Просмотр файла esoTalk-1.0.0g4/core/controllers/ETUserController.class.php

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// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.

if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;

 * The user controller handles session/user-altering actions such as logging in and out, signing up, and
 * resetting a password.
 * @package esoTalk
class ETUserController extends ETController {

 * A message to display on the login form.
 * This is useful to set in the ETController::render404 method where we create a user controller
 * in order to display a login form without redirecting.
 * @var string
public $loginMessage;

 * There's no index method for this controller, so redirect back to the index.
 * @return void
public function action_index()

 * Show the login sheet and handle input from the login form.
 * @return void
public function action_login()
	// If we're already logged in, redirect to the forum index.
	if (ET::$session->user) $this->redirect(URL(""));

	// Construct a form.
	$form = ETFactory::make("form");
	$form->action = URL("user/login");
	$form->addHidden("return", R("return"));

	$controller = $this; // for use in closures

	// Add the username field to the form structure.
	$form->addSection("username", T("Username or Email"));
	$form->addField("username", "username", function($form)
		return $form->input("username");

	// Add the password field to the form structure. We also use a processing callback on this field to attempt
	// the login because the password is the specific mechanism of authentication in this instance.
	$form->addSection("password", T("Password")." <small><a href='".URL("user/forgot")."' class='link-forgot' tabindex='-1'>".T("Forgot?")."</a></small>");
	$form->addField("password", "password", function($form)
		return $form->input("password", "password");
	function($form, $key, &$success) use ($controller)
		// If the login was successful...
		if (ET::$session->login($form->getValue("username"), $form->getValue("password"), $form->getValue("remember"))) $success = true;

		// If not, get the errors that occurred and pass them to the form.
		else $form->errors(ET::$session->errors());

	// Add the "remember me" field to the form structure.
	$form->addField("remember", "remember", function($form)
		return "<label class='checkbox'>".$form->checkbox("remember")." ".T("Keep me logged in")."</label>";

	$this->trigger("initLogin", array($form));

	// If the cancel button was pressed, return to where the user was before.
	if ($form->isPostBack("cancel")) $this->redirect(URL(R("return")));

	// If the login form was submitted, run the field processing callbacks. If one of them says we
	// were successful in logging in, then we can redirect back to where the user came from.
	$success = false;
	if ($form->validPostBack()) $form->runFieldCallbacks($success);
	if ($success) $this->redirect(URL(R("return")));

	// Instead of showing some specific errors on the form, render them as messages.
	if (isset($form->errors["emailNotYetConfirmed"])) {
		$this->renderMessage("Error", sprintf(T("message.emailNotYetConfirmed"), URL("user/sendConfirmation/".$form->getValue("username"))));
	if (isset($form->errors["accountNotYetApproved"])) {
		$this->renderMessage("Error", T("message.accountNotYetApproved"));

	$this->data("form", $form);
	$this->data("message", $this->loginMessage);

 * Log the user out and redirect.
 * @return void
public function action_logout()
	if (!$this->validateToken()) return;


 * Show the sign up sheet and handle input from its form.
 * @return void
public function action_join()
	// If we're already logged in, get out of here.
	if (ET::$session->user) $this->redirect(URL(""));

	// If registration is closed, show a message.
	if (!C("esoTalk.registration.open")) {
		$this->renderMessage(T("Registration Closed"), T("message.registrationClosed"));

	// Set the title and make sure this page isn't indexed.
	$this->title = T("Sign Up");
	$this->addToHead("<meta name='robots' content='noindex, noarchive'/>");

	// Construct a form.
	$form = ETFactory::make("form");
	$form->action = URL("user/join");

	// Add the username field to the form structure.
	$form->addSection("username", T("Username"));
	$form->addField("username", "username", function($form)
		return $form->input("username");
	function($form, $key, &$data)
		$data["username"] = $form->getValue($key);

	// Add the email field to the form structure.
	$form->addSection("email", T("Email"));
	$form->addField("email", "email", function($form)
		return $form->input("email")."<br><small>".T("Used to verify your account and subscribe to conversations")."</small>";
	function($form, $key, &$data)
		$data["email"] = $form->getValue($key);

	// Add the password field to the form structure.
	$form->addSection("password", T("Password"));
	$form->addField("password", "password", function($form)
		return $form->input("password", "password")."<br><small>".sprintf(T("Choose a secure password of at least %s characters"), C("esoTalk.minPasswordLength"))."</small>";
	function($form, $key, &$data)
		$data["password"] = $form->getValue($key);

	// Add the confirm password field to the form structure.
	$form->addSection("confirm", T("Confirm password"));
	$form->addField("confirm", "confirm", function($form)
		return $form->input("confirm", "password");
	function($form, $key, &$data)
		// Make sure the passwords match.
		if ($form->getValue("password") != $form->getValue($key))
			$form->error($key, T("message.passwordsDontMatch"));

	$this->trigger("initJoin", array($form));

	// If the cancel button was pressed, return to where the user was before.
	if ($form->isPostBack("cancel")) $this->redirect(URL(R("return")));

	// If the form has been submitted, validate it and add the member into the database.
	if ($form->validPostBack("submit")) {

		$data = array();
		if ($form->validPostBack()) $form->runFieldCallbacks($data);

		if (!$form->errorCount()) {

			$data["account"] = ACCOUNT_MEMBER;

			if (!C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation")) $data["confirmed"] = true;
			else $data["resetPassword"] = md5(uniqid(rand()));

			// Create the member.
			$model = ET::memberModel();
			$memberId = $model->create($data);

