// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;
* The member model provides functions for retrieving and managing member data. It also provides methods to
* handle "last action" types.
* @package esoTalk
class ETMemberModel extends ETModel {
* Reserved user names which cannot be used.
* @var array
protected static $reservedNames = array("members", "moderators", "administrators");
* An array of last action types => their callback functions.
* @var array
protected static $lastActionTypes = array();
* Class constructor; sets up the base model functions to use the member table.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Create a member.
* @param array $values An array of fields and their values to insert.
* @return bool|int The new member ID, or false if there were errors.
public function create(&$values)
// Validate the username, email, and password.
$this->validate("username", $values["username"], array($this, "validateUsername"));
$this->validate("email", $values["email"], array($this, "validateEmail"));
$this->validate("password", $values["password"], array($this, "validatePassword"));
// Hash the password and set the join time.
$values["password"] = $this->hashPassword($values["password"]);
$values["joinTime"] = time();
// Set default preferences.
if (empty($values["preferences"])) {
$preferences = array("email.privateAdd", "email.post", "starOnReply");
foreach ($preferences as $p) {
$values["preferences"][$p] = C("esoTalk.preferences.".$p);
$values["preferences"] = serialize($values["preferences"]);
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
$memberId = parent::create($values);
$values["memberId"] = $memberId;
$this->trigger("createAfter", array($values));
// Create "join" activity for this member.
ET::activityModel()->create("join", $values);
// Go through the list of channels and unsubscribe from any ones that have that attribute set.
$channels = ET::channelModel()->getAll();
$inserts = array();
foreach ($channels as $channel) {
if (!empty($channel["attributes"]["defaultUnsubscribed"]))
$inserts[] = array($memberId, $channel["channelId"], 1);
if (count($inserts)) {
->setMultiple(array("memberId", "channelId", "unsubscribed"), $inserts)
return $memberId;
* Update a member's details.
* @param array $values An array of fields to update and their values.
* @param array $wheres An array of WHERE conditions.
* @return bool|ETSQLResult
public function update($values, $wheres = array())
if (isset($values["username"]))
$this->validate("username", $values["username"], array($this, "validateUsername"));
if (isset($values["email"]))
$this->validate("email", $values["email"], array($this, "validateEmail"));
if (isset($values["password"])) {
$this->validate("password", $values["password"], array($this, "validatePassword"));
$values["password"] = $this->hashPassword($values["password"]);
// Serialize preferences.
if (isset($values["preferences"])) $values["preferences"] = serialize($values["preferences"]);
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
return parent::update($values, $wheres);
* Get standardized member data given an SQL query (which can specify WHERE conditions, for example.)
* @param ETSQLQuery $sql The SQL query to use as a basis.
* @return array An array of members and their details.
public function getWithSQL($sql)
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(g.groupId) AS groups")
->select("GROUP_CONCAT(g.name) AS groupNames")
->select("BIT_OR(g.canSuspend) AS canSuspend")
->from("member m")
->from("member_group mg", "mg.memberId=m.memberId", "left")
->from("group g", "g.groupId=mg.groupId", "left")
if (ET::$session and ET::$session->user) {
->from("member_member mm", "mm.memberId2=m.memberId AND mm.memberId1=:userId", "left")
->bind(":userId", ET::$session->userId);
$members = $sql->exec()->allRows();
// Expand the member data.
foreach ($members as &$member) $this->expand($member);
return $members;
* Get member data for the specified post ID.
* @param int $memberId The ID of the member.
* @return array An array of the member's details.
public function getById($memberId)
return reset($this->get(array("m.memberId" => $memberId)));
* Get member data for the specified member IDs, in the same order.
* @param array $ids The IDs of the members to fetch.
* @return array An array of member details, ordered by the order of the IDs.
public function getByIds($ids)
$sql = ET::SQL()
->where("m.memberId IN (:memberIds)")
->bind(":memberIds", $ids, PDO::PARAM_INT)
->bind(":memberIdsOrder", $ids, PDO::PARAM_INT);
return $this->getWithSQL($sql);
* Expand raw member data into more readable values.
* @param array $member The member to expand data for.
