic-bezier(.32, .72, 0, 1)}[vaul-overlay][vaul-drawer-visible=true]{opacity:1}[vaul-drawer]::after{content:'';position:absolute;background:inherit;background-color:inherit}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=top]::after{top:initial;bottom:100%;left:0;right:0;height:200%}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=bottom]::after{top:100%;bottom:initial;left:0;right:0;height:200%}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=left]::after{left:initial;right:100%;top:0;bottom:0;width:200%}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=right]::after{left:100%;right:initial;top:0;bottom:0;width:200%}[vaul-handle]{display:block;position:relative;opacity:.8;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;height:5px;width:56px;border-radius:1rem;touch-action:pan-y;cursor:grab}[vaul-handle]:active,[vaul-handle]:hover{opacity:1}[vaul-handle]:active{cursor:grabbing}[vaul-handle-hitarea]{position:absolute;left:50%;top:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);width:max(100%,2.75rem);height:max(100%,2.75rem);touch-action:inherit}[vaul-overlay][vaul-snap-points=true]:not([vaul-snap-points-overlay=true]):not([data-state=closed]){opacity:0}[vaul-overlay][vaul-snap-points-overlay=true]:not([vaul-drawer-visible=false]){opacity:1}@media (hover:hover) and (pointer:fine){[vaul-drawer]{user-select:none}}@media (pointer:fine){[vaul-handle-hitarea]:{width:100%;height:100%}}");
const M4 = typeof window < "u" ? y.useLayoutEffect : y.useEffect;
function Hm(...e) {
    return (...t)=>{
        for (let n of e)
            typeof n == "function" && n(...t)
function j4() {
    return Fv(/^Mac/)
function $4() {
    return Fv(/^iPhone/)
function I4() {
    return Fv(/^iPad/) || j4() && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1
function EP() {
    return $4() || I4()
function Fv(e) {
    return typeof window < "u" && window.navigator != null ? e.test(window.navigator.platform) : void 0
const Vh = typeof document < "u" && window.visualViewport;
function cw(e) {
    let t = window.getComputedStyle(e);
    return /(auto|scroll)/.test(t.overflow + t.overflowX + t.overflowY)
function CP(e) {
    for (cw(e) && (e = e.parentElement); e && !cw(e); )
        e = e.parentElement;
    return e || document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement
const F4 = new Set(["checkbox", "radio", "range", "color", "file", "image", "button", "submit", "reset"]);
let fc = 0, zh;
function V4(e={}) {
    let {isDisabled: t} = e;
        if (!t)
            return fc++,
            fc === 1 && (EP() ? zh = U4() : zh = z4()),
                fc === 0 && zh()
    , [t])
function z4() {
    return Hm(PP(document.documentElement, "paddingRight", `${window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth}px`))
function U4() {
    let e, t = 0, n = d=>{
        e = CP(d.target),
        !(e === document.documentElement && e === document.body) && (t = d.changedTouches[0].pageY)
    , r = d=>{
        if (!e || e === document.documentElement || e === document.body) {
        let f = d.changedTouches[0].pageY
          , h = e.scrollTop
          , m = e.scrollHeight - e.clientHeight;
        m !== 0 && ((h <= 0 && f > t || h >= m && f < t) && d.preventDefault(),
        t = f)
    , i = d=>{
        let f = d.target;
        Wm(f) && f !== document.activeElement && (d.preventDefault(),
        f.style.transform = "translateY(-2000px)",
            f.style.transform = ""
    , s = d=>{
        let f = d.target;
        Wm(f) && (f.style.transform = "translateY(-2000px)",
            f.style.transform = "",
            Vh && (Vh.height < window.innerHeight ? requestAnimationFrame(()=>{
            ) : Vh.addEventListener("resize", ()=>dw(f), {
                once: !0
    , o = ()=>{
        window.scrollTo(0, 0)
    , a = window.pageXOffset, l = window.pageYOffset, u = Hm(PP(document.documentElement, "paddingRight", `${window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth}px`));
    window.scrollTo(0, 0);
    let c = Hm(Fa(document, "touchstart", n, {
        passive: !1,
        capture: !0
    }), Fa(document, "touchmove", r, {
        passive: !1,
        capture: !0
    }), Fa(document, "touchend", i, {
        passive: !1,
        capture: !0
    }), Fa(document, "focus", s, !0), Fa(window, "scroll", o));
    return ()=>{
        window.scrollTo(a, l)
function PP(e, t, n) {
    let r = e.style[t];
    return e.style[t] = n,
        e.style[t] = r
function Fa(e, t, n, r) {
    return e.addEventListener(t, n, r),
        e.removeEventListener(t, n, r)
function dw(e) {
    let t = document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement;
    for (; e && e !== t; ) {
        let n = CP(e);
        if (n !== document.documentElement && n !== document.body && n !== e) {
            let r = n.getBoundingClientRect().top
              , i = e.getBoundingClientRect().top
              , s = e.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
            const o = n.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
            s > o && (n.scrollTop += i - r)
        e = n.parentElement
function Wm(e) {
    return e instanceof HTMLInputElement && !F4.has(e.type) || e instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || e instanceof HTMLElement && e.isContentEditable
function B4(e, t) {
    typeof e == "function" ? e(t) : e != null && (e.current = t)
function H4(...e) {
    return t=>e.forEach(n=>B4(n, t))
function TP(...e) {
    return y.useCallback(H4(...e), e)
let Va = null;
function W4({isOpen: e, modal: t, nested: n, hasBeenOpened: r, preventScrollRestoration: i, noBodyStyles: s}) {
    const [o,a] = ce.useState(()=>typeof window < "u" ? window.location.href : "")
      , l = ce.useRef(0)
      , u = ce.useCallback(()=>{
        if (Va === null && e && !s) {
            Va = {
                position: document.body.style.position,
                top: document.body.style.top,
                left: document.body.style.left,
                height: document.body.style.height,
                right: "unset"
            const {scrollX: d, innerHeight: f} = window;
            document.body.style.setProperty("position", "fixed", "important"),
            Object.assign(document.body.style, {
                top: `${-l.current}px`,
                left: `${-d}px`,
                right: "0px",
                height: "auto"
                const h = f - window.innerHeight;
                h && l.current >= f && (document.body.style.top = `${-(l.current + h)}px`)
            ), 300)
    , [e])
      , c = ce.useCallback(()=>{
        if (Va !== null && !s) {
            const d = -parseInt(document.body.style.top, 10)
              , f = -parseInt(document.body.style.left, 10);
            Object.assign(document.body.style, Va),
                if (i && o !== window.location.href) {
                window.scrollTo(f, d)
            Va = null
    , [o]);
    return ce.useEffect(()=>{
        function d() {
            l.current = window.scrollY
        return d(),
        window.addEventListener("scroll", d),
            window.removeEventListener("scroll", d)
    , []),
        n || !r || (e ? (!window.matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)").matches && u(),
        t || window.setTimeout(()=>{
        , 500)) : c())
    , [e, r, o, t, n, u, c]),
        restorePositionSetting: c
const RP = new WeakMap;
function lt(e, t, n=!1) {
    if (!e || !(e instanceof HTMLElement))
    let r = {};
        if (i.startsWith("--")) {
            e.style.setProperty(i, s);
        r[i] = e.style[i],
        e.style[i] = s
    !n && RP.set(e, r)
function hc(e, t) {
    if (!e || !(e instanceof HTMLElement))
    let n = RP.get(e);
    n && (t ? e.style[t] = n[t] : Object.entries(n).forEach(([r,i])=>{
        e.style[r] = i
const Rt = e=>{
    switch (e) {
    case "top":
    case "bottom":
        return !0;
    case "left":
    case "right":
        return !1;
        return e
function pc(e, t) {
    if (!e)
        return null;
    const n = window.getComputedStyle(e)
      , r = n.transform || n.webkitTransform || n.mozTransform;
    let i = r.match(/^matrix3d\((.+)\)$/);
    return i ? parseFloat(i[1].split(", ")[Rt(t) ? 13 : 12]) : (i = r.match(/^matrix\((.+)\)$/),
    i ? parseFloat(i[1].split(", ")[Rt(t) ? 5 : 4]) : null)
function G4(e) {
    return 8 * (Math.log(e + 1) - 2)
const tt = {
    DURATION: .5,
    EASE: [.32, .72, 0, 1]
  , OP = .4;
function kP(e) {
    const t = ce.useRef(e);
    return ce.useEffect(()=>{
        t.current = e
    ce.useMemo(()=>(...n)=>t.current == null ? void 0 : t.current.call(t, ...n), [])
function K4({defaultProp: e, onChange: t}) {
    const n = ce.useState(e)
      , [r] = n
      , i = ce.useRef(r)
      , s = kP(t);
    return ce.useEffect(()=>{
        i.current !== r && (s(r),
        i.current = r)
    , [r, i, s]),
function q4({prop: e, defaultProp: t, onChange: n=()=>{}
}) {
    const [r,i] = K4({
        defaultProp: t,
        onChange: n
      , s = e !== void 0
      , o = s ? e : r
      , a = kP(n)
      , l = ce.useCallback(u=>{
        if (s) {
            const d = typeof u == "function" ? u(e) : u;
            d !== e && a(d)
        } else
    , [s, e, i, a]);
    return [o, l]
function Q4({activeSnapPointProp: e, setActiveSnapPointProp: t, snapPoints: n, drawerRef: r, overlayRef: i, fadeFromIndex: s, onSnapPointChange: o, direction: a="bottom"}) {
    const [l,u] = q4({
        prop: e,
        defaultProp: n == null ? void 0 : n[0],
        onChange: t
      , c = ce.useMemo(()=>l === (n == null ? void 0 : n[n.length - 1]) || null, [n, l])
      , d = n && n.length > 0 && (s || s === 0) && !Number.isNaN(s) && n[s] === l || !n
      , f = ce.useMemo(()=>n == null ? void 0 : n.findIndex(w=>w === l), [n, l])
      , h = ce.useMemo(()=>{
        var w;
        return (w = n == null ? void 0 : n.map(E=>{
            const D = typeof window < "u"
              , V = typeof E == "string";
            let C = 0;
            if (V && (C = parseInt(E, 10)),
            Rt(a)) {
                const A = V ? C : D ? E * window.innerHeight : 0;
                return D ? a === "bottom" ? window.innerHeight - A : -window.innerHeight + A : A
            const P = V ? C : D ? E * window.innerWidth : 0;
            return D ? a === "right" ? window.innerWidth - P : -window.innerWidth + P : P
        )) != null ? w : []
    , [n])
      , m = ce.useMemo(()=>f !== null ? h == null ? void 0 : h[f] : null, [h, f])
      , p = ce.useCallback(w=>{
        var E;
        const D = (E = h == null ? void 0 : h.findIndex(V=>V === w)) != null ? E : null;
        lt(r.current, {
            transition: `transform ${tt.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${tt.EASE.join(",")})`,
            transform: Rt(a) ? `translate3d(0, ${w}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${w}px, 0, 0)`
        h && D !== h.length - 1 && D !== s ? lt(i.current, {
            transition: `opacity ${tt.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${tt.EASE.join(",")})`,
            opacity: "0"
        }) : lt(i.current, {
            transition: `opacity ${tt.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${tt.EASE.join(",")})`,
            opacity: "1"
        u(D !== null ? n == null ? void 0 : n[D] : null)
    , [r.current, n, h, s, i, u]);
        if (l || e) {
            var w;
            const E = (w = n == null ? void 0 : n.findIndex(D=>D === e || D === l)) != null ? w : -1;
            h && E !== -1 && typeof h[E] == "number" && p(h[E])
    , [l, e, n, h, p]);
    function b({draggedDistance: w, closeDrawer: E, velocity: D, dismissible: V}) {
        if (s === void 0)
        const C = a === "bottom" || a === "right" ? (m ?? 0) - w : (m ?? 0) + w
          , P = f === s - 1
          , A = f === 0
          , B = w > 0;
        if (P && lt(i.current, {
            transition: `opacity ${tt.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${tt.EASE.join(",")})`
        D > 2 && !B) {
            V ? E() : p(h[0]);
        if (D > 2 && B && h && n) {
            p(h[n.length - 1]);
        const Q = h == null ? void 0 : h.reduce((F,k)=>typeof F != "number" || typeof k != "number" ? F : Math.abs(k - C) < Math.abs(F - C) ? k : F)
          , Z = Rt(a) ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth;
        if (D > OP && Math.abs(w) < Z * .4) {
            const F = B ? 1 : -1;
            if (F > 0 && c) {
                p(h[n.length - 1]);
            if (A && F < 0 && V && E(),
            f === null)
            p(h[f + F]);
    function v({draggedDistance: w}) {
        if (m === null)
        const E = a === "bottom" || a === "right" ? m - w : m + w;
        (a === "bottom" || a === "right") && E < h[h.length - 1] || (a === "top" || a === "left") && E > h[h.length - 1] || lt(r.current, {
            transform: Rt(a) ? `translate3d(0, ${E}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${E}px, 0, 0)`
    function g(w, E) {
        if (!n || typeof f != "number" || !h || s === void 0)
            return null;
        const D = f === s - 1;
        if (f >= s && E)
            return 0;
        if (D && !E)
            return 1;
        if (!d && !D)
            return null;
        const C = D ? f + 1 : f - 1
          , P = D ? h[C] - h[C - 1] : h[C + 1] - h[C]
          , A = w / Math.abs(P);
        return D ? 1 - A : A
    return {
        isLastSnapPoint: c,
        activeSnapPoint: l,
        shouldFade: d,
        getPercentageDragged: g,
        setActiveSnapPoint: u,
        activeSnapPointIndex: f,
        onRelease: b,
        onDrag: v,
        snapPointsOffset: h
const Y4 = .25
  , X4 = 100
  , fw = 8
  , Ji = 16
  , hw = 26
  , Uh = "vaul-dragging";
function _P({open: e, onOpenChange: t, children: n, shouldScaleBackground: r, onDrag: i, onRelease: s, snapPoints: o, nested: a=!1, setBackgroundColorOnScale: l=!0, closeThreshold: u=Y4, scrollLockTimeout: c=X4, dismissible: d=!0, handleOnly: f=!1, fadeFromIndex: h=o && o.length - 1, activeSnapPoint: m, setActiveSnapPoint: p, fixed: b, modal: v=!0, onClose: g, noBodyStyles: w, direction: E="bottom", preventScrollRestoration: D=!0, disablePreventScroll: V=!1}) {
    var C;
    const [P=!1,A] = ce.useState(!1)
      , [B,Q] = ce.useState(!1)
      , [Z,F] = ce.useState(!1)
      , [k,T] = ce.useState(!1)
      , [_,O] = ce.useState(!1)
      , [R,z] = ce.useState(!1)
      , Y = ce.useRef(null)
      , te = ce.useRef(null)
      , ue = ce.useRef(null)
      , X = ce.useRef(null)
      , S = ce.useRef(null)
      , j = ce.useRef(!1)
      , N = ce.useRef(null)
      , I = ce.useRef(0)
      , U = ce.useRef(!1)
      , H = ce.useRef(0)
      , q = ce.useRef(null)
      , $ = ce.useRef(((C = q.current) == null ? void 0 : C.getBoundingClientRect().height) || 0)
      , L = ce.useRef(0)
      , M = ce.useCallback(me=>{
        o && me === ne.length - 1 && (te.current = new Date)
    , [])
      , {activeSnapPoint: W, activeSnapPointIndex: J, setActiveSnapPoint: se, onRelease: ae, snapPointsOffset: ne, onDrag: de, shouldFade: ye, getPercentageDragged: be} = Q4({
        snapPoints: o,
        activeSnapPointProp: m,
        setActiveSnapPointProp: p,
        drawerRef: q,
        fadeFromIndex: h,
        overlayRef: Y,
        onSnapPointChange: M,
        direction: E
        isDisabled: !P || _ || !v || R || !B || V
    const {restorePositionSetting: Me} = W4({
        isOpen: P,
        modal: v,
        nested: a,
        hasBeenOpened: B,
        preventScrollRestoration: D,
        noBodyStyles: w
    function fe() {
        return (window.innerWidth - hw) / window.innerWidth
    function Ee(me) {
        var Ce;
        !d && !o || q.current && !q.current.contains(me.target) || ($.current = ((Ce = q.current) == null ? void 0 : Ce.getBoundingClientRect().height) || 0,
        ue.current = new Date,
        EP() && window.addEventListener("touchend", ()=>j.current = !1, {
            once: !0
        I.current = Rt(E) ? me.clientY : me.clientX)
    function we(me, Ce) {
        var Be;
        let Re = me;
        const We = (Be = window.getSelection()) == null ? void 0 : Be.toString()
          , et = q.current ? pc(q.current, E) : null
          , st = new Date;
        if (Re.hasAttribute("data-vaul-no-drag") || Re.closest("[data-vaul-no-drag]"))
            return !1;
        if (E === "right" || E === "left")
            return !0;
        if (te.current && st.getTime() - te.current.getTime() < 500)
            return !1;
        if (et !== null && (E === "bottom" ? et > 0 : et < 0))
            return !0;
        if (We && We.length > 0)
            return !1;
        if (S.current && st.getTime() - S.current.getTime() < c && et === 0 || Ce)
            return S.current = st,
        for (; Re; ) {
            if (Re.scrollHeight > Re.clientHeight) {
                if (Re.scrollTop !== 0)
                    return S.current = new Date,
                if (Re.getAttribute("role") === "dialog")
                    return !0
            Re = Re.parentNode
        return !0
    function Se(me) {
        if (q.current && _) {
            const Ce = E === "bottom" || E === "right" ? 1 : -1
              , Be = (I.current - (Rt(E) ? me.clientY : me.clientX)) * Ce
              , Re = Be > 0
              , We = o && !d && !Re;
            if (We && J === 0)
            const et = Math.abs(Be)
              , st = document.querySelector("[vaul-drawer-wrapper]");
            let Jt = et / $.current;
            const _t = be(et, Re);
            if (_t !== null && (Jt = _t),
            We && Jt >= 1 || !j.current && !we(me.target, Re))
            if (q.current.classList.add(Uh),
            j.current = !0,
            lt(q.current, {
                transition: "none"
            lt(Y.current, {
                transition: "none"
            o && de({
                draggedDistance: Be
            Re && !o) {
                const K = G4(Be)
                  , ee = Math.min(K * -1, 0) * Ce;
                lt(q.current, {
                    transform: Rt(E) ? `translate3d(0, ${ee}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${ee}px, 0, 0)`
            const vn = 1 - Jt;
            if ((ye || h && J === h - 1) && (i == null || i(me, Jt),
            lt(Y.current, {
                opacity: `${vn}`,
                transition: "none"
            }, !0)),
            st && Y.current && r) {
                const K = Math.min(fe() + Jt * (1 - fe()), 1)
                  , ee = 8 - Jt * 8
                  , ie = Math.max(0, 14 - Jt * 14);
                lt(st, {
                    borderRadius: `${ee}px`,
                    transform: Rt(E) ? `scale(${K}) translate3d(0, ${ie}px, 0)` : `scale(${K}) translate3d(${ie}px, 0, 0)`,
                    transition: "none"
                }, !0)
            if (!o) {
                const K = et * Ce;
                lt(q.current, {
                    transform: Rt(E) ? `translate3d(0, ${K}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${K}px, 0, 0)`
    , []),
        var me;
        function Ce() {
            if (!q.current)
            const Be = document.activeElement;
            if (Wm(Be) || U.current) {
                var Re;
                const We = ((Re = window.visualViewport) == null ? void 0 : Re.height) || 0;
                let et = window.innerHeight - We;
                const st = q.current.getBoundingClientRect().height || 0;
                L.current || (L.current = st);
                const Jt = q.current.getBoundingClientRect().top;
                if (Math.abs(H.current - et) > 60 && (U.current = !U.current),
                o && o.length > 0 && ne && J) {
                    const _t = ne[J] || 0;
                    et += _t
                if (H.current = et,
                st > We || U.current) {
                    const _t = q.current.getBoundingClientRect().height;
                    let vn = _t;
                    _t > We && (vn = We - hw),
                    b ? q.current.style.height = `${_t - Math.max(et, 0)}px` : q.current.style.height = `${Math.max(vn, We - Jt)}px`
                } else
                    q.current.style.height = `${L.current}px`;
                o && o.length > 0 && !U.current ? q.current.style.bottom = "0px" : q.current.style.bottom = `${Math.max(et, 0)}px`
        return (me = window.visualViewport) == null || me.addEventListener("resize", Ce),
            var Be;
            return (Be = window.visualViewport) == null ? void 0 : Be.removeEventListener("resize", Ce)
    , [J, o, ne]);
    function Ge() {
        q.current && (Te(),
        g == null || g(),
        lt(q.current, {
            transform: Rt(E) ? `translate3d(0, ${E === "bottom" ? "100%" : "-100%"}, 0)` : `translate3d(${E === "right" ? "100%" : "-100%"}, 0, 0)`,
            transition: `transform ${tt.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${tt.EASE.join(",")})`
        lt(Y.current, {
            opacity: "0",
            transition: `opacity ${tt.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${tt.EASE.join(",")})`
        , 300),
            o && se(o[0])
        , tt.DURATION * 1e3))
        if (!P && r) {
            const me = setTimeout(()=>{
            , 200);
            return ()=>clearTimeout(me)
    , [P, r]),
        e ? (A(!0),
        Q(!0)) : Ge()
    , [e]),
        k && (t == null || t(P))
    , [P]),
    , []);
    function Ve() {
        if (!q.current)
        const me = document.querySelector("[vaul-drawer-wrapper]")
          , Ce = pc(q.current, E);
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            transform: "translate3d(0, 0, 0)",
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        lt(Y.current, {
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            opacity: "1"
        r && Ce && Ce > 0 && P && lt(me, {
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                transform: `scale(${fe()}) translate3d(0, calc(env(safe-area-inset-top) + 14px), 0)`,
                transformOrigin: "top"
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            transitionProperty: "transform, border-radius",
            transitionDuration: `${tt.DURATION}s`,
            transitionTimingFunction: `cubic-bezier(${tt.EASE.join(",")})`
        }, !0)
    function Te() {
        !_ || !q.current || (q.current.classList.remove(Uh),
        j.current = !1,
        X.current = new Date)
    function Ke(me) {
        if (!_ || !q.current)
        j.current = !1,
        X.current = new Date;
        const Ce = pc(q.current, E);
        if (!we(me.target, !1) || !Ce || Number.isNaN(Ce) || ue.current === null)
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          , Re = I.current - (Rt(E) ? me.clientY : me.clientX)
          , We = Math.abs(Re) / Be;
        if (We > .05 && (z(!0),
        , 200)),
        o) {
                draggedDistance: Re * (E === "bottom" || E === "right" ? 1 : -1),
                closeDrawer: Ge,
                velocity: We,
                dismissible: d
            s == null || s(me, !0);
        if (E === "bottom" || E === "right" ? Re > 0 : Re < 0) {
            s == null || s(me, !0);
        if (We > OP) {
            s == null || s(me, !1);
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        const st = Math.min((et = q.current.getBoundingClientRect().height) != null ? et : 0, window.innerHeight);
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            s == null || s(me, !1);
        s == null || s(me, !0),
        P && (lt(document.documentElement, {
            scrollBehavior: "auto"
        te.current = new Date,
    , [P]),
        if (q.current && Z) {
            var me;
            const Ce = q == null || (me = q.current) == null ? void 0 : me.querySelectorAll("*");
            Ce == null || Ce.forEach(Be=>{
                const Re = Be;
                (Re.scrollHeight > Re.clientHeight || Re.scrollWidth > Re.clientWidth) && Re.classList.add("vaul-scrollable")
    , [Z]);
    function ke(me) {
        const Ce = document.querySelector("[vaul-drawer-wrapper]");
        !Ce || !r || (me ? (l && (w || (lt(document.body, {
            background: document.body.style.backgroundColor || document.body.style.background
        lt(document.body, {
            background: "black"
        }, !0))),
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                transform: `scale(${fe()}) translate3d(0, calc(env(safe-area-inset-top) + 14px), 0)`,
                transformOrigin: "top"
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                transform: `scale(${fe()}) translate3d(calc(env(safe-area-inset-top) + 14px), 0, 0)`,
                transformOrigin: "left"
            transitionProperty: "transform, border-radius",
            transitionDuration: `${tt.DURATION}s`,
            transitionTimingFunction: `cubic-bezier(${tt.EASE.join(",")})`
        })) : (hc(Ce, "overflow"),
        hc(Ce, "transform"),
        hc(Ce, "borderRadius"),
        lt(Ce, {
            transitionProperty: "transform, border-radius",
            transitionDuration: `${tt.DURATION}s`,
            transitionTimingFunction: `cubic-bezier(${tt.EASE.join(",")})`
    function Qe(me) {
        const Ce = me ? (window.innerWidth - Ji) / window.innerWidth : 1
          , Be = me ? -Ji : 0;
        N.current && window.clearTimeout(N.current),
        lt(q.current, {
            transition: `transform ${tt.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${tt.EASE.join(",")})`,
            transform: `scale(${Ce}) translate3d(0, ${Be}px, 0)`
        !me && q.current && (N.current = setTimeout(()=>{
            const Re = pc(q.current, E);
            lt(q.current, {
                transition: "none",
                transform: Rt(E) ? `translate3d(0, ${Re}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${Re}px, 0, 0)`
        , 500))
    function nt(me, Ce) {
        if (Ce < 0)
        const Be = Rt(E) ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth
          , Re = (Be - Ji) / Be
          , We = Re + Ce * (1 - Re)
          , et = -Ji + Ce * Ji;
        lt(q.current, {
            transform: Rt(E) ? `scale(${We}) translate3d(0, ${et}px, 0)` : `scale(${We}) translate3d(${et}px, 0, 0)`,
            transition: "none"
    function it(me, Ce) {
        const Be = Rt(E) ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth
          , Re = Ce ? (Be - Ji) / Be : 1
          , We = Ce ? -Ji : 0;
        Ce && lt(q.current, {
            transition: `transform ${tt.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${tt.EASE.join(",")})`,
            transform: Rt(E) ? `scale(${Re}) translate3d(0, ${We}px, 0)` : `scale(${Re}) translate3d(${We}px, 0, 0)`
    return ce.createElement(T4, {
        modal: v,
        onOpenChange: me=>{
            if (e !== void 0) {
                t == null || t(me);
            me ? (Q(!0),
            A(me)) : Ge()
        open: P
    }, ce.createElement(SP.Provider, {
        value: {
            visible: Z,
            activeSnapPoint: W,
            snapPoints: o,
            setActiveSnapPoint: se,
            drawerRef: q,
            overlayRef: Y,
            scaleBackground: ke,
            onOpenChange: t,
            onPress: Ee,
            setVisible: F,
            onRelease: Ke,
            onDrag: Se,
            dismissible: d,
            handleOnly: f,
            isOpen: P,
            isDragging: _,
            shouldFade: ye,
            closeDrawer: Ge,
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            onNestedOpenChange: Qe,
            onNestedRelease: it,
            keyboardIsOpen: U,
            openProp: e,
            modal: v,
            snapPointsOffset: ne,
            direction: E
    }, n))
const J4 = 250
  , Z4 = 120
  , AP = ce.forwardRef(function({preventCycle: e=!1, children: t, ...n}, r) {
    const {visible: i, closeDrawer: s, isDragging: o, snapPoints: a, activeSnapPoint: l, setActiveSnapPoint: u, dismissible: c, handleOnly: d, onPress: f, onDrag: h} = Lf()
      , m = ce.useRef(null)
      , p = ce.useRef(!1);
    function b() {
        if (p.current) {
        , Z4)
    function v() {
        if (o || e || p.current) {
        if (w(),
        (!a || a.length === 0) && c) {
        if (l === a[a.length - 1] && c) {
        const D = a.findIndex(C=>C === l);
        if (D === -1)
        const V = a[D + 1];
    function g() {
        m.current = window.setTimeout(()=>{
            p.current = !0
        , J4)
    function w() {
        p.current = !1
    return ce.createElement("div", {
        onClick: b,
        onDoubleClick: ()=>{
            p.current = !0,
        onPointerCancel: w,
        onPointerDown: E=>{
            d && f(E),
        onPointerMove: E=>{
            d && h(E)
        ref: r,
        "vaul-drawer-visible": i ? "true" : "false",
        "vaul-handle": "",
        "aria-hidden": "true",
    }, ce.createElement("span", {
        "vaul-handle-hitarea": "",
        "aria-hidden": "true"
    }, t))
AP.displayName = "Drawer.Handle";
const DP = ce.forwardRef(function({children: e, ...t}, n) {
    const {overlayRef: r, snapPoints: i, onRelease: s, shouldFade: o, isOpen: a, visible: l} = Lf()
      , u = TP(n, r)
      , c = i && i.length > 0;
    return ce.createElement(k4, {
        onMouseUp: s,
        ref: u,
        "vaul-drawer-visible": l ? "true" : "false",
        "vaul-overlay": "",
        "vaul-snap-points": a && c ? "true" : "false",
        "vaul-snap-points-overlay": a && o ? "true" : "false",
DP.displayName = "Drawer.Overlay";
const LP = ce.forwardRef(function({onOpenAutoFocus: e, onPointerDownOutside: t, onAnimationEnd: n, style: r, ...i}, s) {
    const {drawerRef: o, onPress: a, onRelease: l, onDrag: u, dismissible: c, keyboardIsOpen: d, snapPointsOffset: f, visible: h, closeDrawer: m, modal: p, openProp: b, onOpenChange: v, setVisible: g, handleOnly: w, direction: E} = Lf()
      , D = TP(s, o)
      , V = ce.useRef(null)
      , C = ce.useRef(!1)
      , P = (A,B,Q=0)=>{
        if (C.current)
            return !0;
        const Z = Math.abs(A.y)
          , F = Math.abs(A.x)
          , k = F > Z
          , T = ["bottom", "right"].includes(B) ? 1 : -1;
        if (B === "left" || B === "right") {
            if (!(A.x * T < 0) && F >= 0 && F <= Q)
                return k
        } else if (!(A.y * T < 0) && Z >= 0 && Z <= Q)
            return !k;
        return C.current = !0,
    return ce.useEffect(()=>{
    , []),
    ce.createElement(_4, {
        "vaul-drawer": "",
        "vaul-drawer-direction": E,
        "vaul-drawer-visible": h ? "true" : "false",
        ref: D,
        style: f && f.length > 0 ? {
            "--snap-point-height": `${f[0]}px`,
        } : r,
        onOpenAutoFocus: A=>{
            if (e)
            else {
                var B;
                (B = o.current) == null || B.focus()
        onPointerDown: A=>{
            w || (i.onPointerDown == null || i.onPointerDown.call(i, A),
            V.current = {
                x: A.clientX,
                y: A.clientY
        onPointerDownOutside: A=>{
            if (t == null || t(A),
            !p || A.defaultPrevented) {
            d.current && (d.current = !1),
            v == null || v(!1),
            !(!c || b !== void 0) && m()
        onFocusOutside: A=>{
            if (!p) {
        onEscapeKeyDown: A=>{
            if (!p) {
        onPointerMove: A=>{
            if (w || (i.onPointerMove == null || i.onPointerMove.call(i, A),
            const B = A.clientY - V.current.y
              , Q = A.clientX - V.current.x
              , Z = A.pointerType === "touch" ? 10 : 2;
                x: Q,
                y: B
            }, E, Z) ? u(A) : (Math.abs(Q) > Z || Math.abs(B) > Z) && (V.current = null)
        onPointerUp: A=>{
            i.onPointerUp == null || i.onPointerUp.call(i, A),
            V.current = null,
            C.current = !1,
LP.displayName = "Drawer.Content";
function e5({onDrag: e, onOpenChange: t, ...n}) {
    const {onNestedDrag: r, onNestedOpenChange: i, onNestedRelease: s} = Lf();
    if (!r)
        throw new Error("Drawer.NestedRoot must be placed in another drawer");
    return ce.createElement(_P, {
        nested: !0,
        onClose: ()=>{
        onDrag: (o,a)=>{
            r(o, a),
            e == null || e(o, a)
        onOpenChange: o=>{
            o && i(o),
            t == null || t(o)
        onRelease: s,
const Lt = {
    Root: _P,
    NestedRoot: e5,
    Content: LP,
    Handle: AP,
    Overlay: DP,
    Trigger: R4,
    Portal: O4,
    Close: L4,
    Title: A4,
    Description: D4
  , za = e=>{
    const {button: t, priceInfo: n, name: r, description: i, onGetIt: s, imageUrl: o} = e
      , {isDialogOpen: a, setIsDialogOpen: l} = yf(`boosters-${r}`)
      , u = ()=>{
        s == null || s()
      , c = d=>{
        d && l(!0)
    return x.jsxs(Lt.Root, {
        shouldScaleBackground: !0,
        dismissible: !1,
        preventScrollRestoration: !0,
        scrollLockTimeout: 0,
        open: a,
        onOpenChange: c,
        modal: !1,
        children: [x.jsx(Lt.Trigger, {
            asChild: !0,
            className: "w-full focus-visible:outline-none",
            children: t
        }), x.jsx(Lt.Portal, {
            children: x.jsxs(Lt.Content, {
                className: "fixed bottom-0 left-0 right-0 z-50 mt-24 flex flex-col rounded-t-xl bg-graphite-normal px-6 pb-10 pt-10 focus-visible:outline-none",
                children: [x.jsx(t5, {
                    name: r,
                    description: i,
                    imageUrl: o,
                    onGetIt: u,
                    priceInfo: n
                }), x.jsx("button", {
                    onClick: ()=>l(!1),
                    className: "absolute right-6 top-6",
                    children: x.jsx(Af, {})
                }), x.jsx("img", {
                    src: Ae.bgAccent,
                    alt: "reward glow",
                    className: "absolute bottom-0 left-0 -z-10"
  , t5 = e=>{
    const {name: t, description: n, onGetIt: r, priceInfo: i, imageUrl: s} = e
      , {t: o} = Tt("boosters");
    return x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "flex h-full flex-1 flex-col items-center justify-between gap-10 text-center",
        children: [x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-10",
            children: [x.jsx("img", {
                src: s,
                className: "size-40"
            }), x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-6",
                children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "space-y-4",
                    children: [x.jsx("div", {
                        className: "text-h2",
                        children: t
                    }), x.jsx("div", {
                        className: "whitespace-pre-line text-pretty text-base leading-[1.4rem] text-white/65",
                        children: n
                }), x.jsx("span", {
                    className: "",
                    children: i
        }), x.jsx("button", {
            onClick: r,
            className: "w-full rounded-xl bg-heat-button-gradient p-[17px] text-h3 text-white shadow-heat-button-glow",
            children: o("getIt")
var Vv = {}
  , _d = function() {
    return _d = Object.assign || function(e) {
        for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)
            for (var i in t = arguments[n])
                Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i]);
        return e
    _d.apply(this, arguments)
  , n5 = function() {
    function e(t, n, r) {
        var i = this;
        this.endVal = n,
        this.options = r,
        this.version = "2.8.0",
        this.defaults = {
            startVal: 0,
            decimalPlaces: 0,
            duration: 2,
            useEasing: !0,
            useGrouping: !0,
            useIndianSeparators: !1,
            smartEasingThreshold: 999,
            smartEasingAmount: 333,
            separator: ",",
            decimal: ".",
            prefix: "",
            suffix: "",
            enableScrollSpy: !1,
            scrollSpyDelay: 200,
            scrollSpyOnce: !1
        this.finalEndVal = null,
        this.useEasing = !0,
        this.countDown = !1,
        this.error = "",
        this.startVal = 0,
        this.paused = !0,
        this.once = !1,
        this.count = function(s) {
            i.startTime || (i.startTime = s);
            var o = s - i.startTime;
            i.remaining = i.duration - o,
            i.useEasing ? i.countDown ? i.frameVal = i.startVal - i.easingFn(o, 0, i.startVal - i.endVal, i.duration) : i.frameVal = i.easingFn(o, i.startVal, i.endVal - i.startVal, i.duration) : i.frameVal = i.startVal + (i.endVal - i.startVal) * (o / i.duration);
            var a = i.countDown ? i.frameVal < i.endVal : i.frameVal > i.endVal;
            i.frameVal = a ? i.endVal : i.frameVal,
            i.frameVal = Number(i.frameVal.toFixed(i.options.decimalPlaces)),
            o < i.duration ? i.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(i.count) : i.finalEndVal !== null ? i.update(i.finalEndVal) : i.options.onCompleteCallback && i.options.onCompleteCallback()
        this.formatNumber = function(s) {
            var o, a, l, u, c = s < 0 ? "-" : "";
            o = Math.abs(s).toFixed(i.options.decimalPlaces);
            var d = (o += "").split(".");
            if (a = d[0],
            l = d.length > 1 ? i.options.decimal + d[1] : "",
            i.options.useGrouping) {
                u = "";
                for (var f = 3, h = 0, m = 0, p = a.length; m < p; ++m)
                    i.options.useIndianSeparators && m === 4 && (f = 2,
                    h = 1),
                    m !== 0 && h % f == 0 && (u = i.options.separator + u),
                    u = a[p - m - 1] + u;
                a = u
            return i.options.numerals && i.options.numerals.length && (a = a.replace(/[0-9]/g, function(b) {
                return i.options.numerals[+b]
            l = l.replace(/[0-9]/g, function(b) {
                return i.options.numerals[+b]
            c + i.options.prefix + a + l + i.options.suffix
        this.easeOutExpo = function(s, o, a, l) {
            return a * (1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * s / l)) * 1024 / 1023 + o
        this.options = _d(_d({}, this.defaults), r),
        this.formattingFn = this.options.formattingFn ? this.options.formattingFn : this.formatNumber,
        this.easingFn = this.options.easingFn ? this.options.easingFn : this.easeOutExpo,
        this.startVal = this.validateValue(this.options.startVal),
        this.frameVal = this.startVal,
        this.endVal = this.validateValue(n),
        this.options.decimalPlaces = Math.max(this.options.decimalPlaces),
        this.options.separator = String(this.options.separator),
        this.useEasing = this.options.useEasing,
        this.options.separator === "" && (this.options.useGrouping = !1),
        this.el = typeof t == "string" ? document.getElementById(t) : t,
        this.el ? this.printValue(this.startVal) : this.error = "[CountUp] target is null or undefined",
        typeof window < "u" && this.options.enableScrollSpy && (this.error ? console.error(this.error, t) : (window.onScrollFns = window.onScrollFns || [],
        window.onScrollFns.push(function() {
            return i.handleScroll(i)
        window.onscroll = function() {
            window.onScrollFns.forEach(function(s) {
                return s()
    return e.prototype.handleScroll = function(t) {
        if (t && window && !t.once) {
            var n = window.innerHeight + window.scrollY
              , r = t.el.getBoundingClientRect()
              , i = r.top + window.pageYOffset
              , s = r.top + r.height + window.pageYOffset;
            s < n && s > window.scrollY && t.paused ? (t.paused = !1,
            setTimeout(function() {
                return t.start()
            }, t.options.scrollSpyDelay),
            t.options.scrollSpyOnce && (t.once = !0)) : (window.scrollY > s || i > n) && !t.paused && t.reset()
    e.prototype.determineDirectionAndSmartEasing = function() {
        var t = this.finalEndVal ? this.finalEndVal : this.endVal;
        this.countDown = this.startVal > t;
        var n = t - this.startVal;
        if (Math.abs(n) > this.options.smartEasingThreshold && this.options.useEasing) {
            this.finalEndVal = t;
            var r = this.countDown ? 1 : -1;
            this.endVal = t + r * this.options.smartEasingAmount,
            this.duration = this.duration / 2
        } else
            this.endVal = t,
            this.finalEndVal = null;
        this.finalEndVal !== null ? this.useEasing = !1 : this.useEasing = this.options.useEasing
    e.prototype.start = function(t) {
        this.error || (this.options.onStartCallback && this.options.onStartCallback(),
        t && (this.options.onCompleteCallback = t),
        this.duration > 0 ? (this.determineDirectionAndSmartEasing(),
        this.paused = !1,
        this.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(this.count)) : this.printValue(this.endVal))
    e.prototype.pauseResume = function() {
        this.paused ? (this.startTime = null,
        this.duration = this.remaining,
        this.startVal = this.frameVal,
        this.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(this.count)) : cancelAnimationFrame(this.rAF),
        this.paused = !this.paused
    e.prototype.reset = function() {
        this.paused = !0,
        this.startVal = this.validateValue(this.options.startVal),
        this.frameVal = this.startVal,
    e.prototype.update = function(t) {
        this.startTime = null,
        this.endVal = this.validateValue(t),
        this.endVal !== this.frameVal && (this.startVal = this.frameVal,
        this.finalEndVal == null && this.resetDuration(),
        this.finalEndVal = null,
        this.rAF = requestAnimationFrame(this.count))
    e.prototype.printValue = function(t) {
        var n;
        if (this.el) {
            var r = this.formattingFn(t);
            !((n = this.options.plugin) === null || n === void 0) && n.render ? this.options.plugin.render(this.el, r) : this.el.tagName === "INPUT" ? this.el.value = r : this.el.tagName === "text" || this.el.tagName === "tspan" ? this.el.textContent = r : this.el.innerHTML = r
    e.prototype.ensureNumber = function(t) {
        return typeof t == "number" && !isNaN(t)
    e.prototype.validateValue = function(t) {
        var n = Number(t);
        return this.ensureNumber(n) ? n : (this.error = "[CountUp] invalid start or end value: ".concat(t),
    e.prototype.resetDuration = function() {
        this.startTime = null,
        this.duration = 1e3 * Number(this.options.duration),
        this.remaining = this.duration
const r5 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({
    __proto__: null,
    CountUp: n5
}, Symbol.toStringTag, {
    value: "Module"
  , i5 = cR(r5);
Object.defineProperty(Vv, "__esModule", {
    value: !0
var It = y
  , s5 = i5;
function o5(e, t) {
    var n = e == null ? null : typeof Symbol < "u" && e[Symbol.iterator] || e["@@iterator"];
    if (n != null) {
        var r, i, s, o, a = [], l = !0, u = !1;
        try {
            if (s = (n = n.call(e)).next,
            t !== 0)
                for (; !(l = (r = s.call(n)).done) && (a.push(r.value),
                a.length !== t); l = !0)
        } catch (c) {
            u = !0,
            i = c
        } finally {
            try {
                if (!l && n.return != null && (o = n.return(),
                Object(o) !== o))
            } finally {
                if (u)
                    throw i
        return a
function pw(e, t) {
    var n = Object.keys(e);
    if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
        var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
        t && (r = r.filter(function(i) {
            return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, i).enumerable
        n.push.apply(n, r)
    return n
function Ad(e) {
    for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
        var n = arguments[t] != null ? arguments[t] : {};
        t % 2 ? pw(Object(n), !0).forEach(function(r) {
            u5(e, r, n[r])
        }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : pw(Object(n)).forEach(function(r) {
            Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, r))
    return e
function a5(e, t) {
    if (typeof e != "object" || !e)
        return e;
    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive];
    if (n !== void 0) {
        var r = n.call(e, t || "default");
        if (typeof r != "object")
            return r;
        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
    return (t === "string" ? String : Number)(e)
function l5(e) {
    var t = a5(e, "string");
    return typeof t == "symbol" ? t : String(t)
function u5(e, t, n) {
    return t = l5(t),
    t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
        value: n,
        enumerable: !0,
        configurable: !0,
        writable: !0
    }) : e[t] = n,
function Gm() {
    return Gm = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) {
        for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
            var n = arguments[t];
            for (var r in n)
                Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r])
        return e
    Gm.apply(this, arguments)
function c5(e, t) {
    if (e == null)
        return {};
    var n = {}, r = Object.keys(e), i, s;
    for (s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
        i = r[s],
        !(t.indexOf(i) >= 0) && (n[i] = e[i]);
    return n
function NP(e, t) {
    if (e == null)
        return {};
    var n = c5(e, t), r, i;
    if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
        var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
        for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
            r = s[i],
            !(t.indexOf(r) >= 0) && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r) && (n[r] = e[r])
    return n
function d5(e, t) {
    return f5(e) || o5(e, t) || h5(e, t) || p5()
function f5(e) {
    if (Array.isArray(e))
        return e
function h5(e, t) {
    if (e) {
        if (typeof e == "string")
            return mw(e, t);
        var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1);
        if (n === "Object" && e.constructor && (n = e.constructor.name),
        n === "Map" || n === "Set")
            return Array.from(e);
        if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n))
            return mw(e, t)
function mw(e, t) {
    (t == null || t > e.length) && (t = e.length);
    for (var n = 0, r = new Array(t); n < t; n++)
        r[n] = e[n];
    return r
function p5() {
    throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`)
var m5 = typeof window < "u" && typeof window.document < "u" && typeof window.document.createElement < "u" ? It.useLayoutEffect : It.useEffect;
function nr(e) {
    var t = It.useRef(e);
    return m5(function() {
        t.current = e
    It.useCallback(function() {
        for (var n = arguments.length, r = new Array(n), i = 0; i < n; i++)
            r[i] = arguments[i];
        return t.current.apply(void 0, r)
    }, [])
var g5 = function(t, n) {
    var r = n.decimal
      , i = n.decimals
      , s = n.duration
      , o = n.easingFn
      , a = n.end
      , l = n.formattingFn
      , u = n.numerals
      , c = n.prefix
      , d = n.separator
      , f = n.start
      , h = n.suffix
      , m = n.useEasing
      , p = n.useGrouping
      , b = n.useIndianSeparators
      , v = n.enableScrollSpy
      , g = n.scrollSpyDelay
      , w = n.scrollSpyOnce
      , E = n.plugin;
    return new s5.CountUp(t,a,{
        startVal: f,
        duration: s,
        decimal: r,
        decimalPlaces: i,
        easingFn: o,
        formattingFn: l,
        numerals: u,
        separator: d,
        prefix: c,
        suffix: h,
        plugin: E,
        useEasing: m,
        useIndianSeparators: b,
        useGrouping: p,
        enableScrollSpy: v,
        scrollSpyDelay: g,
        scrollSpyOnce: w
  , v5 = ["ref", "startOnMount", "enableReinitialize", "delay", "onEnd", "onStart", "onPauseResume", "onReset", "onUpdate"]
  , y5 = {
    decimal: ".",
    separator: ",",
    delay: null,
    prefix: "",
    suffix: "",
    duration: 2,
    start: 0,
    decimals: 0,
    startOnMount: !0,
    enableReinitialize: !0,
    useEasing: !0,
    useGrouping: !0,
    useIndianSeparators: !1
  , MP = function(t) {
    var n = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(t).filter(function(A) {
        var B = d5(A, 2)
          , Q = B[1];
        return Q !== void 0
      , r = It.useMemo(function() {
        return Ad(Ad({}, y5), n)
    }, [t])
      , i = r.ref
      , s = r.startOnMount
      , o = r.enableReinitialize
      , a = r.delay
      , l = r.onEnd
      , u = r.onStart
      , c = r.onPauseResume
      , d = r.onReset
      , f = r.onUpdate
      , h = NP(r, v5)
      , m = It.useRef()
      , p = It.useRef()
      , b = It.useRef(!1)
      , v = nr(function() {
        return g5(typeof i == "string" ? i : i.current, h)
      , g = nr(function(A) {
        var B = m.current;
        if (B && !A)
            return B;
        var Q = v();
        return m.current = Q,
      , w = nr(function() {
        var A = function() {
            return g(!0).start(function() {
                l == null || l({
                    pauseResume: E,
                    reset: D,
                    start: C,
                    update: V
        a && a > 0 ? p.current = setTimeout(A, a * 1e3) : A(),
        u == null || u({
            pauseResume: E,
            reset: D,
            update: V
      , E = nr(function() {
        c == null || c({
            reset: D,
            start: C,
            update: V
      , D = nr(function() {
        g().el && (p.current && clearTimeout(p.current),
        d == null || d({
            pauseResume: E,
            start: C,
            update: V
      , V = nr(function(A) {
        f == null || f({
            pauseResume: E,
            reset: D,
            start: C
      , C = nr(function() {
      , P = nr(function(A) {
        s && (A && D(),
    return It.useEffect(function() {
        b.current ? o && P(!0) : (b.current = !0,
    }, [o, b, P, a, t.start, t.suffix, t.prefix, t.duration, t.separator, t.decimals, t.decimal, t.formattingFn]),
    It.useEffect(function() {
        return function() {
    }, [D]),
        start: C,
        pauseResume: E,
        reset: D,
        update: V,
        getCountUp: g
  , w5 = ["className", "redraw", "containerProps", "children", "style"]
  , x5 = function(t) {
    var n = t.className
      , r = t.redraw
      , i = t.containerProps
      , s = t.children
      , o = t.style
      , a = NP(t, w5)
      , l = It.useRef(null)
      , u = It.useRef(!1)
      , c = MP(Ad(Ad({}, a), {}, {
        ref: l,
        startOnMount: typeof s != "function" || t.delay === 0,
        enableReinitialize: !1
      , d = c.start
      , f = c.reset
      , h = c.update
      , m = c.pauseResume
      , p = c.getCountUp
      , b = nr(function() {
      , v = nr(function(E) {
        t.preserveValue || f(),
      , g = nr(function() {
        if (typeof t.children == "function" && !(l.current instanceof Element)) {
            console.error(`Couldn't find attached element to hook the CountUp instance into! Try to attach "containerRef" from the render prop to a an Element, eg. <span ref={containerRef} />.`);
    It.useEffect(function() {
    }, [g]),
    It.useEffect(function() {
        u.current && v(t.end)
    }, [t.end, v]);
    var w = r && t;
    return It.useEffect(function() {
        r && u.current && b()
    }, [b, r, w]),
    It.useEffect(function() {
        !r && u.current && b()
    }, [b, r, t.start, t.suffix, t.prefix, t.duration, t.separator, t.decimals, t.decimal, t.className, t.formattingFn]),
    It.useEffect(function() {
        u.current = !0
    }, []),
    typeof s == "function" ? s({
        countUpRef: l,
        start: d,
        reset: f,
        update: h,
        pauseResume: m,
        getCountUp: p
    }) : It.createElement("span", Gm({
        className: n,
        ref: l,
        style: o
    }, i), typeof t.start < "u" ? p().formattingFn(t.start) : "")
  , b5 = Vv.default = x5;
Vv.useCountUp = MP;
function S5(e) {
    const t = y.useRef(0);
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        t.current = e
    , [e]),
const E5 = y.memo(e=>{
    const {className: t, amount: n} = e
      , r = S5(n)
      , [i,s] = y.useState(0)
      , o = 26;
    return y.useLayoutEffect(()=>{
        s(n.toString().length * o)
    , [n]),
    x.jsx("div", {
        style: {
            width: i
        className: "flex",
        children: x.jsx(b5, {
            duration: 5,
            className: t,
            start: r,
            end: n
  , zv = ()=>{
    const {user: e} = Et();
    return e ? x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "flex items-center justify-center gap-2",
        children: [x.jsx("img", {
            src: Ae.coin,
            className: "size-14"
        }), x.jsx(E5, {
            className: "text-h1 text-gold",
            amount: e.balance
    }) : null
  , C5 = ()=>{
    const {multitap: e, energyLimit: t, rechargingSpeed: n, tappingGuruLeft: r, fullTankLeft: i} = Vt(zt)
      , s = Hr.multitap[e - 1]
      , o = Hr.energyLimit[t - 1]
      , a = Hr.rechargingSpeed[n - 1]
      , {increaseMultitap: l} = V3(s)
      , {increaseEnergyLimit: u} = U3(o)
      , {increaseRechargingSpeed: c} = z3(a)
      , {startTapingGuru: d} = rP()
      , {startFullTank: f} = nP()
      , {t: h} = Tt("boosters");
    return x.jsx(Ds, {
        bgUrl: Ae.bgMini,
        children: x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "space-y-12",
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-2 text-center",
                children: [x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "text-base text-white/65",
                    children: h("shareBalance")
                }), x.jsx(zv, {})]
            }), x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "space-y-6",
                children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "space-y-3",
                    children: [x.jsx("div", {
                        className: "text-lg font-medium leading-none",
                        children: h("dailyBoosters")
                    }), x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "flex gap-2 *:flex-1",
                        children: [x.jsx(za, {
                            name: h("tappingGuru"),
                            description: h("tappingGuruDescription"),
                            imageUrl: Ae.tappingGuru,
                            button: x.jsx(q3, {}),
                            priceInfo: x.jsx(gw, {
                                left: r
                            onGetIt: ()=>d()
                        }), x.jsx(za, {
                            name: h("fullTank"),
                            description: h("fullTankDescription"),
                            button: x.jsx(Q3, {}),
                            imageUrl: Ae.fullTank,
                            priceInfo: x.jsx(gw, {
                                left: i
                            onGetIt: ()=>f()
                }), x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "space-y-3",
                    children: [x.jsx("div", {
                        className: "text-lg font-medium leading-none",
                        children: h("boosters")
                    }), x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "space-y-2",
                        children: [x.jsx(za, {
                            name: h("multitap"),
                            description: h("multitapDescription"),
                            onGetIt: ()=>l(),
                            button: x.jsx(W3, {}),
                            imageUrl: Ae.multitap,
                            priceInfo: x.jsx(Bh, {
                                nextLevel: e + 1,
                                price: s
                        }), x.jsx(za, {
                            name: h("energyLimit"),
                            description: h("energyLimitDescription"),
                            onGetIt: ()=>u(),
                            button: x.jsx(G3, {}),
                            imageUrl: Ae.energyLimit,
                            priceInfo: x.jsx(Bh, {
                                nextLevel: t + 1,
                                price: o
                        }), x.jsx(za, {
                            name: h("rechargingSpeed"),
                            description: h("rechargingSpeedDescription"),
                            imageUrl: Ae.rechargingSpeed,
                            onGetIt: ()=>c(),
                            button: x.jsx(K3, {}),
                            priceInfo: x.jsx(Bh, {
                                nextLevel: n + 1,
                                price: a
  , gw = e=>{
    const {t} = Tt("boosters");
    return x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "flex items-center gap-3",
        children: [x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex items-center gap-2",
            children: [x.jsx("img", {
                src: Ae.coin,
                className: "size-8"
            }), x.jsx("div", {
                className: "text-h2 text-gold",
                children: t("free")
        }), x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "translate-y-0.5 text-base text-white/65",
            children: [e.left, "/3"]
  , Bh = e=>{
    const {t} = Tt("boosters");
    return x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "flex items-center gap-3",
        children: [x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex items-center gap-2",
            children: [x.jsx("img", {
                src: Ae.coin,
                className: "size-8"
            }), x.jsx("div", {
                className: "text-h2 text-gold",
                children: e.price
        }), x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex items-center gap-1",
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "relative",
                children: [x.jsx("img", {
                    src: Ae.levelCoin,
                    className: "relative size-6 object-contain"
                }), x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "absolute inset-0 top-[5px] z-0 text-base text-white",
                    children: e.nextLevel
            }), x.jsx("div", {
                className: " text-base text-white/65",
                children: t("level")
  , P5 = ()=>{
    var r;
    const e = FE();
    , []);
    const t = e instanceof Error ? e.message : e;
    return wt.isAxiosError(e) && ((r = e.response) == null ? void 0 : r.status) === 401 ? x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "flex flex-col gap-2 p-4",
        children: [x.jsx("div", {
            children: "You're not authorized"
        }), x.jsx("div", {
            children: "Close this webApp window, type and send /start commant in the bot chat input."
        }), x.jsx("div", {
            children: "In case you were invited by friend, please find that link and use it to enter bot as a first time."
        }), x.jsx("div", {
            children: " "
        }), x.jsx("div", {
            children: "Вы не авторизованы"
        }), x.jsx("div", {
            children: "Закройте это окно, введите команду /start в чате бота и отправьте ее"
        }), x.jsx("div", {
            children: "A если вы были приглашены другом, пожалуйста, сначала перейдите присланной ссылке."