			// If there were validation errors, pass them to the form.
			if ($model->errorCount()) $form->errors($model->errors());

			else {

				// If we require the user to confirm their email, send them an email and show a message.
				if (C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation") == "email") {
					$this->sendConfirmationEmail($data["email"], $data["username"], $memberId.$data["resetPassword"]);
					$this->renderMessage(T("Success!"), T("message.confirmEmail"));

				// If we require the user account to be approved by an administrator, show a message.
				elseif (C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation") == "approval") {
					$admin = ET::memberModel()->getById(C("esoTalk.rootAdmin"));
					ET::activityModel()->create("unapproved", $admin, null, array("username" => $data["username"]));
					$this->renderMessage(T("Success!"), T("message.waitForApproval"));

				else {
					ET::$session->login($form->getValue("username"), $form->getValue("password"));





	$this->data("form", $form);

 * Send an email to a member containing a link which will confirm their email address.
 * @param string $email The email of the member.
 * @param string $username The username of the member.
 * @param string $hash The hash stored in the member's resetPassword field, prefixed with the member's ID.
 * @return void
public function sendConfirmationEmail($email, $username, $hash)
		sprintf(T("email.confirmEmail.subject"), $username),
		sprintf(T("email.header"), $username).sprintf(T("email.confirmEmail.body"), C("esoTalk.forumTitle"), URL("user/confirm/".$hash, true))

 * Confirm a member's email address with the provided hash.
 * @param string $hash The hash stored in the member's resetPassword field, prefixed with the member's ID.
 * @return void
public function action_confirm($hash = "")
	// If email confirmation is not necessary, get out of here.
	if (C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation") != "email") return;

	// Split the hash into the member ID and hash.
	$memberId = (int)substr($hash, 0, strlen($hash) - 32);
	$hash = substr($hash, -32);

	// See if there is an unconfirmed user with this ID and password hash. If there is, confirm them and log them in.
	$result = ET::SQL()
		->where("memberId", $memberId)
		->where("resetPassword", $hash)
	if ($result->numRows()) {

		// Mark the member as confirmed.
		ET::memberModel()->updateById($memberId, array(
			"resetPassword" => null,
			"confirmed" => true

		// Log them in and show a message.
		$this->message(T("message.emailConfirmed"), "success");

	// Redirect to the forum index.

 * Resend an email confirmation email.
 * @param string $username The username of the member to resend to.
 * @return void
public function action_sendConfirmation($username = "")
	// If email confirmation is not necessary, get out of here.
	if (C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation") != "email") return;

	// Get the requested member.
	$member = reset(ET::memberModel()->get(array("m.username" => $username, "m.confirmed" => false)));
	if ($member) {
		$this->sendConfirmationEmail($member["email"], $member["username"], $member["memberId"].$member["resetPassword"]);
		$this->renderMessage(T("Success!"), T("message.confirmEmail"));
	else $this->redirect(URL(""));

 * Show the forgot password sheet, allowing a member to be sent an email containing a link to reset their
 * password.
 * @return void
public function action_forgot()
	// If the user is logged in, kick them out.
	if (ET::$session->user) $this->redirect(URL(""));

	// Set the title and make sure the page doesn't get indexed.
	$this->title = T("Forgot Password");
	$this->addToHead("<meta name='robots' content='noindex, noarchive'/>");

	// Construct a form.
	$form = ETFactory::make("form");
	$form->action = URL("user/forgot");

	// If the cancel button was pressed, return to where the user was before.
	if ($form->isPostBack("cancel")) redirect(URL(R("return")));

	// If they've submitted their email to get a password reset link, email one to them!
	if ($form->validPostBack("submit")) {

		// Find the member with this email.
		$member = reset(ET::memberModel()->get(array("email" => $form->getValue("email"))));
		if (!$member)
			$form->error("email", T("message.emailDoesntExist"));

		else {

			// Update their record in the database with a special password reset hash.
			$hash = md5(uniqid(rand()));
			ET::memberModel()->updateById($member["memberId"], array("resetPassword" => $hash));

			// Send them email containing the link, and redirect to the home page.
				sprintf(T("email.forgotPassword.subject"), $member["username"]),
				sprintf(T("email.header"), $member["username"]).sprintf(T("email.forgotPassword.body"), C("esoTalk.forumTitle"), URL("user/reset/".$member["memberId"].$hash, true))
			$this->renderMessage(T("Success!"), T("message.passwordEmailSent"));



	$this->data("form", $form);

 * Show a form allowing the user to reset their password, following on from a link sent to them by the forgot
 * password process.
 * @param string $hashString The hash stored in the member's resetPassword field, prefixed by their ID.
 * @return void
public function action_reset($hashString = "")
	if (empty($hashString)) return;

	// Split the hash into the member ID and hash.
	$memberId = (int)substr($hashString, 0, strlen($hashString) - 32);
	$hash = substr($hashString, -32);

	// Find the member with this password reset token. If it's an invalid token, take them back to the email form.
	$member = reset(ET::memberModel()->get(array("m.memberId" => $memberId, "resetPassword" => $hash)));
	if (!$member) return;

	// Construct a form.
	$form = ETFactory::make("form");
	$form->action = URL("user/reset/$hashString");

	// If the change password form has been submitted...
	if ($form->validPostBack("submit")) {

		// Make sure the passwords match. The model will do the rest of the validation.
		if ($form->getValue("password") != $form->getValue("confirm"))
			$form->error("confirm", T("message.passwordsDontMatch"));

		if (!$form->errorCount()) {

			$model = ET::memberModel();
			$model->updateById($memberId, array(
				"password" => $form->getValue("password"),
				"resetPassword" => null

			// If there were validation errors, pass them to the form.
			if ($model->errorCount()) $form->errors($model->errors());

			else {



	$this->data("form", $form);
