// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;
* The Session model represents the current session and the current user. It provides functions for manipluating
* and managing the session and user, such as storing data, logging in and out, and validating tokens.
* @package esoTalk
class ETSession extends ETModel {
* An array of the current user's details, or null if they're not logged in.
* @var array
public $user;
* The current user's member ID, or null if they're not logged in.
* @var int
public $userId;
* The current valid token.
* @var string
public $token;
* The IP address of the current user.
* @var string
public $ip;
* Class constructor: starts the session and initializes class properties (ip, token, user, etc.)
* @return void
public function __construct()
// Start a session.
if (empty($_SESSION["token"])) $this->regenerateToken();
// Complicate session highjacking - check the current user agent against the one that initiated the session.
if (md5($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) != $_SESSION["userAgent"]) session_destroy();
// Set the class properties to reference session variables.
$this->token = &$_SESSION["token"];
$this->ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$this->userId = &$_SESSION["userId"];
// If a persistent login cookie is set, attempt to log in.
// We use this implementation: http://jaspan.com/improved_persistent_login_cookie_best_practice
if (!$this->userId and ($cookie = $this->getCookie("persistent"))) {
// Get the token, series, and member ID from the cookie.
$token = substr($cookie, -32);
$series = substr($cookie, -64, 32);
$memberId = (int)substr($cookie, 0, -64);
// Get an entry in the database with this memberId and series.
$result = ET::SQL()
->where("memberId", $memberId)
->where("series", $series)
// If a matching record exists...
if ($row = $result->firstRow() and $row["series"] == $series) {
// If the token doesn't match, the user's cookie has probably been stolen by someone else.
if ($row["token"] != $token) {
// Delete this member's cookie identifier for this series, so the attacker will not be able
// to log in again.
ET::SQL()->delete()->from("cookie")->where("memberId", $memberId)->where("series", $series)->exec();
// Add an error to the model.
// Otherwise, authenticate the user.
else {
// Generate a new token for the member.
$token = $this->createPersistentToken($memberId, $series);
// Set the cookie.
$this->setCookie("persistent", $memberId.$series.$token, time() + C("esoTalk.cookie.expire"));
// If there's a user logged in, get their user data.
if ($this->userId and C("esoTalk.installed")) $this->refreshUserData();
* Pulls fresh user data from the database into the $user property.
* @return void
public function refreshUserData()
if (!$this->userId) return;
$this->user = ET::memberModel()->getById($this->userId);
* Get the value of a specific preference for the currently logged in user.
* @return mixed
public function preference($key, $default = false)
return isset($this->user["preferences"][$key]) ? $this->user["preferences"][$key] : $default;
* Set preferences for the current user.
* @param array $values An array of preferences to set.
* @return void
public function setPreferences($values)
if (!$this->userId) return;
$this->user["preferences"] = ET::memberModel()->setPreferences($this->user, $values);
* Set up the session to be logged in with the given member.
* @param array $member The details of the member to log in with.
* @return bool true on success, false on error.
protected function processLogin($member)
// If registrations require confirmation but the user's account hasn't been confirmed, return a message.
if (!$member["confirmed"] and ($type = C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation"))) {
if ($type == "email") $this->error("emailNotYetConfirmed");
elseif ($type == "approval") $this->error("accountNotYetApproved");
return false;
// Assign the user ID to a SESSION variable.
$_SESSION["userId"] = $member["memberId"];
$this->user = $member;
// Regenerate the session ID and token to prevent session fixation.
return true;
* Log in the member with the specified ID.
* @param int $memberId The member ID.
* @return bool true on success, false on failure.
public function loginWithMemberId($memberId)
$member = ET::memberModel()->getById($memberId);
return $this->processLogin($member);
* Log in the member with the specified username and password, and optionally set a persistent login cookie.
* @param string $username The username.
* @param string $password The password.
* @param bool $remember Whether or not to set a persistent login cookie.
* @return bool true on success, false on failure.
public function login($name, $password, $remember = false)
$return = $this->trigger("login", array($name, $password, $remember));
if (count($return)) return reset($return);
// Get the member with this username or email.
$sql = ET::SQL()
->where("m.username=:username OR m.email=:email")
->bind(":username", $name)
->bind(":email", $name);
$member = reset(ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql));
// Check that the password is correct.
if (!$member or !ET::memberModel()->checkPassword($password, $member["password"])) {
$this->error("password", "incorrectLogin");
return false;
// Process the login.
$return = $this->processLogin($member);
// Set a persistent login "remember me" cookie?
if ($return === true and $remember) $this->setRememberCookie($this->userId);
return $return;
* Create or update a memberId-series-token triplet in the cookie table that can be used to verify a cookie.
* @param int $memberId The ID of the member that the cookie is being set for.
* @param string $series The series identifier.
* @return string $token The token that was generated.
protected function createPersistentToken($memberId, $series)
// Generate a new token.
$token = md5(generateRandomString(32));
// Insert or update it in the database.