* @return void
public function expand(&$member)
// Make the groups into an array of groupId => names. (Possibly consider using ETGroupModel::getAll()
// instead of featching the groupNames in getWithSQL()?)
if (array_key_exists("groups", $member) and array_key_exists("groupNames", $member))
$member["groups"] = array_combine(explode(",", $member["groups"]), explode(",", $member["groupNames"]));
// Unserialize the member's preferences.
if (isset($member["preferences"]))
$member["preferences"] = unserialize($member["preferences"]);
* Generate a password hash using phpass.
* @param string $password The plain-text password.
* @return string The hashed password.
public function hashPassword($password)
require_once PATH_LIBRARY."/vendor/phpass/PasswordHash.php";
$hasher = new PasswordHash(8, FALSE);
return $hasher->HashPassword($password);
* Check if a plain-text password matches an encrypted password.
* @param string $password The plain-text password to check.
* @param string $hash The password hash to check against.
* @return bool Whether or not the password is correct.
public function checkPassword($password, $hash)
require_once PATH_LIBRARY."/vendor/phpass/PasswordHash.php";
$hasher = new PasswordHash(8, FALSE);
return $hasher->CheckPassword($password, $hash);
* Validate a username.
* @param string $username The username to validate.
* @param bool $checkForDuplicate Whether or not to check if a member with this username already exists.
* @return null|string An error code, or null if there were no errors.
public function validateUsername($username, $checkForDuplicate = true)
// Make sure the name isn't a reserved word.
if (in_array(strtolower($username), self::$reservedNames)) return "nameTaken";
// Make sure the username is not too small or large.
if (strlen($username) < 3 or strlen($username) > 20) return "invalidUsername";
// Make sure there's no other member with the same username.
if ($checkForDuplicate and ET::SQL()->select("1")->from("member")->where("username=:username")->bind(":username", $username)->exec()->numRows())
return "nameTaken";
* Validate an email.
* @param string $email The email to validate.
* @param bool $checkForDuplicate Whether or not to check if a member with this email already exists.
* @return null|string An error code, or null if there were no errors.
public function validateEmail($email, $checkForDuplicate = true)
// Check it against a regular expression to make sure it's a valid email address.
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) return "invalidEmail";
// Make sure there's no other member with the same email.
if ($checkForDuplicate and ET::SQL()->select("1")->from("member")->where("email=:email")->bind(":email", $email)->exec()->numRows())
return "emailTaken";
* Validate a password.
* @param string $password The password to validate.
* @return null|string An error code, or null if there were no errors.
public function validatePassword($password)
// Make sure the password isn't too short.
if (strlen($password) < C("esoTalk.minPasswordLength")) return "passwordTooShort";
* Returns whether or not the current user can rename a member.
* @return bool
public function canRename($member)
// The user must be an administrator.
return ET::$session->isAdmin();
* Returns whether or not the current user can delete a member.
* @return bool
public function canDelete($member)
return $this->canChangePermissions($member);
* Returns whether or not the current user can change a member's permissions.
* @return bool
public function canChangePermissions($member)
// The user must be an administrator, and the root admin's permissions can't be changed. A user also
// cannot change their own permissions.
return ET::$session->isAdmin() and $member["memberId"] != C("esoTalk.rootAdmin") and $member["memberId"] != ET::$session->userId;
* Returns whether or not the current user can suspend/unsuspend a member.
* @return bool
public function canSuspend($member)
// The user must be an administrator, or they must have the "canSuspend" permission and the member's
// account be either "member" or "suspended". A user cannot suspend or unsuspend themselves, and the root
// admin cannot be suspended.
or (ET::$session->user["canSuspend"] and ($member["account"] == ACCOUNT_MEMBER or $member["account"] == ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED))
and $member["memberId"] != C("esoTalk.rootAdmin") and $member["memberId"] != ET::$session->userId;
* Set a member's account and groups.
* @param array $member The details of the member to set the account/groups for.
* @param string $account The new account.
* @param array $groups The new group IDs.
* @return bool true on success, false on error.
public function setGroups($member, $account, $groups = array())
// Make sure the account is valid.
$this->error("account", "invalidAccount");
if ($this->errorCount()) return false;
// Set the member's new account.
$this->updateById($member["memberId"], array("account" => $account));
// Delete all of the member's existing group associations.
->where("memberId", $member["memberId"])
// Insert new member-group associations.
$inserts = array();
foreach ($groups as $id) $inserts[] = array($member["memberId"], $id);
if (count($inserts))
->setMultiple(array("memberId", "groupId"), $inserts)
// Now we need to create a new activity item, and to do that we need the names of the member's groups.