    }) : x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "p-4",
        children: [x.jsx("div", {
            children: "Oops, something went wrong:"
        }), x.jsx("p", {
            className: "mt-1 font-mono text-sm text-rose-500",
            children: JSON.stringify(t, null, 2)
function T5(e) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(e) === "[object Object]"
function vw(e) {
    return T5(e) || Array.isArray(e)
function R5() {
    return !!(typeof window < "u" && window.document && window.document.createElement)
function Uv(e, t) {
    const n = Object.keys(e)
      , r = Object.keys(t);
    if (n.length !== r.length)
        return !1;
    const i = JSON.stringify(Object.keys(e.breakpoints || {}))
      , s = JSON.stringify(Object.keys(t.breakpoints || {}));
    return i !== s ? !1 : n.every(o=>{
        const a = e[o]
          , l = t[o];
        return typeof a == "function" ? `${a}` == `${l}` : !vw(a) || !vw(l) ? a === l : Uv(a, l)
function yw(e) {
    return e.concat().sort((t,n)=>t.name > n.name ? 1 : -1).map(t=>t.options)
function O5(e, t) {
    if (e.length !== t.length)
        return !1;
    const n = yw(e)
      , r = yw(t);
    return n.every((i,s)=>{
        const o = r[s];
        return Uv(i, o)
function Bv(e) {
    return typeof e == "number"
function Km(e) {
    return typeof e == "string"
function Hv(e) {
    return typeof e == "boolean"
function ww(e) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(e) === "[object Object]"
function pt(e) {
    return Math.abs(e)
function Wv(e) {
    return Math.sign(e)
function cl(e, t) {
    return pt(e - t)
function k5(e, t) {
    if (e === 0 || t === 0 || pt(e) <= pt(t))
        return 0;
    const n = cl(pt(e), pt(t));
    return pt(n / e)
function Hl(e) {
    return Wl(e).map(Number)
function fr(e) {
    return e[ku(e)]
function ku(e) {
    return Math.max(0, e.length - 1)
function Gv(e, t) {
    return t === ku(e)
function xw(e, t=0) {
    return Array.from(Array(e), (n,r)=>t + r)
function Wl(e) {
    return Object.keys(e)
function jP(e, t) {
    return [e, t].reduce((n,r)=>(Wl(r).forEach(i=>{
        const s = n[i]
          , o = r[i]
          , a = ww(s) && ww(o);
        n[i] = a ? jP(s, o) : o
    n), {})
function qm(e, t) {
    return typeof t.MouseEvent < "u" && e instanceof t.MouseEvent
function _5(e, t) {
    const n = {
        start: r,
        center: i,
        end: s
    function r() {
        return 0
    function i(l) {
        return s(l) / 2
    function s(l) {
        return t - l
    function o(l, u) {
        return Km(e) ? n[e](l) : e(t, l, u)
    return {
        measure: o
function Gl() {
    let e = [];
    function t(i, s, o, a={
        passive: !0
    }) {
        let l;
        if ("addEventListener"in i)
            i.addEventListener(s, o, a),
            l = ()=>i.removeEventListener(s, o, a);
        else {
            const u = i;
            l = ()=>u.removeListener(o)
        return e.push(l),
    function n() {
        e = e.filter(i=>i())
    const r = {
        add: t,
        clear: n
    return r
function A5(e, t, n, r) {
    const i = Gl()
      , s = 1e3 / 60;
    let o = null
      , a = 0
      , l = 0;
    function u() {
        i.add(e, "visibilitychange", ()=>{
            e.hidden && m()
    function c() {
    function d(b) {
        if (!l)
        o || (o = b);
        const v = b - o;
        for (o = b,
        a += v; a >= s; )
            a -= s;
        const g = pt(a / s);
        l && t.requestAnimationFrame(d)
    function f() {
        l || (l = t.requestAnimationFrame(d))
    function h() {
        o = null,
        a = 0,
        l = 0
    function m() {
        o = null,
        a = 0
    return {
        init: u,
        destroy: c,
        start: f,
        stop: h,
        update: n,
        render: r
function D5(e, t) {
    const n = t === "rtl"
      , r = e === "y"
      , i = r ? "y" : "x"
      , s = r ? "x" : "y"
      , o = !r && n ? -1 : 1
      , a = c()
      , l = d();
    function u(m) {
        const {height: p, width: b} = m;
        return r ? p : b
    function c() {
        return r ? "top" : n ? "right" : "left"
    function d() {
        return r ? "bottom" : n ? "left" : "right"
    function f(m) {
        return m * o
    return {
        scroll: i,
        cross: s,
        startEdge: a,
        endEdge: l,
        measureSize: u,
        direction: f
function $s(e=0, t=0) {
    const n = pt(e - t);
    function r(u) {
        return u < e
    function i(u) {
        return u > t
    function s(u) {
        return r(u) || i(u)
    function o(u) {
        return s(u) ? r(u) ? e : t : u
    function a(u) {
        return n ? u - n * Math.ceil((u - t) / n) : u
    return {
        length: n,
        max: t,
        min: e,
        constrain: o,
        reachedAny: s,
        reachedMax: i,
        reachedMin: r,
        removeOffset: a
function $P(e, t, n) {
    const {constrain: r} = $s(0, e)
      , i = e + 1;
    let s = o(t);
    function o(f) {
        return n ? pt((i + f) % i) : r(f)
    function a() {
        return s
    function l(f) {
        return s = o(f),
    function u(f) {
        return c().set(a() + f)
    function c() {
        return $P(e, a(), n)
    const d = {
        get: a,
        set: l,
        add: u,
        clone: c
    return d
function L5(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a, l, u, c, d, f, h, m, p, b, v, g) {
    const {cross: w, direction: E} = e
      , D = ["INPUT", "SELECT", "TEXTAREA"]
      , V = {
        passive: !1
      , C = Gl()
      , P = Gl()
      , A = $s(50, 225).constrain(h.measure(20))
      , B = {
        mouse: 300,
        touch: 400
      , Q = {
        mouse: 500,
        touch: 600
      , Z = m ? 43 : 25;
    let F = !1
      , k = 0
      , T = 0
      , _ = !1
      , O = !1
      , R = !1
      , z = !1;
    function Y(L) {
        if (!g)
        function M(J) {
            (Hv(g) || g(L, J)) && N(J)
        const W = t;
        C.add(W, "dragstart", J=>J.preventDefault(), V).add(W, "touchmove", ()=>{}
        , V).add(W, "touchend", ()=>{}
        ).add(W, "touchstart", M).add(W, "mousedown", M).add(W, "touchcancel", U).add(W, "contextmenu", U).add(W, "click", H, !0)
    function te() {
    function ue() {
        const L = z ? n : t;
        P.add(L, "touchmove", I, V).add(L, "touchend", U).add(L, "mousemove", I, V).add(L, "mouseup", U)
    function X(L) {
        const M = L.nodeName || "";
        return D.includes(M)
    function S() {
        return (m ? Q : B)[z ? "mouse" : "touch"]
    function j(L, M) {
        const W = d.add(Wv(L) * -1)
          , J = c.byDistance(L, !m).distance;
        return m || pt(L) < A ? J : b && M ? J * .5 : c.byIndex(W.get(), 0).distance
    function N(L) {
        const M = qm(L, r);
        z = M,
        R = m && M && !L.buttons && F,
        F = cl(i.get(), o.get()) >= 2,
        !(M && L.button !== 0) && (X(L.target) || (_ = !0,
        k = s.readPoint(L),
        T = s.readPoint(L, w),
    function I(L) {
        if (!qm(L, r) && L.touches.length >= 2)
            return U(L);
        const W = s.readPoint(L)
          , J = s.readPoint(L, w)
          , se = cl(W, k)
          , ae = cl(J, T);
        if (!O && !z && (!L.cancelable || (O = se > ae,
            return U(L);
        const ne = s.pointerMove(L);
        se > p && (R = !0),
    function U(L) {
        const W = c.byDistance(0, !1).index !== d.get()
          , J = s.pointerUp(L) * S()
          , se = j(E(J), W)
          , ae = k5(J, se)
          , ne = Z - 10 * ae
          , de = v + ae / 50;
        O = !1,
        _ = !1,
        l.distance(se, !m),
        z = !1,
    function H(L) {
        R && (L.stopPropagation(),
        R = !1)
    function q() {
        return _
    return {
        init: Y,
        destroy: te,
        pointerDown: q
function N5(e, t) {
    let r, i;
    function s(d) {
        return d.timeStamp
    function o(d, f) {
        const m = `client${(f || e.scroll) === "x" ? "X" : "Y"}`;
        return (qm(d, t) ? d : d.touches[0])[m]
    function a(d) {
        return r = d,
        i = d,
    function l(d) {
        const f = o(d) - o(i)
          , h = s(d) - s(r) > 170;
        return i = d,
        h && (r = d),
    function u(d) {
        if (!r || !i)
            return 0;
        const f = o(i) - o(r)
          , h = s(d) - s(r)
          , m = s(d) - s(i) > 170
          , p = f / h;
        return h && !m && pt(p) > .1 ? p : 0
    return {
        pointerDown: a,
        pointerMove: l,
        pointerUp: u,
        readPoint: o
function M5() {
    function e(n) {
        const {offsetTop: r, offsetLeft: i, offsetWidth: s, offsetHeight: o} = n;
        return {
            top: r,
            right: i + s,
            bottom: r + o,
            left: i,
            width: s,
            height: o
    return {
        measure: e
function j5(e) {
    function t(r) {
        return e * (r / 100)
    return {
        measure: t
function $5(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    let a, l, u = [], c = !1;
    function d(p) {
        return i.measureSize(o.measure(p))
    function f(p) {
        if (!s)
        l = d(e),
        u = r.map(d);
        function b(g) {
            for (const w of g) {
                const E = w.target === e
                  , D = r.indexOf(w.target)
                  , V = E ? l : u[D]
                  , C = d(E ? e : r[D]);
                if (pt(C - V) >= .5) {
        a = new ResizeObserver(g=>{
            c || (Hv(s) || s(p, g)) && b(g)
    function h() {
        a && a.disconnect(),
        c = !0
    return {
        init: f,
        destroy: h
function I5(e, t, n, r, i) {
    let s = 0
      , o = 0
      , a = r
      , l = i
      , u = e.get()
      , c = 0;
    function d() {
        const D = n.get() - e.get()
          , V = !a;
        let C = 0;
        return V ? (s = 0,
        C = D) : (s += D / a,
        s *= l,
        u += s,
        C = u - c),
        o = Wv(C),
        c = u,
    function f() {
        const D = n.get() - t.get();
        return pt(D) < .001
    function h() {
        return a
    function m() {
        return o
    function p() {
        return s
    function b() {
        return g(r)
    function v() {
        return w(i)
    function g(D) {
        return a = D,
    function w(D) {
        return l = D,
    const E = {
        direction: m,
        duration: h,
        velocity: p,
        seek: d,
        settled: f,
        useBaseFriction: v,
        useBaseDuration: b,
        useFriction: w,
        useDuration: g
    return E
function F5(e, t, n, r, i) {
    const s = i.measure(10)
      , o = i.measure(50)
      , a = $s(.1, .99);
    let l = !1;
    function u() {
        return !(l || !e.reachedAny(n.get()) || !e.reachedAny(t.get()))
    function c(h) {
        if (!u())
        const m = e.reachedMin(t.get()) ? "min" : "max"
          , p = pt(e[m] - t.get())
          , b = n.get() - t.get()
          , v = a.constrain(p / o);
        n.subtract(b * v),
        !h && pt(b) < s && (n.set(e.constrain(n.get())),
    function d(h) {
        l = !h
    return {
        constrain: c,
        toggleActive: d
function V5(e, t, n, r, i) {
    const s = $s(-t + e, 0)
      , o = d()
      , a = c()
      , l = f();
    function u(m, p) {
        return cl(m, p) < 1
    function c() {
        const m = o[0]
          , p = fr(o)
          , b = o.lastIndexOf(m)
          , v = o.indexOf(p) + 1;
        return $s(b, v)
    function d() {
        return n.map((m,p)=>{
            const {min: b, max: v} = s
              , g = s.constrain(m)
              , w = !p
              , E = Gv(n, p);
            return w ? v : E || u(b, g) ? b : u(v, g) ? v : g
    function f() {
        if (t <= e + i)
            return [s.max];
        if (r === "keepSnaps")
            return o;
        const {min: m, max: p} = a;
        return o.slice(m, p)
    return {
        snapsContained: l,
        scrollContainLimit: a
function z5(e, t, n) {
    const r = t[0]
      , i = n ? r - e : fr(t);
    return {
        limit: $s(i, r)
function U5(e, t, n, r) {
    const s = t.min + .1
      , o = t.max + .1
      , {reachedMin: a, reachedMax: l} = $s(s, o);
    function u(f) {
        return f === 1 ? l(n.get()) : f === -1 ? a(n.get()) : !1
    function c(f) {
        if (!u(f))
        const h = e * (f * -1);
    return {
        loop: c
function B5(e) {
    const {max: t, length: n} = e;
    function r(s) {
        const o = s - t;
        return n ? o / -n : 0
    return {
        get: r
function H5(e, t, n, r, i) {
    const {startEdge: s, endEdge: o} = e
      , {groupSlides: a} = i
      , l = d().map(t.measure)
      , u = f()
      , c = h();
    function d() {
        return a(r).map(p=>fr(p)[o] - p[0][s]).map(pt)
    function f() {
        return r.map(p=>n[s] - p[s]).map(p=>-pt(p))
    function h() {
        return a(u).map(p=>p[0]).map((p,b)=>p + l[b])
    return {
        snaps: u,
        snapsAligned: c
function W5(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    const {groupSlides: o} = i
      , {min: a, max: l} = r
      , u = c();
    function c() {
        const f = o(s)
          , h = !e || t === "keepSnaps";
        return n.length === 1 ? [s] : h ? f : f.slice(a, l).map((m,p,b)=>{
            const v = !p
              , g = Gv(b, p);
            if (v) {
                const w = fr(b[0]) + 1;
                return xw(w)
            if (g) {
                const w = ku(s) - fr(b)[0] + 1;
                return xw(w, fr(b)[0])
            return m
    return {
        slideRegistry: u
function G5(e, t, n, r, i) {
    const {reachedAny: s, removeOffset: o, constrain: a} = r;
    function l(m) {
        return m.concat().sort((p,b)=>pt(p) - pt(b))[0]
    function u(m) {
        const p = e ? o(m) : a(m)
          , b = t.map((g,w)=>({
            diff: c(g - p, 0),
            index: w
        })).sort((g,w)=>pt(g.diff) - pt(w.diff))
          , {index: v} = b[0];
        return {
            index: v,
            distance: p
    function c(m, p) {
        const b = [m, m + n, m - n];
        if (!e)
            return m;
        if (!p)
            return l(b);
        const v = b.filter(g=>Wv(g) === p);
        return v.length ? l(v) : fr(b) - n
    function d(m, p) {
        const b = t[m] - i.get()
          , v = c(b, p);
        return {
            index: m,
            distance: v
    function f(m, p) {
        const b = i.get() + m
          , {index: v, distance: g} = u(b)
          , w = !e && s(b);
        if (!p || w)
            return {
                index: v,
                distance: m
        const E = t[v] - g
          , D = m + c(E, 0);
        return {
            index: v,
            distance: D
    return {
        byDistance: f,
        byIndex: d,
        shortcut: c
function K5(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    function a(d) {
        const f = d.distance
          , h = d.index !== t.get();
        f && (r.duration() ? e.start() : (e.update(),
        h && (n.set(t.get()),
    function l(d, f) {
        const h = i.byDistance(d, f);
    function u(d, f) {
        const h = t.clone().set(d)
          , m = i.byIndex(h.get(), f);
    return {
        distance: l,
        index: u
function q5(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    let a = 0;
    function l() {
        s.add(document, "keydown", u, !1),
    function u(f) {
        f.code === "Tab" && (a = new Date().getTime())
    function c(f) {
        const h = ()=>{
            if (new Date().getTime() - a > 10)
            e.scrollLeft = 0;
            const b = t.indexOf(f)
              , v = n.findIndex(g=>g.includes(b));
            Bv(v) && (i.useDuration(0),
            r.index(v, 0),
        s.add(f, "focus", h, {
            passive: !0,
            capture: !0
    return {
        init: l
function Vc(e) {
    let t = e;
    function n() {
        return t
    function r(l) {
        t = o(l)
    function i(l) {
        t += o(l)
    function s(l) {
        t -= o(l)
    function o(l) {
        return Bv(l) ? l : l.get()
    return {
        get: n,
        set: r,
        add: i,
        subtract: s
function IP(e, t) {
    const n = e.scroll === "x" ? s : o
      , r = t.style;
    let i = !1;
    function s(d) {
        return `translate3d(${d}px,0px,0px)`
    function o(d) {
        return `translate3d(0px,${d}px,0px)`
    function a(d) {
        i || (r.transform = n(e.direction(d)))
    function l(d) {
        i = !d
    function u() {
        i || (r.transform = "",
        t.getAttribute("style") || t.removeAttribute("style"))
    return {
        clear: u,
        to: a,
        toggleActive: l
function Q5(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a, l) {
    const c = Hl(i)
      , d = Hl(i).reverse()
      , f = v().concat(g());
    function h(C, P) {
        return C.reduce((A,B)=>A - i[B], P)
    function m(C, P) {
        return C.reduce((A,B)=>h(A, P) > 0 ? A.concat([B]) : A, [])
    function p(C) {
        return s.map((P,A)=>({
            start: P - r[A] + .5 + C,
            end: P + t - .5 + C
    function b(C, P, A) {
        const B = p(P);
        return C.map(Q=>{
            const Z = A ? 0 : -n
              , F = A ? n : 0
              , k = A ? "end" : "start"
              , T = B[Q][k];
            return {
                index: Q,
                loopPoint: T,
                slideLocation: Vc(-1),
                translate: IP(e, l[Q]),
                target: ()=>a.get() > T ? Z : F
    function v() {
        const C = o[0]
          , P = m(d, C);
        return b(P, n, !1)
    function g() {
        const C = t - o[0] - 1
          , P = m(c, C);
        return b(P, -n, !0)
    function w() {
        return f.every(({index: C})=>{
            const P = c.filter(A=>A !== C);
            return h(P, t) <= .1
    function E() {
            const {target: P, translate: A, slideLocation: B} = C
              , Q = P();
            Q !== B.get() && (A.to(Q),
    function D() {
    return {
        canLoop: w,
        clear: D,
        loop: E,
        loopPoints: f
function Y5(e, t, n) {
    let r, i = !1;
    function s(l) {
        if (!n)
        function u(c) {
            for (const d of c)
                if (d.type === "childList") {
        r = new MutationObserver(c=>{
            i || (Hv(n) || n(l, c)) && u(c)
        r.observe(e, {
            childList: !0
    function o() {
        r && r.disconnect(),
        i = !0
    return {
        init: s,
        destroy: o
function X5(e, t, n, r) {
    const i = {};
    let s = null, o = null, a, l = !1;
    function u() {
        a = new IntersectionObserver(m=>{
            l || (m.forEach(p=>{
                const b = t.indexOf(p.target);
                i[b] = p
            s = null,
            o = null,
            root: e.parentElement,
            threshold: r
    function c() {
        a && a.disconnect(),
        l = !0
    function d(m) {
        return Wl(i).reduce((p,b)=>{
            const v = parseInt(b)
              , {isIntersecting: g} = i[v];
            return (m && g || !m && !g) && p.push(v),
        , [])
    function f(m=!0) {
        if (m && s)
            return s;
        if (!m && o)
            return o;
        const p = d(m);
        return m && (s = p),
        m || (o = p),
    return {
        init: u,
        destroy: c,
        get: f
function J5(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    const {measureSize: o, startEdge: a, endEdge: l} = e
      , u = n[0] && i
      , c = m()
      , d = p()
      , f = n.map(o)
      , h = b();
    function m() {
        if (!u)
            return 0;
        const g = n[0];
        return pt(t[a] - g[a])
    function p() {
        if (!u)
            return 0;
        const g = s.getComputedStyle(fr(r));
        return parseFloat(g.getPropertyValue(`margin-${l}`))
    function b() {
        return n.map((g,w,E)=>{
            const D = !w
              , V = Gv(E, w);
            return D ? f[w] + c : V ? f[w] + d : E[w + 1][a] - g[a]
    return {
        slideSizes: f,
        slideSizesWithGaps: h,
        startGap: c,
        endGap: d
function Z5(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, a, l) {
    const {startEdge: u, endEdge: c, direction: d} = e
      , f = Bv(n);
    function h(v, g) {
        return Hl(v).filter(w=>w % g === 0).map(w=>v.slice(w, w + g))
    function m(v) {
        return v.length ? Hl(v).reduce((g,w,E)=>{
            const D = fr(g) || 0
              , V = D === 0
              , C = w === ku(v)
              , P = i[u] - s[D][u]
              , A = i[u] - s[w][c]
              , B = !r && V ? d(o) : 0
              , Q = !r && C ? d(a) : 0
              , Z = pt(A - Q - (P + B));
            return E && Z > t + l && g.push(w),
            C && g.push(v.length),
        , []).map((g,w,E)=>{
            const D = Math.max(E[w - 1] || 0);
            return v.slice(D, g)
        ) : []
    function p(v) {
        return f ? h(v, n) : m(v)
    return {
        groupSlides: p
function e$(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    const {align: a, axis: l, direction: u, startIndex: c, loop: d, duration: f, dragFree: h, dragThreshold: m, inViewThreshold: p, slidesToScroll: b, skipSnaps: v, containScroll: g, watchResize: w, watchSlides: E, watchDrag: D} = s
      , V = 2
      , C = M5()
      , P = C.measure(t)
      , A = n.map(C.measure)
      , B = D5(l, u)
      , Q = B.measureSize(P)
      , Z = j5(Q)
      , F = _5(a, Q)
      , k = !d && !!g
      , T = d || !!g
      , {slideSizes: _, slideSizesWithGaps: O, startGap: R, endGap: z} = J5(B, P, A, n, T, i)
      , Y = Z5(B, Q, b, d, P, A, R, z, V)
      , {snaps: te, snapsAligned: ue} = H5(B, F, P, A, Y)
      , X = -fr(te) + fr(O)
      , {snapsContained: S, scrollContainLimit: j} = V5(Q, X, ue, g, V)
      , N = k ? S : ue
      , {limit: I} = z5(X, N, d)
      , U = $P(ku(N), c, d)
      , H = U.clone()
      , q = Hl(n)
      , $ = ({dragHandler: Ve, scrollBody: Te, scrollBounds: Ke, options: {loop: ke}})=>{
        ke || Ke.constrain(Ve.pointerDown()),
      , L = ({scrollBody: Ve, translate: Te, location: Ke, offsetLocation: ke, scrollLooper: Qe, slideLooper: nt, dragHandler: it, animation: me, eventHandler: Ce, options: {loop: Be}},Re)=>{
        const We = Ve.velocity()
          , et = Ve.settled();
        et && !it.pointerDown() && (me.stop(),
        et || Ce.emit("scroll"),
        ke.set(Ke.get() - We + We * Re),
        Be && (Qe.loop(Ve.direction()),
      , M = A5(r, i, ()=>$(Ge), Ve=>L(Ge, Ve))
      , W = .68
      , J = N[U.get()]
      , se = Vc(J)
      , ae = Vc(J)
      , ne = Vc(J)
      , de = I5(se, ae, ne, f, W)
      , ye = G5(d, N, X, I, ne)
      , be = K5(M, U, H, de, ye, ne, o)
      , Me = B5(I)
      , fe = Gl()
      , Ee = X5(t, n, o, p)
      , {slideRegistry: we} = W5(k, g, N, j, Y, q)
      , Se = q5(e, n, we, be, de, fe, o)
      , Ge = {
        ownerDocument: r,
        ownerWindow: i,
        eventHandler: o,
        containerRect: P,
        slideRects: A,
        animation: M,
        axis: B,
        dragHandler: L5(B, e, r, i, ne, N5(B, i), se, M, be, de, ye, U, o, Z, h, m, v, W, D),
        eventStore: fe,
        percentOfView: Z,
        index: U,
        indexPrevious: H,
        limit: I,
        location: se,
        offsetLocation: ae,
        options: s,
        resizeHandler: $5(t, o, i, n, B, w, C),
        scrollBody: de,
        scrollBounds: F5(I, ae, ne, de, Z),
        scrollLooper: U5(X, I, ae, [se, ae, ne]),
        scrollProgress: Me,
        scrollSnapList: N.map(Me.get),
        scrollSnaps: N,
        scrollTarget: ye,
        scrollTo: be,
        slideLooper: Q5(B, Q, X, _, O, te, N, ae, n),
        slideFocus: Se,
        slidesHandler: Y5(t, o, E),
        slidesInView: Ee,
        slideIndexes: q,
        slideRegistry: we,
        slidesToScroll: Y,
        target: ne,
        translate: IP(B, t)
    return Ge
function t$() {
    let e = {}, t;
    function n(u) {
        t = u
    function r(u) {
        return e[u] || []
    function i(u) {
        return r(u).forEach(c=>c(t, u)),
    function s(u, c) {
        return e[u] = r(u).concat([c]),
    function o(u, c) {
        return e[u] = r(u).filter(d=>d !== c),
    function a() {
        e = {}
    const l = {
        init: n,
        emit: i,
        off: o,
        on: s,
        clear: a
    return l
const n$ = {
    align: "center",
    axis: "x",
    container: null,
    slides: null,
    containScroll: "trimSnaps",
    direction: "ltr",
    slidesToScroll: 1,
    inViewThreshold: 0,
    breakpoints: {},
    dragFree: !1,
    dragThreshold: 10,
    loop: !1,
    skipSnaps: !1,
    duration: 25,
    startIndex: 0,
    active: !0,
    watchDrag: !0,
    watchResize: !0,
    watchSlides: !0
function r$(e) {
    function t(s, o) {
        return jP(s, o || {})
    function n(s) {
        const o = s.breakpoints || {}
          , a = Wl(o).filter(l=>e.matchMedia(l).matches).map(l=>o[l]).reduce((l,u)=>t(l, u), {});
        return t(s, a)
    function r(s) {
        return s.map(o=>Wl(o.breakpoints || {})).reduce((o,a)=>o.concat(a), []).map(e.matchMedia)
    return {
        mergeOptions: t,
        optionsAtMedia: n,
        optionsMediaQueries: r
function i$(e) {
    let t = [];
    function n(s, o) {
        return t = o.filter(({options: a})=>e.optionsAtMedia(a).active !== !1),
        t.forEach(a=>a.init(s, e)),
        o.reduce((a,l)=>Object.assign(a, {
            [l.name]: l
        }), {})
    function r() {
        t = t.filter(s=>s.destroy())
    return {
        init: n,
        destroy: r
function Dd(e, t, n) {
    const r = e.ownerDocument
      , i = r.defaultView
      , s = r$(i)
      , o = i$(s)
      , a = Gl()
      , l = t$()
      , {mergeOptions: u, optionsAtMedia: c, optionsMediaQueries: d} = s
      , {on: f, off: h, emit: m} = l
      , p = Q;
    let b = !1, v, g = u(n$, Dd.globalOptions), w = u(g), E = [], D, V, C;
    function P() {
        const {container: $, slides: L} = w;
        V = (Km($) ? e.querySelector($) : $) || e.children[0];
        const W = Km(L) ? V.querySelectorAll(L) : L;
        C = [].slice.call(W || V.children)
    function A($) {
        const L = e$(e, V, C, r, i, $, l);
        if ($.loop && !L.slideLooper.canLoop()) {
            const M = Object.assign({}, $, {
                loop: !1
            return A(M)
        return L
    function B($, L) {
        b || (g = u(g, $),
        w = c(g),
        E = L || E,
        v = A(w),
        d([g, ...E.map(({options: M})=>M)]).forEach(M=>a.add(M, "change", Q)),
        w.active && (v.translate.to(v.location.get()),
        v.options.loop && v.slideLooper.loop(),
        V.offsetParent && C.length && v.dragHandler.init(q),
        D = o.init(q, E)))
    function Q($, L) {
        const M = te();
            startIndex: M
        }, $), L),
    function Z() {
    function F() {
        b || (b = !0,
    function k($, L, M) {
        !w.active || b || (v.scrollBody.useBaseFriction().useDuration(L === !0 ? 0 : w.duration),
        v.scrollTo.index($, M || 0))
    function T($) {
        const L = v.index.add(1).get();
        k(L, $, -1)
    function _($) {
        const L = v.index.add(-1).get();
        k(L, $, 1)
    function O() {
        return v.index.add(1).get() !== te()
    function R() {
        return v.index.add(-1).get() !== te()
    function z() {
        return v.scrollSnapList
    function Y() {
        return v.scrollProgress.get(v.location.get())
    function te() {
        return v.index.get()
    function ue() {
        return v.indexPrevious.get()
    function X() {
        return v.slidesInView.get()
    function S() {
        return v.slidesInView.get(!1)
    function j() {
        return D
    function N() {
        return v
    function I() {
        return e
    function U() {
        return V
    function H() {
        return C
    const q = {
        canScrollNext: O,
        canScrollPrev: R,
        containerNode: U,
        internalEngine: N,
        destroy: F,
        off: h,
        on: f,
        emit: m,
        plugins: j,
        previousScrollSnap: ue,
        reInit: p,
        rootNode: I,
        scrollNext: T,
        scrollPrev: _,
        scrollProgress: Y,
        scrollSnapList: z,
        scrollTo: k,
        selectedScrollSnap: te,
        slideNodes: H,
        slidesInView: X,
        slidesNotInView: S
    return B(t, n),
    setTimeout(()=>l.emit("init"), 0),
Dd.globalOptions = void 0;
function Kv(e={}, t=[]) {
    const n = y.useRef(e)
      , r = y.useRef(t)
      , [i,s] = y.useState()
      , [o,a] = y.useState()
      , l = y.useCallback(()=>{
        i && i.reInit(n.current, r.current)
    , [i]);
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        if (R5() && o) {
            Dd.globalOptions = Kv.globalOptions;
            const u = Dd(o, n.current, r.current);
            return s(u),
        } else
            s(void 0)
    , [o, s]),
        Uv(n.current, e) || (n.current = e,
    , [e, l]),
        O5(r.current, t) || (r.current = t,
    , [t, l]),
    [a, i]
Kv.globalOptions = void 0;
const s$ = e=>x.jsx(FP, {
    right: !1
  , qv = e=>x.jsx(FP, {
    right: !0
  , FP = e=>{
    const {right: t, ...n} = e;
    return x.jsx("svg", {
        width: "10",
        height: "18",
        viewBox: "0 0 10 18",
        fill: "none",
        xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
        className: Ze(e.className, t && "rotate-180", "size-[11px]"),
        children: x.jsx("path", {
            fillRule: "evenodd",
            clipRule: "evenodd",
            d: "M9.70711 0.292893C9.31658 -0.0976311 8.68342 -0.0976311 8.29289 0.292893L0.292893 8.29289C-0.0976315 8.68342 -0.0976315 9.31658 0.292893 9.70711L8.29289 17.7071C8.68342 18.0976 9.31658 18.0976 9.70711 17.7071C10.0976 17.3166 10.0976 16.6834 9.70711 16.2929L2.41421 9L9.70711 1.70711C10.0976 1.31658 10.0976 0.683417 9.70711 0.292893Z",
            fill: "currentColor"
  , VP = y.createContext(null);
function Nf() {
    const e = y.useContext(VP);
    if (!e)
        throw new Error("useCarousel must be used within a <Carousel />");
    return e
const zP = y.forwardRef(({orientation: e="horizontal", opts: t, setApi: n, plugins: r, className: i, children: s, ...o},a)=>{
    const [l,u] = Kv({
        axis: e === "horizontal" ? "x" : "y"
    }, r)
      , [c,d] = y.useState(!1)
      , [f,h] = y.useState(!1)
      , m = y.useCallback(g=>{
        g && (d(g.canScrollPrev()),
    , [])
      , p = y.useCallback(()=>{
        u == null || u.scrollPrev()
    , [u])
      , b = y.useCallback(()=>{
        u == null || u.scrollNext()
    , [u])
      , v = y.useCallback(g=>{
        g.key === "ArrowLeft" ? (g.preventDefault(),
        p()) : g.key === "ArrowRight" && (g.preventDefault(),
    , [p, b]);
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        !u || !n || n(u)
    , [u, n]),
        if (u)
            return m(u),
            u.on("reInit", m),
            u.on("select", m),
                u == null || u.off("select", m)
    , [u, m]),
    x.jsx(VP.Provider, {
        value: {
            carouselRef: l,
            api: u,
            opts: t,
            orientation: e || ((t == null ? void 0 : t.axis) === "y" ? "vertical" : "horizontal"),
            scrollPrev: p,
            scrollNext: b,
            canScrollPrev: c,
            canScrollNext: f
        children: x.jsx("div", {
            ref: a,
            onKeyDownCapture: v,
            className: Ze("relative", i),
            role: "region",
            "aria-roledescription": "carousel",
            children: s
zP.displayName = "Carousel";
const UP = y.forwardRef(({className: e, ...t},n)=>{
    const {carouselRef: r, orientation: i} = Nf();
    return x.jsx("div", {
        ref: r,
        className: "overflow-hidden",
        children: x.jsx("div", {
            ref: n,
            className: Ze("flex", i === "horizontal" ? "-ml-4" : "-mt-4 flex-col", e),
UP.displayName = "CarouselContent";
const BP = y.forwardRef(({className: e, ...t},n)=>{
    const {orientation: r} = Nf();
    return x.jsx("div", {
        ref: n,
        role: "group",
        "aria-roledescription": "slide",
        className: Ze("min-w-0 shrink-0 grow-0 basis-full", r === "horizontal" ? "pl-4" : "pt-4", e),
BP.displayName = "CarouselItem";
const HP = y.forwardRef(({className: e, ...t},n)=>{
    const {scrollPrev: r, canScrollPrev: i} = Nf();
    return x.jsxs("button", {
        ref: n,
        className: Ze("h-8 w-8 rounded-full", e),
        disabled: !i,
        onClick: r,
        children: [x.jsx(s$, {
            className: Ze("h-4 w-4", !i && "text-transparent")
        }), x.jsx("span", {
            className: "sr-only",
            children: "Previous slide"
HP.displayName = "CarouselPrevious";
const WP = y.forwardRef(({className: e, ...t},n)=>{
    const {scrollNext: r, canScrollNext: i} = Nf();
    return x.jsxs("button", {
        ref: n,
        className: Ze("h-8 w-8 rounded-full", e),
        disabled: !i,
        onClick: r,
        children: [x.jsx(qv, {
            className: Ze("h-4 w-4", !i && "text-transparent")
        }), x.jsx("span", {
            className: "sr-only",
            children: "Next slide"
WP.displayName = "CarouselNext";
const GP = e=>x.jsx("div", {
    className: Ze("size-2 rounded-full bg-accent-error", e.className)
  , o$ = ()=>{
    const e = cC()
      , {pathname: t} = Qi()
      , n = i=>t === i
      , r = Oz();
    return x.jsx("nav", {
        className: "flex gap-1",
        children: r.map(i=>{
            const {path: s, name: o, iconUrl: a} = i
              , l = s === "/tasks" && e
              , u = n(s);
            return x.jsxs(wA, {
                to: s,
                className: "group relative box-border grid h-20 flex-1 place-content-center rounded-2xl bg-graphite-normal px-3 py-2 text-sm text-white/65 transition-all data-[status=active]:bg-active-nav-gradient data-[status=active]:text-gold data-[status=active]:shadow-inner-border data-[status=active]:shadow-gold",
                "data-status": u && "active",
                children: [l && x.jsx(GP, {
                    className: "absolute right-2 top-2"
                }), x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-1",
                    children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "relative",
                        children: [x.jsx("img", {
                            className: "relative z-10 size-10 object-scale-down",
                            src: a,
                            alt: o
                        }), x.jsx("img", {
                            className: "absolute inset-0 z-0 hidden size-14 group-data-[status=active]:block",
                            src: Ae.navGlow,
                            alt: "glow"
                    }), x.jsx("div", {
                        children: o
            }, s)
  , a$ = ()=>{
    const {pathname: e} = Qi();
    return x.jsx("div", {
        className: Ze("absolute top-0 h-8 w-full -translate-y-8 bg-gradient-to-t from-graphite-dark to-transparent", e === "/" && "-z-10")
  , l$ = ()=>x.jsx("div", {
    className: "flex h-screen items-center justify-center",
    children: x.jsx("div", {
        children: "App is available only on mobile :)"
  , Qv = y.createContext({
    transformPagePoint: e=>e,
    isStatic: !1,
    reducedMotion: "never"
  , Mf = y.createContext({})
  , jf = y.createContext(null)
  , Yv = typeof document < "u"
  , Xv = Yv ? y.useLayoutEffect : y.useEffect
  , KP = y.createContext({
    strict: !1
  , Jv = e=>e.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/gu, "$1-$2").toLowerCase()
  , u$ = "framerAppearId"
  , qP = "data-" + Jv(u$)
  , c$ = {
    skipAnimations: !1,
    useManualTiming: !1
class bw {
    constructor() {
        this.order = [],
        this.scheduled = new Set
    add(t) {
        if (!this.scheduled.has(t))
            return this.scheduled.add(t),
    remove(t) {
        const n = this.order.indexOf(t);
        n !== -1 && (this.order.splice(n, 1),
    clear() {
        this.order.length = 0,
function d$(e) {
    let t = new bw
      , n = new bw
      , r = 0
      , i = !1
      , s = !1;
    const o = new WeakSet
      , a = {
        schedule: (l,u=!1,c=!1)=>{
            const d = c && i
              , f = d ? t : n;
            return u && o.add(l),
            f.add(l) && d && i && (r = t.order.length),
        cancel: l=>{
        process: l=>{
            if (i) {
                s = !0;
            if (i = !0,
            [t,n] = [n, t],
            r = t.order.length,
                for (let u = 0; u < r; u++) {
                    const c = t.order[u];
                    o.has(c) && (a.schedule(c),
            i = !1,
            s && (s = !1,
    return a
const mc = ["read", "resolveKeyframes", "update", "preRender", "render", "postRender"]
  , f$ = 40;
function QP(e, t) {
    let n = !1
      , r = !0;
    const i = {
        delta: 0,
        timestamp: 0,
        isProcessing: !1
      , s = mc.reduce((d,f)=>(d[f] = d$(()=>n = !0),
    d), {})
      , o = d=>{
      , a = ()=>{
        const d = performance.now();
        n = !1,
        i.delta = r ? 1e3 / 60 : Math.max(Math.min(d - i.timestamp, f$), 1),
        i.timestamp = d,
        i.isProcessing = !0,
        i.isProcessing = !1,
        n && t && (r = !1,
      , l = ()=>{
        n = !0,
        r = !0,
        i.isProcessing || e(a)
    return {
        schedule: mc.reduce((d,f)=>{
            const h = s[f];
            return d[f] = (m,p=!1,b=!1)=>(n || l(),
            h.schedule(m, p, b)),
        , {}),
        cancel: d=>mc.forEach(f=>s[f].cancel(d)),
        state: i,
        steps: s
const {schedule: Zv, cancel: Lz} = QP(queueMicrotask, !1);
function h$(e, t, n, r) {
    const {visualElement: i} = y.useContext(Mf)
      , s = y.useContext(KP)
      , o = y.useContext(jf)
      , a = y.useContext(Qv).reducedMotion
      , l = y.useRef();
    r = r || s.renderer,
    !l.current && r && (l.current = r(e, {
        visualState: t,
        parent: i,
        props: n,
        presenceContext: o,
        blockInitialAnimation: o ? o.initial === !1 : !1,
        reducedMotionConfig: a
    const u = l.current;
        u && u.update(n, o)
    const c = y.useRef(!!(n[qP] && !window.HandoffComplete));
    return Xv(()=>{
        u && (Zv.render(u.render),
        c.current && u.animationState && u.animationState.animateChanges())
        u && (u.updateFeatures(),
        !c.current && u.animationState && u.animationState.animateChanges(),
        c.current && (c.current = !1,
        window.HandoffComplete = !0))
function wo(e) {
    return e && typeof e == "object" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, "current")
function p$(e, t, n) {
    return y.useCallback(r=>{
        r && e.mount && e.mount(r),
        t && (r ? t.mount(r) : t.unmount()),
        n && (typeof n == "function" ? n(r) : wo(n) && (n.current = r))
    , [t])
function Kl(e) {
    return typeof e == "string" || Array.isArray(e)
function $f(e) {
    return e !== null && typeof e == "object" && typeof e.start == "function"
const ey = ["animate", "whileInView", "whileFocus", "whileHover", "whileTap", "whileDrag", "exit"]
  , ty = ["initial", ...ey];
function If(e) {
    return $f(e.animate) || ty.some(t=>Kl(e[t]))
function YP(e) {
    return !!(If(e) || e.variants)
function m$(e, t) {
    if (If(e)) {
        const {initial: n, animate: r} = e;
        return {
            initial: n === !1 || Kl(n) ? n : void 0,
            animate: Kl(r) ? r : void 0
    return e.inherit !== !1 ? t : {}
function g$(e) {
    const {initial: t, animate: n} = m$(e, y.useContext(Mf));
    return y.useMemo(()=>({
        initial: t,
        animate: n
    }), [Sw(t), Sw(n)])
function Sw(e) {
    return Array.isArray(e) ? e.join(" ") : e
const Ew = {
    animation: ["animate", "variants", "whileHover", "whileTap", "exit", "whileInView", "whileFocus", "whileDrag"],
    exit: ["exit"],
    drag: ["drag", "dragControls"],
    focus: ["whileFocus"],
    hover: ["whileHover", "onHoverStart", "onHoverEnd"],
    tap: ["whileTap", "onTap", "onTapStart", "onTapCancel"],
    pan: ["onPan", "onPanStart", "onPanSessionStart", "onPanEnd"],
    inView: ["whileInView", "onViewportEnter", "onViewportLeave"],
    layout: ["layout", "layoutId"]
  , ql = {};
for (const e in Ew)
    ql[e] = {
        isEnabled: t=>Ew[e].some(n=>!!t[n])
function v$(e) {
    for (const t in e)
        ql[t] = {
const ny = y.createContext({})
  , XP = y.createContext({})
  , y$ = Symbol.for("motionComponentSymbol");
function w$({preloadedFeatures: e, createVisualElement: t, useRender: n, useVisualState: r, Component: i}) {
    e && v$(e);
    function s(a, l) {
        let u;
        const c = {
            layoutId: x$(a)
          , {isStatic: d} = c
          , f = g$(a)
          , h = r(a, d);
        if (!d && Yv) {
            f.visualElement = h$(i, h, c, t);
            const m = y.useContext(XP)
              , p = y.useContext(KP).strict;
            f.visualElement && (u = f.visualElement.loadFeatures(c, p, e, m))
        return x.jsxs(Mf.Provider, {
            value: f,
            children: [u && f.visualElement ? x.jsx(u, {
                visualElement: f.visualElement,
            }) : null, n(i, a, p$(h, f.visualElement, l), h, d, f.visualElement)]
    const o = y.forwardRef(s);
    return o[y$] = i,
function x$({layoutId: e}) {
    const t = y.useContext(ny).id;
    return t && e !== void 0 ? t + "-" + e : e
function b$(e) {
    function t(r, i={}) {
        return w$(e(r, i))
    if (typeof Proxy > "u")
        return t;
    const n = new Map;
    return new Proxy(t,{
        get: (r,i)=>(n.has(i) || n.set(i, t(i)),
const S$ = ["animate", "circle", "defs", "desc", "ellipse", "g", "image", "line", "filter", "marker", "mask", "metadata", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "rect", "stop", "switch", "symbol", "svg", "text", "tspan", "use", "view"];
function ry(e) {
    return typeof e != "string" || e.includes("-") ? !1 : !!(S$.indexOf(e) > -1 || /[A-Z]/u.test(e))
const Ld = {};
function E$(e) {
    Object.assign(Ld, e)
const _u = ["transformPerspective", "x", "y", "z", "translateX", "translateY", "translateZ", "scale", "scaleX", "scaleY", "rotate", "rotateX", "rotateY", "rotateZ", "skew", "skewX", "skewY"]
  , Hs = new Set(_u);
function JP(e, {layout: t, layoutId: n}) {
    return Hs.has(e) || e.startsWith("origin") || (t || n !== void 0) && (!!Ld[e] || e === "opacity")
const sn = e=>!!(e && e.getVelocity)
  , C$ = {
    x: "translateX",
    y: "translateY",
    z: "translateZ",
    transformPerspective: "perspective"
  , P$ = _u.length;
function T$(e, {enableHardwareAcceleration: t=!0, allowTransformNone: n=!0}, r, i) {
    let s = "";
    for (let o = 0; o < P$; o++) {
        const a = _u[o];
        if (e[a] !== void 0) {
            const l = C$[a] || a;
            s += `${l}(${e[a]}) `
    return t && !e.z && (s += "translateZ(0)"),
    s = s.trim(),
    i ? s = i(e, r ? "" : s) : n && r && (s = "none"),
const ZP = e=>t=>typeof t == "string" && t.startsWith(e)
  , e2 = ZP("--")
  , R$ = ZP("var(--")
  , iy = e=>R$(e) ? O$.test(e.split("/*")[0].trim()) : !1
  , O$ = /var\(--(?:[\w-]+\s*|[\w-]+\s*,(?:\s*[^)(\s]|\s*\((?:[^)(]|\([^)(]*\))*\))+\s*)\)$/iu
  , k$ = (e,t)=>t && typeof e == "number" ? t.transform(e) : e
  , zi = (e,t,n)=>n > t ? t : n < e ? e : n
  , xa = {
    test: e=>typeof e == "number",
    parse: parseFloat,
    transform: e=>e
  , dl = {
    transform: e=>zi(0, 1, e)
  , gc = {
    default: 1
  , fl = e=>Math.round(e * 1e5) / 1e5
  , sy = /-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/gu
  , _$ = /(?:#[\da-f]{3,8}|(?:rgb|hsl)a?\((?:-?[\d.]+%?[,\s]+){2}-?[\d.]+%?\s*(?:[,/]\s*)?(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)?%?\))/giu
  , A$ = /^(?:#[\da-f]{3,8}|(?:rgb|hsl)a?\((?:-?[\d.]+%?[,\s]+){2}-?[\d.]+%?\s*(?:[,/]\s*)?(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)?%?\))$/iu;
function Au(e) {
    return typeof e == "string"
const Du = e=>({
    test: t=>Au(t) && t.endsWith(e) && t.split(" ").length === 1,
    parse: parseFloat,
    transform: t=>`${t}${e}`
  , ci = Du("deg")
  , _r = Du("%")
  , Oe = Du("px")
  , D$ = Du("vh")
  , L$ = Du("vw")
  , Cw = {
    parse: e=>_r.parse(e) / 100,
    transform: e=>_r.transform(e * 100)
  , Pw = {
    transform: Math.round
  , t2 = {
    borderWidth: Oe,
    borderTopWidth: Oe,
    borderRightWidth: Oe,
    borderBottomWidth: Oe,
    borderLeftWidth: Oe,
    borderRadius: Oe,
    radius: Oe,
    borderTopLeftRadius: Oe,
    borderTopRightRadius: Oe,
    borderBottomRightRadius: Oe,
    borderBottomLeftRadius: Oe,
    width: Oe,
    maxWidth: Oe,
    height: Oe,
    maxHeight: Oe,
    size: Oe,
    top: Oe,
    right: Oe,
    bottom: Oe,
    left: Oe,
    padding: Oe,
    paddingTop: Oe,
    paddingRight: Oe,
    paddingBottom: Oe,
    paddingLeft: Oe,
    margin: Oe,
    marginTop: Oe,
    marginRight: Oe,
    marginBottom: Oe,
    marginLeft: Oe,
    rotate: ci,
    rotateX: ci,
    rotateY: ci,
    rotateZ: ci,
    scale: gc,
    scaleX: gc,
    scaleY: gc,
    scaleZ: gc,
    skew: ci,
    skewX: ci,
    skewY: ci,
    distance: Oe,
    translateX: Oe,
    translateY: Oe,
    translateZ: Oe,
    x: Oe,
    y: Oe,
    z: Oe,
    perspective: Oe,
    transformPerspective: Oe,
    opacity: dl,
    originX: Cw,
    originY: Cw,
    originZ: Oe,
    zIndex: Pw,
    backgroundPositionX: Oe,
    backgroundPositionY: Oe,
    fillOpacity: dl,
    strokeOpacity: dl,
    numOctaves: Pw
function oy(e, t, n, r) {
    const {style: i, vars: s, transform: o, transformOrigin: a} = e;
    let l = !1
      , u = !1
      , c = !0;
    for (const d in t) {
        const f = t[d];
        if (e2(d)) {
            s[d] = f;
        const h = t2[d]
          , m = k$(f, h);
        if (Hs.has(d)) {
            if (l = !0,
            o[d] = m,
            f !== (h.default || 0) && (c = !1)
        } else
            d.startsWith("origin") ? (u = !0,
            a[d] = m) : i[d] = m
    if (t.transform || (l || r ? i.transform = T$(e.transform, n, c, r) : i.transform && (i.transform = "none")),
    u) {
        const {originX: d="50%", originY: f="50%", originZ: h=0} = a;
        i.transformOrigin = `${d} ${f} ${h}`
const ay = ()=>({
    style: {},
    transform: {},
    transformOrigin: {},
    vars: {}
function n2(e, t, n) {
    for (const r in t)
        !sn(t[r]) && !JP(r, n) && (e[r] = t[r])
function N$({transformTemplate: e}, t, n) {
    return y.useMemo(()=>{
        const r = ay();
        return oy(r, t, {
            enableHardwareAcceleration: !n
        }, e),
        Object.assign({}, r.vars, r.style)
    , [t])
function M$(e, t, n) {
    const r = e.style || {}
      , i = {};
    return n2(i, r, e),
    Object.assign(i, N$(e, t, n)),
function j$(e, t, n) {
    const r = {}
      , i = M$(e, t, n);
    return e.drag && e.dragListener !== !1 && (r.draggable = !1,
    i.userSelect = i.WebkitUserSelect = i.WebkitTouchCallout = "none",
    i.touchAction = e.drag === !0 ? "none" : `pan-${e.drag === "x" ? "y" : "x"}`),
    e.tabIndex === void 0 && (e.onTap || e.onTapStart || e.whileTap) && (r.tabIndex = 0),
    r.style = i,
const $$ = new Set(["animate", "exit", "variants", "initial", "style", "values", "variants", "transition", "transformTemplate", "custom", "inherit", "onBeforeLayoutMeasure", "onAnimationStart", "onAnimationComplete", "onUpdate", "onDragStart", "onDrag", "onDragEnd", "onMeasureDragConstraints", "onDirectionLock", "onDragTransitionEnd", "_dragX", "_dragY", "onHoverStart", "onHoverEnd", "onViewportEnter", "onViewportLeave", "globalTapTarget", "ignoreStrict", "viewport"]);
function Nd(e) {
    return e.startsWith("while") || e.startsWith("drag") && e !== "draggable" || e.startsWith("layout") || e.startsWith("onTap") || e.startsWith("onPan") || e.startsWith("onLayout") || $$.has(e)
let r2 = e=>!Nd(e);
function I$(e) {
    e && (r2 = t=>t.startsWith("on") ? !Nd(t) : e(t))
try {
} catch {}
function F$(e, t, n) {
    const r = {};
    for (const i in e)
        i === "values" && typeof e.values == "object" || (r2(i) || n === !0 && Nd(i) || !t && !Nd(i) || e.draggable && i.startsWith("onDrag")) && (r[i] = e[i]);
    return r
function Tw(e, t, n) {
    return typeof e == "string" ? e : Oe.transform(t + n * e)
function V$(e, t, n) {
    const r = Tw(t, e.x, e.width)
      , i = Tw(n, e.y, e.height);
    return `${r} ${i}`
const z$ = {
    offset: "stroke-dashoffset",
    array: "stroke-dasharray"
  , U$ = {
    offset: "strokeDashoffset",
    array: "strokeDasharray"
function B$(e, t, n=1, r=0, i=!0) {
    e.pathLength = 1;
    const s = i ? z$ : U$;
    e[s.offset] = Oe.transform(-r);
    const o = Oe.transform(t)
      , a = Oe.transform(n);
    e[s.array] = `${o} ${a}`
function ly(e, {attrX: t, attrY: n, attrScale: r, originX: i, originY: s, pathLength: o, pathSpacing: a=1, pathOffset: l=0, ...u}, c, d, f) {
    if (oy(e, u, c, f),
    d) {
        e.style.viewBox && (e.attrs.viewBox = e.style.viewBox);
    e.attrs = e.style,
    e.style = {};
    const {attrs: h, style: m, dimensions: p} = e;
    h.transform && (p && (m.transform = h.transform),
    delete h.transform),
    p && (i !== void 0 || s !== void 0 || m.transform) && (m.transformOrigin = V$(p, i !== void 0 ? i : .5, s !== void 0 ? s : .5)),
    t !== void 0 && (h.x = t),
    n !== void 0 && (h.y = n),
    r !== void 0 && (h.scale = r),
    o !== void 0 && B$(h, o, a, l, !1)
const i2 = ()=>({
    attrs: {}
  , uy = e=>typeof e == "string" && e.toLowerCase() === "svg";
function H$(e, t, n, r) {
    const i = y.useMemo(()=>{
        const s = i2();
        return ly(s, t, {
            enableHardwareAcceleration: !1
        }, uy(r), e.transformTemplate),
            style: {
    , [t]);
    if (e.style) {
        const s = {};
        n2(s, e.style, e),
        i.style = {
    return i
function W$(e=!1) {
    return (n,r,i,{latestValues: s},o)=>{
        const l = (ry(n) ? H$ : j$)(r, s, o, n)
          , u = F$(r, typeof n == "string", e)
          , c = n !== y.Fragment ? {
            ref: i
        } : {}
          , {children: d} = r
          , f = y.useMemo(()=>sn(d) ? d.get() : d, [d]);
        return y.createElement(n, {
            children: f
function s2(e, {style: t, vars: n}, r, i) {
    Object.assign(e.style, t, i && i.getProjectionStyles(r));
    for (const s in n)
        e.style.setProperty(s, n[s])
const o2 = new Set(["baseFrequency", "diffuseConstant", "kernelMatrix", "kernelUnitLength", "keySplines", "keyTimes", "limitingConeAngle", "markerHeight", "markerWidth", "numOctaves", "targetX", "targetY", "surfaceScale", "specularConstant", "specularExponent", "stdDeviation", "tableValues", "viewBox", "gradientTransform", "pathLength", "startOffset", "textLength", "lengthAdjust"]);
function a2(e, t, n, r) {
    s2(e, t, void 0, r);
    for (const i in t.attrs)
        e.setAttribute(o2.has(i) ? i : Jv(i), t.attrs[i])
function cy(e, t, n) {
    var r;
    const {style: i} = e
      , s = {};
    for (const o in i)
        (sn(i[o]) || t.style && sn(t.style[o]) || JP(o, e) || ((r = n == null ? void 0 : n.getValue(o)) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.liveStyle) !== void 0) && (s[o] = i[o]);
    return s
function l2(e, t, n) {
    const r = cy(e, t, n);
    for (const i in e)
        if (sn(e[i]) || sn(t[i])) {
            const s = _u.indexOf(i) !== -1 ? "attr" + i.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + i.substring(1) : i;
            r[s] = e[i]
    return r
function Rw(e) {
    const t = [{}, {}];
    return e == null || e.values.forEach((n,r)=>{
        t[0][r] = n.get(),
        t[1][r] = n.getVelocity()
function dy(e, t, n, r) {
    if (typeof t == "function") {
        const [i,s] = Rw(r);
        t = t(n !== void 0 ? n : e.custom, i, s)
    if (typeof t == "string" && (t = e.variants && e.variants[t]),
    typeof t == "function") {
        const [i,s] = Rw(r);
        t = t(n !== void 0 ? n : e.custom, i, s)
    return t
function u2(e) {
    const t = y.useRef(null);
    return t.current === null && (t.current = e()),
const Qm = e=>Array.isArray(e)
  , G$ = e=>!!(e && typeof e == "object" && e.mix && e.toValue)
  , K$ = e=>Qm(e) ? e[e.length - 1] || 0 : e;
function zc(e) {
    const t = sn(e) ? e.get() : e;
    return G$(t) ? t.toValue() : t
function q$({scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: e, createRenderState: t, onMount: n}, r, i, s) {
    const o = {
        latestValues: Q$(r, i, s, e),
        renderState: t()
    return n && (o.mount = a=>n(r, a, o)),
const c2 = e=>(t,n)=>{
    const r = y.useContext(Mf)
      , i = y.useContext(jf)
      , s = ()=>q$(e, t, r, i);
    return n ? s() : u2(s)
function Q$(e, t, n, r) {
    const i = {}
      , s = r(e, {});
    for (const f in s)
        i[f] = zc(s[f]);
    let {initial: o, animate: a} = e;
    const l = If(e)
      , u = YP(e);
    t && u && !l && e.inherit !== !1 && (o === void 0 && (o = t.initial),
    a === void 0 && (a = t.animate));
    let c = n ? n.initial === !1 : !1;
    c = c || o === !1;
    const d = c ? a : o;
    return d && typeof d != "boolean" && !$f(d) && (Array.isArray(d) ? d : [d]).forEach(h=>{
        const m = dy(e, h);
        if (!m)
        const {transitionEnd: p, transition: b, ...v} = m;
        for (const g in v) {
            let w = v[g];
            if (Array.isArray(w)) {
                const E = c ? w.length - 1 : 0;
                w = w[E]
            w !== null && (i[g] = w)
        for (const g in p)
            i[g] = p[g]
const on = e=>e
  , {schedule: Xe, cancel: ei, state: Kt, steps: Hh} = QP(typeof requestAnimationFrame < "u" ? requestAnimationFrame : on, !0)
  , Y$ = {
    useVisualState: c2({
        scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: l2,
        createRenderState: i2,
        onMount: (e,t,{renderState: n, latestValues: r})=>{
                try {
                    n.dimensions = typeof t.getBBox == "function" ? t.getBBox() : t.getBoundingClientRect()
                } catch {
                    n.dimensions = {
                        x: 0,
                        y: 0,
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0
                ly(n, r, {
                    enableHardwareAcceleration: !1
                }, uy(t.tagName), e.transformTemplate),
                a2(t, n)
  , X$ = {
    useVisualState: c2({
        scrapeMotionValuesFromProps: cy,
        createRenderState: ay
function J$(e, {forwardMotionProps: t=!1}, n, r) {
    return {
        ...ry(e) ? Y$ : X$,
        preloadedFeatures: n,
        useRender: W$(t),
        createVisualElement: r,
        Component: e
function Vr(e, t, n, r={
    passive: !0
}) {
    return e.addEventListener(t, n, r),
    ()=>e.removeEventListener(t, n)
const d2 = e=>e.pointerType === "mouse" ? typeof e.button != "number" || e.button <= 0 : e.isPrimary !== !1;
function Ff(e, t="page") {
    return {
        point: {
            x: e[`${t}X`],
            y: e[`${t}Y`]
const Z$ = e=>t=>d2(t) && e(t, Ff(t));
function Wr(e, t, n, r) {
    return Vr(e, t, Z$(n), r)
const eI = (e,t)=>n=>t(e(n))
  , Gr = (...e)=>e.reduce(eI);
function f2(e) {
    let t = null;
    return ()=>{
        const n = ()=>{
            t = null
        return t === null ? (t = e,
        n) : !1
const Ow = f2("dragHorizontal")
  , kw = f2("dragVertical");
function h2(e) {
    let t = !1;
    if (e === "y")
        t = kw();
    else if (e === "x")
        t = Ow();
    else {
        const n = Ow()
          , r = kw();
        n && r ? t = ()=>{
        : (n && n(),
        r && r())
    return t
function p2() {
    const e = h2(!0);
    return e ? (e(),
    !1) : !0
class Xi {
    constructor(t) {
        this.isMounted = !1,
        this.node = t
    update() {}
function _w(e, t) {
    const n = t ? "pointerenter" : "pointerleave"
      , r = t ? "onHoverStart" : "onHoverEnd"
      , i = (s,o)=>{
        if (s.pointerType === "touch" || p2())
        const a = e.getProps();
        e.animationState && a.whileHover && e.animationState.setActive("whileHover", t);
        const l = a[r];
        l && Xe.postRender(()=>l(s, o))
    return Wr(e.current, n, i, {
        passive: !e.getProps()[r]
class tI extends Xi {
    mount() {
        this.unmount = Gr(_w(this.node, !0), _w(this.node, !1))
    unmount() {}
class nI extends Xi {
    constructor() {
        this.isActive = !1
    onFocus() {
        let t = !1;
        try {
            t = this.node.current.matches(":focus-visible")
        } catch {
            t = !0
        !t || !this.node.animationState || (this.node.animationState.setActive("whileFocus", !0),
        this.isActive = !0)
    onBlur() {
        !this.isActive || !this.node.animationState || (this.node.animationState.setActive("whileFocus", !1),
        this.isActive = !1)
    mount() {
        this.unmount = Gr(Vr(this.node.current, "focus", ()=>this.onFocus()), Vr(this.node.current, "blur", ()=>this.onBlur()))
    unmount() {}
const m2 = (e,t)=>t ? e === t ? !0 : m2(e, t.parentElement) : !1;
function Wh(e, t) {
    if (!t)
    const n = new PointerEvent("pointer" + e);
    t(n, Ff(n))
class rI extends Xi {
    constructor() {
        this.removeStartListeners = on,
        this.removeEndListeners = on,
        this.removeAccessibleListeners = on,
        this.startPointerPress = (t,n)=>{
            if (this.isPressing)
            const r = this.node.getProps()
              , s = Wr(window, "pointerup", (a,l)=>{
                if (!this.checkPressEnd())
                const {onTap: u, onTapCancel: c, globalTapTarget: d} = this.node.getProps()
                  , f = !d && !m2(this.node.current, a.target) ? c : u;
                f && Xe.update(()=>f(a, l))
            , {
                passive: !(r.onTap || r.onPointerUp)
              , o = Wr(window, "pointercancel", (a,l)=>this.cancelPress(a, l), {
                passive: !(r.onTapCancel || r.onPointerCancel)
            this.removeEndListeners = Gr(s, o),
            this.startPress(t, n)
        this.startAccessiblePress = ()=>{
            const t = s=>{
                if (s.key !== "Enter" || this.isPressing)
                const o = a=>{
                    a.key !== "Enter" || !this.checkPressEnd() || Wh("up", (l,u)=>{
                        const {onTap: c} = this.node.getProps();
                        c && Xe.postRender(()=>c(l, u))
                this.removeEndListeners = Vr(this.node.current, "keyup", o),
                Wh("down", (a,l)=>{
                    this.startPress(a, l)
              , n = Vr(this.node.current, "keydown", t)
              , r = ()=>{
                this.isPressing && Wh("cancel", (s,o)=>this.cancelPress(s, o))
              , i = Vr(this.node.current, "blur", r);
            this.removeAccessibleListeners = Gr(n, i)
    startPress(t, n) {
        this.isPressing = !0;
        const {onTapStart: r, whileTap: i} = this.node.getProps();
        i && this.node.animationState && this.node.animationState.setActive("whileTap", !0),
        r && Xe.postRender(()=>r(t, n))
    checkPressEnd() {
        return this.removeEndListeners(),
        this.isPressing = !1,
        this.node.getProps().whileTap && this.node.animationState && this.node.animationState.setActive("whileTap", !1),
    cancelPress(t, n) {
        if (!this.checkPressEnd())
        const {onTapCancel: r} = this.node.getProps();
        r && Xe.postRender(()=>r(t, n))
    mount() {
        const t = this.node.getProps()
          , n = Wr(t.globalTapTarget ? window : this.node.current, "pointerdown", this.startPointerPress, {
            passive: !(t.onTapStart || t.onPointerStart)
          , r = Vr(this.node.current, "focus", this.startAccessiblePress);
        this.removeStartListeners = Gr(n, r)
    unmount() {
const Ym = new WeakMap
  , Gh = new WeakMap
  , iI = e=>{
    const t = Ym.get(e.target);
    t && t(e)
  , sI = e=>{
function oI({root: e, ...t}) {
    const n = e || document;
    Gh.has(n) || Gh.set(n, {});
    const r = Gh.get(n)
      , i = JSON.stringify(t);
    return r[i] || (r[i] = new IntersectionObserver(sI,{
        root: e,
function aI(e, t, n) {
    const r = oI(t);
    return Ym.set(e, n),
const lI = {
    some: 0,
    all: 1
class uI extends Xi {
    constructor() {
        this.hasEnteredView = !1,
        this.isInView = !1
    startObserver() {
        const {viewport: t={}} = this.node.getProps()
          , {root: n, margin: r, amount: i="some", once: s} = t
          , o = {
            root: n ? n.current : void 0,
            rootMargin: r,
            threshold: typeof i == "number" ? i : lI[i]
          , a = l=>{
            const {isIntersecting: u} = l;
            if (this.isInView === u || (this.isInView = u,
            s && !u && this.hasEnteredView))
            u && (this.hasEnteredView = !0),
            this.node.animationState && this.node.animationState.setActive("whileInView", u);
            const {onViewportEnter: c, onViewportLeave: d} = this.node.getProps()
              , f = u ? c : d;
            f && f(l)
        return aI(this.node.current, o, a)
    mount() {
    update() {
        if (typeof IntersectionObserver > "u")
        const {props: t, prevProps: n} = this.node;
        ["amount", "margin", "root"].some(cI(t, n)) && this.startObserver()
    unmount() {}
function cI({viewport: e={}}, {viewport: t={}}={}) {
    return n=>e[n] !== t[n]
const dI = {
    inView: {
        Feature: uI
    tap: {
        Feature: rI
    focus: {
        Feature: nI
    hover: {
        Feature: tI
function g2(e, t) {
    if (!Array.isArray(t))
        return !1;
    const n = t.length;
    if (n !== e.length)
        return !1;
    for (let r = 0; r < n; r++)
        if (t[r] !== e[r])
            return !1;
    return !0
function Vf(e, t, n) {
    const r = e.getProps();
    return dy(r, t, n !== void 0 ? n : r.custom, e)
const Mi = e=>e * 1e3
  , Kr = e=>e / 1e3
  , fI = {
    type: "spring",
    stiffness: 500,
    damping: 25,
    restSpeed: 10
  , hI = e=>({
    type: "spring",
    stiffness: 550,
    damping: e === 0 ? 2 * Math.sqrt(550) : 30,
    restSpeed: 10
  , pI = {
    type: "keyframes",
    duration: .8
  , mI = {
    type: "keyframes",
    ease: [.25, .1, .35, 1],
    duration: .3
  , gI = (e,{keyframes: t})=>t.length > 2 ? pI : Hs.has(e) ? e.startsWith("scale") ? hI(t[1]) : fI : mI;
function vI({when: e, delay: t, delayChildren: n, staggerChildren: r, staggerDirection: i, repeat: s, repeatType: o, repeatDelay: a, from: l, elapsed: u, ...c}) {
    return !!Object.keys(c).length
function fy(e, t) {
    return e[t] || e.default || e
const yI = e=>e !== null;
function zf(e, {repeat: t, repeatType: n="loop"}, r) {
    const i = e.filter(yI)
      , s = t && n !== "loop" && t % 2 === 1 ? 0 : i.length - 1;
    return !s || r === void 0 ? i[s] : r
let Uc;
function wI() {
    Uc = void 0
const ji = {
    now: ()=>(Uc === void 0 && ji.set(Kt.isProcessing || c$.useManualTiming ? Kt.timestamp : performance.now()),
    set: e=>{
        Uc = e,
  , v2 = e=>/^0[^.\s]+$/u.test(e);
function xI(e) {
    return typeof e == "number" ? e === 0 : e !== null ? e === "none" || e === "0" || v2(e) : !0
let Xm = on;
const y2 = e=>/^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)$/u.test(e)
  , bI = /^var\(--(?:([\w-]+)|([\w-]+), ?([a-zA-Z\d ()%#.,-]+))\)/u;
function SI(e) {
    const t = bI.exec(e);
    if (!t)
        return [, ];
    const [,n,r,i] = t;
    return [`--${n ?? r}`, i]
function w2(e, t, n=1) {
    const [r,i] = SI(e);
    if (!r)
    const s = window.getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue(r);
    if (s) {
        const o = s.trim();
        return y2(o) ? parseFloat(o) : o
    return iy(i) ? w2(i, t, n + 1) : i
const EI = new Set(["width", "height", "top", "left", "right", "bottom", "x", "y", "translateX", "translateY"])
  , Aw = e=>e === xa || e === Oe
  , Dw = (e,t)=>parseFloat(e.split(", ")[t])
  , Lw = (e,t)=>(n,{transform: r})=>{
    if (r === "none" || !r)
        return 0;
    const i = r.match(/^matrix3d\((.+)\)$/u);
    if (i)
        return Dw(i[1], t);
        const s = r.match(/^matrix\((.+)\)$/u);
        return s ? Dw(s[1], e) : 0
  , CI = new Set(["x", "y", "z"])
  , PI = _u.filter(e=>!CI.has(e));
function TI(e) {
    const t = [];
    return PI.forEach(n=>{
        const r = e.getValue(n);
        r !== void 0 && (t.push([n, r.get()]),
        r.set(n.startsWith("scale") ? 1 : 0))
const oa = {
    width: ({x: e},{paddingLeft: t="0", paddingRight: n="0"})=>e.max - e.min - parseFloat(t) - parseFloat(n),
    height: ({y: e},{paddingTop: t="0", paddingBottom: n="0"})=>e.max - e.min - parseFloat(t) - parseFloat(n),
    top: (e,{top: t})=>parseFloat(t),
    left: (e,{left: t})=>parseFloat(t),
    bottom: ({y: e},{top: t})=>parseFloat(t) + (e.max - e.min),
    right: ({x: e},{left: t})=>parseFloat(t) + (e.max - e.min),
    x: Lw(4, 13),
    y: Lw(5, 14)
oa.translateX = oa.x;
oa.translateY = oa.y;
const x2 = e=>t=>t.test(e)
  , RI = {
    test: e=>e === "auto",
    parse: e=>e
  , b2 = [xa, Oe, _r, ci, L$, D$, RI]
  , Nw = e=>b2.find(x2(e))
  , Ps = new Set;
let Jm = !1
  , Zm = !1;
function S2() {
    if (Zm) {
        const e = Array.from(Ps).filter(r=>r.needsMeasurement)
          , t = new Set(e.map(r=>r.element))
          , n = new Map;
            const i = TI(r);
            i.length && (n.set(r, i),
            const i = n.get(r);
            i && i.forEach(([s,o])=>{
                var a;
                (a = r.getValue(s)) === null || a === void 0 || a.set(o)
            r.suspendedScrollY !== void 0 && window.scrollTo(0, r.suspendedScrollY)
    Zm = !1,
    Jm = !1,
function E2() {
        e.needsMeasurement && (Zm = !0)
function OI() {
class hy {
    constructor(t, n, r, i, s, o=!1) {
        this.isComplete = !1,
        this.isAsync = !1,
        this.needsMeasurement = !1,
        this.isScheduled = !1,
        this.unresolvedKeyframes = [...t],
        this.onComplete = n,
        this.name = r,
        this.motionValue = i,
        this.element = s,
        this.isAsync = o
    scheduleResolve() {
        this.isScheduled = !0,
        this.isAsync ? (Ps.add(this),
        Jm || (Jm = !0,
        Xe.resolveKeyframes(S2))) : (this.readKeyframes(),
    readKeyframes() {
        const {unresolvedKeyframes: t, name: n, element: r, motionValue: i} = this;
        for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++)
            if (t[s] === null)
                if (s === 0) {
                    const o = i == null ? void 0 : i.get()
                      , a = t[t.length - 1];
                    if (o !== void 0)
                        t[0] = o;
                    else if (r && n) {
                        const l = r.readValue(n, a);
                        l != null && (t[0] = l)
                    t[0] === void 0 && (t[0] = a),
                    i && o === void 0 && i.set(t[0])
                } else
                    t[s] = t[s - 1]
    setFinalKeyframe() {}
    measureInitialState() {}
    renderEndStyles() {}
    measureEndState() {}
    complete() {
        this.isComplete = !0,
        this.onComplete(this.unresolvedKeyframes, this.finalKeyframe),
    cancel() {
        this.isComplete || (this.isScheduled = !1,
    resume() {
        this.isComplete || this.scheduleResolve()
const py = (e,t)=>n=>!!(Au(n) && A$.test(n) && n.startsWith(e) || t && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, t))
  , C2 = (e,t,n)=>r=>{
    if (!Au(r))
        return r;
    const [i,s,o,a] = r.match(sy);
    return {
        [e]: parseFloat(i),
        [t]: parseFloat(s),
        [n]: parseFloat(o),
        alpha: a !== void 0 ? parseFloat(a) : 1
  , kI = e=>zi(0, 255, e)
  , Kh = {
    transform: e=>Math.round(kI(e))
  , hs = {
    test: py("rgb", "red"),
    parse: C2("red", "green", "blue"),
    transform: ({red: e, green: t, blue: n, alpha: r=1})=>"rgba(" + Kh.transform(e) + ", " + Kh.transform(t) + ", " + Kh.transform(n) + ", " + fl(dl.transform(r)) + ")"
function _I(e) {
    let t = ""
      , n = ""
      , r = ""
      , i = "";
    return e.length > 5 ? (t = e.substring(1, 3),
    n = e.substring(3, 5),
    r = e.substring(5, 7),
    i = e.substring(7, 9)) : (t = e.substring(1, 2),
    n = e.substring(2, 3),
    r = e.substring(3, 4),
    i = e.substring(4, 5),
    t += t,
    n += n,
    r += r,
    i += i),
        red: parseInt(t, 16),
        green: parseInt(n, 16),
        blue: parseInt(r, 16),
        alpha: i ? parseInt(i, 16) / 255 : 1
const eg = {
    test: py("#"),
    parse: _I,
    transform: hs.transform
  , xo = {
    test: py("hsl", "hue"),
    parse: C2("hue", "saturation", "lightness"),
    transform: ({hue: e, saturation: t, lightness: n, alpha: r=1})=>"hsla(" + Math.round(e) + ", " + _r.transform(fl(t)) + ", " + _r.transform(fl(n)) + ", " + fl(dl.transform(r)) + ")"
  , nn = {
    test: e=>hs.test(e) || eg.test(e) || xo.test(e),
    parse: e=>hs.test(e) ? hs.parse(e) : xo.test(e) ? xo.parse(e) : eg.parse(e),
    transform: e=>Au(e) ? e : e.hasOwnProperty("red") ? hs.transform(e) : xo.transform(e)
function AI(e) {
    var t, n;
    return isNaN(e) && Au(e) && (((t = e.match(sy)) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.length) || 0) + (((n = e.match(_$)) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.length) || 0) > 0
const P2 = "number"
  , T2 = "color"
  , DI = "var"
  , LI = "var("
  , Mw = "${}"
  , NI = /var\s*\(\s*--(?:[\w-]+\s*|[\w-]+\s*,(?:\s*[^)(\s]|\s*\((?:[^)(]|\([^)(]*\))*\))+\s*)\)|#[\da-f]{3,8}|(?:rgb|hsl)a?\((?:-?[\d.]+%?[,\s]+){2}-?[\d.]+%?\s*(?:[,/]\s*)?(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)?%?\)|-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)/giu;
function Ql(e) {
    const t = e.toString()
      , n = []
      , r = {
        color: [],
        number: [],
        var: []
      , i = [];
    let s = 0;
    const a = t.replace(NI, l=>(nn.test(l) ? (r.color.push(s),
    n.push(nn.parse(l))) : l.startsWith(LI) ? (r.var.push(s),
    n.push(l)) : (r.number.push(s),
    return {
        values: n,
        split: a,
        indexes: r,
        types: i
function R2(e) {
    return Ql(e).values
function O2(e) {
    const {split: t, types: n} = Ql(e)
      , r = t.length;
    return i=>{
        let s = "";
        for (let o = 0; o < r; o++)
            if (s += t[o],
            i[o] !== void 0) {
                const a = n[o];
                a === P2 ? s += fl(i[o]) : a === T2 ? s += nn.transform(i[o]) : s += i[o]
        return s
const MI = e=>typeof e == "number" ? 0 : e;
function jI(e) {
    const t = R2(e);
    return O2(e)(t.map(MI))
const Ui = {
    test: AI,
    parse: R2,
    createTransformer: O2,
    getAnimatableNone: jI
  , $I = new Set(["brightness", "contrast", "saturate", "opacity"]);
function II(e) {
    const [t,n] = e.slice(0, -1).split("(");
    if (t === "drop-shadow")
        return e;
    const [r] = n.match(sy) || [];
    if (!r)
        return e;
    const i = n.replace(r, "");
    let s = $I.has(t) ? 1 : 0;
    return r !== n && (s *= 100),
    t + "(" + s + i + ")"
const FI = /\b([a-z-]*)\(.*?\)/gu
  , tg = {
    getAnimatableNone: e=>{
        const t = e.match(FI);
        return t ? t.map(II).join(" ") : e
  , VI = {
    color: nn,
    backgroundColor: nn,
    outlineColor: nn,
    fill: nn,
    stroke: nn,
    borderColor: nn,
    borderTopColor: nn,
    borderRightColor: nn,
    borderBottomColor: nn,
    borderLeftColor: nn,
    filter: tg,
    WebkitFilter: tg
  , my = e=>VI[e];
function k2(e, t) {
    let n = my(e);
    return n !== tg && (n = Ui),
    n.getAnimatableNone ? n.getAnimatableNone(t) : void 0
const zI = new Set(["auto", "none", "0"]);
function UI(e, t, n) {
    let r = 0, i;
    for (; r < e.length && !i; ) {
        const s = e[r];
        typeof s == "string" && !zI.has(s) && Ql(s).values.length && (i = e[r]),
    if (i && n)
        for (const s of t)
            e[s] = k2(n, i)
class _2 extends hy {
    constructor(t, n, r, i) {
        super(t, n, r, i, i == null ? void 0 : i.owner, !0)
    readKeyframes() {
        const {unresolvedKeyframes: t, element: n, name: r} = this;
        if (!n.current)
        for (let l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
            let u = t[l];
            if (typeof u == "string" && (u = u.trim(),
            iy(u))) {
                const c = w2(u, n.current);
                c !== void 0 && (t[l] = c),
                l === t.length - 1 && (this.finalKeyframe = u)
        if (this.resolveNoneKeyframes(),
        !EI.has(r) || t.length !== 2)
        const [i,s] = t
          , o = Nw(i)
          , a = Nw(s);
        if (o !== a)
            if (Aw(o) && Aw(a))
                for (let l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
                    const u = t[l];
                    typeof u == "string" && (t[l] = parseFloat(u))
                this.needsMeasurement = !0
    resolveNoneKeyframes() {
        const {unresolvedKeyframes: t, name: n} = this
          , r = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
            xI(t[i]) && r.push(i);
        r.length && UI(t, r, n)
    measureInitialState() {
        const {element: t, unresolvedKeyframes: n, name: r} = this;
        if (!t.current)
        r === "height" && (this.suspendedScrollY = window.pageYOffset),
        this.measuredOrigin = oa[r](t.measureViewportBox(), window.getComputedStyle(t.current)),
        n[0] = this.measuredOrigin;
        const i = n[n.length - 1];
        i !== void 0 && t.getValue(r, i).jump(i, !1)
    measureEndState() {
        var t;
        const {element: n, name: r, unresolvedKeyframes: i} = this;
        if (!n.current)
        const s = n.getValue(r);
        s && s.jump(this.measuredOrigin, !1);
        const o = i.length - 1
          , a = i[o];
        i[o] = oa[r](n.measureViewportBox(), window.getComputedStyle(n.current)),
        a !== null && this.finalKeyframe === void 0 && (this.finalKeyframe = a),
        !((t = this.removedTransforms) === null || t === void 0) && t.length && this.removedTransforms.forEach(([l,u])=>{
function A2(e) {
    let t;
    return ()=>(t === void 0 && (t = e()),
const jw = (e,t)=>t === "zIndex" ? !1 : !!(typeof e == "number" || Array.isArray(e) || typeof e == "string" && (Ui.test(e) || e === "0") && !e.startsWith("url("));
function BI(e) {
    const t = e[0];
    if (e.length === 1)
        return !0;
    for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
        if (e[n] !== t)
            return !0
function HI(e, t, n, r) {
    const i = e[0];
    if (i === null)
        return !1;
    if (t === "display" || t === "visibility")
        return !0;
    const s = e[e.length - 1]
      , o = jw(i, t)
      , a = jw(s, t);
    return !o || !a ? !1 : BI(e) || n === "spring" && r
class D2 {
    constructor({autoplay: t=!0, delay: n=0, type: r="keyframes", repeat: i=0, repeatDelay: s=0, repeatType: o="loop", ...a}) {
        this.isStopped = !1,
        this.hasAttemptedResolve = !1,
        this.options = {
            autoplay: t,
            delay: n,
            type: r,
            repeat: i,
            repeatDelay: s,
            repeatType: o,
    get resolved() {
        return !this._resolved && !this.hasAttemptedResolve && OI(),
    onKeyframesResolved(t, n) {
        this.hasAttemptedResolve = !0;
        const {name: r, type: i, velocity: s, delay: o, onComplete: a, onUpdate: l, isGenerator: u} = this.options;
        if (!u && !HI(t, r, i, s))
            if (o)
                this.options.duration = 0;
            else {
                l == null || l(zf(t, this.options, n)),
                a == null || a(),
        const c = this.initPlayback(t, n);
        c !== !1 && (this._resolved = {
            keyframes: t,
            finalKeyframe: n,
    onPostResolved() {}
    then(t, n) {
        return this.currentFinishedPromise.then(t, n)
    updateFinishedPromise() {
        this.currentFinishedPromise = new Promise(t=>{
            this.resolveFinishedPromise = t
function L2(e, t) {
    return t ? e * (1e3 / t) : 0
const WI = 5;
function N2(e, t, n) {
    const r = Math.max(t - WI, 0);
    return L2(n - e(r), t - r)
const qh = .001
  , GI = .01
  , KI = 10
  , qI = .05
  , QI = 1;
function YI({duration: e=800, bounce: t=.25, velocity: n=0, mass: r=1}) {
    let i, s, o = 1 - t;
    o = zi(qI, QI, o),
    e = zi(GI, KI, Kr(e)),
    o < 1 ? (i = u=>{
        const c = u * o
          , d = c * e
          , f = c - n
          , h = ng(u, o)
          , m = Math.exp(-d);
        return qh - f / h * m
    s = u=>{
        const d = u * o * e
          , f = d * n + n
          , h = Math.pow(o, 2) * Math.pow(u, 2) * e
          , m = Math.exp(-d)
          , p = ng(Math.pow(u, 2), o);
        return (-i(u) + qh > 0 ? -1 : 1) * ((f - h) * m) / p
    ) : (i = u=>{
        const c = Math.exp(-u * e)
          , d = (u - n) * e + 1;
        return -qh + c * d
    s = u=>{
        const c = Math.exp(-u * e)
          , d = (n - u) * (e * e);
        return c * d
    const a = 5 / e
      , l = JI(i, s, a);
    if (e = Mi(e),
        return {
            stiffness: 100,
            damping: 10,
            duration: e
        const u = Math.pow(l, 2) * r;
        return {
            stiffness: u,
            damping: o * 2 * Math.sqrt(r * u),
            duration: e
const XI = 12;
function JI(e, t, n) {
    let r = n;
    for (let i = 1; i < XI; i++)
        r = r - e(r) / t(r);
    return r
function ng(e, t) {
    return e * Math.sqrt(1 - t * t)
const ZI = ["duration", "bounce"]
  , eF = ["stiffness", "damping", "mass"];
function $w(e, t) {
    return t.some(n=>e[n] !== void 0)
function tF(e) {
    let t = {
        velocity: 0,
        stiffness: 100,
        damping: 10,
        mass: 1,
        isResolvedFromDuration: !1,
    if (!$w(e, eF) && $w(e, ZI)) {
        const n = YI(e);
        t = {
            mass: 1
        t.isResolvedFromDuration = !0
    return t
function M2({keyframes: e, restDelta: t, restSpeed: n, ...r}) {
    const i = e[0]
      , s = e[e.length - 1]
      , o = {
        done: !1,
        value: i
      , {stiffness: a, damping: l, mass: u, duration: c, velocity: d, isResolvedFromDuration: f} = tF({
        velocity: -Kr(r.velocity || 0)
      , h = d || 0
      , m = l / (2 * Math.sqrt(a * u))
      , p = s - i
      , b = Kr(Math.sqrt(a / u))
      , v = Math.abs(p) < 5;
    n || (n = v ? .01 : 2),
    t || (t = v ? .005 : .5);
    let g;
    if (m < 1) {
        const w = ng(b, m);
        g = E=>{
            const D = Math.exp(-m * b * E);
            return s - D * ((h + m * b * p) / w * Math.sin(w * E) + p * Math.cos(w * E))
    } else if (m === 1)
        g = w=>s - Math.exp(-b * w) * (p + (h + b * p) * w);
    else {
        const w = b * Math.sqrt(m * m - 1);
        g = E=>{
            const D = Math.exp(-m * b * E)
              , V = Math.min(w * E, 300);
            return s - D * ((h + m * b * p) * Math.sinh(V) + w * p * Math.cosh(V)) / w
    return {
        calculatedDuration: f && c || null,
        next: w=>{
            const E = g(w);
            if (f)
                o.done = w >= c;
            else {
                let D = h;
                w !== 0 && (m < 1 ? D = N2(g, w, E) : D = 0);
                const V = Math.abs(D) <= n
                  , C = Math.abs(s - E) <= t;
                o.done = V && C
            return o.value = o.done ? s : E,
function Iw({keyframes: e, velocity: t=0, power: n=.8, timeConstant: r=325, bounceDamping: i=10, bounceStiffness: s=500, modifyTarget: o, min: a, max: l, restDelta: u=.5, restSpeed: c}) {
    const d = e[0]
      , f = {
        done: !1,
        value: d
      , h = P=>a !== void 0 && P < a || l !== void 0 && P > l
      , m = P=>a === void 0 ? l : l === void 0 || Math.abs(a - P) < Math.abs(l - P) ? a : l;
    let p = n * t;
    const b = d + p
      , v = o === void 0 ? b : o(b);
    v !== b && (p = v - d);
    const g = P=>-p * Math.exp(-P / r)
      , w = P=>v + g(P)
      , E = P=>{
        const A = g(P)
          , B = w(P);
        f.done = Math.abs(A) <= u,
        f.value = f.done ? v : B
    let D, V;
    const C = P=>{
        h(f.value) && (D = P,
        V = M2({
            keyframes: [f.value, m(f.value)],
            velocity: N2(w, P, f.value),
            damping: i,
            stiffness: s,
            restDelta: u,
            restSpeed: c
    return C(0),
        calculatedDuration: null,
        next: P=>{
            let A = !1;
            return !V && D === void 0 && (A = !0,
            D !== void 0 && P >= D ? V.next(P - D) : (!A && E(P),
const j2 = (e,t,n)=>(((1 - 3 * n + 3 * t) * e + (3 * n - 6 * t)) * e + 3 * t) * e
  , nF = 1e-7
  , rF = 12;
function iF(e, t, n, r, i) {
    let s, o, a = 0;
        o = t + (n - t) / 2,
        s = j2(o, r, i) - e,
        s > 0 ? n = o : t = o;
    while (Math.abs(s) > nF && ++a < rF);
    return o
function Lu(e, t, n, r) {
    if (e === t && n === r)
        return on;
    const i = s=>iF(s, 0, 1, e, n);
    return s=>s === 0 || s === 1 ? s : j2(i(s), t, r)
const sF = Lu(.42, 0, 1, 1)
  , oF = Lu(0, 0, .58, 1)
  , $2 = Lu(.42, 0, .58, 1)
  , aF = e=>Array.isArray(e) && typeof e[0] != "number"
  , I2 = e=>t=>t <= .5 ? e(2 * t) / 2 : (2 - e(2 * (1 - t))) / 2
  , F2 = e=>t=>1 - e(1 - t)
  , gy = e=>1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(e))
  , V2 = F2(gy)
  , lF = I2(gy)
  , z2 = Lu(.33, 1.53, .69, .99)
  , vy = F2(z2)
  , uF = I2(vy)
  , cF = e=>(e *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * vy(e) : .5 * (2 - Math.pow(2, -10 * (e - 1)))
  , Fw = {
    linear: on,
    easeIn: sF,
    easeInOut: $2,
    easeOut: oF,
    circIn: gy,
    circInOut: lF,
    circOut: V2,
    backIn: vy,
    backInOut: uF,
    backOut: z2,
    anticipate: cF
  , Vw = e=>{
    if (Array.isArray(e)) {
        Xm(e.length === 4);
        const [t,n,r,i] = e;
        return Lu(t, n, r, i)
    } else if (typeof e == "string")
        return Xm(Fw[e] !== void 0),
    return e
  , Yl = (e,t,n)=>{
    const r = t - e;
    return r === 0 ? 1 : (n - e) / r
  , vt = (e,t,n)=>e + (t - e) * n;
function Qh(e, t, n) {
    return n < 0 && (n += 1),
    n > 1 && (n -= 1),
    n < 1 / 6 ? e + (t - e) * 6 * n : n < 1 / 2 ? t : n < 2 / 3 ? e + (t - e) * (2 / 3 - n) * 6 : e
function dF({hue: e, saturation: t, lightness: n, alpha: r}) {
    e /= 360,
    t /= 100,
    n /= 100;
    let i = 0
      , s = 0
      , o = 0;
    if (!t)
        i = s = o = n;
    else {
        const a = n < .5 ? n * (1 + t) : n + t - n * t
          , l = 2 * n - a;
        i = Qh(l, a, e + 1 / 3),
        s = Qh(l, a, e),
        o = Qh(l, a, e - 1 / 3)
    return {
        red: Math.round(i * 255),
        green: Math.round(s * 255),
        blue: Math.round(o * 255),
        alpha: r
function Md(e, t) {
    return n=>n > 0 ? t : e
const Yh = (e,t,n)=>{
    const r = e * e
      , i = n * (t * t - r) + r;
    return i < 0 ? 0 : Math.sqrt(i)
  , fF = [eg, hs, xo]
  , hF = e=>fF.find(t=>t.test(e));
function zw(e) {
    const t = hF(e);
    if (!t)
        return !1;
    let n = t.parse(e);
    return t === xo && (n = dF(n)),
const Uw = (e,t)=>{
    const n = zw(e)
      , r = zw(t);
    if (!n || !r)
        return Md(e, t);
    const i = {
    return s=>(i.red = Yh(n.red, r.red, s),
    i.green = Yh(n.green, r.green, s),
    i.blue = Yh(n.blue, r.blue, s),
    i.alpha = vt(n.alpha, r.alpha, s),
  , rg = new Set(["none", "hidden"]);
function pF(e, t) {
    return rg.has(e) ? n=>n <= 0 ? e : t : n=>n >= 1 ? t : e
function mF(e, t) {
    return n=>vt(e, t, n)
function yy(e) {
    return typeof e == "number" ? mF : typeof e == "string" ? iy(e) ? Md : nn.test(e) ? Uw : yF : Array.isArray(e) ? U2 : typeof e == "object" ? nn.test(e) ? Uw : gF : Md
function U2(e, t) {
    const n = [...e]
      , r = n.length
      , i = e.map((s,o)=>yy(s)(s, t[o]));
    return s=>{
        for (let o = 0; o < r; o++)
            n[o] = i[o](s);
        return n
function gF(e, t) {
    const n = {
      , r = {};
    for (const i in n)
        e[i] !== void 0 && t[i] !== void 0 && (r[i] = yy(e[i])(e[i], t[i]));
    return i=>{
        for (const s in r)
            n[s] = r[s](i);
        return n
function vF(e, t) {
    var n;
    const r = []
      , i = {
        color: 0,
        var: 0,
        number: 0
    for (let s = 0; s < t.values.length; s++) {
        const o = t.types[s]
          , a = e.indexes[o][i[o]]
          , l = (n = e.values[a]) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : 0;
        r[s] = l,
    return r
const yF = (e,t)=>{
    const n = Ui.createTransformer(t)
      , r = Ql(e)
      , i = Ql(t);
    return r.indexes.var.length === i.indexes.var.length && r.indexes.color.length === i.indexes.color.length && r.indexes.number.length >= i.indexes.number.length ? rg.has(e) && !i.values.length || rg.has(t) && !r.values.length ? pF(e, t) : Gr(U2(vF(r, i), i.values), n) : Md(e, t)
function B2(e, t, n) {
    return typeof e == "number" && typeof t == "number" && typeof n == "number" ? vt(e, t, n) : yy(e)(e, t)
function wF(e, t, n) {
    const r = []
      , i = n || B2
      , s = e.length - 1;
    for (let o = 0; o < s; o++) {
        let a = i(e[o], e[o + 1]);
        if (t) {
            const l = Array.isArray(t) ? t[o] || on : t;
            a = Gr(l, a)
    return r
function xF(e, t, {clamp: n=!0, ease: r, mixer: i}={}) {
    const s = e.length;
    if (Xm(s === t.length),
    s === 1)
        return ()=>t[0];
    if (s === 2 && e[0] === e[1])
        return ()=>t[1];
    e[0] > e[s - 1] && (e = [...e].reverse(),
    t = [...t].reverse());
    const o = wF(t, r, i)
      , a = o.length
      , l = u=>{
        let c = 0;
        if (a > 1)
            for (; c < e.length - 2 && !(u < e[c + 1]); c++)
        const d = Yl(e[c], e[c + 1], u);
        return o[c](d)
    return n ? u=>l(zi(e[0], e[s - 1], u)) : l
function bF(e, t) {
    const n = e[e.length - 1];
    for (let r = 1; r <= t; r++) {
        const i = Yl(0, t, r);
        e.push(vt(n, 1, i))
function SF(e) {
    const t = [0];
    return bF(t, e.length - 1),
function EF(e, t) {
    return e.map(n=>n * t)
function CF(e, t) {
    return e.map(()=>t || $2).splice(0, e.length - 1)
function jd({duration: e=300, keyframes: t, times: n, ease: r="easeInOut"}) {
    const i = aF(r) ? r.map(Vw) : Vw(r)
      , s = {
        done: !1,
        value: t[0]
      , o = EF(n && n.length === t.length ? n : SF(t), e)
      , a = xF(o, t, {
        ease: Array.isArray(i) ? i : CF(t, i)
    return {
        calculatedDuration: e,
        next: l=>(s.value = a(l),
        s.done = l >= e,
const Bw = 2e4;
function PF(e) {
    let t = 0;
    const n = 50;
    let r = e.next(t);
    for (; !r.done && t < Bw; )
        t += n,
        r = e.next(t);
    return t >= Bw ? 1 / 0 : t
const TF = e=>{
    const t = ({timestamp: n})=>e(n);
    return {
        start: ()=>Xe.update(t, !0),
        stop: ()=>ei(t),
        now: ()=>Kt.isProcessing ? Kt.timestamp : ji.now()
  , RF = {
    decay: Iw,
    inertia: Iw,
    tween: jd,
    keyframes: jd,
    spring: M2
  , OF = e=>e / 100;
class wy extends D2 {
    constructor({KeyframeResolver: t=hy, ...n}) {
        this.holdTime = null,
        this.startTime = null,
        this.cancelTime = null,
        this.currentTime = 0,
        this.playbackSpeed = 1,
        this.pendingPlayState = "running",
        this.state = "idle",
        this.stop = ()=>{
            if (this.resolver.cancel(),
            this.isStopped = !0,
            this.state === "idle")
            const {onStop: a} = this.options;
            a && a()
        const {name: r, motionValue: i, keyframes: s} = this.options
          , o = (a,l)=>this.onKeyframesResolved(a, l);
        r && i && i.owner ? this.resolver = i.owner.resolveKeyframes(s, o, r, i) : this.resolver = new t(s,o,r,i),
    initPlayback(t) {
        const {type: n="keyframes", repeat: r=0, repeatDelay: i=0, repeatType: s, velocity: o=0} = this.options
          , a = RF[n] || jd;
        let l, u;
        a !== jd && typeof t[0] != "number" && (l = Gr(OF, B2(t[0], t[1])),
        t = [0, 100]);
        const c = a({
            keyframes: t
        s === "mirror" && (u = a({
            keyframes: [...t].reverse(),
            velocity: -o
        c.calculatedDuration === null && (c.calculatedDuration = PF(c));
        const {calculatedDuration: d} = c
          , f = d + i
          , h = f * (r + 1) - i;
        return {
            generator: c,
            mirroredGenerator: u,
            mapPercentToKeyframes: l,
            calculatedDuration: d,
            resolvedDuration: f,
            totalDuration: h
    onPostResolved() {
        const {autoplay: t=!0} = this.options;
        this.pendingPlayState === "paused" || !t ? this.pause() : this.state = this.pendingPlayState
    tick(t, n=!1) {
        const {resolved: r} = this;
        if (!r) {
            const {keyframes: P} = this.options;
            return {
                done: !0,
                value: P[P.length - 1]
        const {finalKeyframe: i, generator: s, mirroredGenerator: o, mapPercentToKeyframes: a, keyframes: l, calculatedDuration: u, totalDuration: c, resolvedDuration: d} = r;
        if (this.startTime === null)
            return s.next(0);
        const {delay: f, repeat: h, repeatType: m, repeatDelay: p, onUpdate: b} = this.options;
        this.speed > 0 ? this.startTime = Math.min(this.startTime, t) : this.speed < 0 && (this.startTime = Math.min(t - c / this.speed, this.startTime)),
        n ? this.currentTime = t : this.holdTime !== null ? this.currentTime = this.holdTime : this.currentTime = Math.round(t - this.startTime) * this.speed;
        const v = this.currentTime - f * (this.speed >= 0 ? 1 : -1)
          , g = this.speed >= 0 ? v < 0 : v > c;
        this.currentTime = Math.max(v, 0),
        this.state === "finished" && this.holdTime === null && (this.currentTime = c);
        let w = this.currentTime
          , E = s;
        if (h) {
            const P = Math.min(this.currentTime, c) / d;
            let A = Math.floor(P)
              , B = P % 1;
            !B && P >= 1 && (B = 1),
            B === 1 && A--,
            A = Math.min(A, h + 1),
            !!(A % 2) && (m === "reverse" ? (B = 1 - B,
            p && (B -= p / d)) : m === "mirror" && (E = o)),
            w = zi(0, 1, B) * d
        const D = g ? {
            done: !1,
            value: l[0]
        } : E.next(w);
        a && (D.value = a(D.value));
        let {done: V} = D;
        !g && u !== null && (V = this.speed >= 0 ? this.currentTime >= c : this.currentTime <= 0);
        const C = this.holdTime === null && (this.state === "finished" || this.state === "running" && V);
        return C && i !== void 0 && (D.value = zf(l, this.options, i)),
        b && b(D.value),
        C && this.finish(),
    get duration() {
        const {resolved: t} = this;
        return t ? Kr(t.calculatedDuration) : 0
    get time() {
        return Kr(this.currentTime)
    set time(t) {
        t = Mi(t),
        this.currentTime = t,
        this.holdTime !== null || this.speed === 0 ? this.holdTime = t : this.driver && (this.startTime = this.driver.now() - t / this.speed)
    get speed() {
        return this.playbackSpeed
    set speed(t) {
        const n = this.playbackSpeed !== t;
        this.playbackSpeed = t,
        n && (this.time = Kr(this.currentTime))
    play() {
        if (this.resolver.isScheduled || this.resolver.resume(),
        !this._resolved) {
            this.pendingPlayState = "running";
        if (this.isStopped)
        const {driver: t=TF, onPlay: n} = this.options;
        this.driver || (this.driver = t(i=>this.tick(i))),
        n && n();
        const r = this.driver.now();
        this.holdTime !== null ? this.startTime = r - this.holdTime : (!this.startTime || this.state === "finished") && (this.startTime = r),
        this.state === "finished" && this.updateFinishedPromise(),
        this.cancelTime = this.startTime,
        this.holdTime = null,
        this.state = "running",
    pause() {
        var t;
        if (!this._resolved) {
            this.pendingPlayState = "paused";
        this.state = "paused",
        this.holdTime = (t = this.currentTime) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : 0
    complete() {
        this.state !== "running" && this.play(),
        this.pendingPlayState = this.state = "finished",
        this.holdTime = null
    finish() {
        this.state = "finished";
        const {onComplete: t} = this.options;
        t && t()
    cancel() {
        this.cancelTime !== null && this.tick(this.cancelTime),
    teardown() {
        this.state = "idle",
        this.startTime = this.cancelTime = null,
    stopDriver() {
        this.driver && (this.driver.stop(),
        this.driver = void 0)
    sample(t) {
        return this.startTime = 0,
        this.tick(t, !0)
const H2 = e=>Array.isArray(e) && typeof e[0] == "number";
function W2(e) {
    return !!(!e || typeof e == "string" && e in xy || H2(e) || Array.isArray(e) && e.every(W2))
const Qa = ([e,t,n,r])=>`cubic-bezier(${e}, ${t}, ${n}, ${r})`
  , xy = {
    linear: "linear",
    ease: "ease",
    easeIn: "ease-in",
    easeOut: "ease-out",
    easeInOut: "ease-in-out",
    circIn: Qa([0, .65, .55, 1]),
    circOut: Qa([.55, 0, 1, .45]),
    backIn: Qa([.31, .01, .66, -.59]),
    backOut: Qa([.33, 1.53, .69, .99])
function kF(e) {
    return G2(e) || xy.easeOut
function G2(e) {
    if (e)
        return H2(e) ? Qa(e) : Array.isArray(e) ? e.map(kF) : xy[e]
function _F(e, t, n, {delay: r=0, duration: i=300, repeat: s=0, repeatType: o="loop", ease: a, times: l}={}) {
    const u = {
        [t]: n
    l && (u.offset = l);
    const c = G2(a);
    return Array.isArray(c) && (u.easing = c),
    e.animate(u, {
        delay: r,
        duration: i,
        easing: Array.isArray(c) ? "linear" : c,
        fill: "both",
        iterations: s + 1,
        direction: o === "reverse" ? "alternate" : "normal"
const AF = A2(()=>Object.hasOwnProperty.call(Element.prototype, "animate"))
  , DF = new Set(["opacity", "clipPath", "filter", "transform"])
  , $d = 10
  , LF = 2e4;
function NF(e) {
    return e.type === "spring" || e.name === "backgroundColor" || !W2(e.ease)
function MF(e, t) {
    const n = new wy({
        keyframes: e,
        repeat: 0,
        delay: 0,
        isGenerator: !0
    let r = {
        done: !1,
        value: e[0]
    const i = [];
    let s = 0;
    for (; !r.done && s < LF; )
        r = n.sample(s),
        s += $d;
    return {
        times: void 0,
        keyframes: i,
        duration: s - $d,
        ease: "linear"
class Hw extends D2 {
    constructor(t) {
        const {name: n, motionValue: r, keyframes: i} = this.options;
        this.resolver = new _2(i,(s,o)=>this.onKeyframesResolved(s, o),n,r),
    initPlayback(t, n) {
        var r;
        let {duration: i=300, times: s, ease: o, type: a, motionValue: l, name: u} = this.options;
        if (!(!((r = l.owner) === null || r === void 0) && r.current))
            return !1;
        if (NF(this.options)) {
            const {onComplete: d, onUpdate: f, motionValue: h, ...m} = this.options
              , p = MF(t, m);
            t = p.keyframes,
            t.length === 1 && (t[1] = t[0]),
            i = p.duration,
            s = p.times,
            o = p.ease,
            a = "keyframes"
        const c = _F(l.owner.current, u, t, {
            duration: i,
            times: s,
            ease: o
        return c.startTime = ji.now(),
        this.pendingTimeline ? (c.timeline = this.pendingTimeline,
        this.pendingTimeline = void 0) : c.onfinish = ()=>{
            const {onComplete: d} = this.options;
            l.set(zf(t, this.options, n)),
            d && d(),
            animation: c,
            duration: i,
            times: s,
            type: a,
            ease: o,
            keyframes: t
    get duration() {
        const {resolved: t} = this;
        if (!t)
            return 0;
        const {duration: n} = t;
        return Kr(n)
    get time() {
        const {resolved: t} = this;
        if (!t)
            return 0;
        const {animation: n} = t;
        return Kr(n.currentTime || 0)
    set time(t) {
        const {resolved: n} = this;
        if (!n)
        const {animation: r} = n;
        r.currentTime = Mi(t)
    get speed() {
        const {resolved: t} = this;
        if (!t)
            return 1;
        const {animation: n} = t;
        return n.playbackRate
    set speed(t) {
        const {resolved: n} = this;
        if (!n)
        const {animation: r} = n;
        r.playbackRate = t
    get state() {
        const {resolved: t} = this;
        if (!t)
            return "idle";
        const {animation: n} = t;
        return n.playState
    attachTimeline(t) {
        if (!this._resolved)
            this.pendingTimeline = t;
        else {
            const {resolved: n} = this;
            if (!n)
                return on;
            const {animation: r} = n;
            r.timeline = t,
            r.onfinish = null
        return on
    play() {
        if (this.isStopped)
        const {resolved: t} = this;
        if (!t)
        const {animation: n} = t;
        n.playState === "finished" && this.updateFinishedPromise(),
    pause() {
        const {resolved: t} = this;
        if (!t)
        const {animation: n} = t;
    stop() {
        if (this.resolver.cancel(),
        this.isStopped = !0,
        this.state === "idle")
        const {resolved: t} = this;
        if (!t)
        const {animation: n, keyframes: r, duration: i, type: s, ease: o, times: a} = t;
        if (!(n.playState === "idle" || n.playState === "finished")) {
            if (this.time) {
                const {motionValue: l, onUpdate: u, onComplete: c, ...d} = this.options
                  , f = new wy({
                    keyframes: r,
                    duration: i,
                    type: s,
                    ease: o,
                    times: a,
                    isGenerator: !0
                  , h = Mi(this.time);
                l.setWithVelocity(f.sample(h - $d).value, f.sample(h).value, $d)
    complete() {
        const {resolved: t} = this;
        t && t.animation.finish()
    cancel() {
        const {resolved: t} = this;
        t && t.animation.cancel()
    static supports(t) {
        const {motionValue: n, name: r, repeatDelay: i, repeatType: s, damping: o, type: a} = t;
        return AF() && r && DF.has(r) && n && n.owner && n.owner.current instanceof HTMLElement && !n.owner.getProps().onUpdate && !i && s !== "mirror" && o !== 0 && a !== "inertia"
function jF(e, t) {
    let n;
    const r = ()=>{
        const {currentTime: i} = t
          , o = (i === null ? 0 : i.value) / 100;
        n !== o && e(o),
        n = o
    return Xe.update(r, !0),
const $F = A2(()=>window.ScrollTimeline !== void 0);
class IF {
    constructor(t) {
        this.stop = ()=>this.runAll("stop"),
        this.animations = t.filter(Boolean)
    then(t, n) {
        return Promise.all(this.animations).then(t).catch(n)
    getAll(t) {
        return this.animations[0][t]
    setAll(t, n) {
        for (let r = 0; r < this.animations.length; r++)
            this.animations[r][t] = n
    attachTimeline(t) {
        const n = this.animations.map(r=>{
            if ($F() && r.attachTimeline)
                return r.pause(),
                    r.time = r.duration * i
                , t)
        return ()=>{
                r && r(),
    get time() {
        return this.getAll("time")
    set time(t) {
        this.setAll("time", t)
    get speed() {
        return this.getAll("speed")
    set speed(t) {
        this.setAll("speed", t)
    get duration() {
        let t = 0;
        for (let n = 0; n < this.animations.length; n++)
            t = Math.max(t, this.animations[n].duration);
        return t
    runAll(t) {
    play() {
    pause() {
    cancel() {
    complete() {
const by = (e,t,n,r={},i,s)=>o=>{
    const a = fy(r, e) || {}
      , l = a.delay || r.delay || 0;
    let {elapsed: u=0} = r;
    u = u - Mi(l);
    let c = {
        keyframes: Array.isArray(n) ? n : [null, n],
        ease: "easeOut",
        velocity: t.getVelocity(),
        delay: -u,
        onUpdate: f=>{
            a.onUpdate && a.onUpdate(f)
        onComplete: ()=>{
            a.onComplete && a.onComplete()
        name: e,
        motionValue: t,
        element: s ? void 0 : i
    vI(a) || (c = {
        ...gI(e, c)
    c.duration && (c.duration = Mi(c.duration)),
    c.repeatDelay && (c.repeatDelay = Mi(c.repeatDelay)),
    c.from !== void 0 && (c.keyframes[0] = c.from);
    let d = !1;
    if ((c.type === !1 || c.duration === 0 && !c.repeatDelay) && (c.duration = 0,
    c.delay === 0 && (d = !0)),
    d && !s && t.get() !== void 0) {
        const f = zf(c.keyframes, a);
        if (f !== void 0)
            return Xe.update(()=>{
            new IF([])
    return !s && Hw.supports(c) ? new Hw(c) : new wy(c)
function Id(e) {
    return !!(sn(e) && e.add)
function Sy(e, t) {
    e.indexOf(t) === -1 && e.push(t)
function Ey(e, t) {
    const n = e.indexOf(t);
    n > -1 && e.splice(n, 1)
class Cy {
    constructor() {
        this.subscriptions = []
    add(t) {
        return Sy(this.subscriptions, t),
        ()=>Ey(this.subscriptions, t)
    notify(t, n, r) {
        const i = this.subscriptions.length;
        if (i)
            if (i === 1)
                this.subscriptions[0](t, n, r);
                for (let s = 0; s < i; s++) {
                    const o = this.subscriptions[s];
                    o && o(t, n, r)
    getSize() {
        return this.subscriptions.length
    clear() {
        this.subscriptions.length = 0
const Ww = 30
  , FF = e=>!isNaN(parseFloat(e));
let VF = class {
    constructor(t, n={}) {
        this.version = "11.2.10",
        this.canTrackVelocity = null,
        this.events = {},
        this.updateAndNotify = (r,i=!0)=>{
            const s = ji.now();
            this.updatedAt !== s && this.setPrevFrameValue(),
            this.prev = this.current,
            this.current !== this.prev && this.events.change && this.events.change.notify(this.current),
            i && this.events.renderRequest && this.events.renderRequest.notify(this.current)
        this.hasAnimated = !1,
        this.owner = n.owner
    setCurrent(t) {
        this.current = t,
        this.updatedAt = ji.now(),
        this.canTrackVelocity === null && t !== void 0 && (this.canTrackVelocity = FF(this.current))
    setPrevFrameValue(t=this.current) {
        this.prevFrameValue = t,
        this.prevUpdatedAt = this.updatedAt
    onChange(t) {
        return this.on("change", t)
    on(t, n) {
        this.events[t] || (this.events[t] = new Cy);
        const r = this.events[t].add(n);
        return t === "change" ? ()=>{
                this.events.change.getSize() || this.stop()
        : r
    clearListeners() {
        for (const t in this.events)
    attach(t, n) {
        this.passiveEffect = t,
        this.stopPassiveEffect = n
    set(t, n=!0) {
        !n || !this.passiveEffect ? this.updateAndNotify(t, n) : this.passiveEffect(t, this.updateAndNotify)
    setWithVelocity(t, n, r) {
        this.prev = void 0,
        this.prevFrameValue = t,
        this.prevUpdatedAt = this.updatedAt - r
    jump(t, n=!0) {
        this.prev = t,
        this.prevUpdatedAt = this.prevFrameValue = void 0,
        n && this.stop(),
        this.stopPassiveEffect && this.stopPassiveEffect()
    get() {
        return this.current
    getPrevious() {
        return this.prev
    getVelocity() {
        const t = ji.now();
        if (!this.canTrackVelocity || this.prevFrameValue === void 0 || t - this.updatedAt > Ww)
            return 0;
        const n = Math.min(this.updatedAt - this.prevUpdatedAt, Ww);
        return L2(parseFloat(this.current) - parseFloat(this.prevFrameValue), n)
    start(t) {
        return this.stop(),
        new Promise(n=>{
            this.hasAnimated = !0,
            this.animation = t(n),
            this.events.animationStart && this.events.animationStart.notify()
            this.events.animationComplete && this.events.animationComplete.notify(),
    stop() {
        this.animation && (this.animation.stop(),
        this.events.animationCancel && this.events.animationCancel.notify()),
    isAnimating() {
        return !!this.animation
    clearAnimation() {
        delete this.animation
    destroy() {
        this.stopPassiveEffect && this.stopPassiveEffect()
function Xl(e, t) {
    return new VF(e,t)
function zF(e, t, n) {
    e.hasValue(t) ? e.getValue(t).set(n) : e.addValue(t, Xl(n))
function UF(e, t) {
    const n = Vf(e, t);
    let {transitionEnd: r={}, transition: i={}, ...s} = n || {};
    s = {
    for (const o in s) {
        const a = K$(s[o]);
        zF(e, o, a)
function K2(e) {
    return e.getProps()[qP]
function BF({protectedKeys: e, needsAnimating: t}, n) {
    const r = e.hasOwnProperty(n) && t[n] !== !0;
    return t[n] = !1,
function q2(e, t, {delay: n=0, transitionOverride: r, type: i}={}) {
    var s;
    let {transition: o=e.getDefaultTransition(), transitionEnd: a, ...l} = t;
    const u = e.getValue("willChange");
    r && (o = r);
    const c = []
      , d = i && e.animationState && e.animationState.getState()[i];
    for (const f in l) {
        const h = e.getValue(f, (s = e.latestValues[f]) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : null)
          , m = l[f];
        if (m === void 0 || d && BF(d, f))
        const p = {
            delay: n,
            elapsed: 0,
            ...fy(o || {}, f)
        let b = !1;
        if (window.HandoffAppearAnimations) {
            const g = K2(e);
            if (g) {
                const w = window.HandoffAppearAnimations(g, f, h, Xe);
                w !== null && (p.elapsed = w,
                b = !0)
        h.start(by(f, h, m, e.shouldReduceMotion && Hs.has(f) ? {
            type: !1
        } : p, e, b));
        const v = h.animation;
        v && (Id(u) && (u.add(f),
    return a && Promise.all(c).then(()=>{
            a && UF(e, a)
function ig(e, t, n={}) {
    var r;
    const i = Vf(e, t, n.type === "exit" ? (r = e.presenceContext) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.custom : void 0);
    let {transition: s=e.getDefaultTransition() || {}} = i || {};
    n.transitionOverride && (s = n.transitionOverride);
    const o = i ? ()=>Promise.all(q2(e, i, n)) : ()=>Promise.resolve()
      , a = e.variantChildren && e.variantChildren.size ? (u=0)=>{
        const {delayChildren: c=0, staggerChildren: d, staggerDirection: f} = s;
        return HF(e, t, c + u, d, f, n)
    : ()=>Promise.resolve()
      , {when: l} = s;
    if (l) {
        const [u,c] = l === "beforeChildren" ? [o, a] : [a, o];
        return u().then(()=>c())
    } else
        return Promise.all([o(), a(n.delay)])
function HF(e, t, n=0, r=0, i=1, s) {
    const o = []
      , a = (e.variantChildren.size - 1) * r
      , l = i === 1 ? (u=0)=>u * r : (u=0)=>a - u * r;
    return Array.from(e.variantChildren).sort(WF).forEach((u,c)=>{
        u.notify("AnimationStart", t),
        o.push(ig(u, t, {
            delay: n + l(c)
        }).then(()=>u.notify("AnimationComplete", t)))
function WF(e, t) {
    return e.sortNodePosition(t)
function GF(e, t, n={}) {
    e.notify("AnimationStart", t);
    let r;
    if (Array.isArray(t)) {
        const i = t.map(s=>ig(e, s, n));
        r = Promise.all(i)
    } else if (typeof t == "string")
        r = ig(e, t, n);
    else {
        const i = typeof t == "function" ? Vf(e, t, n.custom) : t;
        r = Promise.all(q2(e, i, n))
    return r.then(()=>{
            e.notify("AnimationComplete", t)
const KF = [...ey].reverse()
  , qF = ey.length;
function QF(e) {
    return t=>Promise.all(t.map(({animation: n, options: r})=>GF(e, n, r)))
function YF(e) {
    let t = QF(e);
    const n = JF();
    let r = !0;
    const i = l=>(u,c)=>{
        var d;
        const f = Vf(e, c, l === "exit" ? (d = e.presenceContext) === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.custom : void 0);
        if (f) {
            const {transition: h, transitionEnd: m, ...p} = f;
            u = {
        return u
    function s(l) {
        t = l(e)
    function o(l) {
        const u = e.getProps()
          , c = e.getVariantContext(!0) || {}
          , d = []
          , f = new Set;
        let h = {}
          , m = 1 / 0;
        for (let b = 0; b < qF; b++) {
            const v = KF[b]
              , g = n[v]
              , w = u[v] !== void 0 ? u[v] : c[v]
              , E = Kl(w)
              , D = v === l ? g.isActive : null;
            D === !1 && (m = b);
            let V = w === c[v] && w !== u[v] && E;
            if (V && r && e.manuallyAnimateOnMount && (V = !1),
            g.protectedKeys = {
            !g.isActive && D === null || !w && !g.prevProp || $f(w) || typeof w == "boolean")
            let P = XF(g.prevProp, w) || v === l && g.isActive && !V && E || b > m && E
              , A = !1;
            const B = Array.isArray(w) ? w : [w];
            let Q = B.reduce(i(v), {});
            D === !1 && (Q = {});
            const {prevResolvedValues: Z={}} = g
              , F = {
              , k = T=>{
                P = !0,
                f.has(T) && (A = !0,
                g.needsAnimating[T] = !0;
                const _ = e.getValue(T);
                _ && (_.liveStyle = !1)
            for (const T in F) {
                const _ = Q[T]
                  , O = Z[T];
                if (h.hasOwnProperty(T))
                let R = !1;
                Qm(_) && Qm(O) ? R = !g2(_, O) : R = _ !== O,
                R ? _ != null ? k(T) : f.add(T) : _ !== void 0 && f.has(T) ? k(T) : g.protectedKeys[T] = !0
            g.prevProp = w,
            g.prevResolvedValues = Q,
            g.isActive && (h = {
            r && e.blockInitialAnimation && (P = !1),
            P && (!V || A) && d.push(...B.map(T=>({
                animation: T,
                options: {
                    type: v
        if (f.size) {
            const b = {};
                const g = e.getBaseTarget(v)
                  , w = e.getValue(v);
                w && (w.liveStyle = !0),
                b[v] = g ?? null
                animation: b
        let p = !!d.length;
        return r && (u.initial === !1 || u.initial === u.animate) && !e.manuallyAnimateOnMount && (p = !1),
        r = !1,
        p ? t(d) : Promise.resolve()
    function a(l, u) {
        var c;
        if (n[l].isActive === u)
            return Promise.resolve();
        (c = e.variantChildren) === null || c === void 0 || c.forEach(f=>{
            var h;
            return (h = f.animationState) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.setActive(l, u)
        n[l].isActive = u;
        const d = o(l);
        for (const f in n)
            n[f].protectedKeys = {};
        return d
    return {
        animateChanges: o,
        setActive: a,
        setAnimateFunction: s,
        getState: ()=>n
function XF(e, t) {
    return typeof t == "string" ? t !== e : Array.isArray(t) ? !g2(t, e) : !1
function Zi(e=!1) {
    return {
        isActive: e,
        protectedKeys: {},
        needsAnimating: {},
        prevResolvedValues: {}
function JF() {
    return {
        animate: Zi(!0),
        whileInView: Zi(),
        whileHover: Zi(),
        whileTap: Zi(),
        whileDrag: Zi(),
        whileFocus: Zi(),
        exit: Zi()
class ZF extends Xi {
    constructor(t) {
        t.animationState || (t.animationState = YF(t))
    updateAnimationControlsSubscription() {
        const {animate: t} = this.node.getProps();
        $f(t) && (this.unmount = t.subscribe(this.node))
    mount() {
    update() {
        const {animate: t} = this.node.getProps()
          , {animate: n} = this.node.prevProps || {};
        t !== n && this.updateAnimationControlsSubscription()
    unmount() {}
let e6 = 0;
class t6 extends Xi {
    constructor() {
        this.id = e6++
    update() {
        if (!this.node.presenceContext)
        const {isPresent: t, onExitComplete: n} = this.node.presenceContext
          , {isPresent: r} = this.node.prevPresenceContext || {};
        if (!this.node.animationState || t === r)
        const i = this.node.animationState.setActive("exit", !t);
        n && !t && i.then(()=>n(this.id))
    mount() {
        const {register: t} = this.node.presenceContext || {};
        t && (this.unmount = t(this.id))
    unmount() {}
const n6 = {
    animation: {
        Feature: ZF
    exit: {
        Feature: t6
  , Gw = (e,t)=>Math.abs(e - t);
function r6(e, t) {
    const n = Gw(e.x, t.x)
      , r = Gw(e.y, t.y);
    return Math.sqrt(n ** 2 + r ** 2)
class Q2 {
    constructor(t, n, {transformPagePoint: r, contextWindow: i, dragSnapToOrigin: s=!1}={}) {
        if (this.startEvent = null,
        this.lastMoveEvent = null,
        this.lastMoveEventInfo = null,
        this.handlers = {},
        this.contextWindow = window,
        this.updatePoint = ()=>{
            if (!(this.lastMoveEvent && this.lastMoveEventInfo))
            const d = Jh(this.lastMoveEventInfo, this.history)
              , f = this.startEvent !== null
              , h = r6(d.offset, {
                x: 0,
                y: 0
            }) >= 3;
            if (!f && !h)
            const {point: m} = d
              , {timestamp: p} = Kt;
                timestamp: p
            const {onStart: b, onMove: v} = this.handlers;
            f || (b && b(this.lastMoveEvent, d),
            this.startEvent = this.lastMoveEvent),
            v && v(this.lastMoveEvent, d)
        this.handlePointerMove = (d,f)=>{
            this.lastMoveEvent = d,
            this.lastMoveEventInfo = Xh(f, this.transformPagePoint),
            Xe.update(this.updatePoint, !0)
        this.handlePointerUp = (d,f)=>{
            const {onEnd: h, onSessionEnd: m, resumeAnimation: p} = this.handlers;
            if (this.dragSnapToOrigin && p && p(),
            !(this.lastMoveEvent && this.lastMoveEventInfo))
            const b = Jh(d.type === "pointercancel" ? this.lastMoveEventInfo : Xh(f, this.transformPagePoint), this.history);
            this.startEvent && h && h(d, b),
            m && m(d, b)
        this.dragSnapToOrigin = s,
        this.handlers = n,
        this.transformPagePoint = r,
        this.contextWindow = i || window;
        const o = Ff(t)
          , a = Xh(o, this.transformPagePoint)
          , {point: l} = a
          , {timestamp: u} = Kt;
        this.history = [{
            timestamp: u
        const {onSessionStart: c} = n;
        c && c(t, Jh(a, this.history)),
        this.removeListeners = Gr(Wr(this.contextWindow, "pointermove", this.handlePointerMove), Wr(this.contextWindow, "pointerup", this.handlePointerUp), Wr(this.contextWindow, "pointercancel", this.handlePointerUp))
    updateHandlers(t) {
        this.handlers = t
    end() {
        this.removeListeners && this.removeListeners(),
function Xh(e, t) {
    return t ? {
        point: t(e.point)
    } : e
function Kw(e, t) {
    return {
        x: e.x - t.x,
        y: e.y - t.y
function Jh({point: e}, t) {
    return {
        point: e,
        delta: Kw(e, Y2(t)),
        offset: Kw(e, i6(t)),
        velocity: s6(t, .1)
function i6(e) {
    return e[0]
function Y2(e) {
    return e[e.length - 1]
function s6(e, t) {
    if (e.length < 2)
        return {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
    let n = e.length - 1
      , r = null;
    const i = Y2(e);
    for (; n >= 0 && (r = e[n],
    !(i.timestamp - r.timestamp > Mi(t))); )
    if (!r)
        return {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
    const s = Kr(i.timestamp - r.timestamp);
    if (s === 0)
        return {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
    const o = {
        x: (i.x - r.x) / s,
        y: (i.y - r.y) / s
    return o.x === 1 / 0 && (o.x = 0),
    o.y === 1 / 0 && (o.y = 0),
function Mn(e) {
    return e.max - e.min
function sg(e, t=0, n=.01) {
    return Math.abs(e - t) <= n
function qw(e, t, n, r=.5) {
    e.origin = r,
    e.originPoint = vt(t.min, t.max, e.origin),
    e.scale = Mn(n) / Mn(t),
    (sg(e.scale, 1, 1e-4) || isNaN(e.scale)) && (e.scale = 1),
    e.translate = vt(n.min, n.max, e.origin) - e.originPoint,
    (sg(e.translate) || isNaN(e.translate)) && (e.translate = 0)
function hl(e, t, n, r) {
    qw(e.x, t.x, n.x, r ? r.originX : void 0),
    qw(e.y, t.y, n.y, r ? r.originY : void 0)
function Qw(e, t, n) {
    e.min = n.min + t.min,
    e.max = e.min + Mn(t)
function o6(e, t, n) {
    Qw(e.x, t.x, n.x),
    Qw(e.y, t.y, n.y)
function Yw(e, t, n) {
    e.min = t.min - n.min,
    e.max = e.min + Mn(t)
function pl(e, t, n) {
    Yw(e.x, t.x, n.x),
    Yw(e.y, t.y, n.y)
function a6(e, {min: t, max: n}, r) {
    return t !== void 0 && e < t ? e = r ? vt(t, e, r.min) : Math.max(e, t) : n !== void 0 && e > n && (e = r ? vt(n, e, r.max) : Math.min(e, n)),
function Xw(e, t, n) {
    return {
        min: t !== void 0 ? e.min + t : void 0,
        max: n !== void 0 ? e.max + n - (e.max - e.min) : void 0
function l6(e, {top: t, left: n, bottom: r, right: i}) {
    return {
        x: Xw(e.x, n, i),
        y: Xw(e.y, t, r)
function Jw(e, t) {
    let n = t.min - e.min
      , r = t.max - e.max;
    return t.max - t.min < e.max - e.min && ([n,r] = [r, n]),
        min: n,
        max: r
function u6(e, t) {
    return {
        x: Jw(e.x, t.x),
        y: Jw(e.y, t.y)
function c6(e, t) {
    let n = .5;
    const r = Mn(e)
      , i = Mn(t);
    return i > r ? n = Yl(t.min, t.max - r, e.min) : r > i && (n = Yl(e.min, e.max - i, t.min)),
    zi(0, 1, n)
function d6(e, t) {
    const n = {};
    return t.min !== void 0 && (n.min = t.min - e.min),
    t.max !== void 0 && (n.max = t.max - e.min),
const og = .35;
function f6(e=og) {
    return e === !1 ? e = 0 : e === !0 && (e = og),
        x: Zw(e, "left", "right"),
        y: Zw(e, "top", "bottom")
function Zw(e, t, n) {
    return {
        min: ex(e, t),
        max: ex(e, n)
function ex(e, t) {
    return typeof e == "number" ? e : e[t] || 0
const tx = ()=>({
    translate: 0,
    scale: 1,
    origin: 0,
    originPoint: 0
  , bo = ()=>({
    x: tx(),
    y: tx()
  , nx = ()=>({
    min: 0,
    max: 0
  , Ct = ()=>({
    x: nx(),
    y: nx()
function Vn(e) {
    return [e("x"), e("y")]
function X2({top: e, left: t, right: n, bottom: r}) {
    return {
        x: {
            min: t,
            max: n
        y: {
            min: e,
            max: r
function h6({x: e, y: t}) {
    return {
        top: t.min,
        right: e.max,
        bottom: t.max,
        left: e.min
function p6(e, t) {
    if (!t)
        return e;
    const n = t({
        x: e.left,
        y: e.top
      , r = t({
        x: e.right,
        y: e.bottom
    return {
        top: n.y,
        left: n.x,
        bottom: r.y,
        right: r.x
function Zh(e) {
    return e === void 0 || e === 1
function ag({scale: e, scaleX: t, scaleY: n}) {
    return !Zh(e) || !Zh(t) || !Zh(n)
function is(e) {
    return ag(e) || J2(e) || e.z || e.rotate || e.rotateX || e.rotateY || e.skewX || e.skewY
function J2(e) {
    return rx(e.x) || rx(e.y)
function rx(e) {
    return e && e !== "0%"
function Fd(e, t, n) {
    const r = e - n
      , i = t * r;
    return n + i
function ix(e, t, n, r, i) {
    return i !== void 0 && (e = Fd(e, i, r)),
    Fd(e, n, r) + t
function lg(e, t=0, n=1, r, i) {
    e.min = ix(e.min, t, n, r, i),
    e.max = ix(e.max, t, n, r, i)
function Z2(e, {x: t, y: n}) {
    lg(e.x, t.translate, t.scale, t.originPoint),
    lg(e.y, n.translate, n.scale, n.originPoint)
function m6(e, t, n, r=!1) {
    const i = n.length;
    if (!i)
    t.x = t.y = 1;
    let s, o;
    for (let a = 0; a < i; a++) {
        s = n[a],
        o = s.projectionDelta;
        const l = s.instance;
        l && l.style && l.style.display === "contents" || (r && s.options.layoutScroll && s.scroll && s !== s.root && So(e, {
            x: -s.scroll.offset.x,
            y: -s.scroll.offset.y
        o && (t.x *= o.x.scale,
        t.y *= o.y.scale,
        Z2(e, o)),
        r && is(s.latestValues) && So(e, s.latestValues))
    t.x = sx(t.x),
    t.y = sx(t.y)
function sx(e) {
    return Number.isInteger(e) || e > 1.0000000000001 || e < .999999999999 ? e : 1
function hi(e, t) {
    e.min = e.min + t,
    e.max = e.max + t
function ox(e, t, [n,r,i]) {
    const s = t[i] !== void 0 ? t[i] : .5
      , o = vt(e.min, e.max, s);
    lg(e, t[n], t[r], o, t.scale)
const g6 = ["x", "scaleX", "originX"]
  , v6 = ["y", "scaleY", "originY"];
function So(e, t) {
    ox(e.x, t, g6),
    ox(e.y, t, v6)
function eT(e, t) {
    return X2(p6(e.getBoundingClientRect(), t))
function y6(e, t, n) {
    const r = eT(e, n)
      , {scroll: i} = t;
    return i && (hi(r.x, i.offset.x),
    hi(r.y, i.offset.y)),
const tT = ({current: e})=>e ? e.ownerDocument.defaultView : null
  , w6 = new WeakMap;
class x6 {
    constructor(t) {
        this.openGlobalLock = null,
        this.isDragging = !1,
        this.currentDirection = null,
        this.originPoint = {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
        this.constraints = !1,
        this.hasMutatedConstraints = !1,
        this.elastic = Ct(),
        this.visualElement = t
    start(t, {snapToCursor: n=!1}={}) {
        const {presenceContext: r} = this.visualElement;
        if (r && r.isPresent === !1)
        const i = c=>{
            const {dragSnapToOrigin: d} = this.getProps();
            d ? this.pauseAnimation() : this.stopAnimation(),
            n && this.snapToCursor(Ff(c, "page").point)
          , s = (c,d)=>{
            const {drag: f, dragPropagation: h, onDragStart: m} = this.getProps();
            if (f && !h && (this.openGlobalLock && this.openGlobalLock(),
            this.openGlobalLock = h2(f),
            this.isDragging = !0,
            this.currentDirection = null,
            this.visualElement.projection && (this.visualElement.projection.isAnimationBlocked = !0,
            this.visualElement.projection.target = void 0),
                let v = this.getAxisMotionValue(b).get() || 0;
                if (_r.test(v)) {
                    const {projection: g} = this.visualElement;
                    if (g && g.layout) {
                        const w = g.layout.layoutBox[b];
                        w && (v = Mn(w) * (parseFloat(v) / 100))
                this.originPoint[b] = v
            m && Xe.postRender(()=>m(c, d));
            const {animationState: p} = this.visualElement;
            p && p.setActive("whileDrag", !0)
          , o = (c,d)=>{
            const {dragPropagation: f, dragDirectionLock: h, onDirectionLock: m, onDrag: p} = this.getProps();
            if (!f && !this.openGlobalLock)
            const {offset: b} = d;
            if (h && this.currentDirection === null) {
                this.currentDirection = b6(b),
                this.currentDirection !== null && m && m(this.currentDirection);
            this.updateAxis("x", d.point, b),
            this.updateAxis("y", d.point, b),
            p && p(c, d)
          , a = (c,d)=>this.stop(c, d)
          , l = ()=>Vn(c=>{
            var d;
            return this.getAnimationState(c) === "paused" && ((d = this.getAxisMotionValue(c).animation) === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.play())
          , {dragSnapToOrigin: u} = this.getProps();
        this.panSession = new Q2(t,{
            onSessionStart: i,
            onStart: s,
            onMove: o,
            onSessionEnd: a,
            resumeAnimation: l
            transformPagePoint: this.visualElement.getTransformPagePoint(),
            dragSnapToOrigin: u,
            contextWindow: tT(this.visualElement)
    stop(t, n) {
        const r = this.isDragging;
        if (this.cancel(),
        const {velocity: i} = n;
        const {onDragEnd: s} = this.getProps();
        s && Xe.postRender(()=>s(t, n))
    cancel() {
        this.isDragging = !1;
        const {projection: t, animationState: n} = this.visualElement;
        t && (t.isAnimationBlocked = !1),
        this.panSession && this.panSession.end(),
        this.panSession = void 0;
        const {dragPropagation: r} = this.getProps();
        !r && this.openGlobalLock && (this.openGlobalLock(),
        this.openGlobalLock = null),
        n && n.setActive("whileDrag", !1)
    updateAxis(t, n, r) {
        const {drag: i} = this.getProps();
        if (!r || !vc(t, i, this.currentDirection))
        const s = this.getAxisMotionValue(t);
        let o = this.originPoint[t] + r[t];
        this.constraints && this.constraints[t] && (o = a6(o, this.constraints[t], this.elastic[t])),
    resolveConstraints() {
        var t;
        const {dragConstraints: n, dragElastic: r} = this.getProps()
          , i = this.visualElement.projection && !this.visualElement.projection.layout ? this.visualElement.projection.measure(!1) : (t = this.visualElement.projection) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.layout
          , s = this.constraints;
        n && wo(n) ? this.constraints || (this.constraints = this.resolveRefConstraints()) : n && i ? this.constraints = l6(i.layoutBox, n) : this.constraints = !1,
        this.elastic = f6(r),
        s !== this.constraints && i && this.constraints && !this.hasMutatedConstraints && Vn(o=>{
            this.constraints !== !1 && this.getAxisMotionValue(o) && (this.constraints[o] = d6(i.layoutBox[o], this.constraints[o]))
    resolveRefConstraints() {
        const {dragConstraints: t, onMeasureDragConstraints: n} = this.getProps();
        if (!t || !wo(t))
            return !1;
        const r = t.current
          , {projection: i} = this.visualElement;
        if (!i || !i.layout)
            return !1;
        const s = y6(r, i.root, this.visualElement.getTransformPagePoint());
        let o = u6(i.layout.layoutBox, s);
        if (n) {
            const a = n(h6(o));
            this.hasMutatedConstraints = !!a,
            a && (o = X2(a))
        return o
    startAnimation(t) {
        const {drag: n, dragMomentum: r, dragElastic: i, dragTransition: s, dragSnapToOrigin: o, onDragTransitionEnd: a} = this.getProps()
          , l = this.constraints || {}
          , u = Vn(c=>{
            if (!vc(c, n, this.currentDirection))
            let d = l && l[c] || {};
            o && (d = {
                min: 0,
                max: 0
            const f = i ? 200 : 1e6
              , h = i ? 40 : 1e7
              , m = {
                type: "inertia",
                velocity: r ? t[c] : 0,
                bounceStiffness: f,
                bounceDamping: h,
                timeConstant: 750,
                restDelta: 1,
                restSpeed: 10,
            return this.startAxisValueAnimation(c, m)
        return Promise.all(u).then(a)
    startAxisValueAnimation(t, n) {
        const r = this.getAxisMotionValue(t);
        return r.start(by(t, r, 0, n, this.visualElement))
    stopAnimation() {
    pauseAnimation() {
            var n;
            return (n = this.getAxisMotionValue(t).animation) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.pause()
    getAnimationState(t) {
        var n;
        return (n = this.getAxisMotionValue(t).animation) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.state
    getAxisMotionValue(t) {
        const n = `_drag${t.toUpperCase()}`
          , r = this.visualElement.getProps()
          , i = r[n];
        return i || this.visualElement.getValue(t, (r.initial ? r.initial[t] : void 0) || 0)
    snapToCursor(t) {
            const {drag: r} = this.getProps();
            if (!vc(n, r, this.currentDirection))
            const {projection: i} = this.visualElement
              , s = this.getAxisMotionValue(n);
            if (i && i.layout) {
                const {min: o, max: a} = i.layout.layoutBox[n];
                s.set(t[n] - vt(o, a, .5))
    scalePositionWithinConstraints() {
        if (!this.visualElement.current)
        const {drag: t, dragConstraints: n} = this.getProps()
          , {projection: r} = this.visualElement;
        if (!wo(n) || !r || !this.constraints)
        const i = {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
            const a = this.getAxisMotionValue(o);
            if (a && this.constraints !== !1) {
                const l = a.get();
                i[o] = c6({
                    min: l,
                    max: l
                }, this.constraints[o])
        const {transformTemplate: s} = this.visualElement.getProps();
        this.visualElement.current.style.transform = s ? s({}, "") : "none",
        r.root && r.root.updateScroll(),
            if (!vc(o, t, null))
            const a = this.getAxisMotionValue(o)
              , {min: l, max: u} = this.constraints[o];
            a.set(vt(l, u, i[o]))
    addListeners() {
        if (!this.visualElement.current)
        w6.set(this.visualElement, this);
        const t = this.visualElement.current
          , n = Wr(t, "pointerdown", l=>{
            const {drag: u, dragListener: c=!0} = this.getProps();
            u && c && this.start(l)
          , r = ()=>{
            const {dragConstraints: l} = this.getProps();
            wo(l) && (this.constraints = this.resolveRefConstraints())
          , {projection: i} = this.visualElement
          , s = i.addEventListener("measure", r);
        i && !i.layout && (i.root && i.root.updateScroll(),
        const o = Vr(window, "resize", ()=>this.scalePositionWithinConstraints())
          , a = i.addEventListener("didUpdate", ({delta: l, hasLayoutChanged: u})=>{
            this.isDragging && u && (Vn(c=>{
                const d = this.getAxisMotionValue(c);
                d && (this.originPoint[c] += l[c].translate,
                d.set(d.get() + l[c].translate))
        return ()=>{
            a && a()
    getProps() {
        const t = this.visualElement.getProps()
          , {drag: n=!1, dragDirectionLock: r=!1, dragPropagation: i=!1, dragConstraints: s=!1, dragElastic: o=og, dragMomentum: a=!0} = t;
        return {
            drag: n,
            dragDirectionLock: r,
            dragPropagation: i,
            dragConstraints: s,
            dragElastic: o,
            dragMomentum: a
function vc(e, t, n) {
    return (t === !0 || t === e) && (n === null || n === e)
function b6(e, t=10) {
    let n = null;
    return Math.abs(e.y) > t ? n = "y" : Math.abs(e.x) > t && (n = "x"),
class S6 extends Xi {
    constructor(t) {
        this.removeGroupControls = on,
        this.removeListeners = on,
        this.controls = new x6(t)
    mount() {
        const {dragControls: t} = this.node.getProps();
        t && (this.removeGroupControls = t.subscribe(this.controls)),
        this.removeListeners = this.controls.addListeners() || on
    unmount() {
const ax = e=>(t,n)=>{
    e && Xe.postRender(()=>e(t, n))
class E6 extends Xi {
    constructor() {
        this.removePointerDownListener = on
    onPointerDown(t) {
        this.session = new Q2(t,this.createPanHandlers(),{
            transformPagePoint: this.node.getTransformPagePoint(),
            contextWindow: tT(this.node)
    createPanHandlers() {
        const {onPanSessionStart: t, onPanStart: n, onPan: r, onPanEnd: i} = this.node.getProps();
        return {
            onSessionStart: ax(t),
            onStart: ax(n),
            onMove: r,
            onEnd: (s,o)=>{
                delete this.session,
                i && Xe.postRender(()=>i(s, o))
    mount() {
        this.removePointerDownListener = Wr(this.node.current, "pointerdown", t=>this.onPointerDown(t))
    update() {
        this.session && this.session.updateHandlers(this.createPanHandlers())
    unmount() {
        this.session && this.session.end()
function C6() {
    const e = y.useContext(jf);
    if (e === null)
        return [!0, null];
    const {isPresent: t, onExitComplete: n, register: r} = e
      , i = y.useId();
    return y.useEffect(()=>r(i), []),
    !t && n ? [!1, ()=>n && n(i)] : [!0]
const Bc = {
    hasAnimatedSinceResize: !0,
    hasEverUpdated: !1
function lx(e, t) {
    return t.max === t.min ? 0 : e / (t.max - t.min) * 100
const Ua = {
    correct: (e,t)=>{
        if (!t.target)
            return e;
        if (typeof e == "string")
            if (Oe.test(e))
                e = parseFloat(e);
                return e;
        const n = lx(e, t.target.x)
          , r = lx(e, t.target.y);
        return `${n}% ${r}%`
  , P6 = {
    correct: (e,{treeScale: t, projectionDelta: n})=>{
        const r = e
          , i = Ui.parse(e);
        if (i.length > 5)
            return r;
        const s = Ui.createTransformer(e)
          , o = typeof i[0] != "number" ? 1 : 0
          , a = n.x.scale * t.x
          , l = n.y.scale * t.y;
        i[0 + o] /= a,
        i[1 + o] /= l;
        const u = vt(a, l, .5);
        return typeof i[2 + o] == "number" && (i[2 + o] /= u),
        typeof i[3 + o] == "number" && (i[3 + o] /= u),
class T6 extends y.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        const {visualElement: t, layoutGroup: n, switchLayoutGroup: r, layoutId: i} = this.props
          , {projection: s} = t;
        s && (n.group && n.group.add(s),
        r && r.register && i && r.register(s),
        s.addEventListener("animationComplete", ()=>{
            onExitComplete: ()=>this.safeToRemove()
        Bc.hasEverUpdated = !0
    getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(t) {
        const {layoutDependency: n, visualElement: r, drag: i, isPresent: s} = this.props
          , o = r.projection;
        return o && (o.isPresent = s,
        i || t.layoutDependency !== n || n === void 0 ? o.willUpdate() : this.safeToRemove(),
        t.isPresent !== s && (s ? o.promote() : o.relegate() || Xe.postRender(()=>{
            const a = o.getStack();
            (!a || !a.members.length) && this.safeToRemove()
    componentDidUpdate() {
        const {projection: t} = this.props.visualElement;
        t && (t.root.didUpdate(),
            !t.currentAnimation && t.isLead() && this.safeToRemove()
    componentWillUnmount() {
        const {visualElement: t, layoutGroup: n, switchLayoutGroup: r} = this.props
          , {projection: i} = t;
        i && (i.scheduleCheckAfterUnmount(),
        n && n.group && n.group.remove(i),
        r && r.deregister && r.deregister(i))
    safeToRemove() {
        const {safeToRemove: t} = this.props;
        t && t()
    render() {
        return null
function nT(e) {
    const [t,n] = C6()
      , r = y.useContext(ny);
    return x.jsx(T6, {
        layoutGroup: r,
        switchLayoutGroup: y.useContext(XP),
        isPresent: t,
        safeToRemove: n
const R6 = {
    borderRadius: {
        applyTo: ["borderTopLeftRadius", "borderTopRightRadius", "borderBottomLeftRadius", "borderBottomRightRadius"]
    borderTopLeftRadius: Ua,
    borderTopRightRadius: Ua,
    borderBottomLeftRadius: Ua,
    borderBottomRightRadius: Ua,
    boxShadow: P6
  , rT = ["TopLeft", "TopRight", "BottomLeft", "BottomRight"]
  , O6 = rT.length
  , ux = e=>typeof e == "string" ? parseFloat(e) : e
  , cx = e=>typeof e == "number" || Oe.test(e);
function k6(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    i ? (e.opacity = vt(0, n.opacity !== void 0 ? n.opacity : 1, _6(r)),
    e.opacityExit = vt(t.opacity !== void 0 ? t.opacity : 1, 0, A6(r))) : s && (e.opacity = vt(t.opacity !== void 0 ? t.opacity : 1, n.opacity !== void 0 ? n.opacity : 1, r));
    for (let o = 0; o < O6; o++) {
        const a = `border${rT[o]}Radius`;
        let l = dx(t, a)
          , u = dx(n, a);
        if (l === void 0 && u === void 0)
        l || (l = 0),
        u || (u = 0),
        l === 0 || u === 0 || cx(l) === cx(u) ? (e[a] = Math.max(vt(ux(l), ux(u), r), 0),
        (_r.test(u) || _r.test(l)) && (e[a] += "%")) : e[a] = u
    (t.rotate || n.rotate) && (e.rotate = vt(t.rotate || 0, n.rotate || 0, r))
function dx(e, t) {
    return e[t] !== void 0 ? e[t] : e.borderRadius
const _6 = iT(0, .5, V2)
  , A6 = iT(.5, .95, on);
function iT(e, t, n) {
    return r=>r < e ? 0 : r > t ? 1 : n(Yl(e, t, r))
function fx(e, t) {
    e.min = t.min,
    e.max = t.max
function Fn(e, t) {
    fx(e.x, t.x),
    fx(e.y, t.y)
function hx(e, t, n, r, i) {
    return e -= t,
    e = Fd(e, 1 / n, r),
    i !== void 0 && (e = Fd(e, 1 / i, r)),
function D6(e, t=0, n=1, r=.5, i, s=e, o=e) {
    if (_r.test(t) && (t = parseFloat(t),
    t = vt(o.min, o.max, t / 100) - o.min),
    typeof t != "number")
    let a = vt(s.min, s.max, r);
    e === s && (a -= t),
    e.min = hx(e.min, t, n, a, i),
    e.max = hx(e.max, t, n, a, i)
function px(e, t, [n,r,i], s, o) {
    D6(e, t[n], t[r], t[i], t.scale, s, o)
const L6 = ["x", "scaleX", "originX"]
  , N6 = ["y", "scaleY", "originY"];
function mx(e, t, n, r) {
    px(e.x, t, L6, n ? n.x : void 0, r ? r.x : void 0),
    px(e.y, t, N6, n ? n.y : void 0, r ? r.y : void 0)
function gx(e) {
    return e.translate === 0 && e.scale === 1
function sT(e) {
    return gx(e.x) && gx(e.y)
function M6(e, t) {
    return e.x.min === t.x.min && e.x.max === t.x.max && e.y.min === t.y.min && e.y.max === t.y.max
function oT(e, t) {
    return Math.round(e.x.min) === Math.round(t.x.min) && Math.round(e.x.max) === Math.round(t.x.max) && Math.round(e.y.min) === Math.round(t.y.min) && Math.round(e.y.max) === Math.round(t.y.max)
function vx(e) {
    return Mn(e.x) / Mn(e.y)
class j6 {
    constructor() {
        this.members = []
    add(t) {
        Sy(this.members, t),
    remove(t) {
        if (Ey(this.members, t),
        t === this.prevLead && (this.prevLead = void 0),
        t === this.lead) {
            const n = this.members[this.members.length - 1];
            n && this.promote(n)
    relegate(t) {
        const n = this.members.findIndex(i=>t === i);
        if (n === 0)
            return !1;
        let r;
        for (let i = n; i >= 0; i--) {
            const s = this.members[i];
            if (s.isPresent !== !1) {
                r = s;
        return r ? (this.promote(r),
        !0) : !1
    promote(t, n) {
        const r = this.lead;
        if (t !== r && (this.prevLead = r,
        this.lead = t,
        r)) {
            r.instance && r.scheduleRender(),
            t.resumeFrom = r,
            n && (t.resumeFrom.preserveOpacity = !0),
            r.snapshot && (t.snapshot = r.snapshot,
            t.snapshot.latestValues = r.animationValues || r.latestValues),
            t.root && t.root.isUpdating && (t.isLayoutDirty = !0);
            const {crossfade: i} = t.options;
            i === !1 && r.hide()
    exitAnimationComplete() {
            const {options: n, resumingFrom: r} = t;
            n.onExitComplete && n.onExitComplete(),
            r && r.options.onExitComplete && r.options.onExitComplete()
    scheduleRender() {
            t.instance && t.scheduleRender(!1)
    removeLeadSnapshot() {
        this.lead && this.lead.snapshot && (this.lead.snapshot = void 0)
function yx(e, t, n) {
    let r = "";
    const i = e.x.translate / t.x
      , s = e.y.translate / t.y
      , o = (n == null ? void 0 : n.z) || 0;
    if ((i || s || o) && (r = `translate3d(${i}px, ${s}px, ${o}px) `),
    (t.x !== 1 || t.y !== 1) && (r += `scale(${1 / t.x}, ${1 / t.y}) `),
    n) {
        const {transformPerspective: u, rotate: c, rotateX: d, rotateY: f, skewX: h, skewY: m} = n;
        u && (r = `perspective(${u}px) ${r}`),
        c && (r += `rotate(${c}deg) `),
        d && (r += `rotateX(${d}deg) `),
        f && (r += `rotateY(${f}deg) `),
        h && (r += `skewX(${h}deg) `),
        m && (r += `skewY(${m}deg) `)
    const a = e.x.scale * t.x
      , l = e.y.scale * t.y;
    return (a !== 1 || l !== 1) && (r += `scale(${a}, ${l})`),
    r || "none"
const $6 = (e,t)=>e.depth - t.depth;
class I6 {
    constructor() {
        this.children = [],
        this.isDirty = !1
    add(t) {
        Sy(this.children, t),
        this.isDirty = !0
    remove(t) {
        Ey(this.children, t),
        this.isDirty = !0
    forEach(t) {
        this.isDirty && this.children.sort($6),
        this.isDirty = !1,
function F6(e, t) {
    const n = ji.now()
      , r = ({timestamp: i})=>{
        const s = i - n;
        s >= t && (ei(r),
        e(s - t))
    return Xe.read(r, !0),
function V6(e) {
    window.MotionDebug && window.MotionDebug.record(e)
function z6(e) {
    return e instanceof SVGElement && e.tagName !== "svg"
function U6(e, t, n) {
    const r = sn(e) ? e : Xl(e);
    return r.start(by("", r, t, n)),
const ep = ["", "X", "Y", "Z"]
  , B6 = {
    visibility: "hidden"
  , wx = 1e3;
let H6 = 0;
const ss = {
    type: "projectionFrame",
    totalNodes: 0,
    resolvedTargetDeltas: 0,
    recalculatedProjection: 0
function tp(e, t, n, r) {
    const {latestValues: i} = t;
    i[e] && (n[e] = i[e],
    t.setStaticValue(e, 0),
    r && (r[e] = 0))
function aT(e) {
    if (e.hasCheckedOptimisedAppear = !0,
    e.root === e)
        return !1;
    const {visualElement: t} = e.options;
    return t ? K2(t) ? !0 : e.parent && !e.parent.hasCheckedOptimisedAppear ? aT(e.parent) : !1 : !1
function lT({attachResizeListener: e, defaultParent: t, measureScroll: n, checkIsScrollRoot: r, resetTransform: i}) {
    return class {
        constructor(o={}, a=t == null ? void 0 : t()) {
            this.id = H6++,
            this.animationId = 0,
            this.children = new Set,
            this.options = {},
            this.isTreeAnimating = !1,
            this.isAnimationBlocked = !1,
            this.isLayoutDirty = !1,
            this.isProjectionDirty = !1,
            this.isSharedProjectionDirty = !1,
            this.isTransformDirty = !1,
            this.updateManuallyBlocked = !1,
            this.updateBlockedByResize = !1,
            this.isUpdating = !1,
            this.isSVG = !1,
            this.needsReset = !1,
            this.shouldResetTransform = !1,
            this.hasCheckedOptimisedAppear = !1,
            this.treeScale = {
                x: 1,
                y: 1
            this.eventHandlers = new Map,
            this.hasTreeAnimated = !1,
            this.updateScheduled = !1,
            this.projectionUpdateScheduled = !1,
            this.checkUpdateFailed = ()=>{
                this.isUpdating && (this.isUpdating = !1,
            this.updateProjection = ()=>{
                this.projectionUpdateScheduled = !1,
                ss.totalNodes = ss.resolvedTargetDeltas = ss.recalculatedProjection = 0,
            this.hasProjected = !1,
            this.isVisible = !0,
            this.animationProgress = 0,
            this.sharedNodes = new Map,
            this.latestValues = o,
            this.root = a ? a.root || a : this,
            this.path = a ? [...a.path, a] : [],
            this.parent = a,
            this.depth = a ? a.depth + 1 : 0;
            for (let l = 0; l < this.path.length; l++)
                this.path[l].shouldResetTransform = !0;
            this.root === this && (this.nodes = new I6)
        addEventListener(o, a) {
            return this.eventHandlers.has(o) || this.eventHandlers.set(o, new Cy),
        notifyListeners(o, ...a) {
            const l = this.eventHandlers.get(o);
            l && l.notify(...a)
        hasListeners(o) {
            return this.eventHandlers.has(o)
        mount(o, a=this.root.hasTreeAnimated) {
            if (this.instance)
            this.isSVG = z6(o),
            this.instance = o;
            const {layoutId: l, layout: u, visualElement: c} = this.options;
            if (c && !c.current && c.mount(o),
            this.parent && this.parent.children.add(this),
            a && (u || l) && (this.isLayoutDirty = !0),
            e) {
                let d;
                const f = ()=>this.root.updateBlockedByResize = !1;
                e(o, ()=>{
                    this.root.updateBlockedByResize = !0,
                    d && d(),
                    d = F6(f, 250),
                    Bc.hasAnimatedSinceResize && (Bc.hasAnimatedSinceResize = !1,
            l && this.root.registerSharedNode(l, this),
            this.options.animate !== !1 && c && (l || u) && this.addEventListener("didUpdate", ({delta: d, hasLayoutChanged: f, hasRelativeTargetChanged: h, layout: m})=>{
                if (this.isTreeAnimationBlocked()) {
                    this.target = void 0,
                    this.relativeTarget = void 0;
                const p = this.options.transition || c.getDefaultTransition() || i8
                  , {onLayoutAnimationStart: b, onLayoutAnimationComplete: v} = c.getProps()
                  , g = !this.targetLayout || !oT(this.targetLayout, m) || h
                  , w = !f && h;
                if (this.options.layoutRoot || this.resumeFrom && this.resumeFrom.instance || w || f && (g || !this.currentAnimation)) {
                    this.resumeFrom && (this.resumingFrom = this.resumeFrom,
                    this.resumingFrom.resumingFrom = void 0),
                    this.setAnimationOrigin(d, w);
                    const E = {
                        ...fy(p, "layout"),
                        onPlay: b,
                        onComplete: v
                    (c.shouldReduceMotion || this.options.layoutRoot) && (E.delay = 0,
                    E.type = !1),
                } else
                    f || bx(this),
                    this.isLead() && this.options.onExitComplete && this.options.onExitComplete();
                this.targetLayout = m
        unmount() {
            this.options.layoutId && this.willUpdate(),
            const o = this.getStack();
            o && o.remove(this),
            this.parent && this.parent.children.delete(this),
            this.instance = void 0,
        blockUpdate() {
            this.updateManuallyBlocked = !0
        unblockUpdate() {
            this.updateManuallyBlocked = !1
        isUpdateBlocked() {
            return this.updateManuallyBlocked || this.updateBlockedByResize
        isTreeAnimationBlocked() {
            return this.isAnimationBlocked || this.parent && this.parent.isTreeAnimationBlocked() || !1
        startUpdate() {
            this.isUpdateBlocked() || (this.isUpdating = !0,
            this.nodes && this.nodes.forEach(e8),
        getTransformTemplate() {
            const {visualElement: o} = this.options;
            return o && o.getProps().transformTemplate
        willUpdate(o=!0) {
            if (this.root.hasTreeAnimated = !0,
            this.root.isUpdateBlocked()) {
                this.options.onExitComplete && this.options.onExitComplete();
            if (window.HandoffCancelAllAnimations && aT(this) && window.HandoffCancelAllAnimations(),
            !this.root.isUpdating && this.root.startUpdate(),
            this.isLayoutDirty = !0;
            for (let c = 0; c < this.path.length; c++) {
                const d = this.path[c];
                d.shouldResetTransform = !0,
                d.options.layoutRoot && d.willUpdate(!1)
            const {layoutId: a, layout: l} = this.options;
            if (a === void 0 && !l)
            const u = this.getTransformTemplate();
            this.prevTransformTemplateValue = u ? u(this.latestValues, "") : void 0,
            o && this.notifyListeners("willUpdate")
        update() {
            if (this.updateScheduled = !1,
            this.isUpdateBlocked()) {
            this.isUpdating || this.nodes.forEach(Y6),
            this.isUpdating = !1,
            const a = ji.now();
            Kt.delta = zi(0, 1e3 / 60, a - Kt.timestamp),
            Kt.timestamp = a,
            Kt.isProcessing = !0,
            Kt.isProcessing = !1
        didUpdate() {
            this.updateScheduled || (this.updateScheduled = !0,
        clearAllSnapshots() {
        scheduleUpdateProjection() {
            this.projectionUpdateScheduled || (this.projectionUpdateScheduled = !0,
            Xe.preRender(this.updateProjection, !1, !0))
        scheduleCheckAfterUnmount() {
                this.isLayoutDirty ? this.root.didUpdate() : this.root.checkUpdateFailed()
        updateSnapshot() {
            this.snapshot || !this.instance || (this.snapshot = this.measure())
        updateLayout() {
            if (!this.instance || (this.updateScroll(),
            !(this.options.alwaysMeasureLayout && this.isLead()) && !this.isLayoutDirty))
            if (this.resumeFrom && !this.resumeFrom.instance)
                for (let l = 0; l < this.path.length; l++)
            const o = this.layout;
            this.layout = this.measure(!1),
            this.layoutCorrected = Ct(),
            this.isLayoutDirty = !1,
            this.projectionDelta = void 0,
            this.notifyListeners("measure", this.layout.layoutBox);
            const {visualElement: a} = this.options;
            a && a.notify("LayoutMeasure", this.layout.layoutBox, o ? o.layoutBox : void 0)
        updateScroll(o="measure") {
            let a = !!(this.options.layoutScroll && this.instance);
            this.scroll && this.scroll.animationId === this.root.animationId && this.scroll.phase === o && (a = !1),
            a && (this.scroll = {
                animationId: this.root.animationId,
                phase: o,
                isRoot: r(this.instance),
                offset: n(this.instance)
        resetTransform() {
            if (!i)
            const o = this.isLayoutDirty || this.shouldResetTransform
              , a = this.projectionDelta && !sT(this.projectionDelta)
              , l = this.getTransformTemplate()
              , u = l ? l(this.latestValues, "") : void 0
              , c = u !== this.prevTransformTemplateValue;
            o && (a || is(this.latestValues) || c) && (i(this.instance, u),
            this.shouldResetTransform = !1,
        measure(o=!0) {
            const a = this.measurePageBox();
            let l = this.removeElementScroll(a);
            return o && (l = this.removeTransform(l)),
                animationId: this.root.animationId,
                measuredBox: a,
                layoutBox: l,
                latestValues: {},
                source: this.id
        measurePageBox() {
            const {visualElement: o} = this.options;
            if (!o)
                return Ct();
            const a = o.measureViewportBox()
              , {scroll: l} = this.root;
            return l && (hi(a.x, l.offset.x),
            hi(a.y, l.offset.y)),
        removeElementScroll(o) {
            const a = Ct();
            Fn(a, o);
            for (let l = 0; l < this.path.length; l++) {
                const u = this.path[l]
                  , {scroll: c, options: d} = u;
                if (u !== this.root && c && d.layoutScroll) {
                    if (c.isRoot) {
                        Fn(a, o);
                        const {scroll: f} = this.root;
                        f && (hi(a.x, -f.offset.x),
                        hi(a.y, -f.offset.y))
                    hi(a.x, c.offset.x),
                    hi(a.y, c.offset.y)
            return a
        applyTransform(o, a=!1) {
            const l = Ct();
            Fn(l, o);
            for (let u = 0; u < this.path.length; u++) {
                const c = this.path[u];
                !a && c.options.layoutScroll && c.scroll && c !== c.root && So(l, {
                    x: -c.scroll.offset.x,
                    y: -c.scroll.offset.y
                is(c.latestValues) && So(l, c.latestValues)
            return is(this.latestValues) && So(l, this.latestValues),
        removeTransform(o) {
            const a = Ct();
            Fn(a, o);
            for (let l = 0; l < this.path.length; l++) {
                const u = this.path[l];
                if (!u.instance || !is(u.latestValues))
                ag(u.latestValues) && u.updateSnapshot();
                const c = Ct()
                  , d = u.measurePageBox();
                Fn(c, d),
                mx(a, u.latestValues, u.snapshot ? u.snapshot.layoutBox : void 0, c)
            return is(this.latestValues) && mx(a, this.latestValues),
        setTargetDelta(o) {
            this.targetDelta = o,
            this.isProjectionDirty = !0
        setOptions(o) {
            this.options = {
                crossfade: o.crossfade !== void 0 ? o.crossfade : !0
        clearMeasurements() {
            this.scroll = void 0,
            this.layout = void 0,
            this.snapshot = void 0,
            this.prevTransformTemplateValue = void 0,
            this.targetDelta = void 0,
            this.target = void 0,
            this.isLayoutDirty = !1
        forceRelativeParentToResolveTarget() {
            this.relativeParent && this.relativeParent.resolvedRelativeTargetAt !== Kt.timestamp && this.relativeParent.resolveTargetDelta(!0)
        resolveTargetDelta(o=!1) {
            var a;
            const l = this.getLead();
            this.isProjectionDirty || (this.isProjectionDirty = l.isProjectionDirty),
            this.isTransformDirty || (this.isTransformDirty = l.isTransformDirty),
            this.isSharedProjectionDirty || (this.isSharedProjectionDirty = l.isSharedProjectionDirty);
            const u = !!this.resumingFrom || this !== l;
            if (!(o || u && this.isSharedProjectionDirty || this.isProjectionDirty || !((a = this.parent) === null || a === void 0) && a.isProjectionDirty || this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget))
            const {layout: d, layoutId: f} = this.options;
            if (!(!this.layout || !(d || f))) {
                if (this.resolvedRelativeTargetAt = Kt.timestamp,
                !this.targetDelta && !this.relativeTarget) {
                    const h = this.getClosestProjectingParent();
                    h && h.layout && this.animationProgress !== 1 ? (this.relativeParent = h,
                    this.relativeTarget = Ct(),
                    this.relativeTargetOrigin = Ct(),
                    pl(this.relativeTargetOrigin, this.layout.layoutBox, h.layout.layoutBox),
                    Fn(this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin)) : this.relativeParent = this.relativeTarget = void 0
                if (!(!this.relativeTarget && !this.targetDelta)) {
                    if (this.target || (this.target = Ct(),
                    this.targetWithTransforms = Ct()),
                    this.relativeTarget && this.relativeTargetOrigin && this.relativeParent && this.relativeParent.target ? (this.forceRelativeParentToResolveTarget(),
                    o6(this.target, this.relativeTarget, this.relativeParent.target)) : this.targetDelta ? (this.resumingFrom ? this.target = this.applyTransform(this.layout.layoutBox) : Fn(this.target, this.layout.layoutBox),
                    Z2(this.target, this.targetDelta)) : Fn(this.target, this.layout.layoutBox),
                    this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget) {
                        this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget = !1;
                        const h = this.getClosestProjectingParent();
                        h && !!h.resumingFrom == !!this.resumingFrom && !h.options.layoutScroll && h.target && this.animationProgress !== 1 ? (this.relativeParent = h,
                        this.relativeTarget = Ct(),
                        this.relativeTargetOrigin = Ct(),
                        pl(this.relativeTargetOrigin, this.target, h.target),
                        Fn(this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin)) : this.relativeParent = this.relativeTarget = void 0
        getClosestProjectingParent() {
            if (!(!this.parent || ag(this.parent.latestValues) || J2(this.parent.latestValues)))
                return this.parent.isProjecting() ? this.parent : this.parent.getClosestProjectingParent()
        isProjecting() {
            return !!((this.relativeTarget || this.targetDelta || this.options.layoutRoot) && this.layout)
        calcProjection() {
            var o;
            const a = this.getLead()
              , l = !!this.resumingFrom || this !== a;
            let u = !0;
            if ((this.isProjectionDirty || !((o = this.parent) === null || o === void 0) && o.isProjectionDirty) && (u = !1),
            l && (this.isSharedProjectionDirty || this.isTransformDirty) && (u = !1),
            this.resolvedRelativeTargetAt === Kt.timestamp && (u = !1),
            const {layout: c, layoutId: d} = this.options;
            if (this.isTreeAnimating = !!(this.parent && this.parent.isTreeAnimating || this.currentAnimation || this.pendingAnimation),
            this.isTreeAnimating || (this.targetDelta = this.relativeTarget = void 0),
            !this.layout || !(c || d))
            Fn(this.layoutCorrected, this.layout.layoutBox);
            const f = this.treeScale.x
              , h = this.treeScale.y;
            m6(this.layoutCorrected, this.treeScale, this.path, l),
            a.layout && !a.target && (this.treeScale.x !== 1 || this.treeScale.y !== 1) && (a.target = a.layout.layoutBox,
            a.targetWithTransforms = Ct());
            const {target: m} = a;
            if (!m) {
                this.projectionTransform && (this.projectionDelta = bo(),
                this.projectionTransform = "none",
            this.projectionDelta || (this.projectionDelta = bo(),
            this.projectionDeltaWithTransform = bo());
            const p = this.projectionTransform;
            hl(this.projectionDelta, this.layoutCorrected, m, this.latestValues),
            this.projectionTransform = yx(this.projectionDelta, this.treeScale),
            (this.projectionTransform !== p || this.treeScale.x !== f || this.treeScale.y !== h) && (this.hasProjected = !0,
            this.notifyListeners("projectionUpdate", m)),
        hide() {
            this.isVisible = !1
        show() {
            this.isVisible = !0
        scheduleRender(o=!0) {
            if (this.options.scheduleRender && this.options.scheduleRender(),
            o) {
                const a = this.getStack();
                a && a.scheduleRender()
            this.resumingFrom && !this.resumingFrom.instance && (this.resumingFrom = void 0)
        setAnimationOrigin(o, a=!1) {
            const l = this.snapshot
              , u = l ? l.latestValues : {}
              , c = {
              , d = bo();
            (!this.relativeParent || !this.relativeParent.options.layoutRoot) && (this.relativeTarget = this.relativeTargetOrigin = void 0),
            this.attemptToResolveRelativeTarget = !a;
            const f = Ct()
              , h = l ? l.source : void 0
              , m = this.layout ? this.layout.source : void 0
              , p = h !== m
              , b = this.getStack()
              , v = !b || b.members.length <= 1
              , g = !!(p && !v && this.options.crossfade === !0 && !this.path.some(r8));
            this.animationProgress = 0;
            let w;
            this.mixTargetDelta = E=>{
                const D = E / 1e3;
                Sx(d.x, o.x, D),
                Sx(d.y, o.y, D),
                this.relativeTarget && this.relativeTargetOrigin && this.layout && this.relativeParent && this.relativeParent.layout && (pl(f, this.layout.layoutBox, this.relativeParent.layout.layoutBox),
                n8(this.relativeTarget, this.relativeTargetOrigin, f, D),
                w && M6(this.relativeTarget, w) && (this.isProjectionDirty = !1),
                w || (w = Ct()),
                Fn(w, this.relativeTarget)),
                p && (this.animationValues = c,
                k6(c, u, this.latestValues, D, g, v)),
                this.animationProgress = D
            this.mixTargetDelta(this.options.layoutRoot ? 1e3 : 0)
        startAnimation(o) {
            this.currentAnimation && this.currentAnimation.stop(),
            this.resumingFrom && this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation && this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation.stop(),
            this.pendingAnimation && (ei(this.pendingAnimation),
            this.pendingAnimation = void 0),
            this.pendingAnimation = Xe.update(()=>{
                Bc.hasAnimatedSinceResize = !0,
                this.currentAnimation = U6(0, wx, {
                    onUpdate: a=>{
                        o.onUpdate && o.onUpdate(a)
                    onComplete: ()=>{
                        o.onComplete && o.onComplete(),
                this.resumingFrom && (this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation = this.currentAnimation),
                this.pendingAnimation = void 0
        completeAnimation() {
            this.resumingFrom && (this.resumingFrom.currentAnimation = void 0,
            this.resumingFrom.preserveOpacity = void 0);
            const o = this.getStack();
            o && o.exitAnimationComplete(),
            this.resumingFrom = this.currentAnimation = this.animationValues = void 0,
        finishAnimation() {
            this.currentAnimation && (this.mixTargetDelta && this.mixTargetDelta(wx),
        applyTransformsToTarget() {
            const o = this.getLead();
            let {targetWithTransforms: a, target: l, layout: u, latestValues: c} = o;
            if (!(!a || !l || !u)) {
                if (this !== o && this.layout && u && uT(this.options.animationType, this.layout.layoutBox, u.layoutBox)) {
                    l = this.target || Ct();
                    const d = Mn(this.layout.layoutBox.x);
                    l.x.min = o.target.x.min,
                    l.x.max = l.x.min + d;
                    const f = Mn(this.layout.layoutBox.y);
                    l.y.min = o.target.y.min,
                    l.y.max = l.y.min + f
                Fn(a, l),
                So(a, c),
                hl(this.projectionDeltaWithTransform, this.layoutCorrected, a, c)
        registerSharedNode(o, a) {
            this.sharedNodes.has(o) || this.sharedNodes.set(o, new j6),
            const u = a.options.initialPromotionConfig;
                transition: u ? u.transition : void 0,
                preserveFollowOpacity: u && u.shouldPreserveFollowOpacity ? u.shouldPreserveFollowOpacity(a) : void 0
        isLead() {
            const o = this.getStack();
            return o ? o.lead === this : !0
        getLead() {
            var o;
            const {layoutId: a} = this.options;
            return a ? ((o = this.getStack()) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.lead) || this : this
        getPrevLead() {
            var o;
            const {layoutId: a} = this.options;
            return a ? (o = this.getStack()) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.prevLead : void 0
        getStack() {
            const {layoutId: o} = this.options;
            if (o)
                return this.root.sharedNodes.get(o)
        promote({needsReset: o, transition: a, preserveFollowOpacity: l}={}) {
            const u = this.getStack();
            u && u.promote(this, l),
            o && (this.projectionDelta = void 0,
            this.needsReset = !0),
            a && this.setOptions({
                transition: a
        relegate() {
            const o = this.getStack();
            return o ? o.relegate(this) : !1
        resetSkewAndRotation() {
            const {visualElement: o} = this.options;
            if (!o)
            let a = !1;
            const {latestValues: l} = o;
            if ((l.z || l.rotate || l.rotateX || l.rotateY || l.rotateZ || l.skewX || l.skewY) && (a = !0),
            const u = {};
            l.z && tp("z", o, u, this.animationValues);
            for (let c = 0; c < ep.length; c++)
                tp(`rotate${ep[c]}`, o, u, this.animationValues),
                tp(`skew${ep[c]}`, o, u, this.animationValues);
            for (const c in u)
                o.setStaticValue(c, u[c]),
                this.animationValues && (this.animationValues[c] = u[c]);
        getProjectionStyles(o) {
            var a, l;
            if (!this.instance || this.isSVG)
            if (!this.isVisible)
                return B6;
            const u = {
                visibility: ""
              , c = this.getTransformTemplate();
            if (this.needsReset)
                return this.needsReset = !1,
                u.opacity = "",
                u.pointerEvents = zc(o == null ? void 0 : o.pointerEvents) || "",
                u.transform = c ? c(this.latestValues, "") : "none",
            const d = this.getLead();
            if (!this.projectionDelta || !this.layout || !d.target) {
                const p = {};
                return this.options.layoutId && (p.opacity = this.latestValues.opacity !== void 0 ? this.latestValues.opacity : 1,
                p.pointerEvents = zc(o == null ? void 0 : o.pointerEvents) || ""),
                this.hasProjected && !is(this.latestValues) && (p.transform = c ? c({}, "") : "none",
                this.hasProjected = !1),
            const f = d.animationValues || d.latestValues;
            u.transform = yx(this.projectionDeltaWithTransform, this.treeScale, f),
            c && (u.transform = c(f, u.transform));
            const {x: h, y: m} = this.projectionDelta;
            u.transformOrigin = `${h.origin * 100}% ${m.origin * 100}% 0`,
            d.animationValues ? u.opacity = d === this ? (l = (a = f.opacity) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : this.latestValues.opacity) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : 1 : this.preserveOpacity ? this.latestValues.opacity : f.opacityExit : u.opacity = d === this ? f.opacity !== void 0 ? f.opacity : "" : f.opacityExit !== void 0 ? f.opacityExit : 0;
            for (const p in Ld) {
                if (f[p] === void 0)
                const {correct: b, applyTo: v} = Ld[p]
                  , g = u.transform === "none" ? f[p] : b(f[p], d);
                if (v) {
                    const w = v.length;
                    for (let E = 0; E < w; E++)
                        u[v[E]] = g
                } else
                    u[p] = g
            return this.options.layoutId && (u.pointerEvents = d === this ? zc(o == null ? void 0 : o.pointerEvents) || "" : "none"),
        clearSnapshot() {
            this.resumeFrom = this.snapshot = void 0
        resetTree() {
                var a;
                return (a = o.currentAnimation) === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.stop()
function W6(e) {
function G6(e) {
    var t;
    const n = ((t = e.resumeFrom) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.snapshot) || e.snapshot;
    if (e.isLead() && e.layout && n && e.hasListeners("didUpdate")) {
        const {layoutBox: r, measuredBox: i} = e.layout
          , {animationType: s} = e.options
          , o = n.source !== e.layout.source;
        s === "size" ? Vn(d=>{
            const f = o ? n.measuredBox[d] : n.layoutBox[d]
              , h = Mn(f);
            f.min = r[d].min,
            f.max = f.min + h
        ) : uT(s, n.layoutBox, r) && Vn(d=>{
            const f = o ? n.measuredBox[d] : n.layoutBox[d]
              , h = Mn(r[d]);
            f.max = f.min + h,
            e.relativeTarget && !e.currentAnimation && (e.isProjectionDirty = !0,
            e.relativeTarget[d].max = e.relativeTarget[d].min + h)
        const a = bo();
        hl(a, r, n.layoutBox);
        const l = bo();
        o ? hl(l, e.applyTransform(i, !0), n.measuredBox) : hl(l, r, n.layoutBox);
        const u = !sT(a);
        let c = !1;
        if (!e.resumeFrom) {
            const d = e.getClosestProjectingParent();
            if (d && !d.resumeFrom) {
                const {snapshot: f, layout: h} = d;
                if (f && h) {
                    const m = Ct();
                    pl(m, n.layoutBox, f.layoutBox);
                    const p = Ct();
                    pl(p, r, h.layoutBox),
                    oT(m, p) || (c = !0),
                    d.options.layoutRoot && (e.relativeTarget = p,
                    e.relativeTargetOrigin = m,
                    e.relativeParent = d)
        e.notifyListeners("didUpdate", {
            layout: r,
            snapshot: n,
            delta: l,
            layoutDelta: a,
            hasLayoutChanged: u,
            hasRelativeTargetChanged: c
    } else if (e.isLead()) {
        const {onExitComplete: r} = e.options;
        r && r()
    e.options.transition = void 0
function K6(e) {
    e.parent && (e.isProjecting() || (e.isProjectionDirty = e.parent.isProjectionDirty),
    e.isSharedProjectionDirty || (e.isSharedProjectionDirty = !!(e.isProjectionDirty || e.parent.isProjectionDirty || e.parent.isSharedProjectionDirty)),
    e.isTransformDirty || (e.isTransformDirty = e.parent.isTransformDirty))
function q6(e) {
    e.isProjectionDirty = e.isSharedProjectionDirty = e.isTransformDirty = !1
function Q6(e) {
function xx(e) {
function Y6(e) {
    e.isLayoutDirty = !1
function X6(e) {
    const {visualElement: t} = e.options;
    t && t.getProps().onBeforeLayoutMeasure && t.notify("BeforeLayoutMeasure"),
function bx(e) {
    e.targetDelta = e.relativeTarget = e.target = void 0,
    e.isProjectionDirty = !0
function J6(e) {
function Z6(e) {
function e8(e) {
function t8(e) {
function Sx(e, t, n) {
    e.translate = vt(t.translate, 0, n),
    e.scale = vt(t.scale, 1, n),
    e.origin = t.origin,
    e.originPoint = t.originPoint
function Ex(e, t, n, r) {
    e.min = vt(t.min, n.min, r),
    e.max = vt(t.max, n.max, r)
function n8(e, t, n, r) {
    Ex(e.x, t.x, n.x, r),
    Ex(e.y, t.y, n.y, r)
function r8(e) {
    return e.animationValues && e.animationValues.opacityExit !== void 0
const i8 = {
    duration: .45,
    ease: [.4, 0, .1, 1]
  , Cx = e=>typeof navigator < "u" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes(e)
  , Px = Cx("applewebkit/") && !Cx("chrome/") ? Math.round : on;
function Tx(e) {
    e.min = Px(e.min),
    e.max = Px(e.max)
function s8(e) {
function uT(e, t, n) {
    return e === "position" || e === "preserve-aspect" && !sg(vx(t), vx(n), .2)
const o8 = lT({
    attachResizeListener: (e,t)=>Vr(e, "resize", t),
    measureScroll: ()=>({
        x: document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft,
        y: document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop
    checkIsScrollRoot: ()=>!0
  , np = {
    current: void 0
  , cT = lT({
    measureScroll: e=>({
        x: e.scrollLeft,
        y: e.scrollTop
    defaultParent: ()=>{
        if (!np.current) {
            const e = new o8({});
                layoutScroll: !0
            np.current = e
        return np.current
    resetTransform: (e,t)=>{
        e.style.transform = t !== void 0 ? t : "none"
    checkIsScrollRoot: e=>window.getComputedStyle(e).position === "fixed"
  , a8 = {
    pan: {
        Feature: E6
    drag: {
        Feature: S6,
        ProjectionNode: cT,
        MeasureLayout: nT
  , ug = {
    current: null
  , dT = {
    current: !1
function l8() {
    if (dT.current = !0,
        if (window.matchMedia) {
            const e = window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion)")
              , t = ()=>ug.current = e.matches;
        } else
            ug.current = !1
function u8(e, t, n) {
    const {willChange: r} = t;
    for (const i in t) {
        const s = t[i]
          , o = n[i];
        if (sn(s))
            e.addValue(i, s),
            Id(r) && r.add(i);
        else if (sn(o))
            e.addValue(i, Xl(s, {
                owner: e
            Id(r) && r.remove(i);
        else if (o !== s)
            if (e.hasValue(i)) {
                const a = e.getValue(i);
                a.liveStyle === !0 ? a.jump(s) : a.hasAnimated || a.set(s)
            } else {
                const a = e.getStaticValue(i);
                e.addValue(i, Xl(a !== void 0 ? a : s, {
                    owner: e
    for (const i in n)
        t[i] === void 0 && e.removeValue(i);
    return t
const Rx = new WeakMap
  , c8 = [...b2, nn, Ui]
  , d8 = e=>c8.find(x2(e))
  , fT = Object.keys(ql)
  , f8 = fT.length
  , Ox = ["AnimationStart", "AnimationComplete", "Update", "BeforeLayoutMeasure", "LayoutMeasure", "LayoutAnimationStart", "LayoutAnimationComplete"]
  , h8 = ty.length;
function hT(e) {
    if (e)
        return e.options.allowProjection !== !1 ? e.projection : hT(e.parent)
class p8 {
    scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(t, n, r) {
        return {}
    constructor({parent: t, props: n, presenceContext: r, reducedMotionConfig: i, blockInitialAnimation: s, visualState: o}, a={}) {
        this.resolveKeyframes = (f,h,m,p)=>new this.KeyframeResolver(f,h,m,p,this),
        this.current = null,
        this.children = new Set,
        this.isVariantNode = !1,
        this.isControllingVariants = !1,
        this.shouldReduceMotion = null,
        this.values = new Map,
        this.KeyframeResolver = hy,
        this.features = {},
        this.valueSubscriptions = new Map,
        this.prevMotionValues = {},
        this.events = {},
        this.propEventSubscriptions = {},
        this.notifyUpdate = ()=>this.notify("Update", this.latestValues),
        this.render = ()=>{
            this.current && (this.triggerBuild(),
            this.renderInstance(this.current, this.renderState, this.props.style, this.projection))
        this.scheduleRender = ()=>Xe.render(this.render, !1, !0);
        const {latestValues: l, renderState: u} = o;
        this.latestValues = l,
        this.baseTarget = {
        this.initialValues = n.initial ? {
        } : {},
        this.renderState = u,
        this.parent = t,
        this.props = n,
        this.presenceContext = r,
        this.depth = t ? t.depth + 1 : 0,
        this.reducedMotionConfig = i,
        this.options = a,
        this.blockInitialAnimation = !!s,
        this.isControllingVariants = If(n),
        this.isVariantNode = YP(n),
        this.isVariantNode && (this.variantChildren = new Set),
        this.manuallyAnimateOnMount = !!(t && t.current);
        const {willChange: c, ...d} = this.scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(n, {}, this);
        for (const f in d) {
            const h = d[f];
            l[f] !== void 0 && sn(h) && (h.set(l[f], !1),
            Id(c) && c.add(f))
    mount(t) {
        this.current = t,
        Rx.set(t, this),
        this.projection && !this.projection.instance && this.projection.mount(t),
        this.parent && this.isVariantNode && !this.isControllingVariants && (this.removeFromVariantTree = this.parent.addVariantChild(this)),
        this.values.forEach((n,r)=>this.bindToMotionValue(r, n)),
        dT.current || l8(),
        this.shouldReduceMotion = this.reducedMotionConfig === "never" ? !1 : this.reducedMotionConfig === "always" ? !0 : ug.current,
        this.parent && this.parent.children.add(this),
        this.update(this.props, this.presenceContext)
    unmount() {
        var t;
        this.projection && this.projection.unmount(),
        this.removeFromVariantTree && this.removeFromVariantTree(),
        this.parent && this.parent.children.delete(this);
        for (const n in this.events)
        for (const n in this.features)
            (t = this.features[n]) === null || t === void 0 || t.unmount();
        this.current = null
    bindToMotionValue(t, n) {
        const r = Hs.has(t)
          , i = n.on("change", o=>{
            this.latestValues[t] = o,
            this.props.onUpdate && Xe.preRender(this.notifyUpdate),
            r && this.projection && (this.projection.isTransformDirty = !0)
          , s = n.on("renderRequest", this.scheduleRender);
        this.valueSubscriptions.set(t, ()=>{
            n.owner && n.stop()
    sortNodePosition(t) {
        return !this.current || !this.sortInstanceNodePosition || this.type !== t.type ? 0 : this.sortInstanceNodePosition(this.current, t.current)
    loadFeatures({children: t, ...n}, r, i, s) {
        let o, a;
        for (let l = 0; l < f8; l++) {
            const u = fT[l]
              , {isEnabled: c, Feature: d, ProjectionNode: f, MeasureLayout: h} = ql[u];
            f && (o = f),
            c(n) && (!this.features[u] && d && (this.features[u] = new d(this)),
            h && (a = h))
        if ((this.type === "html" || this.type === "svg") && !this.projection && o) {
            const {layoutId: l, layout: u, drag: c, dragConstraints: d, layoutScroll: f, layoutRoot: h} = n;
            this.projection = new o(this.latestValues,n["data-framer-portal-id"] ? void 0 : hT(this.parent)),
                layoutId: l,
                layout: u,
                alwaysMeasureLayout: !!c || d && wo(d),
                visualElement: this,
                scheduleRender: ()=>this.scheduleRender(),
                animationType: typeof u == "string" ? u : "both",
                initialPromotionConfig: s,
                layoutScroll: f,
                layoutRoot: h
        return a
    updateFeatures() {
        for (const t in this.features) {
            const n = this.features[t];
            n.isMounted ? n.update() : (n.mount(),
            n.isMounted = !0)
    triggerBuild() {
        this.build(this.renderState, this.latestValues, this.options, this.props)
    measureViewportBox() {
        return this.current ? this.measureInstanceViewportBox(this.current, this.props) : Ct()
    getStaticValue(t) {
        return this.latestValues[t]
    setStaticValue(t, n) {
        this.latestValues[t] = n
    update(t, n) {
        (t.transformTemplate || this.props.transformTemplate) && this.scheduleRender(),
        this.prevProps = this.props,
        this.props = t,
        this.prevPresenceContext = this.presenceContext,
        this.presenceContext = n;
        for (let r = 0; r < Ox.length; r++) {
            const i = Ox[r];
            this.propEventSubscriptions[i] && (this.propEventSubscriptions[i](),
            delete this.propEventSubscriptions[i]);
            const s = "on" + i
              , o = t[s];
            o && (this.propEventSubscriptions[i] = this.on(i, o))
        this.prevMotionValues = u8(this, this.scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(t, this.prevProps, this), this.prevMotionValues),
        this.handleChildMotionValue && this.handleChildMotionValue()
    getProps() {
        return this.props
    getVariant(t) {
        return this.props.variants ? this.props.variants[t] : void 0
    getDefaultTransition() {
        return this.props.transition
    getTransformPagePoint() {
        return this.props.transformPagePoint
    getClosestVariantNode() {
        return this.isVariantNode ? this : this.parent ? this.parent.getClosestVariantNode() : void 0
    getVariantContext(t=!1) {
        if (t)
            return this.parent ? this.parent.getVariantContext() : void 0;
        if (!this.isControllingVariants) {
            const r = this.parent ? this.parent.getVariantContext() || {} : {};
            return this.props.initial !== void 0 && (r.initial = this.props.initial),
        const n = {};
        for (let r = 0; r < h8; r++) {
            const i = ty[r]
              , s = this.props[i];
            (Kl(s) || s === !1) && (n[i] = s)
        return n
    addVariantChild(t) {
        const n = this.getClosestVariantNode();
        if (n)
            return n.variantChildren && n.variantChildren.add(t),
    addValue(t, n) {
        const r = this.values.get(t);
        n !== r && (r && this.removeValue(t),
        this.bindToMotionValue(t, n),
        this.values.set(t, n),
        this.latestValues[t] = n.get())
    removeValue(t) {
        const n = this.valueSubscriptions.get(t);
        n && (n(),
        delete this.latestValues[t],
        this.removeValueFromRenderState(t, this.renderState)
    hasValue(t) {
        return this.values.has(t)
    getValue(t, n) {
        if (this.props.values && this.props.values[t])
            return this.props.values[t];
        let r = this.values.get(t);
        return r === void 0 && n !== void 0 && (r = Xl(n === null ? void 0 : n, {
            owner: this
        this.addValue(t, r)),
    readValue(t, n) {
        var r;
        let i = this.latestValues[t] !== void 0 || !this.current ? this.latestValues[t] : (r = this.getBaseTargetFromProps(this.props, t)) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : this.readValueFromInstance(this.current, t, this.options);
        return i != null && (typeof i == "string" && (y2(i) || v2(i)) ? i = parseFloat(i) : !d8(i) && Ui.test(n) && (i = k2(t, n)),
        this.setBaseTarget(t, sn(i) ? i.get() : i)),
        sn(i) ? i.get() : i
    setBaseTarget(t, n) {
        this.baseTarget[t] = n
    getBaseTarget(t) {
        var n;
        const {initial: r} = this.props;
        let i;
        if (typeof r == "string" || typeof r == "object") {
            const o = dy(this.props, r, (n = this.presenceContext) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.custom);
            o && (i = o[t])
        if (r && i !== void 0)
            return i;
        const s = this.getBaseTargetFromProps(this.props, t);
        return s !== void 0 && !sn(s) ? s : this.initialValues[t] !== void 0 && i === void 0 ? void 0 : this.baseTarget[t]
    on(t, n) {
        return this.events[t] || (this.events[t] = new Cy),
    notify(t, ...n) {
        this.events[t] && this.events[t].notify(...n)
class pT extends p8 {
    constructor() {
        this.KeyframeResolver = _2
    sortInstanceNodePosition(t, n) {
        return t.compareDocumentPosition(n) & 2 ? 1 : -1
    getBaseTargetFromProps(t, n) {
        return t.style ? t.style[n] : void 0
    removeValueFromRenderState(t, {vars: n, style: r}) {
        delete n[t],
        delete r[t]
function m8(e) {
    return window.getComputedStyle(e)
class g8 extends pT {
    constructor() {
        this.type = "html"
    readValueFromInstance(t, n) {
        if (Hs.has(n)) {
            const r = my(n);
            return r && r.default || 0
        } else {
            const r = m8(t)
              , i = (e2(n) ? r.getPropertyValue(n) : r[n]) || 0;
            return typeof i == "string" ? i.trim() : i
    measureInstanceViewportBox(t, {transformPagePoint: n}) {
        return eT(t, n)
    build(t, n, r, i) {
        oy(t, n, r, i.transformTemplate)
    scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(t, n, r) {
        return cy(t, n, r)
    handleChildMotionValue() {
        this.childSubscription && (this.childSubscription(),
        delete this.childSubscription);
        const {children: t} = this.props;
        sn(t) && (this.childSubscription = t.on("change", n=>{
            this.current && (this.current.textContent = `${n}`)
    renderInstance(t, n, r, i) {
        s2(t, n, r, i)
class v8 extends pT {
    constructor() {
        this.type = "svg",
        this.isSVGTag = !1
    getBaseTargetFromProps(t, n) {
        return t[n]
    readValueFromInstance(t, n) {
        if (Hs.has(n)) {
            const r = my(n);
            return r && r.default || 0
        return n = o2.has(n) ? n : Jv(n),
    measureInstanceViewportBox() {
        return Ct()
    scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(t, n, r) {
        return l2(t, n, r)
    build(t, n, r, i) {
        ly(t, n, r, this.isSVGTag, i.transformTemplate)
    renderInstance(t, n, r, i) {
        a2(t, n, r, i)
    mount(t) {
        this.isSVGTag = uy(t.tagName),
const y8 = (e,t)=>ry(e) ? new v8(t,{
    enableHardwareAcceleration: !1
}) : new g8(t,{
    allowProjection: e !== y.Fragment,
    enableHardwareAcceleration: !0
  , w8 = {
    layout: {
        ProjectionNode: cT,
        MeasureLayout: nT
  , x8 = {
  , Hc = b$((e,t)=>J$(e, t, x8, y8));
function mT() {
    const e = y.useRef(!1);
    return Xv(()=>(e.current = !0,
        e.current = !1
    ), []),
function b8() {
    const e = mT()
      , [t,n] = y.useState(0)
      , r = y.useCallback(()=>{
        e.current && n(t + 1)
    , [t]);
    return [y.useCallback(()=>Xe.postRender(r), [r]), t]
class S8 extends y.Component {
    getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(t) {
        const n = this.props.childRef.current;
        if (n && t.isPresent && !this.props.isPresent) {
            const r = this.props.sizeRef.current;
            r.height = n.offsetHeight || 0,
            r.width = n.offsetWidth || 0,
            r.top = n.offsetTop,
            r.left = n.offsetLeft
        return null
    componentDidUpdate() {}
    render() {
        return this.props.children
function E8({children: e, isPresent: t}) {
    const n = y.useId()
      , r = y.useRef(null)
      , i = y.useRef({
        width: 0,
        height: 0,
        top: 0,
        left: 0
      , {nonce: s} = y.useContext(Qv);
    return y.useInsertionEffect(()=>{
        const {width: o, height: a, top: l, left: u} = i.current;
        if (t || !r.current || !o || !a)
        r.current.dataset.motionPopId = n;
        const c = document.createElement("style");
        return s && (c.nonce = s),
        c.sheet && c.sheet.insertRule(`
          [data-motion-pop-id="${n}"] {
            position: absolute !important;
            width: ${o}px !important;
            height: ${a}px !important;
            top: ${l}px !important;
            left: ${u}px !important;
    , [t]),
    x.jsx(S8, {
        isPresent: t,
        childRef: r,
        sizeRef: i,
        children: y.cloneElement(e, {
            ref: r
const rp = ({children: e, initial: t, isPresent: n, onExitComplete: r, custom: i, presenceAffectsLayout: s, mode: o})=>{
    const a = u2(C8)
      , l = y.useId()
      , u = y.useMemo(()=>({
        id: l,
        initial: t,
        isPresent: n,
        custom: i,
        onExitComplete: c=>{
            a.set(c, !0);
            for (const d of a.values())
                if (!d)
            r && r()
        register: c=>(a.set(c, !1),
    }), s ? [Math.random()] : [n]);
    return y.useMemo(()=>{
        a.forEach((c,d)=>a.set(d, !1))
    , [n]),
        !n && !a.size && r && r()
    , [n]),
    o === "popLayout" && (e = x.jsx(E8, {
        isPresent: n,
        children: e
    x.jsx(jf.Provider, {
        value: u,
        children: e
function C8() {
    return new Map
function P8(e) {
    return y.useEffect(()=>()=>e(), [])
const os = e=>e.key || "";
function T8(e, t) {
        const r = os(n);
        t.set(r, n)
function R8(e) {
    const t = [];
    return y.Children.forEach(e, n=>{
        y.isValidElement(n) && t.push(n)
const O8 = ({children: e, custom: t, initial: n=!0, onExitComplete: r, exitBeforeEnter: i, presenceAffectsLayout: s=!0, mode: o="sync"})=>{
    const a = y.useContext(ny).forceRender || b8()[0]
      , l = mT()
      , u = R8(e);
    let c = u;
    const d = y.useRef(new Map).current
      , f = y.useRef(c)
      , h = y.useRef(new Map).current
      , m = y.useRef(!0);
    if (Xv(()=>{
        m.current = !1,
        T8(u, h),
        f.current = c
        m.current = !0,
        return x.jsx(x.Fragment, {
            children: c.map(g=>x.jsx(rp, {
                isPresent: !0,
                initial: n ? void 0 : !1,
                presenceAffectsLayout: s,
                mode: o,
                children: g
            }, os(g)))
    c = [...c];
    const p = f.current.map(os)
      , b = u.map(os)
      , v = p.length;
    for (let g = 0; g < v; g++) {
        const w = p[g];
        b.indexOf(w) === -1 && !d.has(w) && d.set(w, void 0)
    return o === "wait" && d.size && (c = []),
        if (b.indexOf(w) !== -1)
        const E = h.get(w);
        if (!E)
        const D = p.indexOf(w);
        let V = g;
        if (!V) {
            const C = ()=>{
                const P = Array.from(h.keys()).filter(A=>!b.includes(A));
                if (P.forEach(A=>h.delete(A)),
                f.current = u.filter(A=>{
                    const B = os(A);
                    return B === w || P.includes(B)
                !d.size) {
                    if (l.current === !1)
                    r && r()
            V = x.jsx(rp, {
                isPresent: !1,
                onExitComplete: C,
                custom: t,
                presenceAffectsLayout: s,
                mode: o,
                children: E
            }, os(E)),
            d.set(w, V)
        c.splice(D, 0, V)
    c = c.map(g=>{
        const w = g.key;
        return d.has(w) ? g : x.jsx(rp, {
            isPresent: !0,
            presenceAffectsLayout: s,
            mode: o,
            children: g
        }, os(g))
    x.jsx(x.Fragment, {
        children: d.size ? c : c.map(g=>y.cloneElement(g))
  , k8 = ()=>{
    const {isDialogOpen: e, setIsDialogOpen: t} = yf("all")
      , n = ()=>{
        e && t(!1)
    return x.jsx(O8, {
        children: x.jsx(Hc.div, {
            onClick: n,
            className: "fixed top-0 z-40 h-full w-full bg-black/80 backdrop-blur-[2px]",
            initial: {
                opacity: 0,
                zIndex: 40
            animate: {
                opacity: e ? 1 : 0,
                zIndex: e ? 40 : -1
            transition: {
                delay: 0
  , gT = "Progress"
  , Uf = 100
  , [_8,jz] = Ru(gT)
  , [A8,D8] = _8(gT)
  , vT = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeProgress: n, value: r, max: i, getValueLabel: s=M8, ...o} = e
      , a = cg(i) ? i : Uf
      , l = wT(r, a) ? r : null
      , u = Vd(l) ? s(l, a) : void 0;
    return y.createElement(A8, {
        scope: n,
        value: l,
        max: a
    }, y.createElement(ln.div, qe({
        "aria-valuemax": a,
        "aria-valuemin": 0,
        "aria-valuenow": Vd(l) ? l : void 0,
        "aria-valuetext": u,
        role: "progressbar",
        "data-state": yT(l, a),
        "data-value": l ?? void 0,
        "data-max": a
    }, o, {
        ref: t
vT.propTypes = {
    max(e, t, n) {
        const r = e[t]
          , i = String(r);
        return r && !cg(r) ? new Error(j8(i, n)) : null
    value(e, t, n) {
        const r = e[t]
          , i = String(r)
          , s = cg(e.max) ? e.max : Uf;
        return r != null && !wT(r, s) ? new Error($8(i, n)) : null
const L8 = "ProgressIndicator"
  , N8 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    var n;
    const {__scopeProgress: r, ...i} = e
      , s = D8(L8, r);
    return y.createElement(ln.div, qe({
        "data-state": yT(s.value, s.max),
        "data-value": (n = s.value) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : void 0,
        "data-max": s.max
    }, i, {
        ref: t
function M8(e, t) {
    return `${Math.round(e / t * 100)}%`
function yT(e, t) {
    return e == null ? "indeterminate" : e === t ? "complete" : "loading"
function Vd(e) {
    return typeof e == "number"
function cg(e) {
    return Vd(e) && !isNaN(e) && e > 0
function wT(e, t) {
    return Vd(e) && !isNaN(e) && e <= t && e >= 0
function j8(e, t) {
    return `Invalid prop \`max\` of value \`${e}\` supplied to \`${t}\`. Only numbers greater than 0 are valid max values. Defaulting to \`${Uf}\`.`
function $8(e, t) {
    return `Invalid prop \`value\` of value \`${e}\` supplied to \`${t}\`. The \`value\` prop must be:
  - a positive number
  - less than the value passed to \`max\` (or ${Uf} if no \`max\` prop is set)
  - \`null\` if the progress is indeterminate.

Defaulting to \`null\`.`
const xT = vT
  , I8 = N8
  , Nu = y.forwardRef(({className: e, value: t, ...n},r)=>{
    const i = (t || 0) / 100
      , s = Math.round(i * 100);
    return x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "relative flex items-center rounded-full border border-graphite-light bg-graphite-dark p-[3.2px]",
        children: [x.jsx(xT, {
            ref: r,
            className: Ze("relative h-4 w-full overflow-hidden rounded-full", e),
            children: x.jsx(I8, {
                className: "h-full w-full flex-1 rounded-full bg-heat-progress-gradient shadow-progress-glow transition-all",
                style: {
                    width: `${s}%`
        }), x.jsx(F8, {
            widthPercent: s
  , F8 = e=>x.jsx("div", {
    className: "absolute h-fit w-full transition-all",
    style: {
        width: `${e.widthPercent}%`,
        display: e.widthPercent >= 4 ? "block" : "none"
    children: x.jsxs("svg", {
        width: "24",
        height: "32",
        viewBox: "0 0 24 32",
        fill: "none",
        xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
        className: "absolute -top-4 translate-x-1.5",
        style: {
            right: `calc(${e.widthPercent / 35}%)`
        children: [x.jsx("g", {
            filter: "url(#filter0_f_2177_765)",
            children: x.jsx("rect", {
                x: "8",
                y: "8",
                width: "8",
                height: "16",
                rx: "4",
                fill: "#FFF4CD"
        }), x.jsx("g", {
            filter: "url(#filter1_f_2177_765)",
            children: x.jsx("rect", {
                x: "11",
                y: "11",
                width: "5",
                height: "10",
                rx: "2.5",
                fill: "#FFF4CD"
        }), x.jsx("g", {
            filter: "url(#filter2_f_2177_765)",
            children: x.jsx("rect", {
                width: "2",
                height: "4",
                rx: "1",
                transform: "matrix(-1 0 0 1 16 14)",
                fill: "#FFFCF3"
        }), x.jsxs("defs", {
            children: [x.jsxs("filter", {
                id: "filter0_f_2177_765",
                x: "0",
                y: "0",
                width: "24",
                height: "32",
                filterUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
                colorInterpolationFilters: "sRGB",
                children: [x.jsx("feFlood", {
                    floodOpacity: "0",
                    result: "BackgroundImageFix"
                }), x.jsx("feBlend", {
                    mode: "normal",
                    in: "SourceGraphic",
                    in2: "BackgroundImageFix",
                    result: "shape"
                }), x.jsx("feGaussianBlur", {
                    stdDeviation: "4",
                    result: "effect1_foregroundBlur_2177_765"
            }), x.jsxs("filter", {
                id: "filter1_f_2177_765",
                x: "9",
                y: "9",
                width: "9",
                height: "14",
                filterUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
                colorInterpolationFilters: "sRGB",
                children: [x.jsx("feFlood", {
                    floodOpacity: "0",
                    result: "BackgroundImageFix"
                }), x.jsx("feBlend", {
                    mode: "normal",
                    in: "SourceGraphic",
                    in2: "BackgroundImageFix",
                    result: "shape"
                }), x.jsx("feGaussianBlur", {
                    stdDeviation: "1",
                    result: "effect1_foregroundBlur_2177_765"
            }), x.jsxs("filter", {
                id: "filter2_f_2177_765",
                x: "12",
                y: "12",
                width: "6",
                height: "8",
                filterUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
                colorInterpolationFilters: "sRGB",
                children: [x.jsx("feFlood", {
                    floodOpacity: "0",
                    result: "BackgroundImageFix"
                }), x.jsx("feBlend", {
                    mode: "normal",
                    in: "SourceGraphic",
                    in2: "BackgroundImageFix",
                    result: "shape"
                }), x.jsx("feGaussianBlur", {
                    stdDeviation: "1",
                    result: "effect1_foregroundBlur_2177_765"
Nu.displayName = xT.displayName;
var bT = {
    exports: {}
(function(e, t) {
    (function(n, r) {
        e.exports = r()
    )(self, function() {
        return (()=>{
            var n = {
                192: (s,o)=>{
                    var a, l, u = function() {
                        var c = function(F, k) {
                            var T = F
                              , _ = b[k]
                              , O = null
                              , R = 0
                              , z = null
                              , Y = []
                              , te = {}
                              , ue = function($, L) {
                                O = function(M) {
                                    for (var W = new Array(M), J = 0; J < M; J += 1) {
                                        W[J] = new Array(M);
                                        for (var se = 0; se < M; se += 1)
                                            W[J][se] = null
                                    return W
                                }(R = 4 * T + 17),
                                X(0, 0),
                                X(R - 7, 0),
                                X(0, R - 7),
                                I($, L),
                                T >= 7 && N($),
                                z == null && (z = H(T, _, Y)),
                                U(z, L)
                              , X = function($, L) {
                                for (var M = -1; M <= 7; M += 1)
                                    if (!($ + M <= -1 || R <= $ + M))
                                        for (var W = -1; W <= 7; W += 1)
                                            L + W <= -1 || R <= L + W || (O[$ + M][L + W] = 0 <= M && M <= 6 && (W == 0 || W == 6) || 0 <= W && W <= 6 && (M == 0 || M == 6) || 2 <= M && M <= 4 && 2 <= W && W <= 4)
                              , S = function() {
                                for (var $ = 8; $ < R - 8; $ += 1)
                                    O[$][6] == null && (O[$][6] = $ % 2 == 0);
                                for (var L = 8; L < R - 8; L += 1)
                                    O[6][L] == null && (O[6][L] = L % 2 == 0)
                              , j = function() {
                                for (var $ = v.getPatternPosition(T), L = 0; L < $.length; L += 1)
                                    for (var M = 0; M < $.length; M += 1) {
                                        var W = $[L]
                                          , J = $[M];
                                        if (O[W][J] == null)
                                            for (var se = -2; se <= 2; se += 1)
                                                for (var ae = -2; ae <= 2; ae += 1)
                                                    O[W + se][J + ae] = se == -2 || se == 2 || ae == -2 || ae == 2 || se == 0 && ae == 0
                              , N = function($) {
                                for (var L = v.getBCHTypeNumber(T), M = 0; M < 18; M += 1) {
                                    var W = !$ && (L >> M & 1) == 1;
                                    O[Math.floor(M / 3)][M % 3 + R - 8 - 3] = W
                                for (M = 0; M < 18; M += 1)
                                    W = !$ && (L >> M & 1) == 1,
                                    O[M % 3 + R - 8 - 3][Math.floor(M / 3)] = W
                              , I = function($, L) {
                                for (var M = _ << 3 | L, W = v.getBCHTypeInfo(M), J = 0; J < 15; J += 1) {
                                    var se = !$ && (W >> J & 1) == 1;
                                    J < 6 ? O[J][8] = se : J < 8 ? O[J + 1][8] = se : O[R - 15 + J][8] = se
                                for (J = 0; J < 15; J += 1)
                                    se = !$ && (W >> J & 1) == 1,
                                    J < 8 ? O[8][R - J - 1] = se : J < 9 ? O[8][15 - J - 1 + 1] = se : O[8][15 - J - 1] = se;
                                O[R - 8][8] = !$
                              , U = function($, L) {
                                for (var M = -1, W = R - 1, J = 7, se = 0, ae = v.getMaskFunction(L), ne = R - 1; ne > 0; ne -= 2)
                                    for (ne == 6 && (ne -= 1); ; ) {
                                        for (var de = 0; de < 2; de += 1)
                                            if (O[W][ne - de] == null) {
                                                var ye = !1;
                                                se < $.length && (ye = ($[se] >>> J & 1) == 1),
                                                ae(W, ne - de) && (ye = !ye),
                                                O[W][ne - de] = ye,
                                                (J -= 1) == -1 && (se += 1,
                                                J = 7)
                                        if ((W += M) < 0 || R <= W) {
                                            W -= M,
                                            M = -M;
                              , H = function($, L, M) {
                                for (var W = E.getRSBlocks($, L), J = D(), se = 0; se < M.length; se += 1) {
                                    var ae = M[se];
                                    J.put(ae.getMode(), 4),
                                    J.put(ae.getLength(), v.getLengthInBits(ae.getMode(), $)),
                                var ne = 0;
                                for (se = 0; se < W.length; se += 1)
                                    ne += W[se].dataCount;
                                if (J.getLengthInBits() > 8 * ne)
                                    throw "code length overflow. (" + J.getLengthInBits() + ">" + 8 * ne + ")";
                                for (J.getLengthInBits() + 4 <= 8 * ne && J.put(0, 4); J.getLengthInBits() % 8 != 0; )
                                for (; !(J.getLengthInBits() >= 8 * ne || (J.put(236, 8),
                                J.getLengthInBits() >= 8 * ne)); )
                                    J.put(17, 8);
                                return function(de, ye) {
                                    for (var be = 0, Me = 0, fe = 0, Ee = new Array(ye.length), we = new Array(ye.length), Se = 0; Se < ye.length; Se += 1) {
                                        var Ge = ye[Se].dataCount
                                          , Ve = ye[Se].totalCount - Ge;
                                        Me = Math.max(Me, Ge),
                                        fe = Math.max(fe, Ve),
                                        Ee[Se] = new Array(Ge);
                                        for (var Te = 0; Te < Ee[Se].length; Te += 1)
                                            Ee[Se][Te] = 255 & de.getBuffer()[Te + be];
                                        be += Ge;
                                        var Ke = v.getErrorCorrectPolynomial(Ve)
                                          , ke = w(Ee[Se], Ke.getLength() - 1).mod(Ke);
                                        for (we[Se] = new Array(Ke.getLength() - 1),
                                        Te = 0; Te < we[Se].length; Te += 1) {
                                            var Qe = Te + ke.getLength() - we[Se].length;
                                            we[Se][Te] = Qe >= 0 ? ke.getAt(Qe) : 0
                                    var nt = 0;
                                    for (Te = 0; Te < ye.length; Te += 1)
                                        nt += ye[Te].totalCount;
                                    var it = new Array(nt)
                                      , me = 0;
                                    for (Te = 0; Te < Me; Te += 1)
                                        for (Se = 0; Se < ye.length; Se += 1)
                                            Te < Ee[Se].length && (it[me] = Ee[Se][Te],
                                            me += 1);
                                    for (Te = 0; Te < fe; Te += 1)
                                        for (Se = 0; Se < ye.length; Se += 1)
                                            Te < we[Se].length && (it[me] = we[Se][Te],
                                            me += 1);
                                    return it
                                }(J, W)
                            te.addData = function($, L) {
                                var M = null;
                                switch (L = L || "Byte") {
                                case "Numeric":
                                    M = V($);
                                case "Alphanumeric":
                                    M = C($);
                                case "Byte":
                                    M = P($);
                                case "Kanji":
                                    M = A($);
                                    throw "mode:" + L
                                z = null
                            te.isDark = function($, L) {
                                if ($ < 0 || R <= $ || L < 0 || R <= L)
                                    throw $ + "," + L;
                                return O[$][L]
                            te.getModuleCount = function() {
                                return R
                            te.make = function() {
                                if (T < 1) {
                                    for (var $ = 1; $ < 40; $++) {
                                        for (var L = E.getRSBlocks($, _), M = D(), W = 0; W < Y.length; W++) {
                                            var J = Y[W];
                                            M.put(J.getMode(), 4),
                                            M.put(J.getLength(), v.getLengthInBits(J.getMode(), $)),
                                        var se = 0;
                                        for (W = 0; W < L.length; W++)
                                            se += L[W].dataCount;
                                        if (M.getLengthInBits() <= 8 * se)
                                    T = $
                                ue(!1, function() {
                                    for (var ae = 0, ne = 0, de = 0; de < 8; de += 1) {
                                        ue(!0, de);
                                        var ye = v.getLostPoint(te);
                                        (de == 0 || ae > ye) && (ae = ye,
                                        ne = de)
                                    return ne
                            te.createTableTag = function($, L) {
                                $ = $ || 2;
                                var M = "";
                                M += '<table style="',
                                M += " border-width: 0px; border-style: none;",
                                M += " border-collapse: collapse;",
                                M += " padding: 0px; margin: " + (L = L === void 0 ? 4 * $ : L) + "px;",
                                M += '">',
                                M += "<tbody>";
                                for (var W = 0; W < te.getModuleCount(); W += 1) {
                                    M += "<tr>";
                                    for (var J = 0; J < te.getModuleCount(); J += 1)
                                        M += '<td style="',
                                        M += " border-width: 0px; border-style: none;",
                                        M += " border-collapse: collapse;",
                                        M += " padding: 0px; margin: 0px;",
                                        M += " width: " + $ + "px;",
                                        M += " height: " + $ + "px;",
                                        M += " background-color: ",
                                        M += te.isDark(W, J) ? "#000000" : "#ffffff",
                                        M += ";",
                                        M += '"/>';
                                    M += "</tr>"
                                return (M += "</tbody>") + "</table>"
                            te.createSvgTag = function($, L, M, W) {
                                var J = {};
                                typeof arguments[0] == "object" && ($ = (J = arguments[0]).cellSize,
                                L = J.margin,
                                M = J.alt,
                                W = J.title),
                                $ = $ || 2,
                                L = L === void 0 ? 4 * $ : L,
                                (M = typeof M == "string" ? {
                                    text: M
                                } : M || {}).text = M.text || null,
                                M.id = M.text ? M.id || "qrcode-description" : null,
                                (W = typeof W == "string" ? {
                                    text: W
                                } : W || {}).text = W.text || null,
                                W.id = W.text ? W.id || "qrcode-title" : null;
                                var se, ae, ne, de, ye = te.getModuleCount() * $ + 2 * L, be = "";
                                for (de = "l" + $ + ",0 0," + $ + " -" + $ + ",0 0,-" + $ + "z ",
                                be += '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"',
                                be += J.scalable ? "" : ' width="' + ye + 'px" height="' + ye + 'px"',
                                be += ' viewBox="0 0 ' + ye + " " + ye + '" ',
                                be += ' preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"',
                                be += W.text || M.text ? ' role="img" aria-labelledby="' + q([W.id, M.id].join(" ").trim()) + '"' : "",
                                be += ">",
                                be += W.text ? '<title id="' + q(W.id) + '">' + q(W.text) + "</title>" : "",
                                be += M.text ? '<description id="' + q(M.id) + '">' + q(M.text) + "</description>" : "",
                                be += '<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="white" cx="0" cy="0"/>',
                                be += '<path d="',
                                ae = 0; ae < te.getModuleCount(); ae += 1)
                                    for (ne = ae * $ + L,
                                    se = 0; se < te.getModuleCount(); se += 1)
                                        te.isDark(ae, se) && (be += "M" + (se * $ + L) + "," + ne + de);
                                return (be += '" stroke="transparent" fill="black"/>') + "</svg>"
                            te.createDataURL = function($, L) {
                                $ = $ || 2,
                                L = L === void 0 ? 4 * $ : L;
                                var M = te.getModuleCount() * $ + 2 * L
                                  , W = L
                                  , J = M - L;
                                return Z(M, M, function(se, ae) {
                                    if (W <= se && se < J && W <= ae && ae < J) {
                                        var ne = Math.floor((se - W) / $)
                                          , de = Math.floor((ae - W) / $);
                                        return te.isDark(de, ne) ? 0 : 1
                                    return 1
                            te.createImgTag = function($, L, M) {
                                $ = $ || 2,
                                L = L === void 0 ? 4 * $ : L;
                                var W = te.getModuleCount() * $ + 2 * L
                                  , J = "";
                                return J += "<img",
                                J += ' src="',
                                J += te.createDataURL($, L),
                                J += '"',
                                J += ' width="',
                                J += W,
                                J += '"',
                                J += ' height="',
                                J += W,
                                J += '"',
                                M && (J += ' alt="',
                                J += q(M),
                                J += '"'),
                                J + "/>"
                            var q = function($) {
                                for (var L = "", M = 0; M < $.length; M += 1) {
                                    var W = $.charAt(M);
                                    switch (W) {
                                    case "<":
                                        L += "&lt;";
                                    case ">":
                                        L += "&gt;";
                                    case "&":
                                        L += "&amp;";
                                    case '"':
                                        L += "&quot;";
                                        L += W
                                return L
                            return te.createASCII = function($, L) {
                                if (($ = $ || 1) < 2)
                                    return function(Ee) {
                                        Ee = Ee === void 0 ? 2 : Ee;
                                        var we, Se, Ge, Ve, Te, Ke = 1 * te.getModuleCount() + 2 * Ee, ke = Ee, Qe = Ke - Ee, nt = {
                                            "██": "█",
                                            "█ ": "▀",
                                            " █": "▄",
                                            "  ": " "
                                        }, it = {
                                            "██": "▀",
                                            "█ ": "▀",
                                            " █": " ",
                                            "  ": " "
                                        }, me = "";
                                        for (we = 0; we < Ke; we += 2) {
                                            for (Ge = Math.floor((we - ke) / 1),
                                            Ve = Math.floor((we + 1 - ke) / 1),
                                            Se = 0; Se < Ke; Se += 1)
                                                Te = "█",
                                                ke <= Se && Se < Qe && ke <= we && we < Qe && te.isDark(Ge, Math.floor((Se - ke) / 1)) && (Te = " "),
                                                ke <= Se && Se < Qe && ke <= we + 1 && we + 1 < Qe && te.isDark(Ve, Math.floor((Se - ke) / 1)) ? Te += " " : Te += "█",
                                                me += Ee < 1 && we + 1 >= Qe ? it[Te] : nt[Te];
                                            me += `
                                        return Ke % 2 && Ee > 0 ? me.substring(0, me.length - Ke - 1) + Array(Ke + 1).join("▀") : me.substring(0, me.length - 1)
                                $ -= 1,
                                L = L === void 0 ? 2 * $ : L;
                                var M, W, J, se, ae = te.getModuleCount() * $ + 2 * L, ne = L, de = ae - L, ye = Array($ + 1).join("██"), be = Array($ + 1).join("  "), Me = "", fe = "";
                                for (M = 0; M < ae; M += 1) {
                                    for (J = Math.floor((M - ne) / $),
                                    fe = "",
                                    W = 0; W < ae; W += 1)
                                        se = 1,
                                        ne <= W && W < de && ne <= M && M < de && te.isDark(J, Math.floor((W - ne) / $)) && (se = 0),
                                        fe += se ? ye : be;
                                    for (J = 0; J < $; J += 1)
                                        Me += fe + `
                                return Me.substring(0, Me.length - 1)
                            te.renderTo2dContext = function($, L) {
                                L = L || 2;
                                for (var M = te.getModuleCount(), W = 0; W < M; W++)
                                    for (var J = 0; J < M; J++)
                                        $.fillStyle = te.isDark(W, J) ? "black" : "white",
                                        $.fillRect(W * L, J * L, L, L)
                        c.stringToBytes = (c.stringToBytesFuncs = {
                            default: function(F) {
                                for (var k = [], T = 0; T < F.length; T += 1) {
                                    var _ = F.charCodeAt(T);
                                    k.push(255 & _)
                                return k
                        c.createStringToBytes = function(F, k) {
                            var T = function() {
                                for (var O = Q(F), R = function() {
                                    var S = O.read();
                                    if (S == -1)
                                        throw "eof";
                                    return S
                                }, z = 0, Y = {}; ; ) {
                                    var te = O.read();
                                    if (te == -1)
                                    var ue = R()
                                      , X = R() << 8 | R();
                                    Y[String.fromCharCode(te << 8 | ue)] = X,
                                    z += 1
                                if (z != k)
                                    throw z + " != " + k;
                                return Y
                              , _ = 63;
                            return function(O) {
                                for (var R = [], z = 0; z < O.length; z += 1) {
                                    var Y = O.charCodeAt(z);
                                    if (Y < 128)
                                    else {
                                        var te = T[O.charAt(z)];
                                        typeof te == "number" ? (255 & te) == te ? R.push(te) : (R.push(te >>> 8),
                                        R.push(255 & te)) : R.push(_)
                                return R
                        var d, f, h, m, p, b = {
                            L: 1,
                            M: 0,
                            Q: 3,
                            H: 2
                        }, v = (d = [[], [6, 18], [6, 22], [6, 26], [6, 30], [6, 34], [6, 22, 38], [6, 24, 42], [6, 26, 46], [6, 28, 50], [6, 30, 54], [6, 32, 58], [6, 34, 62], [6, 26, 46, 66], [6, 26, 48, 70], [6, 26, 50, 74], [6, 30, 54, 78], [6, 30, 56, 82], [6, 30, 58, 86], [6, 34, 62, 90], [6, 28, 50, 72, 94], [6, 26, 50, 74, 98], [6, 30, 54, 78, 102], [6, 28, 54, 80, 106], [6, 32, 58, 84, 110], [6, 30, 58, 86, 114], [6, 34, 62, 90, 118], [6, 26, 50, 74, 98, 122], [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126], [6, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130], [6, 30, 56, 82, 108, 134], [6, 34, 60, 86, 112, 138], [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142], [6, 34, 62, 90, 118, 146], [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 150], [6, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128, 154], [6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158], [6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162], [6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166], [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170]],
                        f = 1335,
                        h = 7973,
                        p = function(F) {
                            for (var k = 0; F != 0; )
                                k += 1,
                                F >>>= 1;
                            return k
                        (m = {}).getBCHTypeInfo = function(F) {
                            for (var k = F << 10; p(k) - p(f) >= 0; )
                                k ^= f << p(k) - p(f);
                            return 21522 ^ (F << 10 | k)
                        m.getBCHTypeNumber = function(F) {
                            for (var k = F << 12; p(k) - p(h) >= 0; )
                                k ^= h << p(k) - p(h);
                            return F << 12 | k
                        m.getPatternPosition = function(F) {
                            return d[F - 1]
                        m.getMaskFunction = function(F) {
                            switch (F) {
                            case 0:
                                return function(k, T) {
                                    return (k + T) % 2 == 0
                            case 1:
                                return function(k, T) {
                                    return k % 2 == 0
                            case 2:
                                return function(k, T) {
                                    return T % 3 == 0
                            case 3:
                                return function(k, T) {
                                    return (k + T) % 3 == 0
                            case 4:
                                return function(k, T) {
                                    return (Math.floor(k / 2) + Math.floor(T / 3)) % 2 == 0
                            case 5:
                                return function(k, T) {
                                    return k * T % 2 + k * T % 3 == 0
                            case 6:
                                return function(k, T) {
                                    return (k * T % 2 + k * T % 3) % 2 == 0
                            case 7:
                                return function(k, T) {
                                    return (k * T % 3 + (k + T) % 2) % 2 == 0
                                throw "bad maskPattern:" + F
                        m.getErrorCorrectPolynomial = function(F) {
                            for (var k = w([1], 0), T = 0; T < F; T += 1)
                                k = k.multiply(w([1, g.gexp(T)], 0));
                            return k
                        m.getLengthInBits = function(F, k) {
                            if (1 <= k && k < 10)
                                switch (F) {
                                case 1:
                                    return 10;
                                case 2:
                                    return 9;
                                case 4:
                                case 8:
                                    return 8;
                                    throw "mode:" + F
                            else if (k < 27)
                                switch (F) {
                                case 1:
                                    return 12;
                                case 2:
                                    return 11;
                                case 4:
                                    return 16;
                                case 8:
                                    return 10;
                                    throw "mode:" + F
                            else {
                                if (!(k < 41))
                                    throw "type:" + k;
                                switch (F) {
                                case 1:
                                    return 14;
                                case 2:
                                    return 13;
                                case 4:
                                    return 16;
                                case 8:
                                    return 12;
                                    throw "mode:" + F
                        m.getLostPoint = function(F) {
                            for (var k = F.getModuleCount(), T = 0, _ = 0; _ < k; _ += 1)
                                for (var O = 0; O < k; O += 1) {
                                    for (var R = 0, z = F.isDark(_, O), Y = -1; Y <= 1; Y += 1)
                                        if (!(_ + Y < 0 || k <= _ + Y))
                                            for (var te = -1; te <= 1; te += 1)
                                                O + te < 0 || k <= O + te || Y == 0 && te == 0 || z == F.isDark(_ + Y, O + te) && (R += 1);
                                    R > 5 && (T += 3 + R - 5)
                            for (_ = 0; _ < k - 1; _ += 1)
                                for (O = 0; O < k - 1; O += 1) {
                                    var ue = 0;
                                    F.isDark(_, O) && (ue += 1),
                                    F.isDark(_ + 1, O) && (ue += 1),
                                    F.isDark(_, O + 1) && (ue += 1),
                                    F.isDark(_ + 1, O + 1) && (ue += 1),
                                    ue != 0 && ue != 4 || (T += 3)
                            for (_ = 0; _ < k; _ += 1)
                                for (O = 0; O < k - 6; O += 1)
                                    F.isDark(_, O) && !F.isDark(_, O + 1) && F.isDark(_, O + 2) && F.isDark(_, O + 3) && F.isDark(_, O + 4) && !F.isDark(_, O + 5) && F.isDark(_, O + 6) && (T += 40);
                            for (O = 0; O < k; O += 1)
                                for (_ = 0; _ < k - 6; _ += 1)
                                    F.isDark(_, O) && !F.isDark(_ + 1, O) && F.isDark(_ + 2, O) && F.isDark(_ + 3, O) && F.isDark(_ + 4, O) && !F.isDark(_ + 5, O) && F.isDark(_ + 6, O) && (T += 40);
                            var X = 0;
                            for (O = 0; O < k; O += 1)
                                for (_ = 0; _ < k; _ += 1)
                                    F.isDark(_, O) && (X += 1);
                            return T + Math.abs(100 * X / k / k - 50) / 5 * 10
                        m), g = function() {
                            for (var F = new Array(256), k = new Array(256), T = 0; T < 8; T += 1)
                                F[T] = 1 << T;
                            for (T = 8; T < 256; T += 1)
                                F[T] = F[T - 4] ^ F[T - 5] ^ F[T - 6] ^ F[T - 8];
                            for (T = 0; T < 255; T += 1)
                                k[F[T]] = T;
                            return {
                                glog: function(_) {
                                    if (_ < 1)
                                        throw "glog(" + _ + ")";
                                    return k[_]
                                gexp: function(_) {
                                    for (; _ < 0; )
                                        _ += 255;
                                    for (; _ >= 256; )
                                        _ -= 255;
                                    return F[_]
                        function w(F, k) {
                            if (F.length === void 0)
                                throw F.length + "/" + k;
                            var T = function() {
                                for (var O = 0; O < F.length && F[O] == 0; )
                                    O += 1;
                                for (var R = new Array(F.length - O + k), z = 0; z < F.length - O; z += 1)
                                    R[z] = F[z + O];
                                return R
                              , _ = {
                                getAt: function(O) {
                                    return T[O]
                                getLength: function() {
                                    return T.length
                                multiply: function(O) {
                                    for (var R = new Array(_.getLength() + O.getLength() - 1), z = 0; z < _.getLength(); z += 1)
                                        for (var Y = 0; Y < O.getLength(); Y += 1)
                                            R[z + Y] ^= g.gexp(g.glog(_.getAt(z)) + g.glog(O.getAt(Y)));
                                    return w(R, 0)
                                mod: function(O) {
                                    if (_.getLength() - O.getLength() < 0)
                                        return _;
                                    for (var R = g.glog(_.getAt(0)) - g.glog(O.getAt(0)), z = new Array(_.getLength()), Y = 0; Y < _.getLength(); Y += 1)
                                        z[Y] = _.getAt(Y);
                                    for (Y = 0; Y < O.getLength(); Y += 1)
                                        z[Y] ^= g.gexp(g.glog(O.getAt(Y)) + R);
                                    return w(z, 0).mod(O)
                            return _
                        var E = function() {
                            var F = [[1, 26, 19], [1, 26, 16], [1, 26, 13], [1, 26, 9], [1, 44, 34], [1, 44, 28], [1, 44, 22], [1, 44, 16], [1, 70, 55], [1, 70, 44], [2, 35, 17], [2, 35, 13], [1, 100, 80], [2, 50, 32], [2, 50, 24], [4, 25, 9], [1, 134, 108], [2, 67, 43], [2, 33, 15, 2, 34, 16], [2, 33, 11, 2, 34, 12], [2, 86, 68], [4, 43, 27], [4, 43, 19], [4, 43, 15], [2, 98, 78], [4, 49, 31], [2, 32, 14, 4, 33, 15], [4, 39, 13, 1, 40, 14], [2, 121, 97], [2, 60, 38, 2, 61, 39], [4, 40, 18, 2, 41, 19], [4, 40, 14, 2, 41, 15], [2, 146, 116], [3, 58, 36, 2, 59, 37], [4, 36, 16, 4, 37, 17], [4, 36, 12, 4, 37, 13], [2, 86, 68, 2, 87, 69], [4, 69, 43, 1, 70, 44], [6, 43, 19, 2, 44, 20], [6, 43, 15, 2, 44, 16], [4, 101, 81], [1, 80, 50, 4, 81, 51], [4, 50, 22, 4, 51, 23], [3, 36, 12, 8, 37, 13], [2, 116, 92, 2, 117, 93], [6, 58, 36, 2, 59, 37], [4, 46, 20, 6, 47, 21], [7, 42, 14, 4, 43, 15], [4, 133, 107], [8, 59, 37, 1, 60, 38], [8, 44, 20, 4, 45, 21], [12, 33, 11, 4, 34, 12], [3, 145, 115, 1, 146, 116], [4, 64, 40, 5, 65, 41], [11, 36, 16, 5, 37, 17], [11, 36, 12, 5, 37, 13], [5, 109, 87, 1, 110, 88], [5, 65, 41, 5, 66, 42], [5, 54, 24, 7, 55, 25], [11, 36, 12, 7, 37, 13], [5, 122, 98, 1, 123, 99], [7, 73, 45, 3, 74, 46], [15, 43, 19, 2, 44, 20], [3, 45, 15, 13, 46, 16], [1, 135, 107, 5, 136, 108], [10, 74, 46, 1, 75, 47], [1, 50, 22, 15, 51, 23], [2, 42, 14, 17, 43, 15], [5, 150, 120, 1, 151, 121], [9, 69, 43, 4, 70, 44], [17, 50, 22, 1, 51, 23], [2, 42, 14, 19, 43, 15], [3, 141, 113, 4, 142, 114], [3, 70, 44, 11, 71, 45], [17, 47, 21, 4, 48, 22], [9, 39, 13, 16, 40, 14], [3, 135, 107, 5, 136, 108], [3, 67, 41, 13, 68, 42], [15, 54, 24, 5, 55, 25], [15, 43, 15, 10, 44, 16], [4, 144, 116, 4, 145, 117], [17, 68, 42], [17, 50, 22, 6, 51, 23], [19, 46, 16, 6, 47, 17], [2, 139, 111, 7, 140, 112], [17, 74, 46], [7, 54, 24, 16, 55, 25], [34, 37, 13], [4, 151, 121, 5, 152, 122], [4, 75, 47, 14, 76, 48], [11, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], [16, 45, 15, 14, 46, 16], [6, 147, 117, 4, 148, 118], [6, 73, 45, 14, 74, 46], [11, 54, 24, 16, 55, 25], [30, 46, 16, 2, 47, 17], [8, 132, 106, 4, 133, 107], [8, 75, 47, 13, 76, 48], [7, 54, 24, 22, 55, 25], [22, 45, 15, 13, 46, 16], [10, 142, 114, 2, 143, 115], [19, 74, 46, 4, 75, 47], [28, 50, 22, 6, 51, 23], [33, 46, 16, 4, 47, 17], [8, 152, 122, 4, 153, 123], [22, 73, 45, 3, 74, 46], [8, 53, 23, 26, 54, 24], [12, 45, 15, 28, 46, 16], [3, 147, 117, 10, 148, 118], [3, 73, 45, 23, 74, 46], [4, 54, 24, 31, 55, 25], [11, 45, 15, 31, 46, 16], [7, 146, 116, 7, 147, 117], [21, 73, 45, 7, 74, 46], [1, 53, 23, 37, 54, 24], [19, 45, 15, 26, 46, 16], [5, 145, 115, 10, 146, 116], [19, 75, 47, 10, 76, 48], [15, 54, 24, 25, 55, 25], [23, 45, 15, 25, 46, 16], [13, 145, 115, 3, 146, 116], [2, 74, 46, 29, 75, 47], [42, 54, 24, 1, 55, 25], [23, 45, 15, 28, 46, 16], [17, 145, 115], [10, 74, 46, 23, 75, 47], [10, 54, 24, 35, 55, 25], [19, 45, 15, 35, 46, 16], [17, 145, 115, 1, 146, 116], [14, 74, 46, 21, 75, 47], [29, 54, 24, 19, 55, 25], [11, 45, 15, 46, 46, 16], [13, 145, 115, 6, 146, 116], [14, 74, 46, 23, 75, 47], [44, 54, 24, 7, 55, 25], [59, 46, 16, 1, 47, 17], [12, 151, 121, 7, 152, 122], [12, 75, 47, 26, 76, 48], [39, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], [22, 45, 15, 41, 46, 16], [6, 151, 121, 14, 152, 122], [6, 75, 47, 34, 76, 48], [46, 54, 24, 10, 55, 25], [2, 45, 15, 64, 46, 16], [17, 152, 122, 4, 153, 123], [29, 74, 46, 14, 75, 47], [49, 54, 24, 10, 55, 25], [24, 45, 15, 46, 46, 16], [4, 152, 122, 18, 153, 123], [13, 74, 46, 32, 75, 47], [48, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], [42, 45, 15, 32, 46, 16], [20, 147, 117, 4, 148, 118], [40, 75, 47, 7, 76, 48], [43, 54, 24, 22, 55, 25], [10, 45, 15, 67, 46, 16], [19, 148, 118, 6, 149, 119], [18, 75, 47, 31, 76, 48], [34, 54, 24, 34, 55, 25], [20, 45, 15, 61, 46, 16]]
                              , k = function(_, O) {
                                var R = {};
                                return R.totalCount = _,
                                R.dataCount = O,
                              , T = {
                                getRSBlocks: function(_, O) {
                                    var R = function(N, I) {
                                        switch (I) {
                                        case b.L:
                                            return F[4 * (N - 1) + 0];
                                        case b.M:
                                            return F[4 * (N - 1) + 1];
                                        case b.Q:
                                            return F[4 * (N - 1) + 2];
                                        case b.H:
                                            return F[4 * (N - 1) + 3];
                                    }(_, O);
                                    if (R === void 0)
                                        throw "bad rs block @ typeNumber:" + _ + "/errorCorrectionLevel:" + O;
                                    for (var z = R.length / 3, Y = [], te = 0; te < z; te += 1)
                                        for (var ue = R[3 * te + 0], X = R[3 * te + 1], S = R[3 * te + 2], j = 0; j < ue; j += 1)
                                            Y.push(k(X, S));
                                    return Y
                            return T
                          , D = function() {
                            var F = []
                              , k = 0
                              , T = {
                                getBuffer: function() {
                                    return F
                                getAt: function(_) {
                                    var O = Math.floor(_ / 8);
                                    return (F[O] >>> 7 - _ % 8 & 1) == 1
                                put: function(_, O) {
                                    for (var R = 0; R < O; R += 1)
                                        T.putBit((_ >>> O - R - 1 & 1) == 1)
                                getLengthInBits: function() {
                                    return k
                                putBit: function(_) {
                                    var O = Math.floor(k / 8);
                                    F.length <= O && F.push(0),
                                    _ && (F[O] |= 128 >>> k % 8),
                                    k += 1
                            return T
                          , V = function(F) {
                            var k = F
                              , T = {
                                getMode: function() {
                                    return 1
                                getLength: function(R) {
                                    return k.length
                                write: function(R) {
                                    for (var z = k, Y = 0; Y + 2 < z.length; )
                                        R.put(_(z.substring(Y, Y + 3)), 10),
                                        Y += 3;
                                    Y < z.length && (z.length - Y == 1 ? R.put(_(z.substring(Y, Y + 1)), 4) : z.length - Y == 2 && R.put(_(z.substring(Y, Y + 2)), 7))
                              , _ = function(R) {
                                for (var z = 0, Y = 0; Y < R.length; Y += 1)
                                    z = 10 * z + O(R.charAt(Y));
                                return z
                              , O = function(R) {
                                if ("0" <= R && R <= "9")
                                    return R.charCodeAt(0) - 48;
                                throw "illegal char :" + R
                            return T
                          , C = function(F) {
                            var k = F
                              , T = {
                                getMode: function() {
                                    return 2
                                getLength: function(O) {
                                    return k.length
                                write: function(O) {
                                    for (var R = k, z = 0; z + 1 < R.length; )
                                        O.put(45 * _(R.charAt(z)) + _(R.charAt(z + 1)), 11),
                                        z += 2;
                                    z < R.length && O.put(_(R.charAt(z)), 6)
                              , _ = function(O) {
                                if ("0" <= O && O <= "9")
                                    return O.charCodeAt(0) - 48;
                                if ("A" <= O && O <= "Z")
                                    return O.charCodeAt(0) - 65 + 10;
                                switch (O) {
                                case " ":
                                    return 36;
                                case "$":
                                    return 37;
                                case "%":
                                    return 38;
                                case "*":
                                    return 39;
                                case "+":
                                    return 40;
                                case "-":
                                    return 41;
                                case ".":
                                    return 42;
                                case "/":
                                    return 43;
                                case ":":
                                    return 44;
                                    throw "illegal char :" + O
                            return T
                          , P = function(F) {
                            var k = c.stringToBytes(F);
                            return {
                                getMode: function() {
                                    return 4
                                getLength: function(T) {
                                    return k.length
                                write: function(T) {
                                    for (var _ = 0; _ < k.length; _ += 1)
                                        T.put(k[_], 8)
                          , A = function(F) {
                            var k = c.stringToBytesFuncs.SJIS;
                            if (!k)
                                throw "sjis not supported.";
                            (function(_, O) {
                                var R = k("友");
                                if (R.length != 2 || (R[0] << 8 | R[1]) != 38726)
                                    throw "sjis not supported."
                            var T = k(F);
                            return {
                                getMode: function() {
                                    return 8
                                getLength: function(_) {
                                    return ~~(T.length / 2)
                                write: function(_) {
                                    for (var O = T, R = 0; R + 1 < O.length; ) {
                                        var z = (255 & O[R]) << 8 | 255 & O[R + 1];
                                        if (33088 <= z && z <= 40956)
                                            z -= 33088;
                                        else {
                                            if (!(57408 <= z && z <= 60351))
                                                throw "illegal char at " + (R + 1) + "/" + z;
                                            z -= 49472
                                        z = 192 * (z >>> 8 & 255) + (255 & z),
                                        _.put(z, 13),
                                        R += 2
                                    if (R < O.length)
                                        throw "illegal char at " + (R + 1)
                          , B = function() {
                            var F = []
                              , k = {
                                writeByte: function(T) {
                                    F.push(255 & T)
                                writeShort: function(T) {
                                    k.writeByte(T >>> 8)
                                writeBytes: function(T, _, O) {
                                    _ = _ || 0,
                                    O = O || T.length;
                                    for (var R = 0; R < O; R += 1)
                                        k.writeByte(T[R + _])
                                writeString: function(T) {
                                    for (var _ = 0; _ < T.length; _ += 1)
                                toByteArray: function() {
                                    return F
                                toString: function() {
                                    var T = "";
                                    T += "[";
                                    for (var _ = 0; _ < F.length; _ += 1)
                                        _ > 0 && (T += ","),
                                        T += F[_];
                                    return T + "]"
                            return k
                          , Q = function(F) {
                            var k = F
                              , T = 0
                              , _ = 0
                              , O = 0
                              , R = {
                                read: function() {
                                    for (; O < 8; ) {
                                        if (T >= k.length) {
                                            if (O == 0)
                                                return -1;
                                            throw "unexpected end of file./" + O
                                        var Y = k.charAt(T);
                                        if (T += 1,
                                        Y == "=")
                                            return O = 0,
                                        Y.match(/^\s$/) || (_ = _ << 6 | z(Y.charCodeAt(0)),
                                        O += 6)
                                    var te = _ >>> O - 8 & 255;
                                    return O -= 8,
                              , z = function(Y) {
                                if (65 <= Y && Y <= 90)
                                    return Y - 65;
                                if (97 <= Y && Y <= 122)
                                    return Y - 97 + 26;
                                if (48 <= Y && Y <= 57)
                                    return Y - 48 + 52;
                                if (Y == 43)
                                    return 62;
                                if (Y == 47)
                                    return 63;
                                throw "c:" + Y
                            return R
                          , Z = function(F, k, T) {
                            for (var _ = function(X, S) {
                                var j = X
                                  , N = S
                                  , I = new Array(X * S)
                                  , U = {
                                    setPixel: function($, L, M) {
                                        I[L * j + $] = M
                                    write: function($) {
                                        var L = H(2);
                                        for (var M = 0; L.length - M > 255; )
                                            $.writeBytes(L, M, 255),
                                            M += 255;
                                        $.writeByte(L.length - M),
                                        $.writeBytes(L, M, L.length - M),
                                  , H = function($) {
                                    for (var L = 1 << $, M = 1 + (1 << $), W = $ + 1, J = q(), se = 0; se < L; se += 1)
                                    var ae, ne, de, ye = B(), be = (ae = ye,
                                    ne = 0,
                                    de = 0,
                                        write: function(we, Se) {
                                            if (we >>> Se)
                                                throw "length over";
                                            for (; ne + Se >= 8; )
                                                ae.writeByte(255 & (we << ne | de)),
                                                Se -= 8 - ne,
                                                we >>>= 8 - ne,
                                                de = 0,
                                                ne = 0;
                                            de |= we << ne,
                                            ne += Se
                                        flush: function() {
                                            ne > 0 && ae.writeByte(de)
                                    be.write(L, W);
                                    var Me = 0
                                      , fe = String.fromCharCode(I[Me]);
                                    for (Me += 1; Me < I.length; ) {
                                        var Ee = String.fromCharCode(I[Me]);
                                        Me += 1,
                                        J.contains(fe + Ee) ? fe += Ee : (be.write(J.indexOf(fe), W),
                                        J.size() < 4095 && (J.size() == 1 << W && (W += 1),
                                        J.add(fe + Ee)),
                                        fe = Ee)
                                    return be.write(J.indexOf(fe), W),
                                    be.write(M, W),
                                  , q = function() {
                                    var $ = {}
                                      , L = 0
                                      , M = {
                                        add: function(W) {
                                            if (M.contains(W))
                                                throw "dup key:" + W;
                                            $[W] = L,
                                            L += 1
                                        size: function() {
                                            return L
                                        indexOf: function(W) {
                                            return $[W]
                                        contains: function(W) {
                                            return $[W] !== void 0
                                    return M
                                return U
                            }(F, k), O = 0; O < k; O += 1)
                                for (var R = 0; R < F; R += 1)
                                    _.setPixel(R, O, T(R, O));
                            var z = B();
                            for (var Y = function() {
                                var X = 0
                                  , S = 0
                                  , j = 0
                                  , N = ""
                                  , I = {}
                                  , U = function(q) {
                                    N += String.fromCharCode(H(63 & q))
                                  , H = function(q) {
                                    if (!(q < 0)) {
                                        if (q < 26)
                                            return 65 + q;
                                        if (q < 52)
                                            return q - 26 + 97;
                                        if (q < 62)
                                            return q - 52 + 48;
                                        if (q == 62)
                                            return 43;
                                        if (q == 63)
                                            return 47
                                    throw "n:" + q
                                return I.writeByte = function(q) {
                                    for (X = X << 8 | 255 & q,
                                    S += 8,
                                    j += 1; S >= 6; )
                                        U(X >>> S - 6),
                                        S -= 6
                                I.flush = function() {
                                    if (S > 0 && (U(X << 6 - S),
                                    X = 0,
                                    S = 0),
                                    j % 3 != 0)
                                        for (var q = 3 - j % 3, $ = 0; $ < q; $ += 1)
                                            N += "="
                                I.toString = function() {
                                    return N
                            }(), te = z.toByteArray(), ue = 0; ue < te.length; ue += 1)
                            return Y.flush(),
                            "data:image/gif;base64," + Y
                        return c
                    u.stringToBytesFuncs["UTF-8"] = function(c) {
                        return function(d) {
                            for (var f = [], h = 0; h < d.length; h++) {
                                var m = d.charCodeAt(h);
                                m < 128 ? f.push(m) : m < 2048 ? f.push(192 | m >> 6, 128 | 63 & m) : m < 55296 || m >= 57344 ? f.push(224 | m >> 12, 128 | m >> 6 & 63, 128 | 63 & m) : (h++,
                                m = 65536 + ((1023 & m) << 10 | 1023 & d.charCodeAt(h)),
                                f.push(240 | m >> 18, 128 | m >> 12 & 63, 128 | m >> 6 & 63, 128 | 63 & m))
                            return f
                    (l = typeof (a = function() {
                        return u
                    ) == "function" ? a.apply(o, []) : a) === void 0 || (s.exports = l)
                676: (s,o,a)=>{
                    a.d(o, {
                        default: ()=>ue
                    var l = function() {
                        return (l = Object.assign || function(X) {
                            for (var S, j = 1, N = arguments.length; j < N; j++)
                                for (var I in S = arguments[j])
                                    Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(S, I) && (X[I] = S[I]);
                            return X
                        ).apply(this, arguments)
                      , u = function() {
                        for (var X = 0, S = 0, j = arguments.length; S < j; S++)
                            X += arguments[S].length;
                        var N = Array(X)
                          , I = 0;
                        for (S = 0; S < j; S++)
                            for (var U = arguments[S], H = 0, q = U.length; H < q; H++,
                                N[I] = U[H];
                        return N
                      , c = function(X) {
                        return !!X && typeof X == "object" && !Array.isArray(X)
                    function d(X) {
                        for (var S = [], j = 1; j < arguments.length; j++)
                            S[j - 1] = arguments[j];
                        if (!S.length)
                            return X;
                        var N = S.shift();
                        return N !== void 0 && c(X) && c(N) ? (X = l({}, X),
                        Object.keys(N).forEach(function(I) {
                            var U = X[I]
                              , H = N[I];
                            Array.isArray(U) && Array.isArray(H) ? X[I] = H : c(U) && c(H) ? X[I] = d(Object.assign({}, U), H) : X[I] = H
                        d.apply(void 0, u([X], S))) : X
                    function f(X, S) {
                        var j = document.createElement("a");
                        j.download = S,
                        j.href = X,
                    function h(X) {
                        return S = this,
                        j = void 0,
                        I = function() {
                            return function(U, H) {
                                var q, $, L, M, W = {
                                    label: 0,
                                    sent: function() {
                                        if (1 & L[0])
                                            throw L[1];
                                        return L[1]
                                    trys: [],
                                    ops: []
                                return M = {
                                    next: J(0),
                                    throw: J(1),
                                    return: J(2)
                                typeof Symbol == "function" && (M[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
                                    return this
                                function J(se) {
                                    return function(ae) {
                                        return function(ne) {
                                            if (q)
                                                throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
                                            for (; W; )
                                                try {
                                                    if (q = 1,
                                                    $ && (L = 2 & ne[0] ? $.return : ne[0] ? $.throw || ((L = $.return) && L.call($),
                                                    0) : $.next) && !(L = L.call($, ne[1])).done)
                                                        return L;
                                                    switch ($ = 0,
                                                    L && (ne = [2 & ne[0], L.value]),
                                                    ne[0]) {
                                                    case 0:
                                                    case 1:
                                                        L = ne;
                                                    case 4:
                                                        return W.label++,
                                                            value: ne[1],
                                                            done: !1
                                                    case 5:
                                                        $ = ne[1],
                                                        ne = [0];
                                                    case 7:
                                                        ne = W.ops.pop(),
                                                        if (!((L = (L = W.trys).length > 0 && L[L.length - 1]) || ne[0] !== 6 && ne[0] !== 2)) {
                                                            W = 0;
                                                        if (ne[0] === 3 && (!L || ne[1] > L[0] && ne[1] < L[3])) {
                                                            W.label = ne[1];
                                                        if (ne[0] === 6 && W.label < L[1]) {
                                                            W.label = L[1],
                                                            L = ne;
                                                        if (L && W.label < L[2]) {
                                                            W.label = L[2],
                                                        L[2] && W.ops.pop(),
                                                    ne = H.call(U, W)
                                                } catch (de) {
                                                    ne = [6, de],
                                                    $ = 0
                                                } finally {
                                                    q = L = 0
                                            if (5 & ne[0])
                                                throw ne[1];
                                            return {
                                                value: ne[0] ? ne[1] : void 0,
                                                done: !0
                                        }([se, ae])
                            }(this, function(U) {
                                return [2, new Promise(function(H) {
                                    var q = new XMLHttpRequest;
                                    q.onload = function() {
                                        var $ = new FileReader;
                                        $.onloadend = function() {
                                    q.open("GET", X),
                                    q.responseType = "blob",
                        new ((N = void 0) || (N = Promise))(function(U, H) {
                            function q(M) {
                                try {
                                } catch (W) {
                            function $(M) {
                                try {
                                } catch (W) {
                            function L(M) {
                                var W;
                                M.done ? U(M.value) : (W = M.value,
                                W instanceof N ? W : new N(function(J) {
                                )).then(q, $)
                            L((I = I.apply(S, j || [])).next())
                        var S, j, N, I
                    const m = {
                        L: .07,
                        M: .15,
                        Q: .25,
                        H: .3
                    var p = function() {
                        return (p = Object.assign || function(X) {
                            for (var S, j = 1, N = arguments.length; j < N; j++)
                                for (var I in S = arguments[j])
                                    Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(S, I) && (X[I] = S[I]);
                            return X
                        ).apply(this, arguments)
                    const b = function() {
                        function X(S) {
                            var j = S.svg
                              , N = S.type;
                            this._svg = j,
                            this._type = N
                        return X.prototype.draw = function(S, j, N, I) {
                            var U;
                            switch (this._type) {
                            case "dots":
                                U = this._drawDot;
                            case "classy":
                                U = this._drawClassy;
                            case "classy-rounded":
                                U = this._drawClassyRounded;
                            case "rounded":
                                U = this._drawRounded;
                            case "extra-rounded":
                                U = this._drawExtraRounded;
                            case "square":
                                U = this._drawSquare
                            U.call(this, {
                                x: S,
                                y: j,
                                size: N,
                                getNeighbor: I
                        X.prototype._rotateFigure = function(S) {
                            var j, N = S.x, I = S.y, U = S.size, H = S.rotation, q = H === void 0 ? 0 : H, $ = N + U / 2, L = I + U / 2;
                            (j = this._element) === null || j === void 0 || j.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + 180 * q / Math.PI + "," + $ + "," + L + ")")
                        X.prototype._basicDot = function(S) {
                            var j = this
                              , N = S.size
                              , I = S.x
                              , U = S.y;
                            this._rotateFigure(p(p({}, S), {
                                draw: function() {
                                    j._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "circle"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("cx", String(I + N / 2)),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("cy", String(U + N / 2)),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("r", String(N / 2))
                        X.prototype._basicSquare = function(S) {
                            var j = this
                              , N = S.size
                              , I = S.x
                              , U = S.y;
                            this._rotateFigure(p(p({}, S), {
                                draw: function() {
                                    j._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "rect"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("x", String(I)),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("y", String(U)),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("width", String(N)),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("height", String(N))
                        X.prototype._basicSideRounded = function(S) {
                            var j = this
                              , N = S.size
                              , I = S.x
                              , U = S.y;
                            this._rotateFigure(p(p({}, S), {
                                draw: function() {
                                    j._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("d", "M " + I + " " + U + "v " + N + "h " + N / 2 + "a " + N / 2 + " " + N / 2 + ", 0, 0, 0, 0 " + -N)
                        X.prototype._basicCornerRounded = function(S) {
                            var j = this
                              , N = S.size
                              , I = S.x
                              , U = S.y;
                            this._rotateFigure(p(p({}, S), {
                                draw: function() {
                                    j._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("d", "M " + I + " " + U + "v " + N + "h " + N + "v " + -N / 2 + "a " + N / 2 + " " + N / 2 + ", 0, 0, 0, " + -N / 2 + " " + -N / 2)
                        X.prototype._basicCornerExtraRounded = function(S) {
                            var j = this
                              , N = S.size
                              , I = S.x
                              , U = S.y;
                            this._rotateFigure(p(p({}, S), {
                                draw: function() {
                                    j._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("d", "M " + I + " " + U + "v " + N + "h " + N + "a " + N + " " + N + ", 0, 0, 0, " + -N + " " + -N)
                        X.prototype._basicCornersRounded = function(S) {
                            var j = this
                              , N = S.size
                              , I = S.x
                              , U = S.y;
                            this._rotateFigure(p(p({}, S), {
                                draw: function() {
                                    j._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("d", "M " + I + " " + U + "v " + N / 2 + "a " + N / 2 + " " + N / 2 + ", 0, 0, 0, " + N / 2 + " " + N / 2 + "h " + N / 2 + "v " + -N / 2 + "a " + N / 2 + " " + N / 2 + ", 0, 0, 0, " + -N / 2 + " " + -N / 2)
                        X.prototype._drawDot = function(S) {
                            var j = S.x
                              , N = S.y
                              , I = S.size;
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: 0
                        X.prototype._drawSquare = function(S) {
                            var j = S.x
                              , N = S.y
                              , I = S.size;
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: 0
                        X.prototype._drawRounded = function(S) {
                            var j = S.x
                              , N = S.y
                              , I = S.size
                              , U = S.getNeighbor
                              , H = U ? +U(-1, 0) : 0
                              , q = U ? +U(1, 0) : 0
                              , $ = U ? +U(0, -1) : 0
                              , L = U ? +U(0, 1) : 0
                              , M = H + q + $ + L;
                            if (M !== 0)
                                if (M > 2 || H && q || $ && L)
                                        x: j,
                                        y: N,
                                        size: I,
                                        rotation: 0
                                else {
                                    if (M === 2) {
                                        var W = 0;
                                        return H && $ ? W = Math.PI / 2 : $ && q ? W = Math.PI : q && L && (W = -Math.PI / 2),
                                        void this._basicCornerRounded({
                                            x: j,
                                            y: N,
                                            size: I,
                                            rotation: W
                                    if (M === 1)
                                        return W = 0,
                                        $ ? W = Math.PI / 2 : q ? W = Math.PI : L && (W = -Math.PI / 2),
                                        void this._basicSideRounded({
                                            x: j,
                                            y: N,
                                            size: I,
                                            rotation: W
                                    x: j,
                                    y: N,
                                    size: I,
                                    rotation: 0
                        X.prototype._drawExtraRounded = function(S) {
                            var j = S.x
                              , N = S.y
                              , I = S.size
                              , U = S.getNeighbor
                              , H = U ? +U(-1, 0) : 0
                              , q = U ? +U(1, 0) : 0
                              , $ = U ? +U(0, -1) : 0
                              , L = U ? +U(0, 1) : 0
                              , M = H + q + $ + L;
                            if (M !== 0)
                                if (M > 2 || H && q || $ && L)
                                        x: j,
                                        y: N,
                                        size: I,
                                        rotation: 0
                                else {
                                    if (M === 2) {
                                        var W = 0;
                                        return H && $ ? W = Math.PI / 2 : $ && q ? W = Math.PI : q && L && (W = -Math.PI / 2),
                                        void this._basicCornerExtraRounded({
                                            x: j,
                                            y: N,
                                            size: I,
                                            rotation: W
                                    if (M === 1)
                                        return W = 0,
                                        $ ? W = Math.PI / 2 : q ? W = Math.PI : L && (W = -Math.PI / 2),
                                        void this._basicSideRounded({
                                            x: j,
                                            y: N,
                                            size: I,
                                            rotation: W
                                    x: j,
                                    y: N,
                                    size: I,
                                    rotation: 0
                        X.prototype._drawClassy = function(S) {
                            var j = S.x
                              , N = S.y
                              , I = S.size
                              , U = S.getNeighbor
                              , H = U ? +U(-1, 0) : 0
                              , q = U ? +U(1, 0) : 0
                              , $ = U ? +U(0, -1) : 0
                              , L = U ? +U(0, 1) : 0;
                            H + q + $ + L !== 0 ? H || $ ? q || L ? this._basicSquare({
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: 0
                            }) : this._basicCornerRounded({
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: Math.PI / 2
                            }) : this._basicCornerRounded({
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: -Math.PI / 2
                            }) : this._basicCornersRounded({
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: Math.PI / 2
                        X.prototype._drawClassyRounded = function(S) {
                            var j = S.x
                              , N = S.y
                              , I = S.size
                              , U = S.getNeighbor
                              , H = U ? +U(-1, 0) : 0
                              , q = U ? +U(1, 0) : 0
                              , $ = U ? +U(0, -1) : 0
                              , L = U ? +U(0, 1) : 0;
                            H + q + $ + L !== 0 ? H || $ ? q || L ? this._basicSquare({
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: 0
                            }) : this._basicCornerExtraRounded({
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: Math.PI / 2
                            }) : this._basicCornerExtraRounded({
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: -Math.PI / 2
                            }) : this._basicCornersRounded({
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: Math.PI / 2
                    var v = function() {
                        return (v = Object.assign || function(X) {
                            for (var S, j = 1, N = arguments.length; j < N; j++)
                                for (var I in S = arguments[j])
                                    Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(S, I) && (X[I] = S[I]);
                            return X
                        ).apply(this, arguments)
                    const g = function() {
                        function X(S) {
                            var j = S.svg
                              , N = S.type;
                            this._svg = j,
                            this._type = N
                        return X.prototype.draw = function(S, j, N, I) {
                            var U;
                            switch (this._type) {
                            case "square":
                                U = this._drawSquare;
                            case "extra-rounded":
                                U = this._drawExtraRounded;
                            case "dot":
                                U = this._drawDot
                            U.call(this, {
                                x: S,
                                y: j,
                                size: N,
                                rotation: I
                        X.prototype._rotateFigure = function(S) {
                            var j, N = S.x, I = S.y, U = S.size, H = S.rotation, q = H === void 0 ? 0 : H, $ = N + U / 2, L = I + U / 2;
                            (j = this._element) === null || j === void 0 || j.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + 180 * q / Math.PI + "," + $ + "," + L + ")")
                        X.prototype._basicDot = function(S) {
                            var j = this
                              , N = S.size
                              , I = S.x
                              , U = S.y
                              , H = N / 7;
                            this._rotateFigure(v(v({}, S), {
                                draw: function() {
                                    j._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("clip-rule", "evenodd"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("d", "M " + (I + N / 2) + " " + U + "a " + N / 2 + " " + N / 2 + " 0 1 0 0.1 0zm 0 " + H + "a " + (N / 2 - H) + " " + (N / 2 - H) + " 0 1 1 -0.1 0Z")
                        X.prototype._basicSquare = function(S) {
                            var j = this
                              , N = S.size
                              , I = S.x
                              , U = S.y
                              , H = N / 7;
                            this._rotateFigure(v(v({}, S), {
                                draw: function() {
                                    j._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("clip-rule", "evenodd"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("d", "M " + I + " " + U + "v " + N + "h " + N + "v " + -N + "zM " + (I + H) + " " + (U + H) + "h " + (N - 2 * H) + "v " + (N - 2 * H) + "h " + (2 * H - N) + "z")
                        X.prototype._basicExtraRounded = function(S) {
                            var j = this
                              , N = S.size
                              , I = S.x
                              , U = S.y
                              , H = N / 7;
                            this._rotateFigure(v(v({}, S), {
                                draw: function() {
                                    j._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("clip-rule", "evenodd"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("d", "M " + I + " " + (U + 2.5 * H) + "v " + 2 * H + "a " + 2.5 * H + " " + 2.5 * H + ", 0, 0, 0, " + 2.5 * H + " " + 2.5 * H + "h " + 2 * H + "a " + 2.5 * H + " " + 2.5 * H + ", 0, 0, 0, " + 2.5 * H + " " + 2.5 * -H + "v " + -2 * H + "a " + 2.5 * H + " " + 2.5 * H + ", 0, 0, 0, " + 2.5 * -H + " " + 2.5 * -H + "h " + -2 * H + "a " + 2.5 * H + " " + 2.5 * H + ", 0, 0, 0, " + 2.5 * -H + " " + 2.5 * H + "M " + (I + 2.5 * H) + " " + (U + H) + "h " + 2 * H + "a " + 1.5 * H + " " + 1.5 * H + ", 0, 0, 1, " + 1.5 * H + " " + 1.5 * H + "v " + 2 * H + "a " + 1.5 * H + " " + 1.5 * H + ", 0, 0, 1, " + 1.5 * -H + " " + 1.5 * H + "h " + -2 * H + "a " + 1.5 * H + " " + 1.5 * H + ", 0, 0, 1, " + 1.5 * -H + " " + 1.5 * -H + "v " + -2 * H + "a " + 1.5 * H + " " + 1.5 * H + ", 0, 0, 1, " + 1.5 * H + " " + 1.5 * -H)
                        X.prototype._drawDot = function(S) {
                            var j = S.x
                              , N = S.y
                              , I = S.size
                              , U = S.rotation;
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: U
                        X.prototype._drawSquare = function(S) {
                            var j = S.x
                              , N = S.y
                              , I = S.size
                              , U = S.rotation;
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: U
                        X.prototype._drawExtraRounded = function(S) {
                            var j = S.x
                              , N = S.y
                              , I = S.size
                              , U = S.rotation;
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: U
                    var w = function() {
                        return (w = Object.assign || function(X) {
                            for (var S, j = 1, N = arguments.length; j < N; j++)
                                for (var I in S = arguments[j])
                                    Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(S, I) && (X[I] = S[I]);
                            return X
                        ).apply(this, arguments)
                    const E = function() {
                        function X(S) {
                            var j = S.svg
                              , N = S.type;
                            this._svg = j,
                            this._type = N
                        return X.prototype.draw = function(S, j, N, I) {
                            var U;
                            switch (this._type) {
                            case "square":
                                U = this._drawSquare;
                            case "dot":
                                U = this._drawDot
                            U.call(this, {
                                x: S,
                                y: j,
                                size: N,
                                rotation: I
                        X.prototype._rotateFigure = function(S) {
                            var j, N = S.x, I = S.y, U = S.size, H = S.rotation, q = H === void 0 ? 0 : H, $ = N + U / 2, L = I + U / 2;
                            (j = this._element) === null || j === void 0 || j.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + 180 * q / Math.PI + "," + $ + "," + L + ")")
                        X.prototype._basicDot = function(S) {
                            var j = this
                              , N = S.size
                              , I = S.x
                              , U = S.y;
                            this._rotateFigure(w(w({}, S), {
                                draw: function() {
                                    j._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "circle"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("cx", String(I + N / 2)),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("cy", String(U + N / 2)),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("r", String(N / 2))
                        X.prototype._basicSquare = function(S) {
                            var j = this
                              , N = S.size
                              , I = S.x
                              , U = S.y;
                            this._rotateFigure(w(w({}, S), {
                                draw: function() {
                                    j._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "rect"),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("x", String(I)),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("y", String(U)),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("width", String(N)),
                                    j._element.setAttribute("height", String(N))
                        X.prototype._drawDot = function(S) {
                            var j = S.x
                              , N = S.y
                              , I = S.size
                              , U = S.rotation;
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: U
                        X.prototype._drawSquare = function(S) {
                            var j = S.x
                              , N = S.y
                              , I = S.size
                              , U = S.rotation;
                                x: j,
                                y: N,
                                size: I,
                                rotation: U
                      , D = "circle";
                    var V = function(X, S, j, N) {
                        return new (j || (j = Promise))(function(I, U) {
                            function H(L) {
                                try {
                                } catch (M) {
                            function q(L) {
                                try {
                                } catch (M) {
                            function $(L) {
                                var M;
                                L.done ? I(L.value) : (M = L.value,
                                M instanceof j ? M : new j(function(W) {
                                )).then(H, q)
                            $((N = N.apply(X, [])).next())
                      , C = function(X, S) {
                        var j, N, I, U, H = {
                            label: 0,
                            sent: function() {
                                if (1 & I[0])
                                    throw I[1];
                                return I[1]
                            trys: [],
                            ops: []
                        return U = {
                            next: q(0),
                            throw: q(1),
                            return: q(2)
                        typeof Symbol == "function" && (U[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
                            return this
                        function q($) {
                            return function(L) {
                                return function(M) {
                                    if (j)
                                        throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
                                    for (; H; )
                                        try {
                                            if (j = 1,
                                            N && (I = 2 & M[0] ? N.return : M[0] ? N.throw || ((I = N.return) && I.call(N),
                                            0) : N.next) && !(I = I.call(N, M[1])).done)
                                                return I;
                                            switch (N = 0,
                                            I && (M = [2 & M[0], I.value]),
                                            M[0]) {
                                            case 0:
                                            case 1:
                                                I = M;
                                            case 4:
                                                return H.label++,
                                                    value: M[1],
                                                    done: !1
                                            case 5:
                                                N = M[1],
                                                M = [0];
                                            case 7:
                                                M = H.ops.pop(),
                                                if (!((I = (I = H.trys).length > 0 && I[I.length - 1]) || M[0] !== 6 && M[0] !== 2)) {
                                                    H = 0;
                                                if (M[0] === 3 && (!I || M[1] > I[0] && M[1] < I[3])) {
                                                    H.label = M[1];
                                                if (M[0] === 6 && H.label < I[1]) {
                                                    H.label = I[1],
                                                    I = M;
                                                if (I && H.label < I[2]) {
                                                    H.label = I[2],
                                                I[2] && H.ops.pop(),
                                            M = S.call(X, H)
                                        } catch (W) {
                                            M = [6, W],
                                            N = 0
                                        } finally {
                                            j = I = 0
                                    if (5 & M[0])
                                        throw M[1];
                                    return {
                                        value: M[0] ? M[1] : void 0,
                                        done: !0
                                }([$, L])
                      , P = [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]
                      , A = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]];
                    const B = function() {
                        function X(S) {
                            this._element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"),
                            this._element.setAttribute("width", String(S.width)),
                            this._element.setAttribute("height", String(S.height)),
                            this._defs = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "defs"),
                            this._options = S
                        return Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "width", {
                            get: function() {
                                return this._options.width
                            enumerable: !1,
                            configurable: !0
                        Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "height", {
                            get: function() {
                                return this._options.height
                            enumerable: !1,
                            configurable: !0
                        X.prototype.getElement = function() {
                            return this._element
                        X.prototype.drawQR = function(S) {
                            return V(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
                                var j, N, I, U, H, q, $, L, M, W, J = this;
                                return C(this, function(se) {
                                    switch (se.label) {
                                    case 0:
                                        return j = S.getModuleCount(),
                                        N = Math.min(this._options.width, this._options.height) - 2 * this._options.margin,
                                        I = this._options.shape === D ? N / Math.sqrt(2) : N,
                                        U = Math.floor(I / j),
                                        H = {
                                            hideXDots: 0,
                                            hideYDots: 0,
                                            width: 0,
                                            height: 0
                                        this._qr = S,
                                        this._options.image ? [4, this.loadImage()] : [3, 2];
                                    case 1:
                                        if (se.sent(),
                                            return [2];
                                        q = this._options,
                                        $ = q.imageOptions,
                                        L = q.qrOptions,
                                        M = $.imageSize * m[L.errorCorrectionLevel],
                                        W = Math.floor(M * j * j),
                                        H = function(ae) {
                                            var ne = ae.originalHeight
                                              , de = ae.originalWidth
                                              , ye = ae.maxHiddenDots
                                              , be = ae.maxHiddenAxisDots
                                              , Me = ae.dotSize
                                              , fe = {
                                                x: 0,
                                                y: 0
                                              , Ee = {
                                                x: 0,
                                                y: 0
                                            if (ne <= 0 || de <= 0 || ye <= 0 || Me <= 0)
                                                return {
                                                    height: 0,
                                                    width: 0,
                                                    hideYDots: 0,
                                                    hideXDots: 0
                                            var we = ne / de;
                                            return fe.x = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(ye / we)),
                                            fe.x <= 0 && (fe.x = 1),
                                            be && be < fe.x && (fe.x = be),
                                            fe.x % 2 == 0 && fe.x--,
                                            Ee.x = fe.x * Me,
                                            fe.y = 1 + 2 * Math.ceil((fe.x * we - 1) / 2),
                                            Ee.y = Math.round(Ee.x * we),
                                            (fe.y * fe.x > ye || be && be < fe.y) && (be && be < fe.y ? (fe.y = be,
                                            fe.y % 2 == 0 && fe.x--) : fe.y -= 2,
                                            Ee.y = fe.y * Me,
                                            fe.x = 1 + 2 * Math.ceil((fe.y / we - 1) / 2),
                                            Ee.x = Math.round(Ee.y / we)),
                                                height: Ee.y,
                                                width: Ee.x,
                                                hideYDots: fe.y,
                                                hideXDots: fe.x
                                            originalWidth: this._image.width,
                                            originalHeight: this._image.height,
                                            maxHiddenDots: W,
                                            maxHiddenAxisDots: j - 14,
                                            dotSize: U
                                        se.label = 2;
                                    case 2:
                                        return this.drawBackground(),
                                        this.drawDots(function(ae, ne) {
                                            var de, ye, be, Me, fe, Ee;
                                            return !(J._options.imageOptions.hideBackgroundDots && ae >= (j - H.hideXDots) / 2 && ae < (j + H.hideXDots) / 2 && ne >= (j - H.hideYDots) / 2 && ne < (j + H.hideYDots) / 2 || !((de = P[ae]) === null || de === void 0) && de[ne] || !((ye = P[ae - j + 7]) === null || ye === void 0) && ye[ne] || !((be = P[ae]) === null || be === void 0) && be[ne - j + 7] || !((Me = A[ae]) === null || Me === void 0) && Me[ne] || !((fe = A[ae - j + 7]) === null || fe === void 0) && fe[ne] || !((Ee = A[ae]) === null || Ee === void 0) && Ee[ne - j + 7])
                                        this._options.image ? [4, this.drawImage({
                                            width: H.width,
                                            height: H.height,
                                            count: j,
                                            dotSize: U
                                        })] : [3, 4];
                                    case 3:
                                        se.label = 4;
                                    case 4:
                                        return [2]
                        X.prototype.drawBackground = function() {
                            var S, j, N, I = this._element, U = this._options;
                            if (I) {
                                var H = (S = U.backgroundOptions) === null || S === void 0 ? void 0 : S.gradient
                                  , q = (j = U.backgroundOptions) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.color;
                                if ((H || q) && this._createColor({
                                    options: H,
                                    color: q,
                                    additionalRotation: 0,
                                    x: 0,
                                    y: 0,
                                    height: U.height,
                                    width: U.width,
                                    name: "background-color"
                                (N = U.backgroundOptions) === null || N === void 0 ? void 0 : N.round) {
                                    var $ = Math.min(U.width, U.height)
                                      , L = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "rect");
                                    this._backgroundClipPath = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "clipPath"),
                                    this._backgroundClipPath.setAttribute("id", "clip-path-background-color"),
                                    L.setAttribute("x", String((U.width - $) / 2)),
                                    L.setAttribute("y", String((U.height - $) / 2)),
                                    L.setAttribute("width", String($)),
                                    L.setAttribute("height", String($)),
                                    L.setAttribute("rx", String($ / 2 * U.backgroundOptions.round)),
                        X.prototype.drawDots = function(S) {
                            var j, N, I = this;
                            if (!this._qr)
                                throw "QR code is not defined";
                            var U = this._options
                              , H = this._qr.getModuleCount();
                            if (H > U.width || H > U.height)
                                throw "The canvas is too small.";
                            var q = Math.min(U.width, U.height) - 2 * U.margin
                              , $ = U.shape === D ? q / Math.sqrt(2) : q
                              , L = Math.floor($ / H)
                              , M = Math.floor((U.width - H * L) / 2)
                              , W = Math.floor((U.height - H * L) / 2)
                              , J = new b({
                                svg: this._element,
                                type: U.dotsOptions.type
                            this._dotsClipPath = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "clipPath"),
                            this._dotsClipPath.setAttribute("id", "clip-path-dot-color"),
                                options: (j = U.dotsOptions) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.gradient,
                                color: U.dotsOptions.color,
                                additionalRotation: 0,
                                x: 0,
                                y: 0,
                                height: U.height,
                                width: U.width,
                                name: "dot-color"
                            for (var se = function(Ve) {
                                for (var Te = function(ke) {
                                    return S && !S(Ve, ke) ? "continue" : !((N = ae._qr) === null || N === void 0) && N.isDark(Ve, ke) ? (J.draw(M + Ve * L, W + ke * L, L, function(Qe, nt) {
                                        return !(Ve + Qe < 0 || ke + nt < 0 || Ve + Qe >= H || ke + nt >= H) && !(S && !S(Ve + Qe, ke + nt)) && !!I._qr && I._qr.isDark(Ve + Qe, ke + nt)
                                    void (J._element && ae._dotsClipPath && ae._dotsClipPath.appendChild(J._element))) : "continue"
                                }, Ke = 0; Ke < H; Ke++)
                            }, ae = this, ne = 0; ne < H; ne++)
                            if (U.shape === D) {
                                var de = Math.floor((q / L - H) / 2)
                                  , ye = H + 2 * de
                                  , be = M - de * L
                                  , Me = W - de * L
                                  , fe = []
                                  , Ee = Math.floor(ye / 2);
                                for (ne = 0; ne < ye; ne++) {
                                    fe[ne] = [];
                                    for (var we = 0; we < ye; we++)
                                        ne >= de - 1 && ne <= ye - de && we >= de - 1 && we <= ye - de || Math.sqrt((ne - Ee) * (ne - Ee) + (we - Ee) * (we - Ee)) > Ee ? fe[ne][we] = 0 : fe[ne][we] = this._qr.isDark(we - 2 * de < 0 ? we : we >= H ? we - 2 * de : we - de, ne - 2 * de < 0 ? ne : ne >= H ? ne - 2 * de : ne - de) ? 1 : 0
                                var Se = function(Ve) {
                                    for (var Te = function(ke) {
                                        if (!fe[Ve][ke])
                                            return "continue";
                                        J.draw(be + Ve * L, Me + ke * L, L, function(Qe, nt) {
                                            var it;
                                            return !!(!((it = fe[Ve + Qe]) === null || it === void 0) && it[ke + nt])
                                        J._element && Ge._dotsClipPath && Ge._dotsClipPath.appendChild(J._element)
                                    }, Ke = 0; Ke < ye; Ke++)
                                  , Ge = this;
                                for (ne = 0; ne < ye; ne++)
                        X.prototype.drawCorners = function() {
                            var S = this;
                            if (!this._qr)
                                throw "QR code is not defined";
                            var j = this._element
                              , N = this._options;
                            if (!j)
                                throw "Element code is not defined";
                            var I = this._qr.getModuleCount()
                              , U = Math.min(N.width, N.height) - 2 * N.margin
                              , H = N.shape === D ? U / Math.sqrt(2) : U
                              , q = Math.floor(H / I)
                              , $ = 7 * q
                              , L = 3 * q
                              , M = Math.floor((N.width - I * q) / 2)
                              , W = Math.floor((N.height - I * q) / 2);
                            [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, Math.PI / 2], [0, 1, -Math.PI / 2]].forEach(function(J) {
                                var se, ae, ne, de, ye, be, Me, fe, Ee, we, Se, Ge, Ve = J[0], Te = J[1], Ke = J[2], ke = M + Ve * q * (I - 7), Qe = W + Te * q * (I - 7), nt = S._dotsClipPath, it = S._dotsClipPath;
                                if ((!((se = N.cornersSquareOptions) === null || se === void 0) && se.gradient || !((ae = N.cornersSquareOptions) === null || ae === void 0) && ae.color) && ((nt = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "clipPath")).setAttribute("id", "clip-path-corners-square-color-" + Ve + "-" + Te),
                                S._cornersSquareClipPath = S._cornersDotClipPath = it = nt,
                                    options: (ne = N.cornersSquareOptions) === null || ne === void 0 ? void 0 : ne.gradient,
                                    color: (de = N.cornersSquareOptions) === null || de === void 0 ? void 0 : de.color,
                                    additionalRotation: Ke,
                                    x: ke,
                                    y: Qe,
                                    height: $,
                                    width: $,
                                    name: "corners-square-color-" + Ve + "-" + Te
                                (ye = N.cornersSquareOptions) === null || ye === void 0 ? void 0 : ye.type) {
                                    var me = new g({
                                        svg: S._element,
                                        type: N.cornersSquareOptions.type
                                    me.draw(ke, Qe, $, Ke),
                                    me._element && nt && nt.appendChild(me._element)
                                } else
                                    for (var Ce = new b({
                                        svg: S._element,
                                        type: N.dotsOptions.type
                                    }), Be = function(st) {
                                        for (var Jt = function(vn) {
                                            if (!(!((be = P[st]) === null || be === void 0) && be[vn]))
                                                return "continue";
                                            Ce.draw(ke + st * q, Qe + vn * q, q, function(K, ee) {
                                                var ie;
                                                return !!(!((ie = P[st + K]) === null || ie === void 0) && ie[vn + ee])
                                            Ce._element && nt && nt.appendChild(Ce._element)
                                        }, _t = 0; _t < P[st].length; _t++)
                                    }, Re = 0; Re < P.length; Re++)
                                if ((!((Me = N.cornersDotOptions) === null || Me === void 0) && Me.gradient || !((fe = N.cornersDotOptions) === null || fe === void 0) && fe.color) && ((it = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "clipPath")).setAttribute("id", "clip-path-corners-dot-color-" + Ve + "-" + Te),
                                S._cornersDotClipPath = it,
                                    options: (Ee = N.cornersDotOptions) === null || Ee === void 0 ? void 0 : Ee.gradient,
                                    color: (we = N.cornersDotOptions) === null || we === void 0 ? void 0 : we.color,
                                    additionalRotation: Ke,
                                    x: ke + 2 * q,
                                    y: Qe + 2 * q,
                                    height: L,
                                    width: L,
                                    name: "corners-dot-color-" + Ve + "-" + Te
                                (Se = N.cornersDotOptions) === null || Se === void 0 ? void 0 : Se.type) {
                                    var We = new E({
                                        svg: S._element,
                                        type: N.cornersDotOptions.type
                                    We.draw(ke + 2 * q, Qe + 2 * q, L, Ke),
                                    We._element && it && it.appendChild(We._element)
                                } else {
                                    Ce = new b({
                                        svg: S._element,
                                        type: N.dotsOptions.type
                                    var et = function(st) {
                                        for (var Jt = function(vn) {
                                            if (!(!((Ge = A[st]) === null || Ge === void 0) && Ge[vn]))
                                                return "continue";
                                            Ce.draw(ke + st * q, Qe + vn * q, q, function(K, ee) {
                                                var ie;
                                                return !!(!((ie = A[st + K]) === null || ie === void 0) && ie[vn + ee])
                                            Ce._element && it && it.appendChild(Ce._element)
                                        }, _t = 0; _t < A[st].length; _t++)
                                    for (Re = 0; Re < A.length; Re++)
                        X.prototype.loadImage = function() {
                            var S = this;
                            return new Promise(function(j, N) {
                                var I = S._options
                                  , U = new Image;
                                if (!I.image)
                                    return N("Image is not defined");
                                typeof I.imageOptions.crossOrigin == "string" && (U.crossOrigin = I.imageOptions.crossOrigin),
                                S._image = U,
                                U.onload = function() {
                                U.src = I.image
                        X.prototype.drawImage = function(S) {
                            var j = S.width
                              , N = S.height
                              , I = S.count
                              , U = S.dotSize;
                            return V(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
                                var H, q, $, L, M, W, J, se, ae;
                                return C(this, function(ne) {
                                    switch (ne.label) {
                                    case 0:
                                        return H = this._options,
                                        q = Math.floor((H.width - I * U) / 2),
                                        $ = Math.floor((H.height - I * U) / 2),
                                        L = q + H.imageOptions.margin + (I * U - j) / 2,
                                        M = $ + H.imageOptions.margin + (I * U - N) / 2,
                                        W = j - 2 * H.imageOptions.margin,
                                        J = N - 2 * H.imageOptions.margin,
                                        (se = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "image")).setAttribute("x", String(L)),
                                        se.setAttribute("y", String(M)),
                                        se.setAttribute("width", W + "px"),
                                        se.setAttribute("height", J + "px"),
                                        [4, h(H.image || "")];
                                    case 1:
                                        return ae = ne.sent(),
                                        se.setAttribute("href", ae || ""),
                        X.prototype._createColor = function(S) {
                            var j = S.options
                              , N = S.color
                              , I = S.additionalRotation
                              , U = S.x
                              , H = S.y
                              , q = S.height
                              , $ = S.width
                              , L = S.name
                              , M = $ > q ? $ : q
                              , W = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "rect");
                            if (W.setAttribute("x", String(U)),
                            W.setAttribute("y", String(H)),
                            W.setAttribute("height", String(q)),
                            W.setAttribute("width", String($)),
                            W.setAttribute("clip-path", "url('#clip-path-" + L + "')"),
                            j) {
                                var J;
                                if (j.type === "radial")
                                    (J = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "radialGradient")).setAttribute("id", L),
                                    J.setAttribute("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"),
                                    J.setAttribute("fx", String(U + $ / 2)),
                                    J.setAttribute("fy", String(H + q / 2)),
                                    J.setAttribute("cx", String(U + $ / 2)),
                                    J.setAttribute("cy", String(H + q / 2)),
                                    J.setAttribute("r", String(M / 2));
                                else {
                                    var se = ((j.rotation || 0) + I) % (2 * Math.PI)
                                      , ae = (se + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI)
                                      , ne = U + $ / 2
                                      , de = H + q / 2
                                      , ye = U + $ / 2
                                      , be = H + q / 2;
                                    ae >= 0 && ae <= .25 * Math.PI || ae > 1.75 * Math.PI && ae <= 2 * Math.PI ? (ne -= $ / 2,
                                    de -= q / 2 * Math.tan(se),
                                    ye += $ / 2,
                                    be += q / 2 * Math.tan(se)) : ae > .25 * Math.PI && ae <= .75 * Math.PI ? (de -= q / 2,
                                    ne -= $ / 2 / Math.tan(se),
                                    be += q / 2,
                                    ye += $ / 2 / Math.tan(se)) : ae > .75 * Math.PI && ae <= 1.25 * Math.PI ? (ne += $ / 2,
                                    de += q / 2 * Math.tan(se),
                                    ye -= $ / 2,
                                    be -= q / 2 * Math.tan(se)) : ae > 1.25 * Math.PI && ae <= 1.75 * Math.PI && (de += q / 2,
                                    ne += $ / 2 / Math.tan(se),
                                    be -= q / 2,
                                    ye -= $ / 2 / Math.tan(se)),
                                    (J = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "linearGradient")).setAttribute("id", L),
                                    J.setAttribute("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"),
                                    J.setAttribute("x1", String(Math.round(ne))),
                                    J.setAttribute("y1", String(Math.round(de))),
                                    J.setAttribute("x2", String(Math.round(ye))),
                                    J.setAttribute("y2", String(Math.round(be)))
                                j.colorStops.forEach(function(Me) {
                                    var fe = Me.offset
                                      , Ee = Me.color
                                      , we = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "stop");
                                    we.setAttribute("offset", 100 * fe + "%"),
                                    we.setAttribute("stop-color", Ee),
                                W.setAttribute("fill", "url('#" + L + "')"),
                            } else
                                N && W.setAttribute("fill", N);
                      , Q = "canvas";
                    for (var Z = {}, F = 0; F <= 40; F++)
                        Z[F] = F;
                    const k = {
                        type: Q,
                        shape: "square",
                        width: 300,
                        height: 300,
                        data: "",
                        margin: 0,
                        qrOptions: {
                            typeNumber: Z[0],
                            mode: void 0,
                            errorCorrectionLevel: "Q"
                        imageOptions: {
                            hideBackgroundDots: !0,
                            imageSize: .4,
                            crossOrigin: void 0,
                            margin: 0
                        dotsOptions: {
                            type: "square",
                            color: "#000"
                        backgroundOptions: {
                            round: 0,
                            color: "#fff"
                    var T = function() {
                        return (T = Object.assign || function(X) {
                            for (var S, j = 1, N = arguments.length; j < N; j++)
                                for (var I in S = arguments[j])
                                    Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(S, I) && (X[I] = S[I]);
                            return X
                        ).apply(this, arguments)
                    function _(X) {
                        var S = T({}, X);
                        if (!S.colorStops || !S.colorStops.length)
                            throw "Field 'colorStops' is required in gradient";
                        return S.rotation ? S.rotation = Number(S.rotation) : S.rotation = 0,
                        S.colorStops = S.colorStops.map(function(j) {
                            return T(T({}, j), {
                                offset: Number(j.offset)
                    function O(X) {
                        var S = T({}, X);
                        return S.width = Number(S.width),
                        S.height = Number(S.height),
                        S.margin = Number(S.margin),
                        S.imageOptions = T(T({}, S.imageOptions), {
                            hideBackgroundDots: !!S.imageOptions.hideBackgroundDots,
                            imageSize: Number(S.imageOptions.imageSize),
                            margin: Number(S.imageOptions.margin)
                        S.margin > Math.min(S.width, S.height) && (S.margin = Math.min(S.width, S.height)),
                        S.dotsOptions = T({}, S.dotsOptions),
                        S.dotsOptions.gradient && (S.dotsOptions.gradient = _(S.dotsOptions.gradient)),
                        S.cornersSquareOptions && (S.cornersSquareOptions = T({}, S.cornersSquareOptions),
                        S.cornersSquareOptions.gradient && (S.cornersSquareOptions.gradient = _(S.cornersSquareOptions.gradient))),
                        S.cornersDotOptions && (S.cornersDotOptions = T({}, S.cornersDotOptions),
                        S.cornersDotOptions.gradient && (S.cornersDotOptions.gradient = _(S.cornersDotOptions.gradient))),
                        S.backgroundOptions && (S.backgroundOptions = T({}, S.backgroundOptions),
                        S.backgroundOptions.gradient && (S.backgroundOptions.gradient = _(S.backgroundOptions.gradient))),
                    var R = a(192)
                      , z = a.n(R)
                      , Y = function(X, S, j, N) {
                        return new (j || (j = Promise))(function(I, U) {
                            function H(L) {
                                try {
                                } catch (M) {
                            function q(L) {
                                try {
                                } catch (M) {
                            function $(L) {
                                var M;
                                L.done ? I(L.value) : (M = L.value,
                                M instanceof j ? M : new j(function(W) {
                                )).then(H, q)
                            $((N = N.apply(X, [])).next())
                      , te = function(X, S) {
                        var j, N, I, U, H = {
                            label: 0,
                            sent: function() {
                                if (1 & I[0])
                                    throw I[1];
                                return I[1]
                            trys: [],
                            ops: []
                        return U = {
                            next: q(0),
                            throw: q(1),
                            return: q(2)
                        typeof Symbol == "function" && (U[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
                            return this
                        function q($) {
                            return function(L) {
                                return function(M) {
                                    if (j)
                                        throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
                                    for (; H; )
                                        try {
                                            if (j = 1,
                                            N && (I = 2 & M[0] ? N.return : M[0] ? N.throw || ((I = N.return) && I.call(N),
                                            0) : N.next) && !(I = I.call(N, M[1])).done)
                                                return I;
                                            switch (N = 0,
                                            I && (M = [2 & M[0], I.value]),
                                            M[0]) {
                                            case 0:
                                            case 1:
                                                I = M;
                                            case 4:
                                                return H.label++,
                                                    value: M[1],
                                                    done: !1
                                            case 5:
                                                N = M[1],
                                                M = [0];
                                            case 7:
                                                M = H.ops.pop(),
                                                if (!((I = (I = H.trys).length > 0 && I[I.length - 1]) || M[0] !== 6 && M[0] !== 2)) {
                                                    H = 0;
                                                if (M[0] === 3 && (!I || M[1] > I[0] && M[1] < I[3])) {
                                                    H.label = M[1];
                                                if (M[0] === 6 && H.label < I[1]) {
                                                    H.label = I[1],
                                                    I = M;
                                                if (I && H.label < I[2]) {
                                                    H.label = I[2],
                                                I[2] && H.ops.pop(),
                                            M = S.call(X, H)
                                        } catch (W) {
                                            M = [6, W],
                                            N = 0
                                        } finally {
                                            j = I = 0
                                    if (5 & M[0])
                                        throw M[1];
                                    return {
                                        value: M[0] ? M[1] : void 0,
                                        done: !0
                                }([$, L])
                    const ue = function() {
                        function X(S) {
                            this._options = S ? O(d(k, S)) : k,
                        return X._clearContainer = function(S) {
                            S && (S.innerHTML = "")
                        X.prototype._setupSvg = function() {
                            var S = this;
                            if (this._qr) {
                                var j = new B(this._options);
                                this._svg = j.getElement(),
                                this._svgDrawingPromise = j.drawQR(this._qr).then(function() {
                                    var N;
                                    S._svg && ((N = S._extension) === null || N === void 0 || N.call(S, j.getElement(), S._options))
                        X.prototype._setupCanvas = function() {
                            var S, j = this;
                            this._qr && (this._canvas = document.createElement("canvas"),
                            this._canvas.width = this._options.width,
                            this._canvas.height = this._options.height,
                            this._canvasDrawingPromise = (S = this._svgDrawingPromise) === null || S === void 0 ? void 0 : S.then(function() {
                                if (j._svg) {
                                    var N = j._svg
                                      , I = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(N)
                                      , U = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(I)
                                      , H = new Image;
                                    return new Promise(function(q) {
                                        H.onload = function() {
                                            var $, L;
                                            (L = ($ = j._canvas) === null || $ === void 0 ? void 0 : $.getContext("2d")) === null || L === void 0 || L.drawImage(H, 0, 0),
                                        H.src = U
                        X.prototype._getElement = function(S) {
                            return S === void 0 && (S = "png"),
                            Y(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
                                return te(this, function(j) {
                                    switch (j.label) {
                                    case 0:
                                        if (!this._qr)
                                            throw "QR code is empty";
                                        return S.toLowerCase() !== "svg" ? [3, 2] : (this._svg && this._svgDrawingPromise || this._setupSvg(),
                                        [4, this._svgDrawingPromise]);
                                    case 1:
                                        return j.sent(),
                                        [2, this._svg];
                                    case 2:
                                        return this._canvas && this._canvasDrawingPromise || this._setupCanvas(),
                                        [4, this._canvasDrawingPromise];
                                    case 3:
                                        return j.sent(),
                                        [2, this._canvas]
                        X.prototype.update = function(S) {
                            this._options = S ? O(d(this._options, S)) : this._options,
                            this._options.data && (this._qr = z()(this._options.qrOptions.typeNumber, this._options.qrOptions.errorCorrectionLevel),
                            this._qr.addData(this._options.data, this._options.qrOptions.mode || function(j) {
                                switch (!0) {
                                case /^[0-9]*$/.test(j):
                                    return "Numeric";
                                case /^[0-9A-Z $%*+\-./:]*$/.test(j):
                                    return "Alphanumeric";
                                    return "Byte"
                            this._options.type === Q ? this._setupCanvas() : this._setupSvg(),
                        X.prototype.append = function(S) {
                            if (S) {
                                if (typeof S.appendChild != "function")
                                    throw "Container should be a single DOM node";
                                this._options.type === Q ? this._canvas && S.appendChild(this._canvas) : this._svg && S.appendChild(this._svg),
                                this._container = S
                        X.prototype.applyExtension = function(S) {
                            if (!S)
                                throw "Extension function should be defined.";
                            this._extension = S,
                        X.prototype.deleteExtension = function() {
                            this._extension = void 0,
                        X.prototype.getRawData = function(S) {
                            return S === void 0 && (S = "png"),
                            Y(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
                                var j, N, I;
                                return te(this, function(U) {
                                    switch (U.label) {
                                    case 0:
                                        if (!this._qr)
                                            throw "QR code is empty";
                                        return [4, this._getElement(S)];
                                    case 1:
                                        return (j = U.sent()) ? S.toLowerCase() === "svg" ? (N = new XMLSerializer,
                                        I = N.serializeToString(j),
                                        [2, new Blob([`<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>\r
` + I],{
                                            type: "image/svg+xml"
                                        })]) : [2, new Promise(function(H) {
                                            return j.toBlob(H, "image/" + S, 1)
                                        )] : [2, null]
                        X.prototype.download = function(S) {
                            return Y(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
                                var j, N, I, U, H;
                                return te(this, function(q) {
                                    switch (q.label) {
                                    case 0:
                                        if (!this._qr)
                                            throw "QR code is empty";
                                        return j = "png",
                                        N = "qr",
                                        typeof S == "string" ? (j = S,
                                        console.warn("Extension is deprecated as argument for 'download' method, please pass object { name: '...', extension: '...' } as argument")) : typeof S == "object" && S !== null && (S.name && (N = S.name),
                                        S.extension && (j = S.extension)),
                                        [4, this._getElement(j)];
                                    case 1:
                                        return (I = q.sent()) ? (j.toLowerCase() === "svg" ? (U = new XMLSerializer,
                                        H = `<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>\r
` + (H = U.serializeToString(I)),
                                        f("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(H), N + ".svg")) : f(I.toDataURL("image/" + j), N + "." + j),
                                        [2]) : [2]
              , r = {};
            function i(s) {
                if (r[s])
                    return r[s].exports;
                var o = r[s] = {
                    exports: {}
                return n[s](o, o.exports, i),
            return i.n = s=>{
                var o = s && s.__esModule ? ()=>s.default : ()=>s;
                return i.d(o, {
                    a: o
            i.d = (s,o)=>{
                for (var a in o)
                    i.o(o, a) && !i.o(s, a) && Object.defineProperty(s, a, {
                        enumerable: !0,
                        get: o[a]
            i.o = (s,o)=>Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, o),
var V8 = bT.exports;
const z8 = pu(V8)
  , U8 = (e,t)=>{
    const n = y.useRef(null)
      , r = new z8({
        height: 1e3,
        width: 1e3,
        type: "canvas",
        data: e,
        image: t,
        margin: 0,
        qrOptions: {
            typeNumber: 0,
            mode: "Byte",
            errorCorrectionLevel: "Q"
        imageOptions: {
            hideBackgroundDots: !0,
            imageSize: .4,
            margin: 0
        backgroundOptions: {
            color: "#ffffff00"
        dotsOptions: {
            type: "rounded",
            color: "#DEDEDE"
        cornersSquareOptions: {
            type: "extra-rounded",
            color: "#DEDEDE"
        cornersDotOptions: {
            type: void 0,
            color: "#DEDEDE"
    return y.useLayoutEffect(()=>{
        const i = n.current;
        if (i)
            return r.append(n.current),
                i.innerHTML = ""
    , [e, r]),
  , B8 = y.memo(e=>{
    const {link: t, imageUrl: n} = e
      , r = U8(t, n);
    return x.jsx("div", {
        className: "h-full w-full *:h-full *:w-full",
        ref: r
  , kx = {
    px: "1px",
    0: "0px",
    .5: "0.125rem",
    1: "0.25rem",
    1.5: "0.375rem",
    2: "0.5rem",
    2.5: "0.625rem",
    3: "0.75rem",
    3.5: "0.875rem",
    4: "1rem",
    5: "1.25rem",
    6: "1.5rem",
    7: "1.75rem",
    8: "2rem",
    9: "2.25rem",
    10: "2.5rem",
    11: "2.75rem",
    12: "3rem",
    14: "3.5rem",
    16: "4rem",
    20: "5rem",
    24: "6rem",
    28: "7rem",
    32: "8rem",
    36: "9rem",
    40: "10rem",
    44: "11rem",
    48: "12rem",
    52: "13rem",
    56: "14rem",
    60: "15rem",
    64: "16rem",
    72: "18rem",
    80: "20rem",
    96: "24rem"
  , hr = e=>{
    const {x: t="0", y: n="0"} = e
      , r = kx[t]
      , i = kx[n];
    return x.jsx("div", {
        style: {
            width: r,
            height: i
  , ST = ()=>x.jsx("div", {
    className: "flex animate-spin items-center justify-center",
    children: x.jsx("img", {
        src: Ae.flyingCoin,
        className: "size-[80px]"
function H8(e) {
    const t = e + "CollectionProvider"
      , [n,r] = Ru(t)
      , [i,s] = n(t, {
        collectionRef: {
            current: null
        itemMap: new Map
      , o = h=>{
        const {scope: m, children: p} = h
          , b = ce.useRef(null)
          , v = ce.useRef(new Map).current;
        return ce.createElement(i, {
            scope: m,
            itemMap: v,
            collectionRef: b
        }, p)
      , a = e + "CollectionSlot"
      , l = ce.forwardRef((h,m)=>{
        const {scope: p, children: b} = h
          , v = s(a, p)
          , g = Zr(m, v.collectionRef);
        return ce.createElement(Ul, {
            ref: g
        }, b)
      , u = e + "CollectionItemSlot"
      , c = "data-radix-collection-item"
      , d = ce.forwardRef((h,m)=>{
        const {scope: p, children: b, ...v} = h
          , g = ce.useRef(null)
          , w = Zr(m, g)
          , E = s(u, p);
        return ce.useEffect(()=>(E.itemMap.set(g, {
            ref: g,
        ()=>void E.itemMap.delete(g))),
        ce.createElement(Ul, {
            [c]: "",
            ref: w
        }, b)
    function f(h) {
        const m = s(e + "CollectionConsumer", h);
        return ce.useCallback(()=>{
            const b = m.collectionRef.current;
            if (!b)
                return [];
            const v = Array.from(b.querySelectorAll(`[${c}]`));
            return Array.from(m.itemMap.values()).sort((E,D)=>v.indexOf(E.ref.current) - v.indexOf(D.ref.current))
        , [m.collectionRef, m.itemMap])
    return [{
        Provider: o,
        Slot: l,
        ItemSlot: d
    }, f, r]
const W8 = y.createContext(void 0);
function ET(e) {
    const t = y.useContext(W8);
    return e || t || "ltr"
const ip = "rovingFocusGroup.onEntryFocus"
  , G8 = {
    bubbles: !1,
    cancelable: !0
  , Py = "RovingFocusGroup"
  , [dg,CT,K8] = H8(Py)
  , [q8,PT] = Ru(Py, [K8])
  , [Q8,Y8] = q8(Py)
  , X8 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>y.createElement(dg.Provider, {
    scope: e.__scopeRovingFocusGroup
}, y.createElement(dg.Slot, {
    scope: e.__scopeRovingFocusGroup
}, y.createElement(J8, qe({}, e, {
    ref: t
  , J8 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeRovingFocusGroup: n, orientation: r, loop: i=!1, dir: s, currentTabStopId: o, defaultCurrentTabStopId: a, onCurrentTabStopIdChange: l, onEntryFocus: u, ...c} = e
      , d = y.useRef(null)
      , f = Zr(t, d)
      , h = ET(s)
      , [m=null,p] = $v({
        prop: o,
        defaultProp: a,
        onChange: l
      , [b,v] = y.useState(!1)
      , g = Vi(u)
      , w = CT(n)
      , E = y.useRef(!1)
      , [D,V] = y.useState(0);
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        const C = d.current;
        if (C)
            return C.addEventListener(ip, g),
            ()=>C.removeEventListener(ip, g)
    , [g]),
    y.createElement(Q8, {
        scope: n,
        orientation: r,
        dir: h,
        loop: i,
        currentTabStopId: m,
        onItemFocus: y.useCallback(C=>p(C), [p]),
        onItemShiftTab: y.useCallback(()=>v(!0), []),
        onFocusableItemAdd: y.useCallback(()=>V(C=>C + 1), []),
        onFocusableItemRemove: y.useCallback(()=>V(C=>C - 1), [])
    }, y.createElement(ln.div, qe({
        tabIndex: b || D === 0 ? -1 : 0,
        "data-orientation": r
    }, c, {
        ref: f,
        style: {
            outline: "none",
        onMouseDown: Yt(e.onMouseDown, ()=>{
            E.current = !0
        onFocus: Yt(e.onFocus, C=>{
            const P = !E.current;
            if (C.target === C.currentTarget && P && !b) {
                const A = new CustomEvent(ip,G8);
                if (C.currentTarget.dispatchEvent(A),
                !A.defaultPrevented) {
                    const B = w().filter(T=>T.focusable)
                      , Q = B.find(T=>T.active)
                      , Z = B.find(T=>T.id === m)
                      , k = [Q, Z, ...B].filter(Boolean).map(T=>T.ref.current);
            E.current = !1
        onBlur: Yt(e.onBlur, ()=>v(!1))
  , Z8 = "RovingFocusGroupItem"
  , e7 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeRovingFocusGroup: n, focusable: r=!0, active: i=!1, tabStopId: s, ...o} = e
      , a = ul()
      , l = s || a
      , u = Y8(Z8, n)
      , c = u.currentTabStopId === l
      , d = CT(n)
      , {onFocusableItemAdd: f, onFocusableItemRemove: h} = u;
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        if (r)
            return f(),
    , [r, f, h]),
    y.createElement(dg.ItemSlot, {
        scope: n,
        id: l,
        focusable: r,
        active: i
    }, y.createElement(ln.span, qe({
        tabIndex: c ? 0 : -1,
        "data-orientation": u.orientation
    }, o, {
        ref: t,
        onMouseDown: Yt(e.onMouseDown, m=>{
            r ? u.onItemFocus(l) : m.preventDefault()
        onFocus: Yt(e.onFocus, ()=>u.onItemFocus(l)),
        onKeyDown: Yt(e.onKeyDown, m=>{
            if (m.key === "Tab" && m.shiftKey) {
            if (m.target !== m.currentTarget)
            const p = r7(m, u.orientation, u.dir);
            if (p !== void 0) {
                let v = d().filter(g=>g.focusable).map(g=>g.ref.current);
                if (p === "last")
                else if (p === "prev" || p === "next") {
                    p === "prev" && v.reverse();
                    const g = v.indexOf(m.currentTarget);
                    v = u.loop ? i7(v, g + 1) : v.slice(g + 1)
  , t7 = {
    ArrowLeft: "prev",
    ArrowUp: "prev",
    ArrowRight: "next",
    ArrowDown: "next",
    PageUp: "first",
    Home: "first",
    PageDown: "last",
    End: "last"
function n7(e, t) {
    return t !== "rtl" ? e : e === "ArrowLeft" ? "ArrowRight" : e === "ArrowRight" ? "ArrowLeft" : e
function r7(e, t, n) {
    const r = n7(e.key, n);
    if (!(t === "vertical" && ["ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight"].includes(r)) && !(t === "horizontal" && ["ArrowUp", "ArrowDown"].includes(r)))
        return t7[r]
function TT(e) {
    const t = document.activeElement;
    for (const n of e)
        if (n === t || (n.focus(),
        document.activeElement !== t))
function i7(e, t) {
    return e.map((n,r)=>e[(t + r) % e.length])
const s7 = X8
  , o7 = e7
  , RT = "Tabs"
  , [a7,$z] = Ru(RT, [PT])
  , OT = PT()
  , [l7,Ty] = a7(RT)
  , u7 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeTabs: n, value: r, onValueChange: i, defaultValue: s, orientation: o="horizontal", dir: a, activationMode: l="automatic", ...u} = e
      , c = ET(a)
      , [d,f] = $v({
        prop: r,
        onChange: i,
        defaultProp: s
    return y.createElement(l7, {
        scope: n,
        baseId: ul(),
        value: d,
        onValueChange: f,
        orientation: o,
        dir: c,
        activationMode: l
    }, y.createElement(ln.div, qe({
        dir: c,
        "data-orientation": o
    }, u, {
        ref: t
  , c7 = "TabsList"
  , d7 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeTabs: n, loop: r=!0, ...i} = e
      , s = Ty(c7, n)
      , o = OT(n);
    return y.createElement(s7, qe({
        asChild: !0
    }, o, {
        orientation: s.orientation,
        dir: s.dir,
        loop: r
    }), y.createElement(ln.div, qe({
        role: "tablist",
        "aria-orientation": s.orientation
    }, i, {
        ref: t
  , f7 = "TabsTrigger"
  , h7 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeTabs: n, value: r, disabled: i=!1, ...s} = e
      , o = Ty(f7, n)
      , a = OT(n)
      , l = kT(o.baseId, r)
      , u = _T(o.baseId, r)
      , c = r === o.value;
    return y.createElement(o7, qe({
        asChild: !0
    }, a, {
        focusable: !i,
        active: c
    }), y.createElement(ln.button, qe({
        type: "button",
        role: "tab",
        "aria-selected": c,
        "aria-controls": u,
        "data-state": c ? "active" : "inactive",
        "data-disabled": i ? "" : void 0,
        disabled: i,
        id: l
    }, s, {
        ref: t,
        onMouseDown: Yt(e.onMouseDown, d=>{
            !i && d.button === 0 && d.ctrlKey === !1 ? o.onValueChange(r) : d.preventDefault()
        onKeyDown: Yt(e.onKeyDown, d=>{
            [" ", "Enter"].includes(d.key) && o.onValueChange(r)
        onFocus: Yt(e.onFocus, ()=>{
            const d = o.activationMode !== "manual";
            !c && !i && d && o.onValueChange(r)
  , p7 = "TabsContent"
  , m7 = y.forwardRef((e,t)=>{
    const {__scopeTabs: n, value: r, forceMount: i, children: s, ...o} = e
      , a = Ty(p7, n)
      , l = kT(a.baseId, r)
      , u = _T(a.baseId, r)
      , c = r === a.value
      , d = y.useRef(c);
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        const f = requestAnimationFrame(()=>d.current = !1);
        return ()=>cancelAnimationFrame(f)
    , []),
    y.createElement(Ou, {
        present: i || c
    }, ({present: f})=>y.createElement(ln.div, qe({
        "data-state": c ? "active" : "inactive",
        "data-orientation": a.orientation,
        role: "tabpanel",
        "aria-labelledby": l,
        hidden: !f,
        id: u,
        tabIndex: 0
    }, o, {
        ref: t,
        style: {
            animationDuration: d.current ? "0s" : void 0
    }), f && s))
function kT(e, t) {
    return `${e}-trigger-${t}`
function _T(e, t) {
    return `${e}-content-${t}`
const g7 = u7
  , AT = d7
  , DT = h7
  , LT = m7
  , v7 = g7
  , NT = y.forwardRef(({className: e, ...t},n)=>x.jsx(AT, {
    ref: n,
    className: Ze("flex items-center justify-center rounded-2xl border border-graphite-light p-[3.5px] backdrop-blur-[2px]", e),
NT.displayName = AT.displayName;
const Wc = y.forwardRef(({className: e, notification: t=!1, ...n},r)=>x.jsxs("div", {
    className: "relative flex w-full",
    children: [t && x.jsx(GP, {
        className: "absolute right-2 top-2"
    }), x.jsx(DT, {
        ref: r,
        className: Ze("inline-flex w-full items-center justify-center whitespace-nowrap rounded-xl py-3 text-base  text-white/65 transition-all data-[state=active]:bg-graphite-light data-[state=active]:text-white", e),
Wc.displayName = DT.displayName;
const Gc = y.forwardRef(({className: e, ...t},n)=>x.jsx(LT, {
    ref: n,
    className: Ze("ring-offset-background focus-visible:ring-ring mt-2 focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-offset-2", e),
Gc.displayName = LT.displayName;
const _x = e=>x.jsx("button", {
    className: Ze("w-full rounded-xl bg-gold-button-gradient py-[17px] text-h3 text-black subpixel-antialiased shadow-gold-button-glow", e.className)
  , y7 = e=>{
    const {button: t, children: n, open: r, onOpenChange: i} = e
      , [s,o] = y.useState(!1);
        o(r ?? !1)
    , [r]);
    const a = u=>{
        i == null || i(u)
      , l = ()=>{
        i == null || i(!1)
    return x.jsxs(Lt.Root, {
        dismissible: !1,
        open: s,
        onOpenChange: a,
        children: [t && x.jsx(Lt.Trigger, {
            className: "w-full focus-visible:outline-none",
            children: t
        }), x.jsxs(Lt.Portal, {
            children: [x.jsx(Lt.Overlay, {
                onClick: l,
                className: "fixed inset-0 bg-black/50 backdrop-blur-[4px]"
            }), x.jsxs(Lt.Content, {
                className: "fixed bottom-0 left-0 right-0 z-50 mt-24 flex flex-col rounded-t-xl bg-graphite-normal px-6 pb-10 pt-10 focus-visible:outline-none",
                children: [x.jsx("div", {
                    children: n
                }), x.jsx("button", {
                    onClick: l,
                    className: "absolute right-6 top-6",
                    children: x.jsx(Af, {})
  , w7 = ()=>x.jsx(F3, {
    toastOptions: {
        style: {
            backgroundColor: "#202229",
            color: "#fff",
            borderRadius: "16px",
            padding: "10px"
  , x7 = {
    notification: {
        notification: "We are cleaning up the databases from manipulations and fraud. If your balance has decreased but you did not violate any rules, we will restore everything soon!"
    boosters: {
        shareBalance: "Your share balance",
        dailyBoosters: "Daily boosters",
        boosters: "Boosters",
        tappingGuru: "Power Punch",
        fullTank: "Full tank",
        energyLimit: "Energy limit",
        multitap: "Multitap",
        rechargingSpeed: "Recharging speed",
        level: "Level",
        tappingGuruDescription: "Each tap multiplies by 5 for 20 seconds",
        free: "Free",
        getIt: "Get it!",
        fullTankDescription: "Instantly restores 100% of energy",
        multitapDescription: `Increases amount of coins you can
earn per one tap. +1 per level`,
        energyLimitDescription: "Increases limit of energy. +500 per level",
        rechargingSpeedDescription: `Increases speed of recharging.
+1 per second for each level`
    stats: {
        totalTouches: "Total touches",
        totalPlayers: "Total players",
        dailyUsers: "Daily users",
        onlinePlayers: "Online players"
    footer: {
        ref: "Ref",
        tasks: "Tasks",
        boosters: "Boost",
        stats: "Stats",
        tap: "Tap"
    leagues: {
        wooden: "Wooden",
        bronze: "Bronze",
        silver: "Silver",
        gold: "Gold",
        platinum: "Platinum",
        diamond: "Diamond",
        master: "Master",
        grandmaster: "Grandmaster",
        elite: "Elite",
        legendary: "Legendary",
        mythic: "Mythic",
        league: "League",
        description: `Your score determines the league you enter`,
        completed: "Completed!",
        from: "From"
    tasks: {
        special: "Special",
        leagues: "Leagues",
        referrals: "Ref Tasks",
        claim: "Claim",
        invite: "Invite {{count}} friends",
        invite_one: "Invite {{count}} friend"
    referrals: {
        myRefs_one: "Referral",
        myRefs_other: "Referrals",
        my: "My",
        inviteFriends: "Invite friends",
        inviteFriendsButtonDescription: "and get 2500 coins each",
        noRefs: "You don’t have referrals yet",
        description: "Invite a friend and get 2500 coins",
        copyLink: "Copy link",
        inviteMessage: "Join and get 2500 real coins! I'm already in the game and waiting for you. Click on the link and take the bonus!"
  , b7 = {
    notification: {
        notification: "Мы очищаем базы данных от манипуляций и мошенничества. Если ваш баланс уменьшился, но вы не нарушали никаких правил, мы скоро все восстановим!"
    boosters: {
        shareBalance: "Ваш баланс",
        dailyBoosters: "Ежедневные бустеры",
        boosters: "Бустеры",
        tappingGuru: "Таппинг гуру",
        fullTank: "Полный бак",
        energyLimit: "Лимит энергии",
        multitap: "Мультитап",
        rechargingSpeed: "Скорость восстановления",
        level: "Уровень",
        free: "Бесплатно",
        getIt: "Купить!",
        tappingGuruDescription: `Каждый тап умножается на 5
в течение 20 секунд`,
        fullTankDescription: `Моментально восстанавливает
энергию до 100%`,
        multitapDescription: "Увеличивает количество получаемых монет за один тап. +1 за каждый уровень",
        energyLimitDescription: `Увеличивает лимит энергии.
+500 за каждый уровень`,
        rechargingSpeedDescription: "Увеличивает скорость восстановления энергии. +1 в секунду за каждый уровень"
    stats: {
        totalTouches: "Всего касаний",
        totalPlayers: "Всего игроков",
        dailyUsers: "Игроков в день",
        onlinePlayers: "Игроков в сети"
    footer: {
        ref: "Друг",
        tasks: "Задачи",
        boosters: "Буст",
        stats: "Стат",
        tap: "Тап"
    leagues: {
        wooden: "Деревянная",
        bronze: "Бронзовая",
        silver: "Серебряная",
        gold: "Золотая",
        platinum: "Платиновая",
        diamond: "Алмазная",
        master: "Мастер",
        grandmaster: "Грандмастер",
        elite: "Элитная",
        legendary: "Легендарная",
        mythic: "Мифическая",
        league: "лига",
        description: "Количество натапанных монет определяет лигу в которой вы находитесь",
        completed: "Завершено!",
        from: "от"
    tasks: {
        special: "Особые",
        leagues: "Лиги",
        referrals: "Друзья",
        claim: "Забрать",
        invite: "{{count}} друзей",
        invite_one: "{{count}} друга"
    referrals: {
        myRefs_one: "Друг",
        myRefs_few: "Друга",
        myRefs_many: "Друзей",
        my: "Моих",
        inviteFriends: "Пригласите друзей",
        inviteFriendsButtonDescription: "и получите 2500 монет",
        noRefs: "У вас пока нет приглашенных друзей",
        description: "Пригласите друга и получите 2500 монет",
        copyLink: "Скопировать ссылку",
        inviteMessage: "Присоединяйся и получи 2500 реальных монет! Я уже в игре и жду тебя. Нажми на ссылку и забери бонус!"
  , S7 = {
    type: "logger",
    log(e) {
        this.output("log", e)
    warn(e) {
        this.output("warn", e)
    error(e) {
        this.output("error", e)
    output(e, t) {
        console && console[e] && console[e].apply(console, t)
class zd {
    constructor(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
        this.init(t, n)
    init(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
        this.prefix = n.prefix || "i18next:",
        this.logger = t || S7,
        this.options = n,
        this.debug = n.debug
    log() {
        for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++)
            n[r] = arguments[r];
        return this.forward(n, "log", "", !0)
    warn() {
        for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++)
            n[r] = arguments[r];
        return this.forward(n, "warn", "", !0)
    error() {
        for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++)
            n[r] = arguments[r];
        return this.forward(n, "error", "")
    deprecate() {
        for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++)
            n[r] = arguments[r];
        return this.forward(n, "warn", "WARNING DEPRECATED: ", !0)
    forward(t, n, r, i) {
        return i && !this.debug ? null : (typeof t[0] == "string" && (t[0] = `${r}${this.prefix} ${t[0]}`),
    create(t) {
        return new zd(this.logger,{
            prefix: `${this.prefix}:${t}:`,
    clone(t) {
        return t = t || this.options,
        t.prefix = t.prefix || this.prefix,
        new zd(this.logger,t)
var Rr = new zd;
class Bf {
    constructor() {
        this.observers = {}
    on(t, n) {
        return t.split(" ").forEach(r=>{
            this.observers[r] || (this.observers[r] = new Map);
            const i = this.observers[r].get(n) || 0;
            this.observers[r].set(n, i + 1)
    off(t, n) {
        if (this.observers[t]) {
            if (!n) {
                delete this.observers[t];
    emit(t) {
        for (var n = arguments.length, r = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < n; i++)
            r[i - 1] = arguments[i];
        this.observers[t] && Array.from(this.observers[t].entries()).forEach(o=>{
            let[a,l] = o;
            for (let u = 0; u < l; u++)
        this.observers["*"] && Array.from(this.observers["*"].entries()).forEach(o=>{
            let[a,l] = o;
            for (let u = 0; u < l; u++)
                a.apply(a, [t, ...r])
function Ba() {
    let e, t;
    const n = new Promise((r,i)=>{
        e = r,
        t = i
    return n.resolve = e,
    n.reject = t,
function Ax(e) {
    return e == null ? "" : "" + e
function E7(e, t, n) {
        t[r] && (n[r] = t[r])
const C7 = /###/g;
function ml(e, t, n) {
    function r(a) {
        return a && a.indexOf("###") > -1 ? a.replace(C7, ".") : a
    function i() {
        return !e || typeof e == "string"
    const s = typeof t != "string" ? t : t.split(".");
    let o = 0;
    for (; o < s.length - 1; ) {
        if (i())
            return {};
        const a = r(s[o]);
        !e[a] && n && (e[a] = new n),
        Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) ? e = e[a] : e = {},
    return i() ? {} : {
        obj: e,
        k: r(s[o])
function Dx(e, t, n) {
    const {obj: r, k: i} = ml(e, t, Object);
    if (r !== void 0 || t.length === 1) {
        r[i] = n;
    let s = t[t.length - 1]
      , o = t.slice(0, t.length - 1)
      , a = ml(e, o, Object);
    for (; a.obj === void 0 && o.length; )
        s = `${o[o.length - 1]}.${s}`,
        o = o.slice(0, o.length - 1),
        a = ml(e, o, Object),
        a && a.obj && typeof a.obj[`${a.k}.${s}`] < "u" && (a.obj = void 0);
    a.obj[`${a.k}.${s}`] = n
function P7(e, t, n, r) {
    const {obj: i, k: s} = ml(e, t, Object);
    i[s] = i[s] || [],
function Ud(e, t) {
    const {obj: n, k: r} = ml(e, t);
    if (n)
        return n[r]
function T7(e, t, n) {
    const r = Ud(e, n);
    return r !== void 0 ? r : Ud(t, n)
function MT(e, t, n) {
    for (const r in t)
        r !== "__proto__" && r !== "constructor" && (r in e ? typeof e[r] == "string" || e[r]instanceof String || typeof t[r] == "string" || t[r]instanceof String ? n && (e[r] = t[r]) : MT(e[r], t[r], n) : e[r] = t[r]);
    return e
function no(e) {
    return e.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&")
var R7 = {
    "&": "&amp;",
    "<": "&lt;",
    ">": "&gt;",
    '"': "&quot;",
    "'": "&#39;",
    "/": "&#x2F;"
function O7(e) {
    return typeof e == "string" ? e.replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g, t=>R7[t]) : e
class k7 {
    constructor(t) {
        this.capacity = t,
        this.regExpMap = new Map,
        this.regExpQueue = []
    getRegExp(t) {
        const n = this.regExpMap.get(t);
        if (n !== void 0)
            return n;
        const r = new RegExp(t);
        return this.regExpQueue.length === this.capacity && this.regExpMap.delete(this.regExpQueue.shift()),
        this.regExpMap.set(t, r),
const _7 = [" ", ",", "?", "!", ";"]
  , A7 = new k7(20);
function D7(e, t, n) {
    t = t || "",
    n = n || "";
    const r = _7.filter(o=>t.indexOf(o) < 0 && n.indexOf(o) < 0);
    if (r.length === 0)
        return !0;
    const i = A7.getRegExp(`(${r.map(o=>o === "?" ? "\\?" : o).join("|")})`);
    let s = !i.test(e);
    if (!s) {
        const o = e.indexOf(n);
        o > 0 && !i.test(e.substring(0, o)) && (s = !0)
    return s
function fg(e, t) {
    let n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : ".";
    if (!e)
    if (e[t])
        return e[t];
    const r = t.split(n);
    let i = e;
    for (let s = 0; s < r.length; ) {
        if (!i || typeof i != "object")
        let o, a = "";
        for (let l = s; l < r.length; ++l)
            if (l !== s && (a += n),
            a += r[l],
            o = i[a],
            o !== void 0) {
                if (["string", "number", "boolean"].indexOf(typeof o) > -1 && l < r.length - 1)
                s += l - s + 1;
        i = o
    return i
function Bd(e) {
    return e && e.indexOf("_") > 0 ? e.replace("_", "-") : e
class Lx extends Bf {
    constructor(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {
            ns: ["translation"],
            defaultNS: "translation"
        this.data = t || {},
        this.options = n,
        this.options.keySeparator === void 0 && (this.options.keySeparator = "."),
        this.options.ignoreJSONStructure === void 0 && (this.options.ignoreJSONStructure = !0)
    addNamespaces(t) {
        this.options.ns.indexOf(t) < 0 && this.options.ns.push(t)
    removeNamespaces(t) {
        const n = this.options.ns.indexOf(t);
        n > -1 && this.options.ns.splice(n, 1)
    getResource(t, n, r) {
        let i = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {};
        const s = i.keySeparator !== void 0 ? i.keySeparator : this.options.keySeparator
          , o = i.ignoreJSONStructure !== void 0 ? i.ignoreJSONStructure : this.options.ignoreJSONStructure;
        let a;
        t.indexOf(".") > -1 ? a = t.split(".") : (a = [t, n],
        r && (Array.isArray(r) ? a.push(...r) : typeof r == "string" && s ? a.push(...r.split(s)) : a.push(r)));
        const l = Ud(this.data, a);
        return !l && !n && !r && t.indexOf(".") > -1 && (t = a[0],
        n = a[1],
        r = a.slice(2).join(".")),
        l || !o || typeof r != "string" ? l : fg(this.data && this.data[t] && this.data[t][n], r, s)
    addResource(t, n, r, i) {
        let s = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== void 0 ? arguments[4] : {
            silent: !1
        const o = s.keySeparator !== void 0 ? s.keySeparator : this.options.keySeparator;
        let a = [t, n];
        r && (a = a.concat(o ? r.split(o) : r)),
        t.indexOf(".") > -1 && (a = t.split("."),
        i = n,
        n = a[1]),
        Dx(this.data, a, i),
        s.silent || this.emit("added", t, n, r, i)
    addResources(t, n, r) {
        let i = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {
            silent: !1
        for (const s in r)
            (typeof r[s] == "string" || Array.isArray(r[s])) && this.addResource(t, n, s, r[s], {
                silent: !0
        i.silent || this.emit("added", t, n, r)
    addResourceBundle(t, n, r, i, s) {
        let o = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== void 0 ? arguments[5] : {
            silent: !1,
            skipCopy: !1
          , a = [t, n];
        t.indexOf(".") > -1 && (a = t.split("."),
        i = r,
        r = n,
        n = a[1]),
        let l = Ud(this.data, a) || {};
        o.skipCopy || (r = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(r))),
        i ? MT(l, r, s) : l = {
        Dx(this.data, a, l),
        o.silent || this.emit("added", t, n, r)
    removeResourceBundle(t, n) {
        this.hasResourceBundle(t, n) && delete this.data[t][n],
        this.emit("removed", t, n)
    hasResourceBundle(t, n) {
        return this.getResource(t, n) !== void 0
    getResourceBundle(t, n) {
        return n || (n = this.options.defaultNS),
        this.options.compatibilityAPI === "v1" ? {
            ...this.getResource(t, n)
        } : this.getResource(t, n)
    getDataByLanguage(t) {
        return this.data[t]
    hasLanguageSomeTranslations(t) {
        const n = this.getDataByLanguage(t);
        return !!(n && Object.keys(n) || []).find(i=>n[i] && Object.keys(n[i]).length > 0)
    toJSON() {
        return this.data
var jT = {
    processors: {},
    addPostProcessor(e) {
        this.processors[e.name] = e
    handle(e, t, n, r, i) {
        return e.forEach(s=>{
            this.processors[s] && (t = this.processors[s].process(t, n, r, i))
const Nx = {};
class Hd extends Bf {
    constructor(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
        E7(["resourceStore", "languageUtils", "pluralResolver", "interpolator", "backendConnector", "i18nFormat", "utils"], t, this),
        this.options = n,
        this.options.keySeparator === void 0 && (this.options.keySeparator = "."),
        this.logger = Rr.create("translator")
    changeLanguage(t) {
        t && (this.language = t)
    exists(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {
            interpolation: {}
        if (t == null)
            return !1;
        const r = this.resolve(t, n);
        return r && r.res !== void 0
    extractFromKey(t, n) {
        let r = n.nsSeparator !== void 0 ? n.nsSeparator : this.options.nsSeparator;
        r === void 0 && (r = ":");
        const i = n.keySeparator !== void 0 ? n.keySeparator : this.options.keySeparator;
        let s = n.ns || this.options.defaultNS || [];
        const o = r && t.indexOf(r) > -1
          , a = !this.options.userDefinedKeySeparator && !n.keySeparator && !this.options.userDefinedNsSeparator && !n.nsSeparator && !D7(t, r, i);
        if (o && !a) {
            const l = t.match(this.interpolator.nestingRegexp);
            if (l && l.length > 0)
                return {
                    key: t,
                    namespaces: s
            const u = t.split(r);
            (r !== i || r === i && this.options.ns.indexOf(u[0]) > -1) && (s = u.shift()),
            t = u.join(i)
        return typeof s == "string" && (s = [s]),
            key: t,
            namespaces: s
    translate(t, n, r) {
        if (typeof n != "object" && this.options.overloadTranslationOptionHandler && (n = this.options.overloadTranslationOptionHandler(arguments)),
        typeof n == "object" && (n = {
        n || (n = {}),
        t == null)
            return "";
        Array.isArray(t) || (t = [String(t)]);
        const i = n.returnDetails !== void 0 ? n.returnDetails : this.options.returnDetails
          , s = n.keySeparator !== void 0 ? n.keySeparator : this.options.keySeparator
          , {key: o, namespaces: a} = this.extractFromKey(t[t.length - 1], n)
          , l = a[a.length - 1]
          , u = n.lng || this.language
          , c = n.appendNamespaceToCIMode || this.options.appendNamespaceToCIMode;
        if (u && u.toLowerCase() === "cimode") {
            if (c) {
                const E = n.nsSeparator || this.options.nsSeparator;
                return i ? {
                    res: `${l}${E}${o}`,
                    usedKey: o,
                    exactUsedKey: o,
                    usedLng: u,
                    usedNS: l,
                    usedParams: this.getUsedParamsDetails(n)
                } : `${l}${E}${o}`
            return i ? {
                res: o,
                usedKey: o,
                exactUsedKey: o,
                usedLng: u,
                usedNS: l,
                usedParams: this.getUsedParamsDetails(n)
            } : o
        const d = this.resolve(t, n);
        let f = d && d.res;
        const h = d && d.usedKey || o
          , m = d && d.exactUsedKey || o
          , p = Object.prototype.toString.apply(f)
          , b = ["[object Number]", "[object Function]", "[object RegExp]"]
          , v = n.joinArrays !== void 0 ? n.joinArrays : this.options.joinArrays
          , g = !this.i18nFormat || this.i18nFormat.handleAsObject;
        if (g && f && (typeof f != "string" && typeof f != "boolean" && typeof f != "number") && b.indexOf(p) < 0 && !(typeof v == "string" && Array.isArray(f))) {
            if (!n.returnObjects && !this.options.returnObjects) {
                this.options.returnedObjectHandler || this.logger.warn("accessing an object - but returnObjects options is not enabled!");
                const E = this.options.returnedObjectHandler ? this.options.returnedObjectHandler(h, f, {
                    ns: a
                }) : `key '${o} (${this.language})' returned an object instead of string.`;
                return i ? (d.res = E,
                d.usedParams = this.getUsedParamsDetails(n),
                d) : E
            if (s) {
                const E = Array.isArray(f)
                  , D = E ? [] : {}
                  , V = E ? m : h;
                for (const C in f)
                    if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(f, C)) {
                        const P = `${V}${s}${C}`;
                        D[C] = this.translate(P, {
                            joinArrays: !1,
                            ns: a
                        D[C] === P && (D[C] = f[C])
                f = D
        } else if (g && typeof v == "string" && Array.isArray(f))
            f = f.join(v),
            f && (f = this.extendTranslation(f, t, n, r));
        else {
            let E = !1
              , D = !1;
            const V = n.count !== void 0 && typeof n.count != "string"
              , C = Hd.hasDefaultValue(n)
              , P = V ? this.pluralResolver.getSuffix(u, n.count, n) : ""
              , A = n.ordinal && V ? this.pluralResolver.getSuffix(u, n.count, {
                ordinal: !1
            }) : ""
              , B = V && !n.ordinal && n.count === 0 && this.pluralResolver.shouldUseIntlApi()
              , Q = B && n[`defaultValue${this.options.pluralSeparator}zero`] || n[`defaultValue${P}`] || n[`defaultValue${A}`] || n.defaultValue;
            !this.isValidLookup(f) && C && (E = !0,
            f = Q),
            this.isValidLookup(f) || (D = !0,
            f = o);
            const F = (n.missingKeyNoValueFallbackToKey || this.options.missingKeyNoValueFallbackToKey) && D ? void 0 : f
              , k = C && Q !== f && this.options.updateMissing;
            if (D || E || k) {
                if (this.logger.log(k ? "updateKey" : "missingKey", u, l, o, k ? Q : f),
                s) {
                    const R = this.resolve(o, {
                        keySeparator: !1
                    R && R.res && this.logger.warn("Seems the loaded translations were in flat JSON format instead of nested. Either set keySeparator: false on init or make sure your translations are published in nested format.")
                let T = [];
                const _ = this.languageUtils.getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng, n.lng || this.language);
                if (this.options.saveMissingTo === "fallback" && _ && _[0])
                    for (let R = 0; R < _.length; R++)
                    this.options.saveMissingTo === "all" ? T = this.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(n.lng || this.language) : T.push(n.lng || this.language);
                const O = (R,z,Y)=>{
                    const te = C && Y !== f ? Y : F;
                    this.options.missingKeyHandler ? this.options.missingKeyHandler(R, l, z, te, k, n) : this.backendConnector && this.backendConnector.saveMissing && this.backendConnector.saveMissing(R, l, z, te, k, n),
                    this.emit("missingKey", R, l, z, f)
                this.options.saveMissing && (this.options.saveMissingPlurals && V ? T.forEach(R=>{
                    const z = this.pluralResolver.getSuffixes(R, n);
                    B && n[`defaultValue${this.options.pluralSeparator}zero`] && z.indexOf(`${this.options.pluralSeparator}zero`) < 0 && z.push(`${this.options.pluralSeparator}zero`),
                        O([R], o + Y, n[`defaultValue${Y}`] || Q)
                ) : O(T, o, Q))
            f = this.extendTranslation(f, t, n, d, r),
            D && f === o && this.options.appendNamespaceToMissingKey && (f = `${l}:${o}`),
            (D || E) && this.options.parseMissingKeyHandler && (this.options.compatibilityAPI !== "v1" ? f = this.options.parseMissingKeyHandler(this.options.appendNamespaceToMissingKey ? `${l}:${o}` : o, E ? f : void 0) : f = this.options.parseMissingKeyHandler(f))
        return i ? (d.res = f,
        d.usedParams = this.getUsedParamsDetails(n),
        d) : f
    extendTranslation(t, n, r, i, s) {
        var o = this;
        if (this.i18nFormat && this.i18nFormat.parse)
            t = this.i18nFormat.parse(t, {
            }, r.lng || this.language || i.usedLng, i.usedNS, i.usedKey, {
                resolved: i
        else if (!r.skipInterpolation) {
            r.interpolation && this.interpolator.init({
                interpolation: {
            const u = typeof t == "string" && (r && r.interpolation && r.interpolation.skipOnVariables !== void 0 ? r.interpolation.skipOnVariables : this.options.interpolation.skipOnVariables);
            let c;
            if (u) {
                const f = t.match(this.interpolator.nestingRegexp);
                c = f && f.length
            let d = r.replace && typeof r.replace != "string" ? r.replace : r;
            if (this.options.interpolation.defaultVariables && (d = {
            t = this.interpolator.interpolate(t, d, r.lng || this.language, r),
            u) {
                const f = t.match(this.interpolator.nestingRegexp)
                  , h = f && f.length;
                c < h && (r.nest = !1)
            !r.lng && this.options.compatibilityAPI !== "v1" && i && i.res && (r.lng = i.usedLng),
            r.nest !== !1 && (t = this.interpolator.nest(t, function() {
                for (var f = arguments.length, h = new Array(f), m = 0; m < f; m++)
                    h[m] = arguments[m];
                return s && s[0] === h[0] && !r.context ? (o.logger.warn(`It seems you are nesting recursively key: ${h[0]} in key: ${n[0]}`),
                null) : o.translate(...h, n)
            }, r)),
            r.interpolation && this.interpolator.reset()
        const a = r.postProcess || this.options.postProcess
          , l = typeof a == "string" ? [a] : a;
        return t != null && l && l.length && r.applyPostProcessor !== !1 && (t = jT.handle(l, t, n, this.options && this.options.postProcessPassResolved ? {
            i18nResolved: {
                usedParams: this.getUsedParamsDetails(r)
        } : r, this)),
    resolve(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, r, i, s, o, a;
        return typeof t == "string" && (t = [t]),
            if (this.isValidLookup(r))
            const u = this.extractFromKey(l, n)
              , c = u.key;
            i = c;
            let d = u.namespaces;
            this.options.fallbackNS && (d = d.concat(this.options.fallbackNS));
            const f = n.count !== void 0 && typeof n.count != "string"
              , h = f && !n.ordinal && n.count === 0 && this.pluralResolver.shouldUseIntlApi()
              , m = n.context !== void 0 && (typeof n.context == "string" || typeof n.context == "number") && n.context !== ""
              , p = n.lngs ? n.lngs : this.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(n.lng || this.language, n.fallbackLng);
                this.isValidLookup(r) || (a = b,
                !Nx[`${p[0]}-${b}`] && this.utils && this.utils.hasLoadedNamespace && !this.utils.hasLoadedNamespace(a) && (Nx[`${p[0]}-${b}`] = !0,
                this.logger.warn(`key "${i}" for languages "${p.join(", ")}" won't get resolved as namespace "${a}" was not yet loaded`, "This means something IS WRONG in your setup. You access the t function before i18next.init / i18next.loadNamespace / i18next.changeLanguage was done. Wait for the callback or Promise to resolve before accessing it!!!")),
                    if (this.isValidLookup(r))
                    o = v;
                    const g = [c];
                    if (this.i18nFormat && this.i18nFormat.addLookupKeys)
                        this.i18nFormat.addLookupKeys(g, c, v, b, n);
                    else {
                        let E;
                        f && (E = this.pluralResolver.getSuffix(v, n.count, n));
                        const D = `${this.options.pluralSeparator}zero`
                          , V = `${this.options.pluralSeparator}ordinal${this.options.pluralSeparator}`;
                        if (f && (g.push(c + E),
                        n.ordinal && E.indexOf(V) === 0 && g.push(c + E.replace(V, this.options.pluralSeparator)),
                        h && g.push(c + D)),
                        m) {
                            const C = `${c}${this.options.contextSeparator}${n.context}`;
                            f && (g.push(C + E),
                            n.ordinal && E.indexOf(V) === 0 && g.push(C + E.replace(V, this.options.pluralSeparator)),
                            h && g.push(C + D))
                    let w;
                    for (; w = g.pop(); )
                        this.isValidLookup(r) || (s = w,
                        r = this.getResource(v, b, w, n))
            res: r,
            usedKey: i,
            exactUsedKey: s,
            usedLng: o,
            usedNS: a
    isValidLookup(t) {
        return t !== void 0 && !(!this.options.returnNull && t === null) && !(!this.options.returnEmptyString && t === "")
    getResource(t, n, r) {
        let i = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {};
        return this.i18nFormat && this.i18nFormat.getResource ? this.i18nFormat.getResource(t, n, r, i) : this.resourceStore.getResource(t, n, r, i)
    getUsedParamsDetails() {
        let t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
        const n = ["defaultValue", "ordinal", "context", "replace", "lng", "lngs", "fallbackLng", "ns", "keySeparator", "nsSeparator", "returnObjects", "returnDetails", "joinArrays", "postProcess", "interpolation"]
          , r = t.replace && typeof t.replace != "string";
        let i = r ? t.replace : t;
        if (r && typeof t.count < "u" && (i.count = t.count),
        this.options.interpolation.defaultVariables && (i = {
        !r) {
            i = {
            for (const s of n)
                delete i[s]
        return i
    static hasDefaultValue(t) {
        const n = "defaultValue";
        for (const r in t)
            if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, r) && n === r.substring(0, n.length) && t[r] !== void 0)
                return !0;
        return !1
function sp(e) {
    return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)
class Mx {
    constructor(t) {
        this.options = t,
        this.supportedLngs = this.options.supportedLngs || !1,
        this.logger = Rr.create("languageUtils")
    getScriptPartFromCode(t) {
        if (t = Bd(t),
        !t || t.indexOf("-") < 0)
            return null;
        const n = t.split("-");
        return n.length === 2 || (n.pop(),
        n[n.length - 1].toLowerCase() === "x") ? null : this.formatLanguageCode(n.join("-"))
    getLanguagePartFromCode(t) {
        if (t = Bd(t),
        !t || t.indexOf("-") < 0)
            return t;
        const n = t.split("-");
        return this.formatLanguageCode(n[0])
    formatLanguageCode(t) {
        if (typeof t == "string" && t.indexOf("-") > -1) {
            const n = ["hans", "hant", "latn", "cyrl", "cans", "mong", "arab"];
            let r = t.split("-");
            return this.options.lowerCaseLng ? r = r.map(i=>i.toLowerCase()) : r.length === 2 ? (r[0] = r[0].toLowerCase(),
            r[1] = r[1].toUpperCase(),
            n.indexOf(r[1].toLowerCase()) > -1 && (r[1] = sp(r[1].toLowerCase()))) : r.length === 3 && (r[0] = r[0].toLowerCase(),
            r[1].length === 2 && (r[1] = r[1].toUpperCase()),
            r[0] !== "sgn" && r[2].length === 2 && (r[2] = r[2].toUpperCase()),
            n.indexOf(r[1].toLowerCase()) > -1 && (r[1] = sp(r[1].toLowerCase())),
            n.indexOf(r[2].toLowerCase()) > -1 && (r[2] = sp(r[2].toLowerCase()))),
        return this.options.cleanCode || this.options.lowerCaseLng ? t.toLowerCase() : t
    isSupportedCode(t) {
        return (this.options.load === "languageOnly" || this.options.nonExplicitSupportedLngs) && (t = this.getLanguagePartFromCode(t)),
        !this.supportedLngs || !this.supportedLngs.length || this.supportedLngs.indexOf(t) > -1
    getBestMatchFromCodes(t) {
        if (!t)
            return null;
        let n;
        return t.forEach(r=>{
            if (n)
            const i = this.formatLanguageCode(r);
            (!this.options.supportedLngs || this.isSupportedCode(i)) && (n = i)
        !n && this.options.supportedLngs && t.forEach(r=>{
            if (n)
            const i = this.getLanguagePartFromCode(r);
            if (this.isSupportedCode(i))
                return n = i;
            n = this.options.supportedLngs.find(s=>{
                if (s === i)
                    return s;
                if (!(s.indexOf("-") < 0 && i.indexOf("-") < 0) && (s.indexOf("-") > 0 && i.indexOf("-") < 0 && s.substring(0, s.indexOf("-")) === i || s.indexOf(i) === 0 && i.length > 1))
                    return s
        n || (n = this.getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng)[0]),
    getFallbackCodes(t, n) {
        if (!t)
            return [];
        if (typeof t == "function" && (t = t(n)),
        typeof t == "string" && (t = [t]),
            return t;
        if (!n)
            return t.default || [];
        let r = t[n];
        return r || (r = t[this.getScriptPartFromCode(n)]),
        r || (r = t[this.formatLanguageCode(n)]),
        r || (r = t[this.getLanguagePartFromCode(n)]),
        r || (r = t.default),
        r || []
    toResolveHierarchy(t, n) {
        const r = this.getFallbackCodes(n || this.options.fallbackLng || [], t)
          , i = []
          , s = o=>{
            o && (this.isSupportedCode(o) ? i.push(o) : this.logger.warn(`rejecting language code not found in supportedLngs: ${o}`))
        return typeof t == "string" && (t.indexOf("-") > -1 || t.indexOf("_") > -1) ? (this.options.load !== "languageOnly" && s(this.formatLanguageCode(t)),
        this.options.load !== "languageOnly" && this.options.load !== "currentOnly" && s(this.getScriptPartFromCode(t)),
        this.options.load !== "currentOnly" && s(this.getLanguagePartFromCode(t))) : typeof t == "string" && s(this.formatLanguageCode(t)),
            i.indexOf(o) < 0 && s(this.formatLanguageCode(o))
let L7 = [{
    lngs: ["ach", "ak", "am", "arn", "br", "fil", "gun", "ln", "mfe", "mg", "mi", "oc", "pt", "pt-BR", "tg", "tl", "ti", "tr", "uz", "wa"],
    nr: [1, 2],
    fc: 1
}, {
    lngs: ["af", "an", "ast", "az", "bg", "bn", "ca", "da", "de", "dev", "el", "en", "eo", "es", "et", "eu", "fi", "fo", "fur", "fy", "gl", "gu", "ha", "hi", "hu", "hy", "ia", "it", "kk", "kn", "ku", "lb", "mai", "ml", "mn", "mr", "nah", "nap", "nb", "ne", "nl", "nn", "no", "nso", "pa", "pap", "pms", "ps", "pt-PT", "rm", "sco", "se", "si", "so", "son", "sq", "sv", "sw", "ta", "te", "tk", "ur", "yo"],
    nr: [1, 2],
    fc: 2
}, {
    lngs: ["ay", "bo", "cgg", "fa", "ht", "id", "ja", "jbo", "ka", "km", "ko", "ky", "lo", "ms", "sah", "su", "th", "tt", "ug", "vi", "wo", "zh"],
    nr: [1],
    fc: 3
}, {
    lngs: ["be", "bs", "cnr", "dz", "hr", "ru", "sr", "uk"],
    nr: [1, 2, 5],
    fc: 4
}, {
    lngs: ["ar"],
    nr: [0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 100],
    fc: 5
}, {
    lngs: ["cs", "sk"],
    nr: [1, 2, 5],
    fc: 6
}, {
    lngs: ["csb", "pl"],
    nr: [1, 2, 5],
    fc: 7
}, {
    lngs: ["cy"],
    nr: [1, 2, 3, 8],
    fc: 8
}, {
    lngs: ["fr"],
    nr: [1, 2],
    fc: 9
}, {
    lngs: ["ga"],
    nr: [1, 2, 3, 7, 11],
    fc: 10
}, {
    lngs: ["gd"],
    nr: [1, 2, 3, 20],
    fc: 11
}, {
    lngs: ["is"],
    nr: [1, 2],
    fc: 12
}, {
    lngs: ["jv"],
    nr: [0, 1],
    fc: 13
}, {
    lngs: ["kw"],
    nr: [1, 2, 3, 4],
    fc: 14
}, {
    lngs: ["lt"],
    nr: [1, 2, 10],
    fc: 15
}, {
    lngs: ["lv"],
    nr: [1, 2, 0],
    fc: 16
}, {
    lngs: ["mk"],
    nr: [1, 2],
    fc: 17
}, {
    lngs: ["mnk"],
    nr: [0, 1, 2],
    fc: 18
}, {
    lngs: ["mt"],
    nr: [1, 2, 11, 20],
    fc: 19
}, {
    lngs: ["or"],
    nr: [2, 1],
    fc: 2
}, {
    lngs: ["ro"],
    nr: [1, 2, 20],
    fc: 20
}, {
    lngs: ["sl"],
    nr: [5, 1, 2, 3],
    fc: 21
}, {
    lngs: ["he", "iw"],
    nr: [1, 2, 20, 21],
    fc: 22
  , N7 = {
    1: function(e) {
        return +(e > 1)
    2: function(e) {
        return +(e != 1)
    3: function(e) {
        return 0
    4: function(e) {
        return e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11 ? 0 : e % 10 >= 2 && e % 10 <= 4 && (e % 100 < 10 || e % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2
    5: function(e) {
        return e == 0 ? 0 : e == 1 ? 1 : e == 2 ? 2 : e % 100 >= 3 && e % 100 <= 10 ? 3 : e % 100 >= 11 ? 4 : 5
    6: function(e) {
        return e == 1 ? 0 : e >= 2 && e <= 4 ? 1 : 2
    7: function(e) {
        return e == 1 ? 0 : e % 10 >= 2 && e % 10 <= 4 && (e % 100 < 10 || e % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2
    8: function(e) {
        return e == 1 ? 0 : e == 2 ? 1 : e != 8 && e != 11 ? 2 : 3
    9: function(e) {
        return +(e >= 2)
    10: function(e) {
        return e == 1 ? 0 : e == 2 ? 1 : e < 7 ? 2 : e < 11 ? 3 : 4
    11: function(e) {
        return e == 1 || e == 11 ? 0 : e == 2 || e == 12 ? 1 : e > 2 && e < 20 ? 2 : 3
    12: function(e) {
        return +(e % 10 != 1 || e % 100 == 11)
    13: function(e) {
        return +(e !== 0)
    14: function(e) {
        return e == 1 ? 0 : e == 2 ? 1 : e == 3 ? 2 : 3
    15: function(e) {
        return e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11 ? 0 : e % 10 >= 2 && (e % 100 < 10 || e % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2
    16: function(e) {
        return e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11 ? 0 : e !== 0 ? 1 : 2
    17: function(e) {
        return e == 1 || e % 10 == 1 && e % 100 != 11 ? 0 : 1
    18: function(e) {
        return e == 0 ? 0 : e == 1 ? 1 : 2
    19: function(e) {
        return e == 1 ? 0 : e == 0 || e % 100 > 1 && e % 100 < 11 ? 1 : e % 100 > 10 && e % 100 < 20 ? 2 : 3
    20: function(e) {
        return e == 1 ? 0 : e == 0 || e % 100 > 0 && e % 100 < 20 ? 1 : 2
    21: function(e) {
        return e % 100 == 1 ? 1 : e % 100 == 2 ? 2 : e % 100 == 3 || e % 100 == 4 ? 3 : 0
    22: function(e) {
        return e == 1 ? 0 : e == 2 ? 1 : (e < 0 || e > 10) && e % 10 == 0 ? 2 : 3
const M7 = ["v1", "v2", "v3"]
  , j7 = ["v4"]
  , jx = {
    zero: 0,
    one: 1,
    two: 2,
    few: 3,
    many: 4,
    other: 5
function $7() {
    const e = {};
    return L7.forEach(t=>{
            e[n] = {
                numbers: t.nr,
                plurals: N7[t.fc]
class I7 {
    constructor(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
        this.languageUtils = t,
        this.options = n,
        this.logger = Rr.create("pluralResolver"),
        (!this.options.compatibilityJSON || j7.includes(this.options.compatibilityJSON)) && (typeof Intl > "u" || !Intl.PluralRules) && (this.options.compatibilityJSON = "v3",
        this.logger.error("Your environment seems not to be Intl API compatible, use an Intl.PluralRules polyfill. Will fallback to the compatibilityJSON v3 format handling.")),
        this.rules = $7()
    addRule(t, n) {
        this.rules[t] = n
    getRule(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
        if (this.shouldUseIntlApi())
            try {
                return new Intl.PluralRules(Bd(t === "dev" ? "en" : t),{
                    type: n.ordinal ? "ordinal" : "cardinal"
            } catch {
        return this.rules[t] || this.rules[this.languageUtils.getLanguagePartFromCode(t)]
    needsPlural(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
        const r = this.getRule(t, n);
        return this.shouldUseIntlApi() ? r && r.resolvedOptions().pluralCategories.length > 1 : r && r.numbers.length > 1
    getPluralFormsOfKey(t, n) {
        let r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {};
        return this.getSuffixes(t, r).map(i=>`${n}${i}`)
    getSuffixes(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
        const r = this.getRule(t, n);
        return r ? this.shouldUseIntlApi() ? r.resolvedOptions().pluralCategories.sort((i,s)=>jx[i] - jx[s]).map(i=>`${this.options.prepend}${n.ordinal ? `ordinal${this.options.prepend}` : ""}${i}`) : r.numbers.map(i=>this.getSuffix(t, i, n)) : []
    getSuffix(t, n) {
        let r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {};
        const i = this.getRule(t, r);
        return i ? this.shouldUseIntlApi() ? `${this.options.prepend}${r.ordinal ? `ordinal${this.options.prepend}` : ""}${i.select(n)}` : this.getSuffixRetroCompatible(i, n) : (this.logger.warn(`no plural rule found for: ${t}`),
    getSuffixRetroCompatible(t, n) {
        const r = t.noAbs ? t.plurals(n) : t.plurals(Math.abs(n));
        let i = t.numbers[r];
        this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix && t.numbers.length === 2 && t.numbers[0] === 1 && (i === 2 ? i = "plural" : i === 1 && (i = ""));
        const s = ()=>this.options.prepend && i.toString() ? this.options.prepend + i.toString() : i.toString();
        return this.options.compatibilityJSON === "v1" ? i === 1 ? "" : typeof i == "number" ? `_plural_${i.toString()}` : s() : this.options.compatibilityJSON === "v2" || this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix && t.numbers.length === 2 && t.numbers[0] === 1 ? s() : this.options.prepend && r.toString() ? this.options.prepend + r.toString() : r.toString()
    shouldUseIntlApi() {
        return !M7.includes(this.options.compatibilityJSON)
function $x(e, t, n) {
    let r = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : "."
      , i = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== void 0 ? arguments[4] : !0
      , s = T7(e, t, n);
    return !s && i && typeof n == "string" && (s = fg(e, n, r),
    s === void 0 && (s = fg(t, n, r))),
class F7 {
    constructor() {
        let t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
        this.logger = Rr.create("interpolator"),
        this.options = t,
        this.format = t.interpolation && t.interpolation.format || (n=>n),
    init() {
        let t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
        t.interpolation || (t.interpolation = {
            escapeValue: !0
        const {escape: n, escapeValue: r, useRawValueToEscape: i, prefix: s, prefixEscaped: o, suffix: a, suffixEscaped: l, formatSeparator: u, unescapeSuffix: c, unescapePrefix: d, nestingPrefix: f, nestingPrefixEscaped: h, nestingSuffix: m, nestingSuffixEscaped: p, nestingOptionsSeparator: b, maxReplaces: v, alwaysFormat: g} = t.interpolation;
        this.escape = n !== void 0 ? n : O7,
        this.escapeValue = r !== void 0 ? r : !0,
        this.useRawValueToEscape = i !== void 0 ? i : !1,
        this.prefix = s ? no(s) : o || "{{",
        this.suffix = a ? no(a) : l || "}}",
        this.formatSeparator = u || ",",
        this.unescapePrefix = c ? "" : d || "-",
        this.unescapeSuffix = this.unescapePrefix ? "" : c || "",
        this.nestingPrefix = f ? no(f) : h || no("$t("),
        this.nestingSuffix = m ? no(m) : p || no(")"),
        this.nestingOptionsSeparator = b || ",",
        this.maxReplaces = v || 1e3,
        this.alwaysFormat = g !== void 0 ? g : !1,
    reset() {
        this.options && this.init(this.options)
    resetRegExp() {
        const t = (n,r)=>n && n.source === r ? (n.lastIndex = 0,
        n) : new RegExp(r,"g");
        this.regexp = t(this.regexp, `${this.prefix}(.+?)${this.suffix}`),
        this.regexpUnescape = t(this.regexpUnescape, `${this.prefix}${this.unescapePrefix}(.+?)${this.unescapeSuffix}${this.suffix}`),
        this.nestingRegexp = t(this.nestingRegexp, `${this.nestingPrefix}(.+?)${this.nestingSuffix}`)
    interpolate(t, n, r, i) {
        let s, o, a;
        const l = this.options && this.options.interpolation && this.options.interpolation.defaultVariables || {};
        function u(m) {
            return m.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$")
        const c = m=>{
            if (m.indexOf(this.formatSeparator) < 0) {
                const g = $x(n, l, m, this.options.keySeparator, this.options.ignoreJSONStructure);
                return this.alwaysFormat ? this.format(g, void 0, r, {
                    interpolationkey: m
                }) : g
            const p = m.split(this.formatSeparator)
              , b = p.shift().trim()
              , v = p.join(this.formatSeparator).trim();
            return this.format($x(n, l, b, this.options.keySeparator, this.options.ignoreJSONStructure), v, r, {
                interpolationkey: b
        const d = i && i.missingInterpolationHandler || this.options.missingInterpolationHandler
          , f = i && i.interpolation && i.interpolation.skipOnVariables !== void 0 ? i.interpolation.skipOnVariables : this.options.interpolation.skipOnVariables;
        return [{
            regex: this.regexpUnescape,
            safeValue: m=>u(m)
        }, {
            regex: this.regexp,
            safeValue: m=>this.escapeValue ? u(this.escape(m)) : u(m)
            for (a = 0; s = m.regex.exec(t); ) {
                const p = s[1].trim();
                if (o = c(p),
                o === void 0)
                    if (typeof d == "function") {
                        const v = d(t, s, i);
                        o = typeof v == "string" ? v : ""
                    } else if (i && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, p))
                        o = "";
                    else if (f) {
                        o = s[0];
                    } else
                        this.logger.warn(`missed to pass in variable ${p} for interpolating ${t}`),
                        o = "";
                    typeof o != "string" && !this.useRawValueToEscape && (o = Ax(o));
                const b = m.safeValue(o);
                if (t = t.replace(s[0], b),
                f ? (m.regex.lastIndex += o.length,
                m.regex.lastIndex -= s[0].length) : m.regex.lastIndex = 0,
                a >= this.maxReplaces)
    nest(t, n) {
        let r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {}, i, s, o;
        function a(l, u) {
            const c = this.nestingOptionsSeparator;
            if (l.indexOf(c) < 0)
                return l;
            const d = l.split(new RegExp(`${c}[ ]*{`));
            let f = `{${d[1]}`;
            l = d[0],
            f = this.interpolate(f, o);
            const h = f.match(/'/g)
              , m = f.match(/"/g);
            (h && h.length % 2 === 0 && !m || m.length % 2 !== 0) && (f = f.replace(/'/g, '"'));
            try {
                o = JSON.parse(f),
                u && (o = {
            } catch (p) {
                return this.logger.warn(`failed parsing options string in nesting for key ${l}`, p),
            return o.defaultValue && o.defaultValue.indexOf(this.prefix) > -1 && delete o.defaultValue,
        for (; i = this.nestingRegexp.exec(t); ) {
            let l = [];
            o = {
            o = o.replace && typeof o.replace != "string" ? o.replace : o,
            o.applyPostProcessor = !1,
            delete o.defaultValue;
            let u = !1;
            if (i[0].indexOf(this.formatSeparator) !== -1 && !/{.*}/.test(i[1])) {
                const c = i[1].split(this.formatSeparator).map(d=>d.trim());
                i[1] = c.shift(),
                l = c,
                u = !0
            if (s = n(a.call(this, i[1].trim(), o), o),
            s && i[0] === t && typeof s != "string")
                return s;
            typeof s != "string" && (s = Ax(s)),
            s || (this.logger.warn(`missed to resolve ${i[1]} for nesting ${t}`),
            s = ""),
            u && (s = l.reduce((c,d)=>this.format(c, d, r.lng, {
                interpolationkey: i[1].trim()
            }), s.trim())),
            t = t.replace(i[0], s),
            this.regexp.lastIndex = 0
        return t
function V7(e) {
    let t = e.toLowerCase().trim();
    const n = {};
    if (e.indexOf("(") > -1) {
        const r = e.split("(");
        t = r[0].toLowerCase().trim();
        const i = r[1].substring(0, r[1].length - 1);
        t === "currency" && i.indexOf(":") < 0 ? n.currency || (n.currency = i.trim()) : t === "relativetime" && i.indexOf(":") < 0 ? n.range || (n.range = i.trim()) : i.split(";").forEach(o=>{
            if (o) {
                const [a,...l] = o.split(":")
                  , u = l.join(":").trim().replace(/^'+|'+$/g, "")
                  , c = a.trim();
                n[c] || (n[c] = u),
                u === "false" && (n[c] = !1),
                u === "true" && (n[c] = !0),
                isNaN(u) || (n[c] = parseInt(u, 10))
    return {
        formatName: t,
        formatOptions: n
function ro(e) {
    const t = {};
    return function(r, i, s) {
        const o = i + JSON.stringify(s);
        let a = t[o];
        return a || (a = e(Bd(i), s),
        t[o] = a),
class z7 {
    constructor() {
        let t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
        this.logger = Rr.create("formatter"),
        this.options = t,
        this.formats = {
            number: ro((n,r)=>{
                const i = new Intl.NumberFormat(n,{
                return s=>i.format(s)
            currency: ro((n,r)=>{
                const i = new Intl.NumberFormat(n,{
                    style: "currency"
                return s=>i.format(s)
            datetime: ro((n,r)=>{
                const i = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(n,{
                return s=>i.format(s)
            relativetime: ro((n,r)=>{
                const i = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(n,{
                return s=>i.format(s, r.range || "day")
            list: ro((n,r)=>{
                const i = new Intl.ListFormat(n,{
                return s=>i.format(s)
    init(t) {
        const r = (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {
            interpolation: {}
        this.formatSeparator = r.formatSeparator ? r.formatSeparator : r.formatSeparator || ","
    add(t, n) {
        this.formats[t.toLowerCase().trim()] = n
    addCached(t, n) {
        this.formats[t.toLowerCase().trim()] = ro(n)
    format(t, n, r) {
        let i = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {};
        return n.split(this.formatSeparator).reduce((a,l)=>{
            const {formatName: u, formatOptions: c} = V7(l);
            if (this.formats[u]) {
                let d = a;
                try {
                    const f = i && i.formatParams && i.formatParams[i.interpolationkey] || {}
                      , h = f.locale || f.lng || i.locale || i.lng || r;
                    d = this.formats[u](a, h, {
                } catch (f) {
                return d
            } else
                this.logger.warn(`there was no format function for ${u}`);
            return a
        , t)
function U7(e, t) {
    e.pending[t] !== void 0 && (delete e.pending[t],
class B7 extends Bf {
    constructor(t, n, r) {
        let i = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {};
        this.backend = t,
        this.store = n,
        this.services = r,
        this.languageUtils = r.languageUtils,
        this.options = i,
        this.logger = Rr.create("backendConnector"),
        this.waitingReads = [],
        this.maxParallelReads = i.maxParallelReads || 10,
        this.readingCalls = 0,
        this.maxRetries = i.maxRetries >= 0 ? i.maxRetries : 5,
        this.retryTimeout = i.retryTimeout >= 1 ? i.retryTimeout : 350,
        this.state = {},
        this.queue = [],
        this.backend && this.backend.init && this.backend.init(r, i.backend, i)
    queueLoad(t, n, r, i) {
        const s = {}
          , o = {}
          , a = {}
          , l = {};
        return t.forEach(u=>{
            let c = !0;
                const f = `${u}|${d}`;
                !r.reload && this.store.hasResourceBundle(u, d) ? this.state[f] = 2 : this.state[f] < 0 || (this.state[f] === 1 ? o[f] === void 0 && (o[f] = !0) : (this.state[f] = 1,
                c = !1,
                o[f] === void 0 && (o[f] = !0),
                s[f] === void 0 && (s[f] = !0),
                l[d] === void 0 && (l[d] = !0)))
            c || (a[u] = !0)
        (Object.keys(s).length || Object.keys(o).length) && this.queue.push({
            pending: o,
            pendingCount: Object.keys(o).length,
            loaded: {},
            errors: [],
            callback: i
            toLoad: Object.keys(s),
            pending: Object.keys(o),
            toLoadLanguages: Object.keys(a),
            toLoadNamespaces: Object.keys(l)
    loaded(t, n, r) {
        const i = t.split("|")
          , s = i[0]
          , o = i[1];
        n && this.emit("failedLoading", s, o, n),
        r && this.store.addResourceBundle(s, o, r, void 0, void 0, {
            skipCopy: !0
        this.state[t] = n ? -1 : 2;
        const a = {};
            P7(l.loaded, [s], o),
            U7(l, t),
            n && l.errors.push(n),
            l.pendingCount === 0 && !l.done && (Object.keys(l.loaded).forEach(u=>{
                a[u] || (a[u] = {});
                const c = l.loaded[u];
                c.length && c.forEach(d=>{
                    a[u][d] === void 0 && (a[u][d] = !0)
            l.done = !0,
            l.errors.length ? l.callback(l.errors) : l.callback())
        this.emit("loaded", a),
        this.queue = this.queue.filter(l=>!l.done)
    read(t, n, r) {
        let i = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : 0
          , s = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== void 0 ? arguments[4] : this.retryTimeout
          , o = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : void 0;
        if (!t.length)
            return o(null, {});
        if (this.readingCalls >= this.maxParallelReads) {
                lng: t,
                ns: n,
                fcName: r,
                tried: i,
                wait: s,
                callback: o
        const a = (u,c)=>{
            if (this.readingCalls--,
            this.waitingReads.length > 0) {
                const d = this.waitingReads.shift();
                this.read(d.lng, d.ns, d.fcName, d.tried, d.wait, d.callback)
            if (u && c && i < this.maxRetries) {
                    this.read.call(this, t, n, r, i + 1, s * 2, o)
                , s);
            o(u, c)
          , l = this.backend[r].bind(this.backend);
        if (l.length === 2) {
            try {
                const u = l(t, n);
                u && typeof u.then == "function" ? u.then(c=>a(null, c)).catch(a) : a(null, u)
            } catch (u) {
        return l(t, n, a)
    prepareLoading(t, n) {
        let r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {}
          , i = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0;
        if (!this.backend)
            return this.logger.warn("No backend was added via i18next.use. Will not load resources."),
            i && i();
        typeof t == "string" && (t = this.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(t)),
        typeof n == "string" && (n = [n]);
        const s = this.queueLoad(t, n, r, i);
        if (!s.toLoad.length)
            return s.pending.length || i(),
    load(t, n, r) {
        this.prepareLoading(t, n, {}, r)
    reload(t, n, r) {
        this.prepareLoading(t, n, {
            reload: !0
        }, r)
    loadOne(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "";
        const r = t.split("|")
          , i = r[0]
          , s = r[1];
        this.read(i, s, "read", void 0, void 0, (o,a)=>{
            o && this.logger.warn(`${n}loading namespace ${s} for language ${i} failed`, o),
            !o && a && this.logger.log(`${n}loaded namespace ${s} for language ${i}`, a),
            this.loaded(t, o, a)
    saveMissing(t, n, r, i, s) {
        let o = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== void 0 ? arguments[5] : {}
          , a = arguments.length > 6 && arguments[6] !== void 0 ? arguments[6] : ()=>{}
        if (this.services.utils && this.services.utils.hasLoadedNamespace && !this.services.utils.hasLoadedNamespace(n)) {
            this.logger.warn(`did not save key "${r}" as the namespace "${n}" was not yet loaded`, "This means something IS WRONG in your setup. You access the t function before i18next.init / i18next.loadNamespace / i18next.changeLanguage was done. Wait for the callback or Promise to resolve before accessing it!!!");
        if (!(r == null || r === "")) {
            if (this.backend && this.backend.create) {
                const l = {
                    isUpdate: s
                  , u = this.backend.create.bind(this.backend);
                if (u.length < 6)
                    try {
                        let c;
                        u.length === 5 ? c = u(t, n, r, i, l) : c = u(t, n, r, i),
                        c && typeof c.then == "function" ? c.then(d=>a(null, d)).catch(a) : a(null, c)
                    } catch (c) {
                    u(t, n, r, i, a, l)
            !t || !t[0] || this.store.addResource(t[0], n, r, i)
function Ix() {
    return {
        debug: !1,
        initImmediate: !0,
        ns: ["translation"],
        defaultNS: ["translation"],
        fallbackLng: ["dev"],
        fallbackNS: !1,
        supportedLngs: !1,
        nonExplicitSupportedLngs: !1,
        load: "all",
        preload: !1,
        simplifyPluralSuffix: !0,
        keySeparator: ".",
        nsSeparator: ":",
        pluralSeparator: "_",
        contextSeparator: "_",
        partialBundledLanguages: !1,
        saveMissing: !1,
        updateMissing: !1,
        saveMissingTo: "fallback",
        saveMissingPlurals: !0,
        missingKeyHandler: !1,
        missingInterpolationHandler: !1,
        postProcess: !1,
        postProcessPassResolved: !1,
        returnNull: !1,
        returnEmptyString: !0,
        returnObjects: !1,
        joinArrays: !1,
        returnedObjectHandler: !1,
        parseMissingKeyHandler: !1,
        appendNamespaceToMissingKey: !1,
        appendNamespaceToCIMode: !1,
        overloadTranslationOptionHandler: function(t) {
            let n = {};
            if (typeof t[1] == "object" && (n = t[1]),
            typeof t[1] == "string" && (n.defaultValue = t[1]),
            typeof t[2] == "string" && (n.tDescription = t[2]),
            typeof t[2] == "object" || typeof t[3] == "object") {
                const r = t[3] || t[2];
                    n[i] = r[i]
            return n
        interpolation: {
            escapeValue: !0,
            format: e=>e,
            prefix: "{{",
            suffix: "}}",
            formatSeparator: ",",
            unescapePrefix: "-",
            nestingPrefix: "$t(",
            nestingSuffix: ")",
            nestingOptionsSeparator: ",",
            maxReplaces: 1e3,
            skipOnVariables: !0
function Fx(e) {
    return typeof e.ns == "string" && (e.ns = [e.ns]),
    typeof e.fallbackLng == "string" && (e.fallbackLng = [e.fallbackLng]),
    typeof e.fallbackNS == "string" && (e.fallbackNS = [e.fallbackNS]),
    e.supportedLngs && e.supportedLngs.indexOf("cimode") < 0 && (e.supportedLngs = e.supportedLngs.concat(["cimode"])),
function yc() {}
function H7(e) {
        typeof e[n] == "function" && (e[n] = e[n].bind(e))
class Jl extends Bf {
    constructor() {
        let t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}
          , n = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
        if (super(),
        this.options = Fx(t),
        this.services = {},
        this.logger = Rr,
        this.modules = {
            external: []
        n && !this.isInitialized && !t.isClone) {
            if (!this.options.initImmediate)
                return this.init(t, n),
                this.init(t, n)
            , 0)
    init() {
        var t = this;
        let n = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}
          , r = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
        this.isInitializing = !0,
        typeof n == "function" && (r = n,
        n = {}),
        !n.defaultNS && n.defaultNS !== !1 && n.ns && (typeof n.ns == "string" ? n.defaultNS = n.ns : n.ns.indexOf("translation") < 0 && (n.defaultNS = n.ns[0]));
        const i = Ix();
        this.options = {
        this.options.compatibilityAPI !== "v1" && (this.options.interpolation = {
        n.keySeparator !== void 0 && (this.options.userDefinedKeySeparator = n.keySeparator),
        n.nsSeparator !== void 0 && (this.options.userDefinedNsSeparator = n.nsSeparator);
        function s(c) {
            return c ? typeof c == "function" ? new c : c : null
        if (!this.options.isClone) {
            this.modules.logger ? Rr.init(s(this.modules.logger), this.options) : Rr.init(null, this.options);
            let c;
            this.modules.formatter ? c = this.modules.formatter : typeof Intl < "u" && (c = z7);
            const d = new Mx(this.options);
            this.store = new Lx(this.options.resources,this.options);
            const f = this.services;
            f.logger = Rr,
            f.resourceStore = this.store,
            f.languageUtils = d,
            f.pluralResolver = new I7(d,{
                prepend: this.options.pluralSeparator,
                compatibilityJSON: this.options.compatibilityJSON,
                simplifyPluralSuffix: this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix
            c && (!this.options.interpolation.format || this.options.interpolation.format === i.interpolation.format) && (f.formatter = s(c),
            f.formatter.init(f, this.options),
            this.options.interpolation.format = f.formatter.format.bind(f.formatter)),
            f.interpolator = new F7(this.options),
            f.utils = {
                hasLoadedNamespace: this.hasLoadedNamespace.bind(this)
            f.backendConnector = new B7(s(this.modules.backend),f.resourceStore,f,this.options),
            f.backendConnector.on("*", function(h) {
                for (var m = arguments.length, p = new Array(m > 1 ? m - 1 : 0), b = 1; b < m; b++)
                    p[b - 1] = arguments[b];
                t.emit(h, ...p)
            this.modules.languageDetector && (f.languageDetector = s(this.modules.languageDetector),
            f.languageDetector.init && f.languageDetector.init(f, this.options.detection, this.options)),
            this.modules.i18nFormat && (f.i18nFormat = s(this.modules.i18nFormat),
            f.i18nFormat.init && f.i18nFormat.init(this)),
            this.translator = new Hd(this.services,this.options),
            this.translator.on("*", function(h) {
                for (var m = arguments.length, p = new Array(m > 1 ? m - 1 : 0), b = 1; b < m; b++)
                    p[b - 1] = arguments[b];
                t.emit(h, ...p)
                h.init && h.init(this)
        if (this.format = this.options.interpolation.format,
        r || (r = yc),
        this.options.fallbackLng && !this.services.languageDetector && !this.options.lng) {
            const c = this.services.languageUtils.getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng);
            c.length > 0 && c[0] !== "dev" && (this.options.lng = c[0])
        !this.services.languageDetector && !this.options.lng && this.logger.warn("init: no languageDetector is used and no lng is defined"),
        ["getResource", "hasResourceBundle", "getResourceBundle", "getDataByLanguage"].forEach(c=>{
            this[c] = function() {
                return t.store[c](...arguments)
        ["addResource", "addResources", "addResourceBundle", "removeResourceBundle"].forEach(c=>{
            this[c] = function() {
                return t.store[c](...arguments),
        const l = Ba()
          , u = ()=>{
            const c = (d,f)=>{
                this.isInitializing = !1,
                this.isInitialized && !this.initializedStoreOnce && this.logger.warn("init: i18next is already initialized. You should call init just once!"),
                this.isInitialized = !0,
                this.options.isClone || this.logger.log("initialized", this.options),
                this.emit("initialized", this.options),
                r(d, f)
            if (this.languages && this.options.compatibilityAPI !== "v1" && !this.isInitialized)
                return c(null, this.t.bind(this));
            this.changeLanguage(this.options.lng, c)
        return this.options.resources || !this.options.initImmediate ? u() : setTimeout(u, 0),
    loadResources(t) {
        let r = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : yc;
        const i = typeof t == "string" ? t : this.language;
        if (typeof t == "function" && (r = t),
        !this.options.resources || this.options.partialBundledLanguages) {
            if (i && i.toLowerCase() === "cimode" && (!this.options.preload || this.options.preload.length === 0))
                return r();
            const s = []
              , o = a=>{
                if (!a || a === "cimode")
                    u !== "cimode" && s.indexOf(u) < 0 && s.push(u)
            i ? o(i) : this.services.languageUtils.getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng).forEach(l=>o(l)),
            this.options.preload && this.options.preload.forEach(a=>o(a)),
            this.services.backendConnector.load(s, this.options.ns, a=>{
                !a && !this.resolvedLanguage && this.language && this.setResolvedLanguage(this.language),
        } else
    reloadResources(t, n, r) {
        const i = Ba();
        return t || (t = this.languages),
        n || (n = this.options.ns),
        r || (r = yc),
        this.services.backendConnector.reload(t, n, s=>{
    use(t) {
        if (!t)
            throw new Error("You are passing an undefined module! Please check the object you are passing to i18next.use()");
        if (!t.type)
            throw new Error("You are passing a wrong module! Please check the object you are passing to i18next.use()");
        return t.type === "backend" && (this.modules.backend = t),
        (t.type === "logger" || t.log && t.warn && t.error) && (this.modules.logger = t),
        t.type === "languageDetector" && (this.modules.languageDetector = t),
        t.type === "i18nFormat" && (this.modules.i18nFormat = t),
        t.type === "postProcessor" && jT.addPostProcessor(t),
        t.type === "formatter" && (this.modules.formatter = t),
        t.type === "3rdParty" && this.modules.external.push(t),
    setResolvedLanguage(t) {
        if (!(!t || !this.languages) && !(["cimode", "dev"].indexOf(t) > -1))
            for (let n = 0; n < this.languages.length; n++) {
                const r = this.languages[n];
                if (!(["cimode", "dev"].indexOf(r) > -1) && this.store.hasLanguageSomeTranslations(r)) {
                    this.resolvedLanguage = r;
    changeLanguage(t, n) {
        var r = this;
        this.isLanguageChangingTo = t;
        const i = Ba();
        this.emit("languageChanging", t);
        const s = l=>{
            this.language = l,
            this.languages = this.services.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(l),
            this.resolvedLanguage = void 0,
          , o = (l,u)=>{
            u ? (s(u),
            this.isLanguageChangingTo = void 0,
            this.emit("languageChanged", u),
            this.logger.log("languageChanged", u)) : this.isLanguageChangingTo = void 0,
            i.resolve(function() {
                return r.t(...arguments)
            n && n(l, function() {
                return r.t(...arguments)
          , a = l=>{
            !t && !l && this.services.languageDetector && (l = []);
            const u = typeof l == "string" ? l : this.services.languageUtils.getBestMatchFromCodes(l);
            u && (this.language || s(u),
            this.translator.language || this.translator.changeLanguage(u),
            this.services.languageDetector && this.services.languageDetector.cacheUserLanguage && this.services.languageDetector.cacheUserLanguage(u)),
            this.loadResources(u, c=>{
                o(c, u)
        return !t && this.services.languageDetector && !this.services.languageDetector.async ? a(this.services.languageDetector.detect()) : !t && this.services.languageDetector && this.services.languageDetector.async ? this.services.languageDetector.detect.length === 0 ? this.services.languageDetector.detect().then(a) : this.services.languageDetector.detect(a) : a(t),
    getFixedT(t, n, r) {
        var i = this;
        const s = function(o, a) {
            let l;
            if (typeof a != "object") {
                for (var u = arguments.length, c = new Array(u > 2 ? u - 2 : 0), d = 2; d < u; d++)
                    c[d - 2] = arguments[d];
                l = i.options.overloadTranslationOptionHandler([o, a].concat(c))
            } else
                l = {
            l.lng = l.lng || s.lng,
            l.lngs = l.lngs || s.lngs,
            l.ns = l.ns || s.ns,
            l.keyPrefix = l.keyPrefix || r || s.keyPrefix;
            const f = i.options.keySeparator || ".";
            let h;
            return l.keyPrefix && Array.isArray(o) ? h = o.map(m=>`${l.keyPrefix}${f}${m}`) : h = l.keyPrefix ? `${l.keyPrefix}${f}${o}` : o,
            i.t(h, l)
        return typeof t == "string" ? s.lng = t : s.lngs = t,
        s.ns = n,
        s.keyPrefix = r,
    t() {
        return this.translator && this.translator.translate(...arguments)
    exists() {
        return this.translator && this.translator.exists(...arguments)
    setDefaultNamespace(t) {
        this.options.defaultNS = t
    hasLoadedNamespace(t) {
        let n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
        if (!this.isInitialized)
            return this.logger.warn("hasLoadedNamespace: i18next was not initialized", this.languages),
        if (!this.languages || !this.languages.length)
            return this.logger.warn("hasLoadedNamespace: i18n.languages were undefined or empty", this.languages),
        const r = n.lng || this.resolvedLanguage || this.languages[0]
          , i = this.options ? this.options.fallbackLng : !1
          , s = this.languages[this.languages.length - 1];
        if (r.toLowerCase() === "cimode")
            return !0;
        const o = (a,l)=>{
            const u = this.services.backendConnector.state[`${a}|${l}`];
            return u === -1 || u === 2
        if (n.precheck) {
            const a = n.precheck(this, o);
            if (a !== void 0)
                return a
        return !!(this.hasResourceBundle(r, t) || !this.services.backendConnector.backend || this.options.resources && !this.options.partialBundledLanguages || o(r, t) && (!i || o(s, t)))
    loadNamespaces(t, n) {
        const r = Ba();
        return this.options.ns ? (typeof t == "string" && (t = [t]),
            this.options.ns.indexOf(i) < 0 && this.options.ns.push(i)
            n && n(i)
        r) : (n && n(),
    loadLanguages(t, n) {
        const r = Ba();
        typeof t == "string" && (t = [t]);
        const i = this.options.preload || []
          , s = t.filter(o=>i.indexOf(o) < 0 && this.services.languageUtils.isSupportedCode(o));
        return s.length ? (this.options.preload = i.concat(s),
            n && n(o)
        r) : (n && n(),
    dir(t) {
        if (t || (t = this.resolvedLanguage || (this.languages && this.languages.length > 0 ? this.languages[0] : this.language)),
            return "rtl";
        const n = ["ar", "shu", "sqr", "ssh", "xaa", "yhd", "yud", "aao", "abh", "abv", "acm", "acq", "acw", "acx", "acy", "adf", "ads", "aeb", "aec", "afb", "ajp", "apc", "apd", "arb", "arq", "ars", "ary", "arz", "auz", "avl", "ayh", "ayl", "ayn", "ayp", "bbz", "pga", "he", "iw", "ps", "pbt", "pbu", "pst", "prp", "prd", "ug", "ur", "ydd", "yds", "yih", "ji", "yi", "hbo", "men", "xmn", "fa", "jpr", "peo", "pes", "prs", "dv", "sam", "ckb"]
          , r = this.services && this.services.languageUtils || new Mx(Ix());
        return n.indexOf(r.getLanguagePartFromCode(t)) > -1 || t.toLowerCase().indexOf("-arab") > 1 ? "rtl" : "ltr"
    static createInstance() {
        let t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}
          , n = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
        return new Jl(t,n)
    cloneInstance() {
        let t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}
          , n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : yc;
        const r = t.forkResourceStore;
        r && delete t.forkResourceStore;
        const i = {
            isClone: !0
          , s = new Jl(i);
        return (t.debug !== void 0 || t.prefix !== void 0) && (s.logger = s.logger.clone(t)),
        ["store", "services", "language"].forEach(a=>{
            s[a] = this[a]
        s.services = {
        s.services.utils = {
            hasLoadedNamespace: s.hasLoadedNamespace.bind(s)
        r && (s.store = new Lx(this.store.data,i),
        s.services.resourceStore = s.store),
        s.translator = new Hd(s.services,i),
        s.translator.on("*", function(a) {
            for (var l = arguments.length, u = new Array(l > 1 ? l - 1 : 0), c = 1; c < l; c++)
                u[c - 1] = arguments[c];
            s.emit(a, ...u)
        s.init(i, n),
        s.translator.options = i,
        s.translator.backendConnector.services.utils = {
            hasLoadedNamespace: s.hasLoadedNamespace.bind(s)
    toJSON() {
        return {
            options: this.options,
            store: this.store,
            language: this.language,
            languages: this.languages,
            resolvedLanguage: this.resolvedLanguage
const Ut = Jl.createInstance();
Ut.createInstance = Jl.createInstance;
    resources: {
        en: x7,
        ru: b7
    fallbackLng: "en",
    debug: !0
const W7 = ()=>{
    const {api: e} = Sd()
      , {user: t} = Et({
        enabled: e !== void 0
      , n = uC(zt)
      , [r,i] = y.useState(!1)
      , {mutate: s} = Et()
      , {sendTaps: o} = Mv();
    return y.useEffect(()=>{
        if (t && t.tappingGuruStarted) {
            console.log("page rerender, power punch is still active");
            const l = Ar.tappingGuruLifeTime - (Date.now() - t.tappingGuruStarted);
            if (console.log("time to show (initial render)", l),
            l <= 0) {
                    tappingGuruStarted: void 0
                    tappingGuruEnded: !0
                console.log("timeout has ended"),
                console.log("time to show", l),
                    tappingGuruStarted: void 0
                    tappingGuruEnded: !0
            , l)
    , [t == null ? void 0 : t.tappingGuruStarted]),
        t && r && zE()
    , [r, t]),
        t && (n(t),
    , [t, n]),
    bA() ? x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "relative grid h-screen cursor-default select-none grid-rows-layout overflow-hidden pb-5",
        children: [x.jsx(k8, {}), x.jsx("div", {
            className: "relative overflow-scroll",
            children: x.jsx(J_, {})
        }), x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "relative",
            children: [x.jsx(a$, {}), x.jsx("div", {
                className: "px-5",
                children: x.jsx(o$, {})
        }), x.jsx(w7, {})]
    }) : x.jsx(l$, {})
  , G7 = e=>{
    const t = y.useMemo(()=>new gD({
        defaultOptions: {
            queries: {
                retry: 5,
                retryDelay: 1e3
            mutations: {
                retry: 5,
                retryDelay: 1e3
    }), []);
    return x.jsx(bD, {
        client: t,
        children: x.jsx(GL, {
            i18n: Ut,
            children: e.children
  , K7 = ({referral: e})=>{
    const {name: t, scores: n, rewards: r} = e
      , {t: i} = Tt("leagues")
      , s = Il(e.scores)
      , o = wC(e.scores)
      , a = xf(s)
      , l = i(s);
    return x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "flex flex-col gap-3 rounded-2xl bg-graphite-normal p-3",
        children: [x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex items-center justify-between",
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "space-y-3",
                children: [x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "pt-px text-h5",
                    children: t
                }), x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "flex items-center gap-2",
                    children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "flex items-center gap-1",
                        children: [x.jsx("img", {
                            src: a,
                            alt: "trophy",
                            className: "size-6"
                        }), x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-base text-white/65 first-letter:uppercase",
                            children: l
                    }), x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "flex items-center gap-1",
                        children: [x.jsx("img", {
                            src: Ae.coin,
                            alt: "coin",
                            className: "size-6"
                        }), x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-base text-white/65",
                            children: n
            }), x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "pr-1.5 text-h3 text-gold",
                children: ["+", r]
        }), x.jsx(Nu, {
            value: o
  , q7 = ()=>{
    const e = gn()
      , {data: t, isLoading: n, error: r} = vf({
        queryKey: [Qt.referrals],
        queryFn: async()=>{
            const {data: i} = await e.get(Qt.referrals);
            return i
    if (r)
        throw r;
    return {
        referrals: t,
        isLoading: n,
        error: r
var $T = {}
  , IT = {}
  , FT = {};
(function(e) {
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    e.default = void 0;
    var t = function() {
        for (var i = arguments.length, s = new Array(i), o = 0; o < i; o++)
            s[o] = arguments[o];
        if (typeof window < "u") {
            var a;
            typeof window.gtag > "u" && (window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [],
            window.gtag = function() {
            (a = window).gtag.apply(a, s)
      , n = t;
    e.default = n
var VT = {};
(function(e) {
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    e.default = o;
    var t = /^(a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|nor|of|on|or|per|the|to|vs?\.?|via)$/i;
    function n(a) {
        return a.toString().trim().replace(/[A-Za-z0-9\u00C0-\u00FF]+[^\s-]*/g, function(l, u, c) {
            return u > 0 && u + l.length !== c.length && l.search(t) > -1 && c.charAt(u - 2) !== ":" && (c.charAt(u + l.length) !== "-" || c.charAt(u - 1) === "-") && c.charAt(u - 1).search(/[^\s-]/) < 0 ? l.toLowerCase() : l.substr(1).search(/[A-Z]|\../) > -1 ? l : l.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + l.substr(1)
    function r(a) {
        return typeof a == "string" && a.indexOf("@") !== -1
    var i = "REDACTED (Potential Email Address)";
    function s(a) {
        return r(a) ? (console.warn("This arg looks like an email address, redacting."),
        i) : a
    function o() {
        var a = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : ""
          , l = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !0
          , u = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : !0
          , c = a || "";
        return l && (c = n(a)),
        u && (c = s(c)),
(function(e) {
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    e.default = e.GA4 = void 0;
    var t = o(FT)
      , n = o(VT)
      , r = ["eventCategory", "eventAction", "eventLabel", "eventValue", "hitType"]
      , i = ["title", "location"]
      , s = ["page", "hitType"];
    function o(k) {
        return k && k.__esModule ? k : {
            default: k
    function a(k, T) {
        if (k == null)
            return {};
        var _ = l(k, T), O, R;
        if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
            var z = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(k);
            for (R = 0; R < z.length; R++)
                O = z[R],
                !(T.indexOf(O) >= 0) && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(k, O) && (_[O] = k[O])
        return _
    function l(k, T) {
        if (k == null)
            return {};
        var _ = {}, O = Object.keys(k), R, z;
        for (z = 0; z < O.length; z++)
            R = O[z],
            !(T.indexOf(R) >= 0) && (_[R] = k[R]);
        return _
    function u(k) {
        "@babel/helpers - typeof";
        return u = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(T) {
            return typeof T
        : function(T) {
            return T && typeof Symbol == "function" && T.constructor === Symbol && T !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof T
    function c(k) {
        return h(k) || f(k) || g(k) || d()
    function d() {
        throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`)
    function f(k) {
        if (typeof Symbol < "u" && k[Symbol.iterator] != null || k["@@iterator"] != null)
            return Array.from(k)
    function h(k) {
        if (Array.isArray(k))
            return w(k)
    function m(k, T) {
        var _ = Object.keys(k);
        if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
            var O = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(k);
            T && (O = O.filter(function(R) {
                return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(k, R).enumerable
            _.push.apply(_, O)
        return _
    function p(k) {
        for (var T = 1; T < arguments.length; T++) {
            var _ = arguments[T] != null ? arguments[T] : {};
            T % 2 ? m(Object(_), !0).forEach(function(O) {
                A(k, O, _[O])
            }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(k, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(_)) : m(Object(_)).forEach(function(O) {
                Object.defineProperty(k, O, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_, O))
        return k
    function b(k, T) {
        return D(k) || E(k, T) || g(k, T) || v()
    function v() {
        throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`)
    function g(k, T) {
        if (k) {
            if (typeof k == "string")
                return w(k, T);
            var _ = Object.prototype.toString.call(k).slice(8, -1);
            if (_ === "Object" && k.constructor && (_ = k.constructor.name),
            _ === "Map" || _ === "Set")
                return Array.from(k);
            if (_ === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(_))
                return w(k, T)
    function w(k, T) {
        (T == null || T > k.length) && (T = k.length);
        for (var _ = 0, O = new Array(T); _ < T; _++)
            O[_] = k[_];
        return O
    function E(k, T) {
        var _ = k == null ? null : typeof Symbol < "u" && k[Symbol.iterator] || k["@@iterator"];
        if (_ != null) {
            var O, R, z, Y, te = [], ue = !0, X = !1;
            try {
                if (z = (_ = _.call(k)).next,
                T !== 0)
                    for (; !(ue = (O = z.call(_)).done) && (te.push(O.value),
                    te.length !== T); ue = !0)
            } catch (S) {
                X = !0,
                R = S
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (!ue && _.return != null && (Y = _.return(),
                    Object(Y) !== Y))
                } finally {
                    if (X)
                        throw R
            return te
    function D(k) {
        if (Array.isArray(k))
            return k
    function V(k, T) {
        if (!(k instanceof T))
            throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
    function C(k, T) {
        for (var _ = 0; _ < T.length; _++) {
            var O = T[_];
            O.enumerable = O.enumerable || !1,
            O.configurable = !0,
            "value"in O && (O.writable = !0),
            Object.defineProperty(k, B(O.key), O)
    function P(k, T, _) {
        return T && C(k.prototype, T),
        Object.defineProperty(k, "prototype", {
            writable: !1
    function A(k, T, _) {
        return T = B(T),
        T in k ? Object.defineProperty(k, T, {
            value: _,
            enumerable: !0,
            configurable: !0,
            writable: !0
        }) : k[T] = _,
    function B(k) {
        var T = Q(k, "string");
        return u(T) === "symbol" ? T : String(T)
    function Q(k, T) {
        if (u(k) !== "object" || k === null)
            return k;
        var _ = k[Symbol.toPrimitive];
        if (_ !== void 0) {
            var O = _.call(k, T || "default");
            if (u(O) !== "object")
                return O;
            throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
        return (T === "string" ? String : Number)(k)
    var Z = function() {
        function k() {
            var T = this;
            V(this, k),
            A(this, "reset", function() {
                T.isInitialized = !1,
                T._testMode = !1,
                T._hasLoadedGA = !1,
                T._isQueuing = !1,
                T._queueGtag = []
            A(this, "_gtag", function() {
                for (var _ = arguments.length, O = new Array(_), R = 0; R < _; R++)
                    O[R] = arguments[R];
                T._testMode || T._isQueuing ? T._queueGtag.push(O) : t.default.apply(void 0, O)
            A(this, "_loadGA", function(_, O) {
                var R = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : "https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js";
                if (!(typeof window > "u" || typeof document > "u") && !T._hasLoadedGA) {
                    var z = document.createElement("script");
                    z.async = !0,
                    z.src = "".concat(R, "?id=").concat(_),
                    O && z.setAttribute("nonce", O),
                    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [],
                    window.gtag = function() {
                    T._hasLoadedGA = !0
            A(this, "_toGtagOptions", function(_) {
                if (_) {
                    var O = {
                        cookieUpdate: "cookie_update",
                        cookieExpires: "cookie_expires",
                        cookieDomain: "cookie_domain",
                        cookieFlags: "cookie_flags",
                        userId: "user_id",
                        clientId: "client_id",
                        anonymizeIp: "anonymize_ip",
                        contentGroup1: "content_group1",
                        contentGroup2: "content_group2",
                        contentGroup3: "content_group3",
                        contentGroup4: "content_group4",
                        contentGroup5: "content_group5",
                        allowAdFeatures: "allow_google_signals",
                        allowAdPersonalizationSignals: "allow_ad_personalization_signals",
                        nonInteraction: "non_interaction",
                        page: "page_path",
                        hitCallback: "event_callback"
                      , R = Object.entries(_).reduce(function(z, Y) {
                        var te = b(Y, 2)
                          , ue = te[0]
                          , X = te[1];
                        return O[ue] ? z[O[ue]] = X : z[ue] = X,
                    }, {});
                    return R
            A(this, "initialize", function(_) {
                var O = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
                if (!_)
                    throw new Error("Require GA_MEASUREMENT_ID");
                var R = typeof _ == "string" ? [{
                    trackingId: _
                }] : _;
                T._currentMeasurementId = R[0].trackingId;
                var z = O.gaOptions
                  , Y = O.gtagOptions
                  , te = O.nonce
                  , ue = O.testMode
                  , X = ue === void 0 ? !1 : ue
                  , S = O.gtagUrl;
                if (T._testMode = X,
                X || T._loadGA(T._currentMeasurementId, te, S),
                T.isInitialized || (T._gtag("js", new Date),
                R.forEach(function(I) {
                    var U = p(p(p({}, T._toGtagOptions(p(p({}, z), I.gaOptions))), Y), I.gtagOptions);
                    Object.keys(U).length ? T._gtag("config", I.trackingId, U) : T._gtag("config", I.trackingId)
                T.isInitialized = !0,
                !X) {
                    var j = c(T._queueGtag);
                    for (T._queueGtag = [],
                    T._isQueuing = !1; j.length; ) {
                        var N = j.shift();
                        T._gtag.apply(T, c(N)),
                        N[0] === "get" && (T._isQueuing = !0)
            A(this, "set", function(_) {
                if (!_) {
                    console.warn("`fieldsObject` is required in .set()");
                if (u(_) !== "object") {
                    console.warn("Expected `fieldsObject` arg to be an Object");
                Object.keys(_).length === 0 && console.warn("empty `fieldsObject` given to .set()"),
                T._gaCommand("set", _)
            A(this, "_gaCommandSendEvent", function(_, O, R, z, Y) {
                T._gtag("event", O, p(p({
                    event_category: _,
                    event_label: R,
                    value: z
                }, Y && {
                    non_interaction: Y.nonInteraction
                }), T._toGtagOptions(Y)))
            A(this, "_gaCommandSendEventParameters", function() {
                for (var _ = arguments.length, O = new Array(_), R = 0; R < _; R++)
                    O[R] = arguments[R];
                if (typeof O[0] == "string")
                    T._gaCommandSendEvent.apply(T, c(O.slice(1)));
                else {
                    var z = O[0]
                      , Y = z.eventCategory
                      , te = z.eventAction
                      , ue = z.eventLabel
                      , X = z.eventValue;
                    var S = a(z, r);
                    T._gaCommandSendEvent(Y, te, ue, X, S)
            A(this, "_gaCommandSendTiming", function(_, O, R, z) {
                T._gtag("event", "timing_complete", {
                    name: O,
                    value: R,
                    event_category: _,
                    event_label: z
            A(this, "_gaCommandSendPageview", function(_, O) {
                if (O && Object.keys(O).length) {
                    var R = T._toGtagOptions(O)
                      , z = R.title
                      , Y = R.location
                      , te = a(R, i);
                    T._gtag("event", "page_view", p(p(p(p({}, _ && {
                        page_path: _
                    }), z && {
                        page_title: z
                    }), Y && {
                        page_location: Y
                    }), te))
                } else
                    _ ? T._gtag("event", "page_view", {
                        page_path: _
                    }) : T._gtag("event", "page_view")
            A(this, "_gaCommandSendPageviewParameters", function() {
                for (var _ = arguments.length, O = new Array(_), R = 0; R < _; R++)
                    O[R] = arguments[R];
                if (typeof O[0] == "string")
                    T._gaCommandSendPageview.apply(T, c(O.slice(1)));
                else {
                    var z = O[0]
                      , Y = z.page;
                    var te = a(z, s);
                    T._gaCommandSendPageview(Y, te)
            A(this, "_gaCommandSend", function() {
                for (var _ = arguments.length, O = new Array(_), R = 0; R < _; R++)
                    O[R] = arguments[R];
                var z = typeof O[0] == "string" ? O[0] : O[0].hitType;
                switch (z) {
                case "event":
                    T._gaCommandSendEventParameters.apply(T, O);
                case "pageview":
                    T._gaCommandSendPageviewParameters.apply(T, O);
                case "timing":
                    T._gaCommandSendTiming.apply(T, c(O.slice(1)));
                case "screenview":
                case "transaction":
                case "item":
                case "social":
                case "exception":
                    console.warn("Unsupported send command: ".concat(z));
                    console.warn("Send command doesn't exist: ".concat(z))
            A(this, "_gaCommandSet", function() {
                for (var _ = arguments.length, O = new Array(_), R = 0; R < _; R++)
                    O[R] = arguments[R];
                typeof O[0] == "string" && (O[0] = A({}, O[0], O[1])),
                T._gtag("set", T._toGtagOptions(O[0]))
            A(this, "_gaCommand", function(_) {
                for (var O = arguments.length, R = new Array(O > 1 ? O - 1 : 0), z = 1; z < O; z++)
                    R[z - 1] = arguments[z];
                switch (_) {
                case "send":
                    T._gaCommandSend.apply(T, R);
                case "set":
                    T._gaCommandSet.apply(T, R);
                    console.warn("Command doesn't exist: ".concat(_))
            A(this, "ga", function() {
                for (var _ = arguments.length, O = new Array(_), R = 0; R < _; R++)
                    O[R] = arguments[R];
                if (typeof O[0] == "string")
                    T._gaCommand.apply(T, O);
                else {
                    var z = O[0];
                    T._gtag("get", T._currentMeasurementId, "client_id", function(Y) {
                        T._isQueuing = !1;
                        var te = T._queueGtag;
                        for (z({
                            get: function(S) {
                                return S === "clientId" ? Y : S === "trackingId" ? T._currentMeasurementId : S === "apiVersion" ? "1" : void 0
                        }); te.length; ) {
                            var ue = te.shift();
                            T._gtag.apply(T, c(ue))
                    T._isQueuing = !0
                return T.ga
            A(this, "event", function(_, O) {
                if (typeof _ == "string")
                    T._gtag("event", _, T._toGtagOptions(O));
                else {
                    var R = _.action
                      , z = _.category
                      , Y = _.label
                      , te = _.value
                      , ue = _.nonInteraction
                      , X = _.transport;
                    if (!z || !R) {
                        console.warn("args.category AND args.action are required in event()");
                    var S = {
                        hitType: "event",
                        eventCategory: (0,
                        eventAction: (0,
                    Y && (S.eventLabel = (0,
                    typeof te < "u" && (typeof te != "number" ? console.warn("Expected `args.value` arg to be a Number.") : S.eventValue = te),
                    typeof ue < "u" && (typeof ue != "boolean" ? console.warn("`args.nonInteraction` must be a boolean.") : S.nonInteraction = ue),
                    typeof X < "u" && (typeof X != "string" ? console.warn("`args.transport` must be a string.") : (["beacon", "xhr", "image"].indexOf(X) === -1 && console.warn("`args.transport` must be either one of these values: `beacon`, `xhr` or `image`"),
                    S.transport = X)),
                    T._gaCommand("send", S)
            A(this, "send", function(_) {
                T._gaCommand("send", _)
        return P(k, [{
            key: "gtag",
            value: function() {
                this._gtag.apply(this, arguments)
    e.GA4 = Z;
    var F = new Z;
    e.default = F
(function(e) {
    function t(a) {
        "@babel/helpers - typeof";
        return t = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(l) {
            return typeof l
        : function(l) {
            return l && typeof Symbol == "function" && l.constructor === Symbol && l !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof l
    Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    e.default = e.ReactGAImplementation = void 0;
    var n = i(IT);
    function r(a) {
        if (typeof WeakMap != "function")
            return null;
        var l = new WeakMap
          , u = new WeakMap;
        return (r = function(d) {
            return d ? u : l
    function i(a, l) {
        if (a && a.__esModule)
            return a;
        if (a === null || t(a) !== "object" && typeof a != "function")
            return {
                default: a
        var u = r(l);
        if (u && u.has(a))
            return u.get(a);
        var c = {}
          , d = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
        for (var f in a)
            if (f !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, f)) {
                var h = d ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, f) : null;
                h && (h.get || h.set) ? Object.defineProperty(c, f, h) : c[f] = a[f]
        return c.default = a,
        u && u.set(a, c),
    var s = n.GA4;
    e.ReactGAImplementation = s;
    var o = n.default;
    e.default = o
const zT = pu($T)
  , Q7 = ()=>{
  , Vx = e=>{
    const t = crypto.randomUUID();
    zT.event("invitation_sent", {
        invitation_id: t,
        referrer_id: e.userId,
        invitation_channell: e.type
  , Y7 = ()=>y.useMemo(()=>{
    var n;
    const t = (n = Telegram.WebApp.initDataUnsafe.user) == null ? void 0 : n.id;
    if (!t)
        throw new Error("Can't get user id. Make sure that you're inside TWA");
    return t
, [])
  , zx = ()=>{
    const {t: e} = Tt("referrals")
      , t = Y7()
      , r = encodeURI(`https://t.me/your_tap_bot?start=r_${t}`)
      , [i,s] = y.useState(!1)
      , o = wa()
      , a = async()=>{
        const u = encodeURI(e("inviteMessage"))
          , c = `https://t.me/share/url?url=${r}&text=${u}`;
            userId: t,
            type: "tg"
      , l = ()=>{
            userId: t,
            type: "link"
        o("Link copied!")
    return x.jsx(y7, {
        open: i,
        onOpenChange: u=>{
        button: x.jsx(_x, {
            children: x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex flex-col gap-1",
                children: [x.jsx("div", {
                    children: e("inviteFriends")
                }), x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "text-sm font-normal subpixel-antialiased",
                    children: e("inviteFriendsButtonDescription")
        children: x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-10",
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex flex-col gap-8",
                children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-3.5 text-center",
                    children: [x.jsx("div", {
                        className: "text-h2 first-letter:uppercase",
                        children: e("inviteFriends")
                    }), x.jsx("p", {
                        className: "max-w-xs whitespace-pre-line text-pretty leading-[1.4rem] text-white/65",
                        children: e("description")
                }), x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "mx-auto px-8",
                    children: x.jsx("div", {
                        className: "max-w-[40vh] rounded-3xl bg-graphite-light p-5",
                        children: x.jsx(B8, {
                            link: r
            }), x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex w-full flex-col items-center gap-2 text-black",
                children: [x.jsx(_x, {
                    onClick: a,
                    className: "text-h3",
                    children: e("inviteFriends")
                }), x.jsx("button", {
                    onClick: l,
                    className: "w-full rounded-xl bg-graphite-light py-[17px] text-h3 text-white",
                    children: e("copyLink")
  , X7 = ()=>{
    const {t: e} = Tt("referrals")
      , {referrals: t, isLoading: n} = q7()
      , {referrals: r, totalReferralsRewards: i} = Vt(zt);
    return n || !t ? x.jsx(Ds, {
        className: "flex h-full items-center justify-center",
        children: x.jsx(ST, {})
    }) : x.jsx(Ds, {
        bgUrl: Ae.bgMini,
        children: x.jsxs("div", {
            className: Ze("flex h-full flex-col", r === 0 && "justify-between"),
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "space-y-2 text-center",
                children: [x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "text-base",
                    children: e("my")
                }), x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "space-y-3",
                    children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "text-h1",
                        children: [r, " ", e("myRefs", {
                            count: r
                    }), x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "text-h3 text-gold",
                        children: ["+", i]
            }), r > 0 && x.jsxs(x.Fragment, {
                children: [x.jsx(hr, {
                    y: 8
                }), x.jsx(zx, {}), x.jsx(hr, {
                    y: 4
                }), x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "flex h-full flex-col gap-2 overflow-scroll ",
                    children: t.map(s=>x.jsx(K7, {
                        referral: s
                    }, s.id))
            }), r === 0 && x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex h-full flex-col items-center justify-center gap-6 text-center",
                children: [x.jsx("img", {
                    src: Ae.notFound,
                    alt: "no referrals",
                    className: "size-14"
                }), x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "text-h2",
                    children: e("noRefs")
                }), x.jsx(zx, {})]
  , Ux = e=>y.useMemo(()=>new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",{
    minimumFractionDigits: 0,
    maximumFractionDigits: 3,
    notation: "compact",
}), [e])
  , J7 = ()=>{
    const e = gn()
      , t = vf({
        queryKey: [Qt.stats],
        queryFn: async()=>{
            const {data: n} = await e.get(Qt.stats);
            return n
    if (t.error)
        throw t.error;
    return {
        stats: t.data
  , Z7 = ()=>{
    const e = Ux()
      , t = Ux({
        notation: "standard"
      , {stats: n, isLoading: r} = J7()
      , {t: i} = Tt("stats");
    return r || !n ? x.jsx(Ds, {
        className: "flex h-full items-center justify-center",
        children: x.jsx(ST, {})
    }) : x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "relative h-full",
        children: [x.jsx("img", {
            src: Ae.bgMini,
            alt: "bg",
            className: "absolute top-0 -z-10 w-full"
        }), x.jsx(Ds, {
            className: "h-full",
            children: x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex h-full flex-col items-center gap-10 text-center",
                children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "flex items-center gap-1",
                    children: [x.jsx("img", {
                        src: Ae.coin,
                        className: "size-14"
                    }), x.jsx("div", {
                        className: "text-h1 text-gold",
                        children: e.format(n.totalCoins)
                }), x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "flex h-full flex-col items-center gap-10",
                    children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-2",
                        children: [x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-base",
                            children: i("totalTouches")
                        }), x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-h2 text-gold",
                            children: t.format(n.totalTaps)
                    }), x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-2",
                        children: [x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-base",
                            children: i("totalPlayers")
                        }), x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-h2 text-gold",
                            children: t.format(n.totalPlayers)
                    }), x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-2",
                        children: [x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-base",
                            children: i("dailyUsers")
                        }), x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-h2 text-gold",
                            children: t.format(n.daily)
                    }), x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-2",
                        children: [x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-base",
                            children: i("onlinePlayers")
                        }), x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-h2 text-gold",
                            children: t.format(n.online)
  , eV = ()=>{
    const {score: e} = Vt(zt)
      , {t} = Tt("leagues")
      , n = t(Il(e));
    return x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "flex items-center justify-center gap-[7px]",
        children: [x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex items-center gap-[3px]",
            children: [x.jsx("img", {
                src: xf(Il(e)),
                alt: "trophy",
                className: "size-[30px]"
            }), x.jsx("div", {
                className: "translate-y-px text-h4 text-white/65 first-letter:uppercase",
                children: n
        }), x.jsx(qv, {
            className: "size-2 text-white/35"
function UT() {
    const {isDialogOpen: e, setIsDialogOpen: t} = yf("leagues")
      , n = y.useRef(null);
    kC(n, ()=>t(!1));
    const [r,i] = y.useState()
      , {t: s} = Tt("leagues")
      , {score: o} = Vt(zt)
      , a = Il(o)
      , l = vC()
      , u = l.map(D=>s(D))
      , [c,d] = y.useState(0)
      , f = l[c]
      , h = u[c]
      , m = yC(f)
      , p = Cv(f)
      , b = wC(o)
      , v = o >= p
      , g = f === a
      , w = !v && !g;
        r && (d(r.selectedScrollSnap()),
        r.on("select", ()=>{
    , [r, a, l]);
    const E = D=>{
        D && t(!0)
    return x.jsxs(Lt.Root, {
        shouldScaleBackground: !1,
        scrollLockTimeout: 0,
        dismissible: !1,
        open: e,
        onOpenChange: E,
        modal: !1,
        children: [x.jsx(Lt.Trigger, {
            className: "px-2 py-1 focus-visible:outline-none",
            children: x.jsx(eV, {})
        }), x.jsxs(Lt.Portal, {
            children: [x.jsx(Lt.Overlay, {
                className: "fixed inset-0 bg-black/50 backdrop-blur-[2px]"
            }), x.jsxs(Lt.Content, {
                ref: n,
                className: "fixed bottom-0 left-0 right-0 z-50 mt-24 flex flex-col rounded-t-3xl bg-graphite-normal focus-visible:outline-none",
                children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "relative",
                    children: [g && x.jsx("img", {
                        src: Ae.bgAccent,
                        className: "animate-in fade-in absolute bottom-0 -z-10 w-full"
                    }), x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "flex flex-1 flex-col gap-10 p-6 pb-[42px] pt-[40px]",
                        children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                            className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-3.5 text-center",
                            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                                className: "text-h2 first-letter:uppercase",
                                children: [h, " ", s("league")]
                            }), x.jsx("p", {
                                className: "whitespace-pre-line text-pretty leading-[1.4rem] text-white/65",
                                children: s("description")
                        }), x.jsx(zP, {
                            opts: {
                                startIndex: l.indexOf(a)
                            setApi: i,
                            className: "mx-auto max-w-[280px]",
                            children: x.jsxs("div", {
                                className: "flex items-center gap-4",
                                children: [x.jsx(HP, {}), x.jsx(UP, {
                                    children: l.map(D=>x.jsx(BP, {
                                        children: x.jsx("img", {
                                            src: xf(D),
                                            alt: "trophy",
                                            className: "h-[240px] w-full object-cover"
                                    }, D))
                                }), x.jsx(WP, {})]
                        }), x.jsxs("div", {
                            className: "flex min-h-14 w-full items-center justify-center justify-self-end",
                            children: [v && x.jsx("div", {
                                className: "w-fit bg-heat-text-gradient bg-clip-text text-center text-h3 text-transparent",
                                children: s("completed")
                            }), g && x.jsxs("div", {
                                className: "flex w-full flex-col items-center gap-2",
                                children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                                    className: "mx-auto flex w-fit items-baseline gap-0.5",
                                    children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                                        children: [x.jsxs("span", {
                                            className: "text-h3",
                                            children: [" ", o]
                                        }), p && x.jsx("span", {
                                            className: "text-base text-white/65",
                                            children: "/"
                                    }), x.jsx("div", {
                                        children: x.jsx("div", {
                                            className: "text-h5 text-white/65",
                                            children: p
                                }), x.jsx("div", {
                                    className: "w-full flex-1",
                                    children: x.jsx(Nu, {
                                        value: b
                            }), w && x.jsxs("div", {
                                className: "w-fit text-center text-h3 text-white",
                                children: [s("from"), " ", m]
                }), x.jsx("button", {
                    onClick: ()=>t(!1),
                    className: "absolute right-6 top-6",
                    children: x.jsx(Af, {})
function tV(e, t) {
    e.indexOf(t) === -1 && e.push(t)
const BT = (e,t,n)=>Math.min(Math.max(n, e), t)
  , qn = {
    duration: .3,
    delay: 0,
    endDelay: 0,
    repeat: 0,
    easing: "ease"
  , Wd = e=>typeof e == "number"
  , Lo = e=>Array.isArray(e) && !Wd(e[0])
  , nV = (e,t,n)=>{
    const r = t - e;
    return ((n - e) % r + r) % r + e
function rV(e, t) {
    return Lo(e) ? e[nV(0, e.length, t)] : e
const HT = (e,t,n)=>-n * e + n * t + e
  , WT = ()=>{}
  , $i = e=>e
  , Ry = (e,t,n)=>t - e === 0 ? 1 : (n - e) / (t - e);
function GT(e, t) {
    const n = e[e.length - 1];
    for (let r = 1; r <= t; r++) {
        const i = Ry(0, t, r);
        e.push(HT(n, 1, i))
function iV(e) {
    const t = [0];
    return GT(t, e - 1),
function sV(e, t=iV(e.length), n=$i) {
    const r = e.length
      , i = r - t.length;
    return i > 0 && GT(t, i),
        let o = 0;
        for (; o < r - 2 && !(s < t[o + 1]); o++)
        let a = BT(0, 1, Ry(t[o], t[o + 1], s));
        return a = rV(n, o)(a),
        HT(e[o], e[o + 1], a)
const KT = e=>Array.isArray(e) && Wd(e[0])
  , hg = e=>typeof e == "object" && !!e.createAnimation
  , aa = e=>typeof e == "function"
  , oV = e=>typeof e == "string"
  , gl = {
    ms: e=>e * 1e3,
    s: e=>e / 1e3
  , qT = (e,t,n)=>(((1 - 3 * n + 3 * t) * e + (3 * n - 6 * t)) * e + 3 * t) * e
  , aV = 1e-7
  , lV = 12;
function uV(e, t, n, r, i) {
    let s, o, a = 0;
        o = t + (n - t) / 2,
        s = qT(o, r, i) - e,
        s > 0 ? n = o : t = o;
    while (Math.abs(s) > aV && ++a < lV);
    return o
function Ya(e, t, n, r) {
    if (e === t && n === r)
        return $i;
    const i = s=>uV(s, 0, 1, e, n);
    return s=>s === 0 || s === 1 ? s : qT(i(s), t, r)
const cV = (e,t="end")=>n=>{
    n = t === "end" ? Math.min(n, .999) : Math.max(n, .001);
    const r = n * e
      , i = t === "end" ? Math.floor(r) : Math.ceil(r);
    return BT(0, 1, i / e)
  , dV = {
    ease: Ya(.25, .1, .25, 1),
    "ease-in": Ya(.42, 0, 1, 1),
    "ease-in-out": Ya(.42, 0, .58, 1),
    "ease-out": Ya(0, 0, .58, 1)
  , fV = /\((.*?)\)/;
function Bx(e) {
    if (aa(e))
        return e;
    if (KT(e))
        return Ya(...e);
    const t = dV[e];
    if (t)
        return t;
    if (e.startsWith("steps")) {
        const n = fV.exec(e);
        if (n) {
            const r = n[1].split(",");
            return cV(parseFloat(r[0]), r[1].trim())
    return $i
let QT = class {
    constructor(t, n=[0, 1], {easing: r, duration: i=qn.duration, delay: s=qn.delay, endDelay: o=qn.endDelay, repeat: a=qn.repeat, offset: l, direction: u="normal", autoplay: c=!0}={}) {
        if (this.startTime = null,
        this.rate = 1,
        this.t = 0,
        this.cancelTimestamp = null,
        this.easing = $i,
        this.duration = 0,
        this.totalDuration = 0,
        this.repeat = 0,
        this.playState = "idle",
        this.finished = new Promise((f,h)=>{
            this.resolve = f,
            this.reject = h
        r = r || qn.easing,
        hg(r)) {
            const f = r.createAnimation(n);
            r = f.easing,
            n = f.keyframes || n,
            i = f.duration || i
        this.repeat = a,
        this.easing = Lo(r) ? $i : Bx(r),
        const d = sV(n, l, Lo(r) ? r.map(Bx) : $i);
        this.tick = f=>{
            var h;
            s = s;
            let m = 0;
            this.pauseTime !== void 0 ? m = this.pauseTime : m = (f - this.startTime) * this.rate,
            this.t = m,
            m /= 1e3,
            m = Math.max(m - s, 0),
            this.playState === "finished" && this.pauseTime === void 0 && (m = this.totalDuration);
            const p = m / this.duration;
            let b = Math.floor(p)
              , v = p % 1;
            !v && p >= 1 && (v = 1),
            v === 1 && b--;
            const g = b % 2;
            (u === "reverse" || u === "alternate" && g || u === "alternate-reverse" && !g) && (v = 1 - v);
            const w = m >= this.totalDuration ? 1 : Math.min(v, 1)
              , E = d(this.easing(w));
            this.pauseTime === void 0 && (this.playState === "finished" || m >= this.totalDuration + o) ? (this.playState = "finished",
            (h = this.resolve) === null || h === void 0 || h.call(this, E)) : this.playState !== "idle" && (this.frameRequestId = requestAnimationFrame(this.tick))
        c && this.play()
    play() {
        const t = performance.now();
        this.playState = "running",
        this.pauseTime !== void 0 ? this.startTime = t - this.pauseTime : this.startTime || (this.startTime = t),
        this.cancelTimestamp = this.startTime,
        this.pauseTime = void 0,
        this.frameRequestId = requestAnimationFrame(this.tick)
    pause() {
        this.playState = "paused",
        this.pauseTime = this.t
    finish() {
        this.playState = "finished",
    stop() {
        var t;
        this.playState = "idle",
        this.frameRequestId !== void 0 && cancelAnimationFrame(this.frameRequestId),
        (t = this.reject) === null || t === void 0 || t.call(this, !1)
    cancel() {
    reverse() {
        this.rate *= -1
    commitStyles() {}
    updateDuration(t) {
        this.duration = t,
        this.totalDuration = t * (this.repeat + 1)
    get currentTime() {
        return this.t
    set currentTime(t) {
        this.pauseTime !== void 0 || this.rate === 0 ? this.pauseTime = t : this.startTime = performance.now() - t / this.rate
    get playbackRate() {
        return this.rate
    set playbackRate(t) {
        this.rate = t
class hV {
    setAnimation(t) {
        this.animation = t,
        t == null || t.finished.then(()=>this.clearAnimation()).catch(()=>{}
    clearAnimation() {
        this.animation = this.generator = void 0
const op = new WeakMap;
function YT(e) {
    return op.has(e) || op.set(e, {
        transforms: [],
        values: new Map
function pV(e, t) {
    return e.has(t) || e.set(t, new hV),
const mV = ["", "X", "Y", "Z"]
  , gV = ["translate", "scale", "rotate", "skew"]
  , Gd = {
    x: "translateX",
    y: "translateY",
    z: "translateZ"
  , Hx = {
    syntax: "<angle>",
    initialValue: "0deg",
    toDefaultUnit: e=>e + "deg"
  , vV = {
    translate: {
        syntax: "<length-percentage>",
        initialValue: "0px",
        toDefaultUnit: e=>e + "px"
    rotate: Hx,
    scale: {
        syntax: "<number>",
        initialValue: 1,
        toDefaultUnit: $i
    skew: Hx
  , Zl = new Map
  , Oy = e=>`--motion-${e}`
  , Kd = ["x", "y", "z"];
        Kd.push(e + t),
        Zl.set(Oy(e + t), vV[e])
const yV = (e,t)=>Kd.indexOf(e) - Kd.indexOf(t)
  , wV = new Set(Kd)
  , XT = e=>wV.has(e)
  , xV = (e,t)=>{
    Gd[t] && (t = Gd[t]);
    const {transforms: n} = YT(e);
    tV(n, t),
    e.style.transform = bV(n)
  , bV = e=>e.sort(yV).reduce(SV, "").trim()
  , SV = (e,t)=>`${e} ${t}(var(${Oy(t)}))`
  , pg = e=>e.startsWith("--")
  , Wx = new Set;
function EV(e) {
    if (!Wx.has(e)) {
        try {
            const {syntax: t, initialValue: n} = Zl.has(e) ? Zl.get(e) : {};
                name: e,
                inherits: !1,
                syntax: t,
                initialValue: n
        } catch {}
const ap = (e,t)=>document.createElement("div").animate(e, t)
  , Gx = {
    cssRegisterProperty: ()=>typeof CSS < "u" && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(CSS, "registerProperty"),
    waapi: ()=>Object.hasOwnProperty.call(Element.prototype, "animate"),
    partialKeyframes: ()=>{
        try {
                opacity: [1]
        } catch {
            return !1
        return !0
    finished: ()=>!!ap({
        opacity: [0, 1]
    }, {
        duration: .001
    linearEasing: ()=>{
        try {
                opacity: 0
            }, {
                easing: "linear(0, 1)"
        } catch {
            return !1
        return !0
  , lp = {}
  , Eo = {};
for (const e in Gx)
    Eo[e] = ()=>(lp[e] === void 0 && (lp[e] = Gx[e]()),
const CV = .015
  , PV = (e,t)=>{
    let n = "";
    const r = Math.round(t / CV);
    for (let i = 0; i < r; i++)
        n += e(Ry(0, r - 1, i)) + ", ";
    return n.substring(0, n.length - 2)
  , Kx = (e,t)=>aa(e) ? Eo.linearEasing() ? `linear(${PV(e, t)})` : qn.easing : KT(e) ? TV(e) : e
  , TV = ([e,t,n,r])=>`cubic-bezier(${e}, ${t}, ${n}, ${r})`;
function RV(e, t) {
    for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
        e[n] === null && (e[n] = n ? e[n - 1] : t());
    return e
const OV = e=>Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e];
function mg(e) {
    return Gd[e] && (e = Gd[e]),
    XT(e) ? Oy(e) : e
const wc = {
    get: (e,t)=>{
        t = mg(t);
        let n = pg(t) ? e.style.getPropertyValue(t) : getComputedStyle(e)[t];
        if (!n && n !== 0) {
            const r = Zl.get(t);
            r && (n = r.initialValue)
        return n
    set: (e,t,n)=>{
        t = mg(t),
        pg(t) ? e.style.setProperty(t, n) : e.style[t] = n
function JT(e, t=!0) {
    if (!(!e || e.playState === "finished"))
        try {
            e.stop ? e.stop() : (t && e.commitStyles(),
        } catch {}
function kV(e, t) {
    var n;
    let r = (t == null ? void 0 : t.toDefaultUnit) || $i;
    const i = e[e.length - 1];
    if (oV(i)) {
        const s = ((n = i.match(/(-?[\d.]+)([a-z%]*)/)) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n[2]) || "";
        s && (r = o=>o + s)
    return r
function _V() {
    return window.__MOTION_DEV_TOOLS_RECORD
function AV(e, t, n, r={}, i) {
    const s = _V()
      , o = r.record !== !1 && s;
    let a, {duration: l=qn.duration, delay: u=qn.delay, endDelay: c=qn.endDelay, repeat: d=qn.repeat, easing: f=qn.easing, persist: h=!1, direction: m, offset: p, allowWebkitAcceleration: b=!1, autoplay: v=!0} = r;
    const g = YT(e)
      , w = XT(t);
    let E = Eo.waapi();
    w && xV(e, t);
    const D = mg(t)
      , V = pV(g.values, D)
      , C = Zl.get(D);
    return JT(V.animation, !(hg(f) && V.generator) && r.record !== !1),
        const P = ()=>{
            var Q, Z;
            return (Z = (Q = wc.get(e, D)) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : C == null ? void 0 : C.initialValue) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : 0
        let A = RV(OV(n), P);
        const B = kV(A, C);
        if (hg(f)) {
            const Q = f.createAnimation(A, t !== "opacity", P, D, V);
            f = Q.easing,
            A = Q.keyframes || A,
            l = Q.duration || l
        if (pg(D) && (Eo.cssRegisterProperty() ? EV(D) : E = !1),
        w && !Eo.linearEasing() && (aa(f) || Lo(f) && f.some(aa)) && (E = !1),
        E) {
            C && (A = A.map(F=>Wd(F) ? C.toDefaultUnit(F) : F)),
            A.length === 1 && (!Eo.partialKeyframes() || o) && A.unshift(P());
            const Q = {
                delay: gl.ms(u),
                duration: gl.ms(l),
                endDelay: gl.ms(c),
                easing: Lo(f) ? void 0 : Kx(f, l),
                direction: m,
                iterations: d + 1,
                fill: "both"
            a = e.animate({
                [D]: A,
                offset: p,
                easing: Lo(f) ? f.map(F=>Kx(F, l)) : void 0
            }, Q),
            a.finished || (a.finished = new Promise((F,k)=>{
                a.onfinish = F,
                a.oncancel = k
            const Z = A[A.length - 1];
                h || (wc.set(e, D, Z),
            b || (a.playbackRate = 1.000001)
        } else if (i && w)
            A = A.map(Q=>typeof Q == "string" ? parseFloat(Q) : Q),
            A.length === 1 && A.unshift(parseFloat(P())),
            a = new i(Q=>{
                wc.set(e, D, B ? B(Q) : Q)
            ,A,Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r), {
                duration: l,
                easing: f
        else {
            const Q = A[A.length - 1];
            wc.set(e, D, C && Wd(Q) ? C.toDefaultUnit(Q) : Q)
        return o && s(e, t, A, {
            duration: l,
            delay: u,
            easing: f,
            repeat: d,
            offset: p
        }, "motion-one"),
        a && !v && a.pause(),
const DV = (e,t)=>e[t] ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e), e[t]) : Object.assign({}, e);
function LV(e, t) {
    return typeof e == "string" ? e = document.querySelectorAll(e) : e instanceof Element && (e = [e]),
    Array.from(e || [])
const NV = e=>e()
  , ZT = (e,t,n=qn.duration)=>new Proxy({
    animations: e.map(NV).filter(Boolean),
    duration: n,
    options: t
  , MV = e=>e.animations[0]
  , jV = {
    get: (e,t)=>{
        const n = MV(e);
        switch (t) {
        case "duration":
            return e.duration;
        case "currentTime":
            return gl.s((n == null ? void 0 : n[t]) || 0);
        case "playbackRate":
        case "playState":
            return n == null ? void 0 : n[t];
        case "finished":
            return e.finished || (e.finished = Promise.all(e.animations.map($V)).catch(WT)),
        case "stop":
            return ()=>{
        case "forEachNative":
            return r=>{
                e.animations.forEach(i=>r(i, e))
            return typeof (n == null ? void 0 : n[t]) > "u" ? void 0 : ()=>e.animations.forEach(r=>r[t]())
    set: (e,t,n)=>{
        switch (t) {
        case "currentTime":
            n = gl.ms(n);
        case "playbackRate":
            for (let r = 0; r < e.animations.length; r++)
                e.animations[r][t] = n;
            return !0
        return !1
  , $V = e=>e.finished;
function IV(e, t, n) {
    return aa(e) ? e(t, n) : e
function FV(e) {
    return function(n, r, i={}) {
        n = LV(n);
        const s = n.length
          , o = [];
        for (let a = 0; a < s; a++) {
            const l = n[a];
            for (const u in r) {
                const c = DV(i, u);
                c.delay = IV(c.delay, a, s);
                const d = AV(l, u, r[u], c, e);
        return ZT(o, i, i.duration)
const VV = FV(QT);
function zV(e, t={}) {
    return ZT([()=>{
        const n = new QT(e,[0, 1],t);
        return n.finished.catch(()=>{}
    ], t, t.duration)
function UV(e, t, n) {
    return (aa(e) ? zV : VV)(e, t, n)
const BV = (e,t)=>{
    e.length !== 0 && e.forEach(n=>{
        const r = document.createElement("div");
        r.textContent = `+${t}`,
        r.style.position = "absolute",
        r.style.top = `${n.y}px`,
        r.style.left = `${n.x}px`,
        r.style.fontSize = "24px",
        r.style.fontWeight = "600",
        UV(r, {
            y: -150,
            opacity: 0
        }, {
            duration: .75,
            easing: "ease-out"
  , HV = e=>{
    const t = [];
    for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
        const r = e[n]
          , i = r.identifier + Date.now();
            x: r.clientX,
            y: r.clientY,
            id: i
    return t
  , WV = e=>{
    const {onTouches: t} = e
      , {multitap: n, energy: r} = Vt(zt)
      , i = Pu()
      , s = i ? Ar.tappingGuruMultiplier * n : n
      , o = i ? !1 : r - s < 0
      , a = ({touches: d})=>{
        const f = HV(d)
          , h = Math.floor(r / (f.length * s))
          , m = f.slice(0, h + 1);
        BV(m, s),
      , l = wN("(max-width: 375px)")
      , u = {
        initial: {
            skewY: 0,
            skewX: 0
        animate: {
            skewY: 1,
            scale: .99,
            transition: {
                duration: .05
      , c = {
        initial: {
            skewY: 0,
            skewX: 0
        animate: {
            skewY: 1,
            scale: 1.89,
            transition: {
                duration: .05
    return x.jsx("div", {
        className: Ze("relative w-full", l ? "h-[58vw]" : "h-[70vw]", o && "pointer-events-none"),
        children: x.jsxs(Hc.div, {
            onTouchStart: a,
            onClick: e.onClick,
            initial: "initial",
            animate: "initial",
            whileTap: "animate",
            className: "relative flex items-center justify-center",
            children: [x.jsx(Hc.img, {
                src: Ae.tappingGuruEffect,
                className: Ze("absolute", l ? "-top-4 w-[65vw]" : "-top-6 w-[80vw]"),
                style: {
                    mixBlendMode: "screen",
                    zIndex: 20,
                    scale: 1.9,
                    display: i ? "block" : "none"
                variants: c
            }), x.jsx(Hc.img, {
                className: Ze("absolute top-0", l ? "w-[65vw]" : "w-[80vw]"),
                src: Ae.tapCoin,
                variants: u
  , GV = (e,t)=>{
    const {multitap: n, score: r, balance: i} = e
      , {tappingGuruMultiplier: s} = Ar
      , o = t * n * s
      , a = r + o
      , l = i + o;
    return {
        score: a,
        balance: l
  , KV = (e,t)=>{
    const {multitap: n, energy: r, score: i, balance: s} = e
      , o = t * n
      , a = r - t * n
      , l = i + o
      , u = s + o;
    return a < 0 ? e : {
        score: l,
        energy: a,
        balance: u
  , qV = ()=>{
    const {user: e, mutate: t} = Et()
      , n = Pu();
    return {
        handleMutate: async i=>{
            if (!e)
            const o = (n ? GV : KV)(e, i);
  , QV = e=>{
    const t = Date.now();
    localStorage.setItem("time", t.toString()),
        localStorage.getItem("time") === t.toString() && e()
    , 500)
  , YV = ()=>{
    const {user: e} = Et()
      , t = y.useRef(null);
    if (y.useLayoutEffect(()=>{
        if (!t.current || !(e != null && e.energy))
        const s = e.energy.toString().length
          , o = (e.energyLimit * Ar.energyPerLevel).toString().length
          , c = s * 12.5 + o * 9.5 + 5;
        t.current.style.width = `${c}px`
    , [e == null ? void 0 : e.energy, e == null ? void 0 : e.energyLimit]),
        return null;
    const {energy: n, energyLimit: r} = e
      , i = r * Ar.energyPerLevel;
    return x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "flex items-center justify-center",
        children: [x.jsx("img", {
            src: Ae.energy,
            className: "size-10 translate-x-0.5"
        }), x.jsxs("div", {
            ref: t,
            className: "flex -translate-y-0.5 items-baseline gap-0.5",
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                children: [x.jsx("span", {
                    className: "text-base font-bold tiny:text-h3",
                    children: n
                }), x.jsx("span", {
                    className: "text-sm text-white/65 tiny:text-base",
                    children: "/"
            }), x.jsx("div", {
                children: x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "text-sm text-white/65 tiny:text-base",
                    children: i
  , XV = ()=>{
    const {user: e} = Et()
      , {handleMutate: t} = qV()
      , {sendTaps: n} = Mv()
      , r = ll(u=>u.addTaps)
      , i = y.useCallback(u=>{
    , [r, t, n]);
    if (!e)
        return null;
    const {energy: s, energyLimit: o} = e
      , a = o * Ar.energyPerLevel
      , l = mf(s, a);
    return x.jsx(Ds, {
        bgUrl: Ae.bgTap,
        className: "overflow-y-hidden",
        children: x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex h-full flex-col justify-between",
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between",
                children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-0 small:gap-2",
                    children: [x.jsx(zv, {}), x.jsx(UT, {})]
                }), x.jsx(WV, {
                    onTouches: i
                }), x.jsx(hr, {
                    y: 0
            }), x.jsxs("div", {
                children: [x.jsx(YV, {}), x.jsx(Nu, {
                    value: l
  , eR = new Set
  , Tn = new WeakMap
  , la = new WeakMap
  , Is = new WeakMap
  , gg = new WeakMap
  , JV = new WeakMap
  , ua = new WeakMap
  , qd = new WeakMap
  , Xa = new WeakSet;
let Bi, ky = 0, _y = 0;
const zr = "__aa_tgt"
  , eu = "__aa_del"
  , Qd = "__aa_new"
  , ZV = e=>{
    const t = sz(e);
    t && t.forEach(n=>oz(n))
  , ez = e=>{
        t.target === Bi && nz(),
        Tn.has(t.target) && Ws(t.target)
function tz(e) {
    const t = gg.get(e);
    t == null || t.disconnect();
    let n = Tn.get(e)
      , r = 0;
    const i = 5;
    n || (n = ca(e),
    Tn.set(e, n));
    const {offsetWidth: s, offsetHeight: o} = Bi
      , l = [n.top - i, s - (n.left + i + n.width), o - (n.top + i + n.height), n.left - i].map(c=>`${-1 * Math.floor(c)}px`).join(" ")
      , u = new IntersectionObserver(()=>{
        ++r > 1 && Ws(e)
        root: Bi,
        threshold: 1,
        rootMargin: l
    gg.set(e, u)
function Ws(e) {
    const t = Hf(e)
      , n = tu(t) ? 500 : t.duration;
    qd.set(e, setTimeout(async()=>{
        const r = Is.get(e);
        try {
            await (r == null ? void 0 : r.finished),
            Tn.set(e, ca(e)),
        } catch {}
    , n))
function nz() {
    qd.set(Bi, setTimeout(()=>{
        eR.forEach(e=>iR(e, t=>tR(()=>Ws(t))))
    , 100))
function rz(e) {
        JV.set(e, setInterval(()=>tR(Ws.bind(null, e)), 2e3))
    , Math.round(2e3 * Math.random()))
function tR(e) {
    typeof requestIdleCallback == "function" ? requestIdleCallback(()=>e()) : requestAnimationFrame(()=>e())
let vg, Co;
const iz = typeof window < "u" && "ResizeObserver"in window;
iz && (Bi = document.documentElement,
vg = new MutationObserver(ZV),
Co = new ResizeObserver(ez),
window.addEventListener("scroll", ()=>{
    _y = window.scrollY,
    ky = window.scrollX
function sz(e) {
    return e.reduce((r,i)=>[...r, ...Array.from(i.addedNodes), ...Array.from(i.removedNodes)], []).every(r=>r.nodeName === "#comment") ? !1 : e.reduce((r,i)=>{
        if (r === !1)
            return !1;
        if (i.target instanceof Element) {
            if (up(i.target),
            !r.has(i.target)) {
                for (let s = 0; s < i.target.children.length; s++) {
                    const o = i.target.children.item(s);
                    if (o) {
                        if (eu in o)
                            return !1;
                        up(i.target, o),
            if (i.removedNodes.length)
                for (let s = 0; s < i.removedNodes.length; s++) {
                    const o = i.removedNodes[s];
                    if (eu in o)
                        return !1;
                    o instanceof Element && (r.add(o),
                    up(i.target, o),
                    la.set(o, [i.previousSibling, i.nextSibling]))
        return r
    , new Set)
function up(e, t) {
    !t && !(zr in e) ? Object.defineProperty(e, zr, {
        value: e
    }) : t && !(zr in t) && Object.defineProperty(t, zr, {
        value: e
function oz(e) {
    var t;
    const n = e.isConnected
      , r = Tn.has(e);
    n && la.has(e) && la.delete(e),
    Is.has(e) && ((t = Is.get(e)) === null || t === void 0 || t.cancel()),
    Qd in e ? qx(e) : r && n ? lz(e) : r && !n ? uz(e) : qx(e)
function xr(e) {
    return Number(e.replace(/[^0-9.\-]/g, ""))
function az(e) {
    let t = e.parentElement;
    for (; t; ) {
        if (t.scrollLeft || t.scrollTop)
            return {
                x: t.scrollLeft,
                y: t.scrollTop
        t = t.parentElement
    return {
        x: 0,
        y: 0
function ca(e) {
    const t = e.getBoundingClientRect()
      , {x: n, y: r} = az(e);
    return {
        top: t.top + r,
        left: t.left + n,
        width: t.width,
        height: t.height
function nR(e, t, n) {
    let r = t.width
      , i = t.height
      , s = n.width
      , o = n.height;
    const a = getComputedStyle(e);
    if (a.getPropertyValue("box-sizing") === "content-box") {
        const u = xr(a.paddingTop) + xr(a.paddingBottom) + xr(a.borderTopWidth) + xr(a.borderBottomWidth)
          , c = xr(a.paddingLeft) + xr(a.paddingRight) + xr(a.borderRightWidth) + xr(a.borderLeftWidth);
        r -= c,
        s -= c,
        i -= u,
        o -= u
    return [r, s, i, o].map(Math.round)
function Hf(e) {
    return zr in e && ua.has(e[zr]) ? ua.get(e[zr]) : {
        duration: 250,
        easing: "ease-in-out"
function rR(e) {
    if (zr in e)
        return e[zr]
function Ay(e) {
    const t = rR(e);
    return t ? Xa.has(t) : !1
function iR(e, ...t) {
    t.forEach(n=>n(e, ua.has(e)));
    for (let n = 0; n < e.children.length; n++) {
        const r = e.children.item(n);
        r && t.forEach(i=>i(r, ua.has(r)))
function Dy(e) {
    return Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]
function tu(e) {
    return typeof e == "function"
function lz(e) {
    const t = Tn.get(e)
      , n = ca(e);
    if (!Ay(e))
        return Tn.set(e, n);
    let r;
    if (!t)
    const i = Hf(e);
    if (typeof i != "function") {
        const s = t.left - n.left
          , o = t.top - n.top
          , [a,l,u,c] = nR(e, t, n)
          , d = {
            transform: `translate(${s}px, ${o}px)`
          , f = {
            transform: "translate(0, 0)"
        a !== l && (d.width = `${a}px`,
        f.width = `${l}px`),
        u !== c && (d.height = `${u}px`,
        f.height = `${c}px`),
        r = e.animate([d, f], {
            duration: i.duration,
            easing: i.easing
    } else {
        const [s] = Dy(i(e, "remain", t, n));
        r = new Animation(s),
    Is.set(e, r),
    Tn.set(e, n),
    r.addEventListener("finish", Ws.bind(null, e))
function qx(e) {
    Qd in e && delete e[Qd];
    const t = ca(e);
    Tn.set(e, t);
    const n = Hf(e);
    if (!Ay(e))
    let r;
    if (typeof n != "function")
        r = e.animate([{
            transform: "scale(.98)",
            opacity: 0
        }, {
            transform: "scale(0.98)",
            opacity: 0,
            offset: .5
        }, {
            transform: "scale(1)",
            opacity: 1
        }], {
            duration: n.duration * 1.5,
            easing: "ease-in"
    else {
        const [i] = Dy(n(e, "add", t));
        r = new Animation(i),
    Is.set(e, r),
    r.addEventListener("finish", Ws.bind(null, e))
function Qx(e, t) {
    var n;
    (n = gg.get(e)) === null || n === void 0 || n.disconnect(),
        if (eu in e && delete e[eu],
        Object.defineProperty(e, Qd, {
            value: !0,
            configurable: !0
        t && e instanceof HTMLElement)
            for (const r in t)
                e.style[r] = ""
    , 0)
function uz(e) {
    var t;
    if (!la.has(e) || !Tn.has(e))
    const [n,r] = la.get(e);
    Object.defineProperty(e, eu, {
        value: !0,
        configurable: !0
    const i = window.scrollX
      , s = window.scrollY;
    if (r && r.parentNode && r.parentNode instanceof Element ? r.parentNode.insertBefore(e, r) : n && n.parentNode ? n.parentNode.appendChild(e) : (t = rR(e)) === null || t === void 0 || t.appendChild(e),
        return Qx(e);
    const [o,a,l,u] = dz(e)
      , c = Hf(e)
      , d = Tn.get(e);
    (i !== ky || s !== _y) && cz(e, i, s, c);
    let f, h = {
        position: "absolute",
        top: `${o}px`,
        left: `${a}px`,
        width: `${l}px`,
        height: `${u}px`,
        margin: "0",
        pointerEvents: "none",
        transformOrigin: "center",
        zIndex: "100"
    if (!tu(c))
        Object.assign(e.style, h),
        f = e.animate([{
            transform: "scale(1)",
            opacity: 1
        }, {
            transform: "scale(.98)",
            opacity: 0
        }], {
            duration: c.duration,
            easing: "ease-out"
    else {
        const [m,p] = Dy(c(e, "remove", d));
        (p == null ? void 0 : p.styleReset) !== !1 && (h = (p == null ? void 0 : p.styleReset) || h,
        Object.assign(e.style, h)),
        f = new Animation(m),
    Is.set(e, f),
    f.addEventListener("finish", Qx.bind(null, e, h))
function cz(e, t, n, r) {
    const i = ky - t
      , s = _y - n
      , o = document.documentElement.style.scrollBehavior;
    if (getComputedStyle(Bi).scrollBehavior === "smooth" && (document.documentElement.style.scrollBehavior = "auto"),
    window.scrollTo(window.scrollX + i, window.scrollY + s),
    const l = e.parentElement;
    let u = l.clientHeight
      , c = l.clientWidth;
    const d = performance.now();
    function f() {
            if (!tu(r)) {
                const h = u - l.clientHeight
                  , m = c - l.clientWidth;
                d + r.duration > performance.now() ? (window.scrollTo({
                    left: window.scrollX - m,
                    top: window.scrollY - h
                u = l.clientHeight,
                c = l.clientWidth,
                f()) : document.documentElement.style.scrollBehavior = o
function dz(e) {
    const t = Tn.get(e)
      , [n,,r] = nR(e, t, ca(e));
    let i = e.parentElement;
    for (; i && (getComputedStyle(i).position === "static" || i instanceof HTMLBodyElement); )
        i = i.parentElement;
    i || (i = document.body);
    const s = getComputedStyle(i)
      , o = Tn.get(i) || ca(i)
      , a = Math.round(t.top - o.top) - xr(s.borderTopWidth)
      , l = Math.round(t.left - o.left) - xr(s.borderLeftWidth);
    return [a, l, n, r]
function fz(e, t={}) {
    return vg && Co && (window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)").matches && !tu(t) && !t.disrespectUserMotionPreference || (Xa.add(e),
    getComputedStyle(e).position === "static" && Object.assign(e.style, {
        position: "relative"
    iR(e, Ws, rz, i=>Co == null ? void 0 : Co.observe(i)),
    tu(t) ? ua.set(e, t) : ua.set(e, {
        duration: 250,
        easing: "ease-in-out",
    vg.observe(e, {
        childList: !0
        parent: e,
        enable: ()=>{
        disable: ()=>{
        isEnabled: ()=>Xa.has(e)
function Ly(e) {
    const [t,n] = y.useState()
      , r = y.useMemo(()=>e, [])
      , i = y.useCallback(o=>{
        o instanceof HTMLElement ? n(fz(o, r)) : n(void 0)
    , [r])
      , s = y.useCallback(o=>{
        t && (o ? t.enable() : t.disable())
    , [t]);
    return [i, s]
const hz = e=>{
    const {t} = Tt("tasks");
    return x.jsx("button", {
        className: Ze("w-fit rounded-xl px-6 py-3 text-h4 text-black", e.disabled ? "bg-white/5 text-graphite-superlight" : "bg-gold-button-gradient"),
        children: t("claim")
  , sR = e=>{
    const {iconUrl: t, name: n, reward: r, progress: i, onClaim: s} = e
      , o = i >= 100;
    return x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "flex w-full flex-col gap-3 rounded-2xl bg-graphite-normal p-3",
        children: [x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex items-center justify-between",
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex items-center gap-2",
                children: [x.jsx("img", {
                    src: t,
                    alt: "league icon",
                    className: "size-14"
                }), x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "flex flex-col gap-2",
                    children: [x.jsx("div", {
                        className: "text-h5 first-letter:uppercase",
                        children: n
                    }), x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "flex items-center gap-1",
                        children: [x.jsx("img", {
                            src: Ae.coin,
                            alt: "score",
                            className: "size-6"
                        }), x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-base text-white/65",
                            children: r
            }), x.jsx(hz, {
                onClick: s,
                disabled: !o
        }), !o && x.jsx(Nu, {
            value: i
  , pz = e=>x.jsxs("div", {
    className: "flex h-full flex-col items-center justify-center gap-10 text-center",
    children: [x.jsx("img", {
        src: Ae.congrats,
        alt: "congrats",
        className: "size-40"
    }), x.jsxs("div", {
        className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-6",
        children: [x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-4",
            children: [x.jsx("div", {
                className: "text-h2",
                children: "Congratulations"
            }), x.jsx("div", {
                className: "text-base text-white/65",
                children: "You have successfully completed the mission"
        }), x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex items-center gap-1",
            children: [x.jsx("img", {
                src: Ae.coin,
                className: "size-8"
            }), x.jsx("div", {
                className: "text-h2 text-gold",
                children: e.reward
        }), x.jsx("button", {
            onClick: e.onOkayClick,
            className: "w-full rounded-xl bg-gold-button-gradient p-[17px] text-h3 text-black shadow-gold-button-glow",
            children: "Okay"
  , oR = e=>x.jsx("button", {
    className: Ze("w-full rounded-xl bg-heat-button-gradient p-[17px] text-h3 shadow-heat-button-glow", e.className),
    children: e.children
  , aR = e=>{
    const {name: t, reward: n, description: r} = e.mission;
    return x.jsxs(x.Fragment, {
        children: [x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex flex-col items-center justify-between gap-3",
            children: [x.jsx("div", {
                className: "text-h2",
                children: t
            }), x.jsx("div", {
                className: "text-center text-base leading-[1.4rem] text-white/65",
                children: r
        }), x.jsx(hr, {
            y: 8
        }), x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex flex-col items-center gap-1.5",
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex items-center justify-center gap-2",
                children: [x.jsx("img", {
                    src: Ae.coin,
                    alt: "coin",
                    className: "size-8"
                }), x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "translate-y-px text-h2 text-gold",
                    children: n
            }), x.jsx("div", {
                className: "text-base text-white/65",
                children: "Rewards"
  , lR = e=>{
    const {missionId: t, task: n, active: r} = e
      , {startTask: i} = pN(t, n.id)
      , {checkTask: s, isMutating: o} = cN(t, n.id)
      , a = ()=>{
        n.url && n.url.startsWith("https://t.me") ? Telegram.WebApp.openTelegramLink(n.url) : n.chatId ? Telegram.WebApp.openTelegramLink(`https://t.me/${n.chatId}`) : Telegram.WebApp.openLink(n.url)
      , l = async()=>{
        n.status === Kn.new && i(),
    return x.jsx("button", {
        onClick: l,
        disabled: !r,
        className: Ze("cursor-pointer rounded-2xl bg-graphite-light px-4 py-3", !r && "px-4 py-4 text-graphite-superlight"),
        children: x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex items-center justify-between",
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex flex-col  gap-2",
                children: [x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "text-left text-h5",
                    children: n.name
                }), n.status === Kn.checking && x.jsx("div", {
                    className: "text-left text-sm text-accent-error",
                    children: "Waiting for confirmation..."
            }), r && x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex items-center gap-2",
                children: [n.status === Kn.new && x.jsx(yz, {
                    onGo: l,
                    disabled: o
                }), n.status === Kn.started && x.jsx(vz, {
                    onCheck: s,
                    disabled: o
                }), n.status === Kn.checking && x.jsx(gz, {
                    taskId: n.id,
                    disabled: o
                }), n.status === Kn.completed && x.jsx(mz, {})]
  , mz = ()=>x.jsx("div", {
    className: "bg-heat-text-gradient bg-clip-text px-1.5 py-2.5 text-h4 text-transparent",
    children: "Done!"
  , gz = e=>{
    const t = uN(e.taskId);
    return x.jsx(Ny, {
        disabled: e.disabled,
        className: "bg-graphite-normal text-white/20",
        children: t
  , vz = e=>x.jsx(Ny, {
    className: "bg-gold-button-gradient text-black disabled:opacity-50",
    onClick: t=>{
        var n;
        (n = e.onCheck) == null || n.call(e)
    disabled: e.disabled,
    children: "Check"
  , yz = e=>{
    const {onGo: t} = e;
    return x.jsx(Ny, {
        disabled: e.disabled,
        className: "bg-gold-button-gradient text-black",
        onClick: t,
        children: "Go"
  , Ny = e=>{
    const t = n=>{
        var r;
        (r = e.onClick) == null || r.call(e, n)
    return x.jsx("span", {
        onClick: t,
        className: Ze("w-fit rounded-xl px-6 py-3 text-h4 text-black disabled:opacity-50", e.disabled && "pointer-events-none opacity-50", e.className)
  , wz = e=>{
    const {tasks: t} = e.mission;
    return x.jsxs(x.Fragment, {
        children: [x.jsx(aR, {
            mission: e.mission
        }), x.jsx(hr, {
            y: 8
        }), x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "space-y-3",
            children: [x.jsx("div", {
                className: "text-h4",
                children: "Your tasks"
            }), x.jsx("div", {
                className: "flex flex-col gap-2",
                children: t.map(n=>x.jsx(lR, {
                    missionId: e.mission.id,
                    task: n,
                    active: !1
                }, n.id))
        }), x.jsx(hr, {
            y: 6
        }), x.jsx(oR, {
            onClick: ()=>e.onStart(e.mission.id),
            children: "Start mission"
  , xz = e=>{
    const {tasks: t} = e.mission
      , n = t.some(r=>r.status !== Kn.completed);
    return x.jsxs(x.Fragment, {
        children: [x.jsx(aR, {
            mission: e.mission
        }), x.jsx(hr, {
            y: 8
        }), x.jsx("div", {
            className: "flex flex-col gap-2",
            children: t.map(r=>x.jsx(lR, {
                missionId: e.mission.id,
                task: r,
                active: e.mission.status === ar.started
            }, r.id))
        }), x.jsx(hr, {
            y: 6
        }), x.jsx(oR, {
            className: "disabled:opacity-50",
            disabled: n,
            onClick: ()=>e.onFinish(),
            children: "Finish mission"
  , bz = e=>{
    const {mission: t} = e
      , n = t.status
      , {isDialogOpen: r, setIsDialogOpen: i} = yf(`special-${t.id}`)
      , s = y.useRef(null);
    kC(s, ()=>i(!1));
    const o = u=>{
        u && i(!0)
      , {startMission: a} = hN(e.mission.id)
      , {finishMission: l} = dN(e.mission.id, e.mission.reward);
    return x.jsxs(Lt.Root, {
        shouldScaleBackground: !1,
        scrollLockTimeout: 0,
        dismissible: !1,
        open: r,
        onOpenChange: o,
        modal: !1,
        children: [x.jsx(Lt.Trigger, {
            className: "w-full",
            children: x.jsx(Sz, {
                mission: e.mission,
                iconUrl: e.iconUrl
        }), x.jsxs(Lt.Portal, {
            children: [x.jsx(Lt.Overlay, {
                className: "fixed inset-0 bg-black/80"
            }), x.jsxs(Lt.Content, {
                className: "fixed bottom-0 left-0 right-0 z-50 mt-24 flex flex-col rounded-t-xl bg-graphite-normal",
                children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                    ref: s,
                    className: "flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between px-6 pb-[42px] pt-9",
                    children: [n === ar.new && x.jsx(wz, {
                        mission: e.mission,
                        onStart: a
                    }), n === ar.started && x.jsx(xz, {
                        mission: e.mission,
                        onFinish: l
                    }), n === ar.completed && x.jsx(pz, {
                        reward: t.reward,
                        onOkayClick: ()=>i(!1)
                    }), n === ar.new && x.jsx("img", {
                        className: "absolute bottom-0 left-0 -z-10",
                        src: Ae.bgAccent,
                        alt: "reward glow"
                    }), n === ar.completed && x.jsx("img", {
                        className: "absolute bottom-0 left-0 -z-10 rotate-180",
                        src: Ae.bgMini,
                        alt: "reward glow"
                }), x.jsx("button", {
                    onClick: ()=>i(!1),
                    className: "absolute right-6 top-6",
                    children: x.jsx(Af, {})
  , Sz = e=>{
    const {name: t, reward: n, status: r} = e.mission
      , i = r === ar.completed;
    return x.jsx("div", {
        className: Ze("flex w-full flex-col gap-3 rounded-2xl bg-graphite-normal p-3", i ? "pr-[20px]" : "pr-[18px]"),
        children: x.jsxs("div", {
            className: "flex items-center justify-between",
            children: [x.jsxs("div", {
                className: "flex items-center gap-2",
                children: [x.jsx("img", {
                    src: e.iconUrl,
                    alt: "league icon",
                    className: "size-14"
                }), x.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "flex flex-col gap-2",
                    children: [x.jsx("div", {
                        className: "text-h5 first-letter:uppercase",
                        children: t
                    }), x.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "flex items-center gap-1",
                        children: [x.jsx("img", {
                            src: Ae.coin,
                            alt: "score",
                            className: "size-6"
                        }), x.jsx("div", {
                            className: "text-base text-white/65",
                            children: n
            }), !i && x.jsx(qv, {
                className: "text-white/65"
            }), i && x.jsx("div", {
                className: "bg-heat-text-gradient bg-clip-text text-h4 text-transparent",
                children: "Done!"
  , Ez = ()=>{
    const e = cC()
      , {t} = Tt("tasks");
    return x.jsxs(Ds, {
        bgUrl: Ae.bgMini,
        children: [x.jsx(zv, {}), x.jsx(hr, {
            y: 2
        }), x.jsx("div", {
            className: "flex justify-center",
            children: x.jsx(UT, {})
        }), x.jsx(hr, {
            y: 4
        }), x.jsxs(v7, {
            defaultValue: "special",
            children: [x.jsxs(NT, {
                children: [x.jsx(Wc, {
                    notification: e,
                    value: "special",
                    children: t("special")
                }), x.jsx(Wc, {
                    value: "leagues",
                    children: t("leagues")
                }), x.jsx(Wc, {
                    value: "referrals",
                    children: t("referrals")
            }), x.jsx(hr, {
                y: 3
            }), x.jsx(Gc, {
                value: "special",
                children: x.jsx(Tz, {})
            }), x.jsx(Gc, {
                value: "leagues",
                children: x.jsx(Cz, {})
            }), x.jsx(Gc, {
                value: "referrals",
                children: x.jsx(Pz, {})
  , Cz = ()=>{
    const e = KL()
      , t = Vt(zt)
      , {claim: n} = YL(t)
      , [r] = Ly();
    return x.jsx("div", {
        ref: r,
        className: "flex flex-col gap-2",
        children: e.map(i=>x.jsx(sR, {
            name: i.name,
            iconUrl: i.iconUrl,
            reward: i.reward,
            progress: i.progress,
            onClaim: ()=>n(i.reward, i.league)
        }, i.name))
  , Pz = ()=>{
    const e = QL()
      , t = Vt(zt)
      , {claim: n} = XL(t)
      , [r] = Ly();
    return x.jsx("div", {
        ref: r,
        className: "flex flex-col gap-2",
        children: e.map(i=>x.jsx(sR, {
            name: i.name,
            iconUrl: i.iconUrl,
            reward: i.reward,
            progress: i.progress,
            onClaim: ()=>n(i.reward, i.level)
        }, i.name))
  , Tz = ()=>{
    const {missions: e} = Vt(zt)
      , [t] = Ly();
    return x.jsx("div", {
        ref: t,
        className: "flex flex-col gap-2",
        children: e.map(n=>x.jsx(bz, {
            mission: n,
            iconUrl: Ae.bookmark
        }, n.id))
  , Rz = oA(lm(x.jsxs(ns, {
    path: "",
    errorElement: x.jsx(P5, {}),
    element: x.jsx(G7, {
        children: x.jsx(W7, {})
    children: [x.jsx(ns, {
        path: "/",
        element: x.jsx(XV, {})
    }), x.jsx(ns, {
        path: "/boosters",
        element: x.jsx(C5, {})
    }), x.jsx(ns, {
        path: "/tasks",
        element: x.jsx(Ez, {})
    }), x.jsx(ns, {
        path: "/referrals",
        element: x.jsx(X7, {})
    }), x.jsx(ns, {
        path: "/stats",
        element: x.jsx(Z7, {})
  , Oz = ()=>{
    const {t: e} = Tt("footer");
    return [{
        path: "/referrals",
        name: e("ref"),
        iconUrl: Ae.navRef
    }, {
        path: "/tasks",
        name: e("tasks"),
        iconUrl: Ae.navTasks
    }, {
        path: "/",
        name: e("tap"),
        iconUrl: Ae.navTap
    }, {
        path: "/boosters",
        name: e("boosters"),
        iconUrl: Ae.navBoosters
    }, {
        path: "/stats",
        name: e("stats"),
        iconUrl: Ae.navStats
const kz = dp.createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
kz.render(x.jsx(ce.StrictMode, {
    children: x.jsx($R, {
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            smoothButtonsTransition: !0
        children: x.jsx(mA, {
            router: Rz