"memberId" => $memberId,
"series" => $series,
"token" => $token
))->setOnDuplicateKey("token", $token)->exec();
return $token;
* Set a cookie with a standardized name prefix.
* @param string $name The name of the cookie.
* @param string $value The value of the cookie.
* @param int $expire The time before the cookie will expire.
public function setCookie($name, $value, $expire = 0)
return setcookie(C("esoTalk.cookie.name")."_".$name, $value, $expire, C("esoTalk.cookie.path", getWebPath('')), C("esoTalk.cookie.domain"));
* Set a cookie to remember a user.
* @param int $userId The ID of the user to remember.
public function setRememberCookie($userId)
// We use this implementation: http://jaspan.com/improved_persistent_login_cookie_best_practice
// Generate a new series identifier, and a token.
$series = md5(generateRandomString(32));
$token = $this->createPersistentToken($userId, $series);
// Set the cookie.
$this->setCookie("persistent", $userId.$series.$token, time() + C("esoTalk.cookie.expire"));
* Get the value of a cookie set by $this->setCookie().
* @param string $name The name of the cookie.
* @param string $default The value to return if the cookie is not set.
* @return string
public function getCookie($name, $default = null)
$name = C("esoTalk.cookie.name")."_".$name;
return isset($_COOKIE[$name]) ? $_COOKIE[$name] : $default;
* Log the current user out.
* @return void
public function logout()
// Destroy session data and regenerate the unique token to prevent session fixation.
// Eat the persistent login cookie. OM NOM NOM
if ($this->getCookie("persistent")) $this->setCookie("persistent", false, -1);
* Update the current session's local user data.
* @param string $key The key to set.
* @param mixed $value The value to set.
* @return void
public function updateUser($key, $value)
$this->user[$key] = $value;
* Check a token against the current valid token.
* @param string $token The token to check.
* @return bool Whether or not the token is valid.
public function validateToken($token)
return $token == $this->token;
* Regenerate the session ID, token, and store the user's agent.
* @return void
public function regenerateToken()
$_SESSION["token"] = substr(md5(uniqid(rand())), 0, 13);
$_SESSION["userAgent"] = md5($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);
* Push an item onto the top of the navigation breadcrumb stack.
* When adding an item to the navigation breadcrumb stack, we first go through all the items in the stack and
* check if there's an item with the same ID. If it is found, we go back to that point in the breadcrumb,
* discarding everything afterwards.
* @param string $id The navigation ID (a unique ID for this item in the breadcrumb.)
* @param string $type The type of page this is (search/conversation/etc - will be used in the "back to [type]" text.)
* @param string $url The URL to this page.
* @return void
public function pushNavigation($id, $type, $url)
$navigation = $this->get("navigation");
if (!is_array($navigation)) $navigation = array();
// Look for an item with this $id that might already by in the navigation. If found, delete everything after it.
foreach ($navigation as $k => $item) {
if ($item["id"] == $id) {
array_splice($navigation, $k);
$navigation[] = array("id" => $id, "type" => $type, "url" => $url);
$this->store("navigation", $navigation);
* Get the item that is on top of the navigation stack. The navigation ID of the current page will be used to
* make sure the item returned isn't the item for the current page.
* @param string $currentId The unqiue navigation ID of the current page.
* @return bool|array The navigation item, or false if there is none (if the current page is the top.)
public function getNavigation($currentId)
$navigation = $this->get("navigation");
if (!empty($navigation)) {
$return = end($navigation);
if ($return["id"] == $currentId) $return = prev($navigation);
return $return;
else return false;
* Return whether or not the current user is an administrator.
* @return bool
public function isAdmin()
return $this->user["account"] == ACCOUNT_ADMINISTRATOR or $this->userId == C("esoTalk.rootAdmin");
* Return whether or not the current user is suspended.
* @return bool
public function isSuspended()
return $this->user["account"] == ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED;
* Return whether or not the current user is flooding.
* @return bool
public function isFlooding()
// If there's no wait time between posting configured, they're not flooding.
if (C("esoTalk.conversation.timeBetweenPosts") <= 0) return false;
// Otherwise, make sure the time of their most recent conversation/post is more than the time limit ago.
$time = time() - C("esoTalk.conversation.timeBetweenPosts");
$recentConversation = (bool)ET::SQL()
->where("startMemberId", $this->userId)
$recentPost = (bool)ET::SQL()
->from("post p")
->where("memberId", $this->userId)
return $recentConversation or $recentPost;
* Get a list of group IDs which the current user is in.
* @return array
public function getGroupIds()
if ($this->user) return ET::groupModel()->getGroupIds($this->user["account"], array_keys($this->user["groups"]));
else return ET::groupModel()->getGroupIds(false, false);
* Store a value in the session data store.
* @return void
public function store($key, $value)
$_SESSION[$key] = $value;
* Retrieve a value from the session data store.
* @return mixed
public function get($key, $default = null)
return isset($_SESSION[$key]) ? $_SESSION[$key] : $default;
* Remove a value from the session data store.
* @return void
public function remove($key)