$groupData = ET::groupModel()->getAll();
$groupNames = array();
foreach ($groups as $id) $groupNames[$id] = $groupData[$id]["name"];
ET::activityModel()->create("groupChange", $member, ET::$session->user, array("account" => $account, "groups" => $groupNames));
return true;
* Set a member's preferences.
* @param array $member An array of the member's details.
* @param array $preferences A key => value array of preferences to set.
* @return array The member's new preferences array.
public function setPreferences($member, $preferences)
// Merge the member's old preferences with the new ones, giving preference to the new ones. Geddit?!
$preferences = array_merge((array)$member["preferences"], $preferences);
$this->updateById($member["memberId"], array(
"preferences" => $preferences
return $preferences;
* Set a member's status entry for another member (their record in the member_member table.)
* @param int $memberId1 The ID of the primary member (usually the currently-logged-in user).
* @param int $memberId2 The ID of the other member to set the status about.
* @param array $data An array of key => value data to save to the database.
* @return void
public function setStatus($memberId1, $memberId2, $data)
$keys = array(
"memberId1" => $memberId1,
"memberId2" => $memberId2
ET::SQL()->insert("member_member")->set($keys + $data)->setOnDuplicateKey($data)->exec();
* Delete a member with the specified ID, along with all of their associated records.
* @param int $memberId The ID of the member to delete.
* @param bool $deletePosts Whether or not to mark the member's posts as deleted.
* @return void
public function deleteById($memberId, $deletePosts = false)
// Delete the member's posts if necessary.
if ($deletePosts) {
->set("deleteMemberId", ET::$session->userId)
->set("deleteTime", time())
->where("memberId", $memberId)
// Delete member and other records associated with the member.
->where("memberId", $memberId)
->where("memberId", $memberId)
->where("id", $memberId)
->where("type", "member")
->where("memberId", $memberId)
* Update the user's last action.
* @todo Probably move the serialize part into update().
* @param string $type The type of last action.
* @param array $data An array of custom data that can be used by the last action type callback function.
* @return bool|ETSQLResult
public function updateLastAction($type, $data = array())
if (!ET::$session->user) return false;
$data["type"] = $type;
ET::$session->updateUser("lastActionTime", time());
ET::$session->updateUser("lastActionDetail", $data);
return $this->updateById(ET::$session->userId, array(
"lastActionTime" => time(),
"lastActionDetail" => serialize($data)
* Register a type of "last action".
* @param string $type The name of the last action type.
* @param mixed The callback function that will be called to format the last action for display. The function
* should return an array:
* 0 => the last action description (eg. Viewing [title])
* 1 => an optional associated URL (eg. a conversation URL)
* @return void
public static function addLastActionType($type, $callback)
self::$lastActionTypes[$type] = $callback;
* Get formatted last action info for a member, given their lastActionTime and lastActionDetail fields.
* @todo Probably move the serialize part into expand().
* @param int $time The member's lastActionTime field.
* @param string $action The member's lastActionDetail field.
public static function getLastActionInfo($time, $action)
// If there is no action, or the time passed since the user was last seen is too great, then return no info.
if (!$action or $time < time() - C("esoTalk.userOnlineExpire"))
return false;
$data = unserialize($action);
if (!isset($data["type"])) return false;
// If there's a callback for this last action type, return its output.
if (isset(self::$lastActionTypes[$data["type"]]))
return call_user_func(self::$lastActionTypes[$data["type"]], $data) + array(null, null);
// Otherwise, return an empty array.
else return array(null, null);
* Return a formatted last action array for the "viewingConversation" type.
* @param array $data An array of data associated with the last action.
* @return array 0 => last action description, 1 => URL
public static function lastActionViewingConversation($data)
if (empty($data["conversationId"])) return array(sprintf(T("Viewing %s"), T("a private conversation")));
return array(
sprintf(T("Viewing: %s"), $data["title"]),
URL(conversationURL($data["conversationId"], $data["title"]))
* Return a formatted last action array for the "startingConversation" type.
* @param array $data An array of data associated with the last action.
* @return array
public static function lastActionStartingConversation($action)
return array(T("Starting a conversation"));
// Add default last action types.
ETMemberModel::addLastActionType("viewingConversation", array("ETMemberModel", "lastActionViewingConversation"));
ETMemberModel::addLastActionType("startingConversation", array("ETMemberModel", "lastActionStartingConversation